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Rabbi Claims That Trump’s Gaza Plan Is “The Final Task Before Messiah”
When considering the future of Gaza concerning Israel, it is essential to understand its role in the Bible and prophecy. Gaza appears 18 times in the Hebrew Bible and is listed in Genesis 10:19 as being included in the southern border of the Promised Land.

Stress Storm
History shows that things have always been stressful. People of all generations dealt with uncertain economic futures, uncertain climate patterns, the looming threat of natural disaster, along with the possibilities of war, famine, and pestilence. Today we have things to help us cope — not only computers, but amazing transportation devices and instant communication with all parts of the world. Kings and queens didn’t have such things a few centuries ago. In many ways, these are the best of times. Still, stress levels remain high. People often point to an event in US history and say, “That’s when America lost its innocence.” They apply this description to the Great Depression, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, John Kennedy’s assassination, the Vietnam War, Watergate, 9/11, and others. But America could not have lost its innocence during those events because it had no innocence to lose.

Hope And Darkness
One of the most used quotes in recent years comes from, of all people, boxer Mike Tyson. It’s quoted a lot because it applies to so many things. “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Satan’s Fun House
As last-days deception grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate between the false and the genuine.

LA Apocalypse
Actor Dennis Quaid said, “I think there’s a spiritual awakening on the other side of this.” May it be so. May there be a real apocalypse — a revelation.

The Troubled World Of 2025
The January 2nd edition of The Times of India summarized a story of evil breaking out from the shadows in Great Britain.

Club For The Destruction Of Humanity
In the December 27th addition of The Telegraph, a headline read, “‘Godfather of AI’ says it could drive humans extinct in 10 years.”

A Bible-Centered Christmas
The ultimate Christmas verse may be John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

And Then, Everything Turned
As the rebels advanced on Damascus, Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s longtime ruler, did something no one in his right mind would have predicted even a few weeks earlier.

The Coming Christmas
Many of our most beloved carols not only look back on the Lord’s first coming, but ahead to His promised return.

Thankful For The Sure Word Of God
Most people believe in God, but the idea that He has spoken to humanity strikes them as a sign of insanity.

Finish The Course
You can rest easy in Him. The danger comes when we rest in riches or other things of this world.

A Time For Prayer In America
Many prayed intensely about the election. Don’t stop now. Keep on praying!

Life And Death
Jesus forgives, and He forgives completely. In Him, you can find what He called in Matthew 11:29, “rest for your souls.” Nevertheless, it’s important that we see abortion as a moral issue.

How To Overcome Evil
Spooks and specters… talking heads and attack ads… Halloween and Election Day. We live in terrifying times.

Where Stand the People of God?
The Old and New Testaments give many warnings against false teachers.

The Bright And Glorious Hope
Today’s doomsayers don’t walk around Times Square wearing sandwich signs saying, “The end is near.”

Days Of Awe
The days from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur are known as the “Ten Days of Repentance,” or “Days of Awe.” This year, the Days of Awe contain a horrible anniversary — October 7th.

A Wider War?
Both the US State Department and the United Nations seemed appalled that Israel would attack an enemy that has fired close to 10,000 missiles at its citizens since October 7th of last year. What’s surprising about that?

The UN Attacks Israel
The weapons of war do not consist solely of missiles and guns. They also exist in the form of words and communication.

Day Of Trouble
People often accuse Bible prophecy teachers of being pessimistic. They call it, “Doom and gloom.” But no Christian should be pessimistic.

Understanding Bible Prophecy
Millions of Christians look at end-times prophecy like a giant, undiscernible maze.

Those of us working on college campuses in the late 60s and early 70s witnessed something amazing. Massive numbers of young people began to search for Jesus.

Election Year Fear
As consequential as elections are, God tells us, “Fear not!” He says it over and over again. Why?

Rights And Rioting
Recent riots in London spooked the whole UK. Some began to speak on social media of civil war in Britain, including some Americans.

‘Lest Anyone Deceive You’
When His disciples asked Jesus to tell them about signs of His return, He started with the words of Mark 13:5. “Take heed lest any man deceive you.”

The opening ceremonies of several recent Olympics have been religious events, with representatives of the whole world exalting man and the demonic, while demeaning God and those who trust in Him.

Hamas, IRGC Claim Israel Eliminated Leader Ismail Haniyeh In Airstrike On Tehran Home
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Iran, Hamas confirmed on Wednesday morning, while claiming Israel was behind the attack. In a statement, the Islamist terror group said they mourned the death of Haniyeh, who they claimed was killed in "a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran."

What’s Our Excuse?
The Palestinian people really are victims. Primarily, they are the victims of ruthless brain washing and mental conditioning.

Tranquil Lives In An Evil World
If US presidential politics were just a spectator sport, this would be one of the greatest years ever.

This Is A Spiritual Battle: President Trump’s Fight For America Has Nearly Cost Him His Life
Whether you like President Trump or you don’t, I believe God Almighty had a hedge of protection around the man today. That’s pretty undeniable.

A New Birth Of Freedom
Why is communism with its godless rule of an elite few, taught unabashedly on American campuses?

Global Upheaval
We enjoy living “quiet and peaceable” lives in Christ. Yet we know that the earth is headed for dark times.

Independence Day
As a nation, we are not embracing the self-discipline needed to maintain liberty. The nation tends to put its hope in men and technology — not in God.

The Islam-Christian Divide
The PC police say not to criticize another person’s religious faith.

ISIS In America
People are illegally entering the country who have the most wicked motives imaginable. These people have come to kill, steal, and destroy.

Addiction To Despotism
The world’s nations are being strangled by an ever-growing web of laws and regulations.

Loss and Gain in Haiti
Even those of us who never knew Davy, Natalie, or Jude feel a tremendous sense of loss. But their lives and their deaths should be an example.

The Great Gaza Deception
For the people of Gaza, the present war is a total disaster.

Keep Preaching the Gospel
My friend Billy Graham preached in person to more than 210 million people in 185 countries.

Hated For His Sake
As the time of Christ’s return draws nearer, both Christians and Jews will face increasing persecution and hate.

Lied To Death
During the time leading up to America’s Civil War, the United States was torn in two. Today’s division is not like that. This is not a time of breaking in two, but of splintering into thousands.

The Jewish Question
The world is staggering under the weight of billions of bad decisions — one stands out as particularly dangerous — the decision to blame Jews for humanity’s problems.

An Ancient Evil Reborn in Today’s America
At the beginning of this millennium, most people, including Jewish Americans, thought antisemitism had mostly been banished from the land.

The Mid-East Fuse Has Been Lit
I believe Bible prophecy indicates that the present conflict will not immediately turn into the global conflagration which so many now fear. But it is part of a pattern that will eventually lead to Armageddon.

Global Cataclysms
The nations of planet earth are presently engaged in a deadly game of brinksmanship. It’s happening on every continent.

In Defense Of Israel
These self-evident truths apply to Israel and Hamas as they would to other countries and other terrorist organizations.

Holy Week
The events of holy week should be contemplated often by every follower of Christ.

My Home Is Elsewhere
Since 2020, things have been changing at breakneck speed.

‘Zion of the Holy One’
A Salt Lake City bar recently instituted a “No Zionists Allowed” policy.

Our Gaping Vulnerability
It’s as if someone put a special door in the Pentagon along with a sign that says, “Terrorists enter here.”

Biblical Israel
The Israel we see today is biblical Israel. God placed the proof in their DNA.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Satan Club
Imagine the ancient god Molech with fire beneath him and his outstretched arms burning hot.

Security In A Dangerous World
It is only by the grace of God that an ungrateful world continues its balancing act on the edge of a terrible abyss.

Do Not Reward Evil As Good
The State Department is considering recognizing Palestine as a state. There are a host of reasons why that’s a bad idea.

God Has Spoken
Through the Children of Israel and its prophets, God spoke to the world, and those words still speak to us today. Israel failed God, but God never failed Israel.

Astounding Changes
Throughout pregnancy, a woman’s body makes dramatic changes.

Black Swan 2024?
Sometimes something comes along that no one (or almost no one) predicted. We call it a Black Swan Event.

From the Season of Stress to the Power of Joy
We’re watching an all-out assault on the foundations of freedom and prosperity. But the liberty wherein Christ sets us free cannot be stolen.

A Child is Born
Every life changes the world. But one Life changed everything, including eternity.

One Stormy Christmas
A storm is brewing — a storm like none before.

Weakening US Resolve
After the October 7th Hamas terror attacks, the Biden Administration stood with Israel to a surprising degree. But today that resolve has begun to crack.

The Halls Of Inclusion Are Beginning To Exclude Jews
The world finds excuses to hate Jews. People across the globe are blaming individual Jews for Israel’s war on Hamas.

Lies About the Land
Across the Middle East, children are taught to call the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, “the Nakba,” or catastrophe.

The Pilgrims' Devastating Experiment With Socialism
Before Marx, the Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela, socialism was tried here on American soil by the Pilgrims, and it miserably failed. The Pilgrims were funded in their journey by a group of English businessmen, who required them to live communally for seven years until their debt was repaid with interest.

Giving Thanks in Times of Trouble
As the Bible describes the days leading up to the Lord’s return, a word pops up over and over again. That word is “trouble.”

Tinderbox Earth
The Gaza Strip is 25 miles long and only 7.5 miles wide at its widest point. The Gaza trigger has been pulled.

The Ancient Blame Game
The propensity to blame Jews for all manner of evil led to the Holocaust, but it did not stop there.

Russian Muslims Seek To Lynch Israeli Passengers At Airport
A flight from Tel Aviv to Russia’s Dagestan Republic, in the North Caucasus along the Caspian Sea, was forced to redirect on Sunday after pro-Hamas rioters stormed Makhachkala Uytash Airport, seeking to lynch Jewish travelers.

Spasms Of Evil
There have always been murders, violence, and extremism, but not in such overwhelming numbers as today.

How Should We Respond To Evil?
Don’t let the dark shadows of anger and fear overcome the light of Christ shining through your life.

Israel...At War
The great earthquake of the Ezekiel 38 war has NOT begun. But we are in the midst of a major foreshock.

Cycle Of Violence
When someone comes in and murders over 1,300 of your citizens and injures over 3,000 more, what do you do?

Hamas Top Secret Documents Reveal Plan To Massacre, Kidnap Children
NBC published documents on Saturday recovered from Hamas terrorists killed in southern Israel that show detailed plans to target children and young people from Sa'ad, a religious kibbutz in the Negev desert.

"No One On Earth Will Survive"
President Vladimir Putin said that no one in the world in their right mind would use nuclear weapons against Russia, and that potential enemies knew about Russia's nuclear arsenal. Putin said he was not ready to declare whether or not Russia needed to resume nuclear weapons testing.

Israel's Alleged Airstrike: A Message To 3 Regional Actors
Against the backdrop of the strategic shifts in the region, Iran and Israel have continued with their tit-for-tat. The former is trying to arm its proxies with sophisticated weapon systems; the latter is trying to frustrate that effort.

‘We The People’ Begin To Speak
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his family packed their bags for their vacation on the Golan Heights. The police also made their routine preparations. They set up a water cannon outside the hotel where the Netanyahus are staying to prevent leftist rioters from getting near the premier and his family.

Iran Can Produce Fissile Material For Nuclear Bomb Within 2 Weeks
Iran can produce enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb in less than two weeks, the United States warned as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday held a security assessment with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant that focused on threats from the Islamic Republic.

Last Days America
On September 27th all the Republican candidates except Donald Trump, got together for a debate. These 2023 questions were tinged with desperation. The questions were different because America is different.

Saudis Will Reach A Peace Deal With Israel, Even Without The Palestinians
Saudi Arabia will not hold up a peace deal even if Israel does not offer major concessions to Palestinians in their bid for statehood, three regional sources familiar with the talks said.

What Iran’s Penetration Of Washington Means
There is something terribly disturbing about the current state of Washington’s foreign-policy establishment. Tuesday we were hit with the blockbuster reports exposing the depth of Iran’s infiltration of the U.S. foreign-policy establishment and the Biden administration.

Why Is Hamas Sending Palestinians To Die At The Border With Israel?
During the past few days, the Iran-backed Palestinian terror group Hamas has again been encouraging Palestinians living under its rule in the Gaza Strip to march toward the border with Israel and attack Israelis.

50 Years Ago Israel Was Nearly Destroyed
50 years ago, Israel came as close as it ever did to losing a war. While the Arab Islamic nations can repeatedly lose wars without paying much of a price, Israel can only lose one major war.

Gaza Riots Are Part Of Hamas’s Cynical Extortion Racket
Attacks along the Gaza-Israel border, orchestrated by Hamas, are motivated by supposed Israeli conspiracies against the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

Thinking Biblically
Focus on Jesus. He’s sensational enough.

Netanyahu Unveils 'New Middle East' With Israel-Saudi Peace At UNGA
Israel is on the verge of creating a peace with Saudi Arabia that could transform the Middle East as long as Iran’s nuclear threat is eliminated, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations on Friday morning.

US-Israel Ties Are Back On Track
The Wednesday meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden led to a turnabout in US-Israel ties following a 10-month period of distance.

Israeli Forces Use Suicide Drone Amid Clashes In Jenin Refugee Camp
At least two Palestinians were killed and at least 20 others were wounded amid armed clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces in the Jenin refugee camp on Tuesday evening, according to Palestinian reports.

Iran Prisoner Swap: US Citizens Freed In $6bn Deal
Five Americans jailed for years in Iran and widely regarded as hostages are on their way home to the United States. The last pieces in a controversial swap mediated by Qatar fell into place when $6bn of Iranian funds held in South Korea reached banks in Doha.

Israel - 2023
As World War II still raged, thoughtful men and women were thinking about the radically realigned postwar world soon to come.

How A Cashless Society Is A Precursor To Enforcing The Mark Of The Beast
For decades, Bible prophecy teachers have been saying that there is going to be a cashless society. The only way that the antichrist can control the world economy is for there not to be cash. As long as there is, people can use cash to operate in a way that is undetected.

School Militants
It used to be cause for celebration to see the little ones on their way to school each September. Another school year had begun.

China Has Completely Surrounded Taiwan With 140 Warplanes And 50 Warships
The People’s Liberation Army has mobilized aircraft from different theatre commands to take part in an “island encirclement patrol” near Taiwan, which experts said could signal a new strategy to prepare for regional military conflicts.

How The Biden Administration Is Trying To Bribe The Palestinians
Palestinian leaders owe an apology to the UAE and Bahrain. After they signed peace treaties with Israel, the Palestinian Authority accused them of "betraying" the Palestinian people. Now, however, Palestinian leaders seem to have a different view on a possible normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The Prophetic Precursors In The Middle East That Tell Us Something Is Coming
There are certain things we are all familiar with that tell us with certainty that something is coming in the near future. When a family begins boxing up all their belongings and stacking them in one room, you know there is a move coming in the future.

McCarthy Orders Formal Biden Impeachment Inquiry
Kevin McCarthy said he is directing a House committee to open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over his family's business dealings, launching historic proceedings ahead of the 2024 election. As of Tuesday, he did not appear to have the numbers to launch one, although a floor vote could still occur.

Israeli Protesters Hire US Democrats To Help Oust Netanyahu
Blue and White Future, an Israeli NGO that provides financial and organizational support to several groups actively protesting against Netanyahu’s government, recently hired a Washington-based PR firm to bolster its cause in the United States.

Civil War?
Blood will be shed in the Israeli fight for the nation's future in either a military or a judicial coup d'etat, former Shin Bet director Ami Ayalon assessed. Ayalon noted that the judicial reform "which we call a coup d'etat is clashing with the refusal to serve which they refer to as a 'military coup.'

Thousands Rally At Pro-Reform Demonstration In Jerusalem
Thousands of protesters gathered in support of the judicial reform in front of the Supreme Court in Jerusalem on Thursday night, ahead of a hearing on Tuesday for petitions against the only legal overhaul article to pass into law: The Law to Cancel the Reasonableness Standard.

China: Preparing For War
Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping is rapidly militarizing his country and has instructed its army to "prepare for war" and "fight and win" it. He also replaced the senior leadership of China's Rocket Force, which is responsible for almost all of China's 400 or so nuclear warheads.

Will Israeli Democracy Survive The Court?
On September 28, Israel’s Supreme Court is expected to rule in favor of a petition from the far-left Movement for Quality Government to overturn the November 1, 2022 elections.

Where Does Netanyahu Really Stand On Judicial Reform?
A post that appeared on Netanyahu’s Twitter account in the predawn hours this morning suggested his heart might not be fully in judicial reform, at least not the way it’s being carried out.

Gog, Magog, and Russia
Can we trust what the Bible says about Russia’s future? The answer is, “Yes, we can.”

Netanyahu Looks To Deport Eritreans After Hundreds Hurt In Tel Aviv Riot
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will convene a ministerial task force on Sunday to look into Saturday's riots in Tel Aviv by Eritrean asylum seekers. The statement, which referred to the rioters as illegal residents, noted that the task force would look into implementing steps against the rioters.

The Feast Of Trumpets Is Coming – Can You Hear The Footsteps Of The Messiah?
Rosh Hashanah is the day of the Feast of Trumpets. Few Jews know a thing about it - and neither do Christians. That's odd because this is the date most associated with the Messiah's return.

Globalism And The Coming World Dictator: Reforming The Governments Of The Nations
For some 6000 years, Satan has longed to accomplish his original threefold objective: to be God, to rule the earth, and to be worshiped by all of humanity. But in order for this to happen, the world must be fundamentally changed. Satan must reshape and re-create it in his own image.

Revelation 16: When It Becomes Hotter On Earth Than Ever Before
“But the sun, like the Lord Jesus Christ, whom it symbolizes as ‘the light of the world’ (John 8:12) can be an enemy as well as a servant. It can both quicken and slay with its enormous power. And now is the time for judgment, when those plants without root or fruit will be revealed for what they are."

What Can Be Learned From Libya's Anti-Israel Protests?
Two days after Israel announced a historic meeting with Libyan Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush, Tripoli has been thrown into chaos, while Mangoush has been suspended and left the country.

The Chinese Communist Party Embarks iIn Ten Year Project To Rewrite The Bible
As part of a push to “sinicize” religion, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked on a 10-year project to rewrite the Bible and other religious texts.

Why Help Ukraine?
Vladimir Putin has again proven that he belongs among the ranks of history’s most evil men.

So, You Want A One-World Religion?
Pope Francis called for all of humanity to unite around a one-world religion.

Americans No Longer Have Faith In Our Institutions - Is Collapse Inevitable?
If the American people have lost faith in almost all of our major institutions, how is our civilization going to survive? If any collective effort is going to work, people have to believe in that effort. That is true whether we are talking about a sports team, a business partnership, a romantic relationship or a nation as a whole.

Wagner Fighters Are Furious And Vowing Vengeance
Wagner forces were raging against "traitors to Russia" and plotting revenge after the apparent death of their leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, in a plane crash on Wednesday. It is not clear exactly what led to the crash, but it is almost universally being understood as an assassination by Russian authorities.

Yevgeny Prigozhin In Fatal Plane Crash
An aircraft said to be carrying notorious warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin, whose Wagner group launched a failed mutiny in June, has crashed on a flight from Moscow to St Petersburg, according to Russian officials.

Update: IDF Arrests Hebron Terrorists Who Murdered Israeli Mother
The IDF, Shin Bet, and Border Police arrested two Palestinians early Tuesday morning suspected of carrying out the shooting attack in which preschool teacher Batsheva Nigri, a mother of three, was murdered near Hebron on Monday, according to a joint statement by the security forces.

Netanyahu: Iran Funding Terror Wave In Israel
Netanyahu said that Iran is funding the recent wave of terrorism in the West Bank, after Palestinian terrorists cut off an Israeli car and shot at it at least 20 times, murdering Batsheva Nigri, 40, in front of her six-year-old daughter.

For The Peace Of Jerusalem
On September 12, Israel's court will decide whether to nullify a new basic law.

Could An Agreement Between Saudi Arabia And Israel Pave The Way For The Antichrist’s ‘Covenant With Many’?
One of the key events of the End Times is a coming peace treaty between Israel and her neighbors which the coming antichrist will broker.

Red Dawn
North Korea’s successful test launch on July 12 of a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile equipped to penetrate US missile defenses is most likely the result of technical cooperation sourced to Russia.

When Will Globalists Attempt To Introduce Their Digital Currency System?
I want you to imagine, for a moment, a future world in which everything we now know about functioning and surviving within the economy is completely upended.

Warring Palestinians Are Killing Each Other In Refugee Camps
Violent clashes have broken out between Palestinians in the Ain El-Hilweh refugee camp, who have almost no rights in Lebanon, and the Jenin camp.

What Deal Are The Americans And Saudis Negotiating?
If Washington wants to maintain its position as the superpower in the region, scaling back China’s inroads and containing Russia, it needs to provide its spurned regional allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, with certain guarantees.

Do Obama’s Obsessions Explain Biden’s Iran Appeasement?
Washington’s actions follow the same pattern of failed attempts at negotiations with Iran that always end with American surrenders and appeasement that wind up enriching and empowering Iran.

Who Is My Neighbor?
The parable of the good Samaritan stands as one of history’s best-known stories.

Iran Close To Testing Nuclear Weapons For First Time
The Islamic Republic of Iran is close to possibly testing a nuclear weapons device and has sought to obtain illicit technology for its active atomic weapons program.

A Re-Emerging Threat And A Dwindling Power
Students of Bible prophecy knew in the early 1990s that declarations of Russia’s pacification were premature.

Biden Admin Strikes $6 Billion Iran Deal To Free 5 Americans
5 Americans moved to house arrest will be allowed to leave Iran after $6 billion of Iranian funds in South Korea are unfrozen, under a deal reached between Tehran and Washington where several jailed Iranians will also be released.

Is Isaiah’s Prophecy Regarding Syria On The Horizon?
Every time an Israeli strike occurs against Damascus, I’m asked about a prophecy in Isaiah 17:1, which says, “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”

Wars And Rumors Of War Spread Across The Globe
Most of us just want to live in peace, but leaders all over the world are preparing for more war. In fact, at this point it appears that the entire globe is being gripped by a really bad case of war fever.

'Bet On It'
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is confident his government can achieve some form of normalization with Saudi Arabia in the coming months.

IDF Eliminate Islamic Jihad Cell En Route To Attack
Israeli troops foiled an imminent Palestinian attack on Sunday, killing three members of a terrorist cell near the northern Samaria city of Jenin.

Spiritual Warfare
War! It’s one of those words that carries a built-in emotional wallop.

Father Of Three Murdered In Islamic Jihad Terror Attack
Tel Aviv city inspector Chen Amir was killed in a terror shooting in the popular pedestrian mall Nahalat Binyamin in Tel Aviv on Saturday afternoon, Israel Police said.

Hebrew Media Claims Christians Brought Red Heifer To Israel To Establish Antichrist
A Hebrew-language site published an article accusing Netanyahu of allocating resources to a project to build a third temple on the Temple Mount, while blaming Christians for bringing red heifers to Israel.

Iran Is Helping Syria Develop Chemical Weapons
Israeli researchers have suggested that Iran is helping Syria build its arsenal of chemical and advanced weapons for possible use by the Islamic Republic, its proxies, and Russia.

Time To Stop Toeing The Line
The IDF’s sense of dependence on the US makes Israeli generals toe the US line at all times, regardless of the implications of doing so for Israel’s strategic interests.

Six Wounded In Ma'aleh Adumim Shooting Attack, Terrorist Killed
The suspected terrorist was shot by an off-duty Border Police officer, with footage from the scene showing the suspect laying unresponsive on the ground. The terrorist reportedly used a handgun in the attack and was carrying a backpack containing extra ammunition.

Mossad Chief In White House For Secret Israel-Saudi Normalization Talks
Mossad Director David Barnea met with a variety of senior White House officials and CIA Director William Burns.

Netanyahu, Security Chiefs Meet As Hezbollah Violates Border
While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting with defense officials, including regarding the security situation in the North, Hezbollah operatives were recording themselves violating the border and waving the terrorist organization’s flag.

God’s Wrath and His Grace
It makes some people angry to think of God becoming angry.

Why Compromise Is Unlikely In Israel’s Crisis
A great tide of people holding Israeli flags going down one escalator on their way back from protesting against the reforms in Jerusalem, and a great tide of people holding Israeli flags going up the other escalator on their way back from demonstrating in support of the reforms in Tel Aviv. What was so remarkable?

Biden Mulls Saudi Deal Forcing Netanyahu To Abandon Extremists
The New York Times reports that President Biden is mulling a mutual security pact with Riyadh that would include an Israeli-Saudi normalization deal. The deal would force Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "choose between his extremist government and regional peace."

Why There Will Be No Civil War In Israel
Readers of the mainstream Israeli press see an avalanche of articles and advertisements every day proclaiming that the country is on the edge of civil war and then blaming the right’s judicial reform proposals for bringing us there. But we are not there.

Israel’s Credit Rating Lowered By Morgan Stanley, Moody’s Warns Of 'Significant Risk'
Israel’s sovereign credit rating was lowered by credit rating agency Morgan Stanley, and Moody's warned of a "significant risk" that political and social tensions will lead to "negative consequences for Israel's economy and security situation."

Coalition Passes 1st Judicial Overhaul Law
After 29 weeks of protests and mass public opposition that have roiled the country and divided its citizens, the Knesset gave its final approval to a law that prevents the courts from reviewing the “reasonableness” of government and ministerial decisions.

As Trust Wanes
Traditionally, Republicans have been the party of law and order. But here they were, grilling the FBI Director, many of them seeming to believe very little of what the man had to say.

Live: President Herzog Offers Proposal To Netanyahu, Opposition Leaders
As the Knesset moved forward with its debate on the coalition’s contentious overhaul legislation, with an eye toward approving limitations on court oversight within a day or two, two major rallies in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv underlined the split in Israeli society over the plan.

Palestinians’ Summer Camps To Kill Jews
While schoolchildren around the world are enjoying the summer vacation through sports and entertainment, Palestinian Arab children are being taught and trained how to fight Israel and Jews.

China Prepares For War: A Timeline
In his last six major speeches, Xi has stressed the need to prepare for war and for the 90 million members of the Communist Party of China to get ready for the "Great Struggle."

Gog, Magog, And The Antichrist: Are These Definitive Signs Of The Biblical End Times?
“To think that all that had just started falling into place within the last decade, really,” Hampson told CBN’s Faithwire. “For years, people would teach on the Ezekiel 38 war and say, ‘It’s gonna be Russia, Iran, and Turkey as the main players and a few other countries.'”

The Serious Mistake Of Assuming The Rapture Will Not Happen In Your Lifetime
My purpose here is not to expound further upon the many reasons why we live in in the season of Jesus’ appearing, but rather to explain why it’s a cause for great jubilation regardless of our circumstances.

Jews And Israelis: Labor Pains On The Way To Redemption
When Benjamin Netanyahu first became prime minister in 1996, the morning after his surprising victory, Shimon Peres, the outgoing prime minister, summarized his defeat with one terse statement: “The Jews defeated the Israelis.”

Hezbollah Gearing Up For Showdown With Israel
In a series of strategic political and military moves, Hezbollah is intensifying preparations for an imminent confrontation with Israel, drawing global attention and raising concerns about regional stability.

If, Then, And Grace
In math class, we learned about IF-THEN statements. Don’t worry, this is not about math.

How Is Noah Connected With The Nephilim And The End Times?
L.A. Marzulli, an internationally recognized specialist on the Nephilim, says believers today should pay special attention to Matthew 24, when Jesus warns us that these last days will be "like the days of Noah.

Israel Needs To Deter Hezbollah's Increasingly Hostile Behavior
Despite Israel’s unwavering commitment to safeguard its sovereignty and protect the security fence, Hezbollah persists in making dangerous threats. It is imperative for Israel to deter Hezbollah from further provocative actions.

We Are Starting To Experience The Apocalyptic Weather Of The End Times
A large portion of the population insists that what we are witnessing is “normal”, while another large portion of the population believes that we can fix the weather by changing our behavior. Unfortunately, both groups are wrong.

The Turmoil Over Israel’s Right To Its Land Will Not Cease Till The End
God told Abraham to leave his country, his family, and his father’s house and go “to a land that I will show you” (Gen. 12:1). God then led Abraham to the land that would belong to his descendants forever.

Anti-Judicial Reform Protests Turn Anti-Messiah
"And you, O Beit Lechem of Efrat, Least among the clans of Yehuda, From you one shall come forth To rule Yisrael for Me— One whose origin is from of old, From ancient times." Micah 5:1 (The Israel Bible)

Russian Roulette
I don’t pretend to know what will happen over the next few weeks, but it’s good to know that, as always, we remain in God’s hands.

Biden: This Is One Of The Most Extreme Israeli Governments I've Seen
"This is one of the most extreme cabinets I've seen and I go back to Golda Meir," he said. Biden’s remark came in response to a question as to why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has yet to be invited to the White House.

Exodus II
The future of the Jewish people in Europe – and even in America – is at great risk.

The Billion-Dollar Drug Connection To Jenin
“The house of Jacob shall be a fire, And the house of Joseph a flame; But the house of Esau shall be stubble; They shall kindle them and devour them, And no survivor shall remain of the house of Esau” Obadiah 1:18

Satan Has Been Targeting Children Since The Beginning
“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children,” chanted topless LGBT activists in a drag parade on June 24 in New York City. As they filled the streets with their brazen ideology, the gay-identifying men sang vile lyrics, “We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children.”

Jenin Operation Was Essential But Did Not Produce Strategic Change
The highly professional and critical activity undertaken by the IDF in Jenin was an unavoidable eventuality. Though it should be able to put a stop to the ongoing process of replicating to northern Samaria the modus operandi of the terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip, it will not be sufficient to generate a change in the nature of the overall situation in that area.

Don't Forget Whom We Should Thank For Our Freedoms As Americans
While clearly acknowledging the warriors who shed their blood by the thousands, those widowed and orphaned as a result, and the untold number who died of sickness and starvation as casualties of war, Washington credited Almighty God for America's victory.

Israel Launches Major Operation In Jenin
Israel used drones to strike targets in a terrorist stronghold early Monday and deployed hundreds of troops in the area, in an incursion that resembled the wide-scale military operations carried out during the second Palestinian uprising two decades ago.

Truth and Intolerance
We can coexist and we can respect others without affirming lies or deprecating truth.

Underneath Are The Everlasting Arms
In Matthew 16:2-3, Jesus admonished us to discern the times. That means, pay attention to what’s going on.

Deal With Saudi Arabia - Israel To Relinquish Land Control To PA
One of the offers that were raised in an attempt to reach normalization is an Israeli agreement to recognize a Palestinian state and, at the same time to transfer parts of Area C, which is under Israeli military control, to Area B, where the authority is split between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Artificial Intelligence Bible Translation: Will It Prove Harmful Or Helpful?
Yuval Noah Harari excitedly described what he calls a “globalist Bible” that could reshape the “spirituality” of the world—one that, in his opinion, corrects the Bible’s erroneous passages and thus advances the World Economi Forum’s vision of equity and inclusion.

The Coming World Religion
We live in an age when the lines of truth are becoming increasingly blurred. It's become fashionable to refuse to take a dogmatic stand about anything, especially Jesus Christ. And so, people everywhere are drifting from the truth.

Racial Preferences Unconstitutional In College Admissions
Racial preferences in college admissions violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, the Supreme Court decided in a historic decision with profound implications for racial preferences in many areas of law and public policy.

Jenin Must Not Become Gaza: Rocket Launches Will Force Israel To Make A Choice
The rockets fired from the Jenin area toward northern Israel (which failed to reach any meaningful distance) may be what it takes to convince the skeptics that a large operation is needed against terrorists in northern Samaria. Israel cannot allow Judea and Samaria to become another Gaza.

Israel Seizes Millions In Iran Quds Force, Hezbollah Crypto Assets
The defense establishment seized millions of dollars in cryptocurrency belonging to the IRGC’s Quds Force and Hezbollah just days ago, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced. He said this was the largest seizure of cryptocurrency from those groups to date.

‘Great Awakening’ Is Exploding In Iran: ‘Visions, Dreams, And Miraculously Answered Prayers”
Christianity is illegal in Iran. Yet, despite facing imprisonment, torture, and execution, millions of Iranians are forsaking the Muslim faith and converting to Christianity.

8 Signs The Control Agenda Of The Globalists Is Rapidly Moving Forward
The future is here, and if you enjoy being dominated by control freaks you are going to love it. "Digital identification" is one of the primary areas the globalists are focusing on right now, and as you will see below, the radical changes that are now being proposed are extremely scary.

30 Meters Inside Israel
The Hezbollah military outposts that were illegally set up on sovereign Israeli territory near Mount Dov were placed about 30 meters inside Israeli territory, and generators were placed there to allow Hezbollah terrorists to stay in the compound.

Media Can't Resist 'Killer Copter' Narrative
Several media outlets erroneously reported that the helicopter had been deployed as an offensive measure, rather than a purely defensive countermeasure. The New York Times, embedded video that clearly shows the chopper dropping flares, but incorrectly described it as “opening fire during clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen.”

Settlers Rampage In West Bank Town After Deadly Shooting
Hundreds of Israeli settlers tore through the Palestinian town of Turmus Ayya on Wednesday afternoon, setting homes, cars, and fields on fire and terrorizing residents shortly after Israeli victims of a Palestinian terror shooting in the West Bank were buried.

People Are Flocking To An “AI Jesus”
A chatbot “version” of Jesus Christ called “Ask_Jesus” is streaming on the gaming platform Twitch — and it stands ready to answer questions from humans on anything from morality issues to the video game Fortnite to super-powered rodents.

7 IDF Soldiers Wounded In Jenin Ambush Of Armored Vehicle
Two IDF soldiers and five Border Police officers were wounded in Jenin during a firefight that lasted hours and included the ambush of an armored military vehicle. The plan was to arrest two terror operatives: one from Hamas and one from Islamic Jihad.

I'm A Father Who Lost 2 Children To Abortion. My Voice Didn't Matter
"As a senior in high school, I found out that my girlfriend was pregnant. I wasn’t sure what to do, but her mother was — and so I lost my first child to abortion. Four years later, I lost my second, this time after begging my ex-girlfriend to keep the baby so I could raise him or her."

New Iran Deal Meant To Stop Israeli Attack
The key objective of the impending nuclear deal between the US and Iran is to stop Israel from attacking Iran, a Western official told Reuters. "If [the] Iranians miscalculate, the potential for a strong Israeli response is something that we want to avoid."

The Coming Cyrus Accords?
Zionism is the legacy of Cyrus the Great and the national inheritance of the Iranians. The Islamic Republic’s anti-Zionism is not a historical norm, but a radical break from history by a radical regime.

Tachles With Aviel – Is It Really Going To Start Soon?
What will an Iranian missile attack on Israel look like? It’s a scenario that Israel’s Home Front Command has been preparing for during the latest mega-maneuver called “Firm Hand.” Over a hundred dead, thousands wounded and thousands of destroyed facilities.

An Alien Gospel: What Are Christians To Make Of UFO’s?
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if it were possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.” (Mt. 24:24) Most Christians are familiar with these words, and most do indeed watch for false prophets. But their focus is limited.

Nuclear Arsenals Grow As Global Arms Race Takes ShapeUntitled Article
The number of operational nuclear weapons started to rise as countries’ long-term force modernization and expansion plans progressed. The increase in nuclear arsenals has raised eyebrows worldwide, as well as in the Middle East, particularly with Iran pursuing nuclear weapons and continuing to enrich uranium.

Thought Wars
Today, our nation seems bent on self-destruction.

Khamenei: West Would Not Be Able To Stop Iran From Going Nuclear
US and Western nations know that Israel has set this threshold and that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear this was Jerusalem's red line during his recent visits to European capitals.

The Signs Of The Times Are Multiplying All Around Us — Deception & Persecution
Our world has become a cacophony of contradictions. Knowledge is accessible in volumes never before imagined, and yet wisdom is tragically illusive.

Pat Robertson Remembered As 'A Great Friend Of Israel'
Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, said they were “deeply saddened” to learn about the death of Pat Robertson. As the premier tweeted: “He was a great friend of Israel, second to none.”

Examining ‘Pride Month’: The Days Of Lot Before Our Eyes
Our Sodom-like society continues to rage toward the Judgment-producing moment in which Jesus said He will be “revealed” (Luke 17: 28).

Will AI Become A God?
Industry leaders in artificial intelligence told Netanyahu that Israel will be key in the development of this game-changing technology. For Israel’s burgeoning high-tech sector, that was music to their ears. For the rabbis, less so.

Jesus Will Return To Put The World Right
“Behold, I am making all things new. Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Revelation 21:5)

New Target: Homeschoolers
If you are a part of the homeschooling community, get ready. The powers-that-be are about to do everything they can to bring you down.

How Can You Not See The Fulfilling Of Biblical Prophecy Everywhere You Look?
For those that place their hope in the church rather than in Jesus’ imminent appearing, I have much for them to consider.

Arab Youths Arrive By Scooter, Light A Fire - And Escape
Jerusalem Police officers were called to the scene, identified and followed the suspects who a short while earlier had set a fire in the same area a short time before and escaped on scooters.

Why Do American Evangelicals Care So Much About The Jewish People?
A while back, a friend told me he believes evangelicals are inherently anti-Semitic. I was pained to read this, and tried to explain why this belief is far from the truth.

Abortion Is The Culmination Of Secular Thought
When Christianity confronted the Roman world, one striking difference between those who followed Christ and those who followed the false gods of the Romans was the value that Christians attributed to babies, children, women, and slaves.

Artificial Intelligence
For several years now, some of the world’s greatest minds have been warning us about the dangers of artificial intelligence — AI.

What America's Memorial Day Means For Israel
Each year, I try to think of how to depict Memorial Day in Israel in a way that's meaningful and juxtapose it in relation to how it's observed in the US.

AI Part 2: Locked and Loaded
If anything, lack of consciousness makes these machines more dangerous. It means they will have vast ability with zero empathy.

Israel’s Future?
Israel lives in a very dangerous neighborhood. The Israelis face the daily threat of terrorist attacks, coupled with the growing strength of an Iranian regime sworn to the destruction of Israel and hell-bent on acquiring their own nuclear weaponry.

Sons Of Issachar: Are You Paying Attention To The Signs?
1 Chronicles 12:32 NKJV – “of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command;”

Iran Now Has Enough To Produce Three Full-Scale Atomic Weapons To Launch Against Israel
“Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the LORD: for I am with thee; for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee: but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure; yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished.” Jeremiah 46:28

US Envoy: Abbas’ Claim US Wanted To Rid Itself Of Jews Deeply Offensive
Abbas’s “claim that the United States ‘wanted to get rid of the Jews and benefit from their presence in Palestine’ is totally without basis and it is deeply offensive to the American people,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the Security Council during its monthly meeting.

Iran Using Repurposed Ships As 'Floating Terror Bases' To Further Regional Aggression
Israel accused the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps of turning commercial ships into platforms for launching missiles, drones, and commandos, saying the objective was to spread Tehran's clandestine naval clout well beyond the Gulf.

The Whitewashing Of Mahmoud Abbas
Examining Abbas’s lies is important, not to bring Abbas down or disprove his claims, but to understand the values of Zionism and modern-day Israel.

Zelensky Dominates Summit As G7 Leaders Call Out China
His hastily-organised visit prompted G7 leaders to issue a statement early, in which they condemned Russia. They also warned against "economic coercion", which Beijing is accused of using against several countries.

Digital Identity Wallet
It’s no accident that EU's “digital identity wallet”, a forerunner to the mark of the beast will begin in Europe, the Antichrist’s home turf.

How AI Is Preparing The World To Embrace What The Book Of Revelation Has Foretold
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. – Revelation 13:16-18

50,000 Join Jerusalem Day Flag March, Scuffles Erupt In Old City
About 50,000 Israelis gathered in Jerusalem for the Jerusalem Day flag march on Thursday, with police working throughout the day to break up scuffles that broke out between Jews, Arabs and journalists.

Abbas Calls On UN To Oust Israel At World Body’s First ‘Nakba Day’ Commemoration
Mahmoud Abbas compared Israeli rhetoric to Nazi propaganda, demanded Israel be suspended from the UN if it does not grant Palestinians a state and a right of return, and denied Jewish ties to the Temple Mount.

The Top 10 Most Extraordinary Mothers Of The Bible
Let's pause to take a look at 10 extraordinary mothers in the Bible. These women obeyed God's calling, served sacrificially, and built a life of faith for their family. We can learn much from the examples of these Biblical mothers.

Gazan Working In Israel Killed By Rocket Hit; Truce Talks Stall
A Palestinian laborer from the Gaza Strip working in Israel was killed and another was seriously hurt in a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket strike in southern Israel on Saturday afternoon.

Israel Kills Another Top Islamic Jihad Commander In Gaza City Airstrike
An Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip on Friday afternoon killed a senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad member, the sixth since the latest round of hostilities began earlier this week.

Is Israel On The Verge Of War?
We must prepare Israel for a multi-front war. I believe it’s a precursor to Ezekiel 38 and 39, the war of Gog and Magog. That’s the future war where God Almighty directly intervenes in a massive, mighty, undeniable way.

Renewed Gaza Rockets, IDF Strikes Amid Ongoing Ceasefire Talks
The exchange came despite reports Israel and Gaza-based terrorist groups had agreed in principle to an Egyptian-mediated ceasefire to end 36 hours of violence.

Israel Awaits Gaza Counter-Strike After Killing Of Islamic Jihad Leaders
Following the IDF’s targeted killing of three top Islamic Jihad leaders in the middle of the night between Monday and Tuesday, Israel was still awaiting a potentially massive counter-strike of rockets from Gaza on Tuesday night.

China, Russia, North Korea, And Iran Are All Investing In Ways To Nuke America
President Reagan had the foresight to support the “Star Wars” defense system. Due to fierce Democrat opposition, our nation never fully built out our missile defense capability and doubled down on nuclear deterrence.

Mockers Have Come
Signs of the end of the age continue to increase in number and intensity. The Bible presents many such signs.

Christians Zionists As Pillars Of The State Of Israel
It's easy to see God's hand in restoring Israel in 1948, reuniting Jerusalem in 1967, and so much more, after the fact. This has deepened the faith of hundreds of millions of Christians all over the world.

Judicial Reform Is Dead
Senior officials in the coalition are claiming that the judicial reform is “dead” and have been referring to in the past tense, with the understanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided not to promote it.

The Ring Of Fire Around Israel is Tightening
Hamas has been strengthening its cooperation with the Iran-Hezbollah axis for years and the result is the formation of six fronts of aggression against Israel—a “ring of fire” composed of radical Sunni and Shiite axes.

Russia Blames Ukraine For Drone Explosion At Kremlin As A ‘Planned Terrorist Attack’
Russia on Wednesday said Ukraine launched two drones at the Kremlin in an attempt to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of the annual Victory Day celebrations on May 9.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Leader Dies In Israeli Custody After 86-Day Hunger Strike
The Israel Prison Service (IPS) said Adnan, 44, was found unconscious in his cell. He had refused to undergo medical examinations or receive treatment during the hunger strike.

The System Is Beginning To Unravel At A Pace That Is Absolutely Breathtaking
It should have been apparent to everyone that the dark clouds on the horizon would bring a storm, and now rain is furiously falling all around us.

Live and Learn?
Rewarding idleness and irresponsibility… celebrating sin… praising lawlessness…

The Jerusalem Rally Was A Reminder That Democracy Didn’t Lose; The Left Did
With the Orwellian doublespeak of the opposition having become so blatant that it’s putting regular propaganda to shame.

Christians In An Anti-Christian World
A few years ago, we would often hear that the United States had entered a post-Christian era.

UN 'Nakba' Event
One of many United Nations bodies dedicated to the Palestinians announced last weekend an upcoming U.N. commemoration of "Nakba Day," the supposed "catastrophe" that marked the birth of the State of Israel in 1948.

An Afternoon Among The Angels
The mourners on Mount Herzl were all marked by the deep-seated love that belongs to people whose souls have been touched by the greatness of young men who loved this country and this people so much that they were willing to run into the fire and sacrifice their lives to defend them.

Russia’s Perpetual Culture Of Death
Russian sources are estimating that the country will need 1.1 million immigrants a year for the next 80 years simply to maintain its current population level, which is unlikely to happen, given that few foreigners are dashing to Moscow nowadays to take up residence in Putin-land.

Israel Rings In 75th Independence Day With Netanyahu Address
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation in a televised speech on Tuesday evening as Israel closed out Remembrance Day and began celebrating its 75th Independence Day.

Israelis Remember Fallen Soldiers, Victims Of Terror On Memorial Day
Israel's Memorial Day, otherwise known as the Day of Remembrance for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror – or "Yom HaZikaron" – began on Monday evening, marked by a one-minute-long siren in which Israelis stood in silence followed by commemorative events across the country.

Anarchy Stirs In Israel
Extreme leftists protested proposed judicial reforms by rioting in the streets. Meanwhile, Israel’s enemies watch and feel emboldened.

For Memorial Day, Tales Of Heroism And Sacrifice
Iraq Suwaydan was an Arab village located north of Gaza. Israeli forces made eight disastrous attempts to capture the fort. During the final, successful attack on October 9, 1948, 22-year-old Siman-Tov Ganeh was driving an armored personnel carrier. A cannon shell hit the vehicle and Ganeh’s legs were so severely damaged that they later had to be amputated.

China Is Preparing For War! Is America Prepared?
The ammunition is running low, casualties are immense, medicine and other critical supplies have not come for weeks, and a nuclear attack on the American homeland is imminent. It is a dramatic scene, more closely resembling a Hollywood drama than any war that the United States has actually fought in the last half-century.

Multi-Front War Far More Likely For Israel Than Limited Conflicts
Over the course of a few days, Israel saw rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and Israeli retaliatory strikes; a barrage of rockets from Lebanon; a rocket attack from Syria; a suspected Iranian drone launched from Syria and Israeli strikes in response; clashes at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Temple Mount; and deadly terror attacks in Israel and the West Bank.

What The Palestinian Terrorist's Mother Told Him...
When 16-year-old Muntasir Al-Shawa recently informed his mother that he intended to carry out a terrorist attack against Israeli Jews.... she gave him tips on how to properly prepare himself to carry out the attack. "Go bathe, pray, bow down to Allah and then there might be a chance that Allah will agree to accept you [as a martyr]."

The Forgotten Horrors That Hide In The Holocaust’s Long, Dark Shadow
Western Holocaust commemorations have a peculiar uniformity to them; they frame the genocide as a single event with a clear beginning and end. The genocide was more than a specific, contained, monstrous event. It was the successful culmination of six decades of fervent European efforts to rid the continent of its Jews.

Israel Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day: Watch
Israel began marking Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday evening. The official state opening ceremony is taking place in Warsaw Ghetto Square at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem. President Herzog and Benjamin Netanyahu delivered remarks and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan was set to kindle the Memorial Torch.

Iran Is Waging A Multi-Front War Of Attrition Against Israel
Tehran is fighting a war against Israel on all fronts, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned on Sunday, as a Jerusalem-based think tank called for a suspension of judicial reform in light of the danger of a broad-scale conflict on Israel’s borders and with Iran.

Putin Orders Pacific Fleet War Games To Test A Nuclear Strike On The West
Vladamir Putin has ordered his fleet to test a nuclear missile launch in a surprise revenge move – on the one-year anniversary of the sinking of his flagship. The Pacific Fleet’s strategic firepower has been seen since Soviet times as Moscow’s main weapon in retaliatory strikes.

‘Death To Israel’
Iran plans to launch a combined attack on Israel in the foreseeable future that will include all the forces at its disposal in several Arab countries including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yeman as well as Gaza.

The Perfect Storm?
Iran has already "kickstarted" a multi-front Middle East war against Israel. China has continually grown aggressive with Taiwan. Also, the Russian government has announced that it and the U.S. are now in a "hot phase of war" over the U.S.'s supplies of weapons to Ukraine.

Terrorism From The Sky
Myanmar's military has confirmed it carried out an airstrike on a village event as part of an attack which is thought to have killed up to 100 people, including schoolchildren performing dances, as well as other civilians.

Thousands Attend Funeral For Lucy Dee, Two Days After Daughters’ Funerals
Thousands gathered in Israel for the funeral of 48-year-old Lucy Dee, who died on April 10, days after being shot in the April 7 terror attack that also claimed the lives of two of her daughters: Maia, 20, and Rina, 15.

Jesus Is Eagerly Anticipating An Event That Will Soon Come To Pass… Are You?
You may also be looking forward to significant life events, like the birth or marriage of a child or grandchild, a new job, a move or a getaway vacation. But have you ever wondered what Jesus is looking forward to?

The Death Of Jesus Christ
Jesus was almost fainting; his tongue was parched, and he said: ‘I thirst.’ The disciples who were standing round the Cross looked at him with the deepest expression of sorrow, and he added, ‘Could you not have given me a little water?’

Celebrating Resurrection!
To understand the breathtaking scope of holy week as God laid it out in the Old Testament, it’s important to clear up the issue of Good Friday.

Rockets Fired From Syria Into Israel As IDF Beefs Up Forces
Three rockets were launched at Israel from Syria, as the army beefed up its troops in the West Bank and sent soldiers to reinforce the police following a tense three days.

IDF Calls Up Reserves In Preparation For Possible Large-Scale Military Op
Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi ordered the call-up of reserve troops amid an explosion of terror emanating from Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria.

Hamas Behind Rocket Barrage From Lebanon
Three mortar shells were fired from Lebanon toward the northern Israeli city of Metulla on Thursday evening and landed in open areas.

Two Rockets Launched At Israel From Gaza During Passover Seder
Two rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip toward Israel on Wednesday evening, during the Passover Seder dinner.

Biden's Coup In Israel
In the early days of March, a small crowd of leftists gathered outside the U.S. consulate in Tel Aviv holding up signs reading, “Biden help!” and “Biden, Blinken, Our democracy is sinking”. A speaker at the rally appealed to Biden to “save us from ourselves”.

Mystery Drone Downed By IDF In Israeli Airspace Was Sent By Iran
The IDF has confirmed that the drone that invaded Israeli airspace from Syria and that it brought down on Sunday was Iranian and that it was shot down using special physical electronic means.

Chinese Genetic Experiment May Lead To Army Of “Radiation-Resistant Super Soldiers”
Chinese scientists are still seeking to push through barriers with Frankenstein-like experimentation on genes with an eye toward the manipulation of human DNA.

When Evil Stalks Our World
Jesus taught us to pray, “Deliver us from evil.” What evil?

America’s Outrageous Attack On Netanyahu’s Right To Govern
Whatever one thinks about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, any true Israeli patriot will surely react viscerally to President Biden’s outrageous attack on Israel’s right to govern itself without foreign interference.

Poison Gas: Details Of Foiled Terror Attack On Jews In Athens Revealed
The man behind the attack, a 30-year-old man from Iran, ordered poison gas that was supposed to flood the restaurant next to the Chabad house in Athens and harm as many Israelis as possible.

Can Israel Survive?
It has never been easy for Israel — the understatement of the century — from the moment of its establishment in 1948, when it was invaded by five Arab armies, to the present day, when it is facing multiple threats to its very survival.

Netanyahu Suspends Judicial Reform: I Will Not Lead Israel To Civil War
Netanyahu announced that he was temporarily freezing the bill that would alter the makeup of the Judicial Appointments Committee and was willing to give a "real opportunity to real dialogue" over the government's judicial reforms.

The Nations Rage
Modern Israel will soon celebrate its 75th anniversary. It's been a time of astounding miracles.

America, Israel And The Era Of False Messiahs
Israel’s takeaway from a generation of failed U.S. messianism must be that the time has come to end Israel’s strategic dependence on Uncle Sam.

New Attack Against US Base In Syria After Iranian Drone Kills American Contractor
A new missile strike targeted a US base in northeast Syria, a day after a US contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and another U.S. contractor wounded when a suspected Iranian drone hit a coalition base in the same region.

Netanyahu: Israel Won’t Pass Anti-Christian Law
Benjamin Netanyahu sought to calm Israel’s Christian supporters by reassuring them that neither his government nor any other Israeli government was going to pass a law prohibiting the preaching of the Gospel in the Jewish state.

Blinken Builds A Palestinian Hezbollah In The West Bank
Not content with fueling street demonstrations against Bibi in Tel Aviv, the Biden administration looks to ‘Lebanonize’ Israel with a new, U.S.-funded terror army.

Evangelicals Urge Netanyahu To Stop Bill Outlawing Sharing Their Faith In Israel
Two influential members of the Israeli Knesset have just introduced a bill to make it illegal for Israeli or foreign Christians to share their faith in Jesus with other Israelis, be they Jewish, Muslim, or of some other faith or no faith.

Israel To Make Series Of Concessions For Ramadan Despite Terror Wave
These measures are being undertaken despite the recent wave of terrorism in which 15 Israelis have been murdered, including a shooting attack in Huwara in which two people were wounded.

Israeli Man Seriously Wounded In West Bank Shooting Attack
An Israeli man was shot and seriously wounded in a terror attack while driving through the northern West Bank town of Huwara. The man, in his 40s, was seriously hurt after sustaining gunshot wounds to his head and shoulder in the attack.

The UN Takes A Stand Against God
Late last year the UN passed a resolution mocking and condemning the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The 'One-World Government' Effort Is Collapsing
There are wars that are fought in the spiritual realm before they ever break out in the physical (natural) realm. There are also wars that are fought in the spiritual realm that never break out in the natural realm.

MBS Plotting To Get US Nuclear Secrets By Playing White House, Russia, And China Against Each Other
Saudi Arabia's de-facto ruler, Mohammed bin Salman, is trying to get better access to US nuclear technology by playing global powers against each other.

Tachles With Aviel – Israel Must Respond With A Preemptive Strike
“What is happening in Israel raises great hopes,” said Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in his recent speech. “Imagine Palestine as a neighboring country to Lebanon, without Israel. This is not a dream, with Allah’s help it will soon be reality.”

Stoking Fears Of An All-Out Nuclear Conflict — Is The Threat Credible?
And God’s prophetic Word is the only reliable source to depend upon when it comes to future events. Everything else is just guesswork. The guesswork might be based upon strong evidence, but it’s still guesswork.

Russia Sacrificing Mercenary Forces As 'Live Meat'
The infamous Wagner Group has found itself in the crosshairs of not only the Ukrainian army but Russia’s Ministry of Defense after its mercenary chief lost the trust of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Collapse Of An Economic Cycle Or The Entire Financial System?
The mainstream media continues to tell us that the economy is in fine shape, and you can believe that if you want. But evidence continues to mount that indicates that we are headed for very serious trouble.

Iran Says Rapprochement With Saudi Arabia Will Help End War In Yemen
Iran’s mission to the United Nations says a breakthrough agreement with Saudi Arabia restoring bilateral relations will help bring a political settlement to Yemen’s yearslong war.

Torment Of The Righteous Soul
The Bible gives amazing promises of peace and joy to the followers of Jesus.

China Brokers An Iran-Saudi Rapprochement
Saudi Arabia and Iran announced renewed ties brokered by China. It came rather suddenly, even though the two nations have communicated officially for two years now and seen an abatement of cross-border attacks.

‘Law & Disorder: Israel’
Let’s be clear. The disorder in the West Bank is a result of the incitement against Jews by the Palestinian Authority—from the indoctrination of hatred in its youth to rewards for martyrdom. Ironically, the government is trying to ram through legislation to improve the legal system while seemingly losing control of the country.

Globalism, Lawlessness, Apostasy: The World Is Ready, But Is The Church?
The world is ready. Europe is ready. Israel is back in the land. The word has been preached all over the world. The spirit of the anti-Christ, apostasies all over. Lawlessness is everywhere. Everything is ready. The question is are you ready?

Iran Has Secured Secret Deals With Russia To Guarantee Deliveries Of Uranium
Amid the IAEA's disclosure this week that the Islamic Republic of Iran accumulated near weapons-grade enriched uranium for its alleged nuclear weapon program, Iran has allegedly secured secret deals with Russia to guarantee deliveries of uranium.

The Clock Is Ticking - Two Year Countdown To War Between Israel And Iran?
The shadow war between Israel and Iran has been going on for years but developments over the last few years may be pushing both nations into a countdown that will inevitably lead to full scale war.

Is Israel Playing Into The Hands Of Its Enemies?
Israel seems to be imploding, and our enemies are watching with delight. Will we pull ourselves together in time?

Alive & Well
The Grammy Awards featured a sadomasochistic depiction of Satan. They have become old hat, trite, and predictable. But this time, there was a difference.

Australian Police Describe ‘Premillennialism’ As An Extremist Ideology, Connecting Belief To Terrorism
Premillennialism is the belief that Jesus Christ will return physically to the Earth in order to institute His 1,000-year reign of peace and righteousness upon the Earth in fulfilment of Scripture.

Russia Will Run Out Of Money By 2024 Due To Sanctions, War
Because of the war in Ukraine, Russia may run out of money in the next year, Russian oligarch and millionaire Oleg Deripaska, one of the richest men in Russia, warned.

Army Chief Warns Conflict With China Will Result In Strikes On US Mainland
The Secretary of the Army explained that the Chinese military could launch kinetic and non-kinetic attacks, including cyberattacks on power grids and pipelines, in an attempt to erode support for any conflict.

The Rapture: The Future Tense Of The Gospel And A Message The Church Desperately Needs
Somewhere in the past, a tragic divorce occurred; theologians decided we must separate the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the Gospel.

Thanks To Obama's 'Nuclear Deal,' Iran Now A Major Arms Exporter
The Biden administration is still attempting to revive the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran, which paved the way to lift the arms embargo on the country and helped the Iranian regime to currently become a major global arms exporter.

There Is No Alternative To Israeli Victory
It is well known that our enemies are astute followers of the Israeli social and political scene. They observe events with a keen eye for defense and security issues. They look carefully for perceived weaknesses to exploit.

Tehran Is Betting On Russia
Iran's subversive capabilities will build up as it gears up to play a greater role in causing chaos and turmoil regionally and internationally in the event of a conflict between the West on one side and China and Russia, one or both, on the other.

Normal and Catastrophic
Much of the world lives in a split reality — divided between normalcy and despair.

Biden Poking God In The Eye
Forget the bromides about America's "unbreakable bond" with Israel and how the United States is Israel's "greatest friend." Over the past week, the Biden administration has crossed two ominous red lines.

A Tragic Israeli Surrender
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan’s decision, at the moment of Israel’s triumphant victory, is to prohibit Jews from praying on the Temple Mount, identified by Rabbi Soloveichik as “the most important site in Jewish history.” This was a terrible mistake, the worst in Israel’s history.

‘A Chosen And Separated Nation’: Every Christian Should Carry The Label Of Zionist
For those of us who love the Lord, we’re also watching ancient Bible prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes. And the most repeated promise in the Old Testament is that God will return His people to the land.

Israel Prepares For Possible Terror Attacks, Gaza Rocket Fire After Nablus Raid
The defense establishment is preparing for possible revenge attacks and rocket fire from the Gaza Strip after 10 Palestinians were killed and over 100 others were injured in armed clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces in Nablus.

Russian State TV Says The US Has Declared War After Crimea Comments
A Russian propagandist has claimed on state TV that the U.S. has declared war on the country following reports of the White House’s approval of targeted strikes on Crimea.

The Asbury College Revival?
Like wildfire, news services across the country have become infatuated with a revival that is occurring on the campus of Asbury College in Kentucky. I have been sent numerous links and articles regarding the phenomenon. So, you want to know what I think? My answer is “I don’t know.”

What Is Revival?
First, revival is an operation of God. Finite man cannot comprehend the ways of an infinite God. As stated in Isaiah 55:9, His ways and thoughts are infinitely higher than ours. Second, we are revival illiterate. Since the last coast to coast revival in this land was in 1858, we are among several generations to be born, to live and to die without witnessing a national revival.

The Unraveling of the American Mind
Allan Bloom published The Closing of the American Mind. The book was hailed by conservatives and liberals alike.

Is The Asbury Revival Real?
To those who are enjoying the great work of God at Asbury University and beyond: I am praying for you with joy. I have only seen events from a distance, yet I am delighted to see God at work among you.

Iran Attacks Ship Owned By Israeli Businessman
The IRGC reportedly launched Shahad 136 suicide drones at an Israeli ship, the Campo Square, owned by businessman Eyal Ofer in the Gulf. The ship in question belonged to the Zodiac Shipping Company.

Nasrallah Threatens Violence Against Israel If Lebanese Gas Development Delayed
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah threatened Israel's Karish gas field again, warning that if there is "procrastination" in extracting gas from Lebanese waters for Lebanon they will not let the Karish field continue to operate.

After Biden Sent $1B To PLO, Israeli Deaths Rose 900%
When Secretary of State Blinken met with PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, he boasted of the over billion dollars in aid that the Biden administration had programmed for the terrorist territories. That aid has come with a very heavy price.

The Father Of One-World Government? It's Satan
Governmental organizations are always hungry for more power over the people they were designed to serve. This means, of course, they they never understood the purpose of their existence, for you do not serve other people by lording it over them. Odd term – isn’t it?

And There Will Be…Pestilence
Covid was bad, but not as bad as the black plague.

Iran's Military At The Panama Canal
Iran's military presence at the Panama Canal, the major maritime chokepoint in the Western Hemisphere -- which is controlled by America's main enemy, China -- is a serious national security threat to the United States in more ways than one.

Two Killed in Jerusalem Terror Ramming, Including 6-Year-Old Boy
A six-year-old boy and a 20-year-old man were killed and at least five others were wounded in a car-ramming terror attack near East Jerusalem. One of those wounded was a child in critical condition, the brother of the slain six-year-old.

Chinese Balloon Called 'Dry Run' For EMP Attack
An EMP attack would be triggered by a nuclear explosion at altitude. It would disrupt electronics in a massive region, and earlier warnings have said that it could take down America's grid, destroy basic functions like banking and deliveries, and ultimately kill millions.

Satanic Worship Headlines The Grammys
Surrounded by dancers with long black hair cloaked in red robes, English singer Sam Smith was center stage at the Grammys glorifying satanic rituals in a skin tight leather outfit as he sang "Unholy." Smith identifies as non-binary.

Bennett: Putin Promised Me He Would Not Kill Ukraine Leader
Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who served briefly as a mediator at the start of Russia's war with Ukraine, says he drew a promise from the Russian president not to kill his Ukrainian counterpart.

The Battle Is The Lord’s
A boy walks across a valley. An army stands on the hillside behind him, and another army stands on the hillside before him.

Balloons Called Top ‘Delivery Platform’ For Nuclear EMP Attack
High-altitude balloons, such as the one China has floated over mountain state military bases this week, are considered a key “delivery platform” for secret nuclear strikes on America’s electric grid.

The WEF, World Depopulation, And Bible Prophecy
The World Economic Forum. By now you may have heard of this group of global elites who want to make you eat bugs instead of beef, force you to walk, bike, or drive electric vehicles rather than your gasoline-powered car, and return you to the dark ages by eliminating every reliable form of energy.

Time To Hold Hezbollah Accountable: Christians Under Fire In Lebanon
The Lebanese Christian strong political impact has always been part of Lebanon's unique character and identity. Still, Hezbollah's militia is trying to change this reality with a series of threats to Christian leaders.

The End Of The World Is Coming, Just Not Yet
The chaos is real and the suffering is real. But does this mean that we are reaching the last seconds of human existence? Can we expect the final conflagration very soon? Is global warming about to kill us? Will there be a nuclear war?

ChatGPT, AI And The 'Image Of The Beast'
In November, the best artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot in history was released by OpenAI. It garnered more than 1 million users within its first five days and has since surged in popularity for its ability to answer complex questions and produce detailed, human-like content.

Drone Attack On Iranian Weapons Factory Was Phenomenal Success
There were four explosions at the site against a facility developing advanced weapons, and the damage goes far beyond the "minor roof damage" that the Islamic Republic is claiming and which it has falsely claimed before also in other incidents in recent years.

Persecution and Victimhood
Just before Christmas, a woman in Birmingham, England was arrested near an abortion clinic.

Is The Increase In Mass Shootings And Riots A Sign Of The End Times?
Mass shootings are on the increase and violence is growing ever worse, so why the sudden increase in all the mass shootings? If you asked the average person on the street about whether they believed Jesus is coming back again to judge the world and all the violence, you’re likely to get differing (and unbiblical) answers.

7 Killed In Jerusalem Synagogue Shooting
Seven people were shot and killed and several more wounded in a terror shooting attack at a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Neve Yaakov neighborhood, police and medics said. Police said the terrorist — a resident of East Jerusalem — was shot dead after he opened fire on the officers while trying to escape on foot.

Trust God’s Timing
Exodus 2:23-25 KJV – “And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them.”

90 Seconds To Midnight
Earth is closer to a catastrophic global demise than ever before, with the famous Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists being at 90 seconds to midnight, thanks in large part to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is the closest the clock has ever been to reaching the dreaded midnight.

Hamas' No Good, Evil, Cynical, Illegal And Immoral Ploy
Hamas is a Palestinian-Arab-Islamic terror group whose goal to destroy Israel using threats, fear, hostage taking, violence and murder as its currency. Hamas took control of Gaza following a violent and bloody coup in 2007, killing many top Palestinian Authority/PLO leaders and expelling the rest.

What Do These Things Have In Common?
The price of eggs…

The Terror Authority
Recent steps taken by the new Israeli government in retaliation for the Palestinian Authority’s appeal to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) represent the first indication that a much-needed change is underway.

‘If Israel Is Abandoned, Netanyahu Will Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Facilities’
“you shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you; I will give you to birds of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.’ Ezekiel 39:4

A Sea Of Blood
Iran discusses its recent military drills and their message for the region, as well as the lessons learned from the drills.

'Unacceptable': Biden Doesn't Want Jews To Pray On Temple Mount
A Biden State Department official insisted it would be "unacceptable" for Jews to be allowed to pray on Temple Mount because it would change the "historic status quo" that only allows Muslims to pray there.

Winning & Losing
Is it even possible to apply words like “winner” or “loser” to human beings?

Questions For Those Who Dismiss The Validity Of Future Bible Prophecy
Was the reestablishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 a fluke of history or the result of God’s miraculous working on behalf of His people?

IDF Thwarting Iran's Effort To Establish Aerial Defense Network In Syria
Israeli effort to counter Iran's military consolidation in Syria began in late 2017, when Tehran's presence began to pick up.

Russia May Use Nukes If It Thinks Ukraine Will Win - Ex-US General
The fear that Russia may end up deploying nuclear weapons as the war continues is something that has raised concerns with decision-makers and analysts throughout the world.

Putin 'Is Near Death' And Preparing The Largest Military Offensive Since WWII
The head of military intelligence in Ukraine believes that Vladimir Putin “is terminally ill with cancer” and will die very soon.

How Can Israel Win The Palestinian Conflict? Historian Explains
American historian Daniel Pipes recently visited Israel to meet with key people and also discuss his visions for Israel’s victory in its current conflict.

Do Not Fear the Times
Waves of evil come ever more quickly to our world — each wave bigger than the one before.

Russian Hackers Targeted 3 US Nuclear Research Labs
A team of Russian hackers known as Cold River targeted three prominent US nuclear research laboratories last summer.

Israel To Withhold PA Tax Revenue After Abbas’ UN Success
Funds will be withheld to compensate terror victims and offset payments to terrorists, after PA pushed UN to have ICJ weigh in on occupation.

The Next Crisis?
Activists lobbying for giving Jews greater access to the Temple Mount are currently lobbying National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to lift restrictions on Jews visiting Temple Mount.

Expectations - 2023
At the beginning of a new year, we usually take stock. We look back on the previous year and ahead to the new one.

Days Of Noah: The Entire World Is Shaking Its Fist At God
Jesus said that in the end days the world would return to being like the days of Noah.

Former Pope Benedict XVI Dies At 95
Pope Benedict XVI has died at his Vatican residence.

UN Assembly Vote On Palestinian Proposal To Judge Israel In The Hague
The UN Assembly will vote on the Palestinian proposal to request a legal opinion from the International Court of Justice in The Hague regarding the "legal significance of the ongoing Israeli occupation".

Misguided Hope: The Growing Call For A Global Government And World Leader
It appears that the United States and several other countries that historically have called themselves democracies are as of late been longing for a stronger and stronger leader, not a president, but more like a king.

Christian Population In The Holy Land Is Growing
A new report says Israel’s Christian community grew by 2% in 2021 to 185,000 people, representing 1.9% of the state’s total population. More than three-quarters of Israel’s Christian population were Arab, comprising nearly 7% of the country’s full Arab population.

A Shepherd’s Encounter With Glory
The angels came from glory to announce the birth of Christ, but why did they appear to shepherds? Their testimony did not even count in a court of law.

The End Of 2022
By the end of 2022, eight billion people lived on the earth. They were besieged by a series of plagues, droughts, false prophets, war, the threat of greater war, hatred, rage, theft, and violence.

Trained To Kill: Iranian Mullahs' Militia Group
Neither the UN nor a single European country has yet to hold accountable the Iranian regime's mercenary paramilitary group, the Basij. It consists of millions of members and they are killing protesters with full impunity.

The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Dead. Or Is It?
As long as the EU believes there is even the faintest hope of a breakthrough with the mullahs, the U.S. is unlikely to place an official stamp upon its commander-in-chief’s off the cuff comments.

Working Together For The Good: A Time Of Trouble That Brings A Nation To Jesus
The tribulation is going to be a horrible time for Israel. But the Bible says this is the trouble of Jacob and he shall be delivered from it.

Kremlin Says No Chance Of Peace With Kyiv After Zelensky Washington Trip
The Kremlin said that nothing good would come from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's trip to Washington on Wednesday and that Russia saw no chance of peace talks with Kyiv.

This Crucial Sign Tells Those With Eyes To See That Jesus’ Coming Is Near
Jesus offered another clue to the timing of the end of the age when He mysteriously cursed a hapless tree. What was the Lord communicating — to His surprised disciples and to us — by His seemingly uncharacteristic action?

Why Christian Zionism Is More Important Than We Think
Despite some troubling trends among their youth, evangelicals remain the most ardent custodians of the US-Israel bond.

It’s all true — the angels singing from the heavens, shepherds watching over their flocks by night, the manger, the virgin mother, and the birth of the Child.

Preparing The Way For Antichrist? Civil Unrest Set To Surge Worldwide
Soaring food, energy, and shelter inflation have led to what could be a new era of civil unrest worldwide. New research forecasts a broader wave of discontent is just ahead.

IDF Exposes Hamas, Islamic Jihad Rocket Launch Sites Near Gaza Schools
The IDF exposed three new school locations that Hamas has been recently using as rocket launch sites, violating the laws of war about keeping war-related issues away from civilian areas.

Biblical Prophecy Is Unfolding as the World Turns Against Israel
The world is currently enduring a conglomeration of events that are all predicted to occur in the Bible, wars and rumors of wars overlap historic droughts and decaying morality within society.

There's A New World Coming
Amid our mad preparations for Christmas, it’s all too easy to lose… Christmas.

Libyan Accused In Lockerbie Bombing Now In American Custody
A Libyan intelligence official accused of making the bomb that brought down Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 in an international act of terrorism has been taken into US custody and will face federal charges in Washington.

Lions' Den Resurfaces, Say Israel Only Understands 'Blood And Bullets'
The Lions’ Den armed group held a large rally in the Old City of Nablus, signaling the return of the militia after several of its leaders and members were killed and arrested by the Israeli security forces in October.

Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US Preemptive Strike Concept
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow could adopt what he described as a U.S. concept of using preemptive military strikes, noting it has the weapons to do the job.

UN Says Israel Must Give Up Nuclear Weapons
The United Nations General Assembly affirmed that Israel must give up its nuclear weapons in a 149-6 vote taken on Wednesday. An earlier version of the text was approved in the UNGA’s Fifth Committee in October with a 152-5 vote.

Fatah Turns Murderers Of Babies Into Heroes For Kids
For Fatah, the party of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, it is not sufficient to murder Jews. For Fatah, it is also important to poison the minds of young Palestinians — by turning murderers into heroes, and enlisting kids to demonstrate solidarity with them.

Saudi Arabia Wants To Normalize Ties With Israel
Saudi Arabia is looking to normalize ties with Israel, although it will be a while before this ever properly manifests. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman listed three main demands that must be met for Saudi Arabia to join the Abraham Accords and normalize ties with Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu Accuses Yair Lapid, Benny Gantz Of Sedition
Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the prime and defense ministers of not accepting the election results and "spreading false alarms against" his government.

Iran To Disband Morality Police Amid Ongoing Protests
Iran's morality police, which is tasked with enforcing the country's Islamic dress code, is being disbanded. The law that requires women to wear hijabs will also be looked at.

Facing the End-Times
Any time we approach the end of a particularly tumultuous year, we look forward to the next year as a return to “normal.”

‘Biden Team’ Requested Twitter Scrub Scandalous Hunter Biden Info Days Before 2020 Election
“More to review from the Biden team,” the message, from the first installment of the documents analyzed by journalist Matt Taibbi, read. “Handled,” was the reply.

‘World Control’—The Most Enduring Lie Against The Jews
You do not have to look hard to find antisemitism in the news daily. Lately, it has been out of the mouth of several American celebrities.

Biden Rewards Palestinians For Terrorism, Incitement
The Biden administration's recent decision to upgrade its relations with the Palestinian Authority (PA) is yet another sign of how the US is rewarding the Palestinians, as they are the Iranian regime, for their ongoing toxic incitement and terrorism against Israel.

Why Christians Must Oppose Anti-Semitism
As Christians called by God to this cultural moment, it’s not enough to merely avoid being antisemitic. We ought to oppose this vile ideology wherever and whenever we come across it.

Dozens Of Judea And Samaria Communities To Get Official Recognition
Otzma Yehudit leader and the next national security minister, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, plans to launch a new effort that could culminate with a boost to grant retroactive approval to unauthorized settlements in Judea and Samaria.

Israelis Not Welcome At World Cup
Multiple Israelis have claimed to have been met by an atmosphere of hostility and hatred at the World Cup in Qatar, with fans refusing to speak to Israeli journalists, waving Palestinian flags in the background of their videos and yelling at them.

The Infrastructure Of Antichrist
We live in the age of surveillance.

The Palestinians Reject Having Their Own State — As Well As Peace
It is the offer of statehood and independence, along with peace, that Palestinians have rejected repeatedly.

Why Thanksgiving Was Never Meant To Be A One-Day Holiday
Thanksgiving is the annual reminder that thankfulness is the appropriate and necessary response to all we have been given.

First The War On Christmas, Now Thanksgiving?
The left seems to be dismantling Western civilization, and in particular Christian contributions to it, one step at a time.

The Fundamental Doctrine Of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
There's more than enough clear Scripture to settle the timing of the Rapture and to be convinced that it is an essential doctrine.

Is America Near The End Of The Road As A Nation?
Is America near the end of the road as a nation? Have we reached a place similar to that of Judah just before Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and the temple?

The Persia Factor
Sometime in the late 1970s, Chuck Smith had a conversation with some Israeli generals.

With World Cup Getting Underway, Al-Qaida Warns Muslims
"We warn our Muslim brothers from following this event or attending it," said the statement, a day before the tournament opens in a predominantly Muslim country for the first time.

Abraham Accords: Peace Between People Is More Than Just Signing A Paper
Netanyahu, when he forms his new government, will have an incredible opportunity to send a message to the Abraham Accord countries that has not yet been sent.

Drone That Hit Israeli-Owned Tanker Near Oman Was Launched From IRGC Base
Western and Israeli security sources say the Shahed-136 ‘suicide drone’ was fired at Pacific Zircon from Iranian territory. Iranians are no longer hiding behind proxies.

Iran Behind Drone Attack On Tanker Owned By Israeli Billionaire Off Oman
An oil tanker associated with an Israeli billionaire has been struck by a bomb-carrying drone off the coast of Oman amid heightened tensions with Iran.

Reports Of Possible Russian Missiles Hitting Polish Village Raise NATO Alarm
Two people were killed in an explosion in Przewodow, a village in eastern Poland near the border with Ukraine, firefighters said on Tuesday as NATO allies investigated reports that the blast resulted from Russian missiles.

400 Seconds To Tel Aviv
Iran’s Sobh-e-Sadegh newspaper published a threat in Hebrew on its front page on Monday, warning that a new Iranian hypersonic missile could reach Israel in 400 seconds.

The Globalist Plan Is Lining Up Exactly How The Bible Foretold
Our nation, in fact, the entire world, is in a transition and has been deceived, causing confusion, chaos, and fear like never seen in recent history (1 John 2:18).

What About the Children?
Satan always wants more. Eventually, he even demands the children.

Lapid: ‘Israel Strongly Rejects Proposed Palestinian Resolution'
Yair Lapid responded to the recent resolution calling for the International Criminal Court to submit an opinion on Israel's activity in Palestinian territories, calling it a "one-sided Palestinian move" that "may cause escalation."

'Arafat Was Poisoned By A Person Who Served Him Coffee Or Tea'
Hundreds of documents have been leaked to social media in recent days including testimonies by senior Palestinian Authority officials to the commission of inquiry established in 2010 to probe the death of former PA chairman Yasser Arafat.

Iran Is Making A Comeback In Latin America
Iranian cleric Mohsen Rabbani remains on Interpol’s most-wanted list. Nonetheless, the cleric’s influence in the region is back in full force thanks to a new local network and an Iranian university that Canada targeted for sanctions last month.

What's The Russia-Iran Connection In A Mysterious Airstrike On Iraq-Syria Border?
On Tuesday evening, reports came in that airstrikes struck in the Iraq-Syria border area. Iran is becoming a global drone power and if Iran also sends missiles to Russia this would be another escalation.

Russia Gave Stolen Western Weapons, Cash To Iran
Russia flew over $140 million in cash and seized Western anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Tehran in late August. The munitions had been part of a shipment intended for the Ukrainian military that "fell into Russian hands."

This Time, Israelis Voted For Reality
We not only have a government that represents a majority of the citizens of Israel – unlike the previous government – but one that is dedicated to a Zionist vision that supports the rights of Jews to live in Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem and the Golan.

The Palestinians’ Balfour Bogeyman
In the eyes of the Palestinian Authority, one historical act is attributed with all future Palestinian suffering. That act is the Balfour Declaration, issued on Nov. 2, 1917.

America The Endangered
For a long time, I have warned that the United States is not mentioned in the end-times biblical scenario.

Legal Reform, Now
Voters expect the incoming Netanyahu government to clean up the mess that Lapid and his colleagues are leaving behind, and to push Israel forward. The only way for Netanyahu and his partners to meet these expectations is by making far-reaching reforms to the legal system.

Let Them Govern
No hung jury this time, no tie, no waffling: The country wants Netanyahu back as the head of a very right-wing and religious government. The nation has spoken, and now it is time to honor its decision.

Netanyahu Headed For Decisive Comeback Victory
All signs are pointing to a resounding victory for opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu and his bloc of right-wing, far-right and religious parties, a result that would end a political crisis that has seen five general elections held in under four years.

Israel Exit Polls Indicate Netanyahu Bloc Poised To Win Majority Of Parliament
Israel's fifth election in three years has produced yet another inconclusive results, despite a strong showing on the Right.

Protesters Defy Iran’s Revolutionary Guard As Rights Group Says 160 Killed
Iranian protesters rallied again, defying an order by the powerful Revolutionary Guards to stop the demonstrations — now in their seventh week — sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini.

The United States has been going through a particularly difficult time.

What Does The Bible Say About Transgenderism?
When it comes to transgenderism, the Bible actually has a lot to say—not by a prooftext here or there but by a rich and pervasive understanding of gender and sexual identity.

Marriage Is A Calling, Not A Right
Young adults simply misunderstand marriage, seeing it as a “capstone” to success rather than what it really is, a “foundation” for a flourishing society and a good life. The implication for young adults is an idea, that for one to be marriageable, he or she must have it all together.

'A New Era'
Israel and Lebanon’s landmark maritime border deal went into effect after a ceremony at a UN base near the border, ending years of conflict over the matter and repeated saber-rattling by the Hezbollah terror group.

The West Turns It's Back On Persecuted Christians
"Her Home Office interviewer, 'was either chuckling or maybe just kind of mocking when he was talking to me.... He asked me why Jesus didn't help you from the Iranian regime or Iranian authorities.'"

Israel Takes The Fight Straight Into The Heart Of The Palestinian Lion's Den
Israeli security forces have gone on the offensive against the Lions’ Den terrorist group, carrying out operations deep in the Casbah of Nablus, where its gunmen feel most secure.

The UN Gives A Master Class In Anti-Semitism
Guilty of Nazi-like crimes. That’s the verdict of a United Nations “commission of inquiry” on Israel that was created by the U.N. Human Rights Council to commit the Nazi-like crime of demonizing and destroying the Jewish state. Archetypal moral inversion.

Nuclear Earth 2022
On August 6, 1945, the Book of Revelation grew dramatically more vivid to its readers.

At Least 10 Iranians Said Killed By Ukraine As Moscow-Iran Arms Ties Seem To Deepen
Ukrainian strikes in the past week against Russia’s ongoing invasion killed at least 10 Iranians, a Ukrainian official told Hebrew media on Friday. The official told the Kan public broadcaster that the deaths occurred in two separate strikes in areas where Iranians were.

Iranian Soldiers On Ground In Ukraine Aiding Russians
Iranian military personnel are on the ground in occupied Ukrainian territories providing aid to the Russian military in their ongoing invasion, the White House confirmed. According to Western intelligence reports, Russia has been using Iranian drones in Ukraine since at least August.

Australia Reverses Decision to Recognize West Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital
Australia reversed a decision of the previous government to recognize west Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, saying the status of the city should be resolved through peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian people.

Why Is Hezbollah Celebrating The Israel-Lebanon Maritime Agreement?
One has to wonder how much of the profits from the agreement will end up in the hands of the impoverished Lebanese people, and how much will go to lining the pockets of Hezbollah?

Netanyahu: Obama Had ‘Not Just Bad Policy, But Malice’ Towards Israel
In their first meeting in the White House in 2009, US President Obama threatened Netanyahu, the latter wrote. As the meeting was about to end, Obama said: “You know, people often read me wrong, but I come from Chicago. I know how to deal with tough rivals.”

Columbus and the Second Coming
We just celebrated what may be one of the last Columbus Day holidays ever.

How The Transgender Movement Hurts Everyone
The truth that transgenderism so desperately tries to suppress is that it’s impossible to change your gender because it’s impossible to change your sex. Period. It has never happened and it will never happen.

Is The Israel-Lebanon Maritime Deal As Good As The Abraham Accords?
It’s a payoff, pure and simple, which no one pretends means that Hamas recognizes Israel or the idea of the border separating Gaza from the Jewish state as an international boundary that must be respected.

Israel Votes To Advance Lebanon Maritime Border Deal
The US-brokered proposal will now go to the Knesset, where lawmakers will have 14 days to review it before the government can give its final approval.

Israel And Lebanon Reach ‘Historic’ Maritime Border And Gas Fields Deal
The Israeli and Lebanese governments have given preliminary approval to a U.S.-mediated maritime border deal aimed at ending a dispute over gas-rich waters in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Messiah’s Solution
The trouble is, when politicians seek solutions, they generally fail to ask for divine wisdom. Have any of them thought to ask God for his view on the matter? For he actually has a very clear position regarding Israel’s future.

Shadows Of The Apocalypse
Vladimir Putin controls the world’s largest arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Game Of Chicken
The negotiations between Israel and Lebanon over the economic waters of each country have reached a dangerous phase where both sides are trying to do some arm-twisting.

Israel Rejects Lebanese Changes To Maritime Border Proposal, Putting Deal In Doubt
Lapid instructs negotiators to turn down ‘significant’ new demands, warns Hezbollah that any attack would end talks permanently. Netanyahu takes credit for Israel’s stance.

Israel’s Devastating Capitulation To Hezbollah
It is almost impossible to grasp the danger of Israel’s present moment. Lapid and Gantz are bragging about signing a protection deal with the Iranian terror proxy.

Netanyahu Pledges Massive West Bank Settlement Building If Elected
In an appeal to right-wing voters, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to support massive housing construction in West Bank settlements if he regains his former leadership position.

Israel’s Choice: Independence Or Appeasement
Lapid and his supporters in the media went berserk after Netanyahu spoke out against the gas deal the Biden administration is mediating between Israel and Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon.

Days of Offense
There has never been a time when more people were more offended over more things than right now.

A Kingdom For Israel: The Clear Intent Of Prophecy That Most Pastors Dismiss
The question is this: Will the Lord restore a glorious kingdom to Israel during Jesus’ thousand-year reign upon the earth?

Putin's Threat Of Nuclear Escalation 'Could Be A Reality'
Is his threat of nuclear weapons real or is it a bluff? The answer is relevant not just for world peace but for our culture and for our souls.

Could The Nord Stream Gas Leak Be A Sign Of Worse To Come?
What is the significance of the possible attack? If this was a targeted attack on the pipelines it would serve to demonstrate how energy is increasingly being weaponized.

I Love Israel
Israel has been the subject of false teaching and unbiblical thinking among professing Christians since the time of the church fathers, so called, and the invention of Replacement Theology and the subsequent sad history of persecution of Jews by professing Christians.

The Royal Standard
In Britain, they would call me a “republican.”

Blinken: US Will Not Be Able To Stop Israel If Hezbollah Attacks Over Gas
The United States will not be able to stop Israel from retaliating against Lebanon.

Abbas Asked Why There Is No Palestinian State. The Answers Were In His Speech
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s claimed to genuinely want peace with Israel, but in other passages of his address made clear that he rejects Israel’s very legitimacy.

Lapid Tells UN Palestinian State Right For Israel But Can't Be Terror Base
The future Palestinian state that will exist next to Israel must be peaceful and not terror-based, Prime Minister Yair Lapid told the UN General Assembly, just before returning to Israel.

Putin Announces Conscription To Boost Russian Army
Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a partial military conscription in a speech in which he accused the West of “nuclear blackmail” and trying to “destroy” Russia.

Occupied Regions Announce Votes To Join Russia
Kremlin-controlled areas of southern and eastern Ukraine announced they would stage votes this week on formally joining Russia, moves that were cheered in Moscow and dismissed by Kyiv.

Nasrallah's Warning
Hezbollah terror chief Hassan Nasrallah issued a fresh threat.

This Is Not A Drill
Critics of end-time Bible prophecy often say exactly what the Bible said they would say.

For Israel To Be Safe It Must Bury The Oslo Delusion
The Oslo peace process was based on the idea that, despite all evidence to the contrary, Arafat and his PLO had abandoned terrorism and were willing to live in peace with Israel. Israel agreed to import Arafat, his deputies and his terror armies to Gaza and parts of Judea and Samaria, and give them autonomous rule over the Palestinians.

5 Reasons Why The Russia-China Partnership Isn't Good For The US
Individually, these countries, both of whom the Pentagon has designated as America’s near-peer competitors, present a formidable threat to the homeland. In combination, the threat multiplies.

IDF Officer Killed In Firefight With Terrorists
An IDF officer was killed in an exchange of fire with two armed Palestinian gunmen near the village of Jalma, north of the West Bank city of Jenin. The incident began around 11:30 p.m. when IDF observation soldiers identified two suspects approaching the fence along the seam line near a military post.

New Bill Would Ban Abortions At 15 Weeks Nationwide When Babies Can Feel Excruciating Pain
The newest version of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would ban abortions after 15 weeks, with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Republicans have introduced similar versions of the bill that would limit abortion after 20 weeks.

Iran Unveils New Drone That General Says Is Designed To Strike Tel Aviv
A senior Iranian military commander said Monday that Iran has developed a long-range suicide drone intended to strike major cities along Israel’s Mediterranean coast. Brig. Gen. Kioumars Heydari, who heads the Iranian military’s ground forces, said the Arash-2 drone was specifically designed to attack Tel Aviv and Haifa.

Existential Threat?
From a biblical perspective, few things could be more dangerous for a nation than to facilitate an existential threat against Israel.

North Korea Threatens Nuclear Action If Kim Jong Un Assassinated
North Korea promised to “automatically and immediately” launch its nuclear weapons if the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un is killed or incapacitated in an attack, according to a new law.

Israel In Bible Prophecy
The Bible’s amazing prophecies are evidence of its divine inspiration. They are clear and detailed and unfailing. This is in contrast to extra-biblical prophecies, which are typically vague and inaccurate.

Queen Elizabeth Dies At 96
Queen Elizabeth II, the UK's longest-serving monarch, has died at Balmoral aged 96, after reigning for 70 years. Her son King Charles III said the death of his beloved mother was a "moment of great sadness" for him and his family and that her loss would be "deeply felt" around the world.

IAEA Sees Spike In Iran's Enrichment Level, Suggests Program 'Not Exclusively Peaceful'
The international atomic watchdog said it believes Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium that is highly enriched to one short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels.

North Korea Supplying Russia With Weapons
A US official revealed Moscow is the process of purchasing millions of rockets and artillery shells from Pyongyang for use in Ukraine. And they said that Russia could be forced to buy additional North Korean weaponry as the war dragged on.

Manhunt After Canada Stabbing Spree
A manhunt was underway across three Canadian provinces after a stabbing rampage that left 10 people dead and 15 wounded in one of the deadliest mass killings in Canadian history. The attacks early Saturday took place in at least 13 locations in and around the James Smith Cree Nation in Saskatchewan.

War On The Poor
The war on poverty has morphed into a vast, shameless, and cruel war on poor people themselves.

Shooting Attack On A Bus In Jordan Valley
Two Palestinians were arrested after they opened fire on a bus carrying troops from the Kfir Brigade in the Jordan Valley, injuring several soldiers, including one seriously.

How Likely Is Civil War In America?
While an organized, military, two-sided civil war such as occurred in 1861 may be implausible today, the divisions and distrust reflected in recent polls are nonetheless ominous for our future as the “United” States of America.

Aleppo Runway Repaired Just Days After Alleged Israeli Strike
The runway at Aleppo’s International Airport has been repaired and likely returned to service, just days after it was targeted in an alleged Israeli airstrike. Reportedly, the attack against the airports was aimed at preventing an Iranian Antonov AN-74 cargo plane from landing.

Is Biden Trusting Putin With Iran’s Enriched Uranium In Revived Nuclear Deal?
When a subject is complicated and has multiple layers, it’s easy to get lost in a morass of arguments. Of all the arguments that have been made against the deal, that it puts the murderous Russian leader in the position of compliance arbitrator is arguably the most potent.

Lapid, Biden Discuss Iran Deal As EU Says Agreement Could Be Reached In ‘Days’
Prime Minister Yair Lapid spoke to US President Joe Biden, amid increasing concern in Israel regarding the likelihood of world powers reaching a new nuclear deal with Iran.

The European Soft Spot For Palestinian NGOs That Support Terror Against Israel
It is rather revealing that these European states refused to honor Israel’s request to end the funding to enemies of the Jewish state.

Collapse Is Going to Happen, Like It Or Not
The United States is headed towards a terminal collapse. Demographic-structurally speaking, we’ve been in our collapse phase since around 1970 or so and all the current indications suggest that it’s nearing its end.

Follow The Science?
Since Covid, we have heard a constant refrain of, “Follow the science!”

9 Reasons We Know Christ Is Returning
Scripture is neither vague nor equivocal on the promise of Christ's return. A large portion of Scripture is prophetic, and perhaps a third or more of the prophetic passages refer to the Second Coming of Christ

Iran Prepares To Take Out Israel – Right After Iran Deal Is Signed
As the Biden administration seems to be moving closer to reaching a new nuclear deal with Iran, the mullahs in Tehran are encouraging their Lebanese and Palestinian terrorist proxies to prepare for waging war on Israel.

Lapid Says Israeli Pressure Campaign Against Iran Deal Bore Fruit With White House
Prime Minister Yair Lapid said that Israeli pressure tactics on the United States over the Iran deal have already had some positive effects.

Why The US Airstrike On Iranian Forces In Syria Matters
US forces carried out airstrikes in Syria on Tuesday, targeting groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The airstrikes took place in the Euphrates River Valley, in the administrative region of Deir ez-Zor.

Gantz Heading To US After Vow Israel Will Do ‘Everything It Can’ To Sway Iran Deal
As the resurrection of the Iran nuclear deal appears to be imminent, Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced that he will travel to the United States for a series of meetings with American defense officials later this week.

Gantz Warns Hezbollah Attack On Israeli Gas Field May Trigger War
Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned Lebanon’s Hezbollah that any attack on its gas assets could spark war, after the terror group threatened to “sever” Israel’s hands if it taps a disputed offshore field.

Daughter Of Putin Propagandist Killed In Car Bombing Outside Moscow
The daughter of an influential Russian political theorist often referred to as “Putin’s brain” was killed in a car bombing on the outskirts of Moscow. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. But the bloodshed gave rise to suspicions that the intended target was her father.

Nation Aflame
Angry? Who isn’t?

Israel Hoping Progress In Iran Nuclear Talks ‘Is Reversible’
An Israeli official expressed hope that ongoing efforts to restore the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will not ultimately yield an agreement, as talks between world powers and Tehran appeared to advance.

2 Years Into The Abraham Accords, Is The Honeymoon Over?
There was much excitement, and all sides involved were pleased that the ties had been forged. But now, two years on, everyone is coming back down to earth.

Biden Ushers In An Era Of Nuclear Chaos And War
The sooner we realize that nothing will appease the fanatics of Tehran, the better able we will be to oppose them. Unfortunately, appeasement of Iran is now a firm principle of identity politics and progressive dogma. And so, it continues and escalates.

'50 Holocausts'
Mahmoud Abbas expressed no regrets for the murderous attack by Palestinian terrorists on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics half a century ago. He also claimed that Israel had committed 50 “Holocausts” against Palestinians over the years.

Defense And The Preemptive Shot
Sometimes, self-defense demands a preemptive shot.

Remembering Biden's Afghanistan Failure
President Biden withdrew U.S. troops from Afghanistan without concrete plans to protect Americans and our Afghan partners or prevent the Taliban from taking over the country – resulting in a shameful disaster.

8 Injured In Jerusalem Mass Shooting
A Brooklyn dad was critically wounded trying to shield his family from a Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem, while a pregnant borough woman also shot in the attack had to undergo an emergency C-section.

Rushdie On Ventilator After Stabbing; Suspect Said To Support Iran’s IRGC
Author Salman Rushdie, whose writings have made him the target of Iranian death threats, was on a ventilator and could lose an eye after he was repeatedly stabbed at a literary event in New York state on Friday.

Operation Breaking Dawn: What's Changed In The Israel-Gaza Conflict?
Plans for Operation Breaking Dawn had actually been put together months ago, when the defense establishment was made aware that Islamic Jihad was planning to spark an escalation.

What Abortion Built
Legalizing abortion—which then normalized and destigmatized abortion culturally—rewired American thought so deeply that we don’t even realize anymore when we’re accepting demands that we could—and should—refuse.

Iranian Operative Charged In Plot To Murder John Bolton
The U.S. Justice Department unsealed charges Wednesday against Iranian operative Shahram Poursafi in connection with an alleged plot to kill former National Security Adviser John Bolton.

Hezbollah Issues Stern Warning Over Gas Field
Hezbollah once again warned Israel that they would not sit idly by if Israel continued to use the natural gas it had discovered near the maritime border with Lebanon.

Breaking Dawn Was A Blowout
A confluence of circumstances led the latest round of fighting to conclude as the most successful operation Israel has ever waged in Gaza. Islamic Jihad suffered an unprecedentedly severe blow, while Israel emerged largely unscathed.

Truce Announced
Israel and Islamic Jihad agreed to a Cairo-mediated truce to take effect late on Sunday, raising hopes of an end to the most serious flare-up on the Gaza frontier in more than a year. Israeli forces pounded Palestinian targets through the weekend after PIJ threatened to target Israeli civilians.

China Shakes
Nancy Pelosi is a physically unimposing 82-year-old. But her recent visit to Taiwan made the great and ancient nation of China quiver in its boots.

Operation Breaking Dawn Enters Second Day
The Israel Defense Forces are preparing for a “week of fighting” against Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, as terrorists in the enclave fired some 450 projectiles towards the Jewish state in just over 24 hours.

Islamic Jihad Fires Volley Of Rockets From Gaza At Israel
More than 70 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into southern and central Israel, hours after the IDF struck multiple terrorist targets in Gaza, killing a top Islamic Jihad terrorist leader as well as additional operatives.

While Focus Is On Iran, Nuclear Danger Is Rearing Its Head Elsewhere
Experts warn that if Iran achieves its nuclear goal, Israel must prepare for the possibility of Pakistan providing Saudi Arabia with atomic warheads or the knowledge and means necessary to speedily create one on its own.

Is Zawahiri The End Of The Mega Terrorist Assassination?
Was the assassination of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri – who was also one-time strategic planner for Osama Bin Laden, including of the 9/11 attacks on the US – the end of an era of killing mega-terrorists?

The Real Reason Xi Is Upset Over Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit
The easy answer is to reunite a breakaway province from 73 years ago for the glory of China and to achieve territorial integrity over a land mass slightly larger than Maryland, that they’ve never actually ruled over. That is too simple and outdated.

How’s It Working Out?
I recently saw a handsome young man during what should be a fantastic period of his life. He did not look happy.

Man Arrested With Rifle Outside NY Home Of Iranian American Journalist
An Iranian-American journalist and women’s rights activist said it was “shocking” to learn that a man had been arrested last week with a loaded AK-47 rifle outside her Brooklyn, New York, home.

The Emerging Unholy Alliance Between Russia, Turkey And Iran
Less than a week after Biden left the Middle East following a visit that focused on the informal Israeli-Sunni Arab alliance in the region, Putin boarded a plane to Iran, the leader of the opposing Shi'ite axis. Turkish President Erdogan of Turkey joined the summit in Tehran.

Christians Kidnapped In House-To-House Abductions In Nigeria
Suspected Islamic extremists on Monday night kidnapped 36 people from a predominantly Christian village outside the city of Kaduna, in northern Nigeria.

Would Nasrallah Really Risk War With Israel Over The Karish Gas Rig?
“If the extraction of oil and gas from Karish begins in September before Lebanon obtains its right, we would be heading to ‘a problem’ and we’ll do anything to achieve our objective,” Nasrallah said in an interview

The Darkness Will Not Last
Stephen Hawking became something of a prophet of doom. In his last years, he pointed out several threats to human civilization and even to human existence.

Two Palestinian Gunmen Killed In Clashes With Israeli Security Forces
The two men were identified Abdul Rahman Sobah and Muhammad al-Azizi. Another 10 Palestinians were injured, including at least two seriously, in the three-hour-long operation that focused on a home in the Casbah.

God's Heart For Israel Is Not A Two-State Solution
'As a former Muslim, the love for Israel and its people is an entirely new experience for me but I am grateful the Lord has opened my heart to this understanding. '

Israel Watches Warily As Russia, Iran Build Stronger Ties
Underscoring the warming ties between the two countries, Putin traveled to Iran. This was the third time since the start of the year that Putin has met with his Iranian counterpart, Ebrahim Raisi.

Iran Says Fatwa Against Building Nuclear Weapons Unchanged
Tehran gave assurances that its nuclear policy was unchanged and that it still adhered to a fatwa banning weapons of mass destruction, after an Iranian official said the country was able to make atomic bombs.

IDF Shoots Down Hezbollah Drone After It Crosses Into Israel
The IDF confirmed that they identified the drone crossing the border earlier on Monday and shot it down. The drone was monitored by the IAF air control units throughout the incident.

Khamenei Adviser Says Tehran 'Capable Of Building Nuclear Bomb'
Tehran is technically capable of making a nuclear bomb but has yet to decide whether to build it, a senior adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told Al Jazeera's Arabic service on Sunday.

Iran Plots To Kill Trump
A recent intelligence leak report indicates that Iran is plotting to kill or capture former President Donald Trump as well as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, seeking to avenge the death of its beloved commander, Major General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a drone strike two years ago.

Biden Talks Oil, Security Cooperation With Saudis
President Biden departed Israel for Saudi Arabia on Friday afternoon, where he will discuss energy supply, human rights, and security cooperation on a trip designed to reset the US relationship with a country he once pledged to make a "pariah" on the world stage.

Historic Jerusalem Declaration Sees US, Israel Pledge To Prevent A Nuclear Iran
The declaration reaffirms "the unbreakable bonds" between Jerusalem and Washington, which are "based on a bedrock of shared values, shared interests, and true friendship."

Biden Arrives In Israel
"The connection between the American People and Israeli People is deep," Biden said. "We dream together. I am proud to say that the relationship is stronger and deeper than it has ever been, and we have reaffirmed our unshakeable commitment to Israel's security."

Iran To Deliver Armed Drones To Russia
The White House on Monday said it believes Russia is turning to Iran to provide it with hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles, including weapons-capable drones, for use in its ongoing war in Ukraine.

Woke Churches Label Pro-Life Movement A ‘Demonic Agenda’ And Claim ‘God Is Pro-Choice’
Woke churches across the country have celebrated abortion and even gone as far as labeling the pro-life movement a “demonic agenda” in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

How Big Is Enough?
Even Christians fret and worry. Joy can seem remote and fear ever-present.

Israel Must Learn From Shinzo Abe’s Assassination
The lesson is that threats against Benjamin Netanyahu did not disappear the moment he ceased being prime minister. Did the threats against Netanyahu disappear the moment he became the opposition leader?

Biden Tells Congress To Pass Bill Legalizing Abortions Up To Birth Nationwide
During a nationally-televised speech on abortion today, Joe Biden said there is a right to kill babies in abortions.

How To End Israel’s Political Instability
Dysfunctional politics has rendered Israel hard-pressed to identify and seize opportunities or respond adequately to rising threats.

US ‘Alarmed’ At Iran’s Nuclear Progress, Deal May Become ‘Thing Of The Past’
Rob Malley says Tehran can build bomb within weeks if it chooses to, and accuses Iranian negotiators of adding irrelevant demands in Qatar talks

America, Don't Be Ashamed of Jesus!
A few months before Charles Darwin died, he was visited by Lady Hope. Thus, with death approaching, did Charles Darwin, evolutionist and denier of the Bible, acclaim the Lord Jesus.

IDF Had Advance Intel On Hezbollah Drone Attempt
The Israel Defense Forces had prior intelligence on Hezbollah’s Saturday launching of three unarmed drones at the Karish gas field.

Tribulation Preview
Forces from within are weakening the United States even as the world economy falters.

IDF Shoots Down Hezbollah Drones
The IDF shot down three unmanned aerial vehicles launched by Hezbollah.

Who Was Tougher On 'Settlements' - Obama Or Biden?
The outgoing Yamina manager commented "The issue of settlements is much more important to [US President Joe] Biden than [former US President Barack] Obama. Obama. It's something they consider a borderline war crime."

IDF Stopped Hackers From Hitting US Power Plants
The deputy chief of IDF Unit 8200, “Col. U.,” said that his intelligence agency warned the United States of attempts to hack the country's power plants in time to thwart the cyberattack.

Hamas Releases Footage Showing Israeli Captive Hooked Up To Oxygen
The Hamas terror group published a video showing Hisham al-Sayed, one of two Israeli men being held by the terror group in the Gaza Strip, in poor medical condition — the first image of the hostage seen in years.

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Rights, Vindicates Football Coach Who Was Fired For Praying
The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of a Washington state high school football coach who was fired from his job for silently praying on the field after games.

Global Food Crisis 'Will Kill Millions' By Disease
The global food crisis sparked by the war in Ukraine will kill millions by leaving the hungriest more vulnerable to infectious diseases, potentially triggering the world's next health catastrophe, the head of a major aid organization has warned.

Roe Has Fallen: Biblical Reflections
He is working in ways we can see and in ways we cannot. Only he knows fully the chain of events that have led us to this place.

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade
The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, with a 6-3 majority ruling in the Dobbs case that “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion.”

Supreme Court Strikes New York Gun Law In Major Ruling
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled 6-3 on June 23 that New York’s proper cause requirement for concealed carry permit issuance is unconstitutional.

Russia Threatens NATO Member Lithuania
Lithuania's decision to ban the transit of certain goods between Russia and its isolated exclave of Kaliningrad has provoked wrath among top officials in Moscow, and even a threat of retaliation against the European nation.

One Week
Elections could still be avoided if opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu succeeds in forming a government before the Knesset is dissolved in a week. Can he do it?

Comeback For Bibi?
Israel’s weakened coalition government decided to dissolve parliament and call new elections, which could bring about the return of a nationalist religious government led by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or another prolonged period of political gridlock.

The News And The Good News
The average price of a gallon of gasoline had doubled since January 2021. That’s a staggering rate of growth and completely unsustainable.

The Joy Of Fatherhood
As fathers, we have a unique calling to lead our children in the right direction. Each of our children is different, and each will answer a calling that is perhaps unexpected.

Iranian Attack Against Israelis In Turkey Could Happen This Weekend
There have been increased efforts by some Iranian squads to carry out an attack involving a murder or kidnapping in Istanbul in the near future, perhaps even as soon as this weekend.

Bennett Mulling Forming Right-Wing Government With The Likud
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is considering forming a new, right-wing government with the Likud in the current Knesset in a bid to avoid snap elections.

The UNHRC's Diplomatic Terrorism
The UN Human Rights Council's latest report on Israel is abhorrent. The investigators should be investigated for their own crimes.

What Will Biden Do If Putin Goes Nuclear?
It’s a troubling question with no palatable answer: What would President Joe Biden do if Russia used nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war?

A Pivotal Time in Israel
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s fragile governing coalition may have just doomed itself.

'No Vacation Is Worth Losing Your Life'
Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau, a part of the National Security Council, has raised the travel warning for Istanbul to Level 4—the highest level.

Iranian Terror Attack Against Israelis In Turkey Foiled
The planned terror attack targeted Israelis in Turkey. A senior Israeli official said that the Iranian terror cell had plotted to abduct Israelis.

Iran's Mullahs Score Nuclear Victory
The Biden Administration is sitting idly by while Iran's ruling mullahs continue to advance their nuclear program.

‘Disabled’ Damascus Airport After Raid Attributed To Israel
An Israeli satellite intelligence firm published images Friday showing damage to Damascus International Airport’s runways, following a pre-dawn airstrike attributed to Israel.

‘Fatal Blow’ To Talks
Iran is removing 27 surveillance cameras from nuclear sites in the country, raising the risk of its inspectors being unable to track Tehran’s advances as it enriches uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels.

A Cyber Pearl Harbor
China has the ability and opportunity to sabotage the equipment we rely on them to manufacture. Essentially, they've created a "backdoor" into our electric grid.

Israel Should Invest In Gas Production, Export
Israel has taken another step toward becoming even more independent when it comes to natural gas. Last week, they announced Israel would begin the process of launching its fourth exploration for gas in its territorial waters.

Is This What You Had in Mind?
Mass shootings one after another… Government paralyzed, not by disagreements, but by hate.

Over 50 Feared Dead In Nigeria Church Attack
Gunmen opened fire on worshippers and detonated explosives at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria on Sunday, leaving dozens feared dead.

Post-Roe America May Get Ugly
Suppose the leaked draft is accurate, and the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the two rulings that legally sustain the abortion license in the United States. What then?

Can The Arab World Afford Another Failed State?
Lebanon’s descent into collapse is hardly unique: It is only one of a number of failed Arab states; with the Palestinians knocking on the door to join the club.

Absentee Fathers, Not Guns, Are The Problem
Salvador Ramos's father said: “He probably would have shot me too, because he would always say I didn’t love him.” A father who doesn’t value his child’s life is teaching his child a person’s life isn’t valuable.

FBI Blocked Planned Cyberattack On Children’s Hospital By Iran
The FBI thwarted a planned cyberattack on a children’s hospital in Boston that was to have been carried out by hackers sponsored by the Iranian government.

US Declares 'Commitment To Opening Palestinian Consulate In Jerusalem'
Previous reports suggested the Americans had backtracked on that plan, however those hopes are now dashed.

Memorial Day: A Time for Celebration And Reflection
This weekend, Americans will gather with friends and family for pool parties and barbecues. Memorial Day is a great American tradition. It's also a time to reflect on what the holiday means.

Jerusalem Day: 25,000 People March Through Old City With Israeli Flags
Some 25,000 people marched through the Old City of Jerusalem as part of the Jerusalem Day flag march on Sunday afternoon, hours after a record 2,600 Israelis visited the Temple Mount compound on Sunday morning.

Buffalo and Uvalde
Something is terribly wrong in America, and we all know it.

Republicans Fight To Protect Americans' Second Amendment
In the wake of the horrific Uvalde elementary school massacre, left extremists are calling for strict gun control laws. The Second Amendment is an individual right, its purpose is to give citizens a way to defend themselves.

It's Not A Gun Crisis – It's A Spiritual Crisis
Frederick Douglass proclaimed, "It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Countless grieving parents and even America's overcrowded prison system would likely give a hardy "Amen" to that sentiment.

Commonly Touted Policies Are Ill-Suited To Stopping Mass Shooters
The basic problem with "assault weapon" bans is they define the category based on functionally unimportant features, leaving mass shooters with plenty of equally lethal alternatives, including the handguns they overwhelmingly prefer.

With New Anti-Abortion Laws Passing, Is The Church Prepared?
While courts can make abortion illegal, only God through His Church can make it unthinkable.

Senior Iran Revolutionary Guards Member Assassinated
A senior member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed outside his home in Tehran on Sunday by unidentified gunmen on a motorbike.

The EU Takes Charge
The European Union is in the final stages of enacting a law called “the Digital Services Act.”

Putin Blackmailing The Planet By Threatening World Famine
Russian President Vladimir Putin's blockade of Ukrainian ports is crippling the world's food production, as crops stocked in shipping containers remain unmoved.

Demonization, American Style
Demonization, the effort to portray a political rival as an inhuman monster, has long been a means to mobilize public support. The ancient Romans did it. The Soviets didn’t know there was another option.

The Rush To Demonize Israel
The Palestinian Authority, and their enablers have exploited the journalist’s tragic death as fodder for a malicious propaganda campaign against Israel. They have charged, without a shred of evidence, that Israel deliberately targeted Ms. Akleh for assassination.

The Media Doesn't Bother With Facts
The killing of Shireen Abu Akleh during a firefight between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian gunmen in Jenin, under unclear circumstances, prompted an official Guardian editorial that not only presumes Israeli guilt, but dishonestly suggests that their army intentionally targets journalists.

Hezbollah Bloc Loses Majority As Final Results Released
Hezbollah and its allies lost the majority it held in the Lebanese parliament, as their opponent, the Christian Lebanese Forces, became the largest Christian party in parliament after the final results of the elections in the country were announced.

Captured Russians: Kremlin Commanders 'Shooting Their Own Wounded'
Captured Kremlin soldiers have alleged to Ukrainian forces that their commanders are slaughtering wounded Russian troops rather than seeking medical treatment.

Israeli Cops Say They Intervened In Funeral When Mob Stole Abu Akleh's Casket
Israel police insisted they only charged into the funeral procession of slain American Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh because her coffin was being stolen by a violent mob.

How to Flourish in Dark Times
No one is exempt from pain or discouragement. Humans have suffered these things since God removed Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.

'Zion Belongs To Muslims'
President Biden is planning a visit to Israel in June. Still, a recent report claims that while here, he will visit the eastern section of Jerusalem in a clear message of support for establishing a Palestinian capital in the Jews’ eternal capital.

Counterterrorism Officer Killed In Clashes With Palestinians In Jenin
The officer, 47-year-old Sgt.-Maj. Noam Raz, was injured during clashes that lasted four hours and evacuated to Rambam hospital in Haifa by helicopter where he succumbed to his wounds.

$200 Billion Erased From Entire Crypto Market
Bitcoin fell below $26,000 for the first time in 16 months, amid a broader sell-off in cryptocurrencies that erased more than $200 billion from the entire market in a single day.

The Global Threat of Putin’s Deterioration
Jesus said that war and rumors of war would mark the time before His return.

Journalist’s Death Will Fuel Revenge Attacks, No Matter The Explanation
An expert said the death of a veteran Palestinian-American journalist during an Israeli military raid in the West Bank on Wednesday morning will radicalize potential terrorists, and will likely cause diplomatic damage to Israel, as the army scrambled to explain the incident.

“Our Last Warning”
A radical pro-abortion group is claiming responsibility for firebombing a pro-life group’s office in Wisconsin and it’s promising more violence nationwide.

Terror Wave
Israel was struck by a series of apparent terrorist attacks on Sunday night as four men were stopped trying to infiltrate the West Bank settlement of Tekoa and a policeman was stabbed near the Old City of Jerusalem.

The Power Of A Praying Mother
If you follow the greatest men of God back to their beginnings, you will often find yourself in a hidden closet or lonely pew, where a mother kneels to pray.

Why Abortion Is A Gospel Issue And Not A Political Issue
God forbids the murder of another human being (Gen. 1:27; Ps. 8; Gen. 9:5-6). Scripture says God hates the shedding of innocent blood. What can be more innocent than a preborn human?

The War In Ukraine Reminds Us That The Founding Of Israel Was Essential
“I survived the Holocaust when I was a child, and here again the war came to my door,” Oleshko says. These stories remind us that many are suffering all over again and are looking for a place of refuge — and are finding it in Israel.

Abortion Supporters Leaked Supreme Court Draft To Intimidate The Court
Abortion supporters sought to intimidate and pressure the justices in leaking a draft majority opinion indicating that the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, pro-life advocates say.

Chief Justice Confirms Draft Overturning Roe is Real
Chief Justice John Roberts has issued a statement confirming the leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision overturning Roe is genuine and he says the nation’s highest court will launch an internal investigation about the leak.

Lavrov's Antisemitism Means Israel No Longer Neutral On Ukraine-Russia
The egregious comments by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying that Hitler had “Jewish blood” marks the end of Israel’s effort to somehow stay above the Russian-Ukrainian fray.

Planetary Disasters
It’s not your imagination. Things are bad—as bad as you thought—and maybe worse.

Security Guard Murdered After Shielding His Girlfriend From Bullets
Dolev Vyacheslav was murdered by two terrorists, who opened fire at his post, which he was sharing with his girlfriend. Vyacheslav used his body to shield his girlfriend from the bullets, absorbing them instead of her.

Iran May Attack Israel Directly, Nasrallah Warns In Quds Day Speech
Nasrallah warned Israel against continuing its “aggression against the Iranian presence in the region,” saying Iran may “attack Israel directly, at a ceremony in Beirut as Iran and its proxies marked Quds Day.

Stop Sexually Grooming Children And Quit Gaslighting Parents
How much do parents have to witness before they can know that these are not isolated incidents but part of a larger pattern?

Bennett: The Lesson Of The Holocaust Is We Must Control Our Own Fate
PM on Holocaust Remembrance Day: We rely only on ourselves, be strong and never apologize for our very existence or our success.

US Intel Helped Ukraine Protect Air Defenses, Shoot Down Russian Troop Transport Plane
As Russia launched its invasion, the US gave Ukrainian forces detailed intelligence about exactly when and where Russian missiles and bombs were intended to strike.

On-Field Prayer Religious Exercise Or 'Coercion'?
A high school football coach fired for praying on the field after games had his case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, with justices debating whether his religious practices were coercive or constitutionally protected.

Strength For End-Times Living
If we are living near the time of Christ’s return—and I am convinced we are—should that fact influence the way we live?

IDF Artillery Targets Southern Lebanon After Rocket Fire
The IDF targeted sites in southern Lebanon with artillery fire after a rocket was fired from southern Lebanon into northern Israel near the town of Shlomi on Sunday night, according to the IDF Spokesperson's Unit.

America's Biblical Roots
Not only does support for Israel by American Jews not compromise or undermine support for our host country, but support for Israel is actually a quintessential American value.

Satellite Images Show Mass Graves For 9,000 Innocents Slaughtered By Russians
As many as 9,000 Ukraine civilians could have been executed by Russian forces and buried in mass graves outside Mariupol.

Iran Will Not Abandon Their Plans For Revenge
Iran will not abandon plans to avenge the 2020 U.S. killing of Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani, despite "regular offers" from Washington to lift sanctions and provide other concessions in return.

Tunnel City
In a “tunnel city” under the sandy soils of southern Gaza, Islamic Jihad is preparing for the next conflict with Israel, as tensions in Jerusalem threaten to escalate.

Expectations of Resurrection!
The execution of Jesus Christ began at 9:00 AM. He died that afternoon at 3. According to John 19:30, just before His final breath, Jesus did something amazing. He cried out, “Tetelestai!”

10 Facts About Jesus’ Resurrection You Need to Know
Christians can proclaim with confidence that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God who was born in the flesh, was crucified, and was resurrected from the dead, and he is the firstfruits of all who belong to him.

Temple Mount Tensions
Palestinian Islamist and nationalist factions alike on Friday promised a further escalation of clashes with Israeli security forces, following a morning of rioting on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that resulted in 150 people wounded and more than 400 arrests.

12 Reasons Why Jesus Meant It When He Said, “It Is Finished”
Christians should never think their works contribute to their justification or salvation in any way. Thankfully, here are twelve reasons why Jesus meant it when he said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).

Iran: Death Of All US Leaders Would Not Avenge Soleimani Killing
"Martyr Soleimani was such a great character that if all American leaders are killed, this will still not avenge his assassination. We should avenge him by following Soleimani's path and through other methods."

Choose A Sex, Any Sex
President Joe Biden’s embrace of transgender activism continued when a new passport “X-gender” option was launched. It gives applicants a third choice beyond previously accepted male or female biological sex as a personal descriptor.

World Is Silent As Palestinian Rioters Torch Joseph’s Tomb
Palestinian rioters on Saturday night vandalized Joseph’s Tomb, one of Judaism’s holiest sites, setting it on fire and smashing the gravestone.

World Government at the Door
On March 29th and 30th of 2022, global elites gathered for the World Government Summit in Dubai.

How War In Ukraine Can Directly Impact Israel
Israel has acted as if events in Eastern Europe are of no immediate concern to Jerusalem, but that can change dramatically.

Palestinians Celebrate Murderous Attack In Heart Of Tel Aviv
Palestinian terror groups were seen celebrating the attack that has left two people dead and at least a dozen wounded in downtown Tel Aviv on Thursday night.

10 Shot In Deadly Tel Aviv Terror Attack
Two people were killed and eight people were wounded in what appeared to be a terrorist shooting attack in the center of Tel Aviv.

How Naftali Bennett Doomed His Own Coalition
Naftali Bennett’s eight-party coalition is collapsing, its wafer-thin majority lost because the Yamina party leader failed to maintain the loyalty of his own party’s legislators.

Bucha Mass Executions Were Part Of Putin's Invasion Plan
The head of UK secret intelligence said that Vladimir Putin planned the "summary executions" being uncovered in parts of Ukraine that were occupied by Russian forces.

Insanity Defined
Whoever said it first, it is worth remembering. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”

UNHRC Approves 4 Anti-Israel Resolutions
The United Nations Human Rights Council approved four anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian resolutions, including a call for a limited arms embargo against the Jewish state, as it wrapped up its 49th session.

It's About To Get Worse
The DHS and the CDC officially announced that U.S. Customs and Border Protection will stop using Title 42 effective May 23. Title 42 has been the public health order Border Patrol has been using to quickly expel illegal immigrants to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the United States.

Putin Escalates War Against Churches
Putin has escalated and broadened his war against the churches. In the city of Mariupol, the target of continual Russian bombardment for several weeks, Russian troops hunt for pastors who did not leave the city.

'Tell Him I Will Thrash Him'
Vladimir Putin reportedly rejected a note from Ukrainian President Zelenskyy seeking peace. When the note was hand-delivered to him by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, Putin reportedly replied instead: "Tell him I will thrash them."

'Dirty Bomb' Materials Stolen From Chernobyl Lab
A nuclear safety expert has warned that a monitoring lab in Chernobyl village has been raided, with thieves looting radioactive ingredients which could be mixed with explosives to create a 'dirty bomb'.

Oligarch, Ukrainian Peace Negotiators Suffer Symptoms Of Poisoning
Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning after they met in Kyiv earlier this month.

Blessed Assurance
If you live on a fixed income and you drive a car, things may feel especially dicey right now.

Two Killed, 5 Wounded In Hadera ISIS Attack
Three police officers are among the wounded. Two terrorists, both Arab Israelis, were killed by senior counterterrorism officers who happened to be nearby. Hamas, Islamic Jihad have lauded terrorists as "heroes."

What Are ‘Tactical’ Nuclear Weapons, And Would Putin Use Them?
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has raised the specter of something considered almost unthinkable until recently: the use of a small nuclear weapon during a conflict in Europe.

Terrorist Was Called A ‘Ticking Bomb’
The terrorist who killed four Israelis in Beersheba on Tuesday was reportedly called a “ticking time bomb” by prosecutors in a previous security case and was given a four-year prison sentence.

Four Israelis Killed In Stabbing Attack
Four Israelis were killed and several others wounded Tuesday in a ramming and stabbing attack at an outdoor shopping mall in Beersheba in Israel’s deadliest terror attack in years.

Russia Used Hypersonic Missile To Show Off New Powers
With Russian supply columns being struck by Ukrainian artillery and Ukrainian drones still flying, harassing Russia’s invasion, Moscow has turned to a new weapon to show that it, too, has unique capabilities.

My Heart, His Kingdom
Wars are always packed with tragedy and pain. But these days we see these things in a unique way.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Classical Choices
Is it to be Salamis, Thebes, Thermopylae—or Melos? The answers to those hypotheticals will determine whether dogged Ukrainian resistance leads to victory.

The West's Fear Allows The Ukraine Slaughter To Continue
A country that wanted to be part of the West is being sacrificed on the altar of preserving the current world order, even though it's clear to everyone that this order has long since collapsed.

Cancel Culture Is Here To Stay
Liberals who’ve told me that cancel culture has gone too far and believe that the pendulum is swinging back are fooling themselves. Or they know that America has taken a one-way path into totalitarian political correctness and they are too anxious to admit it.

Israel Is Emerging
Parts of the world looked around and saw where the real vile people are (not in Israel), where the real threats are (not from Israel), and where they could advance themselves and their people (with Israel).

Russia's Many Military Failures Explained
Psalm 37:9 tells us: “For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land.”

Idaho Passes Bill To Ban Abortions On Babies With Beating Hearts
The Idaho legislature just made the western state the first in the nation to pass a Texas-style law banning abortions on unborn babies with beating hearts.

Iran Says It Thwarted Mossad Op Against Fordow Nuke Facility
The Mossad allegedly attempted to attack the Islamic Republic's key Fordow nuclear enrichment site, Iranian media claimed on Monday night.

A Prayer Request
If you want to see what the early stages of a World War look like, just turn on the TV news or look at a news website.

Iran Fired Missiles At Iraq In Response To Israeli Drone Strike
“Following the recent crimes of the fake Zionist regime and the previous announcement that the crimes and evils of this infamous regime will not go unanswered; the ‘Strategic Center of Conspiracy and Evil of the Zionists’ was targeted last night by powerful and point-to-point missiles of the IRGC,” said its statement.

Multiple Iranian-Produced Missiles Smash Into US Army Base In Iraq
Multiple rockets have smashed into a US Army base and a Kurdish news channel office in Erbil, northern Iraq.

Washington’s Betrayal Has Only Just Begun
The Washington Examiner reported that Iran is actively plotting to murder former US National Security Advisor John Bolton. The administration's decision to let Iran's efforts to murder US citizens and former senior US officials slide is in keeping with its policy of genuflection towards the mullahs.

Tehran Played By Moscow
In a scene that appears more suited for The Godfather than foreign policy, Russia has suddenly emerged as the puppet master behind the Iran nuclear deal, using it to profit, and using Iran as a nuclear blackmail piggy bank against the US and the West.

Putin, The West, And The Myth Of Progress
There is an idea that the world, since the Age of Reason, has been moving along an upward trajectory of human development, both technological and moral, with better and freer days ahead. But this is a myth. It always has been.

Iran Waiting For ‘Details’ Regarding Russian Demands On Nuclear Deal
Iran said it is awaiting “details” of Russia’s demands for US guarantees on restoring Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, but blamed Washington for talks dragging on.

Who Really Is The Antichrist?
A recent proclamation from a Ukrainian Orthodox Church archbishop that Vladimir Putin is the “antichrist of our current time” has added yet another layer of intrigue to the mounting eschatological questions surrounding Putin’s Ukraine invasion.

Russia Ties Iran Nuclear Deal Revival To Ukraine Sanctions
Russia's Foreign Minister said there are “problems that have appeared recently from the point of view of Russia’s interests,” concerning Moscow’s involvement in the civilian nuclear sector in Iran and arms sales to Tehran.

Russians Holding Nuclear Station Will Try To 'Blackmail' Europe?
Russian troops that took control of Europe's largest nuclear power plant are laying down explosives to "blackmail" the entire continent, plant workers warned.

Kremlin: Putin Betrayed Us All
A top official in the Russian opposition party says that within the halls of the Kremlin officials were "depressed and disappointed," and that "ultimately a group will rise that will remove him from power."

Is Ukraine In The Ezekiel 38 Bible Prophecy?
"You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land. It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me, when I am hallowed in you, O Gog, before their eyes." (Ezekiel 38:16)

Does Putin Think He Is The Orthodox Messiah?
Putin, after gaining ultimate power, supposedly had a Christian religious experience causing him now to wear a crucifix. But leftism, with its humanist conceit, is still prone to savior delusions.

Israel Seizes 30 Crypto Wallets Allegedly Used To Fund Hamas
Digital wallets allegedly used by Hamas were seized by Israeli authorities, closing down funding methods for the Gaza-based terror group.