Two Days in June

By Hal Lindsey
On June 12th, Rush Limbaugh went to a commercial break and came back with some sobering words. “I was perusing the Drudge page over the top of the hour break. Man, the Drudge page — depending on the time you look at it — I mean, it makes it look like this country’s finished. We’re done. It’s over. You may as well forget about it and just enjoy your life.”
He went on to cite some examples that were on Drudge at the time. “US Cities Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” The headline that followed said, “Not Being Screened, Not Being Quarantined.” Then he read a Drudge link to the Los Angeles Times, “California Desert Town Sees Migrant Surge as Crisis Worsens.”
He read a headline I won’t repeat here about the unprecedented level of debauchery in a new teen drama on HBO. He followed that with, “CEO Confidence Drops to Lowest Level of Trump Presidency.” “Advertisers Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke.” “USA Ranked 128th Most Peaceful Nation.” “Tech Insider Blows Whistle on How Pinterest Listed Top Pro-Life Site…” He explained that the whistle-blower from inside Pinterest said they were “listing the top pro-life site as pornography and not allowing people to access it.”
You could do the same thing on almost any day. For instance, on June 14th, the main Drudge headline said, “War Drums” There were several stories on Iran attacking oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz. CNN says, “Roughly 30% of the world’s sea-borne crude oil passes through the strategic choke point, making it a flashpoint for political and economic friction.”
There was a Wall Street Journal story with the headline, “US, NATO Moves in Baltics Raise Russian Fears.” The story said, “The US and its NATO allies flexed their muscles along Russia’s western border this week with military exercises and a pledge of new troops that have deepened Moscow’s fears of US intentions in the region.”
Here are some more Drudge headlines from the 14th. “Bond king rings alarm bell” … “Chinese making parts for top-secret F-35 fighters” … “Israeli jets hit Gaza after rocket fire into Israel” … “California moves to let felons serve on juries” … “SCIENTISTS: Fast food could cause dementia” … “New York becomes first city to fund abortions directly” … “State ends religious exemption to vaccine mandates” … “Tens of thousands join Mideast’s biggest gay pride fest” … “Software Allows Anyone To Edit Anything Anyone Says On Video” … “Plans to ‘hack Earth’s weather’ could start WW3, scientists warn.”
All these headlines come from one news accumulation website. The ones Rush Limbaugh reported were a fraction of the headlines from June 12th. The rest were a few of the ones listed on June 14th. These are not unusual. These are headlines of the last days. They show financial unrest, wars and rumors of war mostly centered in the Middle East, various kinds of pestilence, technology run amuck, the kings of the east gaining more power, and sin and debauchery similar to the days of Noah and the days of Lot.
These are not times for playing at being a Christian. These are not times for “drawing back” or “wavering.” These are days to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). These are days to “Fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12) remembering that, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).
But it also time to lift our heads. Jesus is coming soon!
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