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Wars And Rumors Of Wars - World On Brink Of Four Simultaneous Conflicts

Wars And Rumors Of Wars - World On Brink Of Four Simultaneous Conflicts

PNW October 22, 2024
We have reached a moment in history that none of us will forget.  We are literally standing on the precipice of the unthinkable, and most people don't even realize it.  
Where Stand the People of God?

Where Stand the People of God? October 20, 2024
In a typical horror movie, the usually teenaged hero at some point turns to a trusted source for help. It might be a parent, teacher, clergyman, or police officer. Then, to his horror, the young person learns that the ogre got there first. He finds that the once trusted source of help has been compromised — killed or perhaps even taken over by the monster.
The Bright And Glorious Hope

The Bright And Glorious Hope

Hal Lindsey October 13, 2024
Today’s doomsayers don’t walk around Times Square wearing sandwich signs saying, “The end is near.” 
Days Of Awe

Days Of Awe

Hal Lindsey October 6, 2024
The days from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur are known as the “Ten Days of Repentance,” or “Days of Awe.” This year, the Days of Awe contain a horrible anniversary — October 7th. 
A Wider War?

A Wider War?

Hal Lindsey September 29, 2024
Both the US State Department and the United Nations seemed appalled that Israel would attack an enemy that has fired close to 10,000 missiles at its citizens since October 7th of last year. What’s surprising about that? 
The UN Attacks Israel

The UN Attacks Israel

Hal Lindsey September 22, 2024
The weapons of war do not consist solely of missiles and guns. They also exist in the form of words and communication. 
Day Of Trouble

Day Of Trouble September 15, 2024
People often accuse Bible prophecy teachers of being pessimistic. They call it, “Doom and gloom.” But no Christian should be pessimistic. 
Understanding Bible Prophecy

Understanding Bible Prophecy September 8, 2024
Millions of Christians look at end-times prophecy like a giant, undiscernible maze. 


Hal Lindsey September 1, 2024
Those of us working on college campuses in the late 60s and early 70s witnessed something amazing. Massive numbers of young people began to search for Jesus. 
Election Year Fear

Election Year Fear

Hal Lindsey August 25, 2024
As consequential as elections are, God tells us, “Fear not!” He says it over and over again. Why?
Rights And Rioting

Rights And Rioting

Hal Lindsey August 18, 2024
Recent riots in London spooked the whole UK. Some began to speak on social media of civil war in Britain, including some Americans. 
‘Lest Anyone Deceive You’

‘Lest Anyone Deceive You’ August 11, 2024
When His disciples asked Jesus to tell them about signs of His return, He started with the words of Mark 13:5. “Take heed lest any man deceive you.” 


Hal Lindsey August 5, 2024
The opening ceremonies of several recent Olympics have been religious events, with representatives of the whole world exalting man and the demonic, while demeaning God and those who trust in Him. 
Hamas, IRGC Claim Israel Eliminated Leader Ismail Haniyeh In Airstrike On Tehran Home

Hamas, IRGC Claim Israel Eliminated Leader Ismail Haniyeh In Airstrike On Tehran Home

Jerusalem Post July 31, 2024
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Iran, Hamas confirmed on Wednesday morning, while claiming Israel was behind the attack. In a statement, the Islamist terror group said they mourned the death of Haniyeh, who they claimed was killed in "a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran."
What’s Our Excuse?

What’s Our Excuse?

Hal Lindsey July 28, 2024
The Palestinian people really are victims. Primarily, they are the victims of ruthless brain washing and mental conditioning. 
Tranquil Lives In An Evil World

Tranquil Lives In An Evil World

Hal Lindsey July 21, 2024
If US presidential politics were just a spectator sport, this would be one of the greatest years ever. 
This Is A Spiritual Battle: President Trump’s Fight For America Has Nearly Cost Him His Life

This Is A Spiritual Battle: President Trump’s Fight For America Has Nearly Cost Him His Life

Harbinger's Daily July 14, 2024
Whether you like President Trump or you don’t, I believe God Almighty had a hedge of protection around the man today. That’s pretty undeniable.
A New Birth Of Freedom

A New Birth Of Freedom

Hal Lindsey July 14, 2024
Why is communism with its godless rule of an elite few, taught unabashedly on American campuses?
Global Upheaval

Global Upheaval

Hal Lindsey July 7, 2024
We enjoy living “quiet and peaceable” lives in Christ. Yet we know that the earth is headed for dark times. 
Independence Day

Independence Day June 30, 2024
As a nation, we are not embracing the self-discipline needed to maintain liberty. The nation tends to put its hope in men and technology — not in God. 
The Islam-Christian Divide

The Islam-Christian Divide

Hal Lindsey June 23, 2024
The PC police say not to criticize another person’s religious faith. 
ISIS In America

ISIS In America

Hal Lindsey June 16, 2024
People are illegally entering the country who have the most wicked motives imaginable. These people have come to kill, steal, and destroy.
Addiction To Despotism

Addiction To Despotism

Hal Lindsey June 9, 2024
The world’s nations are being strangled by an ever-growing web of laws and regulations.
Loss and Gain in Haiti

Loss and Gain in Haiti June 2, 2024
Even those of us who never knew Davy, Natalie, or Jude feel a tremendous sense of loss. But their lives and their deaths should be an example.
The Great Gaza Deception

The Great Gaza Deception May 26, 2024
For the people of Gaza, the present war is a total disaster.
Keep Preaching the Gospel

Keep Preaching the Gospel May 19, 2024
My friend Billy Graham preached in person to more than 210 million people in 185 countries. 
Hated For His Sake

Hated For His Sake

Hal Lindsey May 12, 2024
As the time of Christ’s return draws nearer, both Christians and Jews will face increasing persecution and hate.
Lied To Death

Lied To Death

Hal Lindsey May 5, 2024
During the time leading up to America’s Civil War, the United States was torn in two. Today’s division is not like that. This is not a time of breaking in two, but of splintering into thousands.
The Jewish Question

The Jewish Question April 28, 2024
The world is staggering under the weight of billions of bad decisions — one stands out as particularly dangerous — the decision to blame Jews for humanity’s problems. 
An Ancient Evil Reborn in Today’s America

An Ancient Evil Reborn in Today’s America

Hal Lindsey April 21, 2024
At the beginning of this millennium, most people, including Jewish Americans, thought antisemitism had mostly been banished from the land. 
The Mid-East Fuse Has Been Lit

The Mid-East Fuse Has Been Lit

Hal Lindsey April 16, 2024
I believe Bible prophecy indicates that the present conflict will not immediately turn into the global conflagration which so many now fear. But it is part of a pattern that will eventually lead to Armageddon. 
Global Cataclysms

Global Cataclysms

Hal Lindsey April 7, 2024
The nations of planet earth are presently engaged in a deadly game of brinksmanship. It’s happening on every continent. 
In Defense Of Israel

In Defense Of Israel

Hal Lindsey March 31, 2024
These self-evident truths apply to Israel and Hamas as they would to other countries and other terrorist organizations.
Holy Week

Holy Week March 24, 2024
The events of holy week should be contemplated often by every follower of Christ. 
My Home Is Elsewhere

My Home Is Elsewhere

Hal Lindsey March 17, 2024
Since 2020, things have been changing at breakneck speed. 
‘Zion of the Holy One’

‘Zion of the Holy One’

Hal Lindsey March 10, 2024
A Salt Lake City bar recently instituted a “No Zionists Allowed” policy. 
Our Gaping Vulnerability

Our Gaping Vulnerability

Hal Lindsey March 2, 2024
It’s as if someone put a special door in the Pentagon along with a sign that says, “Terrorists enter here.” 
Biblical Israel

Biblical Israel February 25, 2024
The Israel we see today is biblical Israel. God placed the proof in their DNA.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Satan Club

Your Friendly Neighborhood Satan Club

Hal Lindsey February 18, 2024
Imagine the ancient god Molech with fire beneath him and his outstretched arms burning hot. 
Security In A Dangerous World

Security In A Dangerous World

Hal Lindsey February 11, 2024
It is only by the grace of God that an ungrateful world continues its balancing act on the edge of a terrible abyss. 
Do Not Reward Evil As Good

Do Not Reward Evil As Good

Hal Lindsey February 4, 2024
The State Department is considering recognizing Palestine as a state. There are a host of reasons why that’s a bad idea. 
God Has Spoken

God Has Spoken January 28, 2024
Through the Children of Israel and its prophets, God spoke to the world, and those words still speak to us today. Israel failed God, but God never failed Israel.
Astounding Changes

Astounding Changes

Hal Lindsey January 21, 2024
Throughout pregnancy, a woman’s body makes dramatic changes. 
Black Swan 2024?

Black Swan 2024?

Hal Lindsey January 7, 2024
Sometimes something comes along that no one (or almost no one) predicted. We call it a Black Swan Event. 
From the Season of Stress to the Power of Joy

From the Season of Stress to the Power of Joy January 1, 2024
We’re watching an all-out assault on the foundations of freedom and prosperity. But the liberty wherein Christ sets us free cannot be stolen.
A Child is Born

A Child is Born December 24, 2023
Every life changes the world. But one Life changed everything, including eternity. 
One Stormy Christmas

One Stormy Christmas

Hal Lindsey December 17, 2023
A storm is brewing — a storm like none before. 
Weakening US Resolve

Weakening US Resolve

Hal Lindsey December 10, 2023
After the October 7th Hamas terror attacks, the Biden Administration stood with Israel to a surprising degree. But today that resolve has begun to crack. 
The Halls Of Inclusion Are Beginning To Exclude Jews

The Halls Of Inclusion Are Beginning To Exclude Jews

Hal Lindsey December 10, 2023
The world finds excuses to hate Jews. People across the globe are blaming individual Jews for Israel’s war on Hamas. 
Lies About the Land

Lies About the Land November 26, 2023
Across the Middle East, children are taught to call the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, “the Nakba,” or catastrophe. 
The Pilgrims' Devastating Experiment With Socialism

The Pilgrims' Devastating Experiment With Socialism

Charisma November 23, 2023
Before Marx, the Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela, socialism was tried here on American soil by the Pilgrims, and it miserably failed. The Pilgrims were funded in their journey by a group of English businessmen, who required them to live communally for seven years until their debt was repaid with interest. 
Giving Thanks in Times of Trouble

Giving Thanks in Times of Trouble

Hal Lindsey November 19, 2023
As the Bible describes the days leading up to the Lord’s return, a word pops up over and over again. That word is “trouble.” 
Tinderbox Earth

Tinderbox Earth

Hal Lindsey November 12, 2023
The Gaza Strip is 25 miles long and only 7.5 miles wide at its widest point. The Gaza trigger has been pulled. 
The Ancient Blame Game

The Ancient Blame Game

Hal Lindsey November 5, 2023
The propensity to blame Jews for all manner of evil led to the Holocaust, but it did not stop there.
Russian Muslims Seek To Lynch Israeli Passengers At Airport

Russian Muslims Seek To Lynch Israeli Passengers At Airport

JNS October 30, 2023
A flight from Tel Aviv to Russia’s Dagestan Republic, in the North Caucasus along the Caspian Sea, was forced to redirect on Sunday after pro-Hamas rioters stormed Makhachkala Uytash Airport, seeking to lynch Jewish travelers.
Spasms Of Evil

Spasms Of Evil

Hal Lindsey October 29, 2023
There have always been murders, violence, and extremism, but not in such overwhelming numbers as today. 
How Should We Respond To Evil?

How Should We Respond To Evil?

Hal Lindsey October 22, 2023
Don’t let the dark shadows of anger and fear overcome the light of Christ shining through your life. 
Israel...At War

Israel...At War

Hal Lindsey October 15, 2023
The great earthquake of the Ezekiel 38 war has NOT begun. But we are in the midst of a major foreshock.
Cycle Of Violence

Cycle Of Violence

Hal Lindsey October 15, 2023
When someone comes in and murders over 1,300 of your citizens and injures over 3,000 more, what do you do?
Hamas Top Secret Documents Reveal Plan To Massacre, Kidnap Children

Hamas Top Secret Documents Reveal Plan To Massacre, Kidnap Children

JP October 14, 2023
NBC published documents on Saturday recovered from Hamas terrorists killed in southern Israel that show detailed plans to target children and young people from Sa'ad, a religious kibbutz in the Negev desert.

"No One On Earth Will Survive"

Breaking News October 6, 2023
President Vladimir Putin said that no one in the world in their right mind would use nuclear weapons against Russia, and that potential enemies knew about Russia's nuclear arsenal. Putin said he was not ready to declare whether or not Russia needed to resume nuclear weapons testing.
Israel's Alleged Airstrike: A Message To 3 Regional Actors

Israel's Alleged Airstrike: A Message To 3 Regional Actors

Israel Hayom October 4, 2023
Against the backdrop of the strategic shifts in the region, Iran and Israel have continued with their tit-for-tat. The former is trying to arm its proxies with sophisticated weapon systems; the latter is trying to frustrate that effort.
‘We The People’ Begin To Speak

‘We The People’ Begin To Speak

JNS October 3, 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his family packed their bags for their vacation on the Golan Heights. The police also made their routine preparations. They set up a water cannon outside the hotel where the Netanyahus are staying to prevent leftist rioters from getting near the premier and his family.
Iran Can Produce Fissile Material For Nuclear Bomb Within 2 Weeks

Iran Can Produce Fissile Material For Nuclear Bomb Within 2 Weeks

Jerusalem Post October 1, 2023
Iran can produce enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb in less than two weeks, the United States warned as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday held a security assessment with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant that focused on threats from the Islamic Republic.
Last Days America

Last Days America

Hal Lindsey October 1, 2023
On September 27th all the Republican candidates except Donald Trump, got together for a debate. These 2023 questions were tinged with desperation. The questions were different because America is different.
Saudis Will Reach A Peace Deal With Israel, Even Without The Palestinians

Saudis Will Reach A Peace Deal With Israel, Even Without The Palestinians

JP September 29, 2023
Saudi Arabia will not hold up a peace deal even if Israel does not offer major concessions to Palestinians in their bid for statehood, three regional sources familiar with the talks said.
What Iran’s Penetration Of Washington Means

What Iran’s Penetration Of Washington Means

JNS September 28, 2023
There is something terribly disturbing about the current state of Washington’s foreign-policy establishment. Tuesday we were hit with the blockbuster reports exposing the depth of Iran’s infiltration of the U.S. foreign-policy establishment and the Biden administration.
Why Is Hamas Sending Palestinians To Die At The Border With Israel?

Why Is Hamas Sending Palestinians To Die At The Border With Israel?

Gatestone September 26, 2023
During the past few days, the Iran-backed Palestinian terror group Hamas has again been encouraging Palestinians living under its rule in the Gaza Strip to march toward the border with Israel and attack Israelis.
50 Years Ago Israel Was Nearly Destroyed

50 Years Ago Israel Was Nearly Destroyed

Frontpage Mag September 25, 2023
50 years ago, Israel came as close as it ever did to losing a war. While the Arab Islamic nations can repeatedly lose wars without paying much of a price, Israel can only lose one major war.
Gaza Riots Are Part Of Hamas’s Cynical Extortion Racket

Gaza Riots Are Part Of Hamas’s Cynical Extortion Racket

JNS September 24, 2023
Attacks along the Gaza-Israel border, orchestrated by Hamas, are motivated by supposed Israeli conspiracies against the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.
Thinking Biblically

Thinking Biblically September 24, 2023
Focus on Jesus. He’s sensational enough.
Netanyahu Unveils 'New Middle East' With Israel-Saudi Peace At UNGA

Netanyahu Unveils 'New Middle East' With Israel-Saudi Peace At UNGA

Jerusalem Post September 22, 2023
Israel is on the verge of creating a peace with Saudi Arabia that could transform the Middle East as long as Iran’s nuclear threat is eliminated, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations on Friday morning.
US-Israel Ties Are Back On Track

US-Israel Ties Are Back On Track

Israel Hayom September 21, 2023
The Wednesday meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden led to a turnabout in US-Israel ties following a 10-month period of distance.
Israeli Forces Use Suicide Drone Amid Clashes In Jenin Refugee Camp

Israeli Forces Use Suicide Drone Amid Clashes In Jenin Refugee Camp

Jerusalem Post September 19, 2023
At least two Palestinians were killed and at least 20 others were wounded amid armed clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces in the Jenin refugee camp on Tuesday evening, according to Palestinian reports.
Iran Prisoner Swap: US Citizens Freed In $6bn Deal

Iran Prisoner Swap: US Citizens Freed In $6bn Deal

BBC News September 18, 2023
Five Americans jailed for years in Iran and widely regarded as hostages are on their way home to the United States. The last pieces in a controversial swap mediated by Qatar fell into place when $6bn of Iranian funds held in South Korea reached banks in Doha.
Israel - 2023

Israel - 2023 September 17, 2023
As World War II still raged, thoughtful men and women were thinking about the radically realigned postwar world soon to come. 
How A Cashless Society Is A Precursor To Enforcing The Mark Of The Beast

How A Cashless Society Is A Precursor To Enforcing The Mark Of The Beast

PNW September 16, 2023
For decades, Bible prophecy teachers have been saying that there is going to be a cashless society. The only way that the antichrist can control the world economy is for there not to be cash. As long as there is, people can use cash to operate in a way that is undetected.
School Militants

School Militants

Hal Lindsey September 15, 2023
It used to be cause for celebration to see the little ones on their way to school each September. Another school year had begun. 
China Has Completely Surrounded Taiwan With 140 Warplanes And 50 Warships

China Has Completely Surrounded Taiwan With 140 Warplanes And 50 Warships

ETH September 15, 2023
The People’s Liberation Army has mobilized aircraft from different theatre commands to take part in an “island encirclement patrol” near Taiwan, which experts said could signal a new strategy to prepare for regional military conflicts.
How The Biden Administration Is Trying To Bribe The Palestinians

How The Biden Administration Is Trying To Bribe The Palestinians

PNW September 14, 2023

Palestinian leaders owe an apology to the UAE and Bahrain. After they signed peace treaties with Israel, the Palestinian Authority accused them of "betraying" the Palestinian people. Now, however, Palestinian leaders seem to have a different view on a possible normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The Prophetic Precursors In The Middle East That Tell Us Something Is Coming

The Prophetic Precursors In The Middle East That Tell Us Something Is Coming

Harbinger's September 13, 2023
There are certain things we are all familiar with that tell us with certainty that something is coming in the near future. When a family begins boxing up all their belongings and stacking them in one room, you know there is a move coming in the future.
McCarthy Orders Formal Biden Impeachment Inquiry

McCarthy Orders Formal Biden Impeachment Inquiry

One America September 12, 2023
Kevin McCarthy said he is directing a House committee to open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over his family's business dealings, launching historic proceedings ahead of the 2024 election. As of Tuesday, he did not appear to have the numbers to launch one, although a floor vote could still occur.
Israeli Protesters Hire US Democrats To Help Oust Netanyahu

Israeli Protesters Hire US Democrats To Help Oust Netanyahu

Israel Today September 11, 2023
Blue and White Future, an Israeli NGO that provides financial and organizational support to several groups actively protesting against Netanyahu’s government, recently hired a Washington-based PR firm to bolster its cause in the United States.
Civil War?

Civil War?

Jerusalem Post September 8, 2023
Blood will be shed in the Israeli fight for the nation's future in either a military or a judicial coup d'etat, former Shin Bet director Ami Ayalon assessed. Ayalon noted that the judicial reform "which we call a coup d'etat is clashing with the refusal to serve which they refer to as a 'military coup.'
Thousands Rally At Pro-Reform Demonstration In Jerusalem

Thousands Rally At Pro-Reform Demonstration In Jerusalem

Jerusalem Post September 7, 2023
Thousands of protesters gathered in support of the judicial reform in front of the Supreme Court in Jerusalem on Thursday night, ahead of a hearing on Tuesday for petitions against the only legal overhaul article to pass into law: The Law to Cancel the Reasonableness Standard.
China: Preparing For War

China: Preparing For War

Gatestone September 6, 2023
Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping is rapidly militarizing his country and has instructed its army to "prepare for war" and "fight and win" it. He also replaced the senior leadership of China's Rocket Force, which is responsible for almost all of China's 400 or so nuclear warheads.
Will Israeli Democracy Survive The Court?

Will Israeli Democracy Survive The Court?

Caroline Glick September 5, 2023
On September 28, Israel’s Supreme Court is expected to rule in favor of a petition from the far-left Movement for Quality Government to overturn the November 1, 2022 elections.
Where Does Netanyahu Really Stand On Judicial Reform?

Where Does Netanyahu Really Stand On Judicial Reform?

Israel Today September 4, 2023
A post that appeared on Netanyahu’s Twitter account in the predawn hours this morning suggested his heart might not be fully in judicial reform, at least not the way it’s being carried out.
Gog, Magog, and Russia

Gog, Magog, and Russia September 3, 2023
Can we trust what the Bible says about Russia’s future? The answer is, “Yes, we can.”
Netanyahu Looks To Deport Eritreans After Hundreds Hurt In Tel Aviv Riot

Netanyahu Looks To Deport Eritreans After Hundreds Hurt In Tel Aviv Riot

Jerusalem Post September 2, 2023
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will convene a ministerial task force on Sunday to look into Saturday's riots in Tel Aviv by Eritrean asylum seekers. The statement, which referred to the rioters as illegal residents, noted that the task force would look into implementing steps against the rioters.
The Feast Of Trumpets Is Coming – Can You Hear The Footsteps Of The Messiah?

The Feast Of Trumpets Is Coming – Can You Hear The Footsteps Of The Messiah?

PNW September 1, 2023
Rosh Hashanah is the day of the Feast of Trumpets. Few Jews know a thing about it - and neither do Christians. That's odd because this is the date most associated with the Messiah's return.
Globalism And The Coming World Dictator: Reforming The Governments Of The Nations

Globalism And The Coming World Dictator: Reforming The Governments Of The Nations

Harbinger's Daily August 31, 2023
For some 6000 years, Satan has longed to accomplish his original threefold objective: to be God, to rule the earth, and to be worshiped by all of humanity. But in order for this to happen, the world must be fundamentally changed. Satan must reshape and re-create it in his own image.
Revelation 16: When It Becomes Hotter On Earth Than Ever Before

Revelation 16: When It Becomes Hotter On Earth Than Ever Before

Christian Post August 30, 2023
“But the sun, like the Lord Jesus Christ, whom it symbolizes as ‘the light of the world’ (John 8:12) can be an enemy as well as a servant. It can both quicken and slay with its enormous power. And now is the time for judgment, when those plants without root or fruit will be revealed for what they are."
What Can Be Learned From Libya's Anti-Israel Protests?

What Can Be Learned From Libya's Anti-Israel Protests?

Jerusalem Post August 29, 2023
Two days after Israel announced a historic meeting with Libyan Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush, Tripoli has been thrown into chaos, while Mangoush has been suspended and left the country. 
The Chinese Communist Party Embarks iIn Ten Year Project To Rewrite The Bible

The Chinese Communist Party Embarks iIn Ten Year Project To Rewrite The Bible

ETH August 27, 2023
As part of a push to “sinicize” religion, the Chinese Communist Party has embarked on a 10-year project to rewrite the Bible and other religious texts.
Why Help Ukraine?

Why Help Ukraine? August 27, 2023
Vladimir Putin has again proven that he belongs among the ranks of history’s most evil men.
So, You Want A One-World Religion?

So, You Want A One-World Religion?

Amy L Travis August 26, 2023
Pope Francis called for all of humanity to unite around a one-world religion.
Americans No Longer Have Faith In Our Institutions - Is Collapse Inevitable?

Americans No Longer Have Faith In Our Institutions - Is Collapse Inevitable?

PNW August 25, 2023
If the American people have lost faith in almost all of our major institutions, how is our civilization going to survive?  If any collective effort is going to work, people have to believe in that effort.  That is true whether we are talking about a sports team, a business partnership, a romantic relationship or a nation as a whole.  
Wagner Fighters Are Furious And Vowing Vengeance

Wagner Fighters Are Furious And Vowing Vengeance

Business Insider August 24, 2023
Wagner forces were raging against "traitors to Russia" and plotting revenge after the apparent death of their leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, in a plane crash on Wednesday. It is not clear exactly what led to the crash, but it is almost universally being understood as an assassination by Russian authorities. 
Yevgeny Prigozhin In Fatal Plane Crash

Yevgeny Prigozhin In Fatal Plane Crash

Newsmax August 23, 2023
An aircraft said to be carrying notorious warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin, whose Wagner group launched a failed mutiny in June, has crashed on a flight from Moscow to St Petersburg, according to Russian officials.
Update: IDF Arrests Hebron Terrorists Who Murdered Israeli Mother

Update: IDF Arrests Hebron Terrorists Who Murdered Israeli Mother

Jerusalem Post August 22, 2023
The IDF, Shin Bet, and Border Police arrested two Palestinians early Tuesday morning suspected of carrying out the shooting attack in which preschool teacher Batsheva Nigri, a mother of three, was murdered near Hebron on Monday, according to a joint statement by the security forces.
Netanyahu: Iran Funding Terror Wave In Israel

Netanyahu: Iran Funding Terror Wave In Israel

Jerusalem Post August 21, 2023
Netanyahu said that Iran is funding the recent wave of terrorism in the West Bank, after Palestinian terrorists cut off an Israeli car and shot at it at least 20 times, murdering Batsheva Nigri, 40, in front of her six-year-old daughter. 
For The Peace Of Jerusalem

For The Peace Of Jerusalem

Hal Lindsey August 20, 2023
On September 12, Israel's court will decide whether to nullify a new basic law.
Could An Agreement Between Saudi Arabia And Israel Pave The Way For The Antichrist’s ‘Covenant With Many’?

Could An Agreement Between Saudi Arabia And Israel Pave The Way For The Antichrist’s ‘Covenant With Many’?

Harbinger's Daily August 19, 2023
One of the key events of the End Times is a coming peace treaty between Israel and her neighbors which the coming antichrist will broker.
Red Dawn

Red Dawn

ETH August 18, 2023
North Korea’s successful test launch on July 12 of a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile equipped to penetrate US missile defenses is most likely the result of technical cooperation sourced to Russia. 
When Will Globalists Attempt To Introduce Their Digital Currency System?

When Will Globalists Attempt To Introduce Their Digital Currency System?

PNW August 17, 2023
I want you to imagine, for a moment, a future world in which everything we now know about functioning and surviving within the economy is completely upended.
Warring Palestinians Are Killing Each Other In Refugee Camps

Warring Palestinians Are Killing Each Other In Refugee Camps

World Israel News August 16, 2023
Violent clashes have broken out between Palestinians in the Ain El-Hilweh refugee camp, who have almost no rights in Lebanon, and the Jenin camp.
What Deal Are The Americans And Saudis Negotiating?

What Deal Are The Americans And Saudis Negotiating?

JNS August 15, 2023
If Washington wants to maintain its position as the superpower in the region, scaling back China’s inroads and containing Russia, it needs to provide its spurned regional allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, with certain guarantees.
Do Obama’s Obsessions Explain Biden’s Iran Appeasement?

Do Obama’s Obsessions Explain Biden’s Iran Appeasement?

JNS August 14, 2023
Washington’s actions follow the same pattern of failed attempts at negotiations with Iran that always end with American surrenders and appeasement that wind up enriching and empowering Iran.
Who Is My Neighbor?

Who Is My Neighbor?

Hal Lindsey August 13, 2023
The parable of the good Samaritan stands as one of history’s best-known stories.
Iran Close To Testing Nuclear Weapons For First Time

Iran Close To Testing Nuclear Weapons For First Time

Jerusalem Post August 12, 2023
The Islamic Republic of Iran is close to possibly testing a nuclear weapons device and has sought to obtain illicit technology for its active atomic weapons program.
A Re-Emerging Threat And A Dwindling Power

A Re-Emerging Threat And A Dwindling Power

Harbinger's Daily August 11, 2023
Students of Bible prophecy knew in the early 1990s that declarations of Russia’s pacification were premature.
Biden Admin Strikes $6 Billion Iran Deal To Free 5 Americans

Biden Admin Strikes $6 Billion Iran Deal To Free 5 Americans

Newsmax August 10, 2023
5 Americans moved to house arrest will be allowed to leave Iran after $6 billion of Iranian funds in South Korea are unfrozen, under a deal reached between Tehran and Washington where several jailed Iranians will also be released.
Is Isaiah’s Prophecy Regarding Syria On The Horizon?

Is Isaiah’s Prophecy Regarding Syria On The Horizon?

Harbinger's Daily August 9, 2023
Every time an Israeli strike occurs against Damascus, I’m asked about a prophecy in Isaiah 17:1, which says, “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”
Wars And Rumors Of War Spread Across The Globe

Wars And Rumors Of War Spread Across The Globe

PNW August 8, 2023
Most of us just want to live in peace, but leaders all over the world are preparing for more war.  In fact, at this point it appears that the entire globe is being gripped by a really bad case of war fever.  
'Bet On It'

'Bet On It'

JNS August 7, 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is confident his government can achieve some form of normalization with Saudi Arabia in the coming months. 
IDF Eliminate Islamic Jihad Cell En Route To Attack

IDF Eliminate Islamic Jihad Cell En Route To Attack

Arutz Sheva August 6, 2023
Israeli troops foiled an imminent Palestinian attack on Sunday, killing three members of a terrorist cell near the northern Samaria city of Jenin.
Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare August 6, 2023
War! It’s one of those words that carries a built-in emotional wallop. 
Father Of Three Murdered In Islamic Jihad Terror Attack

Father Of Three Murdered In Islamic Jihad Terror Attack

Jerusalem Post August 5, 2023
Tel Aviv city inspector Chen Amir was killed in a terror shooting in the popular pedestrian mall Nahalat Binyamin in Tel Aviv on Saturday afternoon, Israel Police said.
Hebrew Media Claims Christians Brought  Red Heifer To Israel To Establish Antichrist

Hebrew Media Claims Christians Brought Red Heifer To Israel To Establish Antichrist

Israel365 August 4, 2023
A Hebrew-language site published an article accusing Netanyahu of allocating resources to a project to build a third temple on the Temple Mount, while blaming Christians for bringing red heifers to Israel.
Iran Is Helping Syria Develop Chemical Weapons

Iran Is Helping Syria Develop Chemical Weapons

Ynet August 3, 2023
Israeli researchers have suggested that Iran is helping Syria build its arsenal of chemical and advanced weapons for possible use by the Islamic Republic, its proxies, and Russia.
Time To Stop Toeing The Line

Time To Stop Toeing The Line

Caroline Glick August 2, 2023
The IDF’s sense of dependence on the US makes Israeli generals toe the US line at all times, regardless of the implications of doing so for Israel’s strategic interests.
Six Wounded In Ma'aleh Adumim Shooting Attack, Terrorist Killed

Six Wounded In Ma'aleh Adumim Shooting Attack, Terrorist Killed

Israel Hayom August 1, 2023
The suspected terrorist was shot by an off-duty Border Police officer, with footage from the scene showing the suspect laying unresponsive on the ground. The terrorist reportedly used a handgun in the attack and was carrying a backpack containing extra ammunition.
Mossad Chief In White House For Secret Israel-Saudi Normalization Talks

Mossad Chief In White House For Secret Israel-Saudi Normalization Talks

Jerusalem Post July 31, 2023
Mossad Director David Barnea met with a variety of senior White House officials and CIA Director William Burns.
Netanyahu, Security Chiefs Meet As Hezbollah Violates Border

Netanyahu, Security Chiefs Meet As Hezbollah Violates Border

Jerusalem Post July 30, 2023
While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting with defense officials, including regarding the security situation in the North, Hezbollah operatives were recording themselves violating the border and waving the terrorist organization’s flag.
God’s Wrath and His Grace

God’s Wrath and His Grace July 30, 2023
It makes some people angry to think of God becoming angry.
Why Compromise Is Unlikely In Israel’s Crisis

Why Compromise Is Unlikely In Israel’s Crisis

Arutz Sheva July 28, 2023
A great tide of people holding Israeli flags going down one escalator on their way back from protesting against the reforms in Jerusalem, and a great tide of people holding Israeli flags going up the other escalator on their way back from demonstrating in support of the reforms in Tel Aviv. What was so remarkable?
Biden Mulls Saudi Deal Forcing Netanyahu To Abandon Extremists

Biden Mulls Saudi Deal Forcing Netanyahu To Abandon Extremists

Jerusalem Post July 27, 2023
The New York Times reports that President Biden is mulling a mutual security pact with Riyadh that would include an Israeli-Saudi normalization deal. The deal would force Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "choose between his extremist government and regional peace."
Why There Will Be No Civil War In Israel

Why There Will Be No Civil War In Israel

Israel Today July 26, 2023
Readers of the mainstream Israeli press see an avalanche of articles and advertisements every day proclaiming that the country is on the edge of civil war and then blaming the right’s judicial reform proposals for bringing us there. But we are not there.
Israel’s Credit Rating Lowered By Morgan Stanley, Moody’s Warns Of 'Significant Risk'

Israel’s Credit Rating Lowered By Morgan Stanley, Moody’s Warns Of 'Significant Risk'

Jerusalem Post July 25, 2023
Israel’s sovereign credit rating was lowered by credit rating agency Morgan Stanley, and Moody's warned of a "significant risk" that political and social tensions will lead to "negative consequences for Israel's economy and security situation." 
Coalition Passes 1st Judicial Overhaul Law

Coalition Passes 1st Judicial Overhaul Law

Times Of Israel July 24, 2023
After 29 weeks of protests and mass public opposition that have roiled the country and divided its citizens, the Knesset gave its final approval to a law that prevents the courts from reviewing the “reasonableness” of government and ministerial decisions.
As Trust Wanes

As Trust Wanes

Hal Lindsey July 23, 2023
Traditionally, Republicans have been the party of law and order. But here they were, grilling the FBI Director, many of them seeming to believe very little of what the man had to say.
Live: President Herzog Offers Proposal To Netanyahu, Opposition Leaders

Live: President Herzog Offers Proposal To Netanyahu, Opposition Leaders

Jerusalem Post July 23, 2023
As the Knesset moved forward with its debate on the coalition’s contentious overhaul legislation, with an eye toward approving limitations on court oversight within a day or two, two major rallies in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv underlined the split in Israeli society over the plan.
Palestinians’ Summer Camps To Kill Jews

Palestinians’ Summer Camps To Kill Jews

Arutz Sheva July 22, 2023
While schoolchildren around the world are enjoying the summer vacation through sports and entertainment, Palestinian Arab children are being taught and trained how to fight Israel and Jews.
China Prepares For War: A Timeline

China Prepares For War: A Timeline

PNW July 21, 2023
In his last six major speeches, Xi has stressed the need to prepare for war and for the 90 million members of the Communist Party of China to get ready for the "Great Struggle."
Gog, Magog, And The Antichrist: Are These Definitive Signs Of The Biblical End Times?

Gog, Magog, And The Antichrist: Are These Definitive Signs Of The Biblical End Times?

Faithwire July 20, 2023
“To think that all that had just started falling into place within the last decade, really,” Hampson told CBN’s Faithwire. “For years, people would teach on the Ezekiel 38 war and say, ‘It’s gonna be Russia, Iran, and Turkey as the main players and a few other countries.'”
The Serious Mistake Of Assuming The Rapture Will Not Happen In Your Lifetime

The Serious Mistake Of Assuming The Rapture Will Not Happen In Your Lifetime

Harbinger's Daily July 19, 2023
My purpose here is not to expound further upon the many reasons why we live in in the season of Jesus’ appearing, but rather to explain why it’s a cause for great jubilation regardless of our circumstances.
Jews And Israelis: Labor Pains On The Way To Redemption

Jews And Israelis: Labor Pains On The Way To Redemption

Israel365 July 18, 2023
When Benjamin Netanyahu first became prime minister in 1996, the morning after his surprising victory, Shimon Peres, the outgoing prime minister, summarized his defeat with one terse statement: “The Jews defeated the Israelis.”
Hezbollah Gearing Up For Showdown With Israel

Hezbollah Gearing Up For Showdown With Israel

JNS July 17, 2023
In a series of strategic political and military moves, Hezbollah is intensifying preparations for an imminent confrontation with Israel, drawing global attention and raising concerns about regional stability.
If, Then, And Grace

If, Then, And Grace

Hal Lindsey July 16, 2023
In math class, we learned about IF-THEN statements. Don’t worry, this is not about math. 
How Is Noah Connected With The Nephilim And The End Times?

How Is Noah Connected With The Nephilim And The End Times?

Charisma July 15, 2023
L.A. Marzulli, an internationally recognized specialist on the Nephilim, says believers today should pay special attention to Matthew 24, when Jesus warns us that these last days will be "like the days of Noah.
Israel Needs To Deter Hezbollah's Increasingly Hostile Behavior

Israel Needs To Deter Hezbollah's Increasingly Hostile Behavior

Jerusalem Post July 14, 2023
Despite Israel’s unwavering commitment to safeguard its sovereignty and protect the security fence, Hezbollah persists in making dangerous threats. It is imperative for Israel to deter Hezbollah from further provocative actions. 
We Are Starting To Experience The Apocalyptic Weather Of The End Times

We Are Starting To Experience The Apocalyptic Weather Of The End Times

Most Important News July 13, 2023
A large portion of the population insists that what we are witnessing is “normal”, while another large portion of the population believes that we can fix the weather by changing our behavior.  Unfortunately, both groups are wrong.
The Turmoil Over Israel’s Right To Its Land Will Not Cease Till The End

The Turmoil Over Israel’s Right To Its Land Will Not Cease Till The End

Harbinger's Daily July 11, 2023
God told Abraham to leave his country, his family, and his father’s house and go “to a land that I will show you” (Gen. 12:1). God then led Abraham to the land that would belong to his descendants forever.
Anti-Judicial Reform Protests Turn Anti-Messiah

Anti-Judicial Reform Protests Turn Anti-Messiah

Israel365 July 10, 2023
"And you, O Beit Lechem of Efrat, Least among the clans of Yehuda, From you one shall come forth To rule Yisrael for Me— One whose origin is from of old, From ancient times." Micah 5:1 (The Israel Bible) 
Russian Roulette

Russian Roulette July 9, 2023
I don’t pretend to know what will happen over the next few weeks, but it’s good to know that, as always, we remain in God’s hands.
Biden: This Is One Of The Most Extreme Israeli Governments I've Seen

Biden: This Is One Of The Most Extreme Israeli Governments I've Seen

Jerusalem Post July 9, 2023
"This is one of the most extreme cabinets I've seen and I go back to Golda Meir," he said. Biden’s remark came in response to a question as to why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has yet to be invited to the White House. 
Exodus II

Exodus II

Israel Today July 8, 2023
The future of the Jewish people in Europe – and even in America – is at great risk.
The Billion-Dollar Drug Connection To Jenin

The Billion-Dollar Drug Connection To Jenin

Globes July 7, 2023
“The house of Jacob shall be a fire, And the house of Joseph a flame; But the house of Esau shall be stubble; They shall kindle them and devour them, And no survivor shall remain of the house of Esau” Obadiah 1:18
Satan Has Been Targeting Children Since The Beginning

Satan Has Been Targeting Children Since The Beginning

Washington Stand July 6, 2023
“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children,” chanted topless LGBT activists in a drag parade on June 24 in New York City. As they filled the streets with their brazen ideology, the gay-identifying men sang vile lyrics, “We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children.”
Jenin Operation Was Essential But Did Not Produce Strategic Change

Jenin Operation Was Essential But Did Not Produce Strategic Change

Israel Hayom July 5, 2023
The highly professional and critical activity undertaken by the IDF in Jenin was an unavoidable eventuality. Though it should be able to put a stop to the ongoing process of replicating to northern Samaria the modus operandi of the terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip, it will not be sufficient to generate a change in the nature of the overall situation in that area.
Don't Forget Whom We Should Thank For Our Freedoms As Americans

Don't Forget Whom We Should Thank For Our Freedoms As Americans

Charisma July 4, 2023
While clearly acknowledging the warriors who shed their blood by the thousands, those widowed and orphaned as a result, and the untold number who died of sickness and starvation as casualties of war, Washington credited Almighty God for America's victory.
Israel Launches Major Operation In Jenin

Israel Launches Major Operation In Jenin

Israel Hayom July 3, 2023
Israel used drones to strike targets in a terrorist stronghold early Monday and deployed hundreds of troops in the area, in an incursion that resembled the wide-scale military operations carried out during the second Palestinian uprising two decades ago.
Truth and Intolerance

Truth and Intolerance July 2, 2023
We can coexist and we can respect others without affirming lies or deprecating truth.
Underneath Are The Everlasting Arms

Underneath Are The Everlasting Arms

Hal Lindsey July 2, 2023
In Matthew 16:2-3, Jesus admonished us to discern the times. That means, pay attention to what’s going on.
Deal With Saudi Arabia - Israel To Relinquish Land Control To PA

Deal With Saudi Arabia - Israel To Relinquish Land Control To PA

Arutz Sheva July 2, 2023
One of the offers that were raised in an attempt to reach normalization is an Israeli agreement to recognize a Palestinian state and, at the same time to transfer parts of Area C, which is under Israeli military control, to Area B, where the authority is split between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Artificial Intelligence Bible Translation: Will It Prove Harmful Or Helpful?

Artificial Intelligence Bible Translation: Will It Prove Harmful Or Helpful?

All Israel July 1, 2023
Yuval Noah Harari excitedly described what he calls a “globalist Bible” that could reshape the “spirituality” of the world—one that, in his opinion, corrects the Bible’s erroneous passages and thus advances the World Economi Forum’s vision of equity and inclusion.
The Coming World Religion

The Coming World Religion

Charisma June 30, 2023
We live in an age when the lines of truth are becoming increasingly blurred. It's become fashionable to refuse to take a dogmatic stand about anything, especially Jesus Christ. And so, people everywhere are drifting from the truth.
Racial Preferences Unconstitutional In College Admissions

Racial Preferences Unconstitutional In College Admissions

Breitbart June 29, 2023
Racial preferences in college admissions violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, the Supreme Court decided in a historic decision with profound implications for racial preferences in many areas of law and public policy.
Jenin Must Not Become Gaza: Rocket Launches Will Force Israel To Make A Choice

Jenin Must Not Become Gaza: Rocket Launches Will Force Israel To Make A Choice

Israel Hayom June 28, 2023
The rockets fired from the Jenin area toward northern Israel (which failed to reach any meaningful distance) may be what it takes to convince the skeptics that a large operation is needed against terrorists in northern Samaria. Israel cannot allow Judea and Samaria to become another Gaza.
Israel Seizes Millions In Iran Quds Force, Hezbollah Crypto Assets

Israel Seizes Millions In Iran Quds Force, Hezbollah Crypto Assets

Jerusalem Post June 27, 2023
The defense establishment seized millions of dollars in cryptocurrency belonging to the IRGC’s Quds Force and Hezbollah just days ago, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced. He said this was the largest seizure of cryptocurrency from those groups to date.
‘Great Awakening’ Is Exploding In Iran: ‘Visions, Dreams, And Miraculously Answered Prayers”

‘Great Awakening’ Is Exploding In Iran: ‘Visions, Dreams, And Miraculously Answered Prayers”

ETH June 25, 2023
Christianity is illegal in Iran. Yet, despite facing imprisonment, torture, and execution, millions of Iranians are forsaking the Muslim faith and converting to Christianity.
8 Signs The Control Agenda Of The Globalists Is Rapidly Moving Forward

8 Signs The Control Agenda Of The Globalists Is Rapidly Moving Forward

Prophecy News Watch June 24, 2023
The future is here, and if you enjoy being dominated by control freaks you are going to love it.  "Digital identification" is one of the primary areas the globalists are focusing on right now, and as you will see below, the radical changes that are now being proposed are extremely scary.
30 Meters Inside Israel

30 Meters Inside Israel

Arutz Sheva June 23, 2023
The Hezbollah military outposts that were illegally set up on sovereign Israeli territory near Mount Dov were placed about 30 meters inside Israeli territory, and generators were placed there to allow Hezbollah terrorists to stay in the compound.
Media Can't Resist 'Killer Copter' Narrative

Media Can't Resist 'Killer Copter' Narrative

Algemeiner June 22, 2023
Several media outlets erroneously reported that the helicopter had been deployed as an offensive measure, rather than a purely defensive countermeasure. The New York Times, embedded video that clearly shows the chopper dropping flares, but incorrectly described it as “opening fire during clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen.”
Settlers Rampage In West Bank Town After Deadly Shooting

Settlers Rampage In West Bank Town After Deadly Shooting

Times Of Israel June 21, 2023
Hundreds of Israeli settlers tore through the Palestinian town of Turmus Ayya on Wednesday afternoon, setting homes, cars, and fields on fire and terrorizing residents shortly after Israeli victims of a Palestinian terror shooting in the West Bank were buried.
People Are Flocking To An “AI Jesus”

People Are Flocking To An “AI Jesus”

End Time Headlines June 20, 2023
A chatbot “version” of Jesus Christ called “Ask_Jesus” is streaming on the gaming platform Twitch — and it stands ready to answer questions from humans on anything from morality issues to the video game Fortnite to super-powered rodents.
7 IDF Soldiers Wounded In Jenin Ambush Of Armored Vehicle

7 IDF Soldiers Wounded In Jenin Ambush Of Armored Vehicle

Jerusalem Post June 19, 2023
Two IDF soldiers and five Border Police officers were wounded in Jenin during a firefight that lasted hours and included the ambush of an armored military vehicle. The plan was to arrest two terror operatives: one from Hamas and one from Islamic Jihad.
I'm A Father Who Lost 2 Children To Abortion. My Voice Didn't Matter

I'm A Father Who Lost 2 Children To Abortion. My Voice Didn't Matter

Christian Post June 18, 2023
"As a senior in high school, I found out that my girlfriend was pregnant. I wasn’t sure what to do, but her mother was — and so I lost my first child to abortion. Four years later, I lost my second, this time after begging my ex-girlfriend to keep the baby so I could raise him or her."
New Iran Deal Meant To Stop Israeli Attack

New Iran Deal Meant To Stop Israeli Attack

Jerusalem Post June 17, 2023
The key objective of the impending nuclear deal between the US and Iran is to stop Israel from attacking Iran, a Western official told Reuters. "If [the] Iranians miscalculate, the potential for a strong Israeli response is something that we want to avoid."
The Coming Cyrus Accords?

The Coming Cyrus Accords?

Providence Mag June 16, 2023
Zionism is the legacy of Cyrus the Great and the national inheritance of the Iranians. The Islamic Republic’s anti-Zionism is not a historical norm, but a radical break from history by a radical regime.
Tachles With Aviel – Is It Really Going To Start Soon?

Tachles With Aviel – Is It Really Going To Start Soon?

Israel Today June 15, 2023
What will an Iranian missile attack on Israel look like? It’s a scenario that Israel’s Home Front Command has been preparing for during the latest mega-maneuver called “Firm Hand.” Over a hundred dead, thousands wounded and thousands of destroyed facilities.
An Alien Gospel: What Are Christians To Make Of UFO’s?

An Alien Gospel: What Are Christians To Make Of UFO’s?

Log College June 14, 2023
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if it were possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.” (Mt. 24:24) Most Christians are familiar with these words, and most do indeed watch for false prophets. But their focus is limited.
Nuclear Arsenals Grow As Global Arms Race Takes ShapeUntitled Article

Nuclear Arsenals Grow As Global Arms Race Takes ShapeUntitled Article

Jerusalem Post June 12, 2023
The number of operational nuclear weapons started to rise as countries’ long-term force modernization and expansion plans progressed. The increase in nuclear arsenals has raised eyebrows worldwide, as well as in the Middle East, particularly with Iran pursuing nuclear weapons and continuing to enrich uranium.
Thought Wars

Thought Wars

Hal Lindsey June 11, 2023
Today, our nation seems bent on self-destruction. 
Khamenei: West Would Not Be Able To Stop Iran From Going Nuclear

Khamenei: West Would Not Be Able To Stop Iran From Going Nuclear

JNS June 11, 2023
US and Western nations know that Israel has set this threshold and that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear this was Jerusalem's red line during his recent visits to European capitals. 
The Signs Of The Times Are Multiplying All Around Us — Deception & Persecution

The Signs Of The Times Are Multiplying All Around Us — Deception & Persecution

Harbinger's Daily June 10, 2023
Our world has become a cacophony of contradictions. Knowledge is accessible in volumes never before imagined, and yet wisdom is tragically illusive.
Pat Robertson Remembered As 'A Great Friend Of Israel'

Pat Robertson Remembered As 'A Great Friend Of Israel'

JNS June 9, 2023
Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, said they were “deeply saddened” to learn about the death of Pat Robertson. As the premier tweeted: “He was a great friend of Israel, second to none.”
Examining ‘Pride Month’: The Days Of Lot Before Our Eyes

Examining ‘Pride Month’: The Days Of Lot Before Our Eyes

Harbinger's Daily June 7, 2023
Our Sodom-like society continues to rage toward the Judgment-producing moment in which Jesus said He will be “revealed” (Luke 17: 28).
Will AI Become A God?

Will AI Become A God?

Israel Today June 6, 2023
Industry leaders in artificial intelligence told Netanyahu that Israel will be key in the development of this game-changing technology. For Israel’s burgeoning high-tech sector, that was music to their ears. For the rabbis, less so.
Jesus Will Return To Put The World Right

Jesus Will Return To Put The World Right

Open The Bible June 4, 2023
“Behold, I am making all things new. Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Revelation 21:5)
New Target: Homeschoolers

New Target: Homeschoolers

Hal Lindsey June 4, 2023
If you are a part of the homeschooling community, get ready. The powers-that-be are about to do everything they can to bring you down.
How Can You Not See The Fulfilling Of Biblical Prophecy Everywhere You Look?

How Can You Not See The Fulfilling Of Biblical Prophecy Everywhere You Look?

Harbinger's Daily June 3, 2023
For those that place their hope in the church rather than in Jesus’ imminent appearing, I have much for them to consider.
Arab Youths Arrive By Scooter, Light A Fire - And Escape

Arab Youths Arrive By Scooter, Light A Fire - And Escape

Arutz Sheva June 2, 2023
Jerusalem Police officers were called to the scene, identified and followed the suspects who a short while earlier had set a fire in the same area a short time before and escaped on scooters.
Why Do American Evangelicals Care So Much About The Jewish People?

Why Do American Evangelicals Care So Much About The Jewish People?

PNW June 1, 2023
A while back, a friend told me he believes evangelicals are inherently anti-Semitic. I was pained to read this, and tried to explain why this belief is far from the truth.
Abortion Is The Culmination Of Secular Thought

Abortion Is The Culmination Of Secular Thought

Harbinger's Daily May 30, 2023
When Christianity confronted the Roman world, one striking difference between those who followed Christ and those who followed the false gods of the Romans was the value that Christians attributed to babies, children, women, and slaves. 
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Hal Lindsey May 28, 2023
For several years now, some of the world’s greatest minds have been warning us about the dangers of artificial intelligence — AI. 
What America's Memorial Day Means For Israel

What America's Memorial Day Means For Israel

Charisma May 28, 2023
Each year, I try to think of how to depict Memorial Day in Israel in a way that's meaningful and juxtapose it in relation to how it's observed in the US. 
AI Part 2: Locked and Loaded

AI Part 2: Locked and Loaded May 28, 2023
If anything, lack of consciousness makes these machines more dangerous. It means they will have vast ability with zero empathy.
Israel’s Future?

Israel’s Future?

Christian Post May 27, 2023
Israel lives in a very dangerous neighborhood. The Israelis face the daily threat of terrorist attacks, coupled with the growing strength of an Iranian regime sworn to the destruction of Israel and hell-bent on acquiring their own nuclear weaponry.
Sons Of Issachar: Are You Paying Attention To The Signs?

Sons Of Issachar: Are You Paying Attention To The Signs?

Harbinger's Daily May 26, 2023
1 Chronicles 12:32 NKJV – “of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command;”
Iran Now Has Enough To Produce Three Full-Scale Atomic Weapons To Launch Against Israel

Iran Now Has Enough To Produce Three Full-Scale Atomic Weapons To Launch Against Israel

Now The End Begins May 25, 2023
“Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the LORD: for I am with thee; for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee: but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure; yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished.” Jeremiah 46:28
US Envoy: Abbas’ Claim US Wanted To Rid Itself Of Jews Deeply Offensive

US Envoy: Abbas’ Claim US Wanted To Rid Itself Of Jews Deeply Offensive

Jerusalem Post May 24, 2023
Abbas’s “claim that the United States ‘wanted to get rid of the Jews and benefit from their presence in Palestine’ is totally without basis and it is deeply offensive to the American people,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the Security Council during its monthly meeting.
Iran Using Repurposed Ships As 'Floating Terror Bases' To Further Regional Aggression

Iran Using Repurposed Ships As 'Floating Terror Bases' To Further Regional Aggression

Israel Hayom May 22, 2023
Israel accused the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps of turning commercial ships into platforms for launching missiles, drones, and commandos, saying the objective was to spread Tehran's clandestine naval clout well beyond the Gulf.
The Whitewashing Of Mahmoud Abbas

The Whitewashing Of Mahmoud Abbas

JNS May 21, 2023
Examining Abbas’s lies is important, not to bring Abbas down or disprove his claims, but to understand the values of Zionism and modern-day Israel.
Zelensky Dominates Summit As G7 Leaders Call Out China

Zelensky Dominates Summit As G7 Leaders Call Out China

BBC News May 20, 2023
His hastily-organised visit prompted G7 leaders to issue a statement early, in which they condemned Russia. They also warned against "economic coercion", which Beijing is accused of using against several countries.
Digital Identity Wallet

Digital Identity Wallet

Hal Lindsey May 19, 2023
It’s no accident that EU's “digital identity wallet”, a forerunner to the mark of the beast will begin in Europe, the Antichrist’s home turf.
How AI Is Preparing The World To Embrace What The Book Of Revelation Has Foretold

How AI Is Preparing The World To Embrace What The Book Of Revelation Has Foretold

End Time Headlines May 19, 2023
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. – Revelation 13:16-18
50,000 Join Jerusalem Day Flag March, Scuffles Erupt In Old City

50,000 Join Jerusalem Day Flag March, Scuffles Erupt In Old City

Jerusalem Post May 18, 2023
About 50,000 Israelis gathered in Jerusalem for the Jerusalem Day flag march on Thursday, with police working throughout the day to break up scuffles that broke out between Jews, Arabs and journalists.
Abbas Calls On UN To Oust Israel At World Body’s First ‘Nakba Day’ Commemoration

Abbas Calls On UN To Oust Israel At World Body’s First ‘Nakba Day’ Commemoration

Times Of Israel May 15, 2023
Mahmoud Abbas compared Israeli rhetoric to Nazi propaganda, demanded Israel be suspended from the UN if it does not grant Palestinians a state and a right of return, and denied Jewish ties to the Temple Mount.
The Top 10 Most Extraordinary Mothers Of The Bible

The Top 10 Most Extraordinary Mothers Of The Bible

Crosswalk May 14, 2023
Let's pause to take a look at 10 extraordinary mothers in the Bible. These women obeyed God's calling, served sacrificially, and built a life of faith for their family. We can learn much from the examples of these Biblical mothers. 
Gazan Working In Israel Killed By Rocket Hit; Truce Talks Stall

Gazan Working In Israel Killed By Rocket Hit; Truce Talks Stall

Times Of Israel May 13, 2023
A Palestinian laborer from the Gaza Strip working in Israel was killed and another was seriously hurt in a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket strike in southern Israel on Saturday afternoon.
Israel Kills Another Top Islamic Jihad Commander In Gaza City Airstrike

Israel Kills Another Top Islamic Jihad Commander In Gaza City Airstrike

Times Of Israel May 12, 2023
An Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip on Friday afternoon killed a senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad member, the sixth since the latest round of hostilities began earlier this week.
Is Israel On The Verge Of War?

Is Israel On The Verge Of War?

Harbinger's Daily May 11, 2023
We must prepare Israel for a multi-front war. I believe it’s a precursor to Ezekiel 38 and 39, the war of Gog and Magog. That’s the future war where God Almighty directly intervenes in a massive, mighty, undeniable way.
Renewed Gaza Rockets, IDF Strikes Amid Ongoing Ceasefire Talks

Renewed Gaza Rockets, IDF Strikes Amid Ongoing Ceasefire Talks

JNS May 10, 2023
The exchange came despite reports Israel and Gaza-based terrorist groups had agreed in principle to an Egyptian-mediated ceasefire to end 36 hours of violence.
Israel Awaits Gaza Counter-Strike After Killing Of Islamic Jihad Leaders

Israel Awaits Gaza Counter-Strike After Killing Of Islamic Jihad Leaders

Jerusalem Post May 9, 2023
Following the IDF’s targeted killing of three top Islamic Jihad leaders in the middle of the night between Monday and Tuesday, Israel was still awaiting a potentially massive counter-strike of rockets from Gaza on Tuesday night.
China, Russia, North Korea, And Iran Are All Investing In Ways To Nuke America

China, Russia, North Korea, And Iran Are All Investing In Ways To Nuke America

End Time Headlines May 8, 2023
President Reagan had the foresight to support the “Star Wars” defense system. Due to fierce Democrat opposition, our nation never fully built out our missile defense capability and doubled down on nuclear deterrence.
Mockers Have Come

Mockers Have Come May 8, 2023
Signs of the end of the age continue to increase in number and intensity. The Bible presents many such signs.
Christians Zionists As Pillars Of The State Of Israel

Christians Zionists As Pillars Of The State Of Israel

PNW May 7, 2023
It's easy to see God's hand in restoring Israel in 1948, reuniting Jerusalem in 1967, and so much more, after the fact.  This has deepened the faith of hundreds of millions of Christians all over the world.
Judicial Reform Is Dead

Judicial Reform Is Dead

Arutz Sheva May 5, 2023
Senior officials in the coalition are claiming that the judicial reform is “dead” and have been referring to in the past tense, with the understanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided not to promote it.
The Ring Of Fire Around Israel is Tightening

The Ring Of Fire Around Israel is Tightening

Prophecy Tracker May 4, 2023
Hamas has been strengthening its cooperation with the Iran-Hezbollah axis for years and the result is the formation of six fronts of aggression against Israel—a “ring of fire” composed of radical Sunni and Shiite axes.
Russia Blames Ukraine For Drone Explosion At Kremlin As A ‘Planned Terrorist Attack’

Russia Blames Ukraine For Drone Explosion At Kremlin As A ‘Planned Terrorist Attack’

USNWR May 3, 2023
Russia on Wednesday said Ukraine launched two drones at the Kremlin in an attempt to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of the annual Victory Day celebrations on May 9.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Leader Dies In Israeli Custody After 86-Day Hunger Strike

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Leader Dies In Israeli Custody After 86-Day Hunger Strike

Jerusalem Post May 2, 2023
The Israel Prison Service (IPS) said Adnan, 44, was found unconscious in his cell. He had refused to undergo medical examinations or receive treatment during the hunger strike.
The System Is Beginning To Unravel At A Pace That Is Absolutely Breathtaking

The System Is Beginning To Unravel At A Pace That Is Absolutely Breathtaking

ETH May 1, 2023
It should have been apparent to everyone that the dark clouds on the horizon would bring a storm, and now rain is furiously falling all around us. 
Live and Learn?

Live and Learn? April 30, 2023
Rewarding idleness and irresponsibility… celebrating sin… praising lawlessness… 
The Jerusalem Rally Was A Reminder That Democracy Didn’t Lose; The Left Did

The Jerusalem Rally Was A Reminder That Democracy Didn’t Lose; The Left Did

JNS April 30, 2023
With the Orwellian doublespeak of the opposition having become so blatant that it’s putting regular propaganda to shame.
Christians In An Anti-Christian World

Christians In An Anti-Christian World

Hal Lindsey April 29, 2023
A few years ago, we would often hear that the United States had entered a post-Christian era.
UN 'Nakba' Event

UN 'Nakba' Event

PNW April 28, 2023
One of many United Nations bodies dedicated to the Palestinians announced last weekend an upcoming U.N. commemoration of "Nakba Day," the supposed "catastrophe" that marked the birth of the State of Israel in 1948.
An Afternoon Among The Angels

An Afternoon Among The Angels

JNS April 27, 2023
The mourners on Mount Herzl were all marked by the deep-seated love that belongs to people whose souls have been touched by the greatness of young men who loved this country and this people so much that they were willing to run into the fire and sacrifice their lives to defend them.
Russia’s Perpetual Culture Of Death

Russia’s Perpetual Culture Of Death

Christian Post April 26, 2023
Russian sources are estimating that the country will need 1.1 million immigrants a year for the next 80 years simply to maintain its current population level, which is unlikely to happen, given that few foreigners are dashing to Moscow nowadays to take up residence in Putin-land.
Israel Rings In 75th Independence Day With Netanyahu Address

Israel Rings In 75th Independence Day With Netanyahu Address

Jerusalem Post April 25, 2023
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation in a televised speech on Tuesday evening as Israel closed out Remembrance Day and began celebrating its 75th Independence Day.
Israelis Remember Fallen Soldiers, Victims Of Terror On Memorial Day

Israelis Remember Fallen Soldiers, Victims Of Terror On Memorial Day

Israel Hayom April 24, 2023
Israel's Memorial Day, otherwise known as the Day of Remembrance for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror – or "Yom HaZikaron" – began on Monday evening, marked by a one-minute-long siren in which Israelis stood in silence followed by commemorative events across the country. 
Anarchy Stirs In Israel

Anarchy Stirs In Israel

Hal Lindsey April 22, 2023
Extreme leftists protested proposed judicial reforms by rioting in the streets. Meanwhile, Israel’s enemies watch and feel emboldened.
For Memorial Day, Tales Of Heroism And Sacrifice

For Memorial Day, Tales Of Heroism And Sacrifice

Times Of Israel April 22, 2023
Iraq Suwaydan was an Arab village located north of Gaza. Israeli forces made eight disastrous attempts to capture the fort. During the final, successful attack on October 9, 1948, 22-year-old Siman-Tov Ganeh was driving an armored personnel carrier. A cannon shell hit the vehicle and Ganeh’s legs were so severely damaged that they later had to be amputated.
China Is Preparing For War! Is America Prepared?

China Is Preparing For War! Is America Prepared?

End Time Headlines April 21, 2023
The ammunition is running low, casualties are immense, medicine and other critical supplies have not come for weeks, and a nuclear attack on the American homeland is imminent. It is a dramatic scene, more closely resembling a Hollywood drama than any war that the United States has actually fought in the last half-century.
Multi-Front War Far More Likely For Israel Than Limited Conflicts

Multi-Front War Far More Likely For Israel Than Limited Conflicts

Arutz Sheva April 20, 2023
Over the course of a few days, Israel saw rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and Israeli retaliatory strikes; a barrage of rockets from Lebanon; a rocket attack from Syria; a suspected Iranian drone launched from Syria and Israeli strikes in response; clashes at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Temple Mount; and deadly terror attacks in Israel and the West Bank.
 What The Palestinian Terrorist's Mother Told Him...

What The Palestinian Terrorist's Mother Told Him...

Gatestone April 19, 2023
When 16-year-old Muntasir Al-Shawa recently informed his mother that he intended to carry out a terrorist attack against Israeli Jews.... she gave him tips on how to properly prepare himself to carry out the attack. "Go bathe, pray, bow down to Allah and then there might be a chance that Allah will agree to accept you [as a martyr]."
The Forgotten Horrors That Hide In The Holocaust’s Long, Dark Shadow

The Forgotten Horrors That Hide In The Holocaust’s Long, Dark Shadow

Times Of Israel April 18, 2023
Western Holocaust commemorations have a peculiar uniformity to them; they frame the genocide as a single event with a clear beginning and end. The genocide was more than a specific, contained, monstrous event. It was the successful culmination of six decades of fervent European efforts to rid the continent of its Jews.
Israel Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day: Watch

Israel Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day: Watch

JNS April 17, 2023
Israel began marking Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday evening. The official state opening ceremony is taking place in Warsaw Ghetto Square at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem. President Herzog and Benjamin Netanyahu delivered remarks and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan was set to kindle the Memorial Torch.
Iran Is Waging A Multi-Front War Of Attrition Against Israel

Iran Is Waging A Multi-Front War Of Attrition Against Israel

Jerusalem Post April 16, 2023
Tehran is fighting a war against Israel on all fronts, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned on Sunday, as a Jerusalem-based think tank called for a suspension of judicial reform in light of the danger of a broad-scale conflict on Israel’s borders and with Iran.
Putin Orders Pacific Fleet War Games To Test A Nuclear Strike On The West

Putin Orders Pacific Fleet War Games To Test A Nuclear Strike On The West

ETH April 15, 2023
Vladamir Putin has ordered his fleet to test a nuclear missile launch in a surprise revenge move – on the one-year anniversary of the sinking of his flagship. The Pacific Fleet’s strategic firepower has been seen since Soviet times as Moscow’s main weapon in retaliatory strikes.
‘Death To Israel’

‘Death To Israel’

JNS April 14, 2023
Iran plans to launch a combined attack on Israel in the foreseeable future that will include all the forces at its disposal in several Arab countries including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yeman as well as Gaza. 
The Perfect Storm?

The Perfect Storm?

Charisma April 13, 2023
Iran has already "kickstarted" a multi-front Middle East war against Israel. China has continually grown aggressive with Taiwan. Also, the Russian government has announced that it and the U.S. are now in a "hot phase of war" over the U.S.'s supplies of weapons to Ukraine.
Terrorism From The Sky

Terrorism From The Sky

Sky News April 12, 2023
Myanmar's military has confirmed it carried out an airstrike on a village event as part of an attack which is thought to have killed up to 100 people, including schoolchildren performing dances, as well as other civilians.
Thousands Attend Funeral For Lucy Dee, Two Days After Daughters’ Funerals

Thousands Attend Funeral For Lucy Dee, Two Days After Daughters’ Funerals

JNS April 11, 2023
Thousands gathered in Israel for the funeral of 48-year-old Lucy Dee, who died on April 10, days after being shot in the April 7 terror attack that also claimed the lives of two of her daughters: Maia, 20, and Rina, 15.
Jesus Is Eagerly Anticipating An Event That Will Soon Come To Pass… Are You?

Jesus Is Eagerly Anticipating An Event That Will Soon Come To Pass… Are You?

Harbinger's Daily April 10, 2023
You may also be looking forward to significant life events, like the birth or marriage of a child or grandchild, a new job, a move or a getaway vacation. But have you ever wondered what Jesus is looking forward to?
The Death Of Jesus Christ

The Death Of Jesus Christ

CNS April 9, 2023
Jesus was almost  fainting; his tongue was parched, and he said: ‘I thirst.’ The disciples who were standing round the Cross looked at him with the deepest expression of sorrow, and he added, ‘Could you not have given me a little water?’
Celebrating Resurrection!

Celebrating Resurrection! April 9, 2023
To understand the breathtaking scope of holy week as God laid it out in the Old Testament, it’s important to clear up the issue of Good Friday.
Rockets Fired From Syria Into Israel As IDF Beefs Up Forces

Rockets Fired From Syria Into Israel As IDF Beefs Up Forces

Jerusalem Post April 8, 2023
Three rockets were launched at Israel from Syria, as the army beefed up its troops in the West Bank and sent soldiers to reinforce the police following a tense three days. 
IDF Calls Up Reserves In Preparation For Possible Large-Scale Military Op

IDF Calls Up Reserves In Preparation For Possible Large-Scale Military Op

JNS April 7, 2023
Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi ordered the call-up of reserve troops amid an explosion of terror emanating from Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria.
Hamas Behind Rocket Barrage From Lebanon

Hamas Behind Rocket Barrage From Lebanon

Jerusalem Post April 6, 2023
Three mortar shells were fired from Lebanon toward the northern Israeli city of Metulla on Thursday evening and landed in open areas.
Two Rockets Launched At Israel From Gaza During Passover Seder

Two Rockets Launched At Israel From Gaza During Passover Seder

Jerusalem Post April 5, 2023
Two rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip toward Israel on Wednesday evening, during the Passover Seder dinner. 
Biden's Coup In Israel

Biden's Coup In Israel

PT April 4, 2023
In the early days of March, a small crowd of leftists gathered outside the U.S. consulate in Tel Aviv holding up signs reading, “Biden help!” and “Biden, Blinken, Our democracy is sinking”. A speaker at the rally appealed to Biden to “save us from ourselves”.
Mystery Drone Downed By IDF In Israeli Airspace Was Sent By Iran

Mystery Drone Downed By IDF In Israeli Airspace Was Sent By Iran

Times Of Israel April 3, 2023
The IDF has confirmed that the drone that invaded Israeli airspace from Syria and that it brought down on Sunday was Iranian and that it was shot down using special physical electronic means.
Chinese Genetic Experiment May Lead To Army Of “Radiation-Resistant Super Soldiers”

Chinese Genetic Experiment May Lead To Army Of “Radiation-Resistant Super Soldiers”

End Time Headlines April 2, 2023
Chinese scientists are still seeking to push through barriers with Frankenstein-like experimentation on genes with an eye toward the manipulation of human DNA.
 When Evil Stalks Our World

When Evil Stalks Our World

Hal Lindsey April 2, 2023
Jesus taught us to pray, “Deliver us from evil.” What evil? 
America’s Outrageous Attack On Netanyahu’s Right To Govern

America’s Outrageous Attack On Netanyahu’s Right To Govern

JNS March 31, 2023
Whatever one thinks about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, any true Israeli patriot will surely react viscerally to President Biden’s outrageous attack on Israel’s right to govern itself without foreign interference.
Poison Gas: Details Of Foiled Terror Attack On Jews In Athens Revealed

Poison Gas: Details Of Foiled Terror Attack On Jews In Athens Revealed

Arutz Sheva March 29, 2023
The man behind the attack, a 30-year-old man from Iran, ordered poison gas that was supposed to flood the restaurant next to the Chabad house in Athens and harm as many Israelis as possible. 
Can Israel Survive?

Can Israel Survive?

Prophecy Tracker March 28, 2023
It has never been easy for Israel — the understatement of the century — from the moment of its establishment in 1948, when it was invaded by five Arab armies, to the present day, when it is facing multiple threats to its very survival. 
Netanyahu Suspends Judicial Reform: I Will Not Lead Israel To Civil War

Netanyahu Suspends Judicial Reform: I Will Not Lead Israel To Civil War

Jerusalem Post March 27, 2023
Netanyahu announced that he was temporarily freezing the bill that would alter the makeup of the Judicial Appointments Committee and was willing to give a "real opportunity to real dialogue" over the government's judicial reforms.
The Nations Rage

The Nations Rage

Hal Lindsey March 26, 2023
Modern Israel will soon celebrate its 75th anniversary. It's been a time of astounding miracles. 
America, Israel And The Era Of False Messiahs

America, Israel And The Era Of False Messiahs

JNS March 25, 2023
Israel’s takeaway from a generation of failed U.S. messianism must be that the time has come to end Israel’s strategic dependence on Uncle Sam.
New Attack Against US Base In Syria After Iranian Drone Kills American Contractor

New Attack Against US Base In Syria After Iranian Drone Kills American Contractor

CBS News March 24, 2023
A new missile strike targeted a US base in northeast Syria, a day after a US contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and another U.S. contractor wounded when a suspected Iranian drone hit a coalition base in the same region.
Netanyahu: Israel Won’t Pass Anti-Christian Law

Netanyahu: Israel Won’t Pass Anti-Christian Law

Israel Today March 23, 2023
Benjamin Netanyahu sought to calm Israel’s Christian supporters by reassuring them that neither his government nor any other Israeli government was going to pass a law prohibiting the preaching of the Gospel in the Jewish state.
Blinken Builds A Palestinian Hezbollah In The West Bank

Blinken Builds A Palestinian Hezbollah In The West Bank

Tablet March 22, 2023
Not content with fueling street demonstrations against Bibi in Tel Aviv, the Biden administration looks to ‘Lebanonize’ Israel with a new, U.S.-funded terror army. 
Evangelicals Urge Netanyahu To Stop Bill Outlawing Sharing Their Faith In Israel

Evangelicals Urge Netanyahu To Stop Bill Outlawing Sharing Their Faith In Israel

Charisma March 21, 2023
Two influential members of the Israeli Knesset have just introduced a bill to make it illegal for Israeli or foreign Christians to share their faith in Jesus with other Israelis, be they Jewish, Muslim, or of some other faith or no faith.
Israel To Make Series Of Concessions For Ramadan Despite Terror Wave

Israel To Make Series Of Concessions For Ramadan Despite Terror Wave

Arutz Sheva March 20, 2023
These measures are being undertaken despite the recent wave of terrorism in which 15 Israelis have been murdered, including a shooting attack in Huwara in which two people were wounded. 
Israeli Man Seriously Wounded In West Bank Shooting Attack

Israeli Man Seriously Wounded In West Bank Shooting Attack

Times Of Israel March 19, 2023
An Israeli man was shot and seriously wounded in a terror attack while driving through the northern West Bank town of Huwara. The man, in his 40s, was seriously hurt after sustaining gunshot wounds to his head and shoulder in the attack.
The UN Takes A Stand Against God

The UN Takes A Stand Against God March 19, 2023
Late last year the UN passed a resolution mocking and condemning the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 
The 'One-World Government' Effort Is Collapsing

The 'One-World Government' Effort Is Collapsing

WND March 18, 2023
There are wars that are fought in the spiritual realm before they ever break out in the physical (natural) realm. There are also wars that are fought in the spiritual realm that never break out in the natural realm.
MBS Plotting To Get US Nuclear Secrets By Playing White House, Russia, And China Against Each Other

MBS Plotting To Get US Nuclear Secrets By Playing White House, Russia, And China Against Each Other

Business Insider March 17, 2023
Saudi Arabia's de-facto ruler, Mohammed bin Salman, is trying to get better access to US nuclear technology by playing global powers against each other.
Tachles With Aviel – Israel Must Respond With A Preemptive Strike

Tachles With Aviel – Israel Must Respond With A Preemptive Strike

Israel Today March 16, 2023
“What is happening in Israel raises great hopes,” said Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in his recent speech. “Imagine Palestine as a neighboring country to Lebanon, without Israel. This is not a dream, with Allah’s help it will soon be reality.”
Stoking Fears Of An All-Out Nuclear Conflict — Is The Threat Credible?

Stoking Fears Of An All-Out Nuclear Conflict — Is The Threat Credible?

Harbinger's Daily March 15, 2023
And God’s prophetic Word is the only reliable source to depend upon when it comes to future events. Everything else is just guesswork. The guesswork might be based upon strong evidence, but it’s still guesswork.
Russia Sacrificing Mercenary Forces As 'Live Meat'

Russia Sacrificing Mercenary Forces As 'Live Meat'

FOX News March 14, 2023
The infamous Wagner Group has found itself in the crosshairs of not only the Ukrainian army but Russia’s Ministry of Defense after its mercenary chief lost the trust of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Collapse Of An Economic Cycle Or The Entire Financial System?

Collapse Of An Economic Cycle Or The Entire Financial System?

PNW March 13, 2023
The mainstream media continues to tell us that the economy is in fine shape, and you can believe that if you want.  But evidence continues to mount that indicates that we are headed for very serious trouble.  
Iran Says Rapprochement With Saudi Arabia Will Help End War In Yemen

Iran Says Rapprochement With Saudi Arabia Will Help End War In Yemen

TOI March 12, 2023
Iran’s mission to the United Nations says a breakthrough agreement with Saudi Arabia restoring bilateral relations will help bring a political settlement to Yemen’s yearslong war.
Torment Of The Righteous Soul

Torment Of The Righteous Soul

Hal Lindsey March 12, 2023
The Bible gives amazing promises of peace and joy to the followers of Jesus. 
China Brokers An Iran-Saudi Rapprochement

China Brokers An Iran-Saudi Rapprochement

JNS March 11, 2023
Saudi Arabia and Iran announced renewed ties brokered by China. It came rather suddenly, even though the two nations have communicated officially for two years now and seen an abatement of cross-border attacks.
‘Law & Disorder: Israel’

‘Law & Disorder: Israel’

Israel Today March 10, 2023
Let’s be clear. The disorder in the West Bank is a result of the incitement against Jews by the Palestinian Authority—from the indoctrination of hatred in its youth to rewards for martyrdom. Ironically, the government is trying to ram through legislation to improve the legal system while seemingly losing control of the country.
Globalism, Lawlessness, Apostasy: The World Is Ready, But Is The Church?

Globalism, Lawlessness, Apostasy: The World Is Ready, But Is The Church?

Harbinger's Daily March 9, 2023
The world is ready. Europe is ready. Israel is back in the land. The word has been preached all over the world. The spirit of the anti-Christ, apostasies all over. Lawlessness is everywhere. Everything is ready. The question is are you ready?
Iran Has Secured Secret Deals With Russia To Guarantee Deliveries Of Uranium

Iran Has Secured Secret Deals With Russia To Guarantee Deliveries Of Uranium

End Time Headlines March 8, 2023
Amid the IAEA's disclosure this week that the Islamic Republic of Iran accumulated near weapons-grade enriched uranium for its alleged nuclear weapon program, Iran has allegedly secured secret deals with Russia to guarantee deliveries of uranium.
The Clock Is Ticking - Two Year Countdown To War Between Israel And Iran?

The Clock Is Ticking - Two Year Countdown To War Between Israel And Iran?

PNW March 6, 2023
The shadow war between Israel and Iran has been going on for years but developments over the last few years may be pushing both nations into a countdown that will inevitably lead to full scale war.
Is Israel Playing Into The Hands Of Its Enemies?

Is Israel Playing Into The Hands Of Its Enemies?

Israel Today March 5, 2023
Israel seems to be imploding, and our enemies are watching with delight. Will we pull ourselves together in time?
Alive & Well

Alive & Well March 5, 2023
The Grammy Awards featured a sadomasochistic depiction of Satan. They have become old hat, trite, and predictable. But this time, there was a difference.
Australian Police Describe ‘Premillennialism’ As An Extremist Ideology, Connecting Belief To Terrorism

Australian Police Describe ‘Premillennialism’ As An Extremist Ideology, Connecting Belief To Terrorism

Harbinger's Daily March 4, 2023
Premillennialism is the belief that Jesus Christ will return physically to the Earth in order to institute His 1,000-year reign of peace and righteousness upon the Earth in fulfilment of Scripture. 
Russia Will Run Out Of Money By 2024 Due To Sanctions, War

Russia Will Run Out Of Money By 2024 Due To Sanctions, War

Jerusalem Post March 3, 2023
Because of the war in Ukraine, Russia may run out of money in the next year, Russian oligarch and millionaire Oleg Deripaska, one of the richest men in Russia, warned.
Army Chief Warns Conflict With China Will Result In Strikes On US Mainland

Army Chief Warns Conflict With China Will Result In Strikes On US Mainland

PNW March 2, 2023
The Secretary of the Army explained that the Chinese military could launch kinetic and non-kinetic attacks, including cyberattacks on power grids and pipelines, in an attempt to erode support for any conflict. 
The Rapture: The Future Tense Of The Gospel And A Message The Church Desperately Needs

The Rapture: The Future Tense Of The Gospel And A Message The Church Desperately Needs

Harbinger's Daily March 1, 2023
Somewhere in the past, a tragic divorce occurred; theologians decided we must separate the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the Gospel. 
Thanks To Obama's 'Nuclear Deal,' Iran Now A Major Arms Exporter

Thanks To Obama's 'Nuclear Deal,' Iran Now A Major Arms Exporter

Gatestone February 28, 2023
The Biden administration is still attempting to revive the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran, which paved the way to lift the arms embargo on the country and helped the Iranian regime to currently become a major global arms exporter.
There Is No Alternative To Israeli Victory

There Is No Alternative To Israeli Victory

JNS February 27, 2023
It is well known that our enemies are astute followers of the Israeli social and political scene. They observe events with a keen eye for defense and security issues. They look carefully for perceived weaknesses to exploit.
Tehran Is Betting On Russia

Tehran Is Betting On Russia

Israel Hayom February 26, 2023
Iran's subversive capabilities will build up as it gears up to play a greater role in causing chaos and turmoil regionally and internationally in the event of a conflict between the West on one side and China and Russia, one or both, on the other.
Normal and Catastrophic

Normal and Catastrophic February 26, 2023
Much of the world lives in a split reality — divided between normalcy and despair. 
Biden Poking God In The Eye

Biden Poking God In The Eye

PNW February 25, 2023
Forget the bromides about America's "unbreakable bond" with Israel and how the United States is Israel's "greatest friend." Over the past week, the Biden administration has crossed two ominous red lines.
A Tragic Israeli Surrender

A Tragic Israeli Surrender

Israel Today February 24, 2023
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan’s decision, at the moment of Israel’s triumphant victory, is to prohibit Jews from praying on the Temple Mount, identified by Rabbi Soloveichik as “the most important site in Jewish history.”  This was a terrible mistake, the worst in Israel’s history.
‘A Chosen And Separated Nation’: Every Christian Should Carry The Label Of Zionist

‘A Chosen And Separated Nation’: Every Christian Should Carry The Label Of Zionist

Harbinger's February 23, 2023
For those of us who love the Lord, we’re also watching ancient Bible prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes. And the most repeated promise in the Old Testament is that God will return His people to the land.
Israel Prepares For Possible Terror Attacks, Gaza Rocket Fire After Nablus Raid

Israel Prepares For Possible Terror Attacks, Gaza Rocket Fire After Nablus Raid

Jerusalem Post February 22, 2023
The defense establishment is preparing for possible revenge attacks and rocket fire from the Gaza Strip after 10 Palestinians were killed and over 100 others were injured in armed clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces in Nablus.
Russian State TV Says The US Has Declared War After Crimea Comments

Russian State TV Says The US Has Declared War After Crimea Comments

ETH February 21, 2023
Russian propagandist has claimed on state TV that the U.S. has declared war on the country following reports of the White House’s approval of targeted strikes on Crimea.
The Asbury College Revival?

The Asbury College Revival?

P&D February 20, 2023
Like wildfire, news services across the country have become infatuated with a revival that is occurring on the campus of Asbury College in Kentucky. I have been sent numerous links and articles regarding the phenomenon. So, you want to know what I think? My answer is “I don’t know.”
What Is Revival?

What Is Revival?

P&D February 19, 2023
First, revival is an operation of God. Finite man cannot comprehend the ways of an infinite God. As stated in Isaiah 55:9, His ways and thoughts are infinitely higher than ours. Second, we are revival illiterate. Since the last coast to coast revival in this land was in 1858, we are among several generations to be born, to live and to die without witnessing a national revival.
The Unraveling of the American Mind

The Unraveling of the American Mind February 19, 2023
Allan Bloom published The Closing of the American Mind. The book was hailed by conservatives and liberals alike. 
Is The Asbury Revival Real?

Is The Asbury Revival Real?

Stream February 18, 2023
To those who are enjoying the great work of God at Asbury University and beyond: I am praying for you with joy. I have only seen events from a distance, yet I am delighted to see God at work among you.
Iran Attacks Ship Owned By Israeli Businessman

Iran Attacks Ship Owned By Israeli Businessman

Jerusalem Post February 17, 2023
The IRGC reportedly launched Shahad 136 suicide drones at an Israeli ship, the Campo Square, owned by businessman Eyal Ofer in the Gulf. The ship in question belonged to the Zodiac Shipping Company.
Nasrallah Threatens Violence Against Israel If Lebanese Gas Development Delayed

Nasrallah Threatens Violence Against Israel If Lebanese Gas Development Delayed

Jerusalem Post February 16, 2023
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah threatened Israel's Karish gas field again, warning that if there is "procrastination" in extracting gas from Lebanese waters for Lebanon they will not let the Karish field continue to operate.
After Biden Sent $1B To PLO, Israeli Deaths Rose 900%

After Biden Sent $1B To PLO, Israeli Deaths Rose 900%

PT February 15, 2023
When Secretary of State Blinken met with PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, he boasted of the over billion dollars in aid that the Biden administration had programmed for the terrorist territories. That aid has come with a very heavy price.
The Father Of One-World Government? It's Satan

The Father Of One-World Government? It's Satan

WND February 13, 2023
Governmental organizations are always hungry for more power over the people they were designed to serve. This means, of course, they they never understood the purpose of their existence, for you do not serve other people by lording it over them. Odd term – isn’t it?
And There Will Be…Pestilence

And There Will Be…Pestilence February 12, 2023
Covid was bad, but not as bad as the black plague. 
Iran's Military At The Panama Canal

Iran's Military At The Panama Canal

Gatestone February 12, 2023
Iran's military presence at the Panama Canal, the major maritime chokepoint in the Western Hemisphere -- which is controlled by America's main enemy, China -- is a serious national security threat to the United States in more ways than one.
Two Killed in Jerusalem Terror Ramming, Including 6-Year-Old Boy

Two Killed in Jerusalem Terror Ramming, Including 6-Year-Old Boy

TOI February 10, 2023
A six-year-old boy and a 20-year-old man were killed and at least five others were wounded in a car-ramming terror attack near East Jerusalem. One of those wounded was a child in critical condition, the brother of the slain six-year-old.
Chinese Balloon Called 'Dry Run' For EMP Attack

Chinese Balloon Called 'Dry Run' For EMP Attack

WND February 9, 2023
An EMP attack would be triggered by a nuclear explosion at altitude. It would disrupt electronics in a massive region, and earlier warnings have said that it could take down America's grid, destroy basic functions like banking and deliveries, and ultimately kill millions.
Satanic Worship Headlines The Grammys

Satanic Worship Headlines The Grammys

Charisma February 8, 2023
Surrounded by dancers with long black hair cloaked in red robes, English singer Sam Smith was center stage at the Grammys glorifying satanic rituals in a skin tight leather outfit as he sang "Unholy." Smith identifies as non-binary. 
Bennett: Putin Promised Me He Would Not Kill Ukraine Leader

Bennett: Putin Promised Me He Would Not Kill Ukraine Leader

Israel Hayom February 6, 2023
Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who served briefly as a mediator at the start of Russia's war with Ukraine, says he drew a promise from the Russian president not to kill his Ukrainian counterpart.
The Battle Is The Lord’s

The Battle Is The Lord’s February 5, 2023
A boy walks across a valley. An army stands on the hillside behind him, and another army stands on the hillside before him. 
Balloons Called Top ‘Delivery Platform’ For Nuclear EMP Attack

Balloons Called Top ‘Delivery Platform’ For Nuclear EMP Attack

ETH February 3, 2023
High-altitude balloons, such as the one China has floated over mountain state military bases this week, are considered a key “delivery platform” for secret nuclear strikes on America’s electric grid.
The WEF, World Depopulation, And Bible Prophecy

The WEF, World Depopulation, And Bible Prophecy

Amy L Travis February 2, 2023
The World Economic Forum. By now you may have heard of this group of global elites who want to make you eat bugs instead of beef, force you to walk, bike, or drive electric vehicles rather than your gasoline-powered car, and return you to the dark ages by eliminating every reliable form of energy.
Time To Hold Hezbollah Accountable: Christians Under Fire In Lebanon

Time To Hold Hezbollah Accountable: Christians Under Fire In Lebanon

Christian Post February 1, 2023
The Lebanese Christian strong political impact has always been part of Lebanon's unique character and identity. Still, Hezbollah's militia is trying to change this reality with a series of threats to Christian leaders. 
The End Of The World Is Coming, Just Not Yet

The End Of The World Is Coming, Just Not Yet

Charisma January 31, 2023
The chaos is real and the suffering is real. But does this mean that we are reaching the last seconds of human existence? Can we expect the final conflagration very soon? Is global warming about to kill us? Will there be a nuclear war? 
ChatGPT, AI And The 'Image Of The Beast'

ChatGPT, AI And The 'Image Of The Beast'

PNW January 30, 2023
In November, the best artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot in history was released by OpenAI. It garnered more than 1 million users within its first five days and has since surged in popularity for its ability to answer complex questions and produce detailed, human-like content.
Drone Attack On Iranian Weapons Factory Was Phenomenal Success

Drone Attack On Iranian Weapons Factory Was Phenomenal Success

Jerusalem Post January 29, 2023
There were four explosions at the site against a facility developing advanced weapons, and the damage goes far beyond the "minor roof damage" that the Islamic Republic is claiming and which it has falsely claimed before also in other incidents in recent years.
Persecution and Victimhood

Persecution and Victimhood January 29, 2023
Just before Christmas, a woman in Birmingham, England was arrested near an abortion clinic.
Is The Increase In Mass Shootings And Riots A Sign Of The End Times?

Is The Increase In Mass Shootings And Riots A Sign Of The End Times?

WCWTK January 28, 2023
Mass shootings are on the increase and violence is growing ever worse, so why the sudden increase in all the mass shootings? If you asked the average person on the street about whether they believed Jesus is coming back again to judge the world and all the violence, you’re likely to get differing (and unbiblical) answers. 
7 Killed In Jerusalem Synagogue Shooting

7 Killed In Jerusalem Synagogue Shooting

TOI January 27, 2023
Seven people were shot and killed and several more wounded in a terror shooting attack at a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Neve Yaakov neighborhood, police and medics said. Police said the terrorist — a resident of East Jerusalem — was shot dead after he opened fire on the officers while trying to escape on foot.
Trust God’s Timing

Trust God’s Timing

Harbinger's January 26, 2023
Exodus‬ ‭2:23-25‬ ‭KJV‬‬ – “And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them.”
90 Seconds To Midnight

90 Seconds To Midnight

Jerusalem Post January 24, 2023
Earth is closer to a catastrophic global demise than ever before, with the famous Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists being at 90 seconds to midnight, thanks in large part to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is the closest the clock has ever been to reaching the dreaded midnight.
Hamas' No Good, Evil, Cynical, Illegal And Immoral Ploy

Hamas' No Good, Evil, Cynical, Illegal And Immoral Ploy

Charisma January 23, 2023
Hamas is a Palestinian-Arab-Islamic terror group whose goal to destroy Israel using threats, fear, hostage taking, violence and murder as its currency. Hamas took control of Gaza following a violent and bloody coup in 2007, killing many top Palestinian Authority/PLO leaders and expelling the rest. 
What Do These Things Have In Common?

What Do These Things Have In Common?

Hal Lindsey January 22, 2023
The price of eggs… 
The Terror Authority

The Terror Authority

JNS January 20, 2023
Recent steps taken by the new Israeli government in retaliation for the Palestinian Authority’s appeal to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) represent the first indication that a much-needed change is underway.
‘If Israel Is Abandoned, Netanyahu Will Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Facilities’

‘If Israel Is Abandoned, Netanyahu Will Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Facilities’

PT January 19, 2023
“you shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you; I will give you to birds of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.’ Ezekiel 39:4
A Sea Of Blood

A Sea Of Blood

Jerusalem Post January 18, 2023
Iran discusses its recent military drills and their message for the region, as well as the lessons learned from the drills.
'Unacceptable': Biden Doesn't Want Jews To Pray On Temple Mount

'Unacceptable': Biden Doesn't Want Jews To Pray On Temple Mount

WND January 16, 2023
A Biden State Department official insisted it would be "unacceptable" for Jews to be allowed to pray on Temple Mount because it would change the "historic status quo" that only allows Muslims to pray there.
Winning & Losing

Winning & Losing January 15, 2023
Is it even possible to apply words like “winner” or “loser” to human beings? 
Questions For Those Who Dismiss The Validity Of Future Bible Prophecy

Questions For Those Who Dismiss The Validity Of Future Bible Prophecy

Harbinger's January 14, 2023
Was the reestablishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 a fluke of history or the result of God’s miraculous working on behalf of His people?
IDF Thwarting Iran's Effort To Establish Aerial Defense Network In Syria

IDF Thwarting Iran's Effort To Establish Aerial Defense Network In Syria

Israel Hayom January 13, 2023
Israeli effort to counter Iran's military consolidation in Syria began in late 2017, when Tehran's presence began to pick up. 
Russia May Use Nukes If It Thinks Ukraine Will Win - Ex-US General

Russia May Use Nukes If It Thinks Ukraine Will Win - Ex-US General

Jerusalem Post January 11, 2023
The fear that Russia may end up deploying nuclear weapons as the war continues is something that has raised concerns with decision-makers and analysts throughout the world.
Putin 'Is Near Death' And Preparing The Largest Military Offensive Since WWII

Putin 'Is Near Death' And Preparing The Largest Military Offensive Since WWII

ETH January 9, 2023
The head of military intelligence in Ukraine believes that Vladimir Putin “is terminally ill with cancer” and will die very soon. 
How Can Israel Win The Palestinian Conflict? Historian Explains

How Can Israel Win The Palestinian Conflict? Historian Explains

Jerusalem Post January 8, 2023
American historian Daniel Pipes recently visited Israel to meet with key people and also discuss his visions for Israel’s victory in its current conflict.
Do Not Fear the Times

Do Not Fear the Times January 8, 2023
Waves of evil come ever more quickly to our world — each wave bigger than the one before.
Russian Hackers Targeted 3 US Nuclear Research Labs

Russian Hackers Targeted 3 US Nuclear Research Labs

DW January 7, 2023
A team of Russian hackers known as Cold River targeted three prominent US nuclear research laboratories last summer.
Israel To Withhold PA Tax Revenue After Abbas’ UN Success

Israel To Withhold PA Tax Revenue After Abbas’ UN Success

TOI January 6, 2023
Funds will be withheld to compensate terror victims and offset payments to terrorists, after PA pushed UN to have ICJ weigh in on occupation.
The Next Crisis?

The Next Crisis?

Israel Hayom January 4, 2023
Activists lobbying for giving Jews greater access to the Temple Mount are currently lobbying National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to lift restrictions on Jews visiting Temple Mount.
Expectations - 2023

Expectations - 2023 January 1, 2023
At the beginning of a new year, we usually take stock. We look back on the previous year and ahead to the new one.
Days Of Noah: The Entire World Is Shaking Its Fist At God

Days Of Noah: The Entire World Is Shaking Its Fist At God

Harbinger's January 1, 2023
Jesus said that in the end days the world would return to being like the days of Noah. 
Former Pope Benedict XVI Dies At 95

Former Pope Benedict XVI Dies At 95

BBC News December 31, 2022
Pope Benedict XVI has died at his Vatican residence.
UN Assembly Vote On Palestinian Proposal To Judge Israel In The Hague

UN Assembly Vote On Palestinian Proposal To Judge Israel In The Hague

Jerusalem Post December 30, 2022
The UN Assembly will vote on the Palestinian proposal to request a legal opinion from the International Court of Justice in The Hague regarding the "legal significance of the ongoing Israeli occupation".
Misguided Hope: The Growing Call For A Global Government And World Leader

Misguided Hope: The Growing Call For A Global Government And World Leader

Harbinger's December 29, 2022
It appears that the United States and several other countries that historically have called themselves democracies are as of late been longing for a stronger and stronger leader, not a president, but more like a king.
Christian Population In The Holy Land Is Growing

Christian Population In The Holy Land Is Growing

TOI December 27, 2022
A new report says Israel’s Christian community grew by 2% in 2021 to 185,000 people, representing 1.9% of the state’s total population. More than three-quarters of Israel’s Christian population were Arab, comprising nearly 7% of the country’s full Arab population.
A Shepherd’s Encounter With Glory

A Shepherd’s Encounter With Glory

Fight Of Faith December 25, 2022
The angels came from glory to announce the birth of Christ, but why did they appear to shepherds? Their testimony did not even count in a court of law. 
The End Of 2022

The End Of 2022

Hal Lindsey December 25, 2022
By the end of 2022, eight billion people lived on the earth. They were besieged by a series of plagues, droughts, false prophets, war, the threat of greater war, hatred, rage, theft, and violence.
Trained To Kill: Iranian Mullahs' Militia Group

Trained To Kill: Iranian Mullahs' Militia Group

Gatestone December 24, 2022
Neither the UN nor a single European country has yet to hold accountable the Iranian regime's mercenary paramilitary group, the Basij. It consists of millions of members and they are killing protesters with full impunity.
The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Dead. Or Is It?

The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Dead. Or Is It?

JNS December 23, 2022
As long as the EU believes there is even the faintest hope of a breakthrough with the mullahs, the U.S. is unlikely to place an official stamp upon its commander-in-chief’s off the cuff comments.
Working Together For The Good: A Time Of Trouble That Brings A Nation To Jesus

Working Together For The Good: A Time Of Trouble That Brings A Nation To Jesus

Harbinger's December 22, 2022
The tribulation is going to be a horrible time for Israel. But the Bible says this is the trouble of Jacob and he shall be delivered from it. 
Kremlin Says No Chance Of Peace With Kyiv After Zelensky Washington Trip

Kremlin Says No Chance Of Peace With Kyiv After Zelensky Washington Trip

Jerusalem Post December 21, 2022
The Kremlin said that nothing good would come from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's trip to Washington on Wednesday and that Russia saw no chance of peace talks with Kyiv.
This Crucial Sign Tells Those With Eyes To See That Jesus’ Coming Is Near

This Crucial Sign Tells Those With Eyes To See That Jesus’ Coming Is Near

Harbinger's December 20, 2022
Jesus offered another clue to the timing of the end of the age when He mysteriously cursed a hapless tree. What was the Lord communicating — to His surprised disciples and to us — by His seemingly uncharacteristic action?
Why Christian Zionism Is More Important Than We Think

Why Christian Zionism Is More Important Than We Think

Israel Hayom December 18, 2022
Despite some troubling trends among their youth, evangelicals remain the most ardent custodians of the US-Israel bond.

Christmas December 18, 2022
It’s all true — the angels singing from the heavens, shepherds watching over their flocks by night, the manger, the virgin mother, and the birth of the Child. 
Preparing The Way For Antichrist? Civil Unrest Set To Surge Worldwide

Preparing The Way For Antichrist? Civil Unrest Set To Surge Worldwide

PNW December 15, 2022
Soaring food, energy, and shelter inflation have led to what could be a new era of civil unrest worldwide. New research forecasts a broader wave of discontent is just ahead.
IDF Exposes Hamas, Islamic Jihad Rocket Launch Sites Near Gaza Schools

IDF Exposes Hamas, Islamic Jihad Rocket Launch Sites Near Gaza Schools

Jerusalem Post December 14, 2022
The IDF exposed three new school locations that Hamas has been recently using as rocket launch sites, violating the laws of war about keeping war-related issues away from civilian areas.
Biblical Prophecy Is Unfolding as the World Turns Against Israel

Biblical Prophecy Is Unfolding as the World Turns Against Israel

Charisma December 12, 2022
The world is currently enduring a conglomeration of events that are all predicted to occur in the Bible, wars and rumors of wars overlap historic droughts and decaying morality within society. 
There's A New World Coming

There's A New World Coming December 11, 2022
Amid our mad preparations for Christmas, it’s all too easy to lose… Christmas. 
Libyan Accused In Lockerbie Bombing Now In American Custody

Libyan Accused In Lockerbie Bombing Now In American Custody

ABC Online December 11, 2022
A Libyan intelligence official accused of making the bomb that brought down Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 in an international act of terrorism has been taken into US custody and will face federal charges in Washington.
Lions' Den Resurfaces, Say Israel Only Understands 'Blood And Bullets'

Lions' Den Resurfaces, Say Israel Only Understands 'Blood And Bullets'

Jerusalem Post December 10, 2022
The Lions’ Den armed group held a large rally in the Old City of Nablus, signaling the return of the militia after several of its leaders and members were killed and arrested by the Israeli security forces in October.
Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US Preemptive Strike Concept

Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US Preemptive Strike Concept

ABC News December 9, 2022
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow could adopt what he described as a U.S. concept of using preemptive military strikes, noting it has the weapons to do the job.
UN Says Israel Must Give Up Nuclear Weapons

UN Says Israel Must Give Up Nuclear Weapons

ETH December 8, 2022
The United Nations General Assembly affirmed that Israel must give up its nuclear weapons in a 149-6 vote taken on Wednesday. An earlier version of the text was approved in the UNGA’s Fifth Committee in October with a 152-5 vote.
Fatah Turns Murderers Of Babies Into Heroes For Kids

Fatah Turns Murderers Of Babies Into Heroes For Kids

Algemeiner December 7, 2022
For Fatah, the party of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, it is not sufficient to murder Jews. For Fatah, it is also important to poison the minds of young Palestinians — by turning murderers into heroes, and enlisting kids to demonstrate solidarity with them.
Saudi Arabia Wants To Normalize Ties With Israel

Saudi Arabia Wants To Normalize Ties With Israel

Jerusalem Post December 6, 2022
Saudi Arabia is looking to normalize ties with Israel, although it will be a while before this ever properly manifests. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman listed three main demands that must be met for Saudi Arabia to join the Abraham Accords and normalize ties with Israel. 
Benjamin Netanyahu Accuses Yair Lapid, Benny Gantz Of Sedition

Benjamin Netanyahu Accuses Yair Lapid, Benny Gantz Of Sedition

Jerusalem Post December 5, 2022
Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the prime and defense ministers of not accepting the election results and "spreading false alarms against" his government.
Iran To Disband Morality Police Amid Ongoing Protests

Iran To Disband Morality Police Amid Ongoing Protests

BBC December 4, 2022
Iran's morality police, which is tasked with enforcing the country's Islamic dress code, is being disbanded. The law that requires women to wear hijabs will also be looked at.
Facing the End-Times

Facing the End-Times December 4, 2022
Any time we approach the end of a particularly tumultuous year, we look forward to the next year as a return to “normal.” 
‘Biden Team’ Requested Twitter Scrub Scandalous Hunter Biden Info Days Before 2020 Election

‘Biden Team’ Requested Twitter Scrub Scandalous Hunter Biden Info Days Before 2020 Election

National Review December 3, 2022
“More to review from the Biden team,” the message, from the first installment of the documents analyzed by journalist Matt Taibbi, read. “Handled,” was the reply.
‘World Control’—The Most Enduring Lie Against The Jews

‘World Control’—The Most Enduring Lie Against The Jews

Harbinger's December 2, 2022
You do not have to look hard to find antisemitism in the news daily. Lately, it has been out of the mouth of several American celebrities.
Biden Rewards Palestinians For Terrorism, Incitement

Biden Rewards Palestinians For Terrorism, Incitement

Gatestone December 1, 2022
The Biden administration's recent decision to upgrade its relations with the Palestinian Authority (PA) is yet another sign of how the US is rewarding the Palestinians, as they are the Iranian regime, for their ongoing toxic incitement and terrorism against Israel.
Why Christians Must Oppose Anti-Semitism

Why Christians Must Oppose Anti-Semitism

CH November 29, 2022
As Christians called by God to this cultural moment, it’s not enough to merely avoid being antisemitic. We ought to oppose this vile ideology wherever and whenever we come across it.
Dozens Of Judea And Samaria Communities To Get Official Recognition

Dozens Of Judea And Samaria Communities To Get Official Recognition

Israel Hayom November 28, 2022
Otzma Yehudit leader and the next national security minister, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, plans to launch a new effort that could culminate with a boost to grant retroactive approval to unauthorized settlements in Judea and Samaria.
Israelis Not Welcome At World Cup

Israelis Not Welcome At World Cup

Jerusalem Post November 27, 2022
Multiple Israelis have claimed to have been met by an atmosphere of hostility and hatred at the World Cup in Qatar, with fans refusing to speak to Israeli journalists, waving Palestinian flags in the background of their videos and yelling at them.
The Infrastructure Of Antichrist

The Infrastructure Of Antichrist November 27, 2022
We live in the age of surveillance. 
The Palestinians Reject Having Their Own State — As Well As Peace

The Palestinians Reject Having Their Own State — As Well As Peace

Algemeiner November 25, 2022
It is the offer of statehood and independence, along with peace, that Palestinians have rejected repeatedly.
Why Thanksgiving Was Never Meant To Be A One-Day Holiday

Why Thanksgiving Was Never Meant To Be A One-Day Holiday

Charisma November 24, 2022
Thanksgiving is the annual reminder that thankfulness is the appropriate and necessary response to all we have been given.
First The War On Christmas, Now Thanksgiving?

First The War On Christmas, Now Thanksgiving?

Newsmax November 23, 2022
The left seems to be dismantling Western civilization, and in particular Christian contributions to it, one step at a time.
The Fundamental Doctrine Of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

The Fundamental Doctrine Of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Way Of Life November 22, 2022
There's more than enough clear Scripture to settle the timing of the Rapture and to be convinced that it is an essential doctrine.
Is America Near The End Of The Road As A Nation?

Is America Near The End Of The Road As A Nation?

Harbinger's Daily November 21, 2022
Is America near the end of the road as a nation? Have we reached a place similar to that of Judah just before Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and the temple?
The Persia Factor

The Persia Factor

Hal Lindsey November 20, 2022
Sometime in the late 1970s, Chuck Smith had a conversation with some Israeli generals.
With World Cup Getting Underway, Al-Qaida Warns Muslims

With World Cup Getting Underway, Al-Qaida Warns Muslims

Israel Hayom November 19, 2022
"We warn our Muslim brothers from following this event or attending it," said the statement, a day before the tournament opens in a predominantly Muslim country for the first time.
Abraham Accords: Peace Between People Is More Than Just Signing A Paper

Abraham Accords: Peace Between People Is More Than Just Signing A Paper

Jerusalem Post November 18, 2022
Netanyahu, when he forms his new government, will have an incredible opportunity to send a message to the Abraham Accord countries that has not yet been sent.
Drone That Hit Israeli-Owned Tanker Near Oman Was Launched From IRGC Base

Drone That Hit Israeli-Owned Tanker Near Oman Was Launched From IRGC Base

TOI November 17, 2022
Western and Israeli security sources say the Shahed-136 ‘suicide drone’ was fired at Pacific Zircon from Iranian territory. Iranians are no longer hiding behind proxies. 
Iran Behind Drone Attack On Tanker Owned By Israeli Billionaire Off Oman

Iran Behind Drone Attack On Tanker Owned By Israeli Billionaire Off Oman

Israel Hayom November 16, 2022
An oil tanker associated with an Israeli billionaire has been struck by a bomb-carrying drone off the coast of Oman amid heightened tensions with Iran.
Reports Of Possible Russian Missiles Hitting Polish Village Raise NATO Alarm

Reports Of Possible Russian Missiles Hitting Polish Village Raise NATO Alarm

Newsmax November 15, 2022
Two people were killed in an explosion in Przewodow, a village in eastern Poland near the border with Ukraine, firefighters said on Tuesday as NATO allies investigated reports that the blast resulted from Russian missiles.
400 Seconds To Tel Aviv

400 Seconds To Tel Aviv

Jerusalem Post November 14, 2022
Iran’s Sobh-e-Sadegh newspaper published a threat in Hebrew on its front page on Monday, warning that a new Iranian hypersonic missile could reach Israel in 400 seconds.
The Globalist Plan Is Lining Up Exactly How The Bible Foretold

The Globalist Plan Is Lining Up Exactly How The Bible Foretold

Harbinger's November 13, 2022
Our nation, in fact, the entire world, is in a transition and has been deceived, causing confusion, chaos, and fear like never seen in recent history (1 John 2:18).
What About the Children?

What About the Children? November 13, 2022
Satan always wants more. Eventually, he even demands the children. 
Lapid: ‘Israel Strongly Rejects Proposed Palestinian Resolution'

Lapid: ‘Israel Strongly Rejects Proposed Palestinian Resolution'

i24 November 12, 2022
Yair Lapid responded to the recent resolution calling for the International Criminal Court to submit an opinion on Israel's activity in Palestinian territories, calling it a "one-sided Palestinian move" that "may cause escalation."
'Arafat Was Poisoned By A Person Who Served Him Coffee Or Tea'

'Arafat Was Poisoned By A Person Who Served Him Coffee Or Tea'

Arutz Sheva November 11, 2022
Hundreds of documents have been leaked to social media in recent days including testimonies by senior Palestinian Authority officials to the commission of inquiry established in 2010 to probe the death of former PA chairman Yasser Arafat.
Iran Is Making A Comeback In Latin America

Iran Is Making A Comeback In Latin America

Algemeiner November 10, 2022
Iranian cleric Mohsen Rabbani remains on Interpol’s most-wanted list. Nonetheless, the cleric’s influence in the region is back in full force thanks to a new local network and an Iranian university that Canada targeted for sanctions last month.
 What's The Russia-Iran Connection In A Mysterious Airstrike On Iraq-Syria Border?

What's The Russia-Iran Connection In A Mysterious Airstrike On Iraq-Syria Border?

Jerusalem Post November 9, 2022
On Tuesday evening, reports came in that airstrikes struck in the Iraq-Syria border area. Iran is becoming a global drone power and if Iran also sends missiles to Russia this would be another escalation.
Russia Gave Stolen Western Weapons, Cash To Iran

Russia Gave Stolen Western Weapons, Cash To Iran

Jerusalem Post November 8, 2022
Russia flew over $140 million in cash and seized Western anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Tehran in late August. The munitions had been part of a shipment intended for the Ukrainian military that "fell into Russian hands."
This Time, Israelis Voted For Reality

This Time, Israelis Voted For Reality

Israel Hayom November 7, 2022
We not only have a government that represents a majority of the citizens of Israel – unlike the previous government – but one that is dedicated to a Zionist vision that supports the rights of Jews to live in Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem and the Golan.
The Palestinians’ Balfour Bogeyman

The Palestinians’ Balfour Bogeyman

Algemeiner November 6, 2022
In the eyes of the Palestinian Authority, one historical act is attributed with all future Palestinian suffering. That act is the Balfour Declaration, issued on Nov. 2, 1917.
America The Endangered

America The Endangered November 6, 2022
For a long time, I have warned that the United States is not mentioned in the end-times biblical scenario.
Legal Reform, Now

Legal Reform, Now

JNS November 4, 2022
Voters expect the incoming Netanyahu government to clean up the mess that Lapid and his colleagues are leaving behind, and to push Israel forward. The only way for Netanyahu and his partners to meet these expectations is by making far-reaching reforms to the legal system.
Let Them Govern

Let Them Govern

Jerusalem Post November 3, 2022
No hung jury this time, no tie, no waffling: The country wants Netanyahu back as the head of a very right-wing and religious government. The nation has spoken, and now it is time to honor its decision.
Netanyahu Headed For Decisive Comeback Victory

Netanyahu Headed For Decisive Comeback Victory

TOI November 2, 2022
All signs are pointing to a resounding victory for opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu and his bloc of right-wing, far-right and religious parties, a result that would end a political crisis that has seen five general elections held in under four years.
Israel Exit Polls Indicate Netanyahu Bloc Poised To Win Majority Of Parliament

Israel Exit Polls Indicate Netanyahu Bloc Poised To Win Majority Of Parliament

TOI November 1, 2022
Israel's fifth election in three years has produced yet another inconclusive results, despite a strong showing on the Right.
Protesters Defy Iran’s Revolutionary Guard As Rights Group Says 160 Killed

Protesters Defy Iran’s Revolutionary Guard As Rights Group Says 160 Killed

TOI October 31, 2022
Iranian protesters rallied again, defying an order by the powerful Revolutionary Guards to stop the demonstrations — now in their seventh week — sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini.

Vote! October 30, 2022
The United States has been going through a particularly difficult time. 
What Does The Bible Say About Transgenderism?

What Does The Bible Say About Transgenderism?

Kevin DeYoung October 29, 2022
When it comes to transgenderism, the Bible actually has a lot to say—not by a prooftext here or there but by a rich and pervasive understanding of gender and sexual identity.
Marriage Is A Calling, Not A Right

Marriage Is A Calling, Not A Right

CH October 28, 2022
Young adults simply misunderstand marriage, seeing it as a “capstone” to success rather than what it really is, a “foundation” for a flourishing society and a good life. The implication for young adults is an idea, that for one to be marriageable, he or she must have it all together.
'A New Era'

'A New Era'

TOI October 27, 2022
Israel and Lebanon’s landmark maritime border deal went into effect after a ceremony at a UN base near the border, ending years of conflict over the matter and repeated saber-rattling by the Hezbollah terror group.
The West Turns It's Back On Persecuted Christians

The West Turns It's Back On Persecuted Christians

Gatestone October 26, 2022
"Her Home Office interviewer, 'was either chuckling or maybe just kind of mocking when he was talking to me.... He asked me why Jesus didn't help you from the Iranian regime or Iranian authorities.'"
Israel Takes The Fight Straight Into The Heart Of The Palestinian Lion's Den

Israel Takes The Fight Straight Into The Heart Of The Palestinian Lion's Den

Jerusalem Post October 25, 2022
Israeli security forces have gone on the offensive against the Lions’ Den terrorist group, carrying out operations deep in the Casbah of Nablus, where its gunmen feel most secure.
The UN Gives A Master Class In Anti-Semitism

The UN Gives A Master Class In Anti-Semitism

JNS October 23, 2022
Guilty of Nazi-like crimes. That’s the verdict of a United Nations “commission of inquiry” on Israel that was created by the U.N. Human Rights Council to commit the Nazi-like crime of demonizing and destroying the Jewish state. Archetypal moral inversion.
Nuclear Earth 2022

Nuclear Earth 2022 October 23, 2022
On August 6, 1945, the Book of Revelation grew dramatically more vivid to its readers. 
At Least 10 Iranians Said Killed By Ukraine As Moscow-Iran Arms Ties Seem To Deepen

At Least 10 Iranians Said Killed By Ukraine As Moscow-Iran Arms Ties Seem To Deepen

TOI October 21, 2022
Ukrainian strikes in the past week against Russia’s ongoing invasion killed at least 10 Iranians, a Ukrainian official told Hebrew media on Friday. The official told the Kan public broadcaster that the deaths occurred in two separate strikes in areas where Iranians were.
Iranian Soldiers On Ground In Ukraine Aiding Russians

Iranian Soldiers On Ground In Ukraine Aiding Russians

Jerusalem Post October 20, 2022
Iranian military personnel are on the ground in occupied Ukrainian territories providing aid to the Russian military in their ongoing invasion, the White House confirmed. According to Western intelligence reports, Russia has been using Iranian drones in Ukraine since at least August.
Australia Reverses Decision to Recognize West Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital

Australia Reverses Decision to Recognize West Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital

Algemeiner October 18, 2022
Australia  reversed a decision of the previous government to recognize west Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, saying the status of the city should be resolved through peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian people.
Why Is Hezbollah Celebrating The Israel-Lebanon Maritime Agreement?

Why Is Hezbollah Celebrating The Israel-Lebanon Maritime Agreement?

Algemeiner October 17, 2022
One has to wonder how much of the profits from the agreement will end up in the hands of the impoverished Lebanese people, and how much will go to lining the pockets of Hezbollah?
Netanyahu: Obama Had ‘Not Just Bad Policy, But Malice’ Towards Israel

Netanyahu: Obama Had ‘Not Just Bad Policy, But Malice’ Towards Israel

Jerusalem Post October 16, 2022
In their first meeting in the White House in 2009, US President Obama threatened Netanyahu, the latter wrote. As the meeting was about to end, Obama said: “You know, people often read me wrong, but I come from Chicago. I know how to deal with tough rivals.”
Columbus and the Second Coming

Columbus and the Second Coming October 16, 2022
We just celebrated what may be one of the last Columbus Day holidays ever. 
How The Transgender Movement Hurts Everyone

How The Transgender Movement Hurts Everyone

Christian Post October 14, 2022
The truth that transgenderism so desperately tries to suppress is that it’s impossible to change your gender because it’s impossible to change your sex. Period. It has never happened and it will never happen.
Is The Israel-Lebanon Maritime Deal As Good As The Abraham Accords?

Is The Israel-Lebanon Maritime Deal As Good As The Abraham Accords?

JNS October 13, 2022
It’s a payoff, pure and simple, which no one pretends means that Hamas recognizes Israel or the idea of the border separating Gaza from the Jewish state as an international boundary that must be respected.
Israel Votes To Advance Lebanon Maritime Border Deal

Israel Votes To Advance Lebanon Maritime Border Deal

TOI October 12, 2022
The US-brokered proposal will now go to the Knesset, where lawmakers will have 14 days to review it before the government can give its final approval.
Israel And Lebanon Reach ‘Historic’ Maritime Border And Gas Fields Deal

Israel And Lebanon Reach ‘Historic’ Maritime Border And Gas Fields Deal

JNS October 11, 2022
The Israeli and Lebanese governments have given preliminary approval to a U.S.-mediated maritime border deal aimed at ending a dispute over gas-rich waters in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Messiah’s Solution

Messiah’s Solution

Israel Today October 10, 2022
The trouble is, when politicians seek solutions, they generally fail to ask for divine wisdom. Have any of them thought to ask God for his view on the matter? For he actually has a very clear position regarding Israel’s future.
Shadows Of The Apocalypse

Shadows Of The Apocalypse October 9, 2022
Vladimir Putin controls the world’s largest arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Game Of Chicken

Game Of Chicken

Israel Hayom October 7, 2022
The negotiations between Israel and Lebanon over the economic waters of each country have reached a dangerous phase where both sides are trying to do some arm-twisting. 
Israel Rejects Lebanese Changes To Maritime Border Proposal, Putting Deal In Doubt

Israel Rejects Lebanese Changes To Maritime Border Proposal, Putting Deal In Doubt

TOI October 6, 2022
Lapid instructs negotiators to turn down ‘significant’ new demands, warns Hezbollah that any attack would end talks permanently. Netanyahu takes credit for Israel’s stance.
Israel’s Devastating Capitulation To Hezbollah

Israel’s Devastating Capitulation To Hezbollah

JNS October 5, 2022
It is almost impossible to grasp the danger of Israel’s present moment. Lapid and Gantz are bragging about signing a protection deal with the Iranian terror proxy.
Netanyahu Pledges Massive West Bank Settlement Building If Elected

Netanyahu Pledges Massive West Bank Settlement Building If Elected

Jerusalem Post October 3, 2022
In an appeal to right-wing voters, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to support massive housing construction in West Bank settlements if he regains his former leadership position.
Israel’s Choice: Independence Or Appeasement

Israel’s Choice: Independence Or Appeasement

JNS October 2, 2022
Lapid and his supporters in the media went berserk after Netanyahu spoke out against the gas deal the Biden administration is mediating between Israel and Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon.
Days of Offense

Days of Offense October 2, 2022
There has never been a time when more people were more offended over more things than right now.
A Kingdom For Israel: The Clear Intent Of Prophecy That Most Pastors Dismiss

A Kingdom For Israel: The Clear Intent Of Prophecy That Most Pastors Dismiss

Harbinger's September 29, 2022
The question is this: Will the Lord restore a glorious kingdom to Israel during Jesus’ thousand-year reign upon the earth?
Putin's Threat Of Nuclear Escalation 'Could Be A Reality'

Putin's Threat Of Nuclear Escalation 'Could Be A Reality'

CH September 28, 2022
Is his threat of nuclear weapons real or is it a bluff? The answer is relevant not just for world peace but for our culture and for our souls.
Could The Nord Stream Gas Leak Be A Sign Of Worse To Come?

Could The Nord Stream Gas Leak Be A Sign Of Worse To Come?

Jerusalem Post September 27, 2022
What is the significance of the possible attack? If this was a targeted attack on the pipelines it would serve to demonstrate how energy is increasingly being weaponized.
I Love Israel

I Love Israel

Way Of Life September 26, 2022
Israel has been the subject of false teaching and unbiblical thinking among professing Christians since the time of the church fathers, so called, and the invention of Replacement Theology and the subsequent sad history of persecution of Jews by professing Christians.
The Royal Standard

The Royal Standard September 25, 2022
In Britain, they would call me a “republican.” 
Blinken: US Will Not Be Able To Stop Israel If Hezbollah Attacks Over Gas

Blinken: US Will Not Be Able To Stop Israel If Hezbollah Attacks Over Gas

Jerusalem Post September 24, 2022
The United States will not be able to stop Israel from retaliating against Lebanon.
Abbas Asked Why There Is No Palestinian State. The Answers Were In His Speech

Abbas Asked Why There Is No Palestinian State. The Answers Were In His Speech

TOI September 23, 2022
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s claimed to genuinely want peace with Israel, but in other passages of his address made clear that he rejects Israel’s very legitimacy.
Lapid Tells UN Palestinian State Right For Israel But Can't Be Terror Base

Lapid Tells UN Palestinian State Right For Israel But Can't Be Terror Base

Jerusalem Post September 22, 2022
The future Palestinian state that will exist next to Israel must be peaceful and not terror-based, Prime Minister Yair Lapid told the UN General Assembly, just before returning to Israel.
Putin Announces Conscription To Boost Russian Army

Putin Announces Conscription To Boost Russian Army

Breitbart September 21, 2022
Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a partial military conscription in a speech in which he accused the West of “nuclear blackmail” and trying to “destroy” Russia.
Occupied Regions Announce Votes To Join Russia

Occupied Regions Announce Votes To Join Russia

NBC News September 20, 2022
Kremlin-controlled areas of southern and eastern Ukraine announced they would stage votes this week on formally joining Russia, moves that were cheered in Moscow and dismissed by Kyiv.
Nasrallah's Warning

Nasrallah's Warning

Times Of Israel September 18, 2022
Hezbollah terror chief Hassan Nasrallah issued a fresh threat.
This Is Not A Drill

This Is Not A Drill September 18, 2022
Critics of end-time Bible prophecy often say exactly what the Bible said they would say. 
For Israel To Be Safe It Must Bury The Oslo Delusion

For Israel To Be Safe It Must Bury The Oslo Delusion

JNS September 16, 2022
The Oslo peace process was based on the idea that, despite all evidence to the contrary, Arafat and his PLO had abandoned terrorism and were willing to live in peace with Israel. Israel agreed to import Arafat, his deputies and his terror armies to Gaza and parts of Judea and Samaria, and give them autonomous rule over the Palestinians. 
5 Reasons Why The Russia-China Partnership Isn't Good For The US

5 Reasons Why The Russia-China Partnership Isn't Good For The US

FOX News September 15, 2022
Individually, these countries, both of whom the Pentagon has designated as America’s near-peer competitors, present a formidable threat to the homeland. In combination, the threat multiplies.
 IDF Officer Killed In Firefight With Terrorists

IDF Officer Killed In Firefight With Terrorists

JP September 14, 2022
An IDF officer was killed in an exchange of fire with two armed Palestinian gunmen near the village of Jalma, north of the West Bank city of Jenin. The incident began around 11:30 p.m. when IDF observation soldiers identified two suspects approaching the fence along the seam line near a military post.
New Bill Would Ban Abortions At 15 Weeks Nationwide When Babies Can Feel Excruciating Pain

New Bill Would Ban Abortions At 15 Weeks Nationwide When Babies Can Feel Excruciating Pain

Life News September 13, 2022
The newest version of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would ban abortions after 15 weeks, with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Republicans have introduced similar versions of the bill that would limit abortion after 20 weeks.
Iran Unveils New Drone That General Says Is Designed To Strike Tel Aviv

Iran Unveils New Drone That General Says Is Designed To Strike Tel Aviv

Times Of Israel September 12, 2022
A senior Iranian military commander said Monday that Iran has developed a long-range suicide drone intended to strike major cities along Israel’s Mediterranean coast. Brig. Gen. Kioumars Heydari, who heads the Iranian military’s ground forces, said the Arash-2 drone was specifically designed to attack Tel Aviv and Haifa.
Existential Threat?

Existential Threat?

Hal Lindsey September 11, 2022
From a biblical perspective, few things could be more dangerous for a nation than to facilitate an existential threat against Israel.
North Korea Threatens Nuclear Action If Kim Jong Un Assassinated

North Korea Threatens Nuclear Action If Kim Jong Un Assassinated

New York Post September 10, 2022
North Korea promised to “automatically and immediately” launch its nuclear weapons if the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un is killed or incapacitated in an attack, according to a new law.
Israel In Bible Prophecy

Israel In Bible Prophecy

Way Of Life September 9, 2022
The Bible’s amazing prophecies are evidence of its divine inspiration. They are clear and detailed and unfailing. This is in contrast to extra-biblical prophecies, which are typically vague and inaccurate.
Queen Elizabeth Dies At 96

Queen Elizabeth Dies At 96

BBC News September 8, 2022
Queen Elizabeth II, the UK's longest-serving monarch, has died at Balmoral aged 96, after reigning for 70 years. Her son King Charles III said the death of his beloved mother was a "moment of great sadness" for him and his family and that her loss would be "deeply felt" around the world.
IAEA Sees Spike In Iran's Enrichment Level, Suggests Program 'Not Exclusively Peaceful'

IAEA Sees Spike In Iran's Enrichment Level, Suggests Program 'Not Exclusively Peaceful'

Israel Hayom September 7, 2022
The international atomic watchdog said it believes Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium that is highly enriched to one short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels. 
North Korea Supplying Russia With Weapons

North Korea Supplying Russia With Weapons

BBC News September 6, 2022
A US official revealed Moscow is the process of purchasing millions of rockets and artillery shells from Pyongyang for use in Ukraine. And they said that Russia could be forced to buy additional North Korean weaponry as the war dragged on.
Manhunt After Canada Stabbing Spree

Manhunt After Canada Stabbing Spree

USA Today September 5, 2022
A manhunt was underway across three Canadian provinces after a stabbing rampage that left 10 people dead and 15 wounded in one of the deadliest mass killings in Canadian history. The attacks early Saturday took place in at least 13 locations in and around the James Smith Cree Nation in Saskatchewan.
War On The Poor

War On The Poor September 4, 2022
The war on poverty has morphed into a vast, shameless, and cruel war on poor people themselves. 
Shooting Attack On A Bus In Jordan Valley

Shooting Attack On A Bus In Jordan Valley

Jerusalem Post September 4, 2022
Two Palestinians were arrested after they opened fire on a bus carrying troops from the Kfir Brigade in the Jordan Valley, injuring several soldiers, including one seriously.
How Likely Is Civil War In America?

How Likely Is Civil War In America?

CH September 3, 2022
While an organized, military, two-sided civil war such as occurred in 1861 may be implausible today, the divisions and distrust reflected in recent polls are nonetheless ominous for our future as the “United” States of America.
Aleppo Runway Repaired Just Days After Alleged Israeli Strike

Aleppo Runway Repaired Just Days After Alleged Israeli Strike

Jerusalem Post September 2, 2022
The runway at Aleppo’s International Airport has been repaired and likely returned to service, just days after it was targeted in an alleged Israeli airstrike. Reportedly, the attack against the airports was aimed at preventing an Iranian Antonov AN-74 cargo plane from landing.
Is Biden Trusting Putin With Iran’s Enriched Uranium In Revived Nuclear Deal?

Is Biden Trusting Putin With Iran’s Enriched Uranium In Revived Nuclear Deal?

JNS September 1, 2022
When a subject is complicated and has multiple layers, it’s easy to get lost in a morass of arguments. Of all the arguments that have been made against the deal, that it puts the murderous Russian leader in the position of compliance arbitrator is arguably the most potent.
Lapid, Biden Discuss Iran Deal As EU Says Agreement Could Be Reached In ‘Days’

Lapid, Biden Discuss Iran Deal As EU Says Agreement Could Be Reached In ‘Days’

Times Of Israel August 31, 2022
Prime Minister Yair Lapid spoke to US President Joe Biden, amid increasing concern in Israel regarding the likelihood of world powers reaching a new nuclear deal with Iran.
The European Soft Spot For Palestinian NGOs That Support Terror Against Israel

The European Soft Spot For Palestinian NGOs That Support Terror Against Israel

Frontpage Mag August 30, 2022
It is rather revealing that these European states refused to honor Israel’s request to end the funding to enemies of the Jewish state.
Collapse Is Going to Happen, Like It Or Not

Collapse Is Going to Happen, Like It Or Not

Neo-Ciceronian Times August 29, 2022
The United States is headed towards a terminal collapse. Demographic-structurally speaking, we’ve been in our collapse phase since around 1970 or so and all the current indications suggest that it’s nearing its end.
Follow The Science?

Follow The Science? August 28, 2022
Since Covid, we have heard a constant refrain of, “Follow the science!” 
9 Reasons We Know Christ Is Returning

9 Reasons We Know Christ Is Returning

Crosswalk August 27, 2022
Scripture is neither vague nor equivocal on the promise of Christ's return. A large portion of Scripture is prophetic, and perhaps a third or more of the prophetic passages refer to the Second Coming of Christ
Iran Prepares To Take Out Israel – Right After Iran Deal Is Signed

Iran Prepares To Take Out Israel – Right After Iran Deal Is Signed

Gatestone August 26, 2022
As the Biden administration seems to be moving closer to reaching a new nuclear deal with Iran, the mullahs in Tehran are encouraging their Lebanese and Palestinian terrorist proxies to prepare for waging war on Israel.
Lapid Says Israeli Pressure Campaign Against Iran Deal Bore Fruit With White House

Lapid Says Israeli Pressure Campaign Against Iran Deal Bore Fruit With White House

Times Of Israel August 25, 2022
Prime Minister Yair Lapid said that Israeli pressure tactics on the United States over the Iran deal have already had some positive effects.
Why The US Airstrike On Iranian Forces In Syria Matters

Why The US Airstrike On Iranian Forces In Syria Matters

Jerusalem Post August 24, 2022
US forces carried out airstrikes in Syria on Tuesday, targeting groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The airstrikes took place in the Euphrates River Valley, in the administrative region of Deir ez-Zor.
Gantz Heading To US After Vow Israel Will Do ‘Everything It Can’ To Sway Iran Deal

Gantz Heading To US After Vow Israel Will Do ‘Everything It Can’ To Sway Iran Deal

Times Of Israel August 23, 2022
As the resurrection of the Iran nuclear deal appears to be imminent, Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced that he will travel to the United States for a series of meetings with American defense officials later this week.
Gantz Warns Hezbollah Attack On Israeli Gas Field May Trigger War

Gantz Warns Hezbollah Attack On Israeli Gas Field May Trigger War

Times Of Israel August 22, 2022
Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned Lebanon’s Hezbollah that any attack on its gas assets could spark war, after the terror group threatened to “sever” Israel’s hands if it taps a disputed offshore field.
Daughter Of Putin Propagandist Killed In Car Bombing Outside Moscow

Daughter Of Putin Propagandist Killed In Car Bombing Outside Moscow

Yahoo August 21, 2022
The daughter of an influential Russian political theorist often referred to as “Putin’s brain” was killed in a car bombing on the outskirts of Moscow. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. But the bloodshed gave rise to suspicions that the intended target was her father.
Nation Aflame

Nation Aflame August 21, 2022
Angry? Who isn’t?
Israel Hoping Progress In Iran Nuclear Talks ‘Is Reversible’

Israel Hoping Progress In Iran Nuclear Talks ‘Is Reversible’

Times Of Israel August 20, 2022
An Israeli official expressed hope that ongoing efforts to restore the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will not ultimately yield an agreement, as talks between world powers and Tehran appeared to advance.
2 Years Into The Abraham Accords, Is The Honeymoon Over?

2 Years Into The Abraham Accords, Is The Honeymoon Over?

Israel Hayom August 19, 2022
There was much excitement, and all sides involved were pleased that the ties had been forged. But now, two years on, everyone is coming back down to earth.
Biden Ushers In An Era Of Nuclear Chaos And War

Biden Ushers In An Era Of Nuclear Chaos And War

Caroline Glick August 18, 2022
The sooner we realize that nothing will appease the fanatics of Tehran, the better able we will be to oppose them. Unfortunately, appeasement of Iran is now a firm principle of identity politics and progressive dogma. And so, it continues and escalates. 
'50 Holocausts'

'50 Holocausts'

Jerusalem Post August 17, 2022
Mahmoud Abbas expressed no regrets for the murderous attack by Palestinian terrorists on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics half a century ago. He also claimed that Israel had committed 50 “Holocausts” against Palestinians over the years.
Defense And The Preemptive Shot

Defense And The Preemptive Shot

Hal Lindsey August 15, 2022
Sometimes, self-defense demands a preemptive shot.
Remembering Biden's Afghanistan Failure

Remembering Biden's Afghanistan Failure

FOX News August 15, 2022
President Biden withdrew U.S. troops from Afghanistan without concrete plans to protect Americans and our Afghan partners or prevent the Taliban from taking over the country – resulting in a shameful disaster.
8 Injured In Jerusalem Mass Shooting

8 Injured In Jerusalem Mass Shooting

New York Post August 14, 2022
A Brooklyn dad was critically wounded trying to shield his family from a Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem, while a pregnant borough woman also shot in the attack had to undergo an emergency C-section.
Rushdie On Ventilator After Stabbing; Suspect Said To Support Iran’s IRGC

Rushdie On Ventilator After Stabbing; Suspect Said To Support Iran’s IRGC

Times Of Israel August 13, 2022
Author Salman Rushdie, whose writings have made him the target of Iranian death threats, was on a ventilator and could lose an eye after he was repeatedly stabbed at a literary event in New York state on Friday.
Operation Breaking Dawn: What's Changed In The Israel-Gaza Conflict?

Operation Breaking Dawn: What's Changed In The Israel-Gaza Conflict?

Jerusalem Post August 12, 2022
Plans for Operation Breaking Dawn had actually been put together months ago, when the defense establishment was made aware that Islamic Jihad was planning to spark an escalation.
What Abortion Built

What Abortion Built

Christian Headlines August 11, 2022
Legalizing abortion—which then normalized and destigmatized abortion culturally—rewired American thought so deeply that we don’t even realize anymore when we’re accepting demands that we could—and should—refuse. 
Iranian Operative Charged In Plot To Murder John Bolton

Iranian Operative Charged In Plot To Murder John Bolton

National Review August 10, 2022
The U.S. Justice Department unsealed charges Wednesday against Iranian operative Shahram Poursafi in connection with an alleged plot to kill former National Security Adviser John Bolton.
Hezbollah Issues Stern Warning Over Gas Field

Hezbollah Issues Stern Warning Over Gas Field

Israel Hayom August 9, 2022
Hezbollah once again warned Israel that they would not sit idly by if Israel continued to use the natural gas it had discovered near the maritime border with Lebanon.
Breaking Dawn Was A Blowout

Breaking Dawn Was A Blowout

Israel Hayom August 8, 2022
A confluence of circumstances led the latest round of fighting to conclude as the most successful operation Israel has ever waged in Gaza. Islamic Jihad suffered an unprecedentedly severe blow, while Israel emerged largely unscathed.
Truce Announced

Truce Announced

Israel Hayom August 7, 2022
Israel and Islamic Jihad agreed to a Cairo-mediated truce to take effect late on Sunday, raising hopes of an end to the most serious flare-up on the Gaza frontier in more than a year. Israeli forces pounded Palestinian targets through the weekend after PIJ threatened to target Israeli civilians.
China Shakes

China Shakes August 7, 2022
Nancy Pelosi is a physically unimposing 82-year-old. But her recent visit to Taiwan made the great and ancient nation of China quiver in its boots. 
Operation Breaking Dawn Enters Second Day

Operation Breaking Dawn Enters Second Day

JNS August 6, 2022
The Israel Defense Forces are preparing for a “week of fighting” against Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, as terrorists in the enclave fired some 450 projectiles towards the Jewish state in just over 24 hours.
Islamic Jihad Fires Volley Of Rockets From Gaza At Israel

Islamic Jihad Fires Volley Of Rockets From Gaza At Israel

Jerusalem Post August 5, 2022
More than 70 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into southern and central Israel, hours after the IDF struck multiple terrorist targets in Gaza, killing a top Islamic Jihad terrorist leader as well as additional operatives.
While Focus Is On Iran, Nuclear Danger Is Rearing Its Head Elsewhere

While Focus Is On Iran, Nuclear Danger Is Rearing Its Head Elsewhere

Israel Hayom August 4, 2022
Experts warn that if Iran achieves its nuclear goal, Israel must prepare for the possibility of Pakistan providing Saudi Arabia with atomic warheads or the knowledge and means necessary to speedily create one on its own.
Is Zawahiri The End Of The Mega Terrorist Assassination?

Is Zawahiri The End Of The Mega Terrorist Assassination?

Jerusalem Post August 3, 2022
Was the assassination of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri – who was also one-time strategic planner for Osama Bin Laden, including of the 9/11 attacks on the US – the end of an era of killing mega-terrorists?
The Real Reason Xi Is Upset Over Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit

The Real Reason Xi Is Upset Over Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit

Hill August 2, 2022
The easy answer is to reunite a breakaway province from 73 years ago for the glory of China and to achieve territorial integrity over a land mass slightly larger than Maryland, that they’ve never actually ruled over. That is too simple and outdated.
How’s It Working Out?

How’s It Working Out? August 1, 2022
I recently saw a handsome young man during what should be a fantastic period of his life. He did not look happy. 
Man Arrested With Rifle Outside NY Home Of Iranian American Journalist

Man Arrested With Rifle Outside NY Home Of Iranian American Journalist

Algemeiner August 1, 2022
An Iranian-American journalist and women’s rights activist said it was “shocking” to learn that a man had been arrested last week with a loaded AK-47 rifle outside her Brooklyn, New York, home.
The Emerging Unholy Alliance Between Russia, Turkey And Iran

The Emerging Unholy Alliance Between Russia, Turkey And Iran

Israel Hayom July 29, 2022
Less than a week after Biden left the Middle East following a visit that focused on the informal Israeli-Sunni Arab alliance in the region, Putin boarded a plane to Iran, the leader of the opposing Shi'ite axis. Turkish President Erdogan of Turkey joined the summit in Tehran.
Christians Kidnapped In House-To-House Abductions In Nigeria

Christians Kidnapped In House-To-House Abductions In Nigeria

Christian Post July 28, 2022
Suspected Islamic extremists on Monday night kidnapped 36 people from a predominantly Christian village outside the city of Kaduna, in northern Nigeria.
Would Nasrallah Really Risk War With Israel Over The Karish Gas Rig?

Would Nasrallah Really Risk War With Israel Over The Karish Gas Rig?

Jerusalem Post July 26, 2022
“If the extraction of oil and gas from Karish begins in September before Lebanon obtains its right, we would be heading to ‘a problem’ and we’ll do anything to achieve our objective,” Nasrallah said in an interview
The Darkness Will Not Last

The Darkness Will Not Last July 24, 2022
Stephen Hawking became something of a prophet of doom. In his last years, he pointed out several threats to human civilization and even to human existence.
Two Palestinian Gunmen Killed In Clashes With Israeli Security Forces

Two Palestinian Gunmen Killed In Clashes With Israeli Security Forces

Jerusalem Post July 24, 2022
The two men were identified Abdul Rahman Sobah and Muhammad al-Azizi. Another 10 Palestinians were injured, including at least two seriously, in the three-hour-long operation that focused on a home in the Casbah.
God's Heart For Israel Is Not A Two-State Solution

God's Heart For Israel Is Not A Two-State Solution

Christian Post July 22, 2022
'As a former Muslim, the love for Israel and its people is an entirely new experience for me but I am grateful the Lord has opened my heart to this understanding. '
Israel Watches Warily As Russia, Iran Build Stronger Ties

Israel Watches Warily As Russia, Iran Build Stronger Ties

JNS July 21, 2022
Underscoring the warming ties between the two countries, Putin traveled to Iran. This was the third time since the start of the year that Putin has met with his Iranian counterpart, Ebrahim Raisi. 
Iran Says Fatwa Against Building Nuclear Weapons Unchanged

Iran Says Fatwa Against Building Nuclear Weapons Unchanged

Times Of Israel July 20, 2022
Tehran gave assurances that its nuclear policy was unchanged and that it still adhered to a fatwa banning weapons of mass destruction, after an Iranian official said the country was able to make atomic bombs.
IDF Shoots Down Hezbollah Drone After It Crosses Into Israel

IDF Shoots Down Hezbollah Drone After It Crosses Into Israel

Jerusalem Post July 18, 2022
The IDF confirmed that they identified the drone crossing the border earlier on Monday and shot it down. The drone was monitored by the IAF air control units throughout the incident.
Khamenei Adviser Says Tehran 'Capable Of Building Nuclear Bomb'

Khamenei Adviser Says Tehran 'Capable Of Building Nuclear Bomb'

Jerusalem Post July 17, 2022
Tehran is technically capable of making a nuclear bomb but has yet to decide whether to build it, a senior adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told Al Jazeera's Arabic service on Sunday.
Iran Plots To Kill Trump

Iran Plots To Kill Trump

Mirror July 16, 2022
A recent intelligence leak report indicates that Iran is plotting to kill or capture former President Donald Trump as well as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, seeking to avenge the death of its beloved commander, Major General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a drone strike two years ago.
Biden Talks Oil, Security Cooperation With Saudis

Biden Talks Oil, Security Cooperation With Saudis

Israel Hayom July 15, 2022
President Biden departed Israel for Saudi Arabia on Friday afternoon, where he will discuss energy supply, human rights, and security cooperation on a trip designed to reset the US relationship with a country he once pledged to make a "pariah" on the world stage.
Historic Jerusalem Declaration Sees US, Israel Pledge To Prevent A Nuclear Iran

Historic Jerusalem Declaration Sees US, Israel Pledge To Prevent A Nuclear Iran

Jerusalem Post July 14, 2022
The declaration reaffirms "the unbreakable bonds" between Jerusalem and Washington, which are "based on a bedrock of shared values, shared interests, and true friendship."
Biden Arrives In Israel

Biden Arrives In Israel

Israel Hayom July 13, 2022
"The connection between the American People and Israeli People is deep," Biden said. "We dream together. I am proud to say that the relationship is stronger and deeper than it has ever been, and we have reaffirmed our unshakeable commitment to Israel's security."
Iran To Deliver Armed Drones To Russia

Iran To Deliver Armed Drones To Russia

Times Of Israel July 12, 2022
The White House on Monday said it believes Russia is turning to Iran to provide it with hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles, including weapons-capable drones, for use in its ongoing war in Ukraine.
Woke Churches Label Pro-Life Movement A ‘Demonic Agenda’ And Claim ‘God Is Pro-Choice’

Woke Churches Label Pro-Life Movement A ‘Demonic Agenda’ And Claim ‘God Is Pro-Choice’

Breitbart July 11, 2022
Woke churches across the country have celebrated abortion and even gone as far as labeling the pro-life movement a “demonic agenda” in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
How Big Is Enough?

How Big Is Enough? July 10, 2022
Even Christians fret and worry. Joy can seem remote and fear ever-present. 
Israel Must Learn From Shinzo Abe’s Assassination

Israel Must Learn From Shinzo Abe’s Assassination

JNS July 10, 2022
The lesson is that threats against Benjamin Netanyahu did not disappear the moment he ceased being prime minister. Did the threats against Netanyahu disappear the moment he became the opposition leader? 
Biden Tells Congress To Pass Bill Legalizing Abortions Up To Birth Nationwide

Biden Tells Congress To Pass Bill Legalizing Abortions Up To Birth Nationwide

Life News July 8, 2022
During a nationally-televised speech on abortion today, Joe Biden said there is a right to kill babies in abortions.
How To End Israel’s Political Instability

How To End Israel’s Political Instability

Caroline Glick July 7, 2022
Dysfunctional politics has rendered Israel hard-pressed to identify and seize opportunities or respond adequately to rising threats.
US ‘Alarmed’ At Iran’s Nuclear Progress, Deal May Become ‘Thing Of The Past’

US ‘Alarmed’ At Iran’s Nuclear Progress, Deal May Become ‘Thing Of The Past’

Times Of Israel July 5, 2022
Rob Malley says Tehran can build bomb within weeks if it chooses to, and accuses Iranian negotiators of adding irrelevant demands in Qatar talks
America, Don't Be Ashamed of Jesus!

America, Don't Be Ashamed of Jesus!

News For Christians July 4, 2022
A few months before Charles Darwin died, he was visited by Lady Hope. Thus, with death approaching, did Charles Darwin, evolutionist and denier of the Bible, acclaim the Lord Jesus. 
IDF Had Advance Intel On Hezbollah Drone Attempt

IDF Had Advance Intel On Hezbollah Drone Attempt

Times Of Israel July 3, 2022
The Israel Defense Forces had prior intelligence on Hezbollah’s Saturday launching of three unarmed drones at the Karish gas field.
Tribulation Preview

Tribulation Preview July 3, 2022
Forces from within are weakening the United States even as the world economy falters.
IDF Shoots Down Hezbollah Drones

IDF Shoots Down Hezbollah Drones

Jerusalem Post July 2, 2022
The IDF shot down three unmanned aerial vehicles launched by Hezbollah.
Who Was Tougher On 'Settlements' - Obama Or Biden?

Who Was Tougher On 'Settlements' - Obama Or Biden?

Arutz Sheva July 1, 2022
The outgoing Yamina manager commented "The issue of settlements is much more important to [US President Joe] Biden than [former US President Barack] Obama. Obama. It's something they consider a borderline war crime."
IDF Stopped Hackers From Hitting US Power Plants

IDF Stopped Hackers From Hitting US Power Plants

Jerusalem Post June 29, 2022
The deputy chief of IDF Unit 8200, “Col. U.,” said that his intelligence agency warned the United States of attempts to hack the country's power plants in time to thwart the cyberattack.
Hamas Releases Footage Showing Israeli Captive Hooked Up To Oxygen

Hamas Releases Footage Showing Israeli Captive Hooked Up To Oxygen

Times Of Israel June 28, 2022
The Hamas terror group published a video showing Hisham al-Sayed, one of two Israeli men being held by the terror group in the Gaza Strip, in poor medical condition — the first image of the hostage seen in years.
Supreme Court Upholds Religious Rights, Vindicates Football Coach Who Was Fired For Praying

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Rights, Vindicates Football Coach Who Was Fired For Praying

CBN June 27, 2022
The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of a Washington state high school football coach who was fired from his job for silently praying on the field after games. 
Global Food Crisis 'Will Kill Millions' By Disease

Global Food Crisis 'Will Kill Millions' By Disease

Barrons June 26, 2022
The global food crisis sparked by the war in Ukraine will kill millions by leaving the hungriest more vulnerable to infectious diseases, potentially triggering the world's next health catastrophe, the head of a major aid organization has warned.
Roe Has Fallen: Biblical Reflections

Roe Has Fallen: Biblical Reflections

Christian Headlines June 25, 2022
He is working in ways we can see and in ways we cannot. Only he knows fully the chain of events that have led us to this place. 
Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

Life News June 24, 2022
The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, with a 6-3 majority ruling in the Dobbs case that “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion.”
Supreme Court Strikes New York Gun Law In Major Ruling

Supreme Court Strikes New York Gun Law In Major Ruling

Breitbart June 23, 2022
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled 6-3 on June 23 that New York’s proper cause requirement for concealed carry permit issuance is unconstitutional.
Russia Threatens NATO Member Lithuania

Russia Threatens NATO Member Lithuania

CBS News June 22, 2022
Lithuania's decision to ban the transit of certain goods between Russia and its isolated exclave of Kaliningrad has provoked wrath among top officials in Moscow, and even a threat of retaliation against the European nation. 
One Week

One Week

JNS June 21, 2022
Elections could still be avoided if opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu succeeds in forming a government before the Knesset is dissolved in a week. Can he do it? 
Comeback For Bibi?

Comeback For Bibi?

Newsmax June 20, 2022
Israel’s weakened coalition government decided to dissolve parliament and call new elections, which could bring about the return of a nationalist religious government led by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or another prolonged period of political gridlock.
The News And The Good News

The News And The Good News

Hal Lindsey June 19, 2022
The average price of a gallon of gasoline had doubled since January 2021. That’s a staggering rate of growth and completely unsustainable.
The Joy Of Fatherhood

The Joy Of Fatherhood

Stream June 18, 2022
As fathers, we have a unique calling to lead our children in the right direction. Each of our children is different, and each will answer a calling that is perhaps unexpected.
Iranian Attack Against Israelis In Turkey Could Happen This Weekend

Iranian Attack Against Israelis In Turkey Could Happen This Weekend

Jerusalem Post June 17, 2022
There have been increased efforts by some Iranian squads to carry out an attack involving a murder or kidnapping in Istanbul in the near future, perhaps even as soon as this weekend.
Bennett Mulling Forming Right-Wing Government With The Likud

Bennett Mulling Forming Right-Wing Government With The Likud

Arutz Sheva June 16, 2022
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is considering forming a new, right-wing government with the Likud in the current Knesset in a bid to avoid snap elections.
The UNHRC's Diplomatic Terrorism

The UNHRC's Diplomatic Terrorism

Israel Hayom June 15, 2022
The UN Human Rights Council's latest report on Israel is abhorrent. The investigators should be investigated for their own crimes.
What Will Biden Do If Putin Goes Nuclear?

What Will Biden Do If Putin Goes Nuclear?

NBC News June 14, 2022
It’s a troubling question with no palatable answer: What would President Joe Biden do if Russia used nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war?
A Pivotal Time in Israel

A Pivotal Time in Israel

Hal Lindsey June 13, 2022
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s fragile governing coalition may have just doomed itself. 
'No Vacation Is Worth Losing Your Life'

'No Vacation Is Worth Losing Your Life'

JNS June 13, 2022
Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau, a part of the National Security Council, has raised the travel warning for Istanbul to Level 4—the highest level.
Iranian Terror Attack Against Israelis In Turkey Foiled

Iranian Terror Attack Against Israelis In Turkey Foiled

Times Of Israel June 12, 2022
The planned terror attack targeted Israelis in Turkey. A senior Israeli official said that the Iranian terror cell had plotted to abduct Israelis.
Iran's Mullahs Score Nuclear Victory

Iran's Mullahs Score Nuclear Victory

Gatestone Institute June 11, 2022
The Biden Administration is sitting idly by while Iran's ruling mullahs continue to advance their nuclear program.
‘Disabled’ Damascus Airport After Raid Attributed To Israel

‘Disabled’ Damascus Airport After Raid Attributed To Israel

Times Of Israel June 10, 2022
An Israeli satellite intelligence firm published images Friday showing damage to Damascus International Airport’s runways, following a pre-dawn airstrike attributed to Israel.
‘Fatal Blow’ To Talks

‘Fatal Blow’ To Talks

Times Of Israel June 9, 2022
Iran is removing 27 surveillance cameras from nuclear sites in the country, raising the risk of its inspectors being unable to track Tehran’s advances as it enriches uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels.
A Cyber Pearl Harbor

A Cyber Pearl Harbor

CBN June 8, 2022
China has the ability and opportunity to sabotage the equipment we rely on them to manufacture. Essentially, they've created a "backdoor" into our electric grid.
Israel Should Invest In Gas Production, Export

Israel Should Invest In Gas Production, Export

Jerusalem Post June 6, 2022
Israel has taken another step toward becoming even more independent when it comes to natural gas. Last week, they announced Israel would begin the process of launching its fourth exploration for gas in its territorial waters.
Is This What You Had in Mind?

Is This What You Had in Mind? June 5, 2022
Mass shootings one after another… Government paralyzed, not by disagreements, but by hate.
Over 50 Feared Dead In Nigeria Church Attack

Over 50 Feared Dead In Nigeria Church Attack

New York Post June 5, 2022
Gunmen opened fire on worshippers and detonated explosives at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria on Sunday, leaving dozens feared dead.
Post-Roe America May Get Ugly

Post-Roe America May Get Ugly

Desiring God June 4, 2022
Suppose the leaked draft is accurate, and the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the two rulings that legally sustain the abortion license in the United States. What then?
Can The Arab World Afford Another Failed State?

Can The Arab World Afford Another Failed State?

Jerusalem Post June 3, 2022
Lebanon’s descent into collapse is hardly unique: It is only one of a number of failed Arab states; with the Palestinians knocking on the door to join the club.
Absentee Fathers, Not Guns, Are The Problem

Absentee Fathers, Not Guns, Are The Problem

Christian Post June 2, 2022
Salvador Ramos's father said: “He probably would have shot me too, because he would always say I didn’t love him.” A father who doesn’t value his child’s life is teaching his child a person’s life isn’t valuable.
FBI Blocked Planned Cyberattack On Children’s Hospital By Iran

FBI Blocked Planned Cyberattack On Children’s Hospital By Iran

Jerusalem Post June 1, 2022
The FBI thwarted a planned cyberattack on a children’s hospital in Boston that was to have been carried out by hackers sponsored by the Iranian government.
US Declares 'Commitment To Opening Palestinian Consulate In Jerusalem'

US Declares 'Commitment To Opening Palestinian Consulate In Jerusalem'

Arutz Sheva May 31, 2022
Previous reports suggested the Americans had backtracked on that plan, however those hopes are now dashed.
Memorial Day: A Time for Celebration And Reflection

Memorial Day: A Time for Celebration And Reflection

Townhall May 30, 2022
This weekend, Americans will gather with friends and family for pool parties and barbecues. Memorial Day is a great American tradition. It's also a time to reflect on what the holiday means.
Jerusalem Day: 25,000 People March Through Old City With Israeli Flags

Jerusalem Day: 25,000 People March Through Old City With Israeli Flags

Jerusalem Post May 29, 2022
Some 25,000 people marched through the Old City of Jerusalem as part of the Jerusalem Day flag march on Sunday afternoon, hours after a record 2,600 Israelis visited the Temple Mount compound on Sunday morning.
Buffalo and Uvalde

Buffalo and Uvalde May 29, 2022
Something is terribly wrong in America, and we all know it.
Republicans Fight To Protect Americans' Second Amendment

Republicans Fight To Protect Americans' Second Amendment

Townhall May 28, 2022
In the wake of the horrific Uvalde elementary school massacre, left extremists are calling for strict gun control laws. The Second Amendment is an individual right, its purpose is to give citizens a way to defend themselves. 
It's Not A Gun Crisis – It's A Spiritual Crisis

It's Not A Gun Crisis – It's A Spiritual Crisis

WND May 26, 2022
Frederick Douglass proclaimed, "It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Countless grieving parents and even America's overcrowded prison system would likely give a hardy "Amen" to that sentiment.
Commonly Touted Policies Are Ill-Suited To Stopping Mass Shooters

Commonly Touted Policies Are Ill-Suited To Stopping Mass Shooters

Townhall May 25, 2022
The basic problem with "assault weapon" bans is they define the category based on functionally unimportant features, leaving mass shooters with plenty of equally lethal alternatives, including the handguns they overwhelmingly prefer. 
With New Anti-Abortion Laws Passing, Is The Church Prepared?

With New Anti-Abortion Laws Passing, Is The Church Prepared?

CBN May 23, 2022
While courts can make abortion illegal, only God through His Church can make it unthinkable. 
Senior Iran Revolutionary Guards Member Assassinated

Senior Iran Revolutionary Guards Member Assassinated

Times Of Israel May 22, 2022
A senior member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed outside his home in Tehran on Sunday by unidentified gunmen on a motorbike.
The EU Takes Charge

The EU Takes Charge

Hal Lindsey May 22, 2022
The European Union is in the final stages of enacting a law called “the Digital Services Act.” 
Putin Blackmailing The Planet By Threatening World Famine

Putin Blackmailing The Planet By Threatening World Famine

Newsmax May 21, 2022
Russian President Vladimir Putin's blockade of Ukrainian ports is crippling the world's food production, as crops stocked in shipping containers remain unmoved.
Demonization, American Style

Demonization, American Style

Caroline Glick May 20, 2022
Demonization, the effort to portray a political rival as an inhuman monster, has long been a means to mobilize public support. The ancient Romans did it. The Soviets didn’t know there was another option.
The Rush To Demonize Israel

The Rush To Demonize Israel

Frontpage Mag May 19, 2022
The Palestinian Authority, and their enablers have exploited the journalist’s tragic death as fodder for a malicious propaganda campaign against Israel. They have charged, without a shred of evidence, that Israel deliberately targeted Ms. Akleh for assassination.
The Media Doesn't Bother With Facts

The Media Doesn't Bother With Facts

Algemeiner May 18, 2022
The killing of Shireen Abu Akleh during a firefight between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian gunmen in Jenin, under unclear circumstances, prompted an official Guardian editorial that not only presumes Israeli guilt, but dishonestly suggests that their army intentionally targets journalists.
Hezbollah Bloc Loses Majority As Final Results Released

Hezbollah Bloc Loses Majority As Final Results Released

Jerusalem Post May 17, 2022
Hezbollah and its allies lost the majority it held in the Lebanese parliament, as their opponent, the Christian Lebanese Forces, became the largest Christian party in parliament after the final results of the elections in the country were announced.
Captured Russians: Kremlin Commanders 'Shooting Their Own Wounded'

Captured Russians: Kremlin Commanders 'Shooting Their Own Wounded'

Newsmax May 16, 2022
Captured Kremlin soldiers have alleged to Ukrainian forces that their commanders are slaughtering wounded Russian troops rather than seeking medical treatment.
Israeli Cops Say They Intervened In Funeral When Mob Stole Abu Akleh's Casket

Israeli Cops Say They Intervened In Funeral When Mob Stole Abu Akleh's Casket

New York Post May 15, 2022
Israel police insisted they only charged into the funeral procession of slain American Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh because her coffin was being stolen by a violent mob.
How to Flourish in Dark Times

How to Flourish in Dark Times May 15, 2022
No one is exempt from pain or discouragement. Humans have suffered these things since God removed Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.
'Zion Belongs To Muslims'

'Zion Belongs To Muslims'

Israel365 May 14, 2022
President Biden is planning a visit to Israel in June. Still, a recent report claims that while here, he will visit the eastern section of Jerusalem in a clear message of support for establishing a Palestinian capital in the Jews’ eternal capital.
Counterterrorism Officer Killed In Clashes With Palestinians In Jenin

Counterterrorism Officer Killed In Clashes With Palestinians In Jenin

Jerusalem Post May 13, 2022
The officer, 47-year-old Sgt.-Maj. Noam Raz, was injured during clashes that lasted four hours and evacuated to Rambam hospital in Haifa by helicopter where he succumbed to his wounds.
$200 Billion Erased From Entire Crypto Market

$200 Billion Erased From Entire Crypto Market

CNBC May 12, 2022
Bitcoin fell below $26,000 for the first time in 16 months, amid a broader sell-off in cryptocurrencies that erased more than $200 billion from the entire market in a single day.
The Global Threat of Putin’s Deterioration

The Global Threat of Putin’s Deterioration May 11, 2022
Jesus said that war and rumors of war would mark the time before His return.
Journalist’s Death Will Fuel Revenge Attacks, No Matter The Explanation

Journalist’s Death Will Fuel Revenge Attacks, No Matter The Explanation

Times Of Israel May 11, 2022
An expert said the death of a veteran Palestinian-American journalist during an Israeli military raid in the West Bank on Wednesday morning will radicalize potential terrorists, and will likely cause diplomatic damage to Israel, as the army scrambled to explain the incident.
“Our Last Warning”

“Our Last Warning”

Life News May 10, 2022
A radical pro-abortion group is claiming responsibility for firebombing a pro-life group’s office in Wisconsin and it’s promising more violence nationwide. 
Terror Wave

Terror Wave

Jerusalem Post May 9, 2022
Israel was struck by a series of apparent terrorist attacks on Sunday night as four men were stopped trying to infiltrate the West Bank settlement of Tekoa and a policeman was stabbed near the Old City of Jerusalem. 
 The Power Of A Praying Mother

The Power Of A Praying Mother

Desiring God May 7, 2022
If you follow the greatest men of God back to their beginnings, you will often find yourself in a hidden closet or lonely pew, where a mother kneels to pray.
Why Abortion Is A Gospel Issue And Not A Political Issue

Why Abortion Is A Gospel Issue And Not A Political Issue

Charisma May 6, 2022
God forbids the murder of another human being (Gen. 1:27; Ps. 8; Gen. 9:5-6). Scripture says God hates the shedding of innocent blood. What can be more innocent than a preborn human?
The War In Ukraine Reminds Us That The Founding Of Israel Was Essential

The War In Ukraine Reminds Us That The Founding Of Israel Was Essential

Christian Post May 5, 2022
“I survived the Holocaust when I was a child, and here again the war came to my door,” Oleshko says. These stories remind us that many are suffering all over again and are looking for a place of refuge — and are finding it in Israel.
Abortion Supporters Leaked Supreme Court Draft To Intimidate The Court

Abortion Supporters Leaked Supreme Court Draft To Intimidate The Court

Daily Wire May 4, 2022
Abortion supporters sought to intimidate and pressure the justices in leaking a draft majority opinion indicating that the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, pro-life advocates say.
Chief Justice Confirms Draft Overturning Roe is Real

Chief Justice Confirms Draft Overturning Roe is Real

Life News May 3, 2022
Chief Justice John Roberts has issued a statement confirming the leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision overturning Roe is genuine and he says the nation’s highest court will launch an internal investigation about the leak.
Lavrov's Antisemitism Means Israel No Longer Neutral On Ukraine-Russia

Lavrov's Antisemitism Means Israel No Longer Neutral On Ukraine-Russia

Jerusalem Post May 2, 2022
The egregious comments by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying that Hitler had “Jewish blood” marks the end of Israel’s effort to somehow stay above the Russian-Ukrainian fray.
Planetary Disasters

Planetary Disasters May 1, 2022
It’s not your imagination. Things are bad—as bad as you thought—and maybe worse.
Security Guard Murdered After Shielding His Girlfriend From Bullets

Security Guard Murdered After Shielding His Girlfriend From Bullets

Arutz Sheva April 30, 2022
Dolev Vyacheslav was murdered by two terrorists, who opened fire at his post, which he was sharing with his girlfriend. Vyacheslav used his body to shield his girlfriend from the bullets, absorbing them instead of her.
Iran May Attack Israel Directly, Nasrallah Warns In Quds Day Speech

Iran May Attack Israel Directly, Nasrallah Warns In Quds Day Speech

Jerusalem Post April 29, 2022
Nasrallah warned Israel against continuing its “aggression against the Iranian presence in the region,” saying Iran may “attack Israel directly, at a ceremony in Beirut as Iran and its proxies marked Quds Day.
Stop Sexually Grooming Children And Quit Gaslighting Parents

Stop Sexually Grooming Children And Quit Gaslighting Parents

Christian Post April 28, 2022
How much do parents have to witness before they can know that these are not isolated incidents but part of a larger pattern?
Bennett: The Lesson Of The Holocaust Is We Must Control Our Own Fate

Bennett: The Lesson Of The Holocaust Is We Must Control Our Own Fate

Arutz Sheva April 27, 2022
PM on Holocaust Remembrance Day: We rely only on ourselves, be strong and never apologize for our very existence or our success.
US Intel Helped Ukraine Protect Air Defenses, Shoot Down Russian Troop Transport Plane

US Intel Helped Ukraine Protect Air Defenses, Shoot Down Russian Troop Transport Plane

NBC News April 26, 2022
As Russia launched its invasion, the US gave Ukrainian forces detailed intelligence about exactly when and where Russian missiles and bombs were intended to strike.
On-Field Prayer Religious Exercise Or 'Coercion'?

On-Field Prayer Religious Exercise Or 'Coercion'?

FOX News April 25, 2022
A high school football coach fired for praying on the field after games had his case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, with justices debating whether his religious practices were coercive or constitutionally protected.
Strength For End-Times Living

Strength For End-Times Living

Hal Lindsey April 24, 2022
If we are living near the time of Christ’s return—and I am convinced we are—should that fact influence the way we live? 
IDF Artillery Targets Southern Lebanon After Rocket Fire

IDF Artillery Targets Southern Lebanon After Rocket Fire

Jerusalem Post April 24, 2022
The IDF targeted sites in southern Lebanon with artillery fire after a rocket was fired from southern Lebanon into northern Israel near the town of Shlomi on Sunday night, according to the IDF Spokesperson's Unit.
America's Biblical Roots

America's Biblical Roots

Algemeiner April 23, 2022
Not only does support for Israel by American Jews not compromise or undermine support for our host country, but support for Israel is actually a quintessential American value. 
Satellite Images Show Mass Graves For 9,000 Innocents Slaughtered By Russians

Satellite Images Show Mass Graves For 9,000 Innocents Slaughtered By Russians

New York Post April 22, 2022
As many as 9,000 Ukraine civilians could have been executed by Russian forces and buried in mass graves outside Mariupol.
Iran Will Not Abandon Their Plans For Revenge

Iran Will Not Abandon Their Plans For Revenge

USNWR April 21, 2022
Iran will not abandon plans to avenge the 2020 U.S. killing of Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani, despite "regular offers" from Washington to lift sanctions and provide other concessions in return.
Tunnel City

Tunnel City

Times Of Israel April 20, 2022
In a “tunnel city” under the sandy soils of southern Gaza, Islamic Jihad is preparing for the next conflict with Israel, as tensions in Jerusalem threaten to escalate.
Expectations of Resurrection!

Expectations of Resurrection! April 17, 2022
The execution of Jesus Christ began at 9:00 AM. He died that afternoon at 3. According to John 19:30, just before His final breath, Jesus did something amazing. He cried out, “Tetelestai!” 
10 Facts About Jesus’ Resurrection You Need to Know

10 Facts About Jesus’ Resurrection You Need to Know

BC Life April 16, 2022
Christians can proclaim with confidence that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God who was born in the flesh, was crucified, and was resurrected from the dead, and he is the firstfruits of all who belong to him.
Temple Mount Tensions

Temple Mount Tensions

Algemeiner April 15, 2022
Palestinian Islamist and nationalist factions alike on Friday promised a further escalation of clashes with Israeli security forces, following a morning of rioting on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that resulted in 150 people wounded and more than 400 arrests.
12 Reasons Why Jesus Meant It When He Said, “It Is Finished”

12 Reasons Why Jesus Meant It When He Said, “It Is Finished”

BC Life April 14, 2022
Christians should never think their works contribute to their justification or salvation in any way. Thankfully, here are twelve reasons why Jesus meant it when he said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).
Iran: Death Of All US Leaders Would Not Avenge Soleimani Killing

Iran: Death Of All US Leaders Would Not Avenge Soleimani Killing

Israel Hayom April 13, 2022
"Martyr Soleimani was such a great character that if all American leaders are killed, this will still not avenge his assassination. We should avenge him by following Soleimani's path and through other methods."
Choose A Sex, Any Sex

Choose A Sex, Any Sex

Breitbart April 12, 2022
President Joe Biden’s embrace of transgender activism continued when a new passport “X-gender” option was launched. It gives applicants a third choice beyond previously accepted male or female biological sex as a personal descriptor.
World Is Silent As Palestinian Rioters Torch Joseph’s Tomb

World Is Silent As Palestinian Rioters Torch Joseph’s Tomb

Breitbart April 11, 2022
Palestinian rioters on Saturday night vandalized Joseph’s Tomb, one of Judaism’s holiest sites,  setting it on fire and smashing the gravestone.
World Government at the Door

World Government at the Door April 10, 2022
On March 29th and 30th of 2022, global elites gathered for the World Government Summit in Dubai. 
How War In Ukraine Can Directly Impact Israel

How War In Ukraine Can Directly Impact Israel

Jerusalem Post April 10, 2022
Israel has acted as if events in Eastern Europe are of no immediate concern to Jerusalem, but that can change dramatically.
Palestinians Celebrate Murderous Attack In Heart Of Tel Aviv

Palestinians Celebrate Murderous Attack In Heart Of Tel Aviv

Israel365 April 8, 2022
Palestinian terror groups were seen celebrating the attack that has left two people dead and at least a dozen wounded in downtown Tel Aviv on Thursday night.
10 Shot In Deadly Tel Aviv Terror Attack

10 Shot In Deadly Tel Aviv Terror Attack

Jerusalem Post April 7, 2022
Two people were killed and eight people were wounded in what appeared to be a terrorist shooting attack in the center of Tel Aviv. 
How Naftali Bennett Doomed His Own Coalition

How Naftali Bennett Doomed His Own Coalition

Times Of Israel April 6, 2022
Naftali Bennett’s eight-party coalition is collapsing, its wafer-thin majority lost because the Yamina party leader failed to maintain the loyalty of his own party’s legislators.
Bucha Mass Executions Were Part Of Putin's Invasion Plan

Bucha Mass Executions Were Part Of Putin's Invasion Plan

Business Insider April 5, 2022
The head of UK secret intelligence said that Vladimir Putin planned the "summary executions" being uncovered in parts of Ukraine that were occupied by Russian forces.
Insanity Defined

Insanity Defined April 3, 2022
Whoever said it first, it is worth remembering.  “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.” 
UNHRC Approves 4 Anti-Israel Resolutions

UNHRC Approves 4 Anti-Israel Resolutions

Jerusalem Post April 3, 2022
The United Nations Human Rights Council approved four anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian resolutions, including a call for a limited arms embargo against the Jewish state, as it wrapped up its 49th session.
It's About To Get Worse

It's About To Get Worse

Townhall April 1, 2022
The DHS and the CDC officially announced that U.S. Customs and Border Protection will stop using Title 42 effective May 23. Title 42 has been the public health order Border Patrol has been using to quickly expel illegal immigrants to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the United States.
Putin Escalates War Against Churches

Putin Escalates War Against Churches

Charisma March 31, 2022
Putin has escalated and broadened his war against the churches. In the city of Mariupol, the target of continual Russian bombardment for several weeks, Russian troops hunt for pastors who did not leave the city.
'Tell Him I Will Thrash Him'

'Tell Him I Will Thrash Him'

Yahoo March 30, 2022
Vladimir Putin reportedly rejected a note from Ukrainian President Zelenskyy seeking peace. When the note was hand-delivered to him by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, Putin reportedly replied instead: "Tell him I will thrash them."
'Dirty Bomb' Materials Stolen From Chernobyl Lab

'Dirty Bomb' Materials Stolen From Chernobyl Lab

Daily Mail March 29, 2022
A nuclear safety expert has warned that a monitoring lab in Chernobyl village has been raided, with thieves looting radioactive ingredients which could be mixed with explosives to create a 'dirty bomb'.
Oligarch, Ukrainian Peace Negotiators Suffer Symptoms Of Poisoning

Oligarch, Ukrainian Peace Negotiators Suffer Symptoms Of Poisoning

Newsmax March 28, 2022
Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning after they met in Kyiv earlier this month. 
Blessed Assurance

Blessed Assurance

Hal Lindsey March 28, 2022
If you live on a fixed income and you drive a car, things may feel especially dicey right now.
Two Killed, 5 Wounded In Hadera ISIS Attack

Two Killed, 5 Wounded In Hadera ISIS Attack

Israel Hayom March 27, 2022
Three police officers are among the wounded. Two terrorists, both Arab Israelis, were killed by senior counterterrorism officers who happened to be nearby. Hamas, Islamic Jihad have lauded terrorists as "heroes."
What Are ‘Tactical’ Nuclear Weapons, And Would Putin Use Them?

What Are ‘Tactical’ Nuclear Weapons, And Would Putin Use Them?

Times Of Israel March 25, 2022
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has raised the specter of something considered almost unthinkable until recently: the use of a small nuclear weapon during a conflict in Europe.
Terrorist Was Called A ‘Ticking Bomb’

Terrorist Was Called A ‘Ticking Bomb’

Times Of Israel March 23, 2022
The terrorist who killed four Israelis in Beersheba on Tuesday was reportedly called a “ticking time bomb” by prosecutors in a previous security case and was given a four-year prison sentence.
Four Israelis Killed In Stabbing Attack

Four Israelis Killed In Stabbing Attack

Times Of Israel March 22, 2022
Four Israelis were killed and several others wounded Tuesday in a ramming and stabbing attack at an outdoor shopping mall in Beersheba in Israel’s deadliest terror attack in years.
Russia Used Hypersonic Missile To Show Off New Powers

Russia Used Hypersonic Missile To Show Off New Powers

Jerusalem Post March 21, 2022
With Russian supply columns being struck by Ukrainian artillery and Ukrainian drones still flying, harassing Russia’s invasion, Moscow has turned to a new weapon to show that it, too, has unique capabilities.
My Heart, His Kingdom

My Heart, His Kingdom March 20, 2022
Wars are always packed with tragedy and pain. But these days we see these things in a unique way. 
Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Classical Choices

Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Classical Choices

American Greatness March 20, 2022
Is it to be Salamis, Thebes, Thermopylae—or Melos? The answers to those hypotheticals will determine whether dogged Ukrainian resistance leads to victory.
The West's Fear Allows The Ukraine Slaughter To Continue

The West's Fear Allows The Ukraine Slaughter To Continue

Israel Hayom March 19, 2022
A country that wanted to be part of the West is being sacrificed on the altar of preserving the current world order, even though it's clear to everyone that this order has long since collapsed.
Cancel Culture Is Here To Stay

Cancel Culture Is Here To Stay

Frontpage Mag March 18, 2022
Liberals who’ve told me that cancel culture has gone too far and believe that the pendulum is swinging back are fooling themselves.  Or they know that America has taken a one-way path into totalitarian political correctness and they are too anxious to admit it.
Israel Is Emerging

Israel Is Emerging

JNS March 17, 2022
Parts of the world looked around and saw where the real vile people are (not in Israel), where the real threats are (not from Israel), and where they could advance themselves and their people (with Israel).
Russia's Many Military Failures Explained

Russia's Many Military Failures Explained

Christian Post March 16, 2022
Psalm 37:9 tells us:  “For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land.”
Idaho Passes Bill To Ban Abortions On Babies With Beating Hearts

Idaho Passes Bill To Ban Abortions On Babies With Beating Hearts

Life News March 15, 2022
The Idaho legislature just made the western state the first in the nation to pass a Texas-style law banning abortions on unborn babies with beating hearts.
Iran Says It Thwarted Mossad Op Against Fordow Nuke Facility

Iran Says It Thwarted Mossad Op Against Fordow Nuke Facility

Jerusalem Post March 14, 2022
The Mossad allegedly attempted to attack the Islamic Republic's key Fordow nuclear enrichment site, Iranian media claimed on Monday night.
A Prayer Request

A Prayer Request

Hal Lindsey March 14, 2022
If you want to see what the early stages of a World War look like, just turn on the TV news or look at a news website.
Iran Fired Missiles At Iraq In Response To Israeli Drone Strike

Iran Fired Missiles At Iraq In Response To Israeli Drone Strike

Jerusalem Post March 13, 2022
“Following the recent crimes of the fake Zionist regime and the previous announcement that the crimes and evils of this infamous regime will not go unanswered; the ‘Strategic Center of Conspiracy and Evil of the Zionists’ was targeted last night by powerful and point-to-point missiles of the IRGC,” said its statement.
Multiple Iranian-Produced Missiles Smash Into US Army Base In Iraq

Multiple Iranian-Produced Missiles Smash Into US Army Base In Iraq

Daily Mail March 12, 2022
Multiple rockets have smashed into a US Army base and a Kurdish news channel office in Erbil, northern Iraq. 
Washington’s Betrayal Has Only Just Begun

Washington’s Betrayal Has Only Just Begun

Caroline Glick March 11, 2022
The Washington Examiner reported that Iran is actively plotting to murder former US National Security Advisor John Bolton. The administration's decision to let Iran's efforts to murder US citizens and former senior US officials slide is in keeping with its policy of genuflection towards the mullahs.
Tehran Played By Moscow

Tehran Played By Moscow

Jerusalem Post March 10, 2022
In a scene that appears more suited for The Godfather than foreign policy, Russia has suddenly emerged as the puppet master behind the Iran nuclear deal, using it to profit, and using Iran as a nuclear blackmail piggy bank against the US and the West.
Putin, The West, And The Myth Of Progress

Putin, The West, And The Myth Of Progress

Gospel Coalition March 8, 2022
There is an idea that the world, since the Age of Reason, has been moving along an upward trajectory of human development, both technological and moral, with better and freer days ahead. But this is a myth. It always has been.
Iran Waiting For ‘Details’ Regarding Russian Demands On Nuclear Deal

Iran Waiting For ‘Details’ Regarding Russian Demands On Nuclear Deal

Times Of Israel March 7, 2022
Iran said it is awaiting “details” of Russia’s demands for US guarantees on restoring Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, but blamed Washington for talks dragging on.

Who Really Is The Antichrist?

Who Really Is The Antichrist?

CBN March 6, 2022
A recent proclamation from a Ukrainian Orthodox Church archbishop that Vladimir Putin is the “antichrist of our current time” has added yet another layer of intrigue to the mounting eschatological questions surrounding Putin’s Ukraine invasion.
Russia Ties Iran Nuclear Deal Revival To Ukraine Sanctions

Russia Ties Iran Nuclear Deal Revival To Ukraine Sanctions

Times Of Israel March 5, 2022
Russia's Foreign Minister said there are “problems that have appeared recently from the point of view of Russia’s interests,” concerning Moscow’s involvement in the civilian nuclear sector in Iran and arms sales to Tehran.
Russians Holding Nuclear Station Will Try To 'Blackmail' Europe?

Russians Holding Nuclear Station Will Try To 'Blackmail' Europe?

Newsmax March 4, 2022
Russian troops that took control of Europe's largest nuclear power plant are laying down explosives to "blackmail" the entire continent, plant workers warned.
Kremlin: Putin Betrayed Us All

Kremlin: Putin Betrayed Us All

Israel Hayom March 3, 2022
A top official in the Russian opposition party says that within the halls of the Kremlin officials were "depressed and disappointed," and that "ultimately a group will rise that will remove him from power."
Is Ukraine In The Ezekiel 38 Bible Prophecy?

Is Ukraine In The Ezekiel 38 Bible Prophecy?

PNW March 2, 2022
"You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land. It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me, when I am hallowed in you, O Gog, before their eyes." (Ezekiel 38:16)
Does Putin Think He Is The Orthodox Messiah?

Does Putin Think He Is The Orthodox Messiah?

CFP March 1, 2022
Putin, after gaining ultimate power, supposedly had a Christian religious experience causing him now to wear a crucifix. But leftism, with its humanist conceit, is still prone to savior delusions.
Israel Seizes 30 Crypto Wallets Allegedly Used To Fund Hamas

Israel Seizes 30 Crypto Wallets Allegedly Used To Fund Hamas

Times Of Israel February 28, 2022
Digital wallets allegedly used by Hamas were seized by Israeli authorities, closing down funding methods for the Gaza-based terror group.
What Scripture Says About Gog, Magog, And Russian Chaos

What Scripture Says About Gog, Magog, And Russian Chaos

CBN February 27, 2022
Amid all this dismay, though, is a lingering theological conversation that has unfolded for decades around the biblical end times and Russia’s theoretical involvement in it.
The Romans One Effect

The Romans One Effect February 27, 2022
Vladimir Putin lies. He looks his opponent straight in the face and lies. He’s good at it. 
Ukraine's Lesson For Israel: Rely Only On Yourself

Ukraine's Lesson For Israel: Rely Only On Yourself

Israel Hayom February 26, 2022
The Russian invasion of Ukraine poses dangers that could extend beyond the immediate battlefield, potentially changing the world security order for the worse. This is certainly the sense in every country that once comprised the former Soviet Union.
The World Is Bracing For A Global Cyberwar

The World Is Bracing For A Global Cyberwar

CNBC February 25, 2022
As Russia steps up its cyberattacks on Ukraine alongside a military invasion, governments on both sides of the Atlantic are worried the situation could spill over into other countries, becoming an all-out cyberwar.
Hope In The Face Of Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine

Hope In The Face Of Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine

Stream February 24, 2022
When Christ was on Earth, He offered hope to people whose situation was more defined by fear than affluence. He also knew that their world was about to be further rocked by turmoil, the likes of which they’d never seen. And, He knew He would not be with them in person.
48 Hours

48 Hours

TOI February 23, 2022
Washington has given Ukrainian President Zelensky an intelligence assessment that a full-blown Russian invasion of his country will come within the next 48 hours. The assault was predicted to include a cyberattack and, indeed, shortly after Newsweek received the information a cyberattack took down Ukrainian state websites.
4 Reasons Returning To The Iran Nuke Deal Is A Bad Idea

4 Reasons Returning To The Iran Nuke Deal Is A Bad Idea

Stream February 21, 2022
After months of negotiations, the Biden administration may be on the verge of restoring the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (aka the Iran nuclear deal), with no chance of replacing it with a “longer and stronger” deal, as the administration promised. Doing so is a really bad idea.
Nuclear Deterrence Isn’t A Relic Of The Past

Nuclear Deterrence Isn’t A Relic Of The Past

Daily Signal February 20, 2022
Russia maintains a stockpile of more than 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons that it incorporates into its warfighting strategy. Under its “escalate to win” doctrine, Moscow seems to mistakenly think it can employ low-yield nuclear weapons to compel NATO to back down in a conflict.
The Missiles Russia Is Launching In It's Alarming Drills

The Missiles Russia Is Launching In It's Alarming Drills

New York Post February 19, 2022
Russia flexed its nuclear muscle with a series of alarming missile drills at the same time it continued denying that it is preparing to invade Ukraine.
And We Will Rise

And We Will Rise

Hal Lindsey February 19, 2022
Students of Bible prophecy have long warned that a time of terrible destruction looms over earth’s future. Today, similar warnings are coming from scientists of all kinds. 
Amnesty International’s Pseudo-Scholarship

Amnesty International’s Pseudo-Scholarship

MTC February 18, 2022
In May, while Hamas was firing 3,000 rockets from Gaza, members of academic communities were falling over themselves to express their solidarity, not with Israel but with Hamas. 
The Ayatollah's Men In Washington

The Ayatollah's Men In Washington

Caroline Glick February 17, 2022
Former Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif recently co-authored a book in Farsi about the 2015 nuclear deal that tells us a great deal about how we should be assessing the nuclear negotiations taking place in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1.
'Wars In Europe Rarely Start On A Wednesday'

'Wars In Europe Rarely Start On A Wednesday'

Yahoo February 16, 2022
Russia denied reports that it was planning to attack Ukraine imminently, "As far as Russia is concerned, I can assure you that there will be no attack this Wednesday."
Russian Pullback From Ukraine Border Not Yet Confirmed

Russian Pullback From Ukraine Border Not Yet Confirmed

Times Of Israel February 15, 2022
President Biden calls to give diplomacy ‘every chance,’ but warns ‘responsible nations… will not hesitate to respond’ if Russia launches invasion: We ‘must stand for freedom’.
Clinton Campaign Paid To 'Infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House Servers

Clinton Campaign Paid To 'Infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House Servers

Newsmax February 14, 2022
A filing from Justice Department special counsel John Durham says Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" Trump Tower servers, and later the White House.
CCP Version Of The Bible Makes Jesus Stone A Woman, Claim He’s a ‘Sinner’

CCP Version Of The Bible Makes Jesus Stone A Woman, Claim He’s a ‘Sinner’

Todd Starnes February 13, 2022
China released a disturbing rewriting of the gospel of John to high school students in Sept. 2020. The CCP updated the Bible to “keep pace with the times” and removed portions of scripture that don’t reflect communist beliefs.
Amnesty International & Israel

Amnesty International & Israel February 13, 2022
The world’s strange and unreasoning hatred of Israel continues. 
'That's A World War When Americans And Russia Start Shooting At One Another'

'That's A World War When Americans And Russia Start Shooting At One Another'

Daily Mail February 11, 2022
President Joe Biden told Americans to leave Ukraine immediately, warning them that they could not expect to be rescued by US troops if Russia launched an invasion.
The Anti-Defamation League And Amnesty International

The Anti-Defamation League And Amnesty International

Caroline Glick February 9, 2022
One of the curiouser responses to Amnesty International’s Israel Apartheid report this week came from the Anti-Defamation League. In it they presented the main “findings” of the “investigation” they conducted regarding the status of Israel’s existence.
'If Israel Could Beat Hezbollah, It Would've Attacked Already'

'If Israel Could Beat Hezbollah, It Would've Attacked Already'

Jerusalem Post February 8, 2022
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah wrote-off Israeli threats against the movement's precision missile program during an interview, saying that Israel would need a full war to eliminate the missile program. "If the Israeli entity was certain of victory over Hezbollah through the war, it would not have hesitated for one moment."
Wokeism Yielding Signs Of A Global Anti-American Backlash

Wokeism Yielding Signs Of A Global Anti-American Backlash

CNS February 7, 2022
Most countries simply don’t want to be remade in the U.S.’s image, especially in its current “woke” iteration. All told, wokeism and U.S. foreign policy should not be viewed as isolated phenomena but rather inextricably linked concepts given the U.S.’ universalist foreign policy modus operandi. 
Created Equal

Created Equal February 6, 2022
The American republic was built on the “self-evident” truth “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” 
Ukraine Could Fall In 72 Hours

Ukraine Could Fall In 72 Hours

FOX News February 5, 2022
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told lawmakers that Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine takes place.
How China Is Using Olympics To Whitewash Regime’s Execution Vans, Black Jails & Torture

How China Is Using Olympics To Whitewash Regime’s Execution Vans, Black Jails & Torture

Sun February 4, 2022
Gory executions, brutal torture and "concentration camps" are just some of vile measures the Communist regime has allegedly inflicted on its own people for decades.
ISIS Leader Dies During US Special Forces Raid In Syria

ISIS Leader Dies During US Special Forces Raid In Syria

Irish Times February 3, 2022
As U.S. forces closed in, Al-Qurayshi detonated a suicide bomb "in a final act of desperate cowardice," Biden said. The blast killed not only the ISIS leader, but also his wife and their two children.
Two Key Global Shortages That Could Spell Disaster For 2022

Two Key Global Shortages That Could Spell Disaster For 2022

PNW February 1, 2022
This was supposed to be the year that things "got back to normal", but here we are at the end of January and things have only gotten worse.  
Ukraine And The American Crack Up

Ukraine And The American Crack Up

Caroline Glick January 31, 2022
Even if Putin decides not to invade, even if he withdraws all of his forces from the border zone he has already won a strategic victory of historic proportions against the United States.
Is A Great Reset Coming? Do We Have A Choice?

Is A Great Reset Coming? Do We Have A Choice?

WND January 30, 2022
I wonder if President Putin still has the "Great Reset" button Hillary Clinton gifted his foreign minister during her secretary of state (America, not Russia) visit in Moscow? I rather think Putin enjoyed things as they were, before he got the red button. 
Rumors Of War

Rumors Of War January 30, 2022
Rumors of war are flying with a fury out of Ukraine and Russia.
How The West’s Appeasement Mentality Brings Not Peace, But War

How The West’s Appeasement Mentality Brings Not Peace, But War

Arutz Sheva January 28, 2022
The Biden administration just can’t grasp the fact that tyrants and extremists regard compromise as proof of weakness and an incentive to redouble their aggression.
To Combat Holocaust Denial, We Must Remember And Never Forget

To Combat Holocaust Denial, We Must Remember And Never Forget

Israel Hayom January 27, 2022
International Holocaust Remembrance Day remains necessary, not just to ensure the memory is honored but for the very intransigent and methodical struggle in various arenas against Holocaust denial.
Emulating Islam: The Left’s War On The Christian Cross

Emulating Islam: The Left’s War On The Christian Cross

American Thinker January 26, 2022
When it comes to Islam’s views on Christianity -- that it is an inferior faith to be subjugated and discriminated against (Koran 9:29) -- the Left appears to be in agreement.
DHS Warns Russia Could Launch Cyberattack On US

DHS Warns Russia Could Launch Cyberattack On US

Hill January 25, 2022
The Department of Homeland Security is warning that Russia may pursue a cyberattack against the US as tensions escalate over Moscow's buildup of forces near the border with Ukraine.
Netanyahu Will Not Agree To Plea Deal Which Would Force Him To Retire

Netanyahu Will Not Agree To Plea Deal Which Would Force Him To Retire

Times Of Israel January 24, 2022
Netanyahu broke his long-standing silence and clarified that he will not agree to any deal in which he admits to moral turpitude and will continue to lead the Likud.
Overweight & Undernourished

Overweight & Undernourished January 23, 2022
A nutritional paradox fills our world. Vast numbers of people are obese and malnourished at the same time. 
Alleged Kremlin Plot To Install Pro-Russian Regime In Ukraine

Alleged Kremlin Plot To Install Pro-Russian Regime In Ukraine

NBC News January 23, 2022
Russia’s Foreign Ministry rejected a British claim that the Kremlin is seeking to replace Ukraine’s government with a pro-Moscow administration, and that former Ukrainian lawmaker Yevheniy Murayev is a potential candidate.
The Movement To Destigmatize Pedophilia Needs To Stop Now

The Movement To Destigmatize Pedophilia Needs To Stop Now

Life Site January 21, 2022
Alyn Walker wants people to use the term “minor-attracted people” (MAPs) rather than the term “pedophile” because it has less negative connotations and makes the case that sexuality is fluid.
The Coming Global Famine

The Coming Global Famine

PNW January 20, 2022

Like many stories in the Bible, the story of Joseph and Pharaoh is also a symbolic prophecy. It foreshadows a coming time of great famine when, like Pharaoh, one man will gather immense power over the known world.

Gaslighting Anti-Semitism In America

Gaslighting Anti-Semitism In America

Caroline Glick January 19, 2022
Malik Faisal Akram, the British national who seized four hostages at gunpoint at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas during Sabbath services, was straightforward about who he was and what he wanted.
Iranian Drones Are Reshaping The Security Situation In The Middle East

Iranian Drones Are Reshaping The Security Situation In The Middle East

JNS January 18, 2022
This new lethal weapon is not only a threat to Israel, Washington’s strategic ally in the region, but also poses a significant threat to America’s regional interests.
‘Gender Is Seen As The New Rebellion'

‘Gender Is Seen As The New Rebellion'

Harbinger's Daily January 17, 2022
Child advocates opposed to trans-ideology have warned about the risks of allowing children to use TikTok, particularly as evidence mounts that youth are being enticed to take experimental puberty blockers and undergo elective surgeries to remove essential body parts.
Act Of Terror

Act Of Terror

Times Of Israel January 16, 2022
President Biden called the weekend hostage crisis at a Texas synagogue an “act of terror” as the FBI identified the attacker who held four worshipers at gunpoint in Congregation Beth Israel for 11 hours.
Looking For Jesus

Looking For Jesus January 16, 2022
On the list of end-time events, nothing has to happen before Jesus snatches His people from the face of the earth. 
The False Philosophy Of Cancel Culture

The False Philosophy Of Cancel Culture

STR January 15, 2022
It used to be that when people differed on important issues, they engaged the ideas with facts and reasons. Those days are over. Welcome to the cancel culture.
False Flag

False Flag

Business Insider January 14, 2022
US intelligence indicates that Russia has operatives trained in sabotage who are in position and preparing for a possible false-flag operation in eastern Ukraine, which Russia could use to justify military action against Ukraine.
Can Iran Stall Its Way To Nuclear Weapons?

Can Iran Stall Its Way To Nuclear Weapons?

JNS January 12, 2022
Iran wants nuclear weapons. This rational desire aims to ensure that it can pursue its interests without fearing foreign military intervention. The United States and Israel both have rational reasons for wanting Iran never to obtain nuclear weapons.
Olympic Medalist Confronts Transgender Issue

Olympic Medalist Confronts Transgender Issue

CH January 11, 2022
A two-time Olympic medalist is speaking out about transgender athletes, saying in a new social media post that “it’s time to start standing up for women’s sports” and change the rules so that only biological women can compete in women’s events.
Russia, US Still Far Apart After Talks Over Ukraine Tensions

Russia, US Still Far Apart After Talks Over Ukraine Tensions

Newsmax January 10, 2022
Russia and the US remained far apart after talks aimed at defusing tensions over Ukraine, with Moscow insisting on guarantees to halt NATO’s eastward expansion and even roll back the military alliance’s deployments in Eastern Europe, and Washington firmly rejecting the demands as a nonstarter.
Garden of Evil

Garden of Evil

Hal Lindsey January 9, 2022
On his third day in office, Manhattan’s new District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, instructed his staff to stop the prosecutions of many serious crimes.
Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid

Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid

Gatestone January 9, 2022
Last month the UN General Assembly re-affirmed its implacable hostility to one of its own member states. It voted overwhelmingly — 125-8, with 34 abstentions — to fund an unprecedented permanent UNHRC commission of inquiry into allegations of war crimes and human rights abuse by Israel.
Is Another Gaza War Inevitable?

Is Another Gaza War Inevitable?

Jerusalem Post January 8, 2022
Since Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 there have been four significant military escalations: Operations Cast Lead (2008-09), Pillar of Defense (2012), Protective Edge (2014), and Guardian of the Walls (2021). Bitter experience would seem to indicate that another round is only a matter of time.
Our Enemies Keep Their Focus

Our Enemies Keep Their Focus

Israel Hayom January 7, 2022
Something happens almost every day that tells us that Israel's enemies are preparing for war. On the other hand, Israel's responses to these events indicate that Israel is not preparing for war.
Israel Seizes $800,000 In Cryptocurrency From Hamas

Israel Seizes $800,000 In Cryptocurrency From Hamas

Israel Hayom January 6, 2022
Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed an order for the seizure $836,168 in cryptocurrency from a currency exchange firm with ties to the Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip.

How To Avert A Nuclear Crisis With Iran

How To Avert A Nuclear Crisis With Iran

Caroline Glick January 5, 2022
There are growing indications that the Biden administration is slowly recognizing its Iran policy has failed. Unfortunately, President Joe Biden and his team have no idea what to do now.
 Israel's Mossad Bombed German, Swiss Firms To Stop Pakistani Nukes

Israel's Mossad Bombed German, Swiss Firms To Stop Pakistani Nukes

Jerusalem Post January 4, 2022
The Mossad is suspected of detonating bombs and issuing threats to German and Swiss companies in the 1980s that energetically worked to aid the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in its nascent nuclear weapons program.
Iran Vows Revenge For Soleimani Killing Unless Trump Put On Trial

Iran Vows Revenge For Soleimani Killing Unless Trump Put On Trial

Times Of Israel January 3, 2022
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi vowed revenge against Donald Trump unless the former US president is tried over the killing of Qassem Soleimani, as Tehran marked two years since the revered commander’s death.
2022: A Prophetic Preview

2022: A Prophetic Preview January 2, 2022
I have a supernatural source for understanding the future. So do you. It’s called the Bible.  
Missiles From Gaza Land Near Tel Aviv

Missiles From Gaza Land Near Tel Aviv

JTA January 2, 2022
Israel launched an airstrike on Gaza after missiles launched from the Gaza strip landed in the Mediterranean off the coast of Tel Aviv and the Israeli city of Palmachim.
Are You Thinking About The End Times?

Are You Thinking About The End Times?

GCD January 1, 2022
Of course, the Christian’s greatest hope in the end times is the chance to be with our Redeemer. We hope and wait for the day we will get to be with the God who created us and gathered us to himself.
Resolve To Grow In Godliness In 2021

Resolve To Grow In Godliness In 2021

AC December 31, 2021
So there is a sense in which we are growing in our character every day. The question is, In which direction are we growing? Are we growing toward godly character or ungodly character?
Two Paths

Two Paths

Axios December 30, 2021
Speaking to Putin from his home in Delaware, Biden laid out "two paths" that will "really depend on Russia's actions in the period ahead.
Lebanon: Do Not Let the Palestinians Destroy Our Country

Lebanon: Do Not Let the Palestinians Destroy Our Country

Gatestone December 29, 2021
A growing number of people in Lebanon fear that Hamas could drag Lebanon into another war with Israel -- as Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorist militia, backed by Iran, has done for the past three decades.
‘This Is Our Moment’

‘This Is Our Moment’

TOI December 27, 2021
Israel unanimously approved a $317 million development plan aimed at encouraging demographic growth in the Golan Heights.
2021: A Prophetic Review

2021: A Prophetic Review

Hal Lindsey December 26, 2021
Fully half of all Americans say 2021 was the worst year of their lives. 
The Greatest Gift You Can Give God This Christmas

The Greatest Gift You Can Give God This Christmas

Charisma December 24, 2021
We need to remember the promises and the great miracles God has done, the great miracles God is doing and the great miracles God will continue to do. 
Lebanon Blast Latest Reminder Of Hamas’s Growing Armed Presence To Israel’s North

Lebanon Blast Latest Reminder Of Hamas’s Growing Armed Presence To Israel’s North

JNS December 22, 2021
“Hamas does not just see itself as a guest in Lebanon,” says the Head of Research at the Alma Center, Maj. Tal Beeri.
Abducted Haiti Missionaries Describe Daring Escape

Abducted Haiti Missionaries Describe Daring Escape

BBC News December 21, 2021
Twelve missionaries who were abducted in Haiti managed to get away on their own. The group escaped their captors at night and used the stars for navigation to trek through dense bush for hours.
Kim Jong Un Has Armed North Korea To The Teeth, But He's No Closer To His Goals

Kim Jong Un Has Armed North Korea To The Teeth, But He's No Closer To His Goals

CBS News December 20, 2021
As Kim Jong Un walked with the car carrying the coffin of his father, the public displays of grief by mourners lining the funeral procession route would have reminded him that he had big shoes to fill.
The Dragon and the Manger

The Dragon and the Manger December 19, 2021
Dragons make fine fiction. In the old stories, heroes become heroes while battling dragons. Those dragons aren’t real. But Revelation 12 depicts something it calls a dragon...
 Hamas, Islamic Jihad Announce Pact To Increase Terror Attacks Against Israel

Hamas, Islamic Jihad Announce Pact To Increase Terror Attacks Against Israel

Jerusalem Post December 19, 2021
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have reached an agreement to step up terror attacks against Israel, especially in Jerusalem and the West Bank. 
What Should Christians Make Of These Natural Disasters?

What Should Christians Make Of These Natural Disasters?

Charisma December 18, 2021
When I was in school, the girl who sat in the desk in front of me had pigtails. The guy who sat across the aisle would reach over and yank one of her pigtails and quickly jump back. The girl would always turn around and blame me. None of us has all the answers, but I think God gets blamed for a lot that He had nothing to do with.
Biden’s Decision To Allow Mail-Order Abortions Will Result In Abortion Killing More Women

Biden’s Decision To Allow Mail-Order Abortions Will Result In Abortion Killing More Women

Life News December 17, 2021
The FDA has a record of nearly two dozen deaths and thousands of complications associated with the use of the drugs. These dangerous pills have documented “adverse events” including serious infections and severe hemorrhaging.
Terror Attack In West Bank

Terror Attack In West Bank

Times Of Israel December 16, 2021
One Israeli man was killed and two were injured in a shooting attack outside an illegal outpost in the northern West Bank. Palestinian terror groups have praised the attack but have not taken responsibility. The victim was named as Yehudah Dimentman, a father of one from the West Bank settlement of Shavei Shomron.
Churches Starting To See Cryptocurrency In The Collection Plate

Churches Starting To See Cryptocurrency In The Collection Plate

Christianity Today December 14, 2021
As digital monetary systems go mainstream, ministries weigh pros and cons of accepting donations.
Unto Us…The Ultimate Gift

Unto Us…The Ultimate Gift December 12, 2021
The birth of a child is always an awesome event. 
The Generals’ Belated Awakening

The Generals’ Belated Awakening

Caroline Glick December 12, 2021
Something is changing in Israel’s military brass’ assessment of the Iranian nuclear threat. Evidence is growing that members of the IDF General Staff and the Mossad are beginning to realize that the U.S. doesn’t share Israel’s goal of preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power.
The Latest Revelations Of Israel’s Covert War On Iran

The Latest Revelations Of Israel’s Covert War On Iran

Jerusalem Post December 11, 2021
Israel and the Mossad will hit the Islamic Republic when it deems necessary, but it particularly likes to do so juxtaposed to when Tehran has angered the IAEA.
Supreme Court Lets Texas Abortion Ban Keep Saving Babies

Supreme Court Lets Texas Abortion Ban Keep Saving Babies

Life News December 10, 2021
In a victory for the Texas abortion ban today, the Supreme Court has allowed the pro-life law to continue saving babies from abortion and it dismissed Joe Biden’s lawsuit against it.
What Russia Wants In Ukraine

What Russia Wants In Ukraine

Gatestone December 9, 2021
A Russian invasion of Ukraine, if successful, would expand Moscow's sphere of influence along its western border and pave the way for Eastern Europe and the Baltics to come under Russian domination once again.
Christianity: The #1 Recipient Of Hate Crimes

Christianity: The #1 Recipient Of Hate Crimes

AT December 8, 2021
Hate crimes against Christianity and its followers in Europe — formerly and for centuries the guardian and disseminator of Christ's teachings — are at an all-time high.
Is Maritime Terrorism The Next Storm Israel Must Weather?

Is Maritime Terrorism The Next Storm Israel Must Weather?

Israel Hayom December 6, 2021
While it is hard to think of a naval force in the Middle East that could rival the Israeli Navy, the same cannot be said for maritime terrorism.
Bob Dole Carried His Battle Scars The Rest Of His Life

Bob Dole Carried His Battle Scars The Rest Of His Life

FOX News December 5, 2021
"I could see my platoon's radioman go down … After pulling his lifeless form into the foxhole, I scrambled back out again. As I did, I felt a sharp sting in my upper right back."
Oriented to the Lord

Oriented to the Lord December 5, 2021
It’s the last hours of the night. You’re driving down a highway toward the east. 
Russia Is Planning A Military Offensive Against Ukraine In Early 2022

Russia Is Planning A Military Offensive Against Ukraine In Early 2022

PJ Media December 4, 2021
While Ukrainian assessments have said Russia has approximately 94,000 troops near the border, the U.S. map puts the number at 70,000 — but it predicts a buildup to as many as 175,000.
Daystar TV Founder Marcus Lamb Passes Away

Daystar TV Founder Marcus Lamb Passes Away November 30, 2021
God used Marcus and his precious Joni to reach countless people for Christ. He was determined to shine the light of Jesus into a sin-darkened world. He had a special love for his Daystar viewers. Marcus said that God called him to reach people for Christ, refresh lives, and renew hearts. And at those things, he was a fantastic success.
Is Jesus Woke?

Is Jesus Woke?

Harbinger's Daily November 29, 2021
Would Jesus be declared “woke” by political conservatives if He came to earth today, instead of 2,000 years ago? According to a recent tweet, the Democratic lieutenant governor hopeful of Texas, Matthew Dowd, believes so. Is Dowd right? Is Jesus “woke”?
Thankful for God’s Word

Thankful for God’s Word November 28, 2021
Our primary knowledge of Jesus comes from the Bible. So how is it that so many people say they follow Jesus, but that they don’t trust the Bible? 
China And Russia Race Ahead Of America

China And Russia Race Ahead Of America

Caroline Glick November 27, 2021
Over the past several weeks a hard truth has become undeniable: The United States of America is no longer the all-powerful superpower it has been since the end of the Cold War. Far from it. The strategic implications of this state of affairs are epic for both the US and its allies.
Biden Bans Travel From Eight African Countries Over New Covid Variant

Biden Bans Travel From Eight African Countries Over New Covid Variant

Daily Mail November 26, 2021
The decision was made on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the COVID-19 Response Team, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the President’s Chief Medical Advisor, who hours earlier said in an interview on CNN that it was too soon for any such restrictions. 
Don’t Forget To Be Grateful For The Little Things

Don’t Forget To Be Grateful For The Little Things

Christian Post November 25, 2021
As we the Thanksgiving holiday, it is a good time to reflect on the importance of gratitude. One way to be more grateful to God is to appreciate and value God's grace and goodness in our lives. 
The Palestinian Jihad Against Jews

The Palestinian Jihad Against Jews

Gatestone November 24, 2021
If Palestinian leaders believe that Jews are not entitled to their holiest site, the Temple Mount, and that Jerusalem belongs only to Muslims and Christians, how can they talk about establishing a Palestinian state that would exist in peace and security next to Israel?
Iran Smuggling Weapons To Venezuela

Iran Smuggling Weapons To Venezuela

Jerusalem Post November 23, 2021
“Iranian terrorism is being promoted with the approval of its spiritual leader Ali Khamenei and under the regime’s top directive,” Gantz said, adding that Tehran is also attempting to smuggle weapons to Venezuela and increase the presence of the IRGC in South America. 
Bennett Builds A Terror State

Bennett Builds A Terror State

Caroline Glick November 22, 2021
Standing at the speaker’s rostrum at the Knesset last week, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett declared, “There are no negotiations taking place towards the establishment of a terror state in the heart of Israel.” Events this week indicated that despite Bennett’s denials, the opposition is right.
The Collapsing Global Supply Chain & Bible Prophecy

The Collapsing Global Supply Chain & Bible Prophecy

PNW November 21, 2021
Can you see how the current supply chain disruptions could morph into a catastrophic failure? This type of destabilization could result in widespread shortages of everything, including food. As the old adage says, "Fear not the angry man, but the hungry man."
God’s Standard Of Righteousness

God’s Standard Of Righteousness

Hal Lindsey November 21, 2021
The Bible has a lot to say about righteousness.
Do You Have A God-Given Right To Defend Yourself?

Do You Have A God-Given Right To Defend Yourself?

Christian Post November 20, 2021
An example of this is found in Exodus 22: 2-3: “If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, the defender is guilty of bloodshed. He shall surely make restitution; if he owns nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.”
Artificial Intelligence Replacing God?

Artificial Intelligence Replacing God?

Christian Post November 19, 2021
As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it threatens to eclipse society’s reverence and worship of God — a looming reality that has severe ramifications for the Church.
Biden's Betrayal Of Israel At The UN

Biden's Betrayal Of Israel At The UN

Arutz Sheva November 18, 2021
I could not help but think back to President Obama’s outrageous and shameful abstention from voting against Resolution 2334 which stated that Israel’s “settlement activity” constitutes a “flagrant violation” of international law and has “no legal validity.”
Staples Center To Be Renamed Arena

Staples Center To Be Renamed Arena

Today November 17, 2021
The Staples Center sports and entertainment arena in downtown Los Angeles will be renamed the Arena under a naming rights agreement. The actor Matt Damon is an investor in the platform and he recently took part in a campaign to promote it.
Update: Hezbollah Planned To Murder Israeli In Colombia To Avenge Soleimani

Update: Hezbollah Planned To Murder Israeli In Colombia To Avenge Soleimani

Times Of Israel November 15, 2021
The target is said to have been ex-diplomat and intelligence operative. Mossad officials reportedly visited the country amid fears of rising terror activity.
 Why Wokeism Is A Religion

Why Wokeism Is A Religion

Zero Hedge November 14, 2021
A growing number of progressives have pointed to police killings of unarmed black men, rising carbon emissions and extreme weather events, and the killing of trans people as proof that the US has failed to take action on racism, climate change, and transphobia.
An Appeal To Prophecy

An Appeal To Prophecy November 14, 2021
In the last few years, there has been a disturbing movement in the Church to disregard or even disavow the Old Testament.
100,000 Russian Troops On The Border

100,000 Russian Troops On The Border

Reuters November 13, 2021
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said there are nearly 100,000 Russian soldiers near Ukraine's border and that Western countries had shared information about active Russian troop movements with Kyiv.
2022: The Year Iran’s Nuclear Program Becomes Top Priority For The Israeli Air Force

2022: The Year Iran’s Nuclear Program Becomes Top Priority For The Israeli Air Force

JNS November 12, 2021
The year 2022 is set to be the year that the Israeli Air Forces places its long-range strike capabilities against Iran’s nuclear program sites at the top of its priority list.
Bennett To Christians: Radical Islam Wants To Take Over The World

Bennett To Christians: Radical Islam Wants To Take Over The World

Jerusalem Post November 11, 2021
“Here in Israel, we are fighting a very visible enemy, radical militant Islam,” Bennett warned,  “The terror that begins in Tehran seeks to destroy Israel, dominate the world, and drive it into a dark abyss.”
Bennett: Israel Stands United With Christians

Bennett: Israel Stands United With Christians

Arutz Sheva November 10, 2021
“In the Middle East, there is only one place that fully protects Christian life", Prime Minister Naftali Bennett added "where the Christian community is growing, thriving and prospering, and that’s in the State of Israel.
The Inhuman Consequences Of Satan’s Oldest Lie

The Inhuman Consequences Of Satan’s Oldest Lie

Christianity Today November 9, 2021
In Paradise Lost, as Satan rallies some angels to rebel against God, one stalwart angel, Abdiel, objects on the grounds that God created them and they belong to him. Satan guilefully mocks this “strange” and “new” claim, insisting that the angels created themselves and were “possessed before by none.”
The Surprising Source Of The Threat To Redivide Jerusalem Again

The Surprising Source Of The Threat To Redivide Jerusalem Again

Charisma November 8, 2021
"If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand cease to function. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Jerusalem as my greatest joy!" (Psalm 137:5-6, Berean Study Bible)
What Really Matters

What Really Matters November 7, 2021
What is important? When you boil it all down, what matters most? 
What Will Drive China To War?

What Will Drive China To War?

Atlantic November 6, 2021
President Xi Jinping declared in July that those who get in the way of China’s ascent will have their “heads bashed bloody against a Great Wall of steel.”
Bennett's Diplomatic Tsunami

Bennett's Diplomatic Tsunami

Caroline Glick November 5, 2021
Naftali Bennett’s government’s diplomatic policies came into full view in recent weeks and were put to the test at the UN climate conference in Glasgow this week. The results are unmistakable.
Cancel Abraham

Cancel Abraham

PAD November 4, 2021
Cancel Abraham. He owned slaves and even impregnated one of them. Cancel Sarah. She enabled her husband’s escapade and persecuted the victim. Cancel David. His behavior is only acceptable in a movie. Samson and Jephthah? Let’s not even go there. How can God exalt such obviously flawed people in Hebrews 11 as examples of faith?
'From The River To The Sea'

'From The River To The Sea'

Gatestone November 3, 2021
Hamas's 1988 charter which is explicit: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it." The 2017 document re-affirmed: "Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea", to be achieved by "armed resistance".
Balfour Day: Dynamics That Accompanied Famous Declaration Still At Play

Balfour Day: Dynamics That Accompanied Famous Declaration Still At Play

Jerusalem Post November 1, 2021
On November 2, 1917, as World War I raged on, and months after various drafts were submitted and considered, British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild to be transmitted to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland that electrified and transformed the Jewish world.
Israel And Iran Escalate Shadow War

Israel And Iran Escalate Shadow War

Arutz Sheva October 31, 2021
Do the unusual IDF events that took place on Saturday, the escalated cyber war and the start of a week long IDF drill have the same purpose?
The Role Of Iran's Palestinian Mercenaries

The Role Of Iran's Palestinian Mercenaries

Gatestone October 30, 2021
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are embarrassed: Iran just admitted that both of those terrorist groups serve as mercenaries for the mullahs in Tehran. For Hamas and PIJ, the admission is yet another sign that the truth can be painful and inconvenient, especially when it comes from a major ally such as Iran.
Biden Says Pope Francis Told Him He Should Continue Receiving Communion

Biden Says Pope Francis Told Him He Should Continue Receiving Communion

National Review October 29, 2021
When President Biden was asked by reporters about his meeting with Pope Francis, Biden said the topic of abortion did not come up during their conversation. “We just talked about the fact that he was happy I was a good Catholic,”
Plan B

Plan B

Arutz Sheva October 28, 2021
Last week the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna announced that the monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program is “no longer intact”. Israel is preparing for ‘plan B’ after the latest Iranian nuclear violations. You might ask if Israel’s military is up to this daunting task and the answer to this question is yes.
A Sputnik Moment

A Sputnik Moment

Business Insider October 27, 2021
The highest-ranking US general said that a recent Chinese hypersonic weapon test was "very close" to being a "Sputnik moment," a reference to when the Soviet Union shocked the US by taking an early lead in the space race during the Cold War.
A Lethal Terrorist Cocktail

A Lethal Terrorist Cocktail

Gatestone Institute October 24, 2021
Despite their promises to deny terrorists safe haven, the Taliban will do the opposite. They and Al Qaida are joined at the hip, with both Osama Bin Laden and his successor Ayman Al Zawahiri having sworn unbreakable allegiance, bay'ah, to the leaders of the Taliban.
On Stormy Seas

On Stormy Seas October 24, 2021
For a long time, those of us who teach Bible prophecy have warned of coming storms. 
US 'Concerned' About Plans To Approve 'Settlement Units'

US 'Concerned' About Plans To Approve 'Settlement Units'

Arutz Sheva October 23, 2021
State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters on Friday the US is "concerned" about the announcement in Israel that 3,000 Jewish housing units in Judea and Samaria would be approved next week.
Supreme Court Rules Texas Abortion Ban Can Keep Saving Babies From Abortions

Supreme Court Rules Texas Abortion Ban Can Keep Saving Babies From Abortions

Life News October 22, 2021
The Supreme Court today refused a request by Joe Biden and abortion businesses in Texas to block the Texas abortion ban that has saved thousands of babies from abortions.
Hamas Is The Beneficiary Of Joe Biden’s Delusional Diplomacy

Hamas Is The Beneficiary Of Joe Biden’s Delusional Diplomacy

Caroline Glick October 21, 2021
Earlier this month, international aid began flowing into the Gaza Strip. More than a billion dollars have been pledged. Qatar and Egypt, the Biden administration and the United Nations are all keen to move as quickly as possible to rebuild the buildings that were destroyed during Hamas’ last missile offensive against Israel in May.
We Must Never Get Used To The New Cultural Craziness

We Must Never Get Used To The New Cultural Craziness

Charisma October 20, 2021
It is imperative that we refuse to get used to this new normal. It is not normal. It will never be normal. And we must not accept it as normal. It violates natural law and it violates God's design for humanity. Surely, He has a better way.
$17 Million

$17 Million

KSL October 19, 2021
A Haitian gang that kidnapped a group of American and Canadian missionaries is asking for $17 million to release them. The FBI and Haitian police are in contact with the kidnappers and seeking the release of the missionaries abducted over the weekend
Abortionists Demanding To Target Unborn With Down Syndrome

Abortionists Demanding To Target Unborn With Down Syndrome

WND October 18, 2021
It was a few years back when reports swirled that Iceland was on the verge of eliminating Down syndrome in newborns. But then it was revealed that the syndrome was being eliminated by killing all those diagnosed before they were born.
Christian Missionaries Kidnapped In Haiti

Christian Missionaries Kidnapped In Haiti

Christian Post October 17, 2021
An armed gang in Haiti abducted 17 Christian missionaries and their family members, including children, as they were leaving an orphanage. An audio alert seeking prayers, sent by the Ohio-based Christian Aid Ministries, says “men, women and children” connected with the group are being held by an armed gang near Port-au-Prince.

Friends October 17, 2021
“You are My friends,” Jesus said.
A Who’s Who Of The Groups Involved In The Beirut Violence

A Who’s Who Of The Groups Involved In The Beirut Violence

Times Of Israel October 16, 2021
The deadly street battles after rally demanding removal of judge from port blast probe involved several of the same players as the 1975-1990 civil war, including Hezbollah terror group,
Could China Beat Taiwan In War?

Could China Beat Taiwan In War?

Jerusalem Post October 15, 2021
Small nations repeatedly humbled big armies. This happened to the US in Vietnam, to Britain in South Africa, to Italy in Abyssinia, to France in Algeria, to the USSR in Afghanistan and to Imperial Russia in Japan. There is no reason to assume in advance it might not happen to China in Taiwan.
Deadly Hezbollah Protest In Beirut

Deadly Hezbollah Protest In Beirut

New York Post October 14, 2021
At least six people have been killed and more than 30 injured in Beirut after protests erupted into bloodshed with armed clashes and heavy gunfights plaguing the streets of Lebanon’s capital.
Israel Blasts Biden Plan To Open US Consulate For Palestinians In Jerusalem

Israel Blasts Biden Plan To Open US Consulate For Palestinians In Jerusalem

Zero Hedge October 13, 2021
The Biden administration is planning to open a consulate dedicated to Palestinian affairs in Jerusalem in a significant break from Trump's policy of only recognizing a diplomatic presence to Israel, resulting in severe pushback this week from top Israeli officials.
Drugs, Arms, And Terror

Drugs, Arms, And Terror

BBC News October 12, 2021
A defector depicts a North Korean leadership desperate to make cash by any means possible, from drug deals to weapons sales in the Middle East and Africa. 
Poking God In The Eye

Poking God In The Eye

PNW October 11, 2021
The Biden administration is trying to partially undo one of Israel's greatest diplomatic achievements of recent decades--the recognition of Israel's sovereignty over all of Jerusalem by the United States, followed by numerous other countries.
Into The Harvest

Into The Harvest October 10, 2021
World systems are stretched to the breaking point. 
80% Acquired

80% Acquired

Jerusalem Post October 10, 2021
Iran claims to have 80% of uranium needed to build nuclear bomb. If true, the numbers could be considered a major jump forward in Iran's uranium enrichment efforts.
Hamas Claims Israel 'Surrendered' On Prayers On Temple Mount

Hamas Claims Israel 'Surrendered' On Prayers On Temple Mount

Arutz Sheva October 9, 2021
An article in the official newspaper of the Hamas terrorist organization claimed victory after the Jerusalem District Court reversed the Magistrate Court's ruling permitting Jews to pray silently on the Temple Mount, stating that "it is in fact a surrender to the threats made by the Palestinians."
Revolution Has Come To America

Revolution Has Come To America

Caroline Glick October 8, 2021
Today, in the United States, Americans are not losing their liberty to a foreign power, but to domestic revolutionaries. Their weapon is not the gun or the jackboot, but demonization and intimidation.
Biden Administration Ups Pressure On Israel To Crack Down On China

Biden Administration Ups Pressure On Israel To Crack Down On China

Jerusalem Post October 7, 2021
Biden administration officials spoke with National Security Advisor Eyal Hulata about the threats posed by Chinese investments in major infrastructure and hi-tech in Israel when he visited Washington this week.
Biden Sends Private Message To Bennett To Stop Settlement Construction

Biden Sends Private Message To Bennett To Stop Settlement Construction

Arutz Sheva October 6, 2021
The Yesha Council chairman denounces 'gross interference in internal Israeli affairs' after President Biden sends private message to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to stop building.
Report: Mossad Kidnapped An Iranian General To Obtain Info On Ron Arad

Report: Mossad Kidnapped An Iranian General To Obtain Info On Ron Arad

Times Of Israel October 5, 2021
A recent Mossad operation that aimed to discover information about the whereabouts of missing Israeli airman Ron Arad saw agents kidnap an Iranian general for interrogation.
Mahmoud Abbas' Fantasy

Mahmoud Abbas' Fantasy

Israel Hayom October 3, 2021
Every few years, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, now in the 16th year of his four-year term, addresses the UN General Assembly to plead the cause of Palestinian statehood that he has repeatedly undermined. Predictably, he blames Israel for its failure.
What Is The “Two-State Solution” About?

What Is The “Two-State Solution” About?

Caroline Glick October 2, 2021
The recent drama about US funding for Iron Dome was just a sideshow to Rep. Andy Levin's proposed amendment to the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987, which would effectively support Palestinian terrorism against Israel.
Why Israel Is Stepping Up Its Planning, And Its Rhetoric, For A Strike On Iran

Why Israel Is Stepping Up Its Planning, And Its Rhetoric, For A Strike On Iran

TOI October 1, 2021
For perhaps 3 years after the JCPOA was inked, Israel essentially discarded its operational planning and capability to decimate Iran’s nuclear facilities. That’s all changed now.
Tipping Point

Tipping Point September 30, 2021
A new advertisement touting NBC newsman Lester Holt tells us a great deal about the precarious state of our nation and the world. 
The Palestinians Don’t Want ‘Economy For Peace’

The Palestinians Don’t Want ‘Economy For Peace’

Algemeiner September 29, 2021
Arafat’s decision to reject Israel’s offer of peace, even with significant territorial concessions, made clear that the Palestinian national movement was not, in fact, a struggle to achieve a political settlement based on territorial compromise.
Bennett At The UN: Hating Israel Doesn’t Make You ‘Woke’

Bennett At The UN: Hating Israel Doesn’t Make You ‘Woke’

JP September 27, 2021
Speaking in front of the iconic green marble wall, just over 100 days after he became prime minister, Bennett said: “Attacking Israel doesn’t make you morally superior. Fighting the only democracy in the Middle East doesn’t make you ‘woke.’
The Squalid

The Squalid "Squad"

Gatestone September 26, 2021
The fact that the Squad picked on the Iron Dome to make its stand against Israel is significant. The Iron Dome is a system developed jointly by the United States and Israel that is purely defensive. It does not kill, injure, or threaten anyone.
Abbas Demands Israel Withdraw To 1967 Borders Within A Year

Abbas Demands Israel Withdraw To 1967 Borders Within A Year

Times Of Israel September 24, 2021
In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas demanded that Israel withdraw to the 1967 boundaries within one year or else face repercussions.


Jerusalem Post September 23, 2021
The US House of Representatives approved a stand-alone bill to provide Israel with $1 billion for replenishing the Iron Dome missile-defense system in a landslide, following two days of contentious debate within the Democratic Party. The vote passed with an overwhelming 420-9 majority.
Iron Dome Saves Israeli Lives

Iron Dome Saves Israeli Lives

Jerusalem Post September 22, 2021
It might be just politics. But news that Democrats are holding up $1 billion for the Iron Dome missile defense system led many Israelis to worry that the bond between the two allies is breaking.
House Dems Remove Iron Dome Funding From Upcoming Budget

House Dems Remove Iron Dome Funding From Upcoming Budget

Jerusalem Post September 21, 2021
Democratic Party leadership in the US House of Representatives removed about $1 billion of funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system on Tuesday. The revision came after progressives in the party refused to vote for the broader bill in which the Iron Dome funding was included.
Taliban Are Carrying Out Mass Executions

Taliban Are Carrying Out Mass Executions

Christian Post September 20, 2021
Less than a month after the U.S. withdrew troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban have started arresting, and in some instances executing, people they perceive as their enemies. Recent photos and video suggest they're killing as many as 30 to 40 at a time.
US: Time Not Right For Direct Israeli-Palestinian Talks

US: Time Not Right For Direct Israeli-Palestinian Talks

Israel Hayom September 19, 2021
Washington will not pressure Israel and the Palestinians to resume direct negotiations, or take other action to improve the conditions for regional peace talks, US State Department spokesman Ned Price said.
‘Interesting’ Times

‘Interesting’ Times September 19, 2021
It is a curse usually attributed to the ancient Chinese. “May you live in interesting times.” 
Mossad Killed Iran’s Top Nuke Scientist With Remote-Operated Machine Gun

Mossad Killed Iran’s Top Nuke Scientist With Remote-Operated Machine Gun

TOI September 18, 2021
Top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated in November 2020 in a sophisticated hit led by a Mossad team that reportedly deployed a computerized machine gun, and did not injure anyone else, including the scientist’s wife who was with him at the time.
Biden Administration Blocks Rescue Of Persecuted Christians From Afghanistan

Biden Administration Blocks Rescue Of Persecuted Christians From Afghanistan

Gatestone September 17, 2021
"The State Department has blocked us every step of the way. The State Department and the White House have been the biggest problem.  Everyone else, everyone else, has been working together, putting aside differences and trying to get these people to safety."
Beijing Fumes Over New US-Led Arms Pact: Australia Aspiring To Be

Beijing Fumes Over New US-Led Arms Pact: Australia Aspiring To Be "Enemy Of China"

Zero Hedge September 16, 2021
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian condemned the partnership as it "greatly undermines regional peace and stability, aggravates the arms race and hurts the international non-proliferation efforts."
Why Arabs Do Not Trust the Biden Administration

Why Arabs Do Not Trust the Biden Administration

Gatestone September 15, 2021
Is there a connection between the hasty and disorganized US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the increased attacks on Saudi Arabia by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen? Many Arabs political analysts are convinced that the Biden administration's flawed handling of the crisis in Afghanistan has emboldened various extremist Islamic groups.
Compassionate Care Will Turn The Tide Of Abortion

Compassionate Care Will Turn The Tide Of Abortion

Christian Post September 13, 2021
When women facing unplanned pregnancies don’t feel economically or situationally prepared to raise a child, pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations provide real answers. For decades, they have been caring for the needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies by offering the support they need to feel truly empowered.
8-10 Weeks Away

8-10 Weeks Away

Gatestone September 12, 2021
Since the Biden administration assumed office, the nuclear talks with Iran have gone nowhere. Six rounds of negotiations have been concluded with no results. In contrast, two other issues have gone too far: the Biden administration's appeasement policies towards the Iranian regime, and the advancement of the mullahs' nuclear program.
The Ultimate Safe Room

The Ultimate Safe Room September 12, 2021
If there’s anything worse than seeing evil in the world, it’s seeing evil rewarded or glamorized. 
Assessing The Twin Disasters Of September 2001

Assessing The Twin Disasters Of September 2001

Caroline Glick September 10, 2021
Even before the dust had settled on the ruins of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the “radical fringe” began throwing its weight around, and it worked out its weight was considerable. Indeed within a few short years, its influence had become decisive.
Biden Will Sue To Overturn Texas Abortion Ban Saving Unborn Babies

Biden Will Sue To Overturn Texas Abortion Ban Saving Unborn Babies

Life News September 9, 2021
Today is the 9th day the Texas abortion ban is protecting babies from abortion, but the “devout Catholic” has been a radical abortion activist as president and the Justice Department is putting together legal documents to try to get the courts to overturn the law.
Inmates Riot Across Israel

Inmates Riot Across Israel

Jerusalem Post September 8, 2021
Security prisoners rioted in jails across Israel as tensions escalate following the escape of six prisoners from Gilboa Prison using a tunnel they dug in their cell.
Palestinian Militants, Including Former Commander, Escape Israeli Prison

Palestinian Militants, Including Former Commander, Escape Israeli Prison

New York Post September 6, 2021
Six Palestinian inmates, including a terror group’s former commander, escaped from a high-security prison in Israel through a tunnel they dug from their cell, sparking a massive manhunt Monday.
No Greater Love

No Greater Love

Hal Lindsey September 5, 2021
Kareem Nikoui did not die alone.
Gazans Continue To Launch Balloons Towards Southern Israel

Gazans Continue To Launch Balloons Towards Southern Israel

Jerusalem Post September 4, 2021
Gazans continued to launch balloons toward southern Israel a day after a 26-year-old Palestinian man was killed and several others injured as thousands of rioters clashed along the border fence with Israel.
'Abortions Have All But Stopped!'

'Abortions Have All But Stopped!'

Life News September 3, 2021
Only in the warped, twisted bubble of the left-wing media would fewer abortions be greeted as bad news. These journalists are truly disappointed that the pace of executing unborn children has slowed somewhere in the nation.
Supreme Court Refuses To Block Abortion Bill

Supreme Court Refuses To Block Abortion Bill

Life News September 2, 2021
In the middle of the night, pro-lifers won another victory for life when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block the new Texas heartbeat law.
Texas Becomes The First State In America To Ban Abortions

Texas Becomes The First State In America To Ban Abortions

Life News September 1, 2021
The state heartbeat law went into effect, prohibiting abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy.
Taliban Offered Kabul To US, But Americans Said No

Taliban Offered Kabul To US, But Americans Said No

FOX News August 30, 2021
Faced with the decision of whether to accept control over Kabul or allow the Taliban to do so, the U.S. opted for the latter, given President Biden’s insistence on withdrawing from Afghanistan by August 31. 
Bennett’s Goals, Israel’s Goals

Bennett’s Goals, Israel’s Goals

Caroline Glick August 29, 2021
One has to wonder why the Israeli prime minister insisted on visiting the White House in the midst of the greatest strategic catastrophe to befall the US since the Sept. 11 attacks.
IDF Attacks In Gaza Following Riots, Incendiary Balloons

IDF Attacks In Gaza Following Riots, Incendiary Balloons

Jerusalem Post August 28, 2021
IDF spokesperson confirmed that IAF warcrafts struck Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday night, following violent riots at the border with Israel.
The Roots Of America's Defeat

The Roots Of America's Defeat

Caroline Glick August 27, 2021
While Biden is solely responsible for the decision to leave Afghanistan in the manner it is, it isn’t Biden’s fault that after twenty years of war, the Taliban was still around, stronger than it was on September 11, 2001, and fully capable of seizing control of the country.
Deadly ISIS Bombing At Kabul Airport Kills Americans

Deadly ISIS Bombing At Kabul Airport Kills Americans

Ynet August 26, 2021
At least sixty Afghans and twelve US servicemen have been killed in a suicide bombing carried out by ISIS at the Kabul airport.
IDF Ramps Up Plans For Strike On Iran’s Nuke Program

IDF Ramps Up Plans For Strike On Iran’s Nuke Program

Times Of Israel August 25, 2021
Military, defense minister believe a credible threat of an Israeli attack on Tehran’s nuclear facilities is only way US will be able to negotiate better deal with Islamic Republic.
The Taliban Reminder

The Taliban Reminder August 25, 2021
People in the west had almost forgotten. It has been a while since the last large, successful terror attack against the United States or Europe. 
Ayatollah: Jews Greatest Problem Of Islam And Humanity

Ayatollah: Jews Greatest Problem Of Islam And Humanity

Israel Hayom August 24, 2021
"Consider the most difficult problem for Islam and humanity as a whole. This is corroborated by documents. The most difficult problem has been the Jews. … They are more evil than Satan," said Ayatollah Alireza Ebadi.
Few Good Options

Few Good Options

Times Of Israel August 22, 2021
For now, the options facing Israel range from bad to worse, as do those facing Hamas, the terror group that controls the coastal enclave of the Gaza strip. 
Taliban Commander Vows Jihad Against The Whole World

Taliban Commander Vows Jihad Against The Whole World

Frontpage Mag August 20, 2021
“It’s our belief that one day, mujahedin will have victory, and Islamic law will come not to just Afghanistan, but all over the world. We are not in a hurry. We believe it will come one day. Jihad will not end until the last day.”
Destabilizing the World

Destabilizing the World August 20, 2021
At a July 8th news conference, a reporter asked President Biden if a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was inevitable. The President answered that was not inevitable.
Will Taliban's Rise In Afghanistan See Al-Qaeda Rear Its Head?

Will Taliban's Rise In Afghanistan See Al-Qaeda Rear Its Head?

Israel Hayom August 19, 2021
Propaganda messaging by Al Qaeda has risen dramatically in recent weeks, in line with the takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban fundamentalist forces.
 Iran's Renewed 'Promise' To The Palestinians

Iran's Renewed 'Promise' To The Palestinians

Gatestone Institute August 18, 2021
As the Biden administration continues to talk about the need for confidence-building measures between Israel and the Palestinians to create an environment to reach a two-state solution, the leaders of various Palestinian factions are seeking Iran's support for their jihad against Israel.
'We Know Where You Are, And We're Coming For You!

'We Know Where You Are, And We're Coming For You!"

Bridgehead August 17, 2021
A Christian church leader in Kabul has already said that the Taliban is sending letters to house churches warning them: “We know who you are, and we’re coming for you.”
Fleeing Afghanistan

Fleeing Afghanistan

Frontpage Mag August 16, 2021
The Biden administration’s feckless withdrawal from Afghanistan is sending the worst possible message to our enemies across the world.
Alas, Common Sense

Alas, Common Sense August 15, 2021
Common sense… straight thinking… seeing the obvious. The whole world seems to find these things more and more difficult. 
Kabul Falls

Kabul Falls

BBC News August 15, 2021
The lightning advance of the Taliban in retaking the country has led Afghan Americans, former generals and leading statesmen to blame President Joe Biden for a hasty US withdrawal. 
'Iran's Involvement In Afghanistan Is Suspicious'

'Iran's Involvement In Afghanistan Is Suspicious'

Israel Hayom August 14, 2021
As the Taliban steps into the vacuum created by the withdrawal of US troops, eyes turn toward Shiite Tehran and its ties to the radicalized Sunni group.
What Hezbollah Learned This Week

What Hezbollah Learned This Week

Caroline Glick August 13, 2021
Hezbollah attacked Israel with twenty missiles because the outcome of Hamas’s offensive against the Jewish state in May convinced Iran’s foreign legion in Lebanon that it would only gain from aggression.
We’re Just Getting Started

We’re Just Getting Started

Info Wars August 12, 2021
When you compare the inflation rate that we’re getting now, at the beginning of the cycle, to the inflation rates we got back in the 70s at the end of the cycle, you can only imagine how much worse it’s going to get when this cycle eventually tops out.
'Mentally Disturbed'

'Mentally Disturbed'

Times Of Israel August 11, 2021
Israel hosted CIA chief William Burns for talks focused on Iran, with Jerusalem reportedly attempting to snooker any American rapprochement with Tehran by presenting Iran’s new president as a deranged misfit.
'Their Goal Is Really To Eradicate Christianity'

'Their Goal Is Really To Eradicate Christianity'

Gatestone Institute August 9, 2021
"Armed groups are destroying schools and hospitals. Teachers and pupils are being killed. They are even killing the sick as they lie in their hospital beds."
Yes, The Chaotic Border Is A COVID Superspreader

Yes, The Chaotic Border Is A COVID Superspreader

PJ Media August 8, 2021
More than 18 percent of illegal alien families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the border tested positive for the coronavirus upon leaving Border Patrol custody.
US Military Releases Evidence Iran Was Behind Gulf Tanker Attack

US Military Releases Evidence Iran Was Behind Gulf Tanker Attack

Jerusalem Post August 7, 2021
An investigation led by the US Central Command has concluded that Iran was responsible for the attack on the Mercer Street which left two crew members dead. 
Israel Threatens 'Overt And Covert' Response

Israel Threatens 'Overt And Covert' Response

Times Of Israel August 6, 2021
Israel is preparing a wide range of military and covert responses to a barrage of 19 rockets fired at Israel by Hezbollah, noting that the severity will depend on how the situation develops.
The Beast And His Money

The Beast And His Money

Hal Lindsey August 6, 2021
This summer, the world took a giant step toward Antichrist and Armageddon.
Moral Anorexia In The Cognitive War Against Israel

Moral Anorexia In The Cognitive War Against Israel

Frontpage Mag August 5, 2021
When 3000 rockets were fired indiscriminately into Israeli towns by Hamas with the express purpose of murdering Jewish civilians there was, of course, an almost universal silence; only when Israel, finally moved to neutralize terrorist enclaves, did reliably anti-Israel entities rise up in a collective denunciation of the Jewish state.
10 Weeks

10 Weeks

Israel Hayom August 4, 2021
Defense Minister Benny Gantz told diplomats from the United Nations Security Council that Iran's breakout time would be "10 weeks away from having the weapons-grade material necessary for a nuclear weapon."
Iran Suspected Of Carrying Out Hijack Off UAE Coast

Iran Suspected Of Carrying Out Hijack Off UAE Coast

Jerusalem Post August 3, 2021
Iranian-backed forces are believed to have seized an oil tanker in the Gulf off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, three maritime security sources said, after Britain's maritime trade agency reported a "potential hijack" in the area on Tuesday.
Iran And The Coming Earthquake

Iran And The Coming Earthquake

Algemeiner August 2, 2021
Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned that Israel must act immediately against Tehran, after a ship managed by an Israeli-owned company was struck by a drone, apparently sent by Iran, last week.
7 Key Facts About The Mark Of The Beast

7 Key Facts About The Mark Of The Beast

Hal Lindsey August 2, 2021
The Bible uses only a few words to describe the mark of the beast money system. But that description gives us an amazing amount of information. 
Latest Attack Exposes Iran's Empty Toolbox

Latest Attack Exposes Iran's Empty Toolbox

Times Of Israel August 1, 2021
If the Iranians attack a Japanese-owned civilian vessel, sailing under a Liberian flag, with crewmen from across the globe, in response to Israeli attacks in Syria, it certainly illustrates the Islamic republic's inability to harm Israel.
Nearly 3,500 Christians Killed In Nigeria

Nearly 3,500 Christians Killed In Nigeria

CBN July 30, 2021
A new report shows that a staggering number of Christians have been brutally killed by Nigeria's Islamic jihadists. In the past 200 days, 3,462 Christians were murdered by extremists.
Are You Faithful To The End?

Are You Faithful To The End?

News And Tribune July 29, 2021
The little man in the comics wandered the busy sidewalks, placard resting securely on his shoulders. “The End of the World is Near,” the sign always read. The Doomsday clock is ticking.
The Bible Is Clear: Transgender Identity Is Incompatible With Christianity

The Bible Is Clear: Transgender Identity Is Incompatible With Christianity

PJ Media July 28, 2021
The transgender movement is making inroads across American society, from the White House to magazine covers to mainline Protestant churches. 
Embracing Modern Science Means Overturning Roe

Embracing Modern Science Means Overturning Roe

Christian Post July 27, 2021
In 1973, the Supreme Court handed down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision allowing for virtually unlimited access to abortion through nine months of pregnancy.
Does Hamas Plan To Bring Back 'March Of Return'?

Does Hamas Plan To Bring Back 'March Of Return'?

Israel Hayom July 26, 2021
Terrorist groups in Gaza set on gradual escalation in violence with Israel. Terror organizations refusing Israeli demands Gaza's rehabilitation be conditioned on return of Israeli captives, fallen soldiers.
Assault on the Bible

Assault on the Bible July 25, 2021
Why would the devil attack the Bible? Because the word of God bridges the gap between the mind of God and the mind of man. 
Unpreventable Strike

Unpreventable Strike

CNBC July 25, 2021
The Russian navy can detect any enemy and launch an “unpreventable strike” if needed, President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday, weeks after a UK warship angered Moscow by passing the Crimea peninsula.
Here’s All The Proof Biden Needs To Conclude COVID-19 Was Leaked From A Lab

Here’s All The Proof Biden Needs To Conclude COVID-19 Was Leaked From A Lab

New York Post July 24, 2021
It wasn’t an innocent bat or a lab “accident” that produced the deadly virus, but highly classified gain-of-function research carried out under the direction of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.
Mississippi Tells Supreme Court To Overturn Roe

Mississippi Tells Supreme Court To Overturn Roe

Life News July 23, 2021
The Supreme Court agreed to hold a hearing on a major abortion case that could limit Roe v. Wade and protect babies from late-term abortions.  The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a law that bans killing babies in abortions after 15 weeks.
Unbiblical And Sign Of The End Times?

Unbiblical And Sign Of The End Times?

Christian Headlines July 22, 2021
Cancel culture is laser-focused on judgment and accusation and punishment. And the goal of those who cancel others is to broadcast their sins from pillar to post, and never allow them to be removed or forgotten. Christ's goal, on the other hand, is love, mercy and grace. Jesus spent a lot of time with people in His day who had been canceled, so to speak.
Biden Is Iran’s Survival Strategy

Biden Is Iran’s Survival Strategy

Caroline Glick July 21, 2021
Any effort to oppose the regime—any demand to reform or overthrow the corrupt system—will be met with repression the likes of which they haven’t seen since Raisi the sadist killed 30,000 of their brothers and sisters three-plus decades ago. None of this has put a dent in the Biden administration’s outreach to Iran.
EMP Armageddon By 2032?

EMP Armageddon By 2032?

Newsmax July 20, 2021
EMP can indirectly kill millions in the long-run, by blacking-out electric grids and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for weeks, months, or forever, causing starvation and societal collapse. Moreover, an EMP attack would immediately cripple U.S. military power projection capabilities and incentivize a U.S. president to focus on using all remaining national assets to recover U.S. critical infrastructures before millions of Americans die.
Burying 'Jordan Is Palestine'

Burying 'Jordan Is Palestine'

Jerusalem Post July 19, 2021
Jordan is hoping that King Abdullah’s meeting with President Biden will pave the way for the kingdom to return to center stage in regional developments, particularly the Israeli-Arab conflict. Jordan is also hoping that the meeting will put an end to the talk about transforming the kingdom into a Palestinian state.
Clashes Erupt Between Palestinians, Police On Temple Mount

Clashes Erupt Between Palestinians, Police On Temple Mount

Algemeiner July 18, 2021
Dozens of Muslim Palestinians flocked to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City early Sunday at the site of the al-Aqsa Mosque, in response to calls to prevent Jewish worshipers from reaching the site on the occasion of the fast of Tisha B’Av, which commemorates the destruction of the two Jewish temples that stood there.
Summer Camp In Gaza

Summer Camp In Gaza

Hal Lindsey July 16, 2021
This is the time of year when kids and their parents think of Summer Camp. They have camps to fit just about every interest and need.
The Revolutionary People’s Army Of America

The Revolutionary People’s Army Of America

Caroline Glick July 15, 2021
Defense Secretary General Lloyd Austin gave an ominous description of how he viewed the Pentagon’s mission. “The job of the Defense Department is to keep America safe from our enemies,” He immediately added, “But we can’t do that if some of those enemies live within our ranks.”
IDF Girds For A Potentially Devastating War Against Hezbollah

IDF Girds For A Potentially Devastating War Against Hezbollah

Times Of Israel July 14, 2021
In a future war with Hezbollah, more rockets and missiles would be fired at Israel from Lebanon in the span of less than two days than were fired during the entire 11-day battle between Israel and Palestinian terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip in May.
Cuba Libre!

Cuba Libre!

Breitbart July 12, 2021
Thousands of Cubans in at least 16 cities took the streets peacefully on Sunday to demand an end to the 62-year-old communist regime, chanting “freedom,” wearing American flags, and in many cases facing extreme police repression.
In The Day of Trouble

In The Day of Trouble July 11, 2021
A deep darkness is settling over the world. Deadly deceptions flow through our televisions, smartphones, radios, and across the vast pages of the internet.
Explosion Hits Tehran On Heels Of Cyberattack On Iran's Railway System

Explosion Hits Tehran On Heels Of Cyberattack On Iran's Railway System

Israel Hayom July 10, 2021
Massive blast takes place near a compound housing the Islamic republic's state broadcasting company, Tehran police insist the explosion caused no harm. 
'In The Next War We Can Annihilate Hezbollah'

'In The Next War We Can Annihilate Hezbollah'

Israel Hayom July 9, 2021
Maj. Gen. (res) Tal Russo is grateful for the relative quiet along the northern border since 2006, but thinks Israel has become "addicted to quiet," sometimes to its own detriment. 
Iran Has Declared War On The US In Iraq Through Its Proxies

Iran Has Declared War On The US In Iraq Through Its Proxies

Jerusalem Post July 8, 2021
Daily rocket and drone attacks on the US in Iraq are no longer just the harassment that began in May 2019. The targeted attacks are increasing and they also involved more sophisticated drones than in the past.
Why Palestinian Leaders Are Really Inciting Violence Against Israel

Why Palestinian Leaders Are Really Inciting Violence Against Israel

Gatestone Institute July 7, 2021
The Palestinian Authority (PA), facing growing criticism over the death of Palestinian anti-corruption political activist Nizar Banat, is trying to redirect the anger on the Palestinian street toward Israel.
'There Are No People In Israel, Only Settlers And Occupiers'

'There Are No People In Israel, Only Settlers And Occupiers'

Jerusalem Post July 5, 2021
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that the conflicts with Israel and the US cannot be separated due to Israel's existence being contingent on American support saying "There are no people in the Israeli entity, they are all occupiers and settlers."
Perfect Day To Remember God's Kingdom And A Great Nation

Perfect Day To Remember God's Kingdom And A Great Nation

Amarillo July 4, 2021
"On a day like the Fourth of July, I think it is important for American Christians to clearly recognize the distinction between rightly ordered patriotism and idolatrous nationalism."
The Sword And The Dove

The Sword And The Dove

Hal Lindsey July 4, 2021
Romans 15:33 pronounces a magnificent blessing. “May the God of peace be with you all. Amen.” 
Israeli Cargo Ship Damaged After Being Hit In Indian Ocean

Israeli Cargo Ship Damaged After Being Hit In Indian Ocean

Jerusalem Post July 3, 2021
An Israeli-owned cargo ship was struck by an “unknown weapon” in the northern Indian Ocean, causing a fire to erupt onboard the vessel.
After The Guns Go Quiet

After The Guns Go Quiet

Algemeiner July 2, 2021
Hamas, the radical Islamist regime that rules Gaza, is working with its allies in the Shiite axis — Iran and Hezbollah — to study the latest conflict and share lessons that can help in the next war.
Iranian Agents Infiltrated Anti-Netanyahu Protests

Iranian Agents Infiltrated Anti-Netanyahu Protests

Israel Hayom July 1, 2021
Over a span of several months, Iranian agents infiltrated Israeli activists' encrypted messaging apps, sending controversial content and directly messaging members in an apparent effort to stir up trouble and make community members wary of one another.
The Axis Of Resistance

The Axis Of Resistance

JNS June 30, 2021
A few hours after the ceasefire between Israel and Gaza on May 21, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a “victory message” praising “the cooperation between the West Bank, Gaza, and Israeli Arabs for showing the path for the Palestinians in the future.” 
 'Iran Will Never Get A Nuclear Weapon On My Watch'

'Iran Will Never Get A Nuclear Weapon On My Watch'

Israel Hayom June 29, 2021
US President Joe Biden and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin met Monday at the White House, where Biden vowed Israel's archfoe Iran will never be allowed to achieve its nuclear aspirations.
Exposing The False Religion Of The Great Awokening

Exposing The False Religion Of The Great Awokening

Christian Post June 28, 2021
Twisting the path of Christian revelation, most all false religions follow the same five steps. It starts with (1) a false prophet who then writes or uses, (2) a false authority to then proclaim, (3) a false god, (4) a false savior and, (5) a false salvation.
Iran's New President: A Mass Murderer Mullah

Iran's New President: A Mass Murderer Mullah

Gatestone Institute June 27, 2021
The Iranian regime ran a sham election to make its favorite mullah candidate, Ebrahim Raisi, linked with mass executions, become the next President of the Islamic Republic. 
Status Of Golan Heights Not Under Discussion With US

Status Of Golan Heights Not Under Discussion With US

Israel Hayom June 26, 2021
One high-ranking Israeli diplomatic official said "The issue of the Golan Heights hasn't come up in talks with the Americans. It's obvious that the Golan Heights will remain under Israeli sovereignty forever."
Debtor's Guilt

Debtor's Guilt

Hal Lindsey June 25, 2021
We sin. Then, foolishly, we try to hide it from God — even though we know that God knows everything. 
American Anti-Semitism, Israeli Paralysis

American Anti-Semitism, Israeli Paralysis

Caroline Glick June 25, 2021
It seems that a day doesn’t go by without another report of yet another outrageous attack by leftists against Jews in America.
Political Correctness Kills

Political Correctness Kills

Arutz Sheva June 24, 2021
The investigation into the Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017, in which 22 people were killed by an Islamic extremist, is chilling reading for another reason. Society refrains from commenting on things for fear of being called "racist" or "Islamophobic" - sometimes with fatal results.
Iran Atomic Facility Substantially Damaged In Attack

Iran Atomic Facility Substantially Damaged In Attack

Jerusalem Post June 23, 2021
A sabotage operation against one of the buildings of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO) caused major damage – despite Iranian denials.
How To Put Satan In His Place

How To Put Satan In His Place

Christian Post June 22, 2021
Our opponent, Satan, wants to defeat us and take us out. He doesn’t want us to win, and he is working overtime to make sure you and I are discouraged and overwhelmed.
'Transfer $30 Million From Qatar Or Head To Escalation'

'Transfer $30 Million From Qatar Or Head To Escalation'

Jerusalem Post June 21, 2021
Hamas plans to escalate tensions with Israel unless it allows Qatar to transfer $30 million to the Gaza Strip to help pay salaries.
Father’s Day And The Ten Commandments

Father’s Day And The Ten Commandments

Lewiston Tribune June 20, 2021
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”
‘Butcher Of Tehran’

‘Butcher Of Tehran’

Jerusalem Post June 19, 2021
Ebrahim Raisi, a hardline judge under US sanctions for human rights abuses, secured victory as expected in Iran’s presidential election after a contest marked by voter apathy over economic hardships and political restrictions.
Bishops Vote On Rebuking Joe Biden

Bishops Vote On Rebuking Joe Biden

Life News June 18, 2021
The nation’s Catholic bishops have voted overwhelmingly in favor of drafting a document on communion that could rebuke pro-abortion politicians like Joe Biden depending on how it’s worded.
Benjamin Netanyahu: A Friendly Assessment

Benjamin Netanyahu: A Friendly Assessment June 18, 2021
For the first time in 12 years, Benjamin Netanyahu is not the Prime Minister of Israel. 
First Amendment Victory

First Amendment Victory

Life News June 17, 2021
In another huge victory for religious liberty, the Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that the state can’t shut down a Catholic adoption agency that refused to compromise its Christian values.
Biden-Putin Summit Agrees To Resume Arms Talks, Return Envoy

Biden-Putin Summit Agrees To Resume Arms Talks, Return Envoy

Newsmax June 16, 2021
President Biden and Vladimir Putin agreed to hold arms control and cyber-security talks, recording small gains and big differences at a first summit they both described as pragmatic rather than friendly.
'High Hopes'

'High Hopes'

Christian Post June 15, 2021
Israel's new government has received praise and condemnation from prominent Christian Zionists, with many saying they will continue to support Israel no matter who is in charge.
Hamas, PA Warn Of 'Explosion' If Jerusalem Flag March Goes Ahead

Hamas, PA Warn Of 'Explosion' If Jerusalem Flag March Goes Ahead

Israel Hayom June 14, 2021
The route of the controversial parade, already postponed twice over security concerns, will mostly avoid the Damascus Gate and the Old City's Muslim Quarter, which could prove to be flashpoints for potential violence.
Israel's Parliament Swears In New Government

Israel's Parliament Swears In New Government

i24 June 13, 2021
The political drama marks the official end of Benjamin Netanyahu's record 12-year term as Israel's leader.
New Government Led By Bennett Set To Replace Netanyahu

New Government Led By Bennett Set To Replace Netanyahu

Jerusalem Post June 12, 2021
Netanyahu would leave office after more than 12 years in power, making him one of the longest currently serving democratic leaders in the world.
The Great Unravelling

The Great Unravelling

Caroline Glick June 11, 2021
Israel developed a strong diplomatic posture in the region and worldwide. Unfortunately, it is likely that all Israel achieved through painstaking effort may be lost after the new governing coalition led by Yair Lapid takes power.
River Of Delights

River Of Delights

Hal Lindsey June 10, 2021
Why rejoice? Because Christ the Lord came into the world, and He’s coming again. 
Not Enough Fingers To Plug Up All The Holes In The Dike

Not Enough Fingers To Plug Up All The Holes In The Dike

Christian Post June 10, 2021
If you are actively involved in the culture wars, trying to stem the tide of moral decline, you can often feel like the boy who tried to plug the holes in the dike with his own fingers. 
Biden's War On Jerusalem

Biden's War On Jerusalem

Frontpage Mag June 9, 2021
Violating Israeli sovereignty and US law to support Islamic terrorists, no politician has been more hypocritical and dishonest about Jerusalem than Biden.
Top Evangelical Leader Warns: Israel Could Lose Our Support If Netanyahu Ousted

Top Evangelical Leader Warns: Israel Could Lose Our Support If Netanyahu Ousted

Times Of Israel June 8, 2021
Mike Evans says his 77 million followers will ‘go into the opposition’ with Netanyahu; decries coalition that seeks to replace PM as anti-Zionists who’ll surrender to radical Islam. 
Iran Weeks Away From Nuclear 'Breakout'

Iran Weeks Away From Nuclear 'Breakout'

Newsmax June 7, 2021
The US still does not know whether Iran is ready to resume compliance with its 2015 nuclear deal and if Tehran continues to violate the pact, the "breakout time" will shrink to weeks.
The 3rd Lebanon War

The 3rd Lebanon War

Israel Hayom June 5, 2021
The IDF has set up 14 teams to learn the lessons of Operation Guardian of the Walls, and how it affected the larger campaign against Hezbollah. The picture emerging from these studies is troubling.
Rebuild Gaza? Why

Rebuild Gaza? Why

Arutz Sheva June 4, 2021
Just like that, overnight, it’s a different America, a country that now tolerates the PLO flag hoisted from DC to Jerusalem.
Iranian Ship Mysteriously Sinks

Iranian Ship Mysteriously Sinks

Israel Hayom June 2, 2021
The largest ship in the Iranian navy caught fire and later sank in the Gulf of Oman under unclear circumstances.
The Deadly Tax

The Deadly Tax June 2, 2021
The third of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” is usually known as “Scarcity.” 
What Is Hamas?

What Is Hamas?

Hal Lindsey June 1, 2021
They almost always say they are standing with Palestinians, not Hamas. But that’s like coming out against the United States in World War II, claiming you only support Germans, not Nazis.
New Mossad Chief Hints At More Assassinations, Attacks Against Iran

New Mossad Chief Hints At More Assassinations, Attacks Against Iran

Jerusalem Post June 1, 2021
Israel would not be passive simply because the majority of the world was willing to look the other way on Iran’s nuclear program.
Dark Clouds: Google, Amazon, Israel And The New America

Dark Clouds: Google, Amazon, Israel And The New America

Caroline Glick May 31, 2021
America is changing before our eyes. But Israel's Finance Ministry apparently hasn’t paid it any mind.
Bennett Announces Plan To Form Gov't With Lapid That Will Oust Netanyahu

Bennett Announces Plan To Form Gov't With Lapid That Will Oust Netanyahu

Jerusalem Post May 30, 2021
Yamina leader Naftali Bennett delivered his long-awaited announcement that he would join a government with Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid and seek to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Explosive Study Claims To Prove Chinese Scientists Created COVID

Explosive Study Claims To Prove Chinese Scientists Created COVID

FOX News May 29, 2021
A new study claims to have proof that Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.
How Social Media Validates Anti-Semitism by Censoring Everything But Anti-Semitism

How Social Media Validates Anti-Semitism by Censoring Everything But Anti-Semitism

Gatestone Institute May 28, 2021
People often forget that the very concept of political correctness was invented by Stalin's Soviet Union.
Keep Praying

Keep Praying

Hal Lindsey May 27, 2021
Most of the world’s media seems to be siding with the terrorists.
UN Creates Permanent Probe On Israeli Gaza 'War Crimes'

UN Creates Permanent Probe On Israeli Gaza 'War Crimes'

Jerusalem Post May 27, 2021
The United Nations Human Rights Council voted 24-9 to permanently investigate Israel for war crimes and called for an arms embargo against it.
Biden's Palestinian Mission Is Doomed To Fail

Biden's Palestinian Mission Is Doomed To Fail

Gatestone Institute May 26, 2021
The big problem with Mr Biden's commitment for the US to work with the Palestinian Authority in Gaza is that the ability of Mr Abbas's organisation to exercise any influence over Gaza is virtually negligible.
Beware of Bogus Scientific Consensus

Beware of Bogus Scientific Consensus

One America May 25, 2021
There was a “scientific consensus,” they told us. According to the media and assorted experts, there couldn’t be any questioning of the idea that the coronavirus emerged naturally, and anyone suspecting it might have come from a Chinese lab was an ignoramus, conspiracy theorist, or hater.
'Israel Has No Right To Exist'

'Israel Has No Right To Exist'

Israel Hayom May 24, 2021
Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar says that Gaza's rulers 'won' the latest round of hostilities against the Jewish state, which he says is "a settlement" as a whole. Zahar denies Hamas rockets target Israeli civilians, says they are fired 'only at the occupation.'
Liberals Can’t Be Silent As The Left Incites Anti-Semitism

Liberals Can’t Be Silent As The Left Incites Anti-Semitism

JNS May 23, 2021
It’s time to connect the dots between a surge of Jew-hatred and progressives demonizing Israel. Equally important, Jewish liberals must stop treating “The Squad” as allies.
Hamas’ Forever War Against Israel Has A Glitch

Hamas’ Forever War Against Israel Has A Glitch

Times Of Israel May 22, 2021
And it isn't The Iron Dome. Why Hamas promises another war soon, and another and another. And why it won’t work.
How Will We Know Who Won The War?

How Will We Know Who Won The War?

Caroline Glick May 21, 2021
In the face of the violent Arab Israeli onslaught against Jews countrywide, now is no time for Israelis to base a governing coalition on a riddle like Abbas. But while for Israelis he is a source of confusion, for Hamas, Abbas is a nightmare.
Ceasefire Reached

Ceasefire Reached

Jerusalem Post May 20, 2021
The Israeli security cabinet voted to accept a ceasefire as the Israeli south and Gaza remain inflamed. Sources from the cabinet meeting said that the IDF will cease airstrikes on Gaza immediately. However, in the case Hamas continues to fire rockets into Israel, the IDF will return to full operational activities in the Gaza Strip and the ceasefire will be cancelled immediately.
Hamas Launches Massive Barrage On Southern Israel

Hamas Launches Massive Barrage On Southern Israel

Israel Hayom May 19, 2021
A large salvo of missiles was launched on Israeli cities in the south of Israel, including Ashdod and Beersheba, on Wednesday at around 3 p.m. The attacks followed a relatively calm morning that had sporadic rocket fire on Gaza-area Israeli towns.
Blaming The Victim

Blaming The Victim

Hal Lindsey May 18, 2021
The UN and various leaders around the world continue to attack Israel… for defending itself!
 Israel Seeks To Kill Dief

Israel Seeks To Kill Dief

Jerus May 18, 2021
Israel plans to continue Operation Guardian of the Walls in order to strike at more high-quality Hamas terror targets. Among those targets is Hamas’s Qassam Brigades commander Mohammed Deif.
Hamas Threatens To Strike Tel Aviv

Hamas Threatens To Strike Tel Aviv

Jerusalem Post May 17, 2021
The IDF and Hamas continued to trade blows with each other after Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad commander Hasam Abu Harbid was killed in an Israeli airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip.
IDF Confirms Strike On Hamas Leader's House

IDF Confirms Strike On Hamas Leader's House

Israel Hayom May 16, 2021
IDF spokesman confirms strikes on homes of senior Hamas leaders, including Yahya Sinwar and his brother, as well as the head of Hamas' R&D program.
IDF Knocks Down Media Building Believed To House Hamas Assets

IDF Knocks Down Media Building Believed To House Hamas Assets

Times Of Israel May 15, 2021
After warning occupants to leave, an Israeli airstrike flattened a tower in Gaza City that housed offices of The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other media outlets.
Rockets Launched From Syria Amid Palestinian Riots

Rockets Launched From Syria Amid Palestinian Riots

Jerusalem Post May 14, 2021
Three rockets were launched from Syria in the direction of Israel on Friday evening. The Palestinian Tahir Brigade stationed in Syria claimed responsibility for the rockets shortly after firing them.
Rockets Fired From Lebanon Amidst Ongoing Fighting In Israel's South

Rockets Fired From Lebanon Amidst Ongoing Fighting In Israel's South

Israel Hayom May 13, 2021
Local reports suggest Hezbollah had tacitly gave a green light for Palestinian groups to engage in rocket fire, perhaps in order to show solidarity with Gazans.
Gaza Rockets Rain Down On Israel

Gaza Rockets Rain Down On Israel

i24 May 12, 2021
Five Israeli civilians have been killed in the massive barrages, sent to overwhelm Iron Dome defense system. 
Massive Barrage Targets Tel Aviv Area In Major Escalation

Massive Barrage Targets Tel Aviv Area In Major Escalation

Israel Hayom May 11, 2021
Gaza terrorists fire over 250 rockets into Israel since Sunday. Gantz warns Hamas: "For each day you fire on Israelis, we will set you back years."
Rocket Barrages Hit Israel

Rocket Barrages Hit Israel

Jerusalem Post May 10, 2021
The IDF warned Hamas that all options, including a ground operation, were on the table after dozens of rockets fired towards Jerusalem and southern Israel as thousands of Israelis were parading through downtown to celebrate Jerusalem Day. 
Thanks To God For All The Mothers And Grandmothers He Has Given Us

Thanks To God For All The Mothers And Grandmothers He Has Given Us

Eerie Times-News May 9, 2021
In the Bible's 2 Timothy 1:5, Paul writes to Timothy, “I recall your sincere faith that was first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am convinced, is in you also.”
'Don't Play With Fire'

'Don't Play With Fire'

Times Of Israel May 8, 2021
Palestinian terror groups threatened Israel after intense clashes broke out between police and Palestinian worshipers at the Temple Mount’s Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Major Attack Foiled

Major Attack Foiled

Times Of Israel May 7, 2021
Security official says attackers opened fire after being stopped by border police officers conducting routine inspections on a bus with illegal Palestinian workers.
Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem

Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem May 7, 2021
Praying for Jerusalem has always made sense, but especially now. That raises an important question. Why would God give a prayer request?
Palestinians Deserve Better Leaders — And A Brighter Future For Themselves

Palestinians Deserve Better Leaders — And A Brighter Future For Themselves

New York Post May 6, 2021
Abbas announced he was again postponing legislative elections, giving excuses to stay in power despite his unpopularity.
'A Total Disgrace'

'A Total Disgrace'

Newsmax May 5, 2021
Former President Donald Trump fired back at the world's social media giants, after Facebook's Oversight Board upheld the site's decision to suspend his account.
Trump Launches New Communications Platform

Trump Launches New Communications Platform

Jerusalem Post May 4, 2021
The launch of this space on his website comes a day before Facebook's decision on whether to uphold his indefinite suspension from the platform.
Will Biden Sacrifice Israel Over Iran?

Will Biden Sacrifice Israel Over Iran?

Jerusalem Post May 2, 2021
The Biden administration might be prepared to sacrifice a strong strategic alliance with Israel if it were to oppose the US return to the Iran deal.
Biden To Green-Light Intifada

Biden To Green-Light Intifada

Jerusalem Post May 1, 2021
"My sources inside the US government suggest this may be tacit Biden permission for increased violence from Gaza and a new intifada if Israel refuses to accede quietly."
Dozens Dead After Stampede At Festival

Dozens Dead After Stampede At Festival

Jerusalem Post April 30, 2021
A stampede at a religious festival attended by tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews in northern Israel killed at least 44 people and injured about 150.
We Will Huff And Puff And Burn Your Church Down

We Will Huff And Puff And Burn Your Church Down

One News Now April 29, 2021
Antifa activists in Washington State allegedly threatened to burn down a church and "torch the neighbors' properties too." 
Iran Still Seeks Mass Destruction Weapons

Iran Still Seeks Mass Destruction Weapons

Jerusalem Post April 28, 2021
A German intelligence agency reports that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not ceased its drive to obtain weapons of mass destruction during 2020.
Skirting The Line Of Treason

Skirting The Line Of Treason

New York Post April 27, 2021
The rather curious defining feature of Democratic Party foreign policy is that our friends must be bullied and our enemies must be appeased. 
John Kerry Told Iran FM About Israeli Covert Operations

John Kerry Told Iran FM About Israeli Covert Operations

FOX News April 26, 2021
Kerry has previously been accused of colluding with Iranian leaders to undermine Trump administration.
Hamas Urges Terrorists To Prepare Missiles For Attacks

Hamas Urges Terrorists To Prepare Missiles For Attacks

Israel Hayom April 25, 2021
Clashes have taken place over the past several days in Jerusalem between Jewish and Arab protesters.
Biden Declares Mass Killings Of Armenians A Genocide

Biden Declares Mass Killings Of Armenians A Genocide

DAWN April 24, 2021
Biden recognized the 1915 killings of Armenians by Ottoman forces as genocide.
Respectful in Dissent

Respectful in Dissent April 23, 2021
Covid is not the only infection poisoning our world. 
Night Of Hate

Night Of Hate

Times Of Israel April 23, 2021
Protests were some of the most violent in years, with dozens of Palestinians and cops injured, random attacks on Jews and Palestinians across the city, and mayhem in downtown.
Israel, Syria Trade Strikes After Nuclear Reactor Targeted

Israel, Syria Trade Strikes After Nuclear Reactor Targeted

Israel Hayom April 22, 2021
IDF strikes Syrian missile launcher, air-defense systems following incident, the most serious violence between Israel and Syria in years. Incident points to likely Iranian involvement.
Growing Suspicions, Frustration

Growing Suspicions, Frustration

Times Of Israel April 21, 2021
As international negotiations progress on restoring the 2015 accord limiting Iran’s nuclear program, suspicion is growing between Israel and the US as the Biden administration looks to rejoin the accord.
Photos Show Russia's Military Buildup Near Ukraine

Photos Show Russia's Military Buildup Near Ukraine

CBS News April 20, 2021
Russia is massing thousands of forces at Ukraine's border. In a clear sign of cooling relations, the United States' ambassador in Moscow confirmed he was leaving the country for "consultations" back in the U.S.
American Fascism

American Fascism

Frontpage Mag April 19, 2021
This is the face of an American fascism. The suspension of due process, the suppression of dissident voices, the support for vigilante mobs bent on dismantling the democratic system itself.
Biden Ready To Undo Trump's Work, Whether It Is Good For The World Or Not?

Biden Ready To Undo Trump's Work, Whether It Is Good For The World Or Not?

Gatestone Institute April 18, 2021
A basic rule in negotiations is to keep or gain leverage against the other party. The Biden administration, mystifyingly, is doing exactly the opposite in its negotiations with the regime of Iran.
Police Taken Hostage By Pakistani Islamists After Days Of Anti-France Protests

Police Taken Hostage By Pakistani Islamists After Days Of Anti-France Protests

France 24 April 18, 2021
At least seven Pakistan police officers and special rangers were taken hostage by supporters of a radical Islamist party, officials said, after days of violent anti-France protests.
US Warns Israel To Stop ‘Dangerous, Detrimental’ Chatter

US Warns Israel To Stop ‘Dangerous, Detrimental’ Chatter

Times Of Israel April 16, 2021
Washington said to convey through several channels that constant unsourced reports confirming details of alleged Israeli sabotage are ’embarrassing’ it during nuclear talks.
World War III?

World War III?

Hal Lindsey April 15, 2021
With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, most people believed that communism had been defeated. The Cold War had ended, the good guys won, and that was that. But it did not turn out to be so simple.
 Iran’s Says 60% Enrichment Is Response To Israel’s ‘Nuclear Terrorism’

Iran’s Says 60% Enrichment Is Response To Israel’s ‘Nuclear Terrorism’

Times Of Israel April 14, 2021
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said that Tehran’s decision to boost uranium enrichment to 60 percent was a response to Israel’s “nuclear terrorism,” three days after an attack on its Natanz nuclear facility.
Iran Tried Luring Israelis Abroad To Kidnap Them Via Fake Instagram Pages

Iran Tried Luring Israelis Abroad To Kidnap Them Via Fake Instagram Pages

Jerusalem Post April 12, 2021
This method bears a strong resemblance to previous intelligence techniques used by agents on Iranian dissidents living abroad in Europe.
Update: New Fire Breaks Out At Iranian Nuclear Site After Cyber Attack

Update: New Fire Breaks Out At Iranian Nuclear Site After Cyber Attack

Arutz Sheva April 11, 2021
The Mossad was reportedly behind the cyberattack at the Natanz nuclear plant on Sunday which has caused extensive damage to Iran’s main uranium enrichment facility.
On Its ‘National Nuclear Technology Day,’ Iran Starts Up Advanced Centrifuges

On Its ‘National Nuclear Technology Day,’ Iran Starts Up Advanced Centrifuges

Times Of Israel April 10, 2021
In open breach of nuclear deal, Rouhani inaugurates cascades of IR-6s and IR-5s at Natanz uranium enrichment plant, warns the West will be ‘big loser’ if sanctions aren’t lifted.
Cancel Culture, A Global Plague Of Democracies

Cancel Culture, A Global Plague Of Democracies

American Thinker April 9, 2021
A specter is haunting the Western democratic world, the specter of cancel culture accompanied by the phantom of wokeness.  In the United States, decisions in April 2021 illustrate the impact of that specter.
Biden Announces Actions On 'Epidemic' Of Gun Violence

Biden Announces Actions On 'Epidemic' Of Gun Violence

Newsmax April 8, 2021
President Joe Biden, in his first gun control measures since taking office, announced a half-dozen executive actions Thursday aimed at addressing a proliferation of gun violence across the nation that he called an “epidemic and an international embarrassment."
Israel Notifies US It Attacked Iranian Ship In Red Sea

Israel Notifies US It Attacked Iranian Ship In Red Sea

Jerusalem Post April 7, 2021
Israel notified the US that it is responsible for Tuesday’s attack on an Iranian cargo ship affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
Israeli President Picks Netanyahu To Try And Form Government

Israeli President Picks Netanyahu To Try And Form Government

Israel Hayom April 6, 2021
Israel’s president handed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the difficult task of trying to form a government from the country’s splintered parliament.
Israel Troubled By American Stance Toward Iran

Israel Troubled By American Stance Toward Iran

FOX News April 5, 2021
Top Israeli officials are concerned that the United States is preparing to restart the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran without strengthening it.
Can’t Feel at Home?

Can’t Feel at Home? April 4, 2021
This world is temporary. So are its pleasures and pains. But our citizenship is in heaven. 
The Significance Of The Empty Tomb

The Significance Of The Empty Tomb

Christian Post April 4, 2021
Easter bursts in with the message that Jesus conquered death, and by faith in Him, we can be “more than conquerors” through Him who loved us. But can historians prove that Jesus of Nazareth literally, bodily rose from the dead 2000 years ago?
Capitol Attack Suspect Identified As Louis Farrakhan Follower

Capitol Attack Suspect Identified As Louis Farrakhan Follower

Jerusalem Post April 3, 2021
Green spoke on Facebook about the "end times," the anti-Christ and government "mind control," and praised Louis Farrakhan, the antisemitic black nationalist Nation of Islam leader.
US, Iran Head To Vienna For Indirect Nuclear Deal Talks

US, Iran Head To Vienna For Indirect Nuclear Deal Talks

Voice Of America April 2, 2021
Iran and the United States said on Friday they would hold indirect talks in Vienna from Tuesday as part of broader negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and global powers.
Biden's Israeli-Palestinian Reset Is Premature, Ill-Advised

Biden's Israeli-Palestinian Reset Is Premature, Ill-Advised

Jerusalem Post April 1, 2021
“It is a historical fact that Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights after the 1967 War,” US State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters.
State Department Report Refers To ‘Occupied’ Territories

State Department Report Refers To ‘Occupied’ Territories

Times Of Israel March 30, 2021
In a partial return to a pre-Trump-era norm, the US State Department’s annual report on human rights violations around the world published on Tuesday referred to the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights as territories “occupied” by Israel.
Is The ICC A Threat To Israel?

Is The ICC A Threat To Israel?

Jerusalem Post March 29, 2021
This Western good conscience is materialized by the central role of the victim in the process. The ICC is structured around the suffering of victims in whose name the fight against impunity is led.
ISIS Suicide Bombs Church On Palm Sunday

ISIS Suicide Bombs Church On Palm Sunday

USA Today March 28, 2021
Two attackers believed to be members of ISIS blew themselves up outside a packed Roman Catholic cathedral during a Palm Sunday Mass on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island, wounding at least 20 people.
Divided Times

Divided Times March 26, 2021
When racial dissention enters a debate, it deepens divides and inflames passions. 
Can Israel Avoid A Fifth Election?

Can Israel Avoid A Fifth Election?

Jerusalem Post March 26, 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu has a clear modus operandi when forming coalitions – he always tries to place himself in the middle. The thinking behind this is that with ideologues on both sides, Netanyahu benefits from greater maneuverability.
Netanyahu Falls Short

Netanyahu Falls Short

Times Of Israel March 25, 2021
With all votes counted Thursday evening, results showed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had failed, for the fourth time in a row, to win a clear parliamentary majority. 
Netanyahu Short For Right-Wing Coalition

Netanyahu Short For Right-Wing Coalition

Jerusalem Post March 24, 2021
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would not be able to form a government, according to preliminary results from 97% of the regular polling stations reported by the Central Elections Committee unless he gains support from the Arab-Islamist Ra'am Party.
Netanyahu Headed To Victory

Netanyahu Headed To Victory

Jerusalem Post March 23, 2021
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be able to form a government for the seventh time in his three-decade political career, according to exit polls on the three television networks Tuesday night.
Iran Discussing Attacking US Bases

Iran Discussing Attacking US Bases

Voice Of America March 21, 2021
Iran has made threats against Fort McNair, an Army base in the nation's capital, and against the Army's vice chief of staff.
Saints and Haters

Saints and Haters March 21, 2021
Hate, anger, and contentiousness follow human beings wherever we go. 
Failure To Stop Iran's Terror Support Might Lead To Israel-Hezbollah War

Failure To Stop Iran's Terror Support Might Lead To Israel-Hezbollah War

Jerusalem Post March 20, 2021
To understand the new complex Middle Eastern puzzle, it is first necessary to recognize the fact that the Biden administration is dealing with Iran on two fronts.
Attention Biden: Yemen's Houthi Rebels Are Iranian-Backed Terrorists

Attention Biden: Yemen's Houthi Rebels Are Iranian-Backed Terrorists

Gatestone Institute March 19, 2021
President Biden has good reason to regret his hasty decision to remove the terrorist designation applied to the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen after they responded to his act of benevolence by unleashing a fresh wave of attacks in the Middle East.
Are The Newest Dead Sea Scrolls Just The Beginning?

Are The Newest Dead Sea Scrolls Just The Beginning?

Jerusalem Post March 18, 2021
Hundreds of caves in the Judean Desert are still left to explore, offering a concrete possibility that new biblical texts will emerge, Israel Antiquity Authorities researchers said a day after it unveiled the first such discovery in over 60 years.
Pastors Are Leaving Their Churches Over Congregants’ Belief In QAnon Conspiracies

Pastors Are Leaving Their Churches Over Congregants’ Belief In QAnon Conspiracies

Christian Headlines March 17, 2021
Some pastors are choosing to leave their churches because congregants are increasingly believing conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic and other world events.
2,000-Year-Old Biblical Texts Found In Israel, 1st Since Dead Sea Scrolls

2,000-Year-Old Biblical Texts Found In Israel, 1st Since Dead Sea Scrolls

Jerusalem Post March 16, 2021
The scroll was written in Greek, but God’s name appears in paleo-Hebrew. It contains passages from the Minor Prophets, including Nahum.
Cancel Culture: Is Banning The Bible Next?

Cancel Culture: Is Banning The Bible Next?

Israel Hayom March 14, 2021
First, they came for Babar the Elephant; then for Curious George, Disney children's movies, Mr. Potato Head, and Dr. Seuss. Soon enough, they will come after the Bible for its "racist" and "gender-backward" content.
To Be Found In Christ

To Be Found In Christ

Hal Lindsey March 12, 2021
Through the years I have met people who were totally convinced of their own ability to live perfectly righteous lives. 
Straddling The Divide

Straddling The Divide

Israel Hayom March 12, 2021
Two events of religious and historical significance that very nearly took place over the last 24 hours point to a deeper layer in Jordan and Saudi Arabia's struggle for guardianship of Islamic holy places on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. 


Breitbart March 11, 2021
Border Patrol agents assigned to the five Texas-based sectors apprehended nearly 64,000 migrants in February. This represents an increase of more than 27 percent from the previous month.
MBS Ready To Meet Netanyahu In Abu Dhabi

MBS Ready To Meet Netanyahu In Abu Dhabi

Jerusalem Post March 10, 2021
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not have diplomatic relations, but ties between the countries have been warming, especially in cooperation against their shared adversary Iran.
Dragon Ships

Dragon Ships

Gatestone Institute March 9, 2021
China's navy is now the world's largest. It has been for some time. The U.S. Navy may still rule the oceans, but the Chinese rule the vital trade routes in the South China Sea.
Palestinian Corruption Makes Peace Difficult For Israel

Palestinian Corruption Makes Peace Difficult For Israel

Newsmax March 8, 2021
Unfortunately, leaders of the PA and Hamas don’t share the same yearning for peace and they have never aspired to improve the lives of their people.
Europe Staggers As Infectious Variants Power Coronavirus Surge

Europe Staggers As Infectious Variants Power Coronavirus Surge

AP March 7, 2021
The variant first found in the U.K. is spreading significantly in 27 European countries monitored by WHO and is dominant in at least 10 countries.
Going on Offense

Going on Offense March 6, 2021
We can and must be on offense. Prayer, along with the sword of the Spirit, are the Christian’s offensive weapons.
Israel’s Dilemma

Israel’s Dilemma

Times Of Israel March 6, 2021
Should it argue its case to International Criminal Court investigators looking into alleged war crimes in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, or refuse to cooperate?
Biden Abandons Indonesia Peace Deal

Biden Abandons Indonesia Peace Deal

Caroline Glick March 5, 2021
“We got the ball on Indonesia and Israel to the first-yard line.” Unfortunately, the Biden administration has dropped the ball on the ground and walked off the field.
Arabs Warn Biden: We Do Not Want Another Obama

Arabs Warn Biden: We Do Not Want Another Obama

Gatestone March 4, 2021
"The Obama wing inside the ruling Democratic Party accepts the Iranian regime and turns a blind eye to Iran's terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon."
ICC Announces Investigation Into Israeli 'War Crimes'

ICC Announces Investigation Into Israeli 'War Crimes'

Jerusalem Post March 3, 2021
International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced that she is opening a full war crimes probe against Israel and the Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip.
Jerry Nadler Unmasks The True Nature Of The 'Equality Act'

Jerry Nadler Unmasks The True Nature Of The 'Equality Act'

PJ Media March 1, 2021
Nadler declared that “what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress."
Trump: We're Not Starting A Third Party

Trump: We're Not Starting A Third Party

Newsmax February 28, 2021
Putting to rest talk of a third party to break off from the GOP, former President Donald Trump said there will be only the Republican Party united, all the way.
Israel Very Pleased With US Strikes In Syria: ‘Biden Is Not Obama’

Israel Very Pleased With US Strikes In Syria: ‘Biden Is Not Obama’

Times Of Israel February 26, 2021
Officials see attacks on Iran-backed militia base as a positive signal about new administration’s posture toward Tehran.
Though the Vision Tarry

Though the Vision Tarry February 26, 2021
Habakkuk 2:3 gives a beautiful promise about those things God revealed to His prophets. 
House Steamrolls Religious Liberty, Votes To Pass LGBTQ Bill

House Steamrolls Religious Liberty, Votes To Pass LGBTQ Bill

CBN February 25, 2021
The House voted to pass landmark LGBTQ legislation in a move that critics say would crush religious liberty.
Regime At ‘Weakest Point In History’

Regime At ‘Weakest Point In History’

FOX News February 24, 2021
Iranian dissidents are calling on the Biden administration to keep up the pressure on the country's leaders, even as the administration looks set to re-engage with Tehran.
Navigating Israel’s Ship Of State Through The Biden Storm

Navigating Israel’s Ship Of State Through The Biden Storm

Caroline Glick February 23, 2021
In a media briefing Friday, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki refused to say whether the Biden administration views Israel as an ally.
Kerry 'Colluded' With Iran To Undermine Trump

Kerry 'Colluded' With Iran To Undermine Trump

FOX News February 22, 2021
John Kerry had meetings with the Iranian Foreign Minister during the Trump administration that were orchestrated to undermine President Biden's predecessor.
Biden's Israel Policy

Biden's Israel Policy

Gatestone February 21, 2021
US policy towards Israel stays fairly consistent despite changing administrations. US policy towards Israel's neighbors is what has defined the character of each administration's relationship with the Jewish State.
The Miracle Before Us

The Miracle Before Us

Hal Lindsey February 20, 2021
The State of Israel may seem normal. But it’s not.
White House Accepts Europe's Offer To Mediate Talks With Iran

White House Accepts Europe's Offer To Mediate Talks With Iran

Arutz Sheva February 19, 2021
White House spokeswoman makes clear US has no plan to withdraw sanctions against Iran ahead of talks on a return to the 2015 nuclear deal.
Biden's Dangerous Border Policy

Biden's Dangerous Border Policy

Hill February 18, 2021
The Biden administration’s approach weakens the border and nationalizes some of the most radical “sanctuary” practices. This is dangerous and it undermines the rule of law.
'Ashes To Go'

'Ashes To Go'

Christian Post February 17, 2021
Amid ongoing concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic and a major snowstorm, churches throughout the United States and overseas have made changes in how they are distributing ashes on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. 
Donald Trump's Response To Mitch McConnell

Donald Trump's Response To Mitch McConnell

Arutz Sheva February 16, 2021
"Mitch is a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack, and if Republican Senators are going to stay with him, they will not win again."
Israel Debates Banning COVID-19 Vaccines For Gaza Until Captives Released

Israel Debates Banning COVID-19 Vaccines For Gaza Until Captives Released

Jerusalem Post February 15, 2021
"The time has come to change the paradigm so that one humanitarian gesture is exchanged for another."
Fmr. Iranian Crown Prince: Nuclear Deal A Mistake, Ayatollahs Won't Change

Fmr. Iranian Crown Prince: Nuclear Deal A Mistake, Ayatollahs Won't Change

Jerusalem Post February 14, 2021
"Unlike countries that define themselves with what they support, that is, prosperity and progress for their people, the ayatollahs' regime defines itself through what it opposes."
Trump Acquitted

Trump Acquitted

FOX News February 13, 2021
Former President Trump was acquitted in an unprecedented second impeachment trial on the charge of inciting an insurrection for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, making him the first and only president to be impeached and acquitted twice in history.
Rumors of War—2021

Rumors of War—2021 February 12, 2021
There have always been “rumors of war.” But the widespread threat of nuclear war puts “rumors of war” on a whole new level. And that threat grows every day.
15,000 Muslim Worshipers Pack Temple Mount

15,000 Muslim Worshipers Pack Temple Mount

Times Of Israel February 12, 2021
Thousands of Muslim worshippers packed into the Temple Mount holy site for Friday prayers in violation of public health guidelines, which cap outdoor crowds at 20 people.
Fakhrizadeh's Assassination Carried Out By Israeli, Iranian Spies

Fakhrizadeh's Assassination Carried Out By Israeli, Iranian Spies

Jerusalem Post February 11, 2021
Iran's top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated with a "one-ton remote-controlled gun" that was smuggled into the country by the Mossad.
Call Me Maybe?

Call Me Maybe?

Newsmax February 10, 2021
It's been three weeks, and he still hasn't called. Israelis are expressing growing concern that President Joe Biden has yet to call Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following his inauguration. 
WHO: Coronavirus Unlikely To Have Leaked From China Lab

WHO: Coronavirus Unlikely To Have Leaked From China Lab

FOX News February 9, 2021
A World Health Organization team investigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic downplayed the possibility that the virus leaked from a lab near Wuhan, China.
Biden: No Sanction Relief For Iran Till Uranium Enrichment Ended

Biden: No Sanction Relief For Iran Till Uranium Enrichment Ended

Arutz Sheva February 7, 2021
President Biden rejects Iranian demands the US remove sanctions regime before Tehran returns to adherence of nuclear deal.
US Senate Votes To Keep US Embassy In Jerusalem

US Senate Votes To Keep US Embassy In Jerusalem

Arutz Sheva February 6, 2021
The US Senate voted 97-3 on an amendment that sets aside funding to maintain the Jerusalem embassy, making it harder to reverse former President Donald Trump’s move of the embassy from Tel Aviv.
ICC Approves Investigation Into Israel

ICC Approves Investigation Into Israel

Jerusalem Post February 5, 2021
The International Criminal Court at the Hague approved an investigation into Israel on Friday evening, citing war crimes. 
Choosing Faith

Choosing Faith

Hal Lindsey February 4, 2021
We need faith to operate in our world. We must have faith because we are not omniscient. We don’t know everything. We operate on faith constantly. 
Biden Ending US Support For Saudi-Led Offensive In Yemen

Biden Ending US Support For Saudi-Led Offensive In Yemen

AP February 4, 2021
President Biden will announce an end to U.S. support for a grinding five-year Saudi-led military offensive in Yemen that has deepened human suffering in the Arabian peninsula’s poorest country.
On The Temple Mount: Damage, Falsification And Ill Will

On The Temple Mount: Damage, Falsification And Ill Will

Jerusalem Post February 3, 2021
Buttressed by Jordan and Turkey, supported by UNESCO decisions and other diplomatic posturings, the Waqf have succeeded to promote a false picture of Temple Mount history.
‘Abraham Accords Were About Preventing Annexation’

‘Abraham Accords Were About Preventing Annexation’

Times Of Israel February 2, 2021
The United Arab Emirates ambassador to the US said Monday that the normalization agreement his country signed with Israel in September was primarily “about preventing annexation.”
'Weeks Away'

'Weeks Away'

Jerusalem Post February 1, 2021
Iran could be “weeks away” from having sufficient material to develop a nuclear weapon if it continues to violate the 2015 nuclear deal, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned in an interview with NBC News.
'We're Watching You'

'We're Watching You'

Arutz Sheva January 31, 2021
A threatening letter warning of follow-up attacks was left for Israel’s ambassador in India, near the site of the bombing attack outside of the Israeli embassy in New Delhi.
'We Have To Protest'

'We Have To Protest'

BBC News January 30, 2021
4,002 people were arrested across Russia last week, as large crowds took to the streets to demand the release of the opposition politician Alexei Navalny. Further protests have been called for Sunday, threatening to strain the system even further.
Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines May Be Even More Effective Than Previously Thought

Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines May Be Even More Effective Than Previously Thought

Hill January 29, 2021
Emerging data from Israel indicates that the vaccines manufactured by Pfizer and BioNTech, as well as Moderna, may be even more effective than previous results from clinical trials suggested.
Biden To Sign Order Forcing Americans To Fund Planned Parenthood’s Global Abortion Agenda

Biden To Sign Order Forcing Americans To Fund Planned Parenthood’s Global Abortion Agenda

Life News January 28, 2021
Biden will overturn a rule President Donald Trump put in place to defund International Planned Parenthood, which kills babies in abortions around the world.
Water Walking

Water Walking

Hal Lindsey January 28, 2021
Never confuse planet earth with heaven. This is not the end-all, be-all of our existence.
US Renews Relations With Terrorists Of Hamas

US Renews Relations With Terrorists Of Hamas

PJ Media January 27, 2021
Less than a week after he was sworn into office, President Joe Biden has ordered the State Department to restore relations with the genocidal terrorists of Hamas.
Senate Vote Shows Trump Likely Headed For Acquittal At Trial

Senate Vote Shows Trump Likely Headed For Acquittal At Trial

Newsmax January 26, 2021
Former President Donald Trump appears headed for acquittal in his second impeachment trial after just five Republicans voted with Democrats to block an effort to declare it unconstitutional.
Biden Signs Transgender Rights Order Forcing Schools To Allow Boys In Girls' Sports

Biden Signs Transgender Rights Order Forcing Schools To Allow Boys In Girls' Sports

Christian Headlines January 25, 2021
An executive order signed by President Biden will force schools to allow biological boys who identify as girls to compete in girls’ sports.
Antisemitism Is Expected To Rise Significantly Around The World In 2021

Antisemitism Is Expected To Rise Significantly Around The World In 2021

Jerusalem Post January 24, 2021
Antisemitism is expected to rise sharply around the world as a result of conspiracy theories against Jews and the State of Israel regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
'We Left The Middle East In Good Shape'

'We Left The Middle East In Good Shape'

Israel Hayom January 23, 2021
Most incoming US presidents face a Middle East that is 'on fire,' outgoing US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman tells Israel Hayom. Thanks to the Trump administration policies and the historic Abraham Accords, President Joe Biden will not, he says.
ISIS Returns

ISIS Returns

Breitbart January 22, 2021
Representatives of the Islamic State jihadist group confirmed Thursday that they organized twin suicide bombings in Baghdad, Iraq, that day that left 32 dead and over 100 injured.
Will Israel Be Able To Withstand Biden Administration’s Pressure?

Will Israel Be Able To Withstand Biden Administration’s Pressure?

Israel Hayom January 21, 2021
Thanks in large part to Trump’s extraordinary friendship, Israel is much more powerful than it was when Obama left office, but it is still vulnerable. 
Biden Calls For End To 'Uncivil War'

Biden Calls For End To 'Uncivil War'

Newsmax January 20, 2021
Democrat Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States on Wednesday, vowing to end the 'uncivil war' in a deeply divided country reeling from a battered economy and a raging coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 400,000 Americans.
Mutations Threaten To Undo Progress Made

Mutations Threaten To Undo Progress Made

Huffington Post January 19, 2021
Mutations are rapidly popping up, and the longer it takes to vaccinate people, the more likely it is that a variant that can elude current tests, treatments and vaccines could emerge.
Community Over Chaos: Finding Inspiration From Martin Luther King Jr.

Community Over Chaos: Finding Inspiration From Martin Luther King Jr.

Christian Post January 18, 2021
He famously said, “We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now…. This may well be [human]kind’s last chance to choose between chaos or community.”
Moderna Vaccine Protection Could Last Two Years

Moderna Vaccine Protection Could Last Two Years

Motley Fool January 17, 2021
Moderna only began clinical trials back in March. So, it's impossible for the company to draw this conclusion from 12 months or more of trial data. But Bancel explains the idea by saying "antibody decay" in humans vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine has been slow.
Biden Team Already Holding Talks With Iran On US Return To Nuclear Deal

Biden Team Already Holding Talks With Iran On US Return To Nuclear Deal

Times Of Israel January 16, 2021
Officials in the incoming Biden administration have already begun holding quiet talks with Iran on a return to the 2015 nuclear deal, and have updated Israel on those conversations.
Israel Goes Back To The Future

Israel Goes Back To The Future

Caroline Glick January 15, 2021
In an interview with the New York Times last month, President-elect Joe Biden restated his intention to return to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. Israel opposes this plan because the 2015 deal ensures Iran will become a nuclear armed state.
Israel Sending A Signal To Biden

Israel Sending A Signal To Biden

Israel Hayom January 14, 2021
The era of the Trump administration, which backed Israel's anti-Iran actions in Syria, will end next week, but Jerusalem plans to make it clear to Washington it will not change its proactive policies in the northern sector.
What Now, America?

What Now, America? January 13, 2021
Protests are an American right. But violent protests are not. Violent protests are neither American nor Christian. 
President Trump Impeached For A Second Time

President Trump Impeached For A Second Time

Daily Mail January 13, 2021
The House voted Wednesday to impeach President Donald Trump for a second time for 'incitement of insurrection,' exactly a week after the MAGA mob stormed Capitol Hill.  
The Bible Addresses America’s Polarization

The Bible Addresses America’s Polarization

Christian Post January 12, 2021
The escalating polarization and political unrest in our nation are extremely disturbing, and we join Christians everywhere in praying for peace.
Protest Alert Spans All 50 States

Protest Alert Spans All 50 States

Townhall January 11, 2021
The FBI issued a bulletin Monday warning there could be armed protests at capitols in all 50 states in the days leading up to Inauguration Day.
Parler CEO: Tech Companies Coordinated Plan To Close Us Down

Parler CEO: Tech Companies Coordinated Plan To Close Us Down

Newsmax January 10, 2021
According to Parler's CEO John Matze. "Every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day,"
As Biden Enters White House, Did Israel's Mossad Win War With Iran?

As Biden Enters White House, Did Israel's Mossad Win War With Iran?

Jerusalem Post January 9, 2021
Given that the incoming Biden administration continues to forecast a readiness to return to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal without necessarily addressing all of Israel’s objections, did Mossad director Yossi Cohen succeed at his own goal of stopping Iran’s nuclear program?
Trump Rings In The Era Of “Total Political Correctness”

Trump Rings In The Era Of “Total Political Correctness”

Caroline Glick January 8, 2021
Looking ahead, Trump’s action also made it easier for Democrats to demonize his supporters going forward as they express principled opposition to the policies the Democrats are poised to adopt later this month after they assume full control of the U.S. government.
Facing The Future

Facing The Future January 7, 2021
We live in a time of global turmoil, but those who are in Christ do not enter that time unequipped or powerless.
The China Threat Is Real - And Upon Us

The China Threat Is Real - And Upon Us

Frontpage Mag January 7, 2021
When considering the threat Communist China poses to our nation all one has to do is look on the streets of America in recent years. Much of the civil strife and unrest that we have been and continue to experience has the fingerprints of Communist China all over it.
Warnock's Georgia Win Means Politics Of Envy, Grievance Beat Hope, Prosperity Message

Warnock's Georgia Win Means Politics Of Envy, Grievance Beat Hope, Prosperity Message

FOX News January 6, 2021
The runoffs in Georgia should have been a referendum on the Democrats' agenda.
The Fight Against BDS Enters 2021

The Fight Against BDS Enters 2021

Algemeiner January 5, 2021
In the coming year, the BDS movement can be expected to refocus its attacks on free speech, along with promoting the ideas that Zionism is “white supremacy”.
Saudi Arabia To Lift Qatar Embargo, Open Airspace And Border

Saudi Arabia To Lift Qatar Embargo, Open Airspace And Border

Times Of Israel January 4, 2021
Step toward ending diplomatic crisis between US allies paves way for Qatari ruler to attend Saudi-hosted Gulf nations summit later this week.
‘Growing Body Of Evidence’ Shows COVID-19 Leaked From Chinese Lab

‘Growing Body Of Evidence’ Shows COVID-19 Leaked From Chinese Lab

New York Post January 3, 2021
A Chinese virologist who said she did some of the earliest research on COVID-19 has publicly claimed COVID-19 was man-made, and that the Chinese government covered up its dangers. 
Shia Militias Threaten US, Israel In Iraq

Shia Militias Threaten US, Israel In Iraq

Jerusalem Post January 1, 2021
The inability of the Iraqi central government to rein in the Shia militias might be dismissed as a colorful and lurid tale from somewhere distant. Unfortunately, it is not.
2020 In Review

2020 In Review December 31, 2020
It was one of those years when Bible prophecy proved itself to be more than a theoretical understanding of the prophets’ words.
How To Pray For 2021 And What To Expect From The New Year

How To Pray For 2021 And What To Expect From The New Year

CBN December 31, 2020
From COVID-19 to racial unrest to a divided election to the shutting down of churches across America, the sense of urgency has risen to new levels. 
Argentina Passes Bill Legalizing Killing Babies In Abortions For Any Reason

Argentina Passes Bill Legalizing Killing Babies In Abortions For Any Reason

Life News December 30, 2020
Argentina has approved legislation to legalize killing babies in abortions for any reason until unborn children are 14 weeks old.
Deadly Airstrike Near Syria-Lebanon Border

Deadly Airstrike Near Syria-Lebanon Border

Jerusalem Post December 29, 2020
Syrian air defenses responded to an alleged Israeli airstrike near the Syria-Lebanon border on Tuesday night, which has left one dead and three wounded, all soldiers.
Gaza Terror Groups Plan Large Military Drill

Gaza Terror Groups Plan Large Military Drill

Jerusalem Post December 28, 2020
The main groups expected to participate in the drill belong to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Fatah.
Nasrallah: Saudi Crown Prince Asked Trump To Assassinate Me

Nasrallah: Saudi Crown Prince Asked Trump To Assassinate Me

Arutz Sheva December 27, 2020
The head of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Hassan Nasrallah, claims to have evidence that the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, made a personal request of US President Donald Trump, asking the United States to assassinate him.
Finding Hope In A Troubled Christmastime

Finding Hope In A Troubled Christmastime

Charisma December 25, 2020
It's that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows? Is this really Christmas?
Johnson Gets The Brexit Deal Both Sides Wanted To Achieve

Johnson Gets The Brexit Deal Both Sides Wanted To Achieve

BBC News December 24, 2020
"1,645 days after the UK voted to leave the EU, 328 days after we actually departed, the shape of our relationship with our nearest neighbors has been drawn and agreed - only days before the status quo will disappear."
Christmas and Genealogies

Christmas and Genealogies December 23, 2020
The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of wise men from the east following the Christmas star to Jerusalem, and then to Bethlehem. 
Knesset Dissolves, Israelis Head To 4th Election In Two Years

Knesset Dissolves, Israelis Head To 4th Election In Two Years

CBN December 23, 2020
For the fourth time in two years, Israelis are heading to a national election after the government collapsed overnight.
Temple Mount ‘Is Islamic And Only For Muslims’

Temple Mount ‘Is Islamic And Only For Muslims’

Frontpage Mag December 22, 2020
Imagine the outcry if a non-Muslim leader said Muslims were not welcome at the site of an ancient Muslim holy place. But no one will take any particular notice of this.
Britain’s Supercharged Mutant Coronavirus Expected to Go Global

Britain’s Supercharged Mutant Coronavirus Expected to Go Global

Yahoo December 21, 2020
This isn’t just a British problem—despite the travel restrictions, experts have suggested that the British strain appears to be so fast-spreading that it may become the dominant strain globally. 
Iranian Cyberattack Targets Israel Aerospace Industries

Iranian Cyberattack Targets Israel Aerospace Industries

Jerusalem Post December 20, 2020
The hacker group Pay2Key claimed Sunday night that it had successfully hacked a range of Israeli defense industry companies, including the largest Israeli airpower defense corporation, Israel Aerospace Industries.
The Arab Spring A Decade Later

The Arab Spring A Decade Later

Israel Hayom December 19, 2020
The 10 years of the uprisings sparked in 2010 have brought many Arab countries to the edge of the abyss. The worst may be yet to come if the Biden administration takes expected steps in the interests of Iran.
Russian Cyber Assault On US Included Israel

Russian Cyber Assault On US Included Israel

Times Of Israel December 18, 2020
Microsoft said that dozens of its customers, including firms in Israel and the UAE, were targeted as part of the massive cyber-assault on US government institutions that was uncovered this week.
China Flooding US With Spies

China Flooding US With Spies

Gatestone December 17, 2020
China has hundreds — perhaps thousands — of agents in the U.S. identifying, grooming, supporting, influencing, compromising, and corrupting Americans in politics and other fields of importance to it.
Trump’s Legacy Of Peace

Trump’s Legacy Of Peace

Caroline Glick December 16, 2020
For 72 years, U.S. presidents sought to achieve peace between Israel and the Arab world. For 72 years, they largely failed. What for so long eluded presidents from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Barack Obama seems to have come effortlessly to President Donald Trump.
Christmas Power

Christmas Power

Hal Lindsey December 16, 2020
Feeling overwhelmed this Christmas? You’re not alone. We live in trying times. 
Another Hanukkah Miracle: Morocco And Israel

Another Hanukkah Miracle: Morocco And Israel

Israel Hayom December 15, 2020
When two countries say, "We need each other, we can help each other, we can work together," that's humanity at work.
Anti-Israel Activists Equating Zionism With White Supremacy

Anti-Israel Activists Equating Zionism With White Supremacy

Frontpage Mag December 14, 2020
The newest thrust in the campus tactical assault against Israel.
DOJ Probe Into Hunter Biden Extends Beyond Burisma

DOJ Probe Into Hunter Biden Extends Beyond Burisma

New York Post December 13, 2020
A subpoena seeks information about his work with Burisma, and his dealings in China.
Biden Hopes To Deprioritize Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Biden Hopes To Deprioritize Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Times Of Israel December 11, 2020
Analysts say issue likely to find its way onto international stage, even though president-elect would prefer to sideline it in order to focus on Iran nuclear deal reentry.
Morocco, Israel Normalize Ties

Morocco, Israel Normalize Ties

Jerusalem Post December 10, 2020
Israel and Morocco have agreed to establish diplomatic relations,  becaming the fourth Arab country to normalize ties with Israel in four months.
Facebook Sued By 48 States

Facebook Sued By 48 States

New York Post December 9, 2020
Facebook was hit with a pair of blockbuster lawsuits on Wednesday, becoming the latest tech giant to be hit with an antitrust case.
Iran Vows To Help Syria ‘Until Golan Liberated’

Iran Vows To Help Syria ‘Until Golan Liberated’

Times Of Israel December 8, 2020
Rouhani says Tehran, Damascus share goal of battling ‘Zionist occupiers’. A top official calls for international action against ‘bloodsucking, anti-human’ Zionist regime.
Clash At Jerusalem Refugee Camp

Clash At Jerusalem Refugee Camp

Times Of Israel December 7, 2020
Violent clashes broke out between Palestinians and Israeli troops at a Jerusalem refugee camp, with injuries suffered by both sides.
The Christmas Season

The Christmas Season December 6, 2020
In such a strange year, it seems that almost everyone has been looking forward to the familiar comforts of Christmas.
Biden And Israel’s Unsteady Right

Biden And Israel’s Unsteady Right

Caroline Glick December 6, 2020
Practically speaking, Biden’s policy guarantees Iran will develop a nuclear arsenal and the missiles to deliver them.
China Is Collecting The World’s DNA And The Reason Is Sinister

China Is Collecting The World’s DNA And The Reason Is Sinister

FOX News December 5, 2020
With over 80 million health profiles, China has the largest DNA database in the world. 
Israel Has Tape Of Slain Iran Nuke Chief Talking About Building 5 Warheads

Israel Has Tape Of Slain Iran Nuke Chief Talking About Building 5 Warheads

TOI December 4, 2020
Israel intelligence managed to recruit an Iranian official close to the recently assassinated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and recorded the nuclear scientist speaking about his efforts to produce “five warheads”.
Iran Trying To Attack Israelis In Neighboring Countries

Iran Trying To Attack Israelis In Neighboring Countries

Jerusalem Post December 3, 2020
Israelis visiting countries neighboring Iran could be targets for terrorist attacks, the National Security Council warned in a rare public statement on Thursday.
Iran Hardens Nuclear Stance

Iran Hardens Nuclear Stance

i24 December 2, 2020
Iran's Guardian Council approved a law that obliges the government to halt UN inspections of its nuclear sites. In addition, the law also enables a significant step up in uranium enrichment beyond the limit set under Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal if sanctions are not eased in a month.
Biden’s LGBT Proposals

Biden’s LGBT Proposals

Christian Post December 1, 2020
Former Vice President Joe Biden has made “sweeping promises” to LGBT activists such as a ban on therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction, and to allow trans-athletes in girls' sports.
Kushner Set To Travel To Saudi Arabia, With Eyes On Israel Normalization

Kushner Set To Travel To Saudi Arabia, With Eyes On Israel Normalization

Times Of Israel November 30, 2020
The outgoing White House adviser is said to be seeking additional Mideast wins before Biden’s January inauguration. He will meet the crown prince in Neom, where Netanyahu, Pompeo met him last week.
Fakhrizadeh Assassination Is About Far More Than Biden

Fakhrizadeh Assassination Is About Far More Than Biden

Jerusalem Post November 29, 2020
Friday’s assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh led to predictable hand-wringing from Obama administration alumni and their cheerleaders who midwifed the Iranian nuclear deal in 2015.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Vows Revenge Over Slain Scientist

Iran’s Supreme Leader Vows Revenge Over Slain Scientist

i24 November 28, 2020
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday called for the "punishing" of those behind the assassination of a top nuclear scientist, adding that his work must be carried forwards.
Iranian Nuclear Program Head Assassinated

Iranian Nuclear Program Head Assassinated

Jerusalem Post November 27, 2020
The head of Iran's nuclear program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, 59, was assasssinated east of Tehran. Pictures from the scene show two vehicles, one blown up and one shot at from the front. 
Supreme Court Rules Against Cuomo's Coronavirus Limits -- With Barrett Playing Key Role

Supreme Court Rules Against Cuomo's Coronavirus Limits -- With Barrett Playing Key Role

FOX News November 26, 2020
"There is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues, and mosques,” wrote Neil Gorsuch.
IDF Preparing In Case Trump Launches Parting Strike On Iran

IDF Preparing In Case Trump Launches Parting Strike On Iran

TOI November 25, 2020
The Israeli army has been preparing for the possibility that US President Donald Trump will order a strike on Iran before leaving office in January. 
Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving 2020 November 25, 2020
The nation began to celebrate the holiday regularly in 1863. Those two years, 1621 and 1863, were especially difficult ones in America — even more difficult than 2020. But the people rejoiced in God’s blessings, and so should we.
Israel Can Sleep Easy

Israel Can Sleep Easy

Jerusalem Post November 24, 2020
Of the 20 Democratic candidates who took part in the first round of primary debates in June 2019 in Florida, a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket was probably the best that Jerusalem could have hoped for.
Netanyahu Travels To Saudi Arabia

Netanyahu Travels To Saudi Arabia

Ynet November 23, 2020
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a rare tour to Saudi Arabia on Sunday to hold an under-the-radar meeting with US State Secretary Mike Pompeo and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Powerful System Controlling Cultural Institutions Tries To Impose Far-Left Agenda On US

Powerful System Controlling Cultural Institutions Tries To Impose Far-Left Agenda On US

FOX News November 22, 2020
The left-wing media are overwhelmingly hostile to the president — as are the social media companies that now have nearly monopolistic control over the flow of information. 
It's 'Halftime' In The Election Challenge Game

It's 'Halftime' In The Election Challenge Game

Newsmax November 21, 2020
"It's not the people who vote that count. Those who count the vote decide everything." That quote, attributed to Josef Stalin, may or may not be accurate. But it sure is being tested in the United States today.
Iran’s Allies On High Alert

Iran’s Allies On High Alert

AP November 20, 2020
Iran has instructed allies across the Middle East to be on high alert and avoid provoking tensions with the U.S. that could give an outgoing Trump administration cause to launch attacks in the U.S. president’s final weeks in office.
Pompeo: US To Take Action Against BDS

Pompeo: US To Take Action Against BDS

Israel Hayom November 19, 2020
The US government will take action against the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement and groups that support it, US State Secretary Mike Pompeo said during a press conference in Jerusalem.
Israel Strikes Widely In Syria

Israel Strikes Widely In Syria

Jerusalem Post November 18, 2020
The strikes hit eight targets from the Golan Heights to Damascus, including an Iranian military complex, a secret military barracks, a command post which cooperates with the Quds Force, and mobile surface-to-air missile trucks.
'You're The Ultimate Editor'

'You're The Ultimate Editor'

USA Today November 17, 2020
Republicans accused Facebook and Twitter of meddling in the election to harm President Donald Trump by censoring conservatives with warnings on GOP tweets about mail-in balloting. 
We Can Stop COVID-19

We Can Stop COVID-19

Reuters November 16, 2020
Moderna Inc’s experimental vaccine is 94.5% effective in preventing COVID-19 based on interim data from a late-stage trial, becoming the second U.S. drugmaker to report results that far exceed expectations.
The Biblical Book Of Esther Playing Out Again Today

The Biblical Book Of Esther Playing Out Again Today

AT November 15, 2020
The deplorables who dared in 2016 to elect Trump in defiance of their ruling-class betters are about to be put back in their place. Maybe the Bible suggests otherwise.
Israeli Agents Reportedly Behind Assassination Of Al Qaeda’s No. 2 In Iran

Israeli Agents Reportedly Behind Assassination Of Al Qaeda’s No. 2 In Iran

Jerusalem Post November 14, 2020
Israeli agents operating in Iran were behind the targeted assassination of a top al-Qaeda leader in August. Two men on a motorcycle gunned him down in Tehran's streets on August 7, 2020. 
Joe Biden Has Plans For Israel And The Middle East

Joe Biden Has Plans For Israel And The Middle East

Ynet November 13, 2020
The next US president will likely make an effort to improve and return to the Iranian nuclear deal, resume ties with and aid to the Palestinian Authority, while avoiding tensions with Netanyahu that were a hallmark of the Obama era.
Fauci: COVID-19 Won't 'Be Pandemic For A Lot Longer'

Fauci: COVID-19 Won't 'Be Pandemic For A Lot Longer'

Newsmax November 12, 2020
COVID-19 won’t be a pandemic for "a lot longer" thanks to rapid progress in vaccine development, says Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease official.
Iran Storing 12 Times More Enriched Uranium Than Nuke Deal Allows

Iran Storing 12 Times More Enriched Uranium Than Nuke Deal Allows

Times Of Israel November 11, 2020
Iran continues to increase its stockpile of low-enriched uranium far beyond the limits set in a landmark nuclear deal with world powers and to enrich it to a greater purity than permitted, the UN’s atomic watchdog agency said.
Politics and Hope

Politics and Hope November 11, 2020
It has been a strange election in an even stranger year.
Kavanaugh, Roberts Signal Openness To Keeping Obamacare Alive

Kavanaugh, Roberts Signal Openness To Keeping Obamacare Alive

Newsmax November 10, 2020
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh both suggested they aren’t prepared to strike down Obamacare entirely even if Republican challengers succeed in invalidating the individual mandate, which requires people to acquire insurance.
90% Effective

90% Effective

FOX News November 9, 2020
Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech disclosed a game-changer in the fight against COVID-19. The duo's vaccine, known as BNT162b2, proved to be 90% effective after being tested on nearly 44,000 participants in its Phase III study.  
Netanyahu Congratulates Biden

Netanyahu Congratulates Biden

Jerusalem Post November 8, 2020
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated US President-elect Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, “I have a personal, long and warm connection with Joe Biden for nearly 40 years, and I know him to be a great friend of the State of Israel.”
Trump Would Commit To Peaceful Transfer Of Power

Trump Would Commit To Peaceful Transfer Of Power

FOX News November 7, 2020
President Donald Trump says the 2020 presidential election is “far from over.” He asked "So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands."
Trump-Biden Presidential Race Could Be Decided By Pennsylvania Case Before Supreme Court

Trump-Biden Presidential Race Could Be Decided By Pennsylvania Case Before Supreme Court

FOX News November 6, 2020
The case that could decide it all started weeks ago, and is currently waiting at the US Supreme Court. The Boockvar case involves a decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court regarding how late mail-in ballots can be counted in that state.
Vote The Right Way

Vote The Right Way

Hal Lindsey November 5, 2020
Citizens need to think through their votes and give them appropriate prayer.
Demolishing The Myth Of A Socialist Jesus

Demolishing The Myth Of A Socialist Jesus

Charisma November 5, 2020
Worldly economics is about using political coercion, manipulation, pull and power to extract wealth from people, but kingdom economics is about embracing productivity and abundance. God is a maker. Jesus, His Son, is a maker. Jesus never clashes with the makers of wealth nor with any entrepreneurs in Galilee.
The Return Of Radical Islamic Terror

The Return Of Radical Islamic Terror

Hal Lindsey November 5, 2020
The world is in an unprecedented state. 
Whether It's Trump Or Biden, Democrats Face A Reckoning Unlike Any They've Had In A Generation

Whether It's Trump Or Biden, Democrats Face A Reckoning Unlike Any They've Had In A Generation

FOX News November 4, 2020
Well, the Democrats’ rosy predictions were wrong...again. We're about to witness the opening salvo in a bloody intra-party battle among Democrats in Congress.
What We Know About Islamist Terror Attack In Vienna

What We Know About Islamist Terror Attack In Vienna

BBC News November 3, 2020
Four people have been killed and 22 others have been wounded in a gun attack in the Austrian capital, Vienna. One suspect has been shot dead by police. Here's what we know so far about the attack.
Existential Threat To America

Existential Threat To America

Gatestone Institute November 1, 2020
Xi has always believed that China should rule the world. He has always believed he had to get the United States out of the way, especially because Americans promote ideals that are anathema to totalitarianism.
Christians Tortured, Newborns Killed

Christians Tortured, Newborns Killed

Christian Post October 31, 2020
A new report has exposed the atrocities done to North Korean Christians arrested for their faith, including forced abortions, the murder of newborn babies, and death by execution for possessing a Bible. 
Why Britain’s Labour Party Will Struggle To Erase Its Moral Stain

Why Britain’s Labour Party Will Struggle To Erase Its Moral Stain

JNS October 30, 2020
The Equalities and Human Rights Commission, which conducted the inquiry, has thrown the book at Labour over its handling of the anti-Jewish bigotry in its ranks under its previous hard-left leader, Jeremy Corbyn.
Another Terror Attack In Nice

Another Terror Attack In Nice

Daily Mail October 29, 2020
At least three people have been killed - two of them beheaded - and several others stabbed in a terrorist knife attack at a cathedral in Nice, France. 
'Who The Hell Elected You?'

'Who The Hell Elected You?'

New York Post October 28, 2020
Sen. Ted Cruz teed off on Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over the social media site’s censorship of The Post’s Hunter Biden reporting. “Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear?”
First 'Reliable Conservative Majority' In 90 Years

First 'Reliable Conservative Majority' In 90 Years

CH October 27, 2020
The Senate confirmed Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, culminating a decades-long effort by conservatives to reshape the nation’s highest court from a left-leaning body to one that is more reliably right of center.
Fighting The New Commissars

Fighting The New Commissars

Caroline Glick October 26, 2020
Shibbolet Library, a new Israeli book publisher that specializes in conservative authors launched a sales campaign on Facebook. Then suddenly, its account was blocked. The campaign was wrecked. The firm’s investment was lost.
Israel-Sudan Treaty Deals Blow To Iran, Terrorism

Israel-Sudan Treaty Deals Blow To Iran, Terrorism

Israel Hayom October 25, 2020
The main achievement entailed in the peace treaty between Israel and Sudan is not bilateral, rather regional: another country has left the cycle of conflict and ceases to serve as a hotbed of anti-Israel political and security activity.
Netanyahu Hints At Israel Role In Past Sudan Raids

Netanyahu Hints At Israel Role In Past Sudan Raids

TOI October 24, 2020
In a televised address on the new Israeli-Sudanese normalization deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted that Israel carried out bombing raids in Sudan several years ago to stop Iran from smuggling weapons to Hamas via the African nation.
Trump Announces Israel-Sudan Peace Deal

Trump Announces Israel-Sudan Peace Deal

TOI October 23, 2020
US President Donald Trump announced Friday that Sudan has agreed to make peace with Israel, making it the third Arab state to normalize ties as part of US-brokered deals since August.
France Teacher's Killer Had 'Contact' With Jihadist In Syria

France Teacher's Killer Had 'Contact' With Jihadist In Syria

i24 October 22, 2020
The investigation into the murder of a French teacher for showing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in class turned to Syria, where the killer had a jihadist contact. 
A Magic Carpet Ride Over The Anti-Netanyahu Protests

A Magic Carpet Ride Over The Anti-Netanyahu Protests

Caroline Glick October 21, 2020
The Israeli Left likes to claim its no-holds-barred fight against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his supporters is an ideological struggle that pits the forces of democracy and old-time Zionism against the forces of tyranny and tribalism. Events of recent weeks tell the opposite tale.
Cool In The Fire

Cool In The Fire October 21, 2020
In God, we are the ones with real power, so let us act in confident joy rather than worry or fear.
'Today We Are Making History'

'Today We Are Making History'

TOI October 20, 2020
In another major milestone for Israel-Gulf relations, a delegation of senior United Arab Emirates officials arrived in Tel Aviv on Tuesday for a series of meetings with their Israeli counterparts.
Why Leftist Judges Play Politics And Truly Conservative Judges Don’t

Why Leftist Judges Play Politics And Truly Conservative Judges Don’t

Federalist October 19, 2020
If Democrats gain a 9-6 majority after packing the Supreme Court, there will be little hope of preventing the resulting judicial tyranny from undoing America.
France Moves To Expel 231 Radicalized Foreigners

France Moves To Expel 231 Radicalized Foreigners

FOX News October 18, 2020
French officials plan to expel 231 radicalized foreign nationals in a sweeping crackdown after the brutal slaying of a teacher Friday. On the list are 180 people currently in prison and another 51 individuals who will be arrested shortly.
Conservatives Staging Free Speech Rally Attacked By Antifa

Conservatives Staging Free Speech Rally Attacked By Antifa

FOX News October 17, 2020
A free speech demonstration staged by conservative activists quickly fell apart in downtown San Francisco on Saturday after several hundred counterprotesters surged the area, outnumbering and attacking those gathered, including knocking one in the mouth.
The Third Surge

The Third Surge

WTTV October 16, 2020
Coronavirus cases around the world have climbed to all-time highs of more than 330,000 per day as the scourge comes storming back across Europe and spreads with renewed speed in the U.S., forcing many places to reimpose tough restrictions eased just months ago.
Oreo Rainbow Cookies And Looting In LA: Is Hosea’s Warning Relevant To Us Today?

Oreo Rainbow Cookies And Looting In LA: Is Hosea’s Warning Relevant To Us Today?

Christian Post October 15, 2020
Against this backdrop, I am reading the book of Hosea these days and have been deeply impressed by its call to repentance and holiness. 
How Turkey Pushed For Azerbaijan’s War On Armenia

How Turkey Pushed For Azerbaijan’s War On Armenia

Jerusalem Post October 14, 2020
Evidence of Turkey’s role in pushing Azerbaijan to war against Armenia is growing. As more videos emerge of Syrian mercenaries sent by Ankara to fight against Armenians, it becomes clear that the logistical effort to send these fighters would have had a tail stretching back months.
The SCOTUS Front In The War On Faith

The SCOTUS Front In The War On Faith

Frontpage Mag October 13, 2020
Amy Coney Barrett is eminently qualified for the court, both professionally and personally, and should not be rejected for rank partisan reasons or anti-Catholic bigotry. Indeed, her philosophy of judicial restraint is needed on a court that too often over the years has overstepped its Constitutional remit. 
Stewards Of The Vote

Stewards Of The Vote October 13, 2020
We’re to be stewards of all the things He has placed in our hands.  For Americans, that includes the vote. 
Barrett Vows To Interpret Laws 'As They Are Written'

Barrett Vows To Interpret Laws 'As They Are Written'

Newsmax October 12, 2020
Amy Coney Barrett declared that Americans “deserve an independent Supreme Court that interprets our Constitution and laws as they are written," encapsulating her conservative approach to the law that has Republicans excited.
North Korea’s Massive New Missile Could Help Iran Threaten Israel

North Korea’s Massive New Missile Could Help Iran Threaten Israel

Jerusalem Post October 11, 2020
North Korea’s massive military parade showcased an arsenal that should raise eyebrows in the Middle East. It wheeled out its giant intercontinental ballistic missile. This is a monster and reports call it a “strategic weapon” that appears to threaten the globe.
Uncertain Times?

Uncertain Times?

Hal Lindsey October 9, 2020
They call these “uncertain times.” But are they really uncertain?
Multiple Fires Cover Israel, Some Allegedly Caused By Palestinians

Multiple Fires Cover Israel, Some Allegedly Caused By Palestinians

Jerusalem Post October 9, 2020

Multiple fires broke across Israel, with residents forced to evacuate their homes. While most fires are believed to have been caused due to extreme heat conditions, officials raised concerns that some were the result of deliberate arson by Palestinian individuals.

President Trump Guaranteeing Future Of America With Nomination Of Amy Coney Barrett

President Trump Guaranteeing Future Of America With Nomination Of Amy Coney Barrett

Arutz Sheva October 8, 2020
If President Donald Trump gets a third conservative judge into the Supreme Court, he will have fulfilled one of the major goals of his Presidency. 
It’s Time To Lift The Veil On George Soros

It’s Time To Lift The Veil On George Soros

Christian Post October 7, 2020
Anyone who throws stones at billionaire atheist George Soros can expect to be shunned or censored by his protectors in the media. Just ask top Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass or former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Lives Matter

Lives Matter

Hal Lindsey October 6, 2020
Your life matters. It matters now and mattered while you were still in the womb.
70 Years Of Failure

70 Years Of Failure

TOI October 6, 2020
Palestinian leaders are “failures” who have consistently missed opportunities for a settlement with Israel and who are aligning themselves with the enemies of Saudi Arabia, the former Saudi ambassador to the US and intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan said in an interview.
Will Israel And Lebanon Talks Weaken Hezbollah?

Will Israel And Lebanon Talks Weaken Hezbollah?

Jerusalem Post October 5, 2020
The talks between the two countries, which have no diplomatic ties and are technically in a state of ongoing war, will be mediated by the US and hosted by the UN.
Erdogan's Plan To Take Over The Palestinian Authority

Erdogan's Plan To Take Over The Palestinian Authority

Gatestone October 4, 2020
What we are witnessing is an Arab autocrat (Abbas) seeking the help of a Muslim autocrat (Erdogan) in holding "free and fair" elections.
On The Brink Of Catastrophe

On The Brink Of Catastrophe

TOI October 3, 2020
Having started off so well in its battle against COVID-19, Israel finds itself in the last few days with a higher death rate per capita than the United States. 
How Severe Could Trump’s Covid-19 Case Be? Here Are His Risk Factors — And Advantages

How Severe Could Trump’s Covid-19 Case Be? Here Are His Risk Factors — And Advantages

Vox October 2, 2020
How will the 74-year-old president fare with a Covid-19 infection?
Dead Wrong

Dead Wrong

FOX News October 1, 2020
Benjamin Netanyahu said that President Trump’s critics were “dead wrong” in predicting that the Trump administration’s attempts to bring peace to the Middle East would fail.
 Black Appraisals Of Black Lives Matter

Black Appraisals Of Black Lives Matter

Gatestone September 30, 2020
Black Lives Matter, which, under the guise of fighting racism, seeks to transform the United States into a communist dystopia. 
Netanyahu At UN Reveals Hezbollah Arms Depot In Beirut

Netanyahu At UN Reveals Hezbollah Arms Depot In Beirut

Times Of Israel September 29, 2020
Netanyahu revealed a secret arms depot belonging to Hezbollah near Beirut’s International Airport.
Saudis Quietly Pushed UAE, Bahrain To Sign Peace Deal With Israel

Saudis Quietly Pushed UAE, Bahrain To Sign Peace Deal With Israel

WIN September 28, 2020
Saudi Arabia worked behind the scenes and encouraged the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to sign peace agreements with Israel.
 Turkey: Erdoğan's Soft Spot For Hamas

Turkey: Erdoğan's Soft Spot For Hamas

Gatestone September 27, 2020
So far, Erdoğan's fanaticism has come without any cost to him internationally, or any damage to his domestic political survivability. He has every ideological and pragmatic reason to keep up his love affair with Hamas.
Time To Hold The PLO Accountable For Its Crimes

Time To Hold The PLO Accountable For Its Crimes

Caroline Glick September 26, 2020
PA Chairman Yassir Arafat called the terror war “the al-Aqsa Intifada.” The name sent a signal to the Islamic world that the Palestinians were the advance guards of the global jihad.
BLM, Antifa And The Communist Strategy To Destroy The United States

BLM, Antifa And The Communist Strategy To Destroy The United States

Frontpage Mag September 25, 2020
The unprecedented violence perpetrated by Antifa and Black Lives Matter embodies two of the Left's biggest tactics in its quest to fundamentally transform the United States.
China Changes Bible Story, Says Jesus Killed Woman Caught In Adultery

China Changes Bible Story, Says Jesus Killed Woman Caught In Adultery

CH September 24, 2020
The biblical story of Jesus saving the woman caught in adultery has been twisted and given a new ending in a Chinese textbook, with Jesus killing the woman and telling her that He, too, is a sinner.
A Pro-Life Supreme Court For Decades

A Pro-Life Supreme Court For Decades

CH September 23, 2020
The conservative and pro-life movement has a historic opportunity to reshape the court for generations by filling the current vacancy with a justice who will rule based on the “written text of the Constitution” and not their personal views.
The Abraham Accords

The Abraham Accords

Hal Lindsey September 22, 2020
On August 13th of this year, the United States, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates released a joint statement announcing an agreement normalizing relations between Israel and the UAE. 
Saudi Arabia On Road To Ties With Israel, But Not Quite There Yet

Saudi Arabia On Road To Ties With Israel, But Not Quite There Yet

Times Of Israel September 22, 2020
Most Saudis still view Palestinian statehood as a prerequisite for formal relations, but state-backed media and clerics are signaling change is underway.
Pandemic Likely 'Could Have Been Prevented' Of China, WHO Acted Differently

Pandemic Likely 'Could Have Been Prevented' Of China, WHO Acted Differently

National Review September 21, 2020
An audit by congressional Republicans to be released on Monday concludes that China covered up the initial spread of coronavirus while the World Health Organization “parroted” Chinese propaganda.
Rouhani: ‘Crushing Response’ Coming To US

Rouhani: ‘Crushing Response’ Coming To US

Times Of Israel September 20, 2020
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned the US it faces defeat after the Trump administration declared that UN sanctions are back in force against the Islamic Republic, a move rejected by other world powers.
Left Wing Promises Violence If Trump Appoints RGB Replacement

Left Wing Promises Violence If Trump Appoints RGB Replacement

Federalist September 19, 2020
After erupting into a historic outbreak of civil unrest this summer that killed more than 30 people, radical left-wing activists are now planning to do it all again if the president executes his mandated White House authority to appoint a new Supreme Court justice.
Why John Kerry And Others Were Wrong About Peace And Israel

Why John Kerry And Others Were Wrong About Peace And Israel

Jerusalem Post September 18, 2020
Kerry said in 2016 that “there will be no advanced and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that."
FBI Director: 'Antifa Is A Real Thing'

FBI Director: 'Antifa Is A Real Thing'

FOX News September 17, 2020
FBI Director Chris Wray made clear that Antifa is not a made-up, right-wing conspiracy theory and that the FBI has cases involving those connected to it. Wray explained that while Antifa is not an organization in the traditional sense, it is a movement.
Dangerous Days

Dangerous Days September 16, 2020
As a culture, we have lost the grace to allow one another to make mistakes, or have opinions different from our own.
The UAE And The Democratic-CAIR Partnership

The UAE And The Democratic-CAIR Partnership

Caroline Glick September 16, 2020
The US-brokered peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, strikes a major blow to the twin forces of Islamic imperialism and terror in the Middle East: the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and the Shiite regime in Iran.
Marking Dawn Of A New Middle East

Marking Dawn Of A New Middle East

Times Of Israel September 15, 2020
Trump speaks of ‘changing course of history,’ Netanyahu hopes for end to Arab-Israeli conflict ‘once and for all.’ 
Israel, UAE Agreement Will Be A Peace Treaty

Israel, UAE Agreement Will Be A Peace Treaty

Jerusalem Post September 14, 2020
It had previously been unclear if the agreement to be signed will be normalization or peace, since Israel and the UAE had not previously been at war.
'Hope They Die!'

'Hope They Die!'

KIMT September 13, 2020
Protesters reportedly shouting slogans like "Death to the police!" showed up to the Los Angeles area hospital treating two law enforcement officers who were ambushed and shot on Saturday.
Iranian Wrestler Executed

Iranian Wrestler Executed

Jerusalem Post September 12, 2020
Navid Afkari, a 27-year-old Greco-Roman wrestler, had said he was tortured into making a false confession. The case had attracted international outcry.
'How 9/11 And Then COVID-19 Forever Strengthened My Faith'

'How 9/11 And Then COVID-19 Forever Strengthened My Faith'

CH September 11, 2020
The only way out is through, with Christ as our guide, our hope, and our light.
Kushner: Our Plan Is Bid To Save 2-State Solution; Israel Was Eating Up The Land

Kushner: Our Plan Is Bid To Save 2-State Solution; Israel Was Eating Up The Land

Times Of Israel September 10, 2020
Kushner said that the peace plan is an attempt to “save the two state solution” because it stops Israel from further expanding its presence in the West Bank.
Kushner: Saudi Arabia Agreed To Open Its Airspace To Israeli Flights

Kushner: Saudi Arabia Agreed To Open Its Airspace To Israeli Flights

Jerusalem Post September 9, 2020
“Countries starting to let go of old conflicts and move in the direction of peace,” declared Kushner.
China 'Configuring Its Military To Kill Americans'

China 'Configuring Its Military To Kill Americans'

Gatestone September 8, 2020
"[President] Xi Jinping has been talking increasingly about this notion that China has a mandate of heaven to rule the world."
Creating Monsters

Creating Monsters September 8, 2020
People around the word are disinfecting everything within reach. 
Saudi King Indicates To Trump Israeli-Palestinian Peace A Prerequisite For Ties

Saudi King Indicates To Trump Israeli-Palestinian Peace A Prerequisite For Ties

Times Of Israel September 7, 2020
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman praised US President Donald Trump for Washington’s diplomatic efforts in the region in a phone call Sunday.
Hezbollah, Hamas Leaders Meet To Discuss Growing Israeli-Arab Ties

Hezbollah, Hamas Leaders Meet To Discuss Growing Israeli-Arab Ties

Algemeiner September 6, 2020
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah met on Sunday with a Hamas delegation to Lebanon led by the terror group’s politburo head Ismail Haniyeh to discuss Arab countries’ normalization of relations with Israel.
Iran's Enriched Uranium Stockpile '10 Times Limit'

Iran's Enriched Uranium Stockpile '10 Times Limit'

BBC News September 5, 2020
Iran now has more than 10 times the amount of enriched uranium permitted under an international agreement, the UN's nuclear watchdog says.
Peopling Eternity

Peopling Eternity

Hal Lindsey September 4, 2020
People are dying and we need to work with urgency to spread the message of Jesus. The signs of His return are all around us, and I believe we have a short time before the Lord snatches away His people.
Black Leaders Blast Systemic Racism Within Planned Parenthood

Black Leaders Blast Systemic Racism Within Planned Parenthood

Christian Post September 4, 2020
Over 120 black American leaders in both parties have signed a document addressed to Planned Parenthood, urging it to confront systemic racism inherent in the abortion industry and the legacy of its founder, Margaret Sanger.
Trump Administration May Use Mafia Law On Protesters

Trump Administration May Use Mafia Law On Protesters

Newsmax September 3, 2020
The Trump administration is considering invoking a law normally used to prosecute members of the Mafia to crack down on violent protests gripping the nation.
Charlie Hebdo Reruns Muhammad Cartoons As 14 Go On Trial

Charlie Hebdo Reruns Muhammad Cartoons As 14 Go On Trial

Reuters September 2, 2020
14 alleged accomplices to the Islamist gunmen who attacked the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in 2015 went on trial, as the country recalled a dark episode that marked the onset of a wave of militant violence.
China To Double Its Stockpile Of Nuclear Warheads

China To Double Its Stockpile Of Nuclear Warheads

FOX News September 1, 2020
China is likely planning to double its stockpile of nuclear warheads in this decade, including those designed for ballistic missiles and that can reach the U.S., the Pentagon said in a report.
Hamas Announces Ceasefire Understandings With Israel

Hamas Announces Ceasefire Understandings With Israel

Jerusalem Post August 31, 2020
Hamas announced that it has reached new understandings with Israel to de-escalate the situation in the Gaza Strip “after a round of discussions and contacts, including with Qatari envoy Mohammed al-Emadi.”
'Many More' Secret Talks With Arab Nations

'Many More' Secret Talks With Arab Nations

FOX News August 30, 2020
Netanyahu said that there are "many more unpublicized meetings with Arab and Muslim leaders to normalize relations with the state of Israel" following its historic peace agreement with the UAE brokered by the US earlier this month.
UAE Formally Abolishes Israel Boycott Law

UAE Formally Abolishes Israel Boycott Law

Times Of Israel August 29, 2020
The president of the United Arab Emirates issued a decree abolishing a law boycotting Israel and allowing trade and financial agreements between the two nations, two days before a delegation from Jerusalem was due to arrive in Abu Dhabi.
America's Mayhem And Massive Decline In Christianity

America's Mayhem And Massive Decline In Christianity

Christian Post August 28, 2020
It's important to remember that the forefather of socialism, Karl Marx, claimed religion was the "opiate of the people" and that the future worldwide communism must take the place of religion.
Hamas: Israel Will Receive ‘Messages’ Within Hours

Hamas: Israel Will Receive ‘Messages’ Within Hours

Times Of Israel August 27, 2020
The Hamas terror group reportedly said that efforts to reach a ceasefire with Israel had failed, warning Israel of “messages” to be sent within hours.
Turkey Giving Citizenship To Hamas Members

Turkey Giving Citizenship To Hamas Members

Reuters August 26, 2020
Turkey has given passports to a dozen Hamas members in Istanbul, a senior Israeli diplomat said on Wednesday, describing the move as “a very unfriendly step” which his government would raise with Turkish officials.
The Astounding Partnership

The Astounding Partnership

Hal Lindsey August 26, 2020
Science and technology had become a de facto religion for many, but Covid exposed their inadequacy.
Israel-Gaza Tensions Simmer As Arson Terrorism Persists

Israel-Gaza Tensions Simmer As Arson Terrorism Persists

Israel Hayom August 25, 2020
IDF strikes Hamas sites after airborne incendiary devices launched from Gaza spark 36 fires in border-adjacent farmlands.
Is The Palestinian Veto Alive Or Dead?

Is The Palestinian Veto Alive Or Dead?

Caroline Glick August 24, 2020
Since Israel was established, the Palestinian veto doomed all efforts to forge peace between the Arab world and the Jewish state.
In A Coma?

In A Coma?

New York Post August 23, 2020
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has fallen into a coma, a former South Korean official is claiming on the heels of reports that the northern leader has ceded over some of his power to his younger sister.
Will Iran Strike At Sea Or By Land In Response To US 'Snapback'?

Will Iran Strike At Sea Or By Land In Response To US 'Snapback'?

Jerusalem Post August 22, 2020
Iran has a weak navy and it doesn’t have a strong army either. What it does have is proxy groups in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.
Iron Dome Intercepts Rocket Fired From Gaza As Israel, Hamas Trade Threats

Iron Dome Intercepts Rocket Fired From Gaza As Israel, Hamas Trade Threats

Times Of Israel August 21, 2020
Last night saw 12 rockets fired toward Israel and three rounds of reprisal airstrikes by Israeli warplanes.
As The Day Approaches

As The Day Approaches August 20, 2020
The technology the Antichrist will use to rule the world economy has been invented and is being implemented right now.
US Expected To Activate Snapback Sanctions On Iran

US Expected To Activate Snapback Sanctions On Iran

JNS August 20, 2020
Mike Pompeo is set to travel to New York to notify the U.N. Security Council that America is invoking snapback.
Saudi FM: No Israel Normalization Without Peace With The Palestinians

Saudi FM: No Israel Normalization Without Peace With The Palestinians

Times Of Israel August 19, 2020
Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said that Riyadh will not normalize relations with Israel before an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord is reached, in the kingdom’s first official statement since Thursday’s deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates was announced.
Netanyahu: UAE Agreement Did Not Include US Selling F-35s

Netanyahu: UAE Agreement Did Not Include US Selling F-35s

Jerusalem Post August 18, 2020
The agreement to formalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates did not include allowing the latter to purchase F-35 fighter jets, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said on Tuesday, following reports to the contrary.
Kushner: US Won't Approve Israeli Annexations For 'Some Time'

Kushner: US Won't Approve Israeli Annexations For 'Some Time'

Reuters August 17, 2020
The United States will not consent to Israeli annexations in the occupied West Bank for “some time,” preferring to focus on the Israel-UAE normalisation deal and wider regional peacemaking, Jared Kushner said.
Lebanese President Hints At Possibility Of Peace Talks With Israel

Lebanese President Hints At Possibility Of Peace Talks With Israel

Times Of Israel August 16, 2020
President Aoun declined to categorically rule out negotiations, stating “that depends” when asked about the possibility of ending the conflict with Lebanon’s longtime enemy.
'Dangerous Future'

'Dangerous Future'

FOX News August 15, 2020
Iran's Revolutionary Guard warned of a “dangerous future” for the United Arab Emirates over a U.S.-brokered agreement that sees the UAE open up diplomatic relations with Israel. The Iranian guard called it “shameful” and an “evil action” underwritten by the U.S. that would set back U.S. influence. 
Palestinians On Temple Mount Trample, Set Fire To Picture Of UAE Leader

Palestinians On Temple Mount Trample, Set Fire To Picture Of UAE Leader

Times Of Israel August 14, 2020
Palestinians taking part in prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount trampled and then set fire to a poster of the United Arab emirates leader to protest the normalization deal announced between Israel and the UAE.
Qatar and the Antichrist’s False Peace

Qatar and the Antichrist’s False Peace August 14, 2020
For years, people familiar with Bible prophecy wondered how the Antichrist could possibly end the antagonism between Israel and its Muslim neighbors.
A Historic Peace Deal

A Historic Peace Deal

Jerusalem Post August 13, 2020
Israel and the UAE agreed to full normalization of relations in a phone call with US President Donald Trump on Thursday, marking the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab country in 25 years.
Riots And Protests from Portland To Jerusalem

Riots And Protests from Portland To Jerusalem

Caroline Glick August 12, 2020
Like their American counterparts, the Israeli demonstrations are massively and sympathetically covered by the media. 
Seattle Defunds Police, Chief Resigns

Seattle Defunds Police, Chief Resigns

Patriot Post August 11, 2020
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said "It is a fact that there are groups and individuals that are intent on destruction in our city." 
Lebanon's Government 'To Resign' As Death Toll Rises

Lebanon's Government 'To Resign' As Death Toll Rises

BBC News August 10, 2020
The Lebanese government is reportedly about to resign amid mounting anger over last Tuesday's explosion in Beirut that killed more than 200 people.
Global Upheaval

Global Upheaval August 10, 2020
The world changes. Sometimes it changes quickly.
Abbas: We Support China's Muslim Concentration Camps

Abbas: We Support China's Muslim Concentration Camps

Gatestone Institute August 9, 2020
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is saying that he fully supports China's right to hold more than one million Muslims in re-education camps.
Is Russia’s Quest For World Power In Trouble?

Is Russia’s Quest For World Power In Trouble?

Algemeiner August 8, 2020
To prevent Western economic and military penetration, the Kremlin has deliberately fomented various separatist conflicts. However, its long-term vision for the separatist regions is becoming increasingly unrealistic. 
Hezbollah Threatened To Blow Up Israel With Same Chemicals As Beirut Blast

Hezbollah Threatened To Blow Up Israel With Same Chemicals As Beirut Blast

Jerusalem Post August 7, 2020
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened in the past to destroy Israel by causing a massive explosion in the port of Haifa using ammonia tanks that he said would be like a “nuclear” explosion.
Burning Bibles In Portland And What Every American Needs To Hear

Burning Bibles In Portland And What Every American Needs To Hear

Christian Post August 6, 2020
Activists burned a stack of Bibles in front of the federal courthouse in Portland Friday night. A statue of Jesus was beheaded recently at a Miami church.
When The Counterculture Becomes The Culture

When The Counterculture Becomes The Culture

One News Now August 5, 2020
Four short years ago, we mostly assumed the best of our fellow Americans and the best of our country's ideals. No longer. The counterculture has become the culture – and that is both a tragedy and a travesty.
'Hundreds Dead And Wounded

'Hundreds Dead And Wounded" After Huge Explosion In Beirut

Reuters August 4, 2020
A massive explosion rocked Beirut, Lebanon, with the force of an earthquake followed by a shock wave that devastated much of the city and probably caused hundreds of casualties.
Bibles, American Flags Set Ablaze By Portland Rioters

Bibles, American Flags Set Ablaze By Portland Rioters

Christian Headlines August 3, 2020
Fires were set by rioters in front of a federal courthouse on Friday night in Portland, Oregon, as the city entered its 65th consecutive day of protests.
IDF Thwarts Infiltration Attempt Along Syrian Border

IDF Thwarts Infiltration Attempt Along Syrian Border

Arutz Sheva August 2, 2020
IDF soldiers identify terrorists placing explosives near border fence. IDF forces and IDF aircraft fire at the terrorists.
Iran Claims To Have Arrested Leader Of US Backed Resistance Group

Iran Claims To Have Arrested Leader Of US Backed Resistance Group

Times Of Israel August 1, 2020
Iran said it has detained a leader of a little-known California-based opposition group for allegedly planning a 2008 attack on a mosque that killed 14 people and wounded over 200.
Taliban Allowing Al Qaeda Training Camps, Despite US Agreement To Cut All Ties

Taliban Allowing Al Qaeda Training Camps, Despite US Agreement To Cut All Ties

FOX News July 31, 2020
The US signed a deal with the Taliban to end the war in Afghanistan – predicated on the notion that the insurgent group would not offer safe haven to Al Qaeda.
Anchor Point

Anchor Point

Hal Lindsey July 30, 2020
Confusion and contention seem to be everywhere. Across the media, chaos reigns. In April and May, optimism was high that the pandemic would fade during summer. But it did not. 
A Christian's Responsibility To Israel

A Christian's Responsibility To Israel

Christian Post July 30, 2020
Jesus is one of Israel’s own. He was born in Israel. He lived in Israel. And on Passover in Israel (Nisan 14), Jesus gave His life on the cross for the sins of the world.
PA's Collapse Could Provide 'Brighter Future' For Palestinians

PA's Collapse Could Provide 'Brighter Future' For Palestinians

Israel Hayom July 29, 2020
While some fear the breakdown of the Palestinian Authority, former senior US officials say that Israel should promote its end so that a new generation of leaders can take over.
Is Israel Foiling Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation?

Is Israel Foiling Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation?

Jerusalem Post July 28, 2020
Hatem Qafisheh, a senior Hamas official from Hebron, claimed that he and other Hamas representatives were warned by their Israeli interrogators not to strike any deal with Fatah.
Israel Says It Foiled Hezbollah Attack Along Lebanese Border

Israel Says It Foiled Hezbollah Attack Along Lebanese Border

Israel Hayom July 27, 2020
The incident appears to have been triggered by a Hezbollah terrorist squad that had attempted to stage a cross-border attack. IDF troops managed to thwart the attack and fired at the squad.
Police And Protesters Clash In Violent Weekend Across The US

Police And Protesters Clash In Violent Weekend Across The US

Newsmax July 26, 2020
Demonstrators squared off against federal agents outside a courthouse in Portland, Oregon, forcing police in Seattle to retreat into a station house and setting fire to vehicles in California and Virginia.
Federal Agents Likely Permanently Blinded By Portland Protesters’ Lasers

Federal Agents Likely Permanently Blinded By Portland Protesters’ Lasers

New York Post July 25, 2020
Three federal agents who were sent to Portland, Ore., to try to help quell the city’s  violent protests were “likely left permanently blinded” from clashes, White House officials said Friday.
Stability For Our Enemies

Stability For Our Enemies

Caroline Glick July 24, 2020
Since the 1990s, the dominant view in Israel’s national security community has been that Israel’s top priority in relation to the Palestinians is to maintain the stability of their leadership.
Scripture Reading Has Fallen During The Pandemic

Scripture Reading Has Fallen During The Pandemic

Christian Headlines July 23, 2020
An American Bible Society report shows that Scripture engagement has fallen during the coronavirus pandemic. Scripture engagement is directly tied to in-person church participation.
 Why The US Ordered China's Houston Consulate Closed

Why The US Ordered China's Houston Consulate Closed

Washington Examiner July 22, 2020
Beijing used that consulate for highly aggressive espionage efforts against US intellectual property and American citizens of Chinese ancestry.
What the World Needs Now

What the World Needs Now July 22, 2020
What the world needs now is a renewed understanding of the most famous verse in the Bible.


Hal Lindsey July 21, 2020
2020 will be remembered as the year a deadly invasion struck planet earth. 
Hezbollah Threatens Israel After Member Of Terror Group Killed In Syria

Hezbollah Threatens Israel After Member Of Terror Group Killed In Syria

Jerusalem Post July 21, 2020
One account showed Hezbollah driving a car toward the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, a common style iconography, suggesting the liberation of Jerusalem from Israel.
Chinese Ambassador Struggles To Explain Footage of Blindfolded Uighurs Herded On Trains

Chinese Ambassador Struggles To Explain Footage of Blindfolded Uighurs Herded On Trains

National Review July 20, 2020
Chinese ambassador to the UK struggled to explain footage of blindfolded, shaven Uighur Muslims being escorted by soldiers on to trains.
Fires Set, Fences Moved: Police Call Portland Protest A Riot

Fires Set, Fences Moved: Police Call Portland Protest A Riot

Newsmax July 19, 2020
Protesters broke into a building, set it on fire and started dumpster fires late Saturday night in Oregon's largest city, police said, as demonstrations that have been taking place since the death of George Floyd.
John Lewis Heroically Fought Racism And Changed America

John Lewis Heroically Fought Racism And Changed America

FOX News July 18, 2020
Lewis was brutally beaten, unjustly jailed and almost killed in the struggle to end segregation and win the right to vote for Black Americans.
Internet Disrupted, Police Fire Tear Gas At Iranian Protesters

Internet Disrupted, Police Fire Tear Gas At Iranian Protesters

Times Of Israel July 17, 2020
Iranian police said they forcefully dispersed a protest by a crowd chanting “norm-breaking” slogans over economic hardships.
Confederate Monuments: The Problem With Politically Correct History

Confederate Monuments: The Problem With Politically Correct History

Frontpage Mag July 16, 2020
Where does this viewing of history through the prism of modern-day feelings end?
Lawlessness Spreading Across the Land

Lawlessness Spreading Across the Land July 15, 2020
Genesis 6:11 tells us that in the time of Noah, “The earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence.”
At Least 7 Ships Catch Fire At Port In Iran

At Least 7 Ships Catch Fire At Port In Iran

Times Of Israel July 15, 2020
Iranian news agency doesn’t say what started the blaze in Bushehr, the province housing the Islamic Republic’s only nuclear plant.
Religious Leaders Say Trump Has Left Persecuted Christians In Danger

Religious Leaders Say Trump Has Left Persecuted Christians In Danger

Religion News July 14, 2020
The US resettled 18,462 Christians in 2015. That number slipped to just 4,112 in 2018. 
WHO: Coronavirus Crisis May Get 'Worse And Worse And Worse'

WHO: Coronavirus Crisis May Get 'Worse And Worse And Worse'

Reuters July 13, 2020
The new coronavirus pandemic raging around the globe will worsen if countries fail to adhere to strict healthcare precautions.
Iran And China Agree To Trade And Military Partnership

Iran And China Agree To Trade And Military Partnership

Arutz Sheva July 12, 2020
New agreement would clear the way for billions of dollars of Chinese investments in Iranian energy and other sectors.
Iran: Hamas, Hezbollah Seek To Unite ‘Islamic Ummah’ Against Israel

Iran: Hamas, Hezbollah Seek To Unite ‘Islamic Ummah’ Against Israel

Jerusalem Post July 11, 2020
Iran has suffered setbacks to its nuclear program due to recent mysterious explosions and the regime has been reticent to blame Israel directly.
Goya Foods CEO Stands Up To The Cancel Culture Rage Mob

Goya Foods CEO Stands Up To The Cancel Culture Rage Mob

Townhall July 10, 2020
Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue visited the White House and participated in an event bolstering Hispanic prosperity.
All Black Lives Lost Should Matter To Black Lives Matter Movement

All Black Lives Lost Should Matter To Black Lives Matter Movement

FOX News July 9, 2020
Why, in fact, do only some Black lives matter to these groups' supporters, rather than all?       
Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Order Protecting Little Sisters From Funding Abortions

Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Order Protecting Little Sisters From Funding Abortions

Life News July 8, 2020
The Supreme Court issued a ruling today upholding a pro-life order from President Trump that protected the Little Sisters of the Poor from being force to pay for abortion-causing drugs under their health insurance plan. 
Trump Withdraws US From World Health Organization

Trump Withdraws US From World Health Organization

Newsmax July 7, 2020
Last week, the WHO walked back its claim it had received a warning about coronavirus from the Chinese government, and on Monday, the US accused the organization of allowing COVID-19 to spin "out of control" at the cost of "many lives."
 Trump And Netanyahu Face Their Rendezvous With Destiny

Trump And Netanyahu Face Their Rendezvous With Destiny

Caroline Glick July 6, 2020
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needn’t take heed of the “friendly advice” from British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Since 2017, Johnson demonstrated amply that he is no great friend of Israel, or of anyone else.
'We've Lost Control' Of Pandemic

'We've Lost Control' Of Pandemic

Times Of Israel July 5, 2020
‘We can no longer disrupt the chain of infection,’ warns Prof. Eli Waxman, adding that if serious steps aren’t taken this week, ‘within two weeks we’ll have to impose a lockdown’.
Tehran Has Triggered Iran Deal Dispute Mechanism

Tehran Has Triggered Iran Deal Dispute Mechanism

Jerusalem Post July 4, 2020
Tehran has triggered the “dispute mechanism” built into the 2015 Iran nuclear deal over compliance issues with France, Germany and the United Kingdom, which could be the first step toward dissolution of the deal.
Third Mysterious Explosion In A Week At Iranian Nuclear Facility

Third Mysterious Explosion In A Week At Iranian Nuclear Facility

Jerusalem Post July 3, 2020
The plot thickened on Thursday afternoon hours after a building at a nuclear facility looked to have blown up in Iran.
US Coronavirus Cases Soar To 50,600 In Record Single-Day Jump

US Coronavirus Cases Soar To 50,600 In Record Single-Day Jump

Hal Lindsey July 2, 2020
Cases are growing by 5% or more, based on the change in average new cases compared with last week, in 40 states across the country, including California, Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Nevada.
Hope Under Fire

Hope Under Fire

Hal Lindsey July 2, 2020
America is awash in spirituality. Yet spiritual hunger continues to grow exponentially. 
Putin Wins Right To Extend His Rule Until 2036 In Landslide Vote

Putin Wins Right To Extend His Rule Until 2036 In Landslide Vote

Politico July 1, 2020
Russians voted by a landslide to pass constitutional changes that will allow Vladimir Putin to run for president twice more, potentially extending his rule until 2036.
‘Pandemic Potential’: New Swine Flu Strain Discovered In China

‘Pandemic Potential’: New Swine Flu Strain Discovered In China

WDAF June 30, 2020
A strain of swine flu that scientists fear has the potential to become a pandemic in humans has been identified in China.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Pro-Life Law

Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Pro-Life Law

Life News June 29, 2020
The Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana pro-life law today that saves babies from abortion and protects women’s health thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts.
Japan Has 'Some Suspicions' About The Health Of Kim Jong-Un

Japan Has 'Some Suspicions' About The Health Of Kim Jong-Un

Daily Mail June 27, 2020
Kim was not seen for nearly three weeks in April and there were some reports that the despot had died or was gravely ill following heart surgery.
'Declaration Of War'

'Declaration Of War'

FOX News June 26, 2020
Israel’s planned annexation of West Bank settlements and the Jordan Valley is considered a declaration of war, according to Hamas, the group in control of the Gaza Strip.
FBI 'Looking Carefully' At Foreign Involvement In Floyd Protests

FBI 'Looking Carefully' At Foreign Involvement In Floyd Protests

Newsmax June 25, 2020
FBI Director Christopher Wray said his agency is "looking carefully" at the possibility foreign agents have involved themselves or influenced the riots.
To Whom Does The Land Of Israel Belong?

To Whom Does The Land Of Israel Belong?

Hal Lindsey June 24, 2020
In recent years, Israel has been depicted in the media as a rogue state, flaunting international law by allowing Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria. But that simply isn’t true. 
A Call For Kristallnacht Against Christians

A Call For Kristallnacht Against Christians

Frontpage Mag June 24, 2020
“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.” Shaun King, the far-left activist, tweeted
Hope Versus the Invisible Enemy

Hope Versus the Invisible Enemy June 24, 2020
In Luke 21:28, Jesus said, “When these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
North Korea Threatens ‘New Round Of The Korean War’ To End US

North Korea Threatens ‘New Round Of The Korean War’ To End US

New York Post June 23, 2020
North Korea’s embassy in Moscow has threatened to use its nation’s nuclear weapons against the United States in what they claim would be “a particularly sensational event."
WHO Reports Biggest One-Day Rise In Coronavirus Cases To Date

WHO Reports Biggest One-Day Rise In Coronavirus Cases To Date

CBS News June 22, 2020
The world saw the largest daily increases yet in coronavirus cases over the weekend. Despite clear progress in containing the virus in some regions, the number of new cases has soared globally in recent days.
Scriptures And History Reveal Many Qualities Of A Father

Scriptures And History Reveal Many Qualities Of A Father

Weirton Daily Times June 21, 2020
The making of a father. Sounds simple, right? Have a baby and you are a father, right? The Bible has many examples of real fathers, their strengths and weaknesses, and their trust in God.
'New And Dangerous Phase'

'New And Dangerous Phase'

USNWR June 19, 2020
The World Health Organization said the previous day saw the most new cases reported to the group in a single day so far. "The pandemic is accelerating," WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press briefing.
Are We Headed Into Year Zero?

Are We Headed Into Year Zero?

American Thinker June 18, 2020
In TV's The Man in the High Castle, which presents an alternative 1963 America occupied by victorious Axis powers. It's just a TV show.  But then you change the channel and see the news.  Back in our world, Year Zero's been in progress for decades.
US Hits Syria With Toughest Sanctions Yet To Push Assad To End War

US Hits Syria With Toughest Sanctions Yet To Push Assad To End War

Israel Hayom June 17, 2020
"We will not stop until Assad and his regime stop their needless, brutal war against the Syrian people and the Syrian government agrees to a political solution to the conflict," US Secretary of State says.
When Islam Came

When Islam Came

Frontpage Mag June 16, 2020
This last May 29 was the 567th-year anniversary of the Islamic conquest of Constantinople, one of ancient Christianity’s greatest capitals that for the previous seven centuries had, as Europe’s easternmost bulwark, withstood Islam.
Iran Trying To Return To ‘Business As Usual’ In Syria

Iran Trying To Return To ‘Business As Usual’ In Syria

Algemeiner June 15, 2020
Iran has blended its weapons production activities into Syrian military installations, and tried to set up terror cells on the Syrian border with Israel for conducting future cross-border raids.
China Is Reporting The Biggest Coronavirus Outbreak It Has Seen In Two Months

China Is Reporting The Biggest Coronavirus Outbreak It Has Seen In Two Months

Vox June 14, 2020
China reported on Sunday that the country had 57 new confirmed cases of coronavirus as of midnight on Saturday — the highest number of infections it has reported in two months.
Seattle Police Set To Reclaim ‘CHAZ’ Amid Ongoing Protests

Seattle Police Set To Reclaim ‘CHAZ’ Amid Ongoing Protests

One America June 13, 2020
The Seattle police say their calls for service have tripled in the occupied area — including 911 calls for rape, robbery, “and all sorts of violent acts that have been occurring in the area that we’re not able to get to.”
North Korea Deems Talks With US A Failure, Vows To Continue Nuclear Buildup

North Korea Deems Talks With US A Failure, Vows To Continue Nuclear Buildup

National Review June 12, 2020
“Even a slim ray of optimism for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula has faded away into a dark nightmare,” North Korean foreign minister Ri Son-gwon said on Friday. 
Netanyahu Hails Trump For Announcing Sanctions Against ‘Corrupt’ ICC

Netanyahu Hails Trump For Announcing Sanctions Against ‘Corrupt’ ICC

Times Of Israel June 11, 2020
The White House accuses international court of pursuing politically motivated probes of US and allies. Israeli lawmakers say move against ICC proves US president a great friend of Israel.
Where There's Antifa There Is Antisemitism

Where There's Antifa There Is Antisemitism

Arutz Sheva June 10, 2020
The infiltration of Jew-hatred not related to anything Jewish or Israeli has been a frequent occurrence in Western mass protests in past decades.
The Answer

The Answer June 10, 2020
How should followers of Jesus respond to a world that for months has been locked down by a disease, and is now being ripped apart in a torrent of violence and accusation? 
Signs Of The Times

Signs Of The Times

Hal Lindsey June 9, 2020
This year, planet earth has been taking a stroll through Matthew 24.
Palestinian PM: If Israel Annexes West Bank, We Will Declare Statehood

Palestinian PM: If Israel Annexes West Bank, We Will Declare Statehood

Ynet June 9, 2020
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh said that If Israel annexes part of the West Bank, the Palestinians will unilaterally declare a state based on the pre-1967 lines.
Violence Won't Dethrone God

Violence Won't Dethrone God

Newsmax June 8, 2020
Atrocities that have been committed against religious people and institutions reflect the hatred for all things relating to the Almighty. But thankfully, people who have the gift of knowledge that flows from the Spirit know the truth. 
Iran Prepares To Confront Israel In Syria Via Hezbollah

Iran Prepares To Confront Israel In Syria Via Hezbollah

Jerusalem Post June 7, 2020
Iran may be preparing for conflict with Israel in Syria and no longer will accept Israeli airstrikes on its warehouses without a response, a report over the weekend suggested. 
How Recent Civil Unrest Reveals the Enemy's Ultimate Strategy

How Recent Civil Unrest Reveals the Enemy's Ultimate Strategy

Charisma June 6, 2020
Scripture talks about this chaos in Ephesians 2:2b (NIV): "the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient."
UN Atomic Watchdog Says Iran Now Violating All Restrictions Of Nuclear Deal

UN Atomic Watchdog Says Iran Now Violating All Restrictions Of Nuclear Deal

Times Of Israel June 5, 2020
Iran has continued to increase its stockpiles of enriched uranium and remains in violation of its deal with world powers.
'God is Dead': Leftist Rioters Vandalize Churches And Synagogues

'God is Dead': Leftist Rioters Vandalize Churches And Synagogues

Frontpage Mag June 4, 2020
The sheer number of incidents from New York City to Los Angeles make it clear that the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots displayed a nationwide pattern of targeting houses of worship.
Why Western Media Is Biased Against Israel

Why Western Media Is Biased Against Israel

Gatestone June 3, 2020
Many foreign journalists seem to see the conflict along the lines of "good guys (Palestinians) versus bad guys (Israel)." They wake up every morning and search for any story that reflects badly on Israel.
'My Family Is God-Fearing': George Floyd's Brother Calls For An End Of Violent Riots, Looting

'My Family Is God-Fearing': George Floyd's Brother Calls For An End Of Violent Riots, Looting

Faithwire June 2, 2020
“I’m not over here blowing up stuff,” he said in response to the riots. “What are y’all doing? You’re doing nothing. That’s not going to bring my brother back,” he said.
Iranian Hackers Tried To Increase Chlorine Levels In Israel's Water

Iranian Hackers Tried To Increase Chlorine Levels In Israel's Water

Israel Hayom June 1, 2020
The failed Iranian cyberattack on a minor water facility in Israel in early April sought to poison the water supply delivered to hundreds of thousands on homes in the greater Tel Aviv area.
Trump: US Declaring Antifa Terrorist Organization In Wake of Violence

Trump: US Declaring Antifa Terrorist Organization In Wake of Violence

Newsmax May 31, 2020
The presidential tweets followed earlier statements by Trump and Attorney General William Barr that anti-fascist organizers and anarchists as culprits behind the nationwide mayhem.
National Guard Summoned To Aid Cities Amid Police Clashes

National Guard Summoned To Aid Cities Amid Police Clashes

Newsmax May 30, 2020
Georgia’s governor declared a state of emergency early Saturday to activate the state National Guard as violence flared in Atlanta and cities nationwide following the death of George Floyd.
US Terminating Relationship With WHO

US Terminating Relationship With WHO

Townhall May 29, 2020
He pointed to China’s cover-up of the severity of COVID-19, costing thousands of lives worldwide. President Trump condemned the WHO’s complicity with China’s negligence, and elected to cut US ties with the organization.
Disney’s Pixar Introduces First Gay Lead Character In Children’s Film 'Out'

Disney’s Pixar Introduces First Gay Lead Character In Children’s Film 'Out'

Christian Post May 28, 2020
Whatever their motivation, gay activists have certainly been targeting your children for many years. Now, that incredibly gifted animation studio, Pixar, is joining in the culture wars.
Fear, Apathy, or Love

Fear, Apathy, or Love May 28, 2020
The current worldwide pandemic has frightened some to the point of paralysis. 
Power When You Need It Most

Power When You Need It Most

Hal Lindsey May 27, 2020
For years, I have warned about a coming era of plagues and pestilence.
Pompeo: Hong Kong No Longer Autonomous From China

Pompeo: Hong Kong No Longer Autonomous From China

Newsmax May 27, 2020
Secretary of State of Mike Pompeo has notified Congress that the Trump administration no longer regards Hong Kong as autonomous from mainland China and no longer deserves special treatment under U.S. law as it did while still under British law before July 1997.
Cyberattacks Target Israeli Labs Working On Coronavirus Vaccine

Cyberattacks Target Israeli Labs Working On Coronavirus Vaccine

Jerusalem Post May 26, 2020
Research centers working on a vaccine for the novel coronavirus were targeted by a cyberattack. The attacks attempted and failed to damage the vaccine development process, but did not attempt to steal information.
Reflections On Memorial Day

Reflections On Memorial Day

Red Bluff Daily News May 25, 2020
Our military is strong and vital. Yet there is a peace that even our great military cannot produce; the peace that passes all comprehension that will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
As Nation Marks Memorial Day, Hundreds Of Veterans Falling To Virus

As Nation Marks Memorial Day, Hundreds Of Veterans Falling To Virus

Newsmax May 24, 2020
One was a 94-year-old veteran of World War II who was the first of his 11 brothers to enlist in the military. One was a Vietnam veteran who lost his leg overseas and was always touched when people thanked him for his service. Another was drafted into the military at 18 and won a Purple Heart.
Swarms Of Hungry Locusts Bring Potential For Famine During Coronavirus

Swarms Of Hungry Locusts Bring Potential For Famine During Coronavirus May 23, 2020
The species of grasshopper have a big appetite for teff, wheat and sorghum and as they sweep across parts of Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. They’re threatening famine while these areas continue to fight against the highly contagious respiratory virus.
Trump To Governors: Open Houses Of Worship 'Right Now'

Trump To Governors: Open Houses Of Worship 'Right Now'

Newsmax May 22, 2020
President Trump warned governors that if they don't reopen houses of worship "right now," he will "override" them. "Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship. It's not right."
Mississippi Church Destroyed In Suspected Arson Attack

Mississippi Church Destroyed In Suspected Arson Attack

Christian Post May 21, 2020
Investigators found cans of spray paint on the ground with graffiti on the pavement of the church parking lot. The graffiti in the parking lot reads: “Bet you stay home now you hypokrits (sic).”
Palestinian Leader Declares End To All Peace Agreements With Israel, US

Palestinian Leader Declares End To All Peace Agreements With Israel, US

New York Post May 20, 2020
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has declared an end to all peace agreements and understandings with Israel and the US — including the landmark 1993 Oslo agreement — because of the Jewish state’s plans to annex settlements in the West Bank.
Israel’s Efforts To Secure Its National Interests

Israel’s Efforts To Secure Its National Interests

Weekly Blitz May 19, 2020
There is a landmine on the road to Israeli sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria. It must be defused before it blows up Israel’s efforts to secure its national interests and takes President Donald Trump’s peace plan, and U.S.-Israel relations, along with it.
20 Years After Lebanon Pullout, Hezbollah Is Itching For Another Battle

20 Years After Lebanon Pullout, Hezbollah Is Itching For Another Battle

Jerusalem Post May 18, 2020
Many feel that Israel’s withdrawal from the security belt was the right decision. But as the anniversary of the IDF’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon approaches, the border between Israel and Lebanon is quiet but tense.
Benjamin Netanyahu Takes Oath Of Office

Benjamin Netanyahu Takes Oath Of Office

Israel Hayom May 17, 2020
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented his new unity government to the Knesset on Sunday, ending more than a year of political deadlock. The power-sharing deal envisions a rotating premiership in 18 months.
Jordan Warns Israel Of ‘Massive Conflict’ Over Annexation

Jordan Warns Israel Of ‘Massive Conflict’ Over Annexation

Ynet May 15, 2020
Jordan has been lobbying the EU to take 'practical steps' to make sure annexation doesn’t happen but member countries appear too divided to take any major action, such as imposing sanctions.
International Kangaroo Court To Investigate Israel For War Crimes

International Kangaroo Court To Investigate Israel For War Crimes

Gatestone Institute May 14, 2020
Both the U.S. and Israel have chosen wisely not to join the ICC, thus avoiding the danger of their military personnel being scrutinized by a straightforwardly politicized international body.
Netanyahu Announces He Has Formed A Government

Netanyahu Announces He Has Formed A Government

Jerusalem Post May 13, 2020
Israel will finally have a new government ending nearly 18 months of political chaos after Benjamin Netanyahu formally wrote President Reuven Rivlin and outgoing Knesset Speaker Benny Gantz informing them that he had built a governing coalition.
Iran Begins Retreating From Syria

Iran Begins Retreating From Syria

Frontpage Mag May 12, 2020
Things are looking bleak for the Islamic republic these days as their plan to use Syria as a forward operating base unravels. 
The Pogrom That Started The Palestinian Arab-Israeli Conflict

The Pogrom That Started The Palestinian Arab-Israeli Conflict

Frontpage Mag May 11, 2020
Exactly one hundred years ago, in April, 1920, marked the opening shot of the Arab Israeli conflict.
Mother’s Day: Give The Gift Of Strength

Mother’s Day: Give The Gift Of Strength

Christian Post May 10, 2020
Strength. When you think of that word, what comes to mind?
How Did Israel Crack The Coronavirus Code?

How Did Israel Crack The Coronavirus Code?

CBN May 9, 2020
Israeli doctors and scientists look back at how the country has handled COVID-19 and predict what might happen next.
One Year Ago

One Year Ago

Hal Lindsey May 9, 2020
One year ago this month, we launched a new television program, Hal Lindsey Presents. And what a year it has been! 
God’s Timeline

God’s Timeline

Hal Lindsey May 8, 2020
In all of history, only at the end of World War II did the world order change shape as rapidly as it is changing right now. 
National Prayer Without National Repentance Won't Work

National Prayer Without National Repentance Won't Work

Charisma May 8, 2020
Just as the plagues in Egypt were intended to cause Pharaoh to let God's people go, this plague is the first big sign (9/11 didn't do it) to stir the church, the nation and even the world toward humility, repentance and a wholehearted (very important word) turning to God.
President Reuven Rivlin Tasks Netanyahu With Forming New Government

President Reuven Rivlin Tasks Netanyahu With Forming New Government

Arutz Sheva May 7, 2020
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin tasked Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday with forming the 35th government of Israel, after a majority of Knesset members endorsed Netanyahu for an additional term as premier.
'Major Breakthrough': Israel Unveils Coronavirus Treatment Ready For Production

'Major Breakthrough': Israel Unveils Coronavirus Treatment Ready For Production

Christian Headlines May 6, 2020
Scientists at the Israel Institute for Biological Research said they had isolated a key coronavirus antibody and developed a “monoclonal neutralising antibody” that “can neutralise” the coronavirus “inside carriers’ bodies.”
The Coronavirus Has Mutated And Appears To Be More Contagious Now

The Coronavirus Has Mutated And Appears To Be More Contagious Now

CNBC May 5, 2020
The coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan, China, over four months ago has since mutated and the new, dominant strain spreading across the U.S. appears to be even more contagious, according to a new study.
Internal Chinese Report Warns Beijing Faces Tiananmen-Like Global Backlash Over Virus

Internal Chinese Report Warns Beijing Faces Tiananmen-Like Global Backlash Over Virus

Reuters May 4, 2020
An internal Chinese report warns that Beijing faces a rising wave of hostility in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak that could tip relations with the US into confrontation, concluding that global anti-China sentiment is at its highest since the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown.
DHS: China Intentionally Downplayed Coronavirus Threat To Gain Global Advantage

DHS: China Intentionally Downplayed Coronavirus Threat To Gain Global Advantage

Hill May 3, 2020
China refrained from telling the World Health Organization that the virus “was a contagion” for most of January to gather an increase of supplies like face masks, surgical gowns and gloves from overseas.
China Lied About Origin Of Coronavirus

China Lied About Origin Of Coronavirus

New York Post May 2, 2020
A damning dossier leaked from the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance claims that China lied to the world about human-to-human transmission of the virus, disappeared whistleblowers and refused to hand over virus samples so the West could make a vaccine.
After Rumors About Health, North Korea State Media Report Kim Jong Un Appearance

After Rumors About Health, North Korea State Media Report Kim Jong Un Appearance

New York Post May 1, 2020
After weeks of intense speculation about the health of Kim Jong Un, state news agency KCNA said on Saturday the North Korean leader attended the completion of a fertilizer plant north of Pyongyang, the first report of his appearance since April 11.
It’s Not Over, And Uncertainty Abounds, But Israel’s COVID-19 Stats Are Remarkable

It’s Not Over, And Uncertainty Abounds, But Israel’s COVID-19 Stats Are Remarkable

Times Of Israel April 30, 2020
"Are we younger, more hygienic, less kissy? No. We have great doctors and nurses, but so do other countries. And we’ve made many mistakes. So how has Israel kept a lid on the virus?"
US Prepared To Recognize Israeli Annexation Of Judea And Samaria

US Prepared To Recognize Israeli Annexation Of Judea And Samaria

Israel Hayom April 29, 2020
"As we have made consistently clear, we are prepared to recognize Israeli actions to extend Israeli sovereignty and the application of Israeli law to areas of the West Bank that the vision foresees as being part of the State of Israel." 
Paris Ramming Attacker May Have Been Inspired By Palestinian Cause

Paris Ramming Attacker May Have Been Inspired By Palestinian Cause

Jerusalem Post April 28, 2020
A suspected Islamic terrorist who was arrested in Paris on Monday after crushing two police officers with his car has said that he carried out the action for Palestine. The attacker claimed allegiance to Islamic State.
Armed With New Govt. Netanyahu Hopes To Annex Settlements In Israel’s Biblical Heartland

Armed With New Govt. Netanyahu Hopes To Annex Settlements In Israel’s Biblical Heartland

Israel Hayom April 27, 2020
“San Remo recognized a fundamental truth. The Jewish people are not foreign colonialists in the land of our forefathers. The land of Israel is our ancestral homeland," said Netanyahu.
North Korea To Be Nuke Threat Even After Kim Jong Un

North Korea To Be Nuke Threat Even After Kim Jong Un

Jerusalem Post April 26, 2020
A successor may be more deft in reaching out to foreign countries, as Kim Jong Un was [as opposed to his predecessors]. But the underlying objectives and policies would remain constant. Even a stable North Korea will remain a threat.
Report: Kim Jong Un Dead Or In ‘Vegetative State’

Report: Kim Jong Un Dead Or In ‘Vegetative State’

New York Post April 25, 2020
Kim Jong Un is in a “vegetative state” after he underwent heart surgery earlier this month, a Japanese magazine says. The magazine claims that Kim clutched his chest and fell to the ground on a visit to the countryside earlier this month.
Iran: Forces Were Ready To Hit 400 US Targets In January

Iran: Forces Were Ready To Hit 400 US Targets In January

Newsweek April 24, 2020
The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) air arm has claimed his troops were ready to attack hundreds of additional American targets if January's limited exchange of fire escalated into a wider conflict.
Plague and Prophecy

Plague and Prophecy April 23, 2020
You may be feeling many things. But surprise is not one of them.
Chinese Agents Used Text Messages To Help Fan Panic In US

Chinese Agents Used Text Messages To Help Fan Panic In US

WE April 23, 2020
United States intelligence officials reportedly believe Chinese agents used social media and text messages in March to help fan the flames surrounding the coronavirus panic. 
World Risks 'Biblical' Famines Due To Pandemic

World Risks 'Biblical' Famines Due To Pandemic

BBC News April 22, 2020
The world is at risk of widespread famines "of biblical proportions" caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the UN has warned. A report estimates that the number suffering from hunger could go from 135 million to more than 250 million.
US Has Extensive Contingency Plans In Case Of Kim Jong Un Death

US Has Extensive Contingency Plans In Case Of Kim Jong Un Death

FOX News April 21, 2020
The U.S. government has extensive contingency plans in place for an eventual death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that factor in expectations of a mass-scale humanitarian crisis inside the country,
Is The Pandemic God’s Judgment?

Is The Pandemic God’s Judgment?

Christian Post April 20, 2020
An individual illness is a trial, but a worldwide pandemic is of a different order and could be God’s judgment, especially as reasons abound why He would test or judge the world, particularly America.
Pandemics, Palestinian Incitement And Peace

Pandemics, Palestinian Incitement And Peace

Caroline Glick April 19, 2020
Against IDF soldiers, PA Prime Minister Mohamad Shtayyeh alleged, “We have heard testimony that some soldiers are trying to spread the virus through the door handles of cars. It is a case of racism and hatred by people who hope for the death of the other. We will add this to the list of crimes they’ve committed.”
The ‘Why’ in Tragedy

The ‘Why’ in Tragedy April 18, 2020
An article last week told about a man whose family was suffering physically and financially from the COVID-19 coronavirus. 
New Wave Of Locusts Threatens Millions In Africa, Middle East

New Wave Of Locusts Threatens Millions In Africa, Middle East

Christian Post April 18, 2020
The historic spread of desert locusts that has left tens of millions in danger of food insecurity in East Africa is expected to get 20 times worse as the UN predicts a dramatic increase in swarms throughout Africa and the Middle East in the coming months.
Why The Coronavirus Poses A Unique Threat To Islamic Terrorists

Why The Coronavirus Poses A Unique Threat To Islamic Terrorists

Frontpage Mag April 17, 2020
Islamic terrorism is dependent on a handful of ‘backer’ countries, on couriers and training camps, and the coronavirus risks making the entire network of Islamic terrorism into a pandemic vector.
'Increasing Confidence' That Coronavirus Started In Wuhan Lab

'Increasing Confidence' That Coronavirus Started In Wuhan Lab

FOX News April 16, 2020
Though not as a bioweapon but as part of China's attempt to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the US. 
Five Lies China Is Telling About Coronavirus

Five Lies China Is Telling About Coronavirus

Washington Examiner April 15, 2020
To this day, the Chinese government is lying. Those who have critical information have either disappeared or are known to be in jail. Those who are fortunate enough to have avoided both of those outcomes, so far, are censored.
Trump Orders Halt To US Funding For WHO

Trump Orders Halt To US Funding For WHO

Newsmax April 14, 2020
"Today I'm instructing my administration to halt funding of the World Health Organization while a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization's role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus.
Breakthrough In The Heavenlies?

Breakthrough In The Heavenlies?

Christian Headlines April 13, 2020

During this pandemic, Christians who believe in the power that is released from heaven through prayer have been interceding on a daily basis for the people and the country they love and for the political leadership of our nation.

As Coronavirus Closes Churches On Easter, Listen To Words Of Jesus

As Coronavirus Closes Churches On Easter, Listen To Words Of Jesus

FOX News April 12, 2020
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the world is in a truly precarious place as Christians around the globe celebrate and remember Jesus’ death and resurrection.
The Resurrection Through The Lens Of Hardship

The Resurrection Through The Lens Of Hardship

Christian Post April 11, 2020
Tragedies raise many questions about the nature of our security, about our fear of the uncontrollable, and especially about the character of God.
'Nothing Is More Essential Than Abortion'

'Nothing Is More Essential Than Abortion'

Life Site April 10, 2020
A Planned Parenthood board member suggests that abortion is not only equal to but more imporant than the countless legitimate medical procedures that have been put on hold.
8 In 10 Pastors Say Current Events Are A Sign of Jesus' Return

8 In 10 Pastors Say Current Events Are A Sign of Jesus' Return

Christian Headlines April 9, 2020
The poll of 1,000 evangelical and historically black church pastors found that 97 percent believe that Jesus will “literally and personally return to Earth again."
Worst Week Or Holy Week

Worst Week Or Holy Week April 8, 2020
Because Jesus rose from the dead, those who have received Him need no longer fear death… or even an extremely difficult week. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
Restrict Abortion During COVID-19

Restrict Abortion During COVID-19

Townhall April 8, 2020
Five states that are prohibiting nonessential medical procedures during the novel coronavirus health crisis have included abortion among these nonessential procedures.
Hydroxychloroquine May Work, But The Media Refuse To Acknowledge It

Hydroxychloroquine May Work, But The Media Refuse To Acknowledge It

Washington Examiner April 7, 2020
In reality, they’re foolishly refuting a claim that no one is making.
Franklin Graham: Pandemic Is 'Result Of A Fallen World'

Franklin Graham: Pandemic Is 'Result Of A Fallen World'

Christian Post April 6, 2020
The novel coronavirus pandemic is the “result” of sin that exists in a “fallen world” that has “turned its back on God.”
The Palm Sunday That Gave Me Hope The Sun Would Shine Again

The Palm Sunday That Gave Me Hope The Sun Would Shine Again

FOX News April 5, 2020
How can your fortunes swing so rapidly, from triumph to tragedy and then to triumph again?
Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories An Odious Symptom Of France’s Virus Crisis

Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories An Odious Symptom Of France’s Virus Crisis

Times Of Israel April 4, 2020
Anti-Semitism has plagued French society for centuries, flaring up in times of crisis — especially during epidemics.
Will Iran's Coronavirus Lies Lead To Popular Unrest Or Nuclear Breakout?

Will Iran's Coronavirus Lies Lead To Popular Unrest Or Nuclear Breakout?

Israel Hayom April 3, 2020
The Iranian people's trust in its government is at an all-time low.
The Bat Is Out Of The Bag, China

The Bat Is Out Of The Bag, China

One News Now April 2, 2020
People are finally listening to early claims that the COVID-19 virus came from an experimental lab, located in Wuhan, not from an infected animal being sold at a seafood market.
The Inner Flow Of Infinite Power

The Inner Flow Of Infinite Power

Hal Lindsey April 2, 2020
Christians should always remember the Source of our strength and power. 
Cracking The Faith Barrier

Cracking The Faith Barrier

Hal Lindsey April 1, 2020
In John 16:33, Jesus said, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
Trump Says Iran Planning 'Sneak Attack' On US Troops, Assets In Iraq

Trump Says Iran Planning 'Sneak Attack' On US Troops, Assets In Iraq

Atlanta Journal Constitution April 1, 2020
President Trump said Wednesday that Iran is planning a "sneak attack" on U.S. troops or "assets" in Iraq, warning the country will pay a "heavy price" if this happens.
Is COVID-19 God's Way of Humbling His Children?

Is COVID-19 God's Way of Humbling His Children?

Charisma March 31, 2020
Is this COVID-19 outbreak God's way of humbling us? Could it be His way of getting our attention so that we're thinking of others and not only about ourselves?
How An Iranian Airline Tied To Terrorism Likely Spread The Virus (and Lied About It)

How An Iranian Airline Tied To Terrorism Likely Spread The Virus (and Lied About It)

Foreign Policy March 30, 2020
Why is Iran the flaming epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in the Middle East?
God Is Revealing His True Sons And Daughters

God Is Revealing His True Sons And Daughters

Charisma March 29, 2020
'I believe the Lord is graciously stripping away unnecessary things from the church and is preparing to reveal the true sons and daughters of God that we read about in Romans 8:19.'
Iran And US Preparing For New Round Of Conflict In Iraq

Iran And US Preparing For New Round Of Conflict In Iraq

Jerusalem Post March 28, 2020
Reports indicate that Iran, the US and Iranian proxies are all preparing for a conflict in Iraq after a year of rising tensions, rocket attacks and airstrikes.
World Could Be Locked Down For 18 Months

World Could Be Locked Down For 18 Months

Jerusalem Post March 27, 2020
Millions could die and health systems could be overwhelmed. To mitigate the disaster, new measures would need to go into place immediately and last for months before being relaxed. Life would never be the same.
Netanyahu And Gantz Forming Unity Government

Netanyahu And Gantz Forming Unity Government

Times Of Israel March 26, 2020
Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz is set to partner Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a unity government, serving initially as foreign minister but then taking over from Netanyahu as prime minister in September 2021.
Answering Fear

Answering Fear

Hal Lindsey March 25, 2020
Clearly, God does not want us to be afraid. In fact, He commands us not to fear. 
Democrats Blackmail A Nation In Crisis

Democrats Blackmail A Nation In Crisis

One News Now March 25, 2020
It's like telling a patient on life support that he must sign off on gender-neutral restrooms before we agree to connect his ventilator.
The US Could Soon Become The Epicenter

The US Could Soon Become The Epicenter

Business Insider March 24, 2020
The US could soon become the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization warned Tuesday. A WHO spokeswoman, Margaret Harris, noted that there had been a "very large acceleration" in cases in the US in recent days.
Christians, It's Time to Fight Coronavirus Fear With Faith

Christians, It's Time to Fight Coronavirus Fear With Faith

Charisma March 23, 2020
As I've watched the entire world come to a screeching halt because of the coronavirus, two things in particular have become crystal clear. 1) The devil's ministry has been put on full display.  2) The time has come for Christians to put their money where their mouth is.
Gaza Threatens: We’ll Double the Amount of Coronavirus Cases in Israel

Gaza Threatens: We’ll Double the Amount of Coronavirus Cases in Israel

Breaking Israel News March 22, 2020
Sources in Hamas-controlled Gaza have warned Egypt and Qatar that if they don’t get their money, they will send half of Israel into bomb shelters and increase the number of patients with Coronavirus.
America, It’s Time To Pray!

America, It’s Time To Pray!

Christian Post March 21, 2020
I don’t mean casual prayer. I am talking about fervent, storm-the-gates-of-Heaven type of prayer that calls out to God in desperation and urgency. We need God in America today. We need him to eradicate what President Trump has called, “An invisible enemy”.
Palestinian Leaders Use Coronavirus To Attack Israel

Palestinian Leaders Use Coronavirus To Attack Israel

Gatestone Institute March 20, 2020
Palestinian leaders seem to believe that there is a connection between the peace plan, also known as the Deal of the Century, and the coronavirus pandemic. According to these leaders, Israel is taking advantage of the health crisis to implement the Trump plan and build new housing units for Jews in the West Bank.
Israeli Scientists: 'In A Few Weeks, We Will Have Coronavirus Vaccine'

Israeli Scientists: 'In A Few Weeks, We Will Have Coronavirus Vaccine'

Jerusalem Post March 19, 2020
Israeli scientists are on the cusp of developing the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus. If all goes as planned, the vaccine could be ready within a few weeks and available in 90 days.

Tribulation Preview

Tribulation Preview March 18, 2020
Ever wonder what the last days of this age will look like? Well… look around.  
Reflections On The Mercy Of God

Reflections On The Mercy Of God

Christian Post March 17, 2020
It is true that God is a righteous Judge who will one day pour out His wrath on a rebellious world. But the overwhelming emphasis of Scripture is not on the wrath of God but rather on His mercy. 
How Is The Church Gathering During Social Distancing?

How Is The Church Gathering During Social Distancing?

Charisma March 16, 2020
In times of panic, people need to gather. In times of sudden uncertainty, people flock to church. And they like being together. Social distancing is necessary right now, but the Scriptures tell us that the very first thing God says is that it's bad is for us to be "left alone" (Gen. 2:18)
Coronavirus Is ‘The Killer Of Globalization’ And A ‘Scourge’ From God

Coronavirus Is ‘The Killer Of Globalization’ And A ‘Scourge’ From God

Life Site March 15, 2020
“Globalization actually destroys space and pulverizes distances: today the key to escaping the epidemic is social distance, the isolation of the individual. The quarantine is diametrically opposed to the “open society” hoped for by George Soros.
Chinese Government Knew About Coronavirus One Month Earlier Than It Claimed

Chinese Government Knew About Coronavirus One Month Earlier Than It Claimed

FOX News March 14, 2020
A new report out of Beijing suggests the first confirmed case of the coronavirus can be traced back to mid-November, a month earlier than the Chinese government has claimed it knew about it.
Is The Coronavirus A Sign Of The End Times?

Is The Coronavirus A Sign Of The End Times?

Charisma March 13, 2020
"Great earthquakes will occur in various places, and there will be famines and pestilence. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. ... When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near" (Luke 21:11, 28).
US Launches Retaliatory Airstrikes On Iran-Backed Group In Iraq

US Launches Retaliatory Airstrikes On Iran-Backed Group In Iraq

New York Post March 12, 2020
The US military launched retaliatory airstrikes targeting an Iranian-backed militia in Iraq on Thursday.
COVID-19 Is Now Officially A Pandemic

COVID-19 Is Now Officially A Pandemic

NPR March 11, 2020
The COVID-19 viral disease that has swept into at least 114 countries and killed more than 4,000 people is now officially a pandemic, the World Health Organization announced Wednesday.


Hal Lindsey March 10, 2020
The novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 scares people the world over. But it is not the only thing people are afraid of.
Putin Paves The Way For Another Presidential Term

Putin Paves The Way For Another Presidential Term

BBC News March 10, 2020
Russian President Vladimir Putin has not ruled out running for president again beyond 2024, when his term ends. Mr Putin, 67, could potentially stay in power until 2036, by winning two more six-year terms. The former Soviet KGB officer has been in power for 20 years.
The Shiite Crescent And The Coronavirus

The Shiite Crescent And The Coronavirus

Israel Hayom March 9, 2020
Regarded by Tehran as a key tool with which to penetrate and ultimately conquer the Arab world, the Shi'ite crescent is fast becoming a boomerang, spreading the epidemic out of and back into Iran.
Islamists Hurl Stones And Shoes At Women's Day Marchers

Islamists Hurl Stones And Shoes At Women's Day Marchers

Reuters March 8, 2020
Islamists pelted campaigners with stones, shoes and sticks as they marched through Pakistan’s capital on Sunday to mark International Women’s Day.
Kushner: US To Approve Israeli Annexation If Palestinians Don't Negotiate

Kushner: US To Approve Israeli Annexation If Palestinians Don't Negotiate

Jerusalem Post March 7, 2020
Despite a refusal by the Palestinians to be involved in any negotiations and a lack of government in Israel, US President Donald Trump's administration will push forward with the "Deal of the Century" peace plan, including giving White House approval to Israeli annexation.
Iran Afflicted By Large Swarms Of Desert Locusts

Iran Afflicted By Large Swarms Of Desert Locusts

Jerusalem Post March 6, 2020
The large swarms of desert locusts that have invaded much of east Africa and the Arabian peninsula have now entered southern Iran, leading government officials to state that they can only handle the swarms with the use of pesticides. The density of locusts in the swarms is so high that a 10 to 15-centimeter layer of dead locusts forms on the ground after spraying pesticides. 
In Moscow, Erdogan Kneels To Putin

In Moscow, Erdogan Kneels To Putin

Washington Examiner March 5, 2020
Even by Vladimir Putin's standards for embarrassing his foreign counterparts, his treatment of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday was a spectacle — and not a good one for the Turkish president. Erdogan might have been expected to take a tough stance with the Russian leader. Or at least a harder line than his submissiveness of past.
Netanyahu: Gantz Trying To Steal The Election

Netanyahu: Gantz Trying To Steal The Election

Jerusalem Post March 4, 2020
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Blue and White leader Benny Gantz of trying to steal Monday's election on Wednesday after Gantz began efforts to pass a law that would prevent an indicted MK from forming a government.
Abortion Activists At The Supreme Court Are Fighting Against Protecting Women’s Health

Abortion Activists At The Supreme Court Are Fighting Against Protecting Women’s Health

Life News March 3, 2020
Today the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments about Louisiana’s  2014 Unsafe Abortion Protection Act. As Louisiana Right to Life put it succinctly, “It is time the Supreme Court ends loopholes for abortion businesses!”
Possible Hidden Cluster Of Coronavirus In Washington

Possible Hidden Cluster Of Coronavirus In Washington

CBS News March 2, 2020
With two deaths confirmed in the U.S. and scientists warning the new coronavirus could already have spread much more widely than believed in one state.
Coronavirus Undetected In Washington For Weeks

Coronavirus Undetected In Washington For Weeks

Newsmax March 1, 2020
The coronavirus reportedly might have gone unreported and undetected for six weeks in Washington state, where a nursing home has multiple cases.
Trump, Ignore Taliban Peace Deal Haters

Trump, Ignore Taliban Peace Deal Haters

Washington Examiner February 29, 2020
America’s longest war finally has an end in sight.
Islamic Republic Is Now Ground Zero For Deadly Coronavirus

Islamic Republic Is Now Ground Zero For Deadly Coronavirus

Frontpage Mag February 28, 2020
Iran’s Vice President for Women and Family Affairs becomes latest victim of COVID-19 pandemic.
'A Scourge Of Biblical Proportions'

'A Scourge Of Biblical Proportions'

Common Dreams February 27, 2020
The locust upsurge affecting East Africa is a graphic and shocking reminder of this region's vulnerability. 
Book Of Revelation 'Prophesied Coronavirus Stopping Christian Sabbath'

Book Of Revelation 'Prophesied Coronavirus Stopping Christian Sabbath'

Express February 26, 2020
The Bible talks about a time when disease epidemics, (Matthew 24:7), will run rampant and masses of people will be affected.
Of Politics And Love

Of Politics And Love February 26, 2020
The passion in politics has turned water coolers into battlefields and kitchen tables into warzones. 
CDC: Coronavirus Spread In US Is Inevitable

CDC: Coronavirus Spread In US Is Inevitable

Epoch Times February 25, 2020
Americans should prepare for community spread of the new coronavirus, with families sitting down and explaining that there could very well be a rapid, sudden increase in the number of patients, a top federal health official said.
The Modern Rise Of An Ancient Evil

The Modern Rise Of An Ancient Evil February 24, 2020
People are trying to prepare for what they think may be coming by turning to an ancient evil — Satan. 
Pandemic Fears Rising

Pandemic Fears Rising

Weather February 24, 2020
The number of new coronavirus cases surged to more than 800 in South Korea on Monday while officials in Italy and Iran struggled to contain outbreaks there. There are more than 79,500 people are infected worldwide.
Islamic Jihad Bombards Israel After Clash Near Gaza Border

Islamic Jihad Bombards Israel After Clash Near Gaza Border

Jerusalem Post February 23, 2020
The IDF began attacking terror targets in the Gaza Strip in response to over 21 rockets were fired towards southern Israel communities on Sunday in several rocket barrages after Hamas and Islamic Jihad threatened to avenge the death of a terrorist.
Mossad Chief Met With Qatar To Try To Cut Deal With Hamas

Mossad Chief Met With Qatar To Try To Cut Deal With Hamas

Jerusalem Post February 22, 2020
Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and IDF Southern Command Maj.-Gen. Herzi Halevi met with top Qatari officials during the first week of February in order to work on a deal with Hamas.
Famine Looms As Exodus Like Plague Of Locusts Wreaks Havoc Across East Africa

Famine Looms As Exodus Like Plague Of Locusts Wreaks Havoc Across East Africa

Christian Headlines February 21, 2020
The United Nations has said that each swarm – made up of 150 million of the insects – can consume as much vegetation as 35,000 humans.
German Shooter Wanted To ‘Eliminate’ Israel, Other Mideast Countries

German Shooter Wanted To ‘Eliminate’ Israel, Other Mideast Countries

Times Of Israel February 20, 2020
The shooter who murdered 10 people in the German city of Hanau on Wednesday was a far-right extremist who reportedly said he wanted to exterminate people from Asia, North Africa and Israel.
Locust Plague Approaches Egypt

Locust Plague Approaches Egypt

Express February 19, 2020
Exodus 10:12-15 reads: "And the Lord said to Moses, 'Stretch out your hand over Egypt so that locusts swarm over the land and devour everything growing in the fields, everything left by the hail'. "So Moses stretched out his staff over Egypt, and the Lord made an east wind blow across the land all that day and all that night.
73,000 Coronavirus Cases In 25 Countries

73,000 Coronavirus Cases In 25 Countries

Newsweek February 18, 2020
Daily increases of about 2,000 cases have largely been the norm for the new coronavirus, named COVID-19, but on Monday the WHO reported a massive spike of nearly 20,000 cases. 
Hezbollah Steps In

Hezbollah Steps In

Reuters February 17, 2020
Shortly after Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, the Tehran-backed Lebanese organization Hezbollah urgently met with Iraqi militia leaders, seeking to unite them in the face of a huge void left by their powerful mentor’s death
China Raids Churches For 'Illegal' Bibles

China Raids Churches For 'Illegal' Bibles

Christian Headlines February 16, 2020
Chinese officials have confiscated Bibles from churches and threatened fines as part of an intensified crackdown on Christianity and an effort to eradicate “illegal publications.”
America Gave Israel The Opportunity Of A Lifetime

America Gave Israel The Opportunity Of A Lifetime

Israel Hayom February 15, 2020
President Donald Trump's peace plan creates, for the very first time, an opportunity for Israel to shape reality in Judea and Samaria in a way that serves its national security interests.
'Build, Bibi, Build!'

'Build, Bibi, Build!'

Caroline Glick February 14, 2020
The UN Human Rights Council’s release Wednesday of its blacklist of companies with financial ties and business relations with Israeli Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria is a reminder of Israel’s vulnerability and the vulnerability of Jews worldwide.
An Act Of Congressional Cowardice

An Act Of Congressional Cowardice

Commentary February 13, 2020
The move comes on the heels of Donald Trump’s demonstrating no inclination to engage in a preventative war with Iran or making any preparations for such a massive and complex operation.
The Prince Of Planet Earth

The Prince Of Planet Earth February 13, 2020
When a person or a nation runs from God, that person or nation may think they are running toward atheism. But it doesn’t work out that way. 
Was Blasphemous Super Bowl Halftime Show A Sign We’re Living In The End Times?

Was Blasphemous Super Bowl Halftime Show A Sign We’re Living In The End Times?

Life Site February 12, 2020
Even the casual observer would have to acknowledge that those running the major networks and the NFL have abandoned Judeo-Christian values and are quickly going the way of Canada and Europe in their hostility toward traditional religious beliefs.
China Reports The Most Coronavirus Deaths In One Day

China Reports The Most Coronavirus Deaths In One Day

USA Today February 11, 2020
China reported its highest daily coronavirus death toll Tuesday, the 103 additional fatalities pushing the total past 1,000 and providing a somber warning that the epidemic represents "a very grave threat to the rest of the world."
Peace And Safety

Peace And Safety February 10, 2020
Last week, President Trump announced his long-awaited peace plan. 
West Point Tackles 'Toxic Masculinity'

West Point Tackles 'Toxic Masculinity'

Frontpage Mag February 10, 2020
If you are a good, committed cultural Marxist and your mission is to help dismantle the cultural, economic, and power structures in the capitalist West from within, how do you undertake such a grand task?
Lincoln's Wisdom Applies To Gender Identity

Lincoln's Wisdom Applies To Gender Identity

American Thinker February 9, 2020
A Wall Street firm has directed employees, when introducing themselves to each other, to offer up their own gender identity pronouns, all in order to show respect for all whose identity does not align with their sex. They also appear unwilling to respect truth, transparency, science, and common sense.
‘Diplomatic Intifada’

‘Diplomatic Intifada’

Times Of Israel February 8, 2020
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is planning a “diplomatic intifada” against the United States in response to the peace plan put forth last month by President Donald Trump. 
Israeli Sovereignty And The Fate Of The Trump Plan

Israeli Sovereignty And The Fate Of The Trump Plan

Caroline Glick February 7, 2020
Jared Kushner has said that it would be best to wait until after the election to begin applying Israeli sovereignty to areas in Judea and Samaria. Under normal circumstances, he would be right. 
Israel Beefs Up Troops In West Bank As Terror Attacks Continue

Israel Beefs Up Troops In West Bank As Terror Attacks Continue

Jerusalem Post February 6, 2020
The Israeli army has reinforced troops after three attacks against IDF troops in less than 15 hours as violence continued in the West Bank in response to the release of US Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” last week.
Pestilence Rising

Pestilence Rising February 5, 2020
Jesus said that the last days would be marked by pestilences. 
Iran Vows To Back Palestinian Terror Groups In Wake Of Deal Of Century

Iran Vows To Back Palestinian Terror Groups In Wake Of Deal Of Century

Israel Hayom February 5, 2020
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Trump's peace plan is to the detriment of America and Palestinians should confront the deal by forcing Israelis and Americans out through jihad.
Netanyahu: Settlement Annexation After Election

Netanyahu: Settlement Annexation After Election

Jerusalem Post February 4, 2020
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to backtrack from plans to annex West Bank settlements this week when he told the crowd at a Likud rally in Beit Shemesh on Tuesday night he would exercise sovereignty over all settlements only after the March 2 election.
Risqué Super Bowl Halftime Show Panned As 'Horrible Embarrassment'

Risqué Super Bowl Halftime Show Panned As 'Horrible Embarrassment'

Christian Post February 3, 2020
Evangelist Franklin Graham noted that he did not expect the world to act like the church, but the nation nevertheless should have the decency to protect children during prime time television.
Egypt-Israel Gas Line Attacked By Unidentified Assailants

Egypt-Israel Gas Line Attacked By Unidentified Assailants

Jerusalem Post February 2, 2020
A gas line between Israel and Egypt in the northern Sinai Peninsula was attacked by unidentified attackers on Sunday night. The attack comes only a week after an ISIS official called on militants to attack Israeli targets.
Abbas Cutting Ties With US And Israel

Abbas Cutting Ties With US And Israel

Times Of Israel February 1, 2020
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said he was cutting all ties, including security coordination, with both Israel and the US, in a lengthy speech delivered at an Arab League meeting in Egypt’s capital denouncing the new White House plan for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Oslo Blood Libel Is Over

The Oslo Blood Libel Is Over

Caroline Glick January 31, 2020
You mean the Palestinians lose if they don’t agree to peace? Unannounced, tears began flowing out of my eyes. 'Are those tears of happiness or sadness?' Friedman asked, concerned. For several moments, I couldn’t speak. Finally, I said, I feel like I need to take off my shoes. I’m witnessing a miracle.
Why The Palestinians Rejected Trump’s Peace Plan

Why The Palestinians Rejected Trump’s Peace Plan

Frontpage Mag January 30, 2020
Predictably enough, the Palestinians and their supporters are enraged. The way they have expressed that rage is a new indication of why all peace plans up to now have failed, and why all future plans are doomed to fail.
Israel 'Will Not Contradict In Any Way' Trump's Plan

Israel 'Will Not Contradict In Any Way' Trump's Plan

Israel Hayom January 29, 2020
Israeli prime minister reiterates his support for newly unveiled peace plan: "This is the opportunity of a lifetime for Israel, for the Palestinians and for peace." Defense minister Bennett echoes Netanyahu: "Last night history knocked on the door."
Deal Of The Century

Deal Of The Century

Arutz Sheva January 28, 2020
"Today Israel takes a big step towards peace," Trump said at the start of his remarks. "Young people across the Middle East are ready for a more hopeful future, and governments throughout the region are realizing that terrorism and Islamic extremism are everyone's common enemy."
Israel 'Kissed By God'

Israel 'Kissed By God'

Jerusalem Post January 27, 2020
“The Bible talks about the land that the Jewish people are living on, the land which the Jew haters call ‘settlements’ and ‘illegal. What the president is saying is that America does not believe the Bible is illegal.”
Palestinian Factions Call For ‘Day Of Rage’ On Day Of Trump Peace Plan

Palestinian Factions Call For ‘Day Of Rage’ On Day Of Trump Peace Plan

Jerusalem Post January 26, 2020
Palestinian factions called for a “day of rage” for the day US President Donald Trump releases his long-awaited plan for Mideast peace.
Iran Has Passed Low Uranium Enrichment Threshold For A Nuke

Iran Has Passed Low Uranium Enrichment Threshold For A Nuke

Jerusalem Post January 25, 2020
Iran's Deputy Atomic Energy Organization Director posted a surprising report stating that it had passed 1,200 kg. of low level enriched uranium, enough for a nuclear bomb. It could be a major turning point.
'Unborn Children Have Never Had A Stronger Defender In White House’

'Unborn Children Have Never Had A Stronger Defender In White House’

Life Site January 24, 2020
Donald Trump made history by becoming the first sitting president to address the March for Life in person, telling hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers he was “proud to stand with you.”
Trump's Peace Plan: Jerusalem Will Be Under Israeli Sovereignty

Trump's Peace Plan: Jerusalem Will Be Under Israeli Sovereignty

Jerusalem Post January 23, 2020
Reports indicated that the plan would give Israel sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and all the settlements and formalize Israeli control over Jerusalem.
A Light In The Darkness

A Light In The Darkness January 23, 2020
People should be happier than ever. But they’re not.
Rivlin Swears World Leaders Into Fight Against Jew-Hatred

Rivlin Swears World Leaders Into Fight Against Jew-Hatred

Times Of Israel January 22, 2020
Welcoming a host of world leaders to his Jerusalem residence, Israel President Reuven Rivlin stressed the need to fight anti-Semitism and racism, warning them against meddling with the memory of the Holocaust.
Should America Care About The Far Left's Atheism?

Should America Care About The Far Left's Atheism?

American Thinker January 21, 2020
An old issue is coming into new focus: the ways in which leftism and its kissing cousin, atheism, end up at violent odds with just about everything good that is America. 

Jesus — Our Righteousness

Jesus — Our Righteousness January 20, 2020
I hear people claim to live without sin, or mostly without sin. Is that you?
Soleimani: No Easy Solution

Soleimani: No Easy Solution January 19, 2020
For a minute, forget politics. That’s not easy these days, but in this case it’s important to try.
'He Really Loved People'

'He Really Loved People'

Christian Headlines January 19, 2020
Martin Luther King's daughter believes that, as Christ-followers on the celebration of her father's birthday, we should strive toward unity and the mountain top experience that her father is observing from above.
White House Lays Out Arguments Before Trial

White House Lays Out Arguments Before Trial

Newsmax January 18, 2020
Trump's legal team said it was “a dangerous attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president. This is a brazen and unlawful attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election and interfere with the 2020 election, now just months away."
'Hating And Loving' For Islam

'Hating And Loving' For Islam

Frontpage Mag January 17, 2020
Two Muslim men drove their car into and stabbed to death two Russian police officers. An image of the two men posing with knives was later found on social media.  Beneath it appeared the words, “love and hatred based on Tawhid!”
What Would Happen If A Nuclear Bomb Fell On Tel Aviv?

What Would Happen If A Nuclear Bomb Fell On Tel Aviv?

Israel Hayom January 16, 2020
A small bomb on Tel Aviv would kill 84,000 instantly and wound 250,000, an interactive map shows. Residences within 4.3 miles of the blast would collapse. Anyone within 2 miles of the blast would be in extreme danger and without medical care, as many as 90% would be likely to die.
How Vladimir Putin Just Consolidated His Power

How Vladimir Putin Just Consolidated His Power

WE January 15, 2020
Dissolving Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's government and outlining major constitutional reforms, President Vladimir Putin moved to assert more explicitly his absolute control over Russian politics. This is Putin's clearest signal yet that he intends to continue as Russia's master for the long term.
Iran Could Have A Nuclear Bomb In Two Years

Iran Could Have A Nuclear Bomb In Two Years

Jerusalem Post January 14, 2020
If Iran continues its nuclear program at the rate it is now, it is estimated that Tehran will be capable of producing enough fissile material to make a nuclear bomb by this spring and a missile capable of carrying a nuclear bomb within the next two years.
The Elite Narrative On Iran Brushes Aside The Fury Of The Iranian People

The Elite Narrative On Iran Brushes Aside The Fury Of The Iranian People

New York Post January 13, 2020
It’s not just Trump Derangement Syndrome, but part of the outlook of much of the Western elite, which tends to assume that the West’s past sins are the root of all the world’s evils — and that any anti-Western regime, however oppressive, still has a fundamental legitimacy, and popularity.
Hezbollah Threatens US Troops, Vows Retaliation Against Israel

Hezbollah Threatens US Troops, Vows Retaliation Against Israel

Times Of Israel January 12, 2020
Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Hezbollah terror organization, threatened violence against the United States if it did not withdraw its troops from the Middle East, and said any future American attack on Iran would draw a retaliation against Israel.
Iranian Protesters Demand Khamenei Quit

Iranian Protesters Demand Khamenei Quit

Jerusalem Post January 11, 2020
Hundreds of Iranian protesters demanded Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei step down after Tehran admitted that its military had mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian plane, killing all 176 people on board.
Iranians Want Regime Change

Iranians Want Regime Change

Arutz Sheva January 10, 2020
This assassination was immediately praised by the Iranian people who had lost sons and daughters in the recent uprising. To them, the killing of Soleimani was a relief for murder of their children.
US Says Iran Shot Down The Ukrainian Jetliner. Was It Intentional?

US Says Iran Shot Down The Ukrainian Jetliner. Was It Intentional?

WE January 9, 2020
It’s unclear whether Iran mistakenly shot the plane down while it fired missiles into Iraq or whether the attack was intentional. What we do know is that at least two other planes originally routed through Iranian airspace during the missile strike had been told to turn around or were redirected.
Netanyahu, Trump Discuss 'Critical Issues'

Netanyahu, Trump Discuss 'Critical Issues'

Times Of Israel January 8, 2020
US President Donald Trump spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following an Iranian missile strike on US forces in Iraq. A brief statement said the two leaders discussed “critical bilateral and regional issues."
2019 — Under Threatening Skies

2019 — Under Threatening Skies January 7, 2020
The year 2019 ends under darkening clouds. We often refer to the sky before a storm as “threatening.” That’s how things look as we transition from 2019 to 2020.
Arson Epidemic Possibly Behind Australia’s Bushfires

Arson Epidemic Possibly Behind Australia’s Bushfires

Breitbart January 7, 2020
Australian law enforcement has arrested over 180 people for arson in connection with the nation’s raging bushfires, as alarmists try to pin the blazes on “climate change.” 
Update: ‘Honest Mistake’ Sets Off Alarm About US Troops In Iraq

Update: ‘Honest Mistake’ Sets Off Alarm About US Troops In Iraq

Associated Press January 6, 2020
For a few tense hours Monday, the United States appeared to have announced that American troops were pulling out of Baghdad after nearly 17 years. “Here’s the bottom line, this was a mistake,” Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said.
Qassem Soleimani Was A Polarizing Figure In Iran

Qassem Soleimani Was A Polarizing Figure In Iran

Marketwatch January 5, 2020
“To regime zealots, he embodied dogmatic dedication to Shiism and to fighting the U.S. and Israel. To regime critics, he was a pillar of oppression at home and threats and attacks on dissidents abroad.”
US, Israel Brace For Iran's Retaliation

US, Israel Brace For Iran's Retaliation

Jerusalem Post January 4, 2020
The Pentagon is sending 3,000 more US troops to the Middle East and the IDF is on high alert as Israel and the US brace for retaliatory military action from Tehran in the aftermath of Friday’s US targeted assassination of Iran’s military chief Qasem Soleimani.
'The People Of Iran Do Not Mourn Soleimani's Death'

'The People Of Iran Do Not Mourn Soleimani's Death'

FOX News January 3, 2020
"The fact is this: many Iranians do not see him as a hero and if you go to social media, that they are very happy. Why? Because they have been witnessing how the Revolutionary Guard killed people in the streets across Iran."
A Five-Step Plan To Fight The International Criminal Court

A Five-Step Plan To Fight The International Criminal Court

Caroline Glick January 2, 2020
Israel’s political leaders made a grave mistake in heeding the counsel of our power-hungry jurists. Now that we know the truth, they must clear the decks and let political warriors fight the political war the ICC is waging against the country and its citizens.
US Embassy Siege In Baghdad Led By Obama Associate

US Embassy Siege In Baghdad Led By Obama Associate

Breaking Israel News January 1, 2020
One of the men leading the pro-Iranian rioters as they stormed the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad was disturbingly familiar, having been a guest of former President Obama at the White House.
US Embassy In Iraq Under Siege

US Embassy In Iraq Under Siege

Arutz Sheva December 31, 2019
Shots fired as thousands of rioters break into US embassy in Baghdad, protesting recent US airstrikes against Iran-backed militia group. The US Ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller, was evacuated from the American embassy.
Hanukkah Stabber's Antisemitic Journals Found

Hanukkah Stabber's Antisemitic Journals Found

NY Daily News December 30, 2019
He had antisemitic hate in his heart and a violent attack on his mind. The maniac accused of stabbing 5 Jewish men kept an antisemitic journal and googled “Why did Hitler hate the Jews” only weeks before he burst into a Hanukkah celebration with an 18-inch machete.
Hamas: PA Security Officers Helped Israel Kill Islamic Jihad Commander

Hamas: PA Security Officers Helped Israel Kill Islamic Jihad Commander

Israel Hayom December 29, 2019
Hamas announced on Sunday that its security forces have arrested Palestinian Authority security officers on suspicion that they helped Israel assassinate senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad military commander Bahaa Abu al-Ata on November 12.
Rockets Used Against The US Were Also Shipped To Hezbollah

Rockets Used Against The US Were Also Shipped To Hezbollah

Jerusalem Post December 28, 2019
In 2009 Israel intercepted a shipment of rockets destined for Hezbollah. The crates of rockets were a similar 107mm type as were found near a base in Iraq where a US contractor was killed and several US forces injured on Friday.
ISIS Monsters Execute Nearly A Dozen Christians Around Christmastime

ISIS Monsters Execute Nearly A Dozen Christians Around Christmastime

NY Post December 27, 2019
ISIS released a video claiming to show the execution of 11 blindfolded Christian men in Nigeria, in what analysts say was a barbaric act that was clearly timed to coincide with Christmas.
New Atheism Is Old News

New Atheism Is Old News

Christian Post December 26, 2019
Some folks who once joined in on the outrage against religion got woke instead and now aim their outrage at privilege, oppression, and perceived inequalities. It’s fair to say now that the New Atheist moment has ended. But what killed it?
Christian Persecution Increasing Around The Globe

Christian Persecution Increasing Around The Globe

Journal Review December 25, 2019
This Christmas, Americans should be both thankful for a First Amendment that protects our holiday routines and more aware that, for others around the globe, claiming Christ as Messiah is fraught with danger.
Putin Says Russia Is Leading World In Hypersonic Weapons

Putin Says Russia Is Leading World In Hypersonic Weapons

ABC News December 24, 2019
Speaking at a meeting with top military brass, Putin said that for the first time in history Russia is now leading the world in developing an entire new class of weapons unlike in the past when it was catching up with the United States.
Fake News And Free Speech

Fake News And Free Speech December 23, 2019
The battle against “fake news” has become a war on freedom of speech. 
Glory To God In The Highest!

Glory To God In The Highest! December 23, 2019
People sometimes make the mistake of believing that the arrival of Jesus on planet earth was out of the blue. 
Extensive Overlap Between BDS, Terrorism

Extensive Overlap Between BDS, Terrorism

Israel Hayom December 22, 2019
The arrest of Khalida Jarrar, who ran terror operations in the West Bank and is linked to the boycott movement against Israel, could spur further action by US authorities against BDS entities.
Israel Fears ICC Could Issue Global Arrest Warrants For Top Officials

Israel Fears ICC Could Issue Global Arrest Warrants For Top Officials

Times Of Israel December 21, 2019
Israel fears the International Criminal Court’s decision to move forward with a potential investigation into crimes allegedly committed in the Palestinian territories by Israel will open up government officials and military personnel to prosecution on the global stage.
Franklin Graham: My Father 'Would Be Very Disappointed' In Christianity Today

Franklin Graham: My Father 'Would Be Very Disappointed' In Christianity Today

Newsmax December 20, 2019
"Yes, my father Billy Graham founded Christianity Today; but no, he would not agree with their opinion piece," Graham wrote on Facebook. "In fact, he would be very disappointed."
Boris Johnson: UK Will Curb ‘Nauseating Frequency’ Of Israel Boycotts

Boris Johnson: UK Will Curb ‘Nauseating Frequency’ Of Israel Boycotts

Jerusalem Post December 19, 2019
The new Conservative government in the UK will stop local authorities from supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.
Liberals Blame Jews Following Jersey City Massacre

Liberals Blame Jews Following Jersey City Massacre

WE December 18, 2019
The New Yorker asked readers “Did an influx of Hasidic residents in the Greenville neighborhood of Jersey City spur two assailants to embark on a shooting spree that left six people dead?”
Pompeo Slams Democrats’ Settlement Fixation

Pompeo Slams Democrats’ Settlement Fixation

Jerusalem Post December 16, 2019
Calling their arguments “foolish,” Mike Pompeo sent a harsh letter to 106 Democratic members of the House saying that while they are “free to fixate on settlements as a barrier to peace,” they are simply wrong.
Erdogan Threatens To Shut Down Strategic US Bases

Erdogan Threatens To Shut Down Strategic US Bases

Arutz Sheva December 15, 2019
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened that his country could shut down its Incirlik air base, which hosts US nuclear warheads, in response to threats of US sanctions.
A Victory Over Hate

A Victory Over Hate

Jerusalem Post December 14, 2019
Sanity and the fight against antisemitism won a resounding victory on Thursday after Boris Johnson trounced Jeremy Corbyn in the British general election. Corbyn’s loss was extremely important as the world sees a rise in antisemitism.
The UK Just Dodged A Marxist Bullet

The UK Just Dodged A Marxist Bullet

Breitbart December 13, 2019
So Britain doesn’t, after all, want to be run by an antisemitic, terrorist-supporting Marxist and his gang of nasty, aggressive, intolerant, historically illiterate Social Justice Warriors.
Deals With The Devil

Deals With The Devil December 12, 2019
Nikki Haley recently characterized a Canadian vote at the UN as “a deal with the devil.”  
Trump Pushes Back Against Campus Antisemitism

Trump Pushes Back Against Campus Antisemitism

Frontpage Mag December 12, 2019
President Trump has ensured that universities and colleges that actively allow anti-Semitic activity will face consequences.
Jersey Gunman Targeted Kosher Market

Jersey Gunman Targeted Kosher Market

Newsmax December 11, 2019
The gunmen in a furious firefight that left six people dead in Jersey City clearly targeted a Jewish market, fueling growing suspicions the bloodshed was an anti-Semitic attack.
Iran Is Building Tunnels In Syria Near Iraq Border For Weapons

Iran Is Building Tunnels In Syria Near Iraq Border For Weapons

Jerusalem Post December 10, 2019
Iran has begun building tunnels at its Imam Ali base in Syria, which is a key part of Iran’s infrastructure that links Iran via Iraq to Syria and Lebanon.
Arrest By Algorithm

Arrest By Algorithm

Daily Wire December 9, 2019
Leaked documents from China show how Beijing operates their widespread concentration camps where they reportedly have millions of Muslims and other minorities locked-up.
Democrats Want To Save The Planet, Not Our Babies

Democrats Want To Save The Planet, Not Our Babies

Townhall December 8, 2019
They believe is not our right to use the cheapest and most readily available energy and electricity, because they have decided this endangers the planet. 
The Rise Of ‘Woke’ Culture: Lessons On The Power Of Institutions

The Rise Of ‘Woke’ Culture: Lessons On The Power Of Institutions

Acton Institute December 7, 2019
We continue to see the ill effects of “cancel culture” and safetyism, whether through student-led riots and intimidation efforts at colleges or the self-destructive interventionism of “bulldozer parenting.”
We Can Only Choose One: Our National Economy Or Globalization

We Can Only Choose One: Our National Economy Or Globalization

Zero Hedge December 6, 2019
Does our economy serve our society, or does our society serve our economy, and by extension, those few who extract most of the economic benefits? It's a question worth asking.
The Real Purpose Behind The Immigration Debate

The Real Purpose Behind The Immigration Debate

Human Events December 5, 2019
The progressive discourse on immigration contradicts centuries of immigration history. And how they approach this debate is extremely revealing.
Iran To Have Nuclear Bomb In A Few Months?

Iran To Have Nuclear Bomb In A Few Months?

Gatestone Institute December 4, 2019
The Iranian government is shortening its nuclear breakout time -- the amount of time required to produce enough weapons-grade uranium for a single nuclear weapon.
Reign of Lawlessness

Reign of Lawlessness December 4, 2019
Mexico’s new socialist president has taken a novel approach to crime fighting. 
Understanding the Islam/West Narrative

Understanding the Islam/West Narrative

AT December 3, 2019
Any honest and objective appraisal of Islam’s historic jihad on the Christian world is eye-opening, to say the very least. 
Is China The Real Force Behind Iran?

Is China The Real Force Behind Iran?

Times Of Israel December 2, 2019
China has been hiding in plain sight, quietly arming Iran, buying its oil, boosting its economy and limiting the impact of US sanctions.
Stick With Netanyahu Or Face A Lethal Two-State Solution

Stick With Netanyahu Or Face A Lethal Two-State Solution

Arutz Sheva December 1, 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu is the best chance we have in our fight to save Israel from dismemberment at the hands of Benny Gantz and his band of Two-State Solution messianics. 
US, Israel Ramping Up Preparations For War With Iran

US, Israel Ramping Up Preparations For War With Iran

TRU November 30, 2019
The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln moved into the Persian Gulf for the first time since it arrived in the region in May. 
Police Shoot Man Dead On London Bridge In Terrorist Incident

Police Shoot Man Dead On London Bridge In Terrorist Incident

Metro November 29, 2019
A man has been shot dead by police and several people were injured after a confirmed terror attack in London Bridge this afternoon.
Americans Dying Young At Alarming Rates

Americans Dying Young At Alarming Rates

National Review November 27, 2019
Midlife mortality rates increased for all population groups, caused by “drug overdoses, alcohol abuse, suicides, and a diverse list of organ system diseases."
Thanksgiving - 2019

Thanksgiving - 2019 November 26, 2019
In America, it’s the season of Thanksgiving. 
Witness Confirms Ilhan Omar Is A 'Qatari Asset'

Witness Confirms Ilhan Omar Is A 'Qatari Asset'

Jerusalem Post November 26, 2019
The Democratic Congresswoman is said to have passed information to Qatar, which was subsequently handed along to Iran.
 Hidden Dangers Of Impeachment

Hidden Dangers Of Impeachment November 25, 2019
I agree that impeachment hearings should be entered into somberly and prayerfully.
'Time To Take Out Our Swords'

'Time To Take Out Our Swords'

Reuters November 25, 2019
Four months before a swarm of drones and missiles crippled the world’s biggest oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia, Iranian security officials gathered at a heavily fortified compound in Tehran.
Hamas Leader: Indicting Netanyahu 'Raises Morale’

Hamas Leader: Indicting Netanyahu 'Raises Morale’

Israel Hayom November 24, 2019
The corruption indictment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raises the Palestinian people’s morale. The leader of the group that controls Gaza also said the indictment means more “resistance, both popular and armed.”
Pompeo, AIPAC And American Jewish Priorities

Pompeo, AIPAC And American Jewish Priorities

Caroline Glick November 23, 2019
From Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to opposition leader Benny Gantz there was an immediate consensus supporting the Trump administration’s bold move to reject Barack Obama’s truth-impaired, hostile position on those communities.
Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Jerusalem Post November 22, 2019
Foreign Minister Israel Katz said "Israel is a lawful state and the presumption of innocence applies for every person, especially for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, an Israeli patriot, who sacrificed and acted all his life for the security of the State of Israel and the strengthening of its position in the world."
Netanyahu Rejects Charges

Netanyahu Rejects Charges

Jerusalem Post November 21, 2019
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a public statement following Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit's announcement that the prime minister is indicted on counts of bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

Benny Gantz Fails To Form Government

Benny Gantz Fails To Form Government

Arutz Sheva November 20, 2019
Blue and White leader Benny Gantz returned the mandate to form the government to President Reuven Rivlin Wednesday evening, signalling the end of his attempts to form a coalition.
Diplomatic Turning Point

Diplomatic Turning Point

Caroline Glick November 19, 2019
Pompeo’s statement Monday that Israeli settlements are not illegal per se is the most significant shift in US Middle East policy in the past generation. Jerusalem’s status as Israel’s capital has been a matter of US law since 1996.
Iran Protests Turn Deadly

Iran Protests Turn Deadly

BBC News November 18, 2019
At least 12 people have been killed in Iran since protests against fuel price rises erupted three days ago, officials have said, although reports suggest the number of dead is far higher. A statement said Iran's "sworn and evil enemies" had once again attempted to "sow discord".
Is Iran Losing The Middle East?

Is Iran Losing The Middle East?

Jerusalem Post November 17, 2019
Hezbollah is certainly the Islamic Republic of Iran’s most successful export. Could uprisings in Iraq and Lebanon, coupled with US sanctions, permanently impair Iran’s influence in the region?
Protests Erupt Across Iran

Protests Erupt Across Iran

Jerusalem Post November 16, 2019

Videos from across the country showed security forces firing tear gas, clashing protesters and also showed images of Iranian regime figures being burned and people angry that price hikes were allegedly being used to fund foreign wars. 

Hamas Leader Attacked When Paying Visit To Slain Islamic Jihad Commander's Family

Hamas Leader Attacked When Paying Visit To Slain Islamic Jihad Commander's Family

Jerusalem Post November 15, 2019
Scores of PIJ supporters rioted and blocked the cars of Zahar and his bodyguards, forcing them to flee. The protesters chanted slogans against Hamas for failing to launch rockets at Israel in retaliation for the killing of al-Ata.


Freedom November 14, 2019
While some cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” others cry, “Give me comfort, safety, entertainment, and convenience, and I’ll be your slave, and so will my children.”
'We Can Target Anyone, Even In Their Beds'

'We Can Target Anyone, Even In Their Beds'

Jerusalem Post November 14, 2019
Israel can target any of its enemies, no matter where they are, even if they are in their beds, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said as he issued his first public statement since calm was restored between the IDF and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza.
Choosing Evil

Choosing Evil November 13, 2019
Disney is choosing money over morality.
Update: 200 Rockets Launched At Israel After Islamic Jihad Commander Killed

Update: 200 Rockets Launched At Israel After Islamic Jihad Commander Killed

FOX News November 13, 2019
Islamic militants in the Gaza Strip vowed further revenge after the Israeli military carried out a pair of targeted airstrikes on senior Islamic Jihad commanders, killing one in Gaza and missing the second in Syria.
Over 360 Rockets Fired So Far; 24 Dead In Gaza, Mostly Terrorists

Over 360 Rockets Fired So Far; 24 Dead In Gaza, Mostly Terrorists

Arutz Sheva November 13, 2019
The IDF has attacked Islamic Jihad terror targets in Gaza in response to the rocket fire. Among the targets were a military compound and a training complex also used to manufacture launch barrels and rocket components.
God Spared My Life In Vietnam’ So That I Could Be ‘Keeper Of The Flame’

God Spared My Life In Vietnam’ So That I Could Be ‘Keeper Of The Flame’

Blaze November 11, 2019
"I said (to God), 'If you can do something special with my life, I'll honor and glorify your name,'" DeLeo recounted. "I believe God spared my in life in Vietnam." Now DeLeo is sure that God was preserving his life so that he could be the "keeper of the flame."
'Socialist' Millennials Should Learn About The USSR

'Socialist' Millennials Should Learn About The USSR

USA Today November 10, 2019
Socialism didn't work in the Soviet Union. On the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, that's an important reminder to today's millennials.
GOP Adds Hunter Biden To Witness List

GOP Adds Hunter Biden To Witness List

Newsmax November 9, 2019
House Republicans came forward with a list of witnesses they want to hear from in the public hearings set to start this week. Most prominent among them: the anonymous whistleblower and former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter.
Boy Decides To Dress As A Boy

Boy Decides To Dress As A Boy

PJ Media November 8, 2019
The 7-year-old in Texas at the center of a custody battle that has attracted national attention after his mother sought to have him medically transition into a girl reportedly decided to attend elementary school this week dressed as a boy.
When Cartels Slaughter Americans

When Cartels Slaughter Americans

Frontpage Mag November 7, 2019
Once again it appears that the violent Mexican drug cartels have committed a horrific mass murder. Their tactics could have been taken from the playbook of ISIS or al Qaeda.
Report: Trump Refused Netanyahu's Request To Transfer Aid To PA

Report: Trump Refused Netanyahu's Request To Transfer Aid To PA

Arutz Sheva November 6, 2019
"If it is that important to Netanyahu, he should pay them," Trump reportedly told his advisers at the prospect.
Mormon Family Gunned Down By Cartel

Mormon Family Gunned Down By Cartel

Sun November 5, 2019
Babies were reportedly burned alive and kids shot in the back after ruthless cartel killers slaughtered nine US Mormons in a "targeted" hit in Mexico.
Iran Can Produce Enough Uranium For Nuclear Weapon For First Time

Iran Can Produce Enough Uranium For Nuclear Weapon For First Time

Express November 4, 2019
Iran has announced it has developed two new advanced nuclear centrifuges capable of producing 5kg of enriched uranium per day in the latest violation of a nuclear deal with world powers.
Bump In The Night

Bump In The Night

Hal Lindsey November 3, 2019
It’s no accident that when His disciples asked Jesus about the end times, His first words were a warning.
Islamic Jihad Behind Rocket Salvo On Israel

Islamic Jihad Behind Rocket Salvo On Israel

Israel Hayom November 3, 2019
Palestinian sources report that Palestinian Islamic Jihad is seeking to create a new equation in the Gaza Strip.
Israel Hits Hamas Targets After Rocket Barrage

Israel Hits Hamas Targets After Rocket Barrage

JP November 2, 2019
The IAF struck multiple Hamas targets across the Gaza Strip after a house in Sderot sustained a direct hit by a rocket launched during a barrage by Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
A Strategic Israeli View Of The Turkish Campaign

A Strategic Israeli View Of The Turkish Campaign

Algemeiner November 1, 2019
Although Erdogan has waged a relatively short and simple campaign against the Kurdish minority in northeastern Syria, it was enough to produce a strategic shift in the array of forces emerging in the Middle East.
What Baghdadi’s Death Tells Us About The Real Terror Threat

What Baghdadi’s Death Tells Us About The Real Terror Threat

Frontpage Mag October 31, 2019
We didn’t find Bin Laden hiding in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan. And al-Baghdadi, wasn’t hanging out in his home turf, but in an area controlled by Turkey and its allied Islamist militias right off the Turkish border.
EU Ruling Expected To Force Settlement Labeling

EU Ruling Expected To Force Settlement Labeling

TOI October 30, 2019
Israel is worried about an expected court decision that would enshrine in law the requirement for European countries to label Israeli products made in the settlements.
When Confusion Reigns

When Confusion Reigns October 28, 2019
1 Corinthians 14:33 gives a profound and insightful statement. “God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”  Yet in much of the world right now, confusion reigns.
Who Are The Men On Israel's Potential Hit List?

Who Are The Men On Israel's Potential Hit List?

Jerusalem Post October 28, 2019
Senior defense officials have warned that Israel is facing an Iranian storm that is coming closer to her borders. But who are the men behind the storm?
Good Day For War On Terror

Good Day For War On Terror

Jerusalem Post October 27, 2019
The killing of notorious terrorist and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a major operational achievement for the US military and its commander-in-chief.
California's Power Blackouts And More Are Coming Your Way, America

California's Power Blackouts And More Are Coming Your Way, America

FOX News October 26, 2019
2020 Democratic presidential nomination have already embraced some of the same Big Government and radical environmental policies that have brought blackouts to California.
Syrian Kurds: Turkey ‘Continuing Its Genocide War’ Despite Ceasefire

Syrian Kurds: Turkey ‘Continuing Its Genocide War’ Despite Ceasefire

Breitbart October 25, 2019
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) is claiming that Turkey “is continuing its genocide war” in northern Syria despite an allegedly “permanent” ceasefire.
Seven-Year-Old Boy At Center Of Transition Battle

Seven-Year-Old Boy At Center Of Transition Battle

Patriot Post October 24, 2019
A tragic case in point is unfolding in Dallas, Texas. How should we as Christians respond to this direct assault on biblical truth and scientific fact?
Permanent Ceasefire

Permanent Ceasefire

Newsmax October 23, 2019
President Trump said he will lift sanctions on Turkey after the NATO ally agreed to permanently stop fighting Kurdish forces in Syria and he defended his decision to withdraw American troops, saying the U.S. should not be the world's policeman.
Erdogan Warns Turkey Will Renew Assault If Kurds Don't Withdraw

Erdogan Warns Turkey Will Renew Assault If Kurds Don't Withdraw

USA Today October 22, 2019
A U.S. brokered cease-fire that suspended fighting between Turkey and Kurdish fighters in Syria will expire Tuesday afternoon, and the Trump administration remains under intense pressure to protect America's Kurdish allies from a feared ethnic cleansing.
Netanyahu Gives Up Effort To Form Government, Returns Mandate

Netanyahu Gives Up Effort To Form Government, Returns Mandate

Arutz Sheva October 21, 2019
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu returned the mandate to form the government to President Reuven Rivlin Monday night after failing to form a coalition of 61 MKs.
US Policy On Syria Unravels As Ceasefire Doesn't Hold

US Policy On Syria Unravels As Ceasefire Doesn't Hold

Jerusalem Post October 20, 2019
The ceasefire that the US claimed it had helped bring in did not seem to hold the next day. Turkey viewed it as a “pause” in military operations and Turkish-backed groups on the ground didn’t seem to have to adhere to it. 
Erdogan Calls For 'Army Of Islam' To Attack Israel On All Sides

Erdogan Calls For 'Army Of Islam' To Attack Israel On All Sides

Express October 19, 2019
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) have announced they want to create an “army of Islam” to wage war against Israel, it has been revealed.
Putin's Growing Middle East Influence Is On Display

Putin's Growing Middle East Influence Is On Display

Israel Hayom October 18, 2019
President Vladimir Putin signaled Moscow's growing Middle East clout on Monday on his first visit to Saudi Arabia in over a decade, buoyed by Russian military gains in Syria, strong ties with Riyadh's regional rivals and energy cooperation.
Turkey Will Pause Operation To Allow Kurdish Withdrawal'

Turkey Will Pause Operation To Allow Kurdish Withdrawal'

Jerusalem Post October 17, 2019
Pence said there will "a pause in military operations for 120 hours" to allow the U.S.-allied Syrian Kurds to withdraw. The vice president said the U.S. and Turkey have "mutually committed to peaceful resolution and future for the safe zone." 
US Must Prevent Rise Of New ISIS Caliphate

US Must Prevent Rise Of New ISIS Caliphate

FOX News October 16, 2019
We don’t want to see another caliphate. We don’t want Iran to have a platform to attack Israel. We don’t want to see waves of refugees destabilizing the region and overflowing into Europe.
The Cultural Civil War And Trump Derangement Syndrome

The Cultural Civil War And Trump Derangement Syndrome

FM October 15, 2019
The Black Death originated in Chinese rats, Ebola in monkeys in the Congo, and Trump Derangement Syndrome in furious liberal suburbanites who swarmed D.C. wearing pink hats and screaming at the sky.
Six Years Of Work Destroyed In Six Days

Six Years Of Work Destroyed In Six Days

JP October 14, 2019
The US military had been training 110,000 SDF fighters and had no idea that in Washington they were about to be thrown into chaos, watching those they trained be killed and ordered to leave.
President Trump To Expand Withdrawal Of Troops From Northern Syria

President Trump To Expand Withdrawal Of Troops From Northern Syria

USA Today October 13, 2019
Defense Secretary Mark Esper said President Donald Trump had ordered a "deliberate withdrawal" of U.S. forces from northern Syria, an even more comprehensive withdrawal than had been previously ordered.
'We Assume There Are Weapons Stockpiles On The Temple Mount'

'We Assume There Are Weapons Stockpiles On The Temple Mount'

Israel Hayom October 12, 2019
During a visit to the world's most volatile site, former head of the Shin Bet Avi Dichter shares his insights about what he sees as the Palestinians' true intentions for the Temple Mount and what Israel must do to stop them.
Iran Oil Tanker ‘Hit By Two Missiles’ Near Saudi Arabia Port

Iran Oil Tanker ‘Hit By Two Missiles’ Near Saudi Arabia Port

Trade Wind October 11, 2019
An Iranian oil tanker cruising 60 miles off the coast of Saudi Arabia was rocked by a pair of missiles, threatening to further inflame fraught regional tensions between the two heavyweight Muslim nations.
 Netanyahu Condemns Turkish Invasion Of Syrian Kurdistan, Offers Aid

Netanyahu Condemns Turkish Invasion Of Syrian Kurdistan, Offers Aid

Times Of Israel October 10, 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu denounced Turkey’s invasion of Kurdish-controlled areas of northeastern Syria and said Israel was prepared to offer humanitarian aid to the Kurds in Syria facing an onslaught from Ankara.
Turkey Begins Offensive To Take Out Kurds In Northern Syria

Turkey Begins Offensive To Take Out Kurds In Northern Syria

Voice Of America October 9, 2019
Turkey has begun a long-planned military operation in northeastern Syria to take out Kurdish forces branded by Ankara as terrorists, but viewed by much of the West as key partners in the fight against Islamic State.
The Ultimate Shelter

The Ultimate Shelter October 8, 2019
When a massive hurricane rolls across the ocean toward land, bands of the storm often go well ahead of the storm itself. It’s almost as if the storm has arms. 
'Kurds Are The Evangelicals Of The Muslim World'

'Kurds Are The Evangelicals Of The Muslim World'

Jerusalem Post October 8, 2019
America never had stronger supporters in the region. This is not the first time the US has turned its back on this ally. The Kurds stood with America against Saddam Hussein and were gassed by the dictator’s military.
Divide And Destroy

Divide And Destroy October 7, 2019
Could the possible impeachment proceedings carry end-times prophetic implications? You might be surprised.
US Troop Pullout Leaves Christian Lives In Danger

US Troop Pullout Leaves Christian Lives In Danger

CBN October 7, 2019
Trump's decision represents a major shift in US policy and may place Christians and Kurds there in great danger. A Turkish invasion may also altar the balance of power in the region and threaten not only an embryonic democracy in the Middle East but also the Jewish state.

"Anti-Normalization" With Israel: The True Goal

Gatestone Institute October 6, 2019
Arabs who dare to greet Jews in public on the Jewish New Year are being denounced by their fellow Arabs as traitors. Arabs who dare to engage in sports activities with Jews are also being condemned by their fellow Arabs as traitors.
Attacks On Multiple TV Stations In Iraq By 'Masked Armed Men'

Attacks On Multiple TV Stations In Iraq By 'Masked Armed Men'

Jerusalem Post October 5, 2019
The offices and journalists from several prominent networks, including Al-Arabiya, were attacked by masked gunmen in what seems like a coordinated attempt to shut down all dissenting channels. Internet and social media were also suppressed.
Iran Government-Linked Hacker Targeted 2020 Presidential Campaign

Iran Government-Linked Hacker Targeted 2020 Presidential Campaign

USA Today October 4, 2019
Microsoft says a hacker linked to the Iran government made more than 2,700 attempts to target email addresses belonging to government officials, journalists and prominent Iranians living abroad.
Right-Wing Bloc Pledges To Back Only Netanyahu

Right-Wing Bloc Pledges To Back Only Netanyahu

Arutz Sheva October 3, 2019
The leaders of the right-wing bloc signed a document pledging to support only Benjamin Netanyahu for prime minister should Netanyahu and Benny Gantz both fail to form a government.
Israel Update

Israel Update October 2, 2019
It will be a difficult and treacherous process.
A Flailing Democracy And A Resilient One

A Flailing Democracy And A Resilient One

Caroline Glick October 2, 2019
There are parallels between these two leaders, both are hounded by legal elites who will stop at nothing to oust them from office.
Communist China Is Weaker Than It Appears

Communist China Is Weaker Than It Appears

National Review October 1, 2019
The Communist ideology is a parasite that cannot survive for long on its own.
Proof That Iran Was Behind Saudi Attacks?

Proof That Iran Was Behind Saudi Attacks?

FOX News September 30, 2019
Iran’s main resistance group claimed to have intelligence detailing how Tehran was behind the recent attacks on a Saudi oil facility.
Rouhani Exposes The Futility Of European Diplomacy

Rouhani Exposes The Futility Of European Diplomacy

Gatestone September 29, 2019
The delusional approach was brutally exposed the moment Mr Rouhani arrived in New York.
Netanyahu Likely To Return Mandate To Rivlin

Netanyahu Likely To Return Mandate To Rivlin

Jerusalem Post September 28, 2019
If the mandate is returned, Rivlin would formally task Blue and White leader Benny Gantz with forming a government by Thursday.
Trump: My Actions Against Iran Are The Most Important For Israel

Trump: My Actions Against Iran Are The Most Important For Israel

Arutz Sheva September 27, 2019
"I have a tendency to make things work out, one way or the other."
Netanyahu To Gantz: The Ball Is In Your Court

Netanyahu To Gantz: The Ball Is In Your Court

Arutz Sheva September 26, 2019
 'Show responsibility, and join a unity government.'
President Rivlin Taps Netanyahu To Form Coalition

President Rivlin Taps Netanyahu To Form Coalition

Arutz Sheva September 25, 2019
President grants mandate to form ruling coalition to Likud Chair, PM Binyamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu: Unity government is order of the day.
Trump: The Future Does Not Belong To Globalists

Trump: The Future Does Not Belong To Globalists

DAWN September 24, 2019
President Trump also denounced Iran's "blood lust" and called on other nations to join the US to pressure Iran.
Sorry, Greta: Trump Skips UN Climate Summit

Sorry, Greta: Trump Skips UN Climate Summit

American Thinker September 23, 2019
These international agreements, all failures, are really just about leftist dreams of seizing power over free and productive economies and dictating their terms.
Iran Asks The West To Leave The Gulf

Iran Asks The West To Leave The Gulf

Associated Press September 22, 2019
Iran’s president called Sunday on Western powers to leave the security of the Persian Gulf to regional nations led by Tehran.
Do Palestinian Leaders Want a Better Life For Their People?

Do Palestinian Leaders Want a Better Life For Their People?

Gatestone September 21, 2019
In this longstanding and deadly game, Palestinian leaders use their people as sacrificial pawns for the sake of prolonging the conflict with Israel.
Kim Jong-Un Could Deploy Nuclear Submarine Very Soon

Kim Jong-Un Could Deploy Nuclear Submarine Very Soon

Express September 20, 2019
North Korea could be planning to deploy a new submarine capable of launching ballistic missiles. 
Netanyahu's Offer For Unity Government Rebuffed By Gantz

Netanyahu's Offer For Unity Government Rebuffed By Gantz

Newsmax September 19, 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu saw his offer for a coalition with his strongest political rival, Benny Gantz, swiftly rebuffed after failing to secure a governing majority in a tight election.
What Will The End Times Look Like?

What Will The End Times Look Like? September 18, 2019
We are on a mission for God. We need to speak the Word and live the Word! In the closing days of this age, may our efforts for Him grow bigger, better, and bolder. And may we live in the security of His promises.
'We Will Do Everything To Prevent A Dangerous Government'

'We Will Do Everything To Prevent A Dangerous Government'

Arutz Sheva September 18, 2019
Netanyahu said: "There will be either a government headed by me, or a dangerous government that relies on the Arab parties."
Too Close To Call

Too Close To Call

Newsmax September 17, 2019
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's battle for political survival looked set to stretch on for days or weeks after exit polls following Tuesday's election showed the race too close to call. 
Trump Was Right To Pull Out Of Iran Nuke Deal

Trump Was Right To Pull Out Of Iran Nuke Deal

FOX News September 16, 2019
The attack against a major oil facility in Saudi Arabia dramatically illustrates why the Iran nuclear deal that was accepted by the Obama administration and rejected by President Trump failed to end the Iranian threat to peace and stability in the Middle East.
US Blames Iran For Saudi Oil Attacks

US Blames Iran For Saudi Oil Attacks

Newsmax September 15, 2019
The scope and precision of drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities show they were launched from a west-northwest direction rather than from Yemen to the south, where Houthi rebels claimed responsibility
There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood

American Thinker September 14, 2019
The nation has become so divided neither the left nor the right will accept the results of the 2020 election. The right will never accept socialism, while the left will accept nothing less.
The War In Gaza Is Just A Matter Of Time

The War In Gaza Is Just A Matter Of Time

CBN September 13, 2019
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel may conduct a military operation in the Gaza Strip before the nation goes to elections on September 17.
Former Intel Official Casts Doubt On Report Of Israeli Spying In Washington

Former Intel Official Casts Doubt On Report Of Israeli Spying In Washington

Times Of Israel September 12, 2019
While generally everyone spies on everyone, the special US-Israeli relationship and memories of the fallout from the Pollard scandal keep Jerusalem from listening too closely to DC.
America Remembers 9/11

America Remembers 9/11

Newsmax September 11, 2019
People who were too young on 9/11 to even remember their lost loved ones, and others for whom the grief is still raw, paid tribute with wreath-layings and the solemn roll call of the dead Wednesday as America marked the 18th anniversary of the worst terror attack on U.S. soil.
Netanyahu Vows To Annex Much Of The West Bank

Netanyahu Vows To Annex Much Of The West Bank

Jerusalem Post September 10, 2019
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that if he is reelected, he will apply sovereignty over all settlements in Judea and Samaria, starting with the Jordan Valley.
Democracies Breaking Down

Democracies Breaking Down September 10, 2019
In our generation, people have come to love primarily themselves and their money. They are increasingly boastful and proud. They scoff at God. 
ISIS Returning

ISIS Returning

ABC News September 9, 2019
It is a familiar battlefield, but a different enemy for American troops in Iraq. Nearly 16 years since the US went into Iraq to eliminate Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction, American troops are now fighting an enemy intent on resurging: ISIS.
Uranium Discovered At Tehran Warehouse Uncovered By Israel

Uranium Discovered At Tehran Warehouse Uncovered By Israel

Arutz Sheva September 8, 2019
A facility in Tehran which Israel claimed was used by the Islamic republic as a “secret atomic warehouse” has been found to contain traces of uranium.
IAF Attacks Hamas Targets In Gaza After Drone Attack

IAF Attacks Hamas Targets In Gaza After Drone Attack

Jerusalem Post September 7, 2019
The Israeli Air Force struck Hamas positions in the northern and central Gaza Strip on Saturday night in retaliation for an earlier drone attack against and IDF humvee positioned along the border fence.
Two Dead, 76 Injured In Gaza Protests

Two Dead, 76 Injured In Gaza Protests

Jerusalem Post September 6, 2019
Two Palestinian teens were killed in clashes with Israeli troops along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, in what the IDF called “especially violent” riots.
The Unraveling Of Vladimir Putin

The Unraveling Of Vladimir Putin

Hill September 5, 2019
In early August there was a story unfolding in Russia that did not have a page in the Kremlin playbook. A military accident in the far north left seven dead and several others injured by radiation. 
Iran Will Develop Centrifuges

Iran Will Develop Centrifuges

Arutz Sheva September 4, 2019
Iran announced that its next step in reducing its commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal would be the development of nuclear centrifuges.
These Are The Times

These Are The Times September 3, 2019
These are times of brutality, vulgarity, rage, and recklessness.
'Israel Acted In Multiple Theaters Over 24 Hours'

'Israel Acted In Multiple Theaters Over 24 Hours'

Israel Hayom September 3, 2019
“There are many covert operations by Mossad and the Israel Defense Forces, as well as secret diplomacy,” the official says amid latest escalation. “We are not improvising, this is part of a wider strategy.”
Nasrallah: No More Red Lines

Nasrallah: No More Red Lines

Jerusalem Post September 2, 2019
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah called the attack on Avivim a success on Monday night, which was "deliberately" carried out during the day.
Hezbollah Launches Rockets Into Israel

Hezbollah Launches Rockets Into Israel

Times Of Israel September 1, 2019
Hezbollah has fired several anti-tank rockets into northern Israel. Military sources confirmed rockets had been fired at an Israeli army base and military vehicles.
Israel Deploys Troops To Lebanon Border

Israel Deploys Troops To Lebanon Border

Reuters August 31, 2019
Hezbollah says its field commanders are ready to respond to last week's attack that they blame on Israeli drones, after Israel’s military ordered extra forces to deploy near the border.
Close To All-Out War?

Close To All-Out War?

Israel Hayom August 30, 2019
Netanyahu’s order to brief rival Benny Gantz on current security issues could be a sign that the Jewish state is preparing for a major conflict on one or more fronts.
Watch Out

Watch Out

Times Of Israel August 29, 2019
Israel names Iranian and Lebanese officers that have been working secretively for years to give the Shiite terror group advanced munitions.
Israeli Warplanes Strike Near Turkish Military Post In Syria

Israeli Warplanes Strike Near Turkish Military Post In Syria

Jerusalem Post August 28, 2019
Air strikes hit near a Turkish military position in northwest Syria, where the Russian-backed army has waged a fierce offensive against rebels.
Trump And ‘The Multitude Of Words’

Trump And ‘The Multitude Of Words’ August 27, 2019
President Donald Trump made statements many Christians found troubling.
Hezbollah Planning Calculated Strike Against Israel

Hezbollah Planning Calculated Strike Against Israel

Jerusalem Post August 27, 2019
After the downed drones, Hezbollah is preparing a "calculated strike" against Israel but it aims to avoid a new war.
Fallout Suggests A Nuclear Reactor Blew Up In Russia

Fallout Suggests A Nuclear Reactor Blew Up In Russia

Insider August 26, 2019
A mysterious explosion at a Russian weapons testing site earlier this month released various radioactive isotopes, creating a cloud of radioactive gases that swept across a nearby town, and experts said the mixture removes all doubt about what blew up.
Iran: Strikes Will Bring End To ‘Zionist Regime’

Iran: Strikes Will Bring End To ‘Zionist Regime’

Times Of Israel August 25, 2019
A top Iranian general, blamed by Israel for masterminding a preempted bid to launch drone attacks from Syria, warned Israel on Sunday that its strikes against Iran would not be tolerated much longer.
Scandal Uncovered

Scandal Uncovered August 24, 2019
When Israel refused admission to two members of the US House of Representatives, the media made it sound like disrespect for America. They didn’t mention that Israel is a sovereign nation. 
Israeli Jets Strike In Syria to thwart attack by Iranian ‘Killer Drones’

Israeli Jets Strike In Syria to thwart attack by Iranian ‘Killer Drones’

Times Of Israel August 24, 2019
The Israeli army says it carried out airstrikes near Damascus to foil ‘imminent’ IRGC plot to hit sites inside Israel. Syria claims most enemy missiles were downed before reaching their target. 
2,500 Fires In 48 Hours

2,500 Fires In 48 Hours

Express August 23, 2019
More than 73,000 forest fires were recorded in Brazil in the first eight months of the year, half of them in the Amazon. This is the highest number since 2013 and compares with 39,759 in all of 2018.
Netanyahu: We Are Working Against Iran In Iraq

Netanyahu: We Are Working Against Iran In Iraq

Arutz Sheva August 22, 2019
Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that Israel is working to prevent Iranian military consolidation in Iraq in the first such admission of Israeli activity in Iraq. There's a report that the attacks are carried out with the permission of the US and Russia. 
North Korea Has Reportedly Miniaturized Nuclear Warheads

North Korea Has Reportedly Miniaturized Nuclear Warheads

Reuters August 21, 2019
Japan believes Pyongyang has achieved the miniaturization of warheads and that their military activities pose a serious and imminent threat. 
Children In Fear

Children In Fear August 20, 2019
Children already live in fear. Many of them can no longer play in their own front yards. More and more wear armor plated backpacks at school. 
None Of Your Business

None Of Your Business

Jerusalem Post August 20, 2019
Russia told an international organization that a military testing accident earlier this month was none of its business and that handing it radiation data was entirely voluntary.
Afghanistan Vows To Crush ISIS

Afghanistan Vows To Crush ISIS

FOX News August 19, 2019
Afghanistan's president vowed to "eliminate" all ISIS safe havens after a horrific wedding attack claimed by the local affiliate.
Hezbollah And Iran Taking Over Southern Syria

Hezbollah And Iran Taking Over Southern Syria

Israel Hayom August 18, 2019
In retaliation for US sanctions on Iran, Hezbollah has increased its presence along the Israeli border so that it can attack the Jewish state at Tehran’s bidding.
Democrats Weigh Retaliation Against Israel

Democrats Weigh Retaliation Against Israel

McClatchy August 17, 2019
House Democrats are reportedly considering retaliatory moves against two top American and Israeli diplomats.
Her Hate For Israel Overcomes Her Love For Her Grandmother

Her Hate For Israel Overcomes Her Love For Her Grandmother

FOX News August 16, 2019
Israel’s interior minister tore into Rashida Tlaib for abruptly canceling plans to visit family in the West Bank.
Broken America

Broken America August 14, 2019
We again saw unthinkable acts of human terror in the United States. I grieve with the victims’ families and friends.
How Syrian War Could Turn Into Global Conflict

How Syrian War Could Turn Into Global Conflict

Arutz Sheva August 14, 2019
Global community mistakenly believes Syrian civil war is winding down, but Turkey's Erdogan is preparing invasion of Kurdish territory.
Radiation Levels At Russian Test Site Spiked 16 Times Above Normal

Radiation Levels At Russian Test Site Spiked 16 Times Above Normal

FOX News August 13, 2019
Evacuations have been ordered in the village not far from the blast site and medics who treated the initial victims have been ordered back to Moscow.
Explosions At Shia Militia Base In Iraq Blamed On Israeli Jets

Explosions At Shia Militia Base In Iraq Blamed On Israeli Jets

Jerusalem Post August 12, 2019
Shortly after, shells fell in the Green Zone of Baghdad where the American Embassy in Iraq is located.
Islamic Jihad, Hamas Threaten Israel After Jews Ascend Temple Mount

Islamic Jihad, Hamas Threaten Israel After Jews Ascend Temple Mount

Jerusalem Post August 11, 2019
Muslims confronted Jews at the entrance as police were forced to disperse the crowd to prevent further altercation.
Israel Foils Significant Terror Attack

Israel Foils Significant Terror Attack

Jerusalem Post August 10, 2019
Four Palestinians armed with RPGs, assault rifles and grenades attempted to infiltrate into Israel.
Film Depicts Trump Supporters Being Hunted For Sport

Film Depicts Trump Supporters Being Hunted For Sport

PJ Media August 9, 2019
The plot follows wealthy thrill-seekers who travel to a five-star resort where their mission is to hunt and kill conservatives.
Netanyahu Hints At Annexing More West Bank Territory

Netanyahu Hints At Annexing More West Bank Territory

Jerusalem Post August 8, 2019
He hinted at the possibility of applying sovereignty to the settlements, hours after the body of an Israeli soldier was found with stab wounds.
Could The INCEL Community Be Propelling Mass Shooters?

Could The INCEL Community Be Propelling Mass Shooters?

American Thinker August 7, 2019
Is a whole online community is out there, possibly encouraging mass shooters to act out their urges? 
India Strips Kashmir Of Its Autonomous Status

India Strips Kashmir Of Its Autonomous Status

August 6, 2019
India's government hailed "historic" legislation to bring Kashmir under its direct control but Pakistan and China challenged the divisive move.
Politicizing Murder With Lies

Politicizing Murder With Lies

Frontpage Mag August 5, 2019
Exploiting the deaths of innocents in El Paso and Dayton for political gain.
President Trump: God Bless The People Of El Paso And Dayton

President Trump: God Bless The People Of El Paso And Dayton

New York Post August 4, 2019
President Trump tweeted ”​Today’s shooting in El Paso, Texas, was not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice."
King Abdullah Refuses Meeting With Netanyahu

King Abdullah Refuses Meeting With Netanyahu

Jerusalem Post August 3, 2019
According to an Arab newspaper, Jordan's king refused Prime Minister Netanyahu’s request for an in-person meeting and a phone conversation.
Is A Hamas Allied Group Influencing Dems?

Is A Hamas Allied Group Influencing Dems?

Frontpage Mag August 2, 2019
The foreign election interference the Democrats don’t want to talk about.
Is Israel Ready For War On Three Fronts?

Is Israel Ready For War On Three Fronts?

Jerusalem Post August 1, 2019
Two attacks on two borders in less than 24 hours. Two incidents, miles apart are just a small indication of the major challenge the IDF faces.
A Miracle Most Astounding

A Miracle Most Astounding July 31, 2019
According to the prophecies of Jeremiah, we are now seeing a bigger miracle than the parting of the Red Sea. It’s happening before our eyes.
Plan To Build 700 West Bank Palestinian Homes Approved

Plan To Build 700 West Bank Palestinian Homes Approved

JTA July 31, 2019
The Israeli Cabinet unanimously approved a proposal to build over 700 housing units for Palestinians in addition to 6,000 Israeli settlement housing units in the West Bank.
US: Iran Is The Core Conflict In The Region

US: Iran Is The Core Conflict In The Region

Arutz Sheva July 29, 2019
US envoy Jason Greenblatt: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the core conflict in the region. Iran is.
Who Bombed The Iranian Missile Batteries In Iraq?

Who Bombed The Iranian Missile Batteries In Iraq?

Israel Hayom July 28, 2019
The message was quite clear: The stationing in Iraq of Iranian ballistic missiles is unacceptable.
A Dozen Nukes Built Since Singapore Summit

A Dozen Nukes Built Since Singapore Summit

New York Post July 27, 2019
Analysts believe North Korea could currently have as few as 20 and as many as 60 nuclear bombs.
New Nuclear Sub Reveals It's Bound For A Suicide Mission

New Nuclear Sub Reveals It's Bound For A Suicide Mission

Business Insider July 25, 2019
North Korea's submarine can essentially perform one task: launch nuclear missiles at close targets like South Korea or Japan.
US Overwhelmingly Condemns BDS

US Overwhelmingly Condemns BDS

CBN July 24, 2019
House Resolution 246 overwhelmingly passed on a 398-17 bipartisan vote and put lawmakers on record about where they stand on the BDS movement. 
Two Great Signs of His Coming

Two Great Signs of His Coming July 23, 2019
For most of two millennia, Christians have been expecting the Lord’s return.
Iran Becoming A Drone Superpower

Iran Becoming A Drone Superpower

Hill July 23, 2019
Iran is quietly building up an arsenal of locally-produced drones that it is exporting to its allies and testing against enemies.
President Trump Denies Iran Executed 17 CIA Spies

President Trump Denies Iran Executed 17 CIA Spies

Voice Of America July 22, 2019
Iran appears to be further stoking tensions with the West, announcing it has captured 17 US spies and sentenced some of them to death, an allegation the president denied.
Iran Winning Tanker Battles But Losing War

Iran Winning Tanker Battles But Losing War

Jerusalem Post July 21, 2019
Even as it has registered a list of tactical victories, Iran is still facing the reality of an unchanged massive economic pressure campaign as well as a steady loss of sympathy globally.
ABC Accused Of Anti-Christian Bigotry, Again

ABC Accused Of Anti-Christian Bigotry, Again

FOX News July 20, 2019
When Luke Parker told producers of “The Bachelorette” that he was a born-again Christian who was saving sex for marriage, ABC knew they had the season’s villain.
Ilhan Omar Brings Anti-Jewish Bigotry To The House

Ilhan Omar Brings Anti-Jewish Bigotry To The House

Arutz Sheva July 19, 2019
Right to boycott? Is it right to boycott a country because of its faith? Or skin color? What if someone wanted to boycott any business owned by African-Americans? Or Muslims?
US Navy Destroys Iranian Drone In ‘Defensive Action'

US Navy Destroys Iranian Drone In ‘Defensive Action'

CNBC July 18, 2019
President Donald Trump on Thursday said a U.S. Navy ship destroyed an Iranian drone in a defensive action, escalating already high tensions in the Gulf region.
From Iraq To Yemen

From Iraq To Yemen

Reuters July 17, 2019
The increased use of drones by Iran and its allies for surveillance and attacks across the Middle East is raising alarms in Washington.
Daniel’s Astounding Prophecies, Part 2

Daniel’s Astounding Prophecies, Part 2 July 16, 2019
I said last week that the interpretation Jesus gave to the Book of Daniel would take your breath away. His method of interpretation was, in short, to take Daniel at face value. Why is that breathtaking? Let’s look at it.
US Intel: Iran Forced Missing UAE Tanker Into Iranian Waters

US Intel: Iran Forced Missing UAE Tanker Into Iranian Waters

Oil Price July 16, 2019
Tracking data showed that the UAE tanker drifted off into Iranian waters after 11 p.m. on Saturday and stopped transmitting its location over two days ago.
Tommy Robinson And The Death Of Britain

Tommy Robinson And The Death Of Britain

Frontpage Mag July 15, 2019
As Tommy Robinson headed into court for his sentencing Thursday, he wore a t-shirt that read: “Convicted of Journalism.” And it’s true. 
'Iran Ship Attack Coming'

'Iran Ship Attack Coming'

Express July 14, 2019
Britain's most modern warship was racing towards the Perian Gulf last night amid warnings Iran will launch a guerrilla warfare-style attack on commercial shipping.
Biden: 'Occupation Is A Real Problem'

Biden: 'Occupation Is A Real Problem'

Arutz Sheva July 13, 2019
"The settlements are unnecessary", Joe Biden told a rally participant, "The only answer is two state solution"
Deportation Raids To Begin Sunday

Deportation Raids To Begin Sunday

CBN July 11, 2019
ICE will begin nationwide raids as soon as Sunday to arrest and deport some 2,000 immigrants who have been issued removal orders. That story comes as a new poll shows that 51% of voters would support the mass deportations of the up to 22 million illegal aliens.
Sanctions On Iran Will Soon be Increased 'Substantially'

Sanctions On Iran Will Soon be Increased 'Substantially'

Algemeiner July 10, 2019
Trump that sanctions would be increased “substantially”, as the UN nuclear watchdog held an emergency meeting to weigh Tehran’s breach of a nuclear deal.
Daniel’s Astounding Prophecies

Daniel’s Astounding Prophecies July 9, 2019
Critics of the Bible have no reasonable answer for Daniel’s miraculous prophetic accuracy.
Supervolcano Fears: 'Big One' Is Coming

Supervolcano Fears: 'Big One' Is Coming

Newsweek July 9, 2019
California’s uncanny “earthquake pause” is over. Now geologists are nervously eyeing eight nearby volcanoes. And why has Yellowstone supervolcano been acting so weird?
IDF Shoots Down Drone After It Infiltrates Israel From Gaza Strip

IDF Shoots Down Drone After It Infiltrates Israel From Gaza Strip

Breaking Israel News July 8, 2019
A UAV from Hamas controlled Gaza was shot down by Israel after it invaded Israel’s air space.
Stuck With The Bible

Stuck With The Bible July 7, 2019
If you are a Christian, you’re stuck with the Bible. That is your source of authority.
Iran's Uranium Enrichment Breaks Nuclear Deal Limit

Iran's Uranium Enrichment Breaks Nuclear Deal Limit

Newsmax July 7, 2019
Iran has amped up its uranium enrichment on the day of its deadline to negotiate the Iran nuclear deal with signatories, surpassing the cap set under the Obama-era agreement.
Iran’s Time Is Up

Iran’s Time Is Up

Algemeiner July 6, 2019
America is running out of options, and Iran is running out of time.
Tilting The Playing Field

Tilting The Playing Field

Frontpage Mag July 5, 2019
Are trans athletes turning back the clock on women's sports?
Censoring The Census

Censoring The Census

Townhall July 4, 2019
The notion of history repeating itself is usually viewed as a negative statement, but some history is worth repeating because we might learn and be guided by it.
America The Beautiful

America The Beautiful July 3, 2019
America started with the ideal of equality before God, even though it failed to live up to that ideal. 
Israel Preparing For Wide Scale Operation In Gaza

Israel Preparing For Wide Scale Operation In Gaza

Jerusalem Post July 3, 2019
Israel wants to restore calm to the South, but at the same time is preparing for a wide-scale military campaign inside the Gaza Strip.
Why Nike’s Capitulation To Kaepernick Matters

Why Nike’s Capitulation To Kaepernick Matters

Federalist July 2, 2019
Being triggered by an 18th century Quaker seamstress is going to help reduce police brutality, I guess.
Iran Violates Nuclear Deal

Iran Violates Nuclear Deal

Jerusalem Post July 1, 2019
Under the deal, Iran was prohibited from accumulating more than 300 kilograms of enriched uranium to the 3.67% level and from enriching uranium beyond that level.
Iranian Warehouses In Syria Struck By Israel

Iranian Warehouses In Syria Struck By Israel

Arutz Sheva June 30, 2019
Syrian state television reported on Sunday night that the country's air defense systems intercepted several missiles south of Damascus.
Sending Child-Porn Viewers To ‘Workshops’

Sending Child-Porn Viewers To ‘Workshops’

Life Site June 29, 2019
A new UK report recommends that pedophiles should be sent to “workshops” akin to remdial programs for drunk drivers.
A Come-to-Jesus-Moment

A Come-to-Jesus-Moment June 28, 2019
"Come to Jesus moments" has become a common way to refer to any earnest, heart-to-heart appeal from one person to a group of people.
Islamic Jihad Hints It May Strike Israel In Case Of US-Iran War

Islamic Jihad Hints It May Strike Israel In Case Of US-Iran War

Times Of Israel June 28, 2019
A Member of the Gaza-based terror group vows not to ‘abandon’ Tehran if there’s a conflict.
Giving Up The Jordan Valley Will Ensure War

Giving Up The Jordan Valley Will Ensure War

Jerusalem Post June 27, 2019
Israel has long claimed that it must retain military control of that area, particularly in light of larger regional threats from Iran.

Power June 23, 2019
It’s obvious that right now the people of planet earth long for control and power. They fear being weak and vulnerable.
To the Edge of War

To the Edge of War June 23, 2019
For centuries, Russia and Iran were enemies. But since the Revolution, those two nations have been growing steadily closer and more dependent on one another. Now, along with Turkey (another former enemy), they have created an alliance in Syria. Bible prophecy students see the profound significance of this.
Pride Really Is Nothing To Boast About

Pride Really Is Nothing To Boast About

One News Now June 22, 2019

The rise of the LGBTQ movement has turned the tables in American culture. Say anything even mildly critical of LGBTQs and it can cost you your livelihood. But while it's powerful, the LGBTQ movement is also the most sensitive social movement in the country.
No Longer The Safe Haven, No Longer The Promised Land

No Longer The Safe Haven, No Longer The Promised Land

Arutz Sheva June 21, 2019
The US was the Promised Land for Jews for many years. However, the increase in Jew-hatred over the last few years has cast a pall on that feeling of security. 
Iran Is Playing With Fire

Iran Is Playing With Fire

Algemeiner June 20, 2019
Washington is slowly strangling the Iranian economy, and the ayatollahs are finding it difficult to find a way out of the noose they feel tightening around their necks.
Trump Delivers Second Chances For Black Inmates Re-Entering Society

Trump Delivers Second Chances For Black Inmates Re-Entering Society

Newsmax June 19, 2019
President Trump is proving in new ways that he is fighting so all Americans have access to opportunity — including those locked out because of their criminal records.
Smugglers Helping Iran Withstand Sanctions With Afghan Cash

Smugglers Helping Iran Withstand Sanctions With Afghan Cash

Breitbart June 18, 2019
Up to 5 billion U.S. dollars were smuggled last year alone into Iran from Afghanistan where an annual influx of American taxpayer funds is helping the Islamic Republic weather the storm from the historic wave of crippling United States sanctions.
Two Days In June

Two Days In June June 17, 2019
These are not times for playing at being a Christian. These are not times for “drawing back” or “wavering.” 
Iran Says It Will Exceed Nuclear Deal's Limit On Uranium 'In 10 Days'

Iran Says It Will Exceed Nuclear Deal's Limit On Uranium 'In 10 Days'

Blaze June 17, 2019
Iran's government announced that it would pass the threshold for how much uranium it was allowed to stockpile under the terms of the Obama-era nuclear deal within 10 days.
Rise Up, O Men Of God

Rise Up, O Men Of God

Baptist News June 16, 2019
Being a father means giving time, resources and influence to those God has placed under your leadership. The feminization of our culture has caused some men to shirk their God-given role.
LGBTQ Bigotry

LGBTQ Bigotry

Frontpage Mag June 15, 2019
The most prominent and far more numerous hate groups are the social justice warriors themselves - Black Lives Matter, the misnamed Human Rights Campaign and the equally misnamed Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
'Next War Will Be Worst In Israel's History'

'Next War Will Be Worst In Israel's History'

Arutz Sheva June 14, 2019
IDF Major General Yitzhak Brick spoke about the IDF's lack of readiness for a major military confrontation. 'Every day 1,000 - 2,000 missiles could hit us in the next war - God help us.'
Famine In The Land

Famine In The Land June 13, 2019
3-in-5 millennials believe life is more stressful now than ever before.
US Releases Video It Claims Shows Iran Removing Mine From Tanker

US Releases Video It Claims Shows Iran Removing Mine From Tanker

Al Jazeera June 13, 2019
The US has released a video which it claims shows Iran's Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) removing an unexploded mine from one of the two tankers hit by explosions in the Gulf of Oman.
Satan's Secret Weapon Running For President

Satan's Secret Weapon Running For President

WND June 12, 2019
After reversing his position on the Hyde Amendment American Life League President Judie Brown commented, “Biden is Satan’s secret weapon. With Biden’s surrender to dishonesty, he has certainly earned this dubious position.” 
Buttigieg: US Taxpayers Won't Pay For West Bank Annexation

Buttigieg: US Taxpayers Won't Pay For West Bank Annexation

Arutz Sheva June 11, 2019
Pete Buttigieg warned that if Benjamin Netanyahu carries out his plan to annex communities in Judea and Samaria, he would if elected ensure no US taxpayer funds support the move.
Mossad Tipped UK Off In 2015 Hezbollah Bomb Plot

Mossad Tipped UK Off In 2015 Hezbollah Bomb Plot

Ynet June 10, 2019
The tip-off apparently led British police to the north London locations where thousands of disposable ice packs containing ammonium nitrate, used in bomb-making, were reportedly being kept as part of preparations for future attacks.
Changing Our Ways

Changing Our Ways June 9, 2019
I’ve said many times on television and on this website that we cannot save ourselves. Only Jesus can do that.
Syrian General With Ties To Hezbollah And Iran Assassinated

Syrian General With Ties To Hezbollah And Iran Assassinated

JNS June 9, 2019
Brig. Gen. Jamal al-Ahmad, one of a group of Syrian officers tasked with maintaining ties with Hezbollah and its Golan Heights commander, was gunned down by unknown assailants.
US Ambassador Says Israel Has The Right To Annex The West Bank

US Ambassador Says Israel Has The Right To Annex The West Bank

Jerusalem Post June 8, 2019
US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said that Israel has the right to annex some but "unlikely all" of the West Bank in an interview. 
Israel Identifying Accelerated Uranium Enrichment By Iran

Israel Identifying Accelerated Uranium Enrichment By Iran

Arutz Sheva June 7, 2019
While Iran says it is willing to discuss the nuclear agreement, it is accelerating its uranium enrichment.
ISIS Plotted To Send Westerners To US Through Mexico Border

ISIS Plotted To Send Westerners To US Through Mexico Border

FOX News June 6, 2019
A chilling confession from a captured ISIS fighter has shed light on how the terrorist group intended to exploit the vulnerabilities of the U.S. border with Mexico.
6 Months Away

6 Months Away

Express June 5, 2019
Tehran is on schedule to develop nukes before the end of 2019, as completion to its weapons program is expected within the next six to eight months.
A New Mosque On The Temple Mount?

A New Mosque On The Temple Mount?

Jerusalem Post June 4, 2019
Jewish activists are claiming that a new mosque has been inaugurated on the Temple Mount, despite a court order that the status quo be upheld on the holy site.
Franklin Graham Leads 'Day Of Prayer' For President Trump

Franklin Graham Leads 'Day Of Prayer' For President Trump

CBN June 3, 2019
Franklin Graham set aside Sunday as a "Special Day of Prayer" for President Donald Trump to protect him from his enemies.
Hope ‘For Today’s World’

Hope ‘For Today’s World’

Hal Lindsey June 3, 2019
God knows everything — including the future. Humans can possess such knowledge only if God grants it.
Five Dead In Alleged Israeli Attack In Syria

Five Dead In Alleged Israeli Attack In Syria

Arutz Sheva June 2, 2019
Syrian media reported on Sunday night that the T-4 airbase in Homs had come under fire from “hostile missiles”.  At least five people were killed and three injured in the attack, which houses Iranian warehouses and centers.
California Progressives Blame Israel For Synagogue Shooting

California Progressives Blame Israel For Synagogue Shooting

JTA June 1, 2019
Far-left Democrats in California are suggesting that the Israeli government is partly responsible for the atmosphere inspiring last October’s massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue.
Judge Stops Missouri From Being First Abortion Free State

Judge Stops Missouri From Being First Abortion Free State

Life News May 31, 2019
The last abortion clinic in the state will not shut down this week even though the facility has injured 74 women in botched abortions.
Turn Or Crash

Turn Or Crash May 31, 2019
The Church still welcomes the stranger. But it may watch him now with a wariness not known in the past.
Netanyahu Shows Off Trump's Map Of Israel With Golan Heights

Netanyahu Shows Off Trump's Map Of Israel With Golan Heights

FOX News May 30, 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu says Jared Kushner has gifted him an official State Department map, updated to incorporate the long-disputed Golan Heights as part of Israel.
Kushner Arrives In Israel To Sell Peace Plan

Kushner Arrives In Israel To Sell Peace Plan

Jerusalem Post May 29, 2019
Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt were in Morocco to discuss the economic component of the peace plan, which is expected to be revealed at a summit in Bahrain next month.
Are You Ready for Success?

Are You Ready for Success? May 28, 2019
I hear Christians express frustration that they can’t seem to get their sensational, can’t-miss business or ministry idea off the ground.
SCOTUS Blocks Law Banning Abortions on Babies With Down Syndrome

SCOTUS Blocks Law Banning Abortions on Babies With Down Syndrome

Life News May 28, 2019
The Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal urging it to uphold an Indiana law that protects unborn babies with Down syndrome from discriminatory abortions.
Nuclear Summer

Nuclear Summer May 27, 2019
If I said, “Tensions are running high in the Middle East,” most Americans would yawn and reply, “So? What else is new?”
Duty, Honor, Country

Duty, Honor, Country

Christian Post May 27, 2019
This is Memorial Day weekend, and once again, we turn our thoughts to the men and women who have given their lives in defense of our country. It is a day of national mourning and tribute, in honor of those who bravely fought and died so that you and I can remain free.
Palestinians Thwart An ISIS Suicide Attack In Israel

Palestinians Thwart An ISIS Suicide Attack In Israel

Ynet May 26, 2019
A young Quran teacher joined ISIS via Telegram app and learned how to make a suicide explosives belt aimed at killing Israelis; she is in detention of PA security forces.
How Deep Is Al Jazeera’s Antisemitism?

How Deep Is Al Jazeera’s Antisemitism?

Israel Hayom May 25, 2019
A watchdog group uncovers longstanding "disdain" for Jews and Israel among Al Jazeera staff, who on social media have called for violence, supported and glorified terrorist organizations and spread anti-Semitic tropes.
Will President Trump Extinguish The Two-State Delusion?

Will President Trump Extinguish The Two-State Delusion?

Arutz Sheva May 23, 2019
Mr. Trump appears to have changed the approach to Mideast peace by rejecting the theory of linkage and eschewing the much vaunted two-state solution.
Russia Flew Bombers Off The Coast Of Alaska Twice In 2 Days

Russia Flew Bombers Off The Coast Of Alaska Twice In 2 Days

Business Insider May 22, 2019
Russian strategic bombers with fighter escorts twice tested US air defenses in two days with flights off the coast of Alaska.
Anti-Semitism Goes Mainstream

Anti-Semitism Goes Mainstream

WE May 21, 2019
Increasingly normalized, anti-Semitism is spreading into the bloodstream of mainstream America. Regrettably, one only needs to look at Congress for proof.
'I Am The 1% Used To Justify 100% Of Abortions'

'I Am The 1% Used To Justify 100% Of Abortions'

Christian Post May 20, 2019
"My biological mother was raped, yet she rejected the violence of abortion. I was adopted and loved instead. I’m not the 'residue of the rapist', as Senator Vivian Davis Figures described those like me."
Trump's Sanctions Are Hitting Hezbollah, And It Hurts

Trump's Sanctions Are Hitting Hezbollah, And It Hurts

Jerusalem Post May 19, 2019
The sanctions imposed by the Trump administration after the US pulled out from the 2015 nuclear deal a year ago had had a deep impact on the funding.
Saudi Arabia, Gulf States Agree To Deploy US Troops

Saudi Arabia, Gulf States Agree To Deploy US Troops

Jerusalem Post May 18, 2019
The deployment of the forces comes as part of the cooperation agreement between Washington and the Arab states in the Gulf, and will take place both at sea and on land to deter Iran.
Missouri Legislature Passes Bill Banning Abortions On Babies With Beating Hearts

Missouri Legislature Passes Bill Banning Abortions On Babies With Beating Hearts

Life News May 17, 2019
The Missouri legislature passed a major pro-life bill Thursday that would ban abortions after unborn babies have detectable heartbeats. 
Attacks On Saudi Oil Infrastructure Have Iran's Fingerprints All Over Them

Attacks On Saudi Oil Infrastructure Have Iran's Fingerprints All Over Them

FOX News May 16, 2019
'That’s how Iran’s leadership operates. I saw it with my own eyes in Iraq when Iranian rockets fired by their proxy groups ripped through a wall right in front of me. American soldiers died at the direction of Iran.'
Living The Impossible

Living The Impossible May 15, 2019
Human beings cannot save themselves! You can psych yourself up and determine to give it the old college try. But you will fail.
Strongest Anti-Abortion Law In US Passes Alabama Senate

Strongest Anti-Abortion Law In US Passes Alabama Senate

Life Site May 15, 2019
Legislation to ban the vast majority of abortions is on its way to Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey’s desk, after clearing its final hurdle in the state Senate Tuesday evening.
Celebrating The 1-Year Anniversary Of US Embassy In Jerusalem

Celebrating The 1-Year Anniversary Of US Embassy In Jerusalem

Arutz Sheva May 14, 2019
U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took part in a festive event Tuesday evening marking the one-year anniversary of the opening of the US embassy in Israel's capital of Jerusalem.
Mystery Deepens In Saudi Arabia Tanker Sabotage

Mystery Deepens In Saudi Arabia Tanker Sabotage

Jerusalem Post May 13, 2019
As tensions rose over the weekend between the US and Iran in the Persian Gulf, several vessels were “sabotaged” off the coast of the United Arab Emirates. 24 hours after it happened, much of what occurred was still shrouded in mystery.
The Gift Your Wife Really Wants This Mother's Day

The Gift Your Wife Really Wants This Mother's Day

Christian Post May 12, 2019
Men, what your wife wants from you this Mother’s Day is to be cherished. Far more than an expensive gift or a thoughtful card, she wants you to lead her family with her best interests in mind.
Trump's Iran Plan Working

Trump's Iran Plan Working

Breitbart May 11, 2019
The U.S. and its allies must prepare for the worst, but Iran’s announcement that it is stockpiling plutonium and enriched uranium is not proof that Trump’s policy of maximum pressure is failing. It is proof that it is working.
Colorado Shooter Hated Christians

Colorado Shooter Hated Christians

Christian Post May 10, 2019
One of the two suspects in the STEM school shooting in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, was known to make social media posts criticizing Christians “who hate gays” and President Donald Trump.
US Seizes North Korean Ship

US Seizes North Korean Ship

USA Today May 9, 2019
U.S. authorities have seized one of North Korea’s largest cargo ships in connection with a scheme to illicitly export tons of coal in violation of international sanctions. 
Islamic Jihad Leader Says War Coming This Summer

Islamic Jihad Leader Says War Coming This Summer

Ynet May 8, 2019
The Leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group believes the recent deadly flare-up between Israel and Gaza militants was a “military exercise” ahead of a large-scale war in the coming summer.
Qatar Sends $480 Million Dollars To Gaza, West Bank

Qatar Sends $480 Million Dollars To Gaza, West Bank

Jerusalem Post May 7, 2019
Qatar plans to transfer $480 million to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to alleviate the economic crisis in both areas. Hamas put out a statement from its political leader Ismail Haniyeh thanking the Emir for the planned transfer.
Significant Info About Iran Attack Preparations Came From Mossad

Significant Info About Iran Attack Preparations Came From Mossad

Arutz Sheva May 6, 2019
A significant portion of the information about Iran's preparations for a terror attack against a US target or its Gulf allies was achieved by Israeli intelligence, especially the Mossad.
Ceasefire Reached In Gaza

Ceasefire Reached In Gaza

Jerusalem Post May 5, 2019
Hamas' television and other Palestinian Arab sources reported overnight Sunday that a ceasefire had been reached with Israel, and that it went into effect at 4:30 a.m. However, Israel has not confirmed this.
Israeli Man Killed As Gaza Militants Fire 450 Rockets

Israeli Man Killed As Gaza Militants Fire 450 Rockets

Ynet May 5, 2019
A rocket fired from Gaza killed an Israeli civilian after a house in Ashkelon suffered a hit. The 58-year-old father of four is the first civilian casualty from rocket fire since 2014 Operation Protective Edge. Since Saturday, Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants fired more than 450 rockets at Israeli communities, the military said
Israeli Soldiers Hit By Palestinian Sniper

Israeli Soldiers Hit By Palestinian Sniper

Jerusalem Post May 3, 2019
Israel killed two Hamas militants in air strikes on Gaza and two Palestinian protesters were killed in clashes with Israeli forces along the enclave's border. The strike was in response to gunfire from southern Gaza that wounded two Israeli soldiers.
Abbas Asks Russia To Help Avert PA Collapse

Abbas Asks Russia To Help Avert PA Collapse

Jerusalem Post May 2, 2019
The Palestinian Authority has demanded that Russia resolve the terror-payment crisis that could lead to the PA’s collapse as it rejected a European Union compromise solution.
'US Forces On The Balls Of Our Feet'

'US Forces On The Balls Of Our Feet'

Breitbart May 1, 2019
National Security Advisor John Bolton weighed in on the turmoil in Venezuela as the situation deteriorates during May Day protesting, saying it was likely that Nicolás Maduro and his regime were hiding in a “bunker.”
Venezuela Uprising Turns Violent

Venezuela Uprising Turns Violent

CBS News April 30, 2019
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó took to the streets with a small contingent of heavily armed troops early Tuesday in a bold attempt to lead a military uprising against President Nicolas Maduro.
Sri Lanka Bans Face Coverings After Easter Sunday Attacks

Sri Lanka Bans Face Coverings After Easter Sunday Attacks

NPR April 29, 2019
Sri Lanka has banned its citizens from wearing face coverings under an emergency law, after terrorist attacks at prominent churches and upscale hotels left hundreds dead in the small island nation.
Synagogue Shooter Linked To Mosque Arson

Synagogue Shooter Linked To Mosque Arson

WFB April 28, 2019
A man who gave himself up to police shortly after carrying out a deadly shooting in a Southern California synagogue filled with Sabbath worshippers is also under investigation in connection with an unsolved mosque arson.
Fatal Shooting At California Synagogue

Fatal Shooting At California Synagogue

KNSD April 27, 2019
A woman has died after shots were fired inside a Poway, California synagogue filled with people celebrating the last day of Passover. A suspect was taken into custody approximately two miles away from the synagogue. 
IRS Recognizes Satanic Temple As ‘Church’

IRS Recognizes Satanic Temple As ‘Church’

Life Site April 26, 2019
The IRS website confirms that the Satanic Temple is now a tax-exempt organization “eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions,” but gives no further details on its status beyond being a “public charity.”
Frustrated Pilots Got Navy To Stop Dismissing UFO Sightings

Frustrated Pilots Got Navy To Stop Dismissing UFO Sightings

Philly April 25, 2019
A recent uptick in sightings of unidentified flying objects prompted the Navy to draft formal procedures for pilots to document encounters, a corrective measure that former officials say is long overdue.
Ilhan Omar Claims Jesus Was Palestinian

Ilhan Omar Claims Jesus Was Palestinian

Jerusalem Post April 24, 2019
Why does Congresswoman Ilhan Omar care? If one can say that Jesus was Palestinian 2,000 years ago, then that means the Jews are occupying Palestinian land.
Sri Lanka Was Payback For New Zealand Shooting

Sri Lanka Was Payback For New Zealand Shooting

People April 23, 2019
The coordinated bombings that killed more than 320 people in Sri Lanka were carried out “in retaliation” for the shootings at two New Zealand mosques, the country’s state minister of defense said.
US Offering $10 Million For Hezbollah Financial Info

US Offering $10 Million For Hezbollah Financial Info

Jerusalem Post April 22, 2019
It is the first time that the department is offering a reward for information regarding Hezbollah's financial networks. According to Forbes, this is the richest terror organization in the world, with an estimated annual income of $1.1 billion.
What Difference Should Easter Make In Our Lives Today?

What Difference Should Easter Make In Our Lives Today?

Charisma April 21, 2019
Christ's blood paid the debt of mankind's sins and fulfilled God's demand for justice, providing salvation for all people. All those putting their trust in the risen Savior, the promised Redeemer, receive eternal life with Him.
Jared Kushner Calls UNRWA Corrupt

Jared Kushner Calls UNRWA Corrupt

Arutz Sheva April 20, 2019
In the email, which was sent in January 2018 to senior White House officials, Kushner called the United Nations (UN) Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) "corrupt and inefficient," and emphasized that it "doesn't help peace."
Venezuela Losing Its Only Remaining Hope Of Salvaging Its Socialist Economy

Venezuela Losing Its Only Remaining Hope Of Salvaging Its Socialist Economy

CBN April 18, 2019
Just when it seemed the socialist meltdown in Venezuela couldn't get any worse, the nation's vital oil industry could be nearing total collapse. 
'Black Metal' May Have Been Behind Louisiana Church Arsons

'Black Metal' May Have Been Behind Louisiana Church Arsons

Christian News April 17, 2019
A 21-year-old Louisiana man has been arrested in the fiery destruction of three African-American churches that occurred within a 10-day span. Police are looking into the man’s interest in “black metal” as a possible influence as it pertains to its history of torching churches.
Cross, Crown Of Thorns Miraculously Survive Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

Cross, Crown Of Thorns Miraculously Survive Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

CH April 16, 2019
A devastating fire raged through Paris’ beloved Notre Dame Cathedral, destroying hundreds of years of history, but miraculously sparing the crown of thorns believed to have been placed on Jesus’ head and a cross at the altar.
'Deal Of The Century' Will Not Include Palestinian Statehood

'Deal Of The Century' Will Not Include Palestinian Statehood

Jerusalem Post April 15, 2019
The Trump administration's peace plan will reportedly include "practical proposals" for improving the lives of Palestinians, but it will probably stop short of recommending the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state alongside Israel.
Love Bleeding

Love Bleeding April 14, 2019
Sometimes “love bleeds.” What good is it if it won’t? How real is it if it refuses?
What Is Socialism?

What Is Socialism?

American Thinker April 14, 2019
What is the purpose of socialism? The great minds of antiquity often dreamed of a community or state that would be the epitome of fairness, justice, and prosperity. The truth is, socialism is the dead end of the evolution of humanity. It has to be avoided at all costs. 
Brazil President Says Holocaust Can Be Forgiven

Brazil President Says Holocaust Can Be Forgiven

Arutz Sheva April 13, 2019
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro drew veiled rebukes from Israel after saying the Nazi genocide of the Jews during World War Two could be forgiven.
US Democratic Lawmakers Warn Netanyahu Against Sovereignty

US Democratic Lawmakers Warn Netanyahu Against Sovereignty

Arutz Sheva April 12, 2019
Four top US Democratic lawmakers warned Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu not to apply sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.
Is Iran Winning In Yemen?

Is Iran Winning In Yemen?

Gatestone Institute April 11, 2019
The ongoing war in Yemen has increased the Houthis dependence on weapons and financial support from Iran, whose position in Yemen is stronger than ever.
Rattlesnake Lodge

Rattlesnake Lodge April 10, 2019
When we first see Satan in the Bible, it is as a serpent. His goal then was the same as it is now. He attacks God by attacking God’s word. 
Trump To Release Peace Plan After New Coalition Formed

Trump To Release Peace Plan After New Coalition Formed

Arutz Sheva April 10, 2019
Aides to President Donald Trump expect the president to release his peace plan for Israel and the Palestinian Authority once Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu forms a coalition.
Hamas Gaza Chief Threatens Tel Aviv Amid Truce Talks

Hamas Gaza Chief Threatens Tel Aviv Amid Truce Talks

Breitbart April 8, 2019
Hamas’s chief in Gaza said that if there is a war, Israel will need to evacuate its civilians from Tel Aviv as well as the border communities, a day after the terror group’s leader said talks to achieve a truce were advancing.
Iran Threatens US Troops In Middle East

Iran Threatens US Troops In Middle East

Jerusalem Post April 7, 2019
Iranian Major General Mohammed Ali Jafari warned that US troops could be targets in response to reports that the US would list the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a designated terrorist organization. Jafari is the head of the IRGC.
Netanyahu Vows To Annex West Bank Settlements If Re-Elected

Netanyahu Vows To Annex West Bank Settlements If Re-Elected

BBC News April 6, 2019
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will annex Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank if he is re-elected. 
Syria Vows To Recapture Golan From Israel ‘By All Means’

Syria Vows To Recapture Golan From Israel ‘By All Means’

Times Of Israel April 5, 2019
As protests against US recognition of Israeli sovereignty continue across war-torn country, FM Muallem promises to ‘liberate every inch’ of its territories. 
Farrakhan: Jesus Was 2,000 Years Too Early To Destroy The Jews

Farrakhan: Jesus Was 2,000 Years Too Early To Destroy The Jews

Arutz Sheva April 4, 2019
Farrakhan said that "God does not love this world. God never sent Jesus to die for this world. Jesus died because he was 2,000 years too soon to bring about the end of the civilization of the Jews. He never was on a cross, there was no Calvary for that Jesus."
NATO Chief: Trump's Push For More Defense Spending Is Working

NATO Chief: Trump's Push For More Defense Spending Is Working

FOX News April 3, 2019
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, in a historic address to Congress, declared that President Trump’s push for NATO allies to increase their defense spending has “had an impact” and made the alliance stronger.
Chinese Woman Carrying ‘Malware’ Arrested At Mar-a-Lago

Chinese Woman Carrying ‘Malware’ Arrested At Mar-a-Lago

FOX News April 2, 2019
A woman illegally entered President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club while in Florida over the weekend while carrying four cellphones, a laptop computer, an external hard drive and a thumb drive containing computer malware.
Islamic Jihad Planning Attack On Israel

Islamic Jihad Planning Attack On Israel

Jerusalem Post April 1, 2019
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group is preparing a “significant” terrorist attack to undermine the ceasefire arrangement between Israel and Hamas. Security forces have noticed “unusual” activity by the group’s military wing.
Communism In Our Schools And Our Politics

Communism In Our Schools And Our Politics

American Thinker March 31, 2019
Opposition to the Democrats must then be couched in a biblical, pro-Christ agenda to be valid. Political aspirations will fail the country if not built on the foundation of Jesus Christ.
Update: Two Dead In Massive Gaza Protests

Update: Two Dead In Massive Gaza Protests

FOX News March 30, 2019
At least two teenagers have been killed in clashes with Israeli military as tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered at the Israeli border to mark a year of the protest movement.
Could Trump's Plan Resemble One State Solution?

Could Trump's Plan Resemble One State Solution?

Jerusalem Post March 29, 2019
This week, in speeches to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, it became clear that the plan will likely not accommodate a Palestinian state, or at least the sovereignty that attaches to statehood.
Is America Defiled?

Is America Defiled?

American Thinker March 28, 2019
On a busy street corner in my home town stood a Planned Parenthood clinic, a two-story building where babies lost their lives to family planning. The defilement of America is not just because of evil politicians or toxic waste. It’s a spiritual problem, and that part can only have a spiritual solution.
DOJ Backs Killing Of Obamacare

DOJ Backs Killing Of Obamacare

Frontpage Mag March 27, 2019
The Department of Justice announced that it will back the court’s landmark decision, escalating the Trump administration’s attacks on the un-American 2010 legislation that nationalized a huge chunk of the nation’s economy.
Netanyahu Has Plan to End Syria Crisis, Sans Iran

Netanyahu Has Plan to End Syria Crisis, Sans Iran

Newsmax March 26, 2019
A proposal to resolve the Syria crisis was presented by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Russia and the United States, a trilateral approach which boots Iran out of the country. 
Israel Strikes Secret Hamas Headquarters

Israel Strikes Secret Hamas Headquarters

Jerusalem Post March 25, 2019
The Israeli airstrike began striking targets across the Gaza Strip Monday evening in response to a long-range rocket struck a civilian home in central Israel some 12 hours earlier.
Russia Unveils AI Robot Ground Force

Russia Unveils AI Robot Ground Force

Express March 24, 2019
Russia has now released a video showcasing the state's terrifying drone technology. This includes an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-controlled driverless tank about to follow the aim of a soldier's rifle to terminate targets with its own powerful weaponry.
The Silencing Of The Lambs

The Silencing Of The Lambs

One News Now March 23, 2019
There has always been one end-game for the radical left: the silencing of dissenting voices, in particular conservative Christian voices. The radical left is not simply interested in winning in the marketplace of ideas. It is not simply interested in changing hearts and minds. It is ultimately interested in silencing the opposition.
100% Eliminated

100% Eliminated

Associated Press March 22, 2019
President Donald Trump said Friday “it’s about time” that the group no longer controlled territory in the region, after a campaign by U.S. and coalition forces that spanned five years and two U.S. presidencies, unleashed more than 100,000 bombs and killed untold numbers of civilians.
Trump Recognizes The High Ground Reality

Trump Recognizes The High Ground Reality

Washington Examiner March 21, 2019
Trump has effectively formalized what everyone already knew, that the Golan Heights, which Israel seized following a 1967 Syrian-Egyptian-Jordanian effort to annihilate it, were unlikely to be Syrian again for a very long time.
Netanyahu, Pompeo Vow To Work Together To Counter Iran

Netanyahu, Pompeo Vow To Work Together To Counter Iran

Arutz Sheva March 20, 2019
"You've been an extraordinary champion of the US-Israel alliance," Netanyahu told Pompeo. "I want to thank you and President Trump for everything that you've been doing to support this partnership."
Ariel Terrorist Neutralized

Ariel Terrorist Neutralized

Arutz Sheva March 19, 2019
The terrorist who murdered 2 Israelis in a shooting and stabbing attack on Sunday has been neutralized after engaging in a shootout with security forces near Ramalllah. The IDF blew up the house in which the terrorist was hiding, and 11 Arabs were injured as a result of exchanges of fire with the terrorist.
Is More Gun Control The Answer In New Zealand?

Is More Gun Control The Answer In New Zealand?

American Thinker March 18, 2019
This is the same response after every mass shooting. It sounds good and resonates with an emotionally wounded population, but will it be effective in preventing another such incident or is it simply virtue signaling?
Recognizing Poverty

Recognizing Poverty March 17, 2019
People who see themselves as “okay,” won’t turn to Jesus as Savior because they don’t see the need. But the Bible is clear. We all need Jesus because we’re all sinners.
Group Seeking To Overthrow Kim Behind North Korea Embassy Raid In Spain

Group Seeking To Overthrow Kim Behind North Korea Embassy Raid In Spain

Reuters March 16, 2019
A dissident organization committed to overthrowing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was behind a raid on the North Korean embassy in Spain last month.
'One Of New Zealand's Darkest Days'

'One Of New Zealand's Darkest Days'

Yahoo March 15, 2019
At least 49 people were killed and dozens more injured in mass shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Islam vs Everyone

Islam vs Everyone March 14, 2019
We must remember that Islam is not just a religion.  It is also a political system — a blueprint for government.
50 Iranian Drones Conduct 'Way To Jerusalem' Exercise

50 Iranian Drones Conduct 'Way To Jerusalem' Exercise

Jerusalem Post March 14, 2019
The point of the drill is to showcase Iran’s military prowess. It comes in the wake of a large naval drill in February and frequent new tests of ballistic missiles.
Democrats Fail To Stand Against Antisemitism

Democrats Fail To Stand Against Antisemitism

Newsmax March 13, 2019
After the massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh last year, it really shouldn’t be a struggle to condemn anti-Semitism. In fact, after the Holocaust, there shouldn’t be any heavy moral lifting at all.
Firebomb Attack Closes Temple Mount

Firebomb Attack Closes Temple Mount

Jerusalem Post March 12, 2019
The clashes erupted shortly before 2 pm after a fire erupted inside a police post on the compound, also known as Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary).
Jordan's King Abdullah In US To Discuss Temple Mount Conflict

Jordan's King Abdullah In US To Discuss Temple Mount Conflict

i24 March 11, 2019
Jordanian King Abdullah II will meet with US Vice President Mike Pence on Monday as the White House continues their efforts to drum up support for the reportedly imminent Middle East peace plan.
Massive Power Outages In Venezuela Turn Deadly

Massive Power Outages In Venezuela Turn Deadly

New York Post March 10, 2019
Reuters reports that international non-governmental organizations estimate that at least 17 people have died, nine of whom were waiting for emergency medical attention
Hezbollah: Israel Is Scared Of War

Hezbollah: Israel Is Scared Of War

Jerusalem Post March 9, 2019
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that Israel is scared of another war with his Lebanese Shiite group and that the United States has placed sanctions because they have “failed in their military campaigns.”
Activity At 2nd North Korean Missile Site Indicates Possible Launch Preparations

Activity At 2nd North Korean Missile Site Indicates Possible Launch Preparations

NPR March 8, 2019
Commercial satellite imagery of a facility near Pyongyang suggests that North Korea is preparing to launch a missile or space rocket in the near future.
Omar's Jew Hate Gone Wild

Omar's Jew Hate Gone Wild

Frontpage Mag March 7, 2019
The Democrat freshman Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) has proven again and again her anti-Semitic bent by caricaturing American citizens who support Israel of harboring dual loyalties.
Eternal Hallelujah

Eternal Hallelujah March 6, 2019
Why would Jesus bother to die a horribly painful, cruel, and humiliating death on the cross if we could be good enough on our own?
Full Scale Brawl

Full Scale Brawl

Townhall March 6, 2019
Once again Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has found herself entangled peddling trash talking points that many have rightfully said is grounded in anti-Semitism.
North Korean Hackers Targeted US Critical Infrastructure During Summit

North Korean Hackers Targeted US Critical Infrastructure During Summit

Independent March 5, 2019
A Cybersecurity firm says the attacks began a year and a half ago amid heightened tensions between Washington and Pyongyang. 
Mass Arrests Of Christians Continue

Mass Arrests Of Christians Continue

Christian Post March 4, 2019
Nearly 50 more members, including 11 kids, of a Chinese megachurch closed down by the communist government in December were arrested at two different venues last Sunday.
US To Merge Jerusalem Consulate With Embassy On Monday

US To Merge Jerusalem Consulate With Embassy On Monday

Arutz Sheva March 3, 2019
The United States is expected to move ahead with a downgrade of its mission to Palestinian Arabs on Monday by merging its Jerusalem consulate with the embassy to Israel.
Germany Refuses To Ban Hezbollah

Germany Refuses To Ban Hezbollah

Jerusalem Post March 2, 2019
After the United Kingdom outlawed all of the terrorist entity Hezbollah last week, Germany’s government refused to ban the political wing of the Lebanese Shi’ite organization.
Bin Laden's Son Emerges As New Al Qaeda Leader

Bin Laden's Son Emerges As New Al Qaeda Leader

USA Today March 1, 2019
The US State Department has posted a reward of up to $1 million for an "identification or location" which helps them capture Osama bin Laden's son, senior al Qaeda operative Hamza bin Laden.
Netanyahu Unfazed By Indictment

Netanyahu Unfazed By Indictment

Jerusalem Post February 28, 2019
Only the voters will decide if I remain in office, not bureaucrats, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said after the Attorney General announced his intention to indict the premier on multiple charges of fraud and breach of trust, and one bribery charge.
Facebook Bans Tommy Robinson For Sounding The Alarm About Radical Islam

Facebook Bans Tommy Robinson For Sounding The Alarm About Radical Islam

CBN February 27, 2019
Facebook has banned conservative political activist Tommy Robinson, the founder of the English Defense League, for his repeated criticism of Islam and the mainstream media.
Trump And Kim To Have Dinner Before Series Of Official Talks

Trump And Kim To Have Dinner Before Series Of Official Talks

Newsmax February 26, 2019
Redefining success, President Trump headed to his second meeting with Kim Jong Un, determined to tamp down expectations that he'll achieve big strides toward denuclearization. 
US Peace Plan Will Focus On Borders

US Peace Plan Will Focus On Borders

Israel Hayom February 26, 2019
Jared Kushner unveiled the general themes of President Trump's peace plan, saying it would put a big emphasis on improving the conditions of both Israelis and Palestinians.
Maduro's Connections To Hezbollah

Maduro's Connections To Hezbollah

Jerusalem Post February 25, 2019
The former head of Venezuela’s intelligence services revealed powerful ties between President Maduro and the terrorist group.
Venezuela Threatened To Open Fire On US-Financed Aid Ship

Venezuela Threatened To Open Fire On US-Financed Aid Ship

CBS News February 24, 2019
A Venezuelan Navy vessel threatened to "open fire" on a ship carrying humanitarian aid that was dispatched and financed by Puerto Rico's government.
Hal Lindsey: The Hellfire Preachers Of The Climate Change Church

Hal Lindsey: The Hellfire Preachers Of The Climate Change Church

WND February 24, 2019
Last week, 4,000 participants from 140 nations gathered in Dubai for the annual World Government Summit where actor Harrison Ford called global warming a moral crisis. 
President Trump To Cut $60 Million From Planned Parenthood

President Trump To Cut $60 Million From Planned Parenthood

Life Site February 23, 2019
The Trump administration released its long-awaited action expected to reduce Planned Parenthood’s federal tax subsidies.
Arabs Gather Outside Closed Temple Mount Gate

Arabs Gather Outside Closed Temple Mount Gate

Arutz Sheva February 22, 2019
Jerusalem Arabs pray near Gate of Mercy to protest its continued closure by Israeli authorities.
China Uses DNA To Track Its People

China Uses DNA To Track Its People

Fortune February 21, 2019
A US biotechnology giant has decided to stop selling genetic sequencing equipment to the Chinese who have used it to persecute the local Muslim population.
US Court Resuscitates Genocide Case Against Israel Supporters

US Court Resuscitates Genocide Case Against Israel Supporters

Jerusalem Post February 20, 2019
A group of Palestinians are seeking civil damages claiming support for genocide against tycoon Sheldon Adelson, and megachurch pastor John Hagee.
Thousands March In Memory Of Ori Ansbacher

Thousands March In Memory Of Ori Ansbacher

Arutz Sheva February 19, 2019
2,000 gathered in Jerusalem for 'City of Light' march in memory of Israeli teen slain in brutal stabbing.
Playing With Fire

Playing With Fire

Jerusalem Post February 18, 2019
The Palestinian Authority warned that Israel was “playing with fire” after clashes erupted at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem over the closure of the Golden Gate site, also known as the Gate of Mercy, to Muslim worshipers. 
Days Most Excellent!

Days Most Excellent! February 17, 2019
I’m concerned when Christian ministers tell people to stay away from the topic of prophecy.  But I’m also concerned when precious brothers and sisters in Christ look at prophecy with terror.  How do we wait for the Lord?  Eagerly!  How do we feel about the Lord’s appearing?  We love it!
Republic Or Monarchy?

Republic Or Monarchy? February 16, 2019
Ben Franklin once said we have a republic, if we can keep it. And that has been the question ever since. Can we keep it?
President Trump Calls Late-Term Abortion ‘Execution’

President Trump Calls Late-Term Abortion ‘Execution’

CH February 16, 2019
President Trump said every child that is born is created in the image of God and all deserve the right to reach their full potential. 
Trump Blasts Media For Ignoring Americans Killed By Illegal Aliens

Trump Blasts Media For Ignoring Americans Killed By Illegal Aliens

Townhall February 15, 2019
Speaking from the Rose Garden, President Trump made his case for declaring a national emergency and blasted the media for failing to cover Americans killed by illegal aliens.
President Trump To Declare National Emergency

President Trump To Declare National Emergency

Newsmax February 14, 2019
The president has said that move would give him power to divert money from other budget projects into wall building. 
Jews Should Abandon The Democratic Party

Jews Should Abandon The Democratic Party

FOX News February 13, 2019
'Apologies are no longer enough. That is why I am calling on my fellow Jews to join me in pulling our support from the Democratic Party.'
Ilhan Omar's Non-Apology

Ilhan Omar's Non-Apology

Frontpage Mag February 12, 2019
Will she make more anti-Semitic statements? Will the sun rise? Omar’s apology was more of an admission that she had gotten caught than a sign of a genuine change of heart.
Ilhan Omar Is An Anti-Semite, Do Democrats Care?

Ilhan Omar Is An Anti-Semite, Do Democrats Care?

Washington Examiner February 11, 2019
That Rep. Ilhan Omar, has made another statement peddling an anti-Semitic trope on Twitter wasn't particularly surprising. Her anti-Semitism has been obvious to any honest observer ever since she became a public figure. 
New Muslim US Lawmakers Back BDS

New Muslim US Lawmakers Back BDS

Ynet February 10, 2019
The support for a boycott of Israel by the first two Muslim women in the US Congress has opened a breach in the Democratic Party.
Palestinian Suspect In Israeli Woman's Murder Arrested

Palestinian Suspect In Israeli Woman's Murder Arrested

Jerusalem Post February 9, 2019
The Israeli Police arrested a Palestinian man near Ramallah over the weekend suspected of brutally murdering Ori Ansbacher, 19.
Amnesty International Exposed

Amnesty International Exposed

Arutz Sheva February 8, 2019
Amnesty International has been exposed as an anti-Semitic movement which officially endorses the BDS movement against Israel.
Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

Washington Times February 7, 2019
“Let’s be clear, the Green New Deal is a trojan horse for socialism,” said the House GOP statement. “This resolution makes promises of new jobs, free college, and prosperity while calling for policies that we know will bankrupt our economy."
Recognizing Juan Guaidó Is An Embrace Of Democracy

Recognizing Juan Guaidó Is An Embrace Of Democracy

Foreign Policy February 6, 2019
Treating the Maduro regime as illegitimate, sanctioning its top officials, and sending aid despite a blockade will hasten its demise and speed the transition to democratic governance.
NKorea Trying to Protect Nuclear, Missile Capabilities

NKorea Trying to Protect Nuclear, Missile Capabilities

Newsmax February 5, 2019
North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs remain intact and the country is working to make sure those capabilities cannot be destroyed by any military strikes.
BDS: Terrorists In Suits

BDS: Terrorists In Suits

Ynet February 4, 2019
Palestinian terror organizations, such as Hamas and the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), have infiltrated civil society organizations in recent years in order to advance the boycott of Israel as part of the overall strategy of its struggle against Israel.
Venezuelan General Becomes First High-Ranking Official To Defect

Venezuelan General Becomes First High-Ranking Official To Defect

NY Post February 3, 2019
A Venezuelan air force general became the country’s first senior military official to defect, announcing support for mass protests to oust the socialist dictator.
Putin Killed Nuclear Treaty

Putin Killed Nuclear Treaty

Washington Examiner February 2, 2019
The Trump administration was right to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. But it's inaccurate to say the U.S. is scrapping the treaty. Russia scrapped it years ago.
US Withdrawing From Nuclear Arms Control Treaty With Russia

US Withdrawing From Nuclear Arms Control Treaty With Russia

Newsmax February 1, 2019
Mike Pompeo announced that the US will withdraw from the landmark 1987 arms control accord in six months if Moscow does not end its alleged violation of the pact.
Venezuela Detains Foreign Journalists Amid Crackdown On Protests

Venezuela Detains Foreign Journalists Amid Crackdown On Protests

Al Jazeera January 31, 2019
Venezuela has arrested foreign journalists and a driver in the latest arrests of reporters covering US-backed efforts to overthrow President Maduro.
What Russia Stands To Lose In Venezuela

What Russia Stands To Lose In Venezuela

Al Jazeera January 30, 2019
Putin has vowed to support his South American "strategic partner" and warned of the "catastrophic" consequences if the US were to send military assistance.
Life Threatening Cold

Life Threatening Cold

WGN January 29, 2019
Extremely cold, potentially record-breaking temperatures threaten the Midwest after a powerful snowstorm pounded the region overnight.
US Agrees To Outlines Of Peace Deal With Taliban

US Agrees To Outlines Of Peace Deal With Taliban

National Review January 28, 2019
The US has agreed to the outlines of a peace deal with the Taliban that includes the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in exchange for a guarantee that terrorist groups will not be permitted to take route in the vacated region.
Hezbollah: We Have Been Able To Enter Israel For Years

Hezbollah: We Have Been Able To Enter Israel For Years

CNA January 27, 2019
Hezbollah's leader added the group now had precision rockets that could strike deep into Israel.
Thousands Of Gazans Riot Along Border Fence

Thousands Of Gazans Riot Along Border Fence

Arutz Sheva January 26, 2019
The violent riots along the Gaza border continued, after Hamas threatened to “immediately retaliate” to any Israeli “aggression”.
IDF Accuses Islamic Jihad Of Undermining Gaza Calm

IDF Accuses Islamic Jihad Of Undermining Gaza Calm

Times Of Israel January 25, 2019
The Israeli military accused the Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group of efforts to “destabilize” the situation in the Gaza Strip.
Turkey And Russia Agree To Coordinate Actions In Syria

Turkey And Russia Agree To Coordinate Actions In Syria

Arutz Sheva January 24, 2019
Putin and Erdogan meet in Moscow in the wake of US decision to withdraw forces from Syria.
US Recognizes Opposition Leader Who Declares Himself New President

US Recognizes Opposition Leader Who Declares Himself New President

Bradenton Herald January 23, 2019
Juan Guaidó declared himself interim president of Venezuela, called for new elections and put himself on a collision course with Nicolás Maduro.
Supreme Court Allows Enforcement Of Trump's Military Transgender Ban

Supreme Court Allows Enforcement Of Trump's Military Transgender Ban

WND January 22, 2019
The Supreme Court will allow President Trump’s ban on transgender people in the military to go into effect in a 5-4 decision
Martin Luther King Was A Zionist

Martin Luther King Was A Zionist

Arutz Sheva January 21, 2019
Martin Luther King Jr. once said "When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, You are talking anti-Semitism." 
Russia Sets Up Nuclear Missiles Near Ukraine Border

Russia Sets Up Nuclear Missiles Near Ukraine Border

Express January 20, 2019
Russia has deployed an arsenal of nuclear missiles close to the border of Ukraine.
2019: What's Next?

2019: What's Next? January 19, 2019
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in dramatic, even spectacular ways. That’s good news because it means that the return of Jesus is getting closer. But the Bible makes it clear that the buildup to Christ’s return will be anything but pleasant. At some point, those of us who are in Christ will be raptured out of here. But between now and the rapture, difficulties will increase. America’s power and influence may be destroyed even sooner than we had imagined. 
The Resurfacing Of European Colonialism

The Resurfacing Of European Colonialism

Jerusalem Post January 19, 2019
Is Europe increasingly behaving in neocolonialist ways?
Prophecy and You

Prophecy and You January 19, 2019
When it comes to prophecy, your friends may say they’ve heard it all before. But that, too, is a sign of the end times.
Trump: I Will Veto Any Bill That Promotes Abortion

Trump: I Will Veto Any Bill That Promotes Abortion

Life News January 18, 2019
President Donald Trump promised thousands of pro-life advocates at the March for Life that he will veto any legislation that may weaken federal pro-life policy.
Northern War? The Conflict That May Force Israel To Invade Iran

Northern War? The Conflict That May Force Israel To Invade Iran

CBN January 17, 2019
The nation of Israel must be ready to confront Iran directly and invade the Islamic Republic to stop it from forcing its way into Syria.
North Korea's Hidden Artillery Threatens Tens Of Millions Of People

North Korea's Hidden Artillery Threatens Tens Of Millions Of People

National Interest January 16, 2019
By 2020 North Korea could possess as many as 100 nuclear warheads, allowing it to pursue war strategies that could hold South Korea and the US hostage.
Failed Iranian Satellite Launch Was An Attempt To Develop ICBM

Failed Iranian Satellite Launch Was An Attempt To Develop ICBM

i24 January 15, 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu said that Iran's failed attempt to launch a satellite into orbit was a first stage in an effort to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile and warned that Israel would continue its offensive policy against Tehran's entrenchment in Syria.
Where Has Hassan Nasrallah Gone?

Where Has Hassan Nasrallah Gone?

Ynet January 14, 2019
The leader of Hezbollah hasn't been seen for over two months, prompting many to speculate about his health, which some say has been swiftly deteriorating.
White House Ordered Plans Prepared For Iran Strike

White House Ordered Plans Prepared For Iran Strike

Times Of Israel January 13, 2019
Following a September mortar attack near the US embassy in Baghdad that Washington blamed on Iran, John Bolton and the NSC he leads requested that the Pentagon provide options for striking Iran.
Islam Enters US Congress

Islam Enters US Congress

American Thinker January 12, 2019
The two newly elected Muslim darlings of the Democratic Party have more ego than intellect and more hatred for Israel than love for America.
Texas Republicans Fear Sharia Creep In State Party

Texas Republicans Fear Sharia Creep In State Party

FOX News January 11, 2019
'We don’t think he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair,' precinct chairman Dorrie O’Brien posted online. 'not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable.'
US Backs Israel’s Efforts To ‘Stop Tehran From Turning Syria Into The Next Lebanon’

US Backs Israel’s Efforts To ‘Stop Tehran From Turning Syria Into The Next Lebanon’

Algemeiner January 10, 2019
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated America’s backing of Israel’s efforts to counter Iran in the region.
Let's Build The Mending Wall

Let's Build The Mending Wall

AT January 9, 2019
Walls themselves are not good or bad. No walls will be judged by God someday for their sins. But the people who make them – or don’t make them – will indeed be judged.
Turkey Rejects Bolton's Claim That Kurds Will Be Spared

Turkey Rejects Bolton's Claim That Kurds Will Be Spared

CNBC January 8, 2019
Turkey's President Erdogan issued a blunt put-down against John Bolton over his pledges to ensure Turkish nonaggression against Kurds who fought against ISIS.
Trump Peace Plan To Be Delayed For Several Months

Trump Peace Plan To Be Delayed For Several Months

Jerusalem Post January 6, 2019
The "deal of the century" will be delayed for several months.
Abbas: I Will Not End My Life As A Traitor

Abbas: I Will Not End My Life As A Traitor

Jerusalem Post January 5, 2019
Mahmoud Abbas said that he means to re-examine agreements signed with Israel, even considering ending them.
Court Rules In Favor Of Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

Court Rules In Favor Of Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

Life Site January 4, 2019
The Trump administration should be allowed to implement its ban on individuals suffering from gender dysphoria serving in the military, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.
Iran Ready To Train Palestinian Forces

Iran Ready To Train Palestinian Forces

Radio Farda January 3, 2019
Iran's Police Chief has told the Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader that his forces are prepared to offer training to the "Palestinian Resistance Front."
Iran Asks Israel And US To 'Withdraw From The Earth'

Iran Asks Israel And US To 'Withdraw From The Earth'

Jerusalem Post January 2, 2019
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif mockingly suggested that Israel and the US should leave planet Earth, in a tweet after the two countries withdrew from the UN’s cultural agency on Monday.
US And Israel Leave UNESCO

US And Israel Leave UNESCO

Times Of Israel January 1, 2019
UN cultural agency’s efforts to convince Washington and Jerusalem fail; ‘we aren’t going to be a member of an organization that deliberately acts against us,’ Israeli envoy says
Facebook Apologizes To Franklin Graham For Temporary Ban

Facebook Apologizes To Franklin Graham For Temporary Ban

Christian Post December 31, 2018
Facebook apologized to Rev. Franklin Graham for temporarily banning his page over a 2016 post about transgender bathroom use and Bruce Springsteen.
Putin Moves Supersonic Nuclear Bombers To Covert Caribbean Base

Putin Moves Supersonic Nuclear Bombers To Covert Caribbean Base

Express December 30, 2018
US officials are on alert after Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed plans to send supersonic nuclear bombers to its closest military base to the American mainland.
PC Culture Getting In Way As Christianity On Verge Of Extinction From Birthplace

PC Culture Getting In Way As Christianity On Verge Of Extinction From Birthplace

Christian Post December 29, 2018
Political correctness should not get in the way of action aimed at helping Christians on the verge of extinction in the Middle East.
New Caravan Forms

New Caravan Forms

Newsmax December 28, 2018
A caravan of migrants, estimated at up to 15,000 people, is set to depart from Honduras in mid-January a few months after the previous caravan.
Trump: Israel Can Defend Itself

Trump: Israel Can Defend Itself

Jerusalem Post December 27, 2018
“I spoke with Bibi,” Trump continued. “I told Bibi, ‘you know we give Israel 4.5 billion dollars a year. And they are doing very well at defending themselves.”
Russian Sub Could Trigger A Tsunami

Russian Sub Could Trigger A Tsunami

Express December 26, 2018
Russia is trialling a nuclear-capable drone capable of triggering deadly 300ft high tsunamis capable of devastating US coastal cities such as Los Angeles and San Diego.
The War On Christmas

The War On Christmas

American Thinker December 25, 2018
One of the fashionable memes of the season offered by our more educated elite is the mocking of “the war on Christmas.” In their view, Christmas faces little meaningful social constraint.
Netanyahu's Coalition Collapses

Netanyahu's Coalition Collapses

Jerusalem Post December 24, 2018
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the parties in his coalition decided to disperse the Knesset this week and initiate an early general election in April 9th. "With God's help, we will win," Netanyahu said.
Hundreds Dead In Indonesia Tsunami

Hundreds Dead In Indonesia Tsunami

ABC News December 23, 2018
Scores were left dead and hundreds more injured in Indonesia as a tsunami hit the island nation following a volcanic eruption.
Bedlam At The Border

Bedlam At The Border December 22, 2018
The Bible’s description of the end times shows a world where massive waves of migration will be increasingly common.
The Upsides Of Trump's Decision

The Upsides Of Trump's Decision

Jerusalem Post December 22, 2018
On its face, Trump’s announcement that he is pulling US forces out of Syria seems like an unfriendly act toward Israel. But it isn’t.
Christmas Lost and Found

Christmas Lost and Found December 22, 2018
Almost everyone occasionally feels a kind of emptiness during the holiday season.  Part of the problem is that our expectations for Christmas are so high.  We are flooded with a tsunami of advertising where people find perfect joy and fulfillment because of the gifts they buy or receive.  Gift giving is a great part of Christmas — especially if it reminds us of the ultimate Gift.  But ever newer and better products will not satisfy the yearning for a real Christmas.
A Predictable Move

A Predictable Move

Israel Hayom December 21, 2018
For Israel, America's disengagement was predictable and could provide Iran with greater room to maneuver and engage in threatening actions. 
Israel To Increase Its Efforts Against Iran In Syria

Israel To Increase Its Efforts Against Iran In Syria

JP December 20, 2018
"We will continue to act in Syria to prevent Iran’s effort to militarily entrench itself against us. We are not reducing our efforts, we will increase our efforts,” Netanyahu said.
How Do We Prevent America From Getting A Jeremy Corbyn?

How Do We Prevent America From Getting A Jeremy Corbyn?

JP December 19, 2018
The question is especially important in light of the rise of serious Israel critics such as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders as possible Democratic presidential nominees.
Nikki Haley's Parting Shot

Nikki Haley's Parting Shot

Arutz Sheva December 18, 2018
Haley slammed the U.N. as “hopelessly biased” against Israel in what is likely to be her last appearance at the Security Council -- and teased the Trump administration's Middle East peace plan.
Russia To Acquire 100 New Nuclear Missiles

Russia To Acquire 100 New Nuclear Missiles

Express December 17, 2018
Russia will receive roughly 100 new pieces of armament including thermonuclear armed intercontinental ballistic missiles by the end of 2018.
Fourth Hezbollah Tunnel Found

Fourth Hezbollah Tunnel Found

Israel Hayom December 16, 2018
The tunnel was discovered as part of Operation ‎Northern Shield, launched by the IDF to ‎expose and neutralize Hezbollah tunnels ‎snaking across the border into Israel under the security fence.
Russian Tanks Massing On Ukraine Border

Russian Tanks Massing On Ukraine Border

Express December 15, 2018
Latest satellite imagery shows hundreds of Russian tanks just over 10 miles from the Ukraine border.
Bad Medicine

Bad Medicine

Washington Free Breacon December 14, 2018
Despite 100 years of research, baby stem cells have yet to live up to the miracle cures researchers have promised.
Two Dead In West Bank Terror Attack

Two Dead In West Bank Terror Attack

JTA December 13, 2018
Two Israelis were killed and two seriously injured in a second shooting attack near a bus stop in the West Bank.
Drive-By Shooting Shows Palestinian Statehood Is A Bad Idea

Drive-By Shooting Shows Palestinian Statehood Is A Bad Idea

Frontpage Mag December 12, 2018
7 Israeli civilians were wounded after Palestinian terrorists in a white sedan sprayed a group of people waiting at a bus stop with automatic machine gun fire. 
Hezbollah Wages Psychological War Against The IDF

Hezbollah Wages Psychological War Against The IDF

Ynet December 11, 2018
Hezbollah has been releasing footage of IDF troops, while Israel published a recording of the sounds of tunnel diggings.
Planned Parenthood Gets Win In The Supreme Court

Planned Parenthood Gets Win In The Supreme Court

Life News December 10, 2018
The Supreme Court will not hear Kansas and Louisiana’s appeals defending their efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, effectively forcing taxpayer funding of abortion to continue.
'We Will Send Lebanon To The Stone Age'

'We Will Send Lebanon To The Stone Age'

Arutz Sheva December 9, 2018
"We must trust the IDF and its strength, we know what to do. It does not mean that we want a war, but if we have one, we will return Lebanon to the Stone Age."
Hamas: A Slap In The Face Of America

Hamas: A Slap In The Face Of America

FOX News December 9, 2018
Hamas taunted the U.S. after the U.N. failed this week to adopt a U.S. resolution condemning the group’s rocket attacks against Israel.
Iran's Global Network Of Fake News Websites Exposed

Iran's Global Network Of Fake News Websites Exposed

Newsmax December 8, 2018
Many of the sites have names that include buzz words within the news industry, an easy sell for Iranian propagandists.
Russia Throwing Venezuela A Lifeline

Russia Throwing Venezuela A Lifeline

Miami Herald December 7, 2018
As Washington tries to build an economic wall around Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro keeps digging tunnels.
Israel Discovers Second Hezbollah Tunnel Leading Into Israel

Israel Discovers Second Hezbollah Tunnel Leading Into Israel

Jerusalem Post December 6, 2018
An IDF commander demanded that UNIFIL neutralize the tunnels on the Lebanon border.
Transgender Man Is Favorite To Win Miss Universe

Transgender Man Is Favorite To Win Miss Universe

CH December 5, 2018
Miss Spain Ángela Ponce, who was born male, is the favorite to win Miss Universe according to the gambling odds.
Israel Targets Hezbollah Terror Tunnels

Israel Targets Hezbollah Terror Tunnels

BBC News December 4, 2018
Israel says it is blocking tunnels dug into its territory by Hezbollah which were to be used to take Israeli citizens hostage.
148 Nations Disavow Jewish Ties To Temple Mount

148 Nations Disavow Jewish Ties To Temple Mount

Jerusalem Post December 2, 2018
The UN approved six anti-Israel resolutions including two that ignored Jewish ties to the Temple Mount.
Ukraine Shuts Down Border

Ukraine Shuts Down Border

Express December 1, 2018
There are fears in Ukraine that a Russian invasion is imminent, as they implement a shock ban against Russian men from entering the country.
Russia Offered Israel Deal To Remove Iran From Syria

Russia Offered Israel Deal To Remove Iran From Syria

MEM November 29, 2018
Putin offered Israel a deal which would see Iranian-backed forces removed from Syria in return for relief from US sanctions on Iran.
A Cautionary Tale From Australia

A Cautionary Tale From Australia

Christian Post November 28, 2018
No matter what advocates claim, in the end, assisted suicide will eventually lead to the most vulnerable among us being pressured to die.
10,000 Iran-Trained Syrian Soldiers Posted On Israel Border

10,000 Iran-Trained Syrian Soldiers Posted On Israel Border

i24 November 27, 2018
Two new Syrian military divisions, trained and led by officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard have been mobilized on Syria’s borders.
Trump Tries To Avert An Invasion

Trump Tries To Avert An Invasion

Frontpage Mag November 26, 2018
It has been clear from the outset that President Trump was determined not to permit this invasion of our borders and our nation.
Black Sea Standoff

Black Sea Standoff

BBC News November 25, 2018
Ukraine's navy says Russia has fired on and seized three of its vessels off the coast of the annexed Crimea, in a major escalation of tensions.
Deal With Mexico Paves Way For Asylum Overhaul

Deal With Mexico Paves Way For Asylum Overhaul

Newsmax November 24, 2018
President Trump has won the support of Mexico for a plan to remake U.S. border policy by requiring asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims move through U.S. courts.
Satanists Delight In Missionary's Murder

Satanists Delight In Missionary's Murder

Life Site November 23, 2018
Satanists are taking pleasure in the slaying of a U.S. Christian missionary by an uncontacted tribe.
A Thanksgiving Perspective

A Thanksgiving Perspective

Christian Post November 22, 2018
Like many other aspects of our culture, the secularization of this once consecrated holiday has descended into a shallow form of itself.
85,000 Children Starved To Death

85,000 Children Starved To Death

Guardian November 21, 2018
An estimated 85,000 children under the age of five have starved to death over the last three years as a result of Yemen’s civil war.
Corbyn Government Will Be Existential Threat To Israel

Corbyn Government Will Be Existential Threat To Israel

Arutz Sheva November 20, 2018
Corbyn projects Israel as being a brutal oppressive regime carrying out racist policies by stealing the land of the deprived Palestinian Arabs.
Mossad Helped Foil Hezbollah Plot In Argentina

Mossad Helped Foil Hezbollah Plot In Argentina

Jerusalem Post November 19, 2018
The Mossad provided intelligence to Argentina which helped successfully thwart a Hezbollah plot to attack Jewish community centers.
White House Mulls Release Of Middle East Peace Plan

White House Mulls Release Of Middle East Peace Plan

Arutz Sheva November 18, 2018
President Trump will meet with his top foreign policy advisers to talk about the release of his Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.
New Democrats Seen As Israel Lightning Rods

New Democrats Seen As Israel Lightning Rods

Jerusalem Post November 17, 2018
Four freshmen congresswomen represent a challenge to support for Israel within the Democratic Party.
As The World Burns

As The World Burns November 16, 2018
The Bible gives us clear signs regarding the end of this age.  With those signs being fulfilled on every side, the days of business as usual have gone away. These are not ordinary times.
'Don't Test Us Again'

'Don't Test Us Again'

Arutz Sheva November 16, 2018
Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar threatens Israel: If we are attacked, we will let the barrage on Tel Aviv do the talking.
Why Israel Let Hamas Win

Why Israel Let Hamas Win

Jerusalem Post November 15, 2018
Israel does not seek to overthrow the Hamas regime in Gaza.
Israel Defense Minister Steps Down Over Ceasefire

Israel Defense Minister Steps Down Over Ceasefire

Ynet November 14, 2018
Avigdor Lieberman resigned from his post as defense minister in protest of the latest ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, criticizing it as a "capitulation to terrorism."
Ceasefire Reached

Ceasefire Reached

Ynet November 13, 2018
Israel and Hamas have agreed to hold fire. In response Israel said it reserves its freedom to act.
Trump's Dressing Down Of The Media

Trump's Dressing Down Of The Media

Israel Hayom November 11, 2018
Large portions of the population, in the U.S. and even in Israel, have lost faith in the stories the media tells us. 
Why Do So Many Hollywood Elites Despise President Trump?

Why Do So Many Hollywood Elites Despise President Trump?

Christian Post November 9, 2018
It’s often said that you can judge a man by his friends, but you can judge him even more by his enemies. 
What America Chose On Tuesday

What America Chose On Tuesday

Jerusalem Post November 8, 2018
Until Tuesday’s election, Never Trump Republicans held the balance of power in the Senate. They no longer do. Trump now can trust the support of a secure majority of senators for his appointments.
Brazil Undeterred On Jerusalem Embassy Move

Brazil Undeterred On Jerusalem Embassy Move

Israel Hayom November 7, 2018
After Egypt reportedly rescinds invitation of Brazilian foreign minister in protest, President-elect Jair Bolsonaro's son, Eduardo, the plan is still on.
Mob Brutality

Mob Brutality November 6, 2018
In Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, and other countries, violence has become a significant factor in elections. And now the United States stands oh-so-close to that same terrible reality.  
Marcon Calls For 'Real European Army'

Marcon Calls For 'Real European Army'

Sun November 6, 2018
French President Emmanuel Macron said China and Russia were becoming increasingly powerful, while the erratic Donald Trump could not be relied upon for defense.
Farrakhan Leads ‘Death To America’ Chant On Solidarity Trip To Iran

Farrakhan Leads ‘Death To America’ Chant On Solidarity Trip To Iran

Algemeiner November 5, 2018
“I understand how the enemies have plotted against the Iranian people and I would like to stay alongside you to stop their plots.”
Sense Of Entitlement

Sense Of Entitlement

Townhall November 4, 2018
No land — not least the USA — is obligated to accept these people. They have no right to live anywhere else without their destination nation’s permission.
Dozens Of US Spies Executed After CIA Message Service Hacked

Dozens Of US Spies Executed After CIA Message Service Hacked

Telegraph November 3, 2018
Dozens of American spies were killed in Iran and China after a flawed communications service that allowed foreign foes to see what the agents were up to using Google.
President Trump To Reinstate All Iran Sanctions

President Trump To Reinstate All Iran Sanctions

National Review November 2, 2018
The Trump administration will reimpose the rest of the sanctions lifted under the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with early next week.
Hezbollah Paying Syrian Rebels To Switch Sides

Hezbollah Paying Syrian Rebels To Switch Sides

Breitbart November 1, 2018
U.S. military officials are painting a grim picture of growing Iranian influence, achieved in part by Iran’s proxy Hezbollah paying rebel commanders formerly supported by the United States to switch sides.
Asia Bibi Set Free After Harrowing Ordeal On Death Row

Asia Bibi Set Free After Harrowing Ordeal On Death Row

Charisma October 31, 2018
Asia Bibi is free! Chief Justice Saqib Nasir has given the order to release her as soon as possible, and she has been found not guilty of all charges of blasphemy. 
Gaza Rockets Result Of Power Struggle Between Hamas, Islamic Jihad And Iran

Gaza Rockets Result Of Power Struggle Between Hamas, Islamic Jihad And Iran

Israel Hayom October 30, 2018
The recent fighting is tied to a power struggle between Islamic Jihad and Hamas over credit for the border protests along the Gaza-Israel border fence.
If You Hate Jews, You Hate Jesus

If You Hate Jews, You Hate Jesus

Christian Post October 29, 2018
American Christian leaders and megachurch pastors have condemned and expressed their solidarity with the victims and families of the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh.
You're Not Getting In

You're Not Getting In

Washington Times October 28, 2018
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Sunday said the migrant caravan marching through Mexico to the U.S. is “not getting in.” “There a legal way to get into this country. Those who choose to enter illegally will be stopped.”
Israel Answers 30 Rockets With 80 Airstrikes

Israel Answers 30 Rockets With 80 Airstrikes

JP October 27, 2018
Thirty Hamas rockets were fired on Israel and 10 were intercepted by the Iron Dome system. In response, The IDF attacked 80 targets in Gaza.
Egypt Brokered Understanding Might End Gaza Violence

Egypt Brokered Understanding Might End Gaza Violence

JP October 26, 2018
An Egypt brokered understanding may have been reached that would end the Gaza border riots and the launching of incendiary devices against Israel.
President Trump Sends Troops To Border

President Trump Sends Troops To Border

NY Post October 25, 2018
At least 800 US troops will be sent to the US-Mexico border in response to the caravan of thousands of migrants headed for America.
Yemen Crisis: Half Of Population Facing 'Pre-Famine Conditions'

Yemen Crisis: Half Of Population Facing 'Pre-Famine Conditions'

BBC News October 24, 2018
Half the population of war-torn Yemen - 14 million people - are facing "pre-famine conditions", the UN has warned.
Democrats Welcome The Invasion

Democrats Welcome The Invasion

Patriot Post October 23, 2018
Dems don't want a solution to the escalating problem of illegal immigration because it doesn't serve their political ambitions.
Second Caravan Now Coming

Second Caravan Now Coming

FOX News October 22, 2018
As the massive migrant caravan pushes toward the southern U.S. border, a second group of about 1,000 people from Honduras is rushing to join the main group.
The Cartels' Role In Migrant Caravan

The Cartels' Role In Migrant Caravan

Washington Times October 21, 2018
Officials are warning that the illegal immigrant caravan heading toward the US could be exploited by cartels.
A Dangerous Waiting Game

A Dangerous Waiting Game

Israel Hayom October 20, 2018
This week's rocket fire left little doubt as to the fact that the decision on whether we are headed for calm or an escalation in Gaza is entirely in Hamas' hands.
Farrakhan Compares Jews to 'Termites' In Anti-Semitic Rant

Farrakhan Compares Jews to 'Termites' In Anti-Semitic Rant

CBN October 19, 2018
Farrakhan tweeted a video clip of a speech he gave earlier this week. The caption read: "I'm not an anti-Semite. I'm anti-Termite."
'A Disgrace'

'A Disgrace'

Arutz Sheva October 18, 2018
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri slammed the Supreme Court's ruling permitting BDS activist Lara Alqasem to study in Hebrew University. 
UN Gives Palestinians 'Extra Rights'

UN Gives Palestinians 'Extra Rights'

JP October 17, 2018
The UN General Assembly voted 146-3 to place the “State of Palestine” at the head of a group of 134 member nations, known as the Group of 77 and China. 
Migrant Caravan Looking For A Showdown

Migrant Caravan Looking For A Showdown

WND October 16, 2018
Guatemalan authorities have warned they will not let the group pass, but the migrants sang the chanted, “Yes, we can.”
Yemen On Brink Of 'World's Worst Famine In 100 Years'

Yemen On Brink Of 'World's Worst Famine In 100 Years'

Guardian October 15, 2018
Yemen could be facing the worst famine in 100 years if airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition are not halted, the UN has warned.
Israel Freezes Deportation Of American BDS Supporter

Israel Freezes Deportation Of American BDS Supporter

Jerusalem Post October 14, 2018
The High Court of Justice froze the deportation of alleged BDS activist Lara Alqasem less than one hour before a lower court deadline.
Trump Meets With Andrew Brunson In Oval Office

Trump Meets With Andrew Brunson In Oval Office

FOX News October 13, 2018
Freed American pastor Andrew Brunson met and prayed with President Trump in the Oval Office, thanking him for having "really fought for us", a day after his release from house arrest in Turkey.
Free At Last!

Free At Last!

Christianity Today October 12, 2018
Despite a guilty verdict sentencing him to 3 years, 1 month, and 15 days in prison, Andrew Brunson may return home to the United States as soon as today due to good behavior and time already served.
Israel Detains US Student For BDS Support

Israel Detains US Student For BDS Support

Jerusalem Post October 9, 2018
An Israeli official said that Lara Alqasem should recant her opinions and actions supporting BDS if she wants to be let into the country.
Trump's Winning Streak Continues

Trump's Winning Streak Continues

Frontpage Mag October 8, 2018
After the nastiest Supreme Court confirmation battle in US history, Trump’s pick, Brett Kavanaugh, was finally confirmed to the high court and sworn in as its 9th justice.
Islam: From The Delusional To The Dangerous

Islam: From The Delusional To The Dangerous

Frontpage Mag October 7, 2018
While some beliefs are harmless, others are delusional, misguided, and even outright dangerous.
'Blondewashing' Terrorism

'Blondewashing' Terrorism

Israel Hayom October 6, 2018
Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian teenager who served time in prison after being convicted of attacking an IDF soldier, is now taking a victory lap around Europe and receiving the enthusiastic welcome reserved for cultural heroes.
Ari Fuld Reminds Us That Jews No Longer Go Quietly Away

Ari Fuld Reminds Us That Jews No Longer Go Quietly Away

Algemeiner October 5, 2018
The moment that Ari Fuld was stabbed in the back at an Israeli mall, he could have fallen to the ground and waited for medical help to arrive. But Fuld wasn’t thinking of himself. 
How Seriously Should Israel Take Syria’s New Threat?

How Seriously Should Israel Take Syria’s New Threat?

JP October 4, 2018
Syria’s Foreign Minister declared that Damascus aims to recapture the Golan Heights territory from Israel after Syrian regime forces have retaken areas opposite the Israeli border.
Pompeo Pulls Out Of 1955 Treaty With Iran

Pompeo Pulls Out Of 1955 Treaty With Iran

Washington Times October 3, 2018
Mike Pompeo is pulling out of a 63-year-old treaty with Iran just hours after a UN tribunal ruled the US must roll back some of the sanctions it has imposed on Tehran.
US Would Destroy Banned Russian Warheads If Necessary

US Would Destroy Banned Russian Warheads If Necessary

Reuters October 2, 2018
Russia must halt its covert development of a banned cruise missile system or the US will seek to destroy it before it becomes operational, Washington’s envoy to NATO said.
Trump Delivers On NAFTA Promise

Trump Delivers On NAFTA Promise

CTV News October 1, 2018
After nearly 14 months of NAFTA renegotiations, Donald Trump has renegotiated NAFTA.
Netanyahu To Reveal More Iran Secrets

Netanyahu To Reveal More Iran Secrets

Israel Hayom September 30, 2018
Israel plans to share recently obtained intelligence ‎on covert Iranian nuclear activity, as well as on ‎its efforts to arm its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah.
China Trying To 'Rewrite The Bible'

China Trying To 'Rewrite The Bible'

Christian Post September 29, 2018
The Chinese government is supervising a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with socialism in which there will be a "rewrite" of the Bible, a prominent religious freedom activist has told Congress.
Abbas Says No To Peace

Abbas Says No To Peace

NY Post September 28, 2018
Mahmoud Abbas, the aging president of the not-quite-state of Palestine, aims to lead a worldwide anti-Trump resistance movement.
Why Bible Prophecy

Why Bible Prophecy September 27, 2018
The Bible addresses a whole range of issues that are pertinent to our lives.  All those things need to be taught.
Kavanaugh Believes The Clintons Behind This Revenge Plot

Kavanaugh Believes The Clintons Behind This Revenge Plot

Washington Times September 27, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh accused Democrats of leveraging anti-Trump sentiment following the bruising 2016 presidential election into a smear campaign designed to tarnish his reputation and sink his confirmation.
Trump Prefers Two State Solution

Trump Prefers Two State Solution

Yahoo September 26, 2018
President Donald Trump said he’d prefer to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by creating two separate states, re-aligning himself with the traditional U.S. position on an eventual peace deal.
President Trump Addresses United Nations

President Trump Addresses United Nations

Guardian September 25, 2018
The entire world listens as US President Donald Trump takes center stage at the United Nations General Assembly.
Russia To Send Anti-Aircraft Weapons To Syria Amid Israel Tensions

Russia To Send Anti-Aircraft Weapons To Syria Amid Israel Tensions

Arutz Sheva September 24, 2018
Russia vowed to upgrade Syria’s anti-air defense network, following the downing of a Russian military aircraft in Syrian airspace last week.
Satan Must Be Pleased

Satan Must Be Pleased

WND September 23, 2018
I have spent the last six decades telling anyone who will listen that we are living in the final stretch to the end of this Age of Grace.
Trump's Iran Policy Working

Trump's Iran Policy Working

JP September 21, 2018
To the horror of President Trump’s detractors, thus far, none of the dire predictions have come to pass.
Iran Allows Al Qaeda Operation Within Its Borders

Iran Allows Al Qaeda Operation Within Its Borders

Long War Journal September 20, 2018
Iran continues to wreak havoc in the Middle East by allowing Al Qaeda to maintain a "facilitation base" within the Islamic Republic's borders. 
 Syria Accidentally Downs Russian Aircraft

Syria Accidentally Downs Russian Aircraft

Israel Hayom September 19, 2018
‎‎Russian airplane was shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft ‎‎artillery, as Syrian forces mistook it for an ‎‎Israeli aircraft. ‎ 
Florence Rescues Continue

Florence Rescues Continue

WLS September 18, 2018
Still stranded by Florence's epic floods days after the hurricane hit North Carolina, Wilmington residents lined up by the hundreds for free food. 
Dams In Danger, More Evacuations

Dams In Danger, More Evacuations

TWC September 17, 2018
Hurricane Florence, now downgraded to a tropical depression, began its second week of impacts with much of the same – flooding that cut off entire towns and water rescues in parts of the Carolinas that have been inundated.  The death toll blamed on Hurricane Florence stands at 13 in North Carolina and 6 in South Carolina.
Dangerous Flood Threat From Carolinas To West Virginia

Dangerous Flood Threat From Carolinas To West Virginia

Weather September 16, 2018
Florence's heavy rain will continue to soak the Carolinas, western Virginia and eastern West Virginia into Monday. Major to record river flooding is forecast in parts of the Carolinas, rivaling Hurricane Matthew (2016) or Hurricane Floyd (1999) in some locations.
Palestinian Kills American-Israeli In West Bank

Palestinian Kills American-Israeli In West Bank

Jerusalem Post September 16, 2018
Mortally wounded terror victim Ari Fuld chased his attacker, jumping over a short stone wall and shooting him, before collapsing on the pavement.
Florence Makes Landfall

Florence Makes Landfall

FOX News September 14, 2018
The National Hurricane Center said Florence’s eyewall made landfall near Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, early Friday morning, with estimated maximum winds of 90 mph. Given the storm's size and sluggish track, it could cause epic damage akin to what Texas saw during Harvey.
Florence Hammers Carolinas

Florence Hammers Carolinas

News & Observer September 13, 2018
Florence is now 300 miles wide.  “Florence is a large hurricane,” said the National Hurricane Center. “Hurricane-force winds (74-95 mph) extend outward up to 80 miles from the center and tropical-storm-force winds (39 to 73 mph) extend outward up to 195 miles.”  
Florence To Be The 'Storm Of A Lifetime'

Florence To Be The 'Storm Of A Lifetime'

WTVD September 11, 2018
Hurricane Florence continues to be a dangerous Category 4 storm. The National Weather Service says it "will likely be the storm of a lifetime for portions of the Carolina coast." The storm started to track south Wednesday morning, but an official with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said the storm will still hit the North Carolina coast like a Mike Tyson punch.
No Future President Will Reverse Embassy Move

No Future President Will Reverse Embassy Move

Times of Israel September 10, 2018
David Friedman said he could not see an administration from either party reversing US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Update: Germany Calls Swedish Vote A Turning Point

Update: Germany Calls Swedish Vote A Turning Point

Townhall September 9, 2018
A German official is describing Sweden's election as a "turning point" for Sweden and Europe.
US Met With Venezuela Military Coup Plotters

US Met With Venezuela Military Coup Plotters

NY Magazine September 8, 2018
The Trump administration held several meetings with a group of dissident military officers in Venezuela who claimed they were planning a coup to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro. 
Fulfilling Biblical Prophesy

Fulfilling Biblical Prophesy

Newsmax September 7, 2018
Isaiah (43:5) wrote, “I will bring your descendants from the east, And gather you from the west . . . bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth.”
No Peace Deal, No Palestinian Aid

No Peace Deal, No Palestinian Aid

Jerusalem Post September 6, 2018
President Trump is strategically pressuring the PA to return to talks by squeezing US aid to the fragile body.
'How Democratic Socialism Wrecked My Native Sweden'

'How Democratic Socialism Wrecked My Native Sweden'

Federalist September 5, 2018
Let's learn from their mistake, not emulate it.
New Face Of Nike

New Face Of Nike

Breitbart September 4, 2018
Nike debuted a new ad featuring former NFL player and original anthem protester Colin Kaepernick. The ad comes days before the season begins.
Israel Not Behind Jordan-Palestinian Confederation Idea

Israel Not Behind Jordan-Palestinian Confederation Idea

Jerusalem Post September 3, 2018
Israel is not behind what Palestinian President Abbas said was a US-backed peace plan based on a Palestinian confederation with Jordan.
McCain Ends 81 Year Journey

McCain Ends 81 Year Journey

Yahoo September 2, 2018
John McCain's eight decade journey as a servant of his country came to its final resting place as he was buried at the U.S. Naval Academy.
Russia Claims A False Flag Operation Is Imminent

Russia Claims A False Flag Operation Is Imminent

Telegraph September 2, 2018
Russia has claimed that they had intelligence that Syrian rebels were about to gas their own people in their last stronghold as part of a “false flag” operation to frame the Syrian government.
Israel Welcomes US Decision To Cut UNRWA Funding

Israel Welcomes US Decision To Cut UNRWA Funding

Jerusalem Post September 1, 2018
Prime Minister Netanyau has praised the United States' decision to cut it’s funding to the Palestinian aid group as a positive step forward in the peace process.
First McCain Memorial Today

First McCain Memorial Today

Arizona Republic August 29, 2018
Before his body is transported to the East Coast for burial, Arizonans will have the opportunity to honor their senator in Phoenix.
New Attack On Christians

New Attack On Christians August 28, 2018
People all have their own ideas on religious faith.  And, invariably, they see their ideas as superior to competing ones.  But it isn’t just in areas of faith where people believe in the superiority of their own ideas.
Trump, Mexico Make Tentative Deal

Trump, Mexico Make Tentative Deal

FOX News August 27, 2018
“It’s a big day for trade,” said US President Donald Trump. “It’s a big day for our country.”
John McCain, 81

John McCain, 81

Arizona Republic August 26, 2018
John McCain, a former Vietnam POW and Navy pilot, was a powerful figure in Washington in his six terms as Arizona senator and twice ran for president.
Russia Threatens To Give Nukes To Syria

Russia Threatens To Give Nukes To Syria

Express August 25, 2018
Russia may deploy nuclear weapons to Syria in response to the US policy of imposing sanctions over Moscow crossing “red lines”, a senior Russian lawmaker has warned.
Terror Without Borders

Terror Without Borders

Arutz Sheva August 24, 2018
A nurse for aid group Doctors Without Borders launched a terror attack on Israeli troops near the Gaza border, shooting and throwing an explosive device at soldiers before being shot dead.
UN Wants To Arm And Defend Terrorists Attacking Israel

UN Wants To Arm And Defend Terrorists Attacking Israel

Townhall August 23, 2018
The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, declared last Friday that the Gaza Palestinians, who have been violently attempting to infiltrate the Israeli border to "kill the Jews" and "burn the Jews," are the victims and in need of armed security.
Saudi Arabia Seeks To Behead Female Activist

Saudi Arabia Seeks To Behead Female Activist

Haaretz August 22, 2018
Campaigners are battling to save the life of the first woman in Saudi Arabia to be sentenced to death for her political activities.
Hamas Praises Jeremy Corbyn

Hamas Praises Jeremy Corbyn

Express August 21, 2018
Hamas has pledged its support for Jeremy Corbyn amid growing concerns of the Labour leader's ties to the Islamist terror group.
Venezuela Hoping For Financial Scam To Save Them

Venezuela Hoping For Financial Scam To Save Them

CNBC August 20, 2018
As part of an attempt to stop skyrocketing inflation, the country is issuing a new fiat currency called the "sovereign bolivar," which will be backed by a cryptocurrency. 
Hamas Is Winning This Latest Round

Hamas Is Winning This Latest Round

Jerusalem Post August 19, 2018
The accumulated deterrence achieved in the three previous rounds of widescale fighting between Israel and Hamas has come temporarily to an end. In retrospect, it was a winning streak, with every round securing greater deterrence.
Education Nightmare

Education Nightmare August 18, 2018
Humanism is the moral language of our culture.
China Training To Strike Americans

China Training To Strike Americans

Washington Times August 17, 2018
China’s military is “likely training for strikes” against U.S. targets in the Pacific.
Another Setback For Jailed US Pastor

Another Setback For Jailed US Pastor

CBN August 16, 2018
A Turkish court has rejected an appeal to release American Andrew Brunson and lift his travel ban. 
Ceasefire In Effect

Ceasefire In Effect

Haaretz August 15, 2018
The cease-fire between Israel and Hamas went into effect Wednesday, following the approval of the security cabinet ministers. 
Russia's Laser Cannon

Russia's Laser Cannon

Express August 14, 2018
The US voiced deep suspicion over Russia's pursuit of new space weapons, including a mobile laser system to destroy satellites in space.
Peter Strzok Fired For Anti-Trump Texts

Peter Strzok Fired For Anti-Trump Texts

Daily Caller August 13, 2018
FBI agent Peter Strzok has been fired from the FBI for anti-Trump text messages he sent his mistress and colleague Lisa Page during the 2016 presidential election. 
Israel Will Restore Quiet To Gaza Border Region ‘In Full’

Israel Will Restore Quiet To Gaza Border Region ‘In Full’

Algemeiner August 12, 2018
Israel will restore total quiet to its southern region near the border with the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed.
President Trump Turns The Screws On Turkey

President Trump Turns The Screws On Turkey

Jerusalem Post August 10, 2018
President Erdogan told Turks to exchange gold and dollars into lira, with the country's currency in free fall after President Trump doubled tariffs on metals imports. 
Pence Announces Creation Of Space Force Branch By 2020

Pence Announces Creation Of Space Force Branch By 2020

Washington Times August 9, 2018
Mike Pence announced plans to establish a “Space Force” by 2020, which would be the first new defense branch since the Air Force was created in 1947.
A Training Ground For School Shootings

A Training Ground For School Shootings

WLS August 8, 2018
The father of a missing 3-year-old who was arrested at a New Mexico compound linked to "extremist Muslims" last week was training children to commit school shootings. 
Ambitious New Effort To Eradicate Religion

Ambitious New Effort To Eradicate Religion

Christian Headlines August 7, 2018
China is in the midst of an “ambitious new effort” to lesson or even eradicate the influence of Christianity and religion from the country. 
Trump Reinstates Iran Sanctions Obama Lifted

Trump Reinstates Iran Sanctions Obama Lifted

Newsmax August 6, 2018
President Trump signed an executive order reimposing many sanctions on Iran, saying the U.S. policy is to levy "maximum economic pressure" on the country. 
Jeremy Corbyn Apologizes For Labor Party's Antisemitism

Jeremy Corbyn Apologizes For Labor Party's Antisemitism

Arutz Sheva August 5, 2018
British Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn acknowledged that anti-Semitism has surfaced in the party and apologized for “the hurt that has been caused to many Jewish people." 
'Cult' Crashes Presidential Speeches

'Cult' Crashes Presidential Speeches

Seattle Times August 4, 2018
QAnon is the latest in a string of conspiracy ideas that take hold of the public’s imagination in times of social stress and technological change.
Ceasefire Discussions Continue

Ceasefire Discussions Continue

Ynet August 3, 2018
The Hamas delegation that arrived in Gaza will discuss a ceasefire agreement with Israel that includes the improvement of living conditions in the strip as well as a sea port and an airport in Egypt.
Israel, Saudi Arabia Plan To End Iranian Blockade

Israel, Saudi Arabia Plan To End Iranian Blockade

Washington Examiner August 2, 2018
Israel will help break any blockade that Iran tries to enforce.
Russia Claims Iranian Forces Pulled Back From Golan Heights

Russia Claims Iranian Forces Pulled Back From Golan Heights

Ynet August 1, 2018
Russia claims Iranians and other Shi'ite elements withdrew their heavy weapons to a distance of 85 km from the border, but Iranian advisors remain.
Jeff Sessions Announces New Religious Liberty Task Force

Jeff Sessions Announces New Religious Liberty Task Force

Christian Headlines July 31, 2018
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the creation of a Religious Liberty Task Force that will work to “fully implement” the department’s religious liberty guidance.
'We Can't Force Iran Out Of Syria' Russia Tells Israel

'We Can't Force Iran Out Of Syria' Russia Tells Israel

Jerusalem Post July 30, 2018
Russia cannot compel Iranian forces to quit Syria, Moscow's ambassador to Tel Aviv said on Monday, rebuffing Israel's long-standing demand.
'Fight For The Truth'

'Fight For The Truth'

Israel Hayom July 29, 2018
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told ‎Likud ministers he expected them to express ‎‎"unreserved and unapologetic" support for ‎the controversial nation-state law.‎
Riot At Temple Mount

Riot At Temple Mount

Times Of Israel July 27, 2018
Clashes broke out Friday at the end of Muslim prayers on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem when worshipers hurled projectiles at police at the holy site. 
Palestinians Waiting For Order To Attack

Palestinians Waiting For Order To Attack

Jerusalem Post July 26, 2018
As a senior Hamas leader speaks with the U.N., various Palestinian factions meet to devise a plan.
US Christian Pastor Freed From Turkish Prison

US Christian Pastor Freed From Turkish Prison

Christian Headlines July 25, 2018
North Carolina pastor, Andrew Brunson, has been released from prison in Turkey, and placed in house arrest.
Israel Downs Syrian Fighter Jet

Israel Downs Syrian Fighter Jet

Jerusalem Post July 24, 2018
The IDF downed a Syrian Sukhoi fighter jet with two Patriot missiles launched from Safed after the jet penetrated two kilometers into Israeli airspace.
Trump Responds To Iranian Threats

Trump Responds To Iranian Threats

CBS News July 23, 2018
In an all caps tweet US President Donald Trump told Iran to 'never, ever threaten the United States again.'
Gaza Truce Holds

Gaza Truce Holds

i24 July 21, 2018
A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has largely held after the killing of an Israeli soldier a day earlier stoked fears of war in Gaza. Israel pounded the Gaza Strip throughout Friday, killing three militants, after the soldier was shot dead by Palestinian sniper fire.
Israel Strikes Deep Into Gaza After Troops Come Under Fire

Israel Strikes Deep Into Gaza After Troops Come Under Fire

Times Of Israel July 20, 2018
The Israel Air Force launched a major wave of strikes at Hamas targets across the Gaza Strip on Friday evening.
Israel Passes Jewish Nation State Law

Israel Passes Jewish Nation State Law

Algemeiner July 19, 2018
Israel’s Knesset passed a law on Thursday to declare that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country.
Britain Says Genetically Modifying Unborn Babies OK

Britain Says Genetically Modifying Unborn Babies OK

Life News July 18, 2018
“Designer babies” may be a thing of the not too distant future in the United Kingdom after a prominent ethics group urged more research on the impact of genetically altering human beings.
The Dire Importance Of What Trump Is Trying To Achieve

The Dire Importance Of What Trump Is Trying To Achieve

Frontpage Mag July 17, 2018
Meanwhile, the expected criticisms being aimed at President Trump from the Left are, as usual, completely ignorant about what is really at stake.
Trump: Putin Had Interesting Idea About Election Investigation

Trump: Putin Had Interesting Idea About Election Investigation

Washington Times July 16, 2018
President Trump mentioned that his Russian counterpart “has an interesting idea” about the investigation into hacking the U.S. election.
Ceasefire Seems To Be Holding

Ceasefire Seems To Be Holding

FOX News July 15, 2018
A cease-fire that ended a 24-hour round of fighting between Israel and Hamas appears to be in effect.
Hamas Says Truce Reached

Hamas Says Truce Reached

Newsmax July 14, 2018
Israel unleashed its biggest air strikes on the Gaza Strip since a 2014 war Saturday, killing two Palestinians, while dozens of rockets targeted Israel.
Iranian Assassins Are Back With A Vengeance

Iranian Assassins Are Back With A Vengeance

Daily Beast July 13, 2018
Elements of Iran’s clandestine services are making increasingly bold and potentially dangerous moves across Europe and Africa.
Why Do Palestinian Leaders Oppose Helping Their People?

Why Do Palestinian Leaders Oppose Helping Their People?

Gatestone July 12, 2018
Guess who is fiercely opposed to any attempt to resolve the "humanitarian and economic crisis" in the Gaza Strip, home to some two million Palestinians? 
Trump, With Fists Cocked, Storms NATO, Allies, and China

Trump, With Fists Cocked, Storms NATO, Allies, and China

Washington Times July 11, 2018
President Trump landed at the NATO summit in Brussels with an America-First determination the likes of which allies have never experienced — or expected — from a U.S. leader.
One Man’s Narco-Terrorist Is Another Man’s Freedom Fighter

One Man’s Narco-Terrorist Is Another Man’s Freedom Fighter

Jewish Press July 10, 2018
"We are making these drugs for Satan America and the Jews. If we cannot kill them with guns, so we will kill them with drugs." 
New Flotilla Plans To Set Sail

New Flotilla Plans To Set Sail

Jerusalem Post July 9, 2018
A group of activists in Gaza are seeking to set sail to “break the siege” of Gaza, they claimed on Monday. The activists timed their sailing to take place after months of the ‘Great March of Return’ failed to make much of an impact.
First Israeli Cabinet Member Enters Temple Mount After 3 Years

First Israeli Cabinet Member Enters Temple Mount After 3 Years

Times Of Israel July 8, 2018
An Israeli minister entered the Temple Mount, the first such visit since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lifted a three-year ban.
Syrian Peace Deal Won't Bring Peace For Israel

Syrian Peace Deal Won't Bring Peace For Israel

Jerusalem Post July 7, 2018
The Syrian rebels in southern Syria reached an agreement with Russia. However, for Israel, the deal may not bring peace.
Palestinians Favor Jailed Leader Barghouthi As Abbas Successor

Palestinians Favor Jailed Leader Barghouthi As Abbas Successor

Ynet July 6, 2018
A poll finds that majority of general public in PA would prefer the leader of a Palestinian uprising jailed for life by Israel, over the reigning President Mahmoud Abbas.
Hezbollah's Indefinite Presence In Syria

Hezbollah's Indefinite Presence In Syria

Gatestone July 5, 2018
After more than seven years of fighting alongside the Assad regime in Syria, the Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah is highly unlikely to make an easy exit from the war-torn territory.
People Of Faith Must Defend Our Nation's Founding Principles

People Of Faith Must Defend Our Nation's Founding Principles

Christian Post July 4, 2018
The Founders of the American Experiment crafted a government whose authority, at its heart, flowed from certain fundamental, biblical truths, not a person or personality.
Ending 'Pay To Slay' Payments For The Sake Of Peace

Ending 'Pay To Slay' Payments For The Sake Of Peace

Jerusalem Post July 3, 2018
In its 2018 budget, the Palestinian Authority allocated around $360 million to two institutions that reward convicted terrorists imprisoned in Israel, released terrorists and families of terrorists.
NKorea Expands Missile Manufacturing Plant

NKorea Expands Missile Manufacturing Plant

Bloomberg July 2, 2018
North Korea has recently expanded a factory complex in the eastern city of Hamhung that produces key engines for solid-fuel ballistic missiles. 
Israel Beefs Up Border With Syria

Israel Beefs Up Border With Syria

Jerusalem Post July 1, 2018
The Israeli army reinforced troops on the Golan Heights near the border with Syria.
US No Longer Talking About Israeli Concessions

US No Longer Talking About Israeli Concessions

Arutz Sheva June 29, 2018
The United States is no longer pressing the Israeli government to offer concessions or symbolic ‘gestures’ to the Palestinian Authority, marking a stark contrast with past US administrations.
Deadly Shooting At Maryland Newspaper Was Targeted Attack

Deadly Shooting At Maryland Newspaper Was Targeted Attack

Chicago Tribune June 28, 2018
Five people were killed and several others were “gravely injured” in a shooting at the Capital Gazette in Anne Arundel County. 
President Trump Gets Second Supreme Court Pick

President Trump Gets Second Supreme Court Pick

Newsmax June 27, 2018
Without Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the court will be split between four liberal justices who were appointed by Democratic presidents and four conservatives who were named by Republicans. 
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Taxes Churches

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Taxes Churches

Politico June 26, 2018
Republicans have quietly imposed a new tax on churches, synagogues and other nonprofits.
New Era In Turkey

New Era In Turkey

BBC News June 25, 2018
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is taking on extensive new executive powers following his election victory.  
Kushner Rips Abbas

Kushner Rips Abbas

Chicago Tribune June 24, 2018
Presidential advisor Jared Kushner said the administration will soon present its Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, with or without input from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Iran: US Creating 'Second Vietnam' In Syria

Iran: US Creating 'Second Vietnam' In Syria

Arutz Sheva June 23, 2018
Top adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader warns the United States that Syria and Eastern Euphrates will be another Vietnam.
Israeli Minister Hints At 'Large-Scale Military Operation' In Gaza

Israeli Minister Hints At 'Large-Scale Military Operation' In Gaza

i24 June 21, 2018
Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said that Israel may be forced to launch a “large-scale military operation” in the Gaza Strip in response to continued launching of burning kites into Israel.
Major Escalation In Gaza

Major Escalation In Gaza

Los Angeles Times June 20, 2018
Some 45 rockets were fired from Gaza toward Israel overnight after the Israeli military struck Hamas infrastructure in the Strip.
From Flaming Kites To Exploding Condoms

From Flaming Kites To Exploding Condoms

Jerusalem Post June 19, 2018
Latex condoms and helium balloons with IEDs attached are flying further into Israel.
Free Speech In England Is Dead

Free Speech In England Is Dead

American Thinker June 18, 2018
After the arrest of British free speech activist Tommy Robinson, The United Kingdom, once dedicated to the values of freedom, has taken a path toward authoritarian government and away from freedom.
Remembering Our Fathers

Remembering Our Fathers

BCN June 17, 2018
As we celebrate Fathers' Day let's remember the important role all fathers play in the family and pray that all fathers will take their responsibilities seriously and help make the world a better place for everyone.
North Korea Two-Step

North Korea Two-Step June 16, 2018
Negotiating with a deadly enemy is a kind of dance.  You step forward; you step back.  You move to the right, and then to the left.  You watch your partner, and you watch that partner closely.  You react, then the other side reacts.  When it’s all over, you hope your deadly enemy will be less deadly, and maybe not even an enemy.
The Growing Hamas Maritime Threat

The Growing Hamas Maritime Threat

Frontpage Mag June 15, 2018
The Israeli Air Force bombed and destroyed a Hamas underwater terror tunnel. 
Comey 'Insubordinate' In Clinton Probe

Comey 'Insubordinate' In Clinton Probe

Newsmax June 14, 2018
Former FBI Director James Comey was “insubordinate” in handling the probe into Hillary Clinton, damaging the bureau and the Justice Department’s image of impartiality.
Trump Ends NKorean Nuclear Threat

Trump Ends NKorean Nuclear Threat

USA Today June 13, 2018
President Donald Trump claimed that "there is no longer a nuclear threat" from Pyongyang after arriving back in Washington from his trip to Singapore where he participated in a one-day summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
US-Korean Military Exercises To End

US-Korean Military Exercises To End

Newsmax June 12, 2018
President Donald Trump announced he was halting annual U.S.-South Korean military drills, and wants to remove the 28,500 US troops stationed in the South.
Scripture Affirmed

Scripture Affirmed

Christian Headlines June 10, 2018
A new genetic study showing that 90% of animals appeared on the Earth simultaneously and at the same time as humans affirms the biblical account of creation.
The G7 Should Listen To Trump Or Go Away

The G7 Should Listen To Trump Or Go Away

FOX News June 9, 2018
Putting Russia back in the mix of members presumably would mean less progressive nonsense and more discussion of actual strategic issues. A better path would be to recognize that the G-7 has outlived its purpose.
The Art Of The Deal On Display At G7

The Art Of The Deal On Display At G7

American Thinker June 8, 2018
It was a clever move, whipping out the boogeyman of the left as a sort of agenda item, in a bid to teach those unruly leftist partners some manners.

Khamaenei Proud To Support Palestine

Khamaenei Proud To Support Palestine

Jerusalem Post June 7, 2018
Iranian troops, advisers and Iran-affiliated Shi'ite militias have been instrumental in preserving President Bashar Assad's regime in the midst of Syria's ongoing civil war.
Kite Terror Causes Ecological Destruction In Israel

Kite Terror Causes Ecological Destruction In Israel

Frontpage Mag June 6, 2018
Those launching floating bombs should be treated no differently than hostile armed combatants.
Drugs & The End Of The Age

Drugs & The End Of The Age June 5, 2018
Increasing drug use is one of the signs of the end times.
Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Christian Baker

Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Christian Baker

Washington Times June 4, 2018
The US Supreme Court on Monday upheld the rights of a Colorado baker to refuse to make a wedding cake for gay men on religious grounds.
Young Christians Waver

Young Christians Waver

WSJ June 3, 2018
A generational divide is opening up among evangelical Christians in the US over supporting Israel. 
US Vetoes UN Resolution 'Protecting' Palestinians

US Vetoes UN Resolution 'Protecting' Palestinians

Arutz Sheva June 2, 2018
China, France and Russia were among the 10 countries that voted in favor of the draft.
Putin Approves Israeli Airstrikes In Syria

Putin Approves Israeli Airstrikes In Syria

Arutz Sheva June 1, 2018
Moscow has given its consent to Israeli military strikes deep in Syrian territory. 
'Crisis Of Unprecedented Magnitude'

'Crisis Of Unprecedented Magnitude'

i24 May 31, 2018
The Red Cross warned that Gaza was facing an "epic" crisis, after weeks of violence has left more than 13,000 Palestinians wounded, overwhelming an already disastrously weak health system.
Gaza Ceasefire?

Gaza Ceasefire?

AP May 30, 2018
 Hamas says militant groups in Gaza will commit to a ceasefire as long as Israel does.
Hezbollah, Iran Get The Boot

Hezbollah, Iran Get The Boot

Jerusalem Post May 29, 2018
Syrian government troops should be the only ones present on the country’s southern border, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
Not Glorifying War But Renewing Democracy

Not Glorifying War But Renewing Democracy

Dallas Morning News May 28, 2018
Memorial Day began after the Civil War as a day to decorate the graves of fallen Union soldiers.
Iran, Israel Engage In Indirect Talks Over Syria Fighting

Iran, Israel Engage In Indirect Talks Over Syria Fighting

Jerusalem Post May 27, 2018
Israel and Iran engaged over the weekend in indirect negotiations in Jordan regarding fighting in southwestern Syria. The Iranians pledged not to participate in expected battles in Syria between Assad’s forces and rebel groups, and Israel has indicated that it will not intervene in the battles that do not involve Hezbollah in the tri-border area.
A Tragedy Of Historic Proportions

A Tragedy Of Historic Proportions

Life News May 26, 2018
Leading pro-life campaigners from around the world are dismayed at the results from Ireland today, which show that the long-time pro-life nation has abandoned its legal protections for unborn children as old as 6 months.
North And South Korea Have Another Surprise Meeting

North And South Korea Have Another Surprise Meeting

USA Today May 26, 2018
South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un held a secret two-hour meeting on Saturday in an attempt to salvage the cancelled summit meeting between President Trump and Kim, South Korean spokesman Yoon Young-chan announced. 
US May Recognize Israeli Sovereignty Over Golan Soon

US May Recognize Israeli Sovereignty Over Golan Soon

Jerusalem Post May 24, 2018
Israeli Intelligence Minister Israel Katz says US recognition of Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights is now "topping the agenda" in bilateral diplomatic talks with the United States, predicting US assent could come within months.
Kim Jong Un Fears Military Coup

Kim Jong Un Fears Military Coup

Business Insider May 23, 2018
Kim Jong Un is apparently concerned that the trip to Singapore may leave his government vulnerable to a military coup or that other hostile actors might try to depose him. 
Netanyahu Welcomes Tough New US Strategy On Iran

Netanyahu Welcomes Tough New US Strategy On Iran

Israel Hayom May 22, 2018
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for all countries "to follow America's lead" in taking a hard line with Iran, including implementing tough sanctions.
Update: Pompeo Issues Steep Demands for Nuclear Treaty With Iran

Update: Pompeo Issues Steep Demands for Nuclear Treaty With Iran

Newsmax May 21, 2018
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a steep list of demands that he said should be included in a nuclear treaty with Iran to replace the Obama-era deal.
'God Made You This Way & Loves You As You Are'

'God Made You This Way & Loves You As You Are'

FOX News May 21, 2018
Pope Francis reportedly told a gay man from Chile that God made him that way and loves him the way he is.
Tragedy In Gaza

Tragedy In Gaza May 19, 2018
Gaza is an ongoing humanitarian disaster. 
Why Hamas Beat A Tactical Retreat

Why Hamas Beat A Tactical Retreat

Times Of Israel May 18, 2018
Yahya Sinwar, the Israel-loathing terror group's Gaza leader, has a reputation as a particularly notorious killer. But after Monday's deadly clashes, he clamped down.
What Did The Great 'March Of Return' Accomplish?

What Did The Great 'March Of Return' Accomplish?

Jerusalem Post May 17, 2018
What did Hamas think would happen, and did it accomplish what it wanted? 
Christians In Israel Celebrate

Christians In Israel Celebrate

Arutz Sheva May 16, 2018
“This brave decision by President Trump is a direct result of millions of Christians in America taking their Biblical support and turning it into real political action.”
Israel Acting With Restraint

Israel Acting With Restraint

Sky News May 15, 2018
There is another fatality amid fresh protests, a day after 60 Palestinians die during riots against a new US embassy in Jerusalem.
'An Infiltration Into Israel Has Been Prevented'

'An Infiltration Into Israel Has Been Prevented'

Arutz Sheva May 14, 2018
"The determined action of the IDF and the security forces prevented infiltration into Israel's borders."
For All Mothers On Mother's Day

For All Mothers On Mother's Day

Christian Post May 13, 2018
Motherhood is a wonderful blessing—carrying a child, giving birth, and childrearing are miraculous blessings bestowed on women. As a nation we celebrate mothers recognizing what they have meant to us as individuals and as a community.
ISIS Claims Paris Stabbing Attack

ISIS Claims Paris Stabbing Attack

euronews May 12, 2018
Police have shot dead a man who stabbed several people in Paris and killed one. Police said four people had also been wounded.
Netanyahu's Finest Hour

Netanyahu's Finest Hour

Jerusalem Post May 11, 2018
Trump has earned all the credit for transforming the US-Israel relationship into a full-blown strategic relationship. But it was another leader that prepared the groundwork for his actions. 
Israel Strikes Iranian Targets In Syria

Israel Strikes Iranian Targets In Syria

BBC News May 10, 2018
Israel has struck almost all of Iran's military infrastructure in Syria. 
President Trump Ends Obama's Iran Hostage Crisis

President Trump Ends Obama's Iran Hostage Crisis

Frontpage Mag May 9, 2018
Jimmy Carter began the first Iranian hostage crisis and Reagan ended it. Obama began America’s second Iranian hostage crisis. President Trump just ended it.
Trump Pulls Out Of Iran Deal

Trump Pulls Out Of Iran Deal

Ynet May 8, 2018
President Trump has announced his decision to withdraw the US from the 2015 nuclear deal, and reinstate sanctions on the Islamic republic that the deal removed.
Should John Kerry Be Arrested For Colluding With Arab States?

Should John Kerry Be Arrested For Colluding With Arab States?

Frontpage Mag May 7, 2018
Restore the rule of law, and treat John Kerry like Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn. It’s not just a Logan Act violation. It’s treason.
Iran Planning To Launch Barrage Of Missiles At Israel

Iran Planning To Launch Barrage Of Missiles At Israel

Jerusalem Post May 6, 2018
To avenge alleged Israeli strikes on its bases in Syria, Iran is preparing a barrage of missiles to launch against Israeli military positions from Syrian territory.
NSA Triples Capture Of Phone Records From Americans

NSA Triples Capture Of Phone Records From Americans

Reuters May 5, 2018
The NSA collected 534 million records of phone calls and text messages of Americans last year, more than triple gathered in 2016.
Russia Sees Closer Iran Ties If US Leaves Nuclear Deal

Russia Sees Closer Iran Ties If US Leaves Nuclear Deal

Jerusalem Post May 4, 2018
Russia will stand by the Iran nuclear deal and develop closer ties with Iran if President Trump withdraws from the agreement.
Trump Creates New White House Faith-Based Initiative Office

Trump Creates New White House Faith-Based Initiative Office

Christian Post May 3, 2018
On the National Day of Prayer, President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. 
Abbas Condemned For Antisemitic Holocaust Remarks

Abbas Condemned For Antisemitic Holocaust Remarks

Newsmax May 2, 2018
In a council session, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that the Jewish people caused the Holocaust through their "social behavior."
US Believes Israel Preparing For War With Iran In Syria

US Believes Israel Preparing For War With Iran In Syria

Jerusalem Post May 1, 2018
Israel appears to be preparing for war with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is seeking US help.
Netanyahu: Iran Deal Based On Lies

Netanyahu: Iran Deal Based On Lies

Jerusalem Post April 30, 2018
"Iran's leaders repeatedly deny ever pursuing nuclear weapons," said Netanyahu. "Tonight I'm here to tell you one thing: Iran lied."
'100% Certainty' That Asteroid Destroys Humanity

'100% Certainty' That Asteroid Destroys Humanity

Morning Ticker April 29, 2018
It is not a question of if a huge asteroid will threaten all life on Earth, but rather when, says one group of scientists.
Alfie Evans Dies

Alfie Evans Dies

Life News April 28, 2018
Five days after a children’s hospital yanked his life support without his parent’s permission, little Alfie Evans has died. 
Korean Leaders Agree To Denuclearization Goal

Korean Leaders Agree To Denuclearization Goal

BBC News April 27, 2018
The leaders of the communist North and Democratic South embraced prior to announcing a joint declaration committing to denuclearization and peace.
If Iran Strikes Tel Aviv, Israel Will Hit Tehran

If Iran Strikes Tel Aviv, Israel Will Hit Tehran

Jerusalem Post April 26, 2018
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman asserted that if Iran attacks Tel Aviv, Israel "will strike Tehran and destroy every Iranian military site that threatens Israel in Syria, whatever the price."
This May Be The Real Reason Why Kim Jong Un Halted Nuclear Tests

This May Be The Real Reason Why Kim Jong Un Halted Nuclear Tests

NY Post April 25, 2018
North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed — leading one researcher to suggest that is why Kim Jong Un shut it down and announced he would freeze missile testing.
Gog, Magog, Russia, Syria And The Biblical End Times

Gog, Magog, Russia, Syria And The Biblical End Times

Christian Post April 24, 2018
Joel Rosenberg says he believes humanity technically entered the last days once Jesus came, died, rose and set the gospel message into motion. 
Numerologist Wrong About Rapture Again

Numerologist Wrong About Rapture Again

LiveScience April 23, 2018
Citing Revelation 12:1-2, numerologist David Meade said the sun, the moon and Jupiter would line up in the constellation Virgo on April 23rd, 2018 triggering the Rapture. Obviously, he was wrong. Again. 
'Israel Is Headed For Escalation'

'Israel Is Headed For Escalation'

Reuters April 22, 2018
Israel warned of an Iranian "air force" deployed in Syria.
Hamas Commander Killed In Malaysia

Hamas Commander Killed In Malaysia

Jerusalem Post April 21, 2018
Hamas threatened retaliation against Israel for the death of an electrical engineer.  Israeli reports said he was an expert on attack drone and rocket systems.
Will Iran Target Israel Again?

Will Iran Target Israel Again?

JNS April 20, 2018
Iran seems to feel it is time to reap its investment into actual gains and dig in to Syria. Iran is Hezbollah on steroids
Russia Makes Secret Delivery To Syria

Russia Makes Secret Delivery To Syria April 19, 2018
Cargo ships have docked at the Russian naval base of Tartus on the Syrian coast and they’re unloading their cargo under the cover of smoke and aerosol gas.
The Miracle At 70

The Miracle At 70

Commentary April 18, 2018
More than any other event in the last 70 years, the state that was born in avoidance of any explicit affirmation of Israel’s God now stands as the greatest argument for the existence of that very same God.
North And South Korea Prepared To Declare End Of War

North And South Korea Prepared To Declare End Of War

National Review April 17, 2018
North Korea and South Korea are reportedly preparing to announce an official end to their 68-year war. North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and South Korean president Moon Jae-in will meet next week to discuss an end to the war.
Iran: Israel Will Pay For Strike On Drone Base In Syria

Iran: Israel Will Pay For Strike On Drone Base In Syria

Haaretz April 16, 2018
Iran will punish Israel for a strike on a drone base in Syria, Tehran's Foreign Ministry said Monday, following a report quoting an Israeli senior military official as admitting that the country was behind the attack.
Arab Leaders Meet To Unify Ranks With Eye On Iran, Jerusalem

Arab Leaders Meet To Unify Ranks With Eye On Iran, Jerusalem

USNWR April 15, 2018
Saudi Arabia used its perch as host of an annual gathering of Arab leaders to push for a unified stance against rival Iran as the regional powerhouses vie for the upper hand in wars in Syria and Yemen.
Trump: Mission Accomplished!

Trump: Mission Accomplished!

Boston Globe April 14, 2018
President Trump wrote that the airstrikes on Syria were “perfectly executed,” completing his tweet with an exclamatory: “Mission Accomplished!”
Fierce Clashes Continue At Gaza-Israel Border Fence

Fierce Clashes Continue At Gaza-Israel Border Fence

Arutz Sheva April 13, 2018
Thirty-three Gazans, including 14 people identified by Israeli security officials as terrorists, have been killed since the riots began on Friday, March 30th.
Update: Missiles Coming Soon Or Not So Soon

Update: Missiles Coming Soon Or Not So Soon

Reuters April 12, 2018
US President Donald Trump clarified his previous warning to Russia in an early morning tweet.
Heightening Mid-East Tensions

Heightening Mid-East Tensions April 12, 2018
Putin is playing a dangerous, high stakes game in the Middle East.
'I'm Sorry'

'I'm Sorry'

Newsmax April 10, 2018
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is undergoing a two-day congressional inquisition.
Israel Retaliates

Israel Retaliates

NBC News April 9, 2018
Hours after a gas attack on the last remaining foothold for rebels fighting the Assad killed 70, Israel carried out air strikes against a Syrian air base that killed 14. Israel informed the U.S. in advance
Dozens Dead In Syria WMD Attack

Dozens Dead In Syria WMD Attack

BBC News April 8, 2018
Rescuers and medics say at least 70 people have died in a suspected chemical attack.
Ten Palestinians Killed By Israeli Fire In Latest Gaza Protests

Ten Palestinians Killed By Israeli Fire In Latest Gaza Protests

Sputnik April 7, 2018
Ten Palestinians, including a reporter, were killed when protesters clashed with Israeli troops guarding the border with the Gaza exclave.
Update: Death Toll Rises To 27 As Gaza Protests Wind Down

Update: Death Toll Rises To 27 As Gaza Protests Wind Down

Jerusalem Post April 6, 2018
Israeli troops shot dead seven Palestinian protesters and wounded at least 1000 along the Israel-Gaza border on Friday, Gaza medical officials said, raising the death toll to 27 in the week-long disturbances.
More Deadly Violence On Gaza Border

More Deadly Violence On Gaza Border

Jerusalem Post April 5, 2018
Israeli fire killed a Palestinian at the Gaza border and another died of wounds suffered several days ago, bringing the number of Palestinian dead in a week of frontier protests and violence to 19.
Trump Orders National Guard To Mexican Border

Trump Orders National Guard To Mexican Border

Washington Times April 4, 2018
President Trump has ordered National Guard troops "immediately" to the southern US border with Mexico to stop illegal immigration, because "it's time to act."
President Trump To Use Military To Guard Border

President Trump To Use Military To Guard Border

Newsmax April 3, 2018
President Donald Trump said he plans to deploy the U.S. military to guard the border with Mexico and has told Mexican leaders he would abandon NAFTA without assurances of help on securing the boundary.
Erdogan Calls For Army Of Islam To Attack Israel

Erdogan Calls For Army Of Islam To Attack Israel

Express April 2, 2018
Less than a month ago the Turkish state’s mouthpiece the daily Yeni Şafak ran an article for Erdogan titled “A call for urgent action” and on the newspaper’s website headlined “What if an army of Islam formed against Israel?”
Great Questions

Great Questions March 31, 2018
The door in the Lord’s illustration represents your desire and will. You open the door by inviting Jesus Christ into your life. At this moment, in your own way, thank Jesus for dying for your sins. Invite Him to come into your heart. Do that, and this Sunday you can celebrate, not just His resurrection — but yours.
Death Toll Rises In Israel Border Riots

Death Toll Rises In Israel Border Riots

Voice Of America March 30, 2018
15 Palestinians were killed and more than 750 were wounded by Israeli troops during a march to the border of Israel and the Palestinian territory of Gaza.
Day Of Shame

Day Of Shame

Washington Free Beacon March 27, 2018
US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley excoriated Russia for its militancy in Syria despite agreeing to yet another ceasefire. "This is a travesty. This should be a day of shame for every member of this council."
UN Human Rights Council Approves 5 New Anti-Israel Resolutions

UN Human Rights Council Approves 5 New Anti-Israel Resolutions

Jerusalem Post March 26, 2018
The UN Human Rights Council approved five new resolutions against Israel's policies, prompting sharp criticism from US officials.
What Was The 'Crime' Jesus Committed?

What Was The 'Crime' Jesus Committed?

Christian Post March 25, 2018
How amazing that the Son of God become man would allow Himself to be so degraded by people whom He Himself had created.
Through Many Tribulations

Through Many Tribulations March 24, 2018
Western media elites could not care less about Africa.
Another Jihadist Attack In France

Another Jihadist Attack In France

Reuters March 23, 2018
Three people were killed in France when a gunman screaming “Allahu Akbar” opened fire.
Suspect In Attack On Palestinian PM Dead After Gun Battle

Suspect In Attack On Palestinian PM Dead After Gun Battle

Haaretz March 22, 2018
Hamas announced it killed one suspect and arrested two others, which it said were responsible for the assassination attempt of Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, during a firefight in Gaza.
Israel Reveals They Bombed Syrian Reactor In 2007

Israel Reveals They Bombed Syrian Reactor In 2007

Jerusalem Post March 21, 2018
Israel acknowledged publicly for the first time Wednesday that it struck a secret nuclear reactor in Syria 11 years ago. 
Trump Campaign’s Use Of Facebook Data First Employed By Obama

Trump Campaign’s Use Of Facebook Data First Employed By Obama

Washington Times March 20, 2018
The near-hysterical reaction to the Trump campaign’s use of personal Facebook data ignores the fact that businesses and political campaigns have been collecting users’ personal preferences for years.
Another Explosion Strikes Texas Capital

Another Explosion Strikes Texas Capital

FOX News March 19, 2018
Austin is gripped with fear as another explosion injures two.
Israel Destroys Gaza Tunnel, Underground Military Complex

Israel Destroys Gaza Tunnel, Underground Military Complex

Jerusalem Post March 18, 2018
The Israeli military destroyed a Hamas tunnel in southern Gaza on Sunday morning and struck an underground military complex in central Gaza.
Israeli Soldiers Killed In Car Attack

Israeli Soldiers Killed In Car Attack

Jerusalem Post March 16, 2018
Two Israeli soldiers were killed, and another two were wounded, in a car-ramming attack carried out by a Palestinian terrorist in the West Bank on Friday.
Wake Up!

Wake Up! March 16, 2018
Jesus is the primary message of the Bible. He is also the primary message of prophecy. If you know Jesus personally, you have received the main message of God’s word. But to skip or dismiss anything further would be insulting to Him.
Saudi Arabia Pledges To Create A Nuclear Bomb If Iran Does

Saudi Arabia Pledges To Create A Nuclear Bomb If Iran Does

BBC News March 15, 2018
Saudi Arabia's crown prince revealed on his intentions to develop a nuclear weapon if Iran was pursuing one as well. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud accused his regional foe of trying "to expand" and "create his own project in the Middle East." 
Assad 'Has Won The War'

Assad 'Has Won The War'

Breitbart March 14, 2018
The Russian and Iranian-assisted regime of Bashar al-Assad is winning the civil war that has killed hundreds of thousands in Syria since 2011, suggested the top U.S. commander in the Middle East, stressing that toppling the dictator is not part of the American mission in the conflict-ridden country.
Hezbollah Forces Participating In Ghouta Massacre

Hezbollah Forces Participating In Ghouta Massacre

Ynet March 13, 2018
Hundreds of Hezbollah fighters are participating in the Assad army's onslaught on rebel forces in Syria and in the massacre of civilians in the Ghouta district in the eastern suburbs of Damascus.
Putin Blames Jews & Americans For Election Meddling

Putin Blames Jews & Americans For Election Meddling

BBC News March 12, 2018
Vladimir Putin suggested minority groups, including Jews, may be responsible for meddling in the 2016 US election.
Can We Still Be The Light?

Can We Still Be The Light?

Christian Post March 11, 2018
Darkness is falling in Russia – 143 million people spread across 11 time zones are slaves of an evil they either cannot see, or cannot stop. Vladimir Putin calls himself a Christian, but he has declared war on the Gospel, and speaks of war with the West.
Trump Will Meet With Kim Jong Un

Trump Will Meet With Kim Jong Un

Newsmax March 9, 2018
North Korea has "agreed to denuclearize" as a condition for meeting with President Donald Trump — and "we won't have a meeting until we see concrete actions that match the words and rhetoric" of dictator Kim Jong Un

Gloom And Glory

Gloom And Glory March 9, 2018
Someone recently told a member of my team, “Tell Hal not to have so much gloom and doom.” I’ve heard things like that before. The truth is, like most people, I don’t like gloom and doom. I prefer good news.
Women In North Korea Abused, Told They're In Heaven

Women In North Korea Abused, Told They're In Heaven

Newsweek March 8, 2018
North Korea is a misogynistic society where women are routinely subjected to sexual violence, marital rape and harassment.
There Is No There There

There Is No There There

Frontpage Mag March 7, 2018
One of the distressing aspects of the police probes against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is that police seem to be attributing criminality to normal policy-making.
SKorea: Kim Is Ready

SKorea: Kim Is Ready

AP March 6, 2018
South Korea says North Korea has agreed to impose a moratorium on tests of nuclear weapons and missiles if it holds talks with the United States.
Russian Superweapons

Russian Superweapons March 5, 2018
Over the last few days, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a series of new superweapons.  Among those weapons is what he called an “invincible,” nuclear-capable, intercontinental cruise missile that travels at 20 times the speed of sound.  He said, “No defense systems will be able to withstand it.”
'Wake Up Church!'

'Wake Up Church!'

WND March 4, 2018
Anne Graham Lotz had a feeling there was some significance to the date her father, Billy Graham, died.
Franklin Graham: ‘My Father’s Greatest Longing ... He’s With God’

Franklin Graham: ‘My Father’s Greatest Longing ... He’s With God’

WLC March 3, 2018
“Last week, he embarked on the journey he has been looking forward to all his life,” the Rev. Franklin Graham III, 65, would tell those who gathered under a 28,000-square-foot tent.
How Many Lives Are Saved By Guns?

How Many Lives Are Saved By Guns?

WND March 2, 2018
Given the large number of defensive uses of guns, Trump’s prescription to “harden the target” and eliminate “gun-free zones” makes the most sense.

 Iran And Hezbollah's Terror In Argentina

Iran And Hezbollah's Terror In Argentina

Gatestone Institute March 1, 2018
Iran's activities in Latin America are a direct challenge to U.S. primacy in the Western Hemisphere. Iran, it seems, wants to replace the U.S. as the power ally of Latin American countries.
NKorea Sending WMDs To Syria

NKorea Sending WMDs To Syria

FOX News February 28, 2018
North Korea recently delivered 50 tons of materials to Syria for use in building what appears to be a chemical weapons facility.
Christ's Place In Schools

Christ's Place In Schools

CH February 27, 2018
Public school officials in one of the nation’s fastest-growing cities are being accused of violating the separation of church and state.
'Leaders With Moral Clarity'

'Leaders With Moral Clarity'

Jerusalem Post February 26, 2018
In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed his nation's ties with American Christians.  “We have no better friends in the world and I mean that,” Netanyahu said. “It’s not just a matter of speech, it is a partnership that goes back centuries.”
New Embassy Funded By Private Money?

New Embassy Funded By Private Money?

Jerusalem Post February 24, 2018
Sheldon Adelson has offered to help fund the construction of a new American Embassy in Jerusalem.
2nd Amendment Under Attack

2nd Amendment Under Attack

CNN February 23, 2018
Governors from several states created a multi-state task force to trace the sale and use of guns.
Hamas: Turkey's Longtime Love

Hamas: Turkey's Longtime Love

Gatestone Institute February 22, 2018
Despite the nominal 'normalization' of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Israel, Ankara is still fully supporting a terrorist organization.
Billy Graham—Man Of Faith, Man Of God

Billy Graham—Man Of Faith, Man Of God February 21, 2018
Billy Graham outlived much of his fame. Young people today have no idea the level of influence and celebrity he held for most of his life.
Abbas Calls For International Peace Summit

Abbas Calls For International Peace Summit

Jerusalem Post February 20, 2018
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called for an international conference to advance peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians.
To Push Iran Back, Israel Ramps Up Support For Syrian Rebels

To Push Iran Back, Israel Ramps Up Support For Syrian Rebels

Haaretz February 19, 2018
At least seven Sunni rebel organizations in the Syrian Golan are now getting arms and ammunition from Israel, along with money to buy additional armaments.
Netanyahu To Iran: Don't Test Our Resolve

Netanyahu To Iran: Don't Test Our Resolve

Jerusalem Post February 18, 2018
Benjamin Netanyahu, during a speech at the Munich Security Conference, brandished a piece of the Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle that Israel downed a week ago after it entered Israel’s airspace.
School Shootings: The Real Question

School Shootings: The Real Question February 16, 2018
From Broward County, Florida, comes news of yet another school shooting.  Politicians and members of the media immediately began asking how such tragedies can be averted.  They focused on the usual things.  How do we keep weapons out of the hands of dangerous individuals, and how do we spot signs that a person might be a potential mass shooter?  Those are important, but they don’t address the real question, and that is, “Why?”
House Votes To Sanction Hamas For Using Human Shields

House Votes To Sanction Hamas For Using Human Shields

Arutz Sheva February 15, 2018
The House of Representatives passed the Hamas Human Shields Prevention Act , which sanctions Hamas for using civilians as human shields.


Arutz Sheva February 14, 2018
The Netanyahu government is at risk of being toppled – over what? He took cigars?
Trump Enlists Putin On Mideast Peace

Trump Enlists Putin On Mideast Peace

Haaretz February 13, 2018
In a meeting between the Palestinian and Russian presidents in Moscow, Putin assures Abbas that he has spoken with Trump, and that he knows Palestinians want U.S. out of peace talks.
Iranian Drone Based On US Technology

Iranian Drone Based On US Technology

Pittsburgh Post Gazette February 12, 2018
The drone that Israel shot down appears to have been developed by Iran from technology obtained when it captured a US stealth aircraft in 2011.
Israel To Be Key Player In The Next Chapter Of Syria's War

Israel To Be Key Player In The Next Chapter Of Syria's War

Jerusalem Post February 11, 2018
The disastrous war in Syria is far from over, rather a new chapter is just beginning, with Israel poised to be a central character.
Israel Strikes Iranian Targets In Syria

Israel Strikes Iranian Targets In Syria

Jerusalem Post February 10, 2018
Israel carried out a large-scale attack against Syrian air defenses and Iranian targets in the war-torn country after an Israeli F-16 crashed during operations to strike Iranian targets.
'Peace Means Compromise'

'Peace Means Compromise'

Ynet February 9, 2018
President Donald Trump told Israel that it would need to make “significant compromises” for peace with the Palestinians.
Bermuda Becomes First Country To Repeal Gay Marriage

Bermuda Becomes First Country To Repeal Gay Marriage

Daily Caller February 8, 2018
Bermuda became the first country in the world to repeal a law allowing gay couples to marry. 
Syrian Air Defense Intercept Israeli Missiles

Syrian Air Defense Intercept Israeli Missiles

Jerusalem Post February 7, 2018
Israeli fighter jets flying in Lebanese airspace fired a number of missiles toward the area of an Iranian base.
Poland's President Will Sign Holocaust Bill

Poland's President Will Sign Holocaust Bill

Forward February 6, 2018
Polish President Andrzej Duda said he would sign a controversial law limiting rhetoric on atrocities committed in his country during World War II.
'Jerusalem Will Be The Capital Of The Caliphate'

'Jerusalem Will Be The Capital Of The Caliphate'

Arutz Sheva February 5, 2018
Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib, Deputy Head of the illegal Islamic Movement in Israel, published an article expressing his opinion about what Jerusalem's status should be.
Israel Legalizes Outpost In Response To Recent Murder

Israel Legalizes Outpost In Response To Recent Murder

VOA February 4, 2018
Israel's prime minister says an isolated West Bank outpost will be legalized in response to the recent murder of a rabbi who lived there.
Israel Carries Out Airstrikes In Egypt, With Cairo's OK

Israel Carries Out Airstrikes In Egypt, With Cairo's OK

Jerusalem Post February 3, 2018
Over the past two years, Israeli Air Force planes ventured across the Israel-Egypt border and attacked target in the Sinai Peninsula more than 100 times to assist Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in his struggle against ISIS.
Trump May Present Peace Plan Even If Palestinians Won't Negotiate

Trump May Present Peace Plan Even If Palestinians Won't Negotiate

Breitbart February 2, 2018
The White House is considering presenting President Trump's Middle East peace plan even if Palestinian President Abbas refuses to come to the negotiating table.
Israel Slams Poland's Controversial Holocaust Law

Israel Slams Poland's Controversial Holocaust Law

Jerusalem Post February 1, 2018
Israeli politicians condemned the Polish Senate's decision to criminalize suggesting Polish complicity in the Holocaust.
Trump Divides Americans And Un-Americans

Trump Divides Americans And Un-Americans

Frontpage Mag January 31, 2018
There are two stories of America. One is the American story and the other the un-American story.
Trump Urges Bipartisan Cooperation

Trump Urges Bipartisan Cooperation

Reuters January 30, 2018
President Trump urged Republicans and Democrats to work toward compromises on immigration and infrastructure.
Government By Crisis

Government By Crisis January 29, 2018
When it takes the threat of a long-term government shutdown for Congress to get anything done, it precludes the thoughtful, deliberative process envisioned by America’s founders. The problem is not with the system, but with the spiritual condition of the country trying to operate that system.
Google Devices Don't Recognize Jesus

Google Devices Don't Recognize Jesus

Newsmax January 28, 2018
Despite knowing Buddha and Muhammed, when asked who is Jesus the smart speaker says it does not know the answer.
Running Out Of Money

Running Out Of Money

FOX News January 27, 2018
Kim Jong Un's trigger-happy antics have nearly depleted a critical slush fund the North Korean despot uses to run his isolated country.
Pence And Pew, Present And Future

Pence And Pew, Present And Future

Caroline Glick January 26, 2018
As Pence demonstrated so eloquently at the Knesset this week, Israel has a friend the likes of which it has never seen in the White House today. 
'If Palestinians Don't Want Peace, US Wants Nothing To Do With Them'

'If Palestinians Don't Want Peace, US Wants Nothing To Do With Them'

Jerusalem Post January 25, 2018
President Trump threatened to withhold aid money from the Palestinians until they return to peace talks with Israel.
A Shining Speech In Jerusalem – The City Upon The Hill

A Shining Speech In Jerusalem – The City Upon The Hill

Israel Hayom January 24, 2018
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence gave the speech that Israel has been waiting to hear for 70 years.
Trump To Tell Davos The 'US Open For Business'

Trump To Tell Davos The 'US Open For Business'

Newsmax January 24, 2018
President Donald Trump plans to meet with world leaders, dine with business executives and declare America "open for business" during his trip to the Davos summit. 
Pence: The US Embassy Will Be In Jerusalem In 2019

Pence: The US Embassy Will Be In Jerusalem In 2019

Townhall January 22, 2018
Mike Pence reiterated the Trump administration's decision to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, officially recognizing the city as the capitol.
US Vice President Pence Arrives In Israel

US Vice President Pence Arrives In Israel

Jerusalem Post January 21, 2018
This is the first time a high-ranking US official has visited Israel since President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December 2017.
Why Did Israel Dry Up In The First Century?

Why Did Israel Dry Up In The First Century?

WND January 20, 2018
What happened in Israel in the first century that may have caused the change in climate? Was the Roman Empire producing excess levels of carbon dioxide?
The Press & The President

The Press & The President January 19, 2018
Last week Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona made a much-hyped speech on the floor of the US Senate.
Trump: No Embassy Move In 2018

Trump: No Embassy Move In 2018

FOX News January 18, 2018
Benjamin Netanyahu's “solid assessment” is that the US Embassy will be moved to Jerusalem in the coming year, but Donald Trump said 'That's a no.'
Abbas: Damn Your Money!

Abbas: Damn Your Money!

Jerusalem Post January 16, 2018
The Trump administration informed the UN Relief and Works Agency that it was cutting tens of millions of dollars in aid to the organization, amid an escalating diplomatic crisis between Washington and Ramallah.
Martin Luther King's Message Of Hope

Martin Luther King's Message Of Hope

Christian Post January 15, 2018
"We will win our freedom because the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our echoing demands."
Hamas Approaches Endgame In Gaza

Hamas Approaches Endgame In Gaza

Haaretz January 14, 2018
The destruction of the Hamas tunnel on the Gaza border Saturday night supports the conclusion that Israel has found a defense against the threat of attack tunnels under the Strip. 
Your Truth...My Truth...THE Truth

Your Truth...My Truth...THE Truth January 13, 2018
The phrase “your truth” is a non-sequitur. Ideas, beliefs, and opinions can belong to you. But truth stands above those things.
Obama Tipped Off Iran About Israel Assassination Plot

Obama Tipped Off Iran About Israel Assassination Plot

Haaretz January 12, 2018
It seems that with each passing day, another layer of deceit and betrayal committed by the Obama administration is uncovered. 
An Egregious Case Of Prosecutorial Misconduct

An Egregious Case Of Prosecutorial Misconduct

Patriot Post January 11, 2018
In a stunning development further underscoring the corruption that exists at the highest levels of the federal government, a U.S. District Judge threw out felony conspiracy and weapons charges against rancher Cliven Bundy.
The Virtue-Signaling Anti-Virtue Crowd

The Virtue-Signaling Anti-Virtue Crowd

Patriot Post January 10, 2018
America knows posturing when it sees it. And what we’re seeing now isn’t bravery.
What Happens When Socialists Run Out Of Money

What Happens When Socialists Run Out Of Money

Frontpage Mag January 9, 2018
Prime Minister Thatcher once famously observed that socialists "always run out of other people's money." Venezuela, a once wealthy nation with black gold coming out of the ground, is a test case.
Cliven Bundy Standoff Case Thrown Out

Cliven Bundy Standoff Case Thrown Out

Washington Times January 8, 2018
A federal judge dismissed all charges against rancher Cliven Bundy stemming from the 2014 Nevada standoff and barred prosecutors from retrying the case, citing “flagrant prosecutorial misconduct.”
Israel Bans 20 BDS Organizations

Israel Bans 20 BDS Organizations

Jerusalem Post January 7, 2018
Israel published a list of 20 global organizations whose members will be barred from entering the country due to their support for BDS.
Egypt Urged Quiet Acceptance Of Jerusalem Decision

Egypt Urged Quiet Acceptance Of Jerusalem Decision

i24 January 6, 2018
Egypt's outward policy towards President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital was contradictory to internal discussions being held behind closed doors by Egypt's leaders.
US Advised Israel To Expand Jewish Prayer At Western Wall

US Advised Israel To Expand Jewish Prayer At Western Wall

JTA January 5, 2018
The annual State Department report on religious freedoms emphasizes Trump administration efforts to maintain the status quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. 
ISIS Declares War On Hamas

ISIS Declares War On Hamas

Times Of Israel January 4, 2018
The ISIS branch in the Sinai Peninsula called on its supporters to attack Hamas as long-simmering tensions between the rival Islamic terror groups erupted into the open.
Iran Declares 'Seditious' Protests Over

Iran Declares 'Seditious' Protests Over

Hot Air January 3, 2018
The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards said that a string of anti-government protests were over after six days of unrest.
Trump Threatens To Cut Aid To Palestinians

Trump Threatens To Cut Aid To Palestinians

Arutz Sheva January 2, 2018
President Trump said the US may withhold payments to Palestinians because they are “no longer willing to talk peace.”
Update: Protest Death Toll Rises

Update: Protest Death Toll Rises

AP January 1, 2018
At least 12 people have been killed in weekend protests in Iran, and now armed protesters have tried to take over police stations and military bases.
The Explosion Of Truth

The Explosion Of Truth

Jerusalem Post January 1, 2018
If the protesters achieve their goal of bringing down the regime, they will go down in history as the saviors of millions of people not just in Iran but throughout the world.
Why 2017 Was A Great Year

Why 2017 Was A Great Year

Christian Post December 31, 2017
Yes, 2017 was a challenge, but it was a blessing in disguise. Let's pray and hope that the same will be true of 2018.
Thousands Protest Trump

Thousands Protest Trump

Ynet December 29, 2017
Thousands of Palestinians again took to the streets of Gaza and the West Bank in protest against US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
US-Israel Sign Pact To Counter Iran

US-Israel Sign Pact To Counter Iran

Newsmax December 28, 2017
The U.S. and Israel signed a secret agreement earlier this month to work to counter Iran's activities in the Mideast.
Hamas 'Just Waiting For Abbas To Die'

Hamas 'Just Waiting For Abbas To Die'

Algemeiner December 27, 2017
Hamas’ latest effort to join a Palestinian unity government is little more than a facade. Instead, the terror group’s top immediate objective is to seize control of Judea and Samaria and turn it into a second Gaza.
Hamas: Iran Will Stand By Palestinian People In Struggle For Jerusalem

Hamas: Iran Will Stand By Palestinian People In Struggle For Jerusalem

Ynet December 26, 2017
Hamas said the commander of Iran's elite Quds Force commander, has promised him that the Revolutionary Guards would stand by the Hamas leadership.
Obama's Collusion With Narco Terrorists

Obama's Collusion With Narco Terrorists

Frontpage Mag December 26, 2017
In its zeal to clinch a deal with the Islamic Republic, the Obama administration embarked on a systematic campaign to lie to the American people and Congress.
Guatemala To Move Its Embassy In Israel To Jerusalem

Guatemala To Move Its Embassy In Israel To Jerusalem

Arutz Sheva December 24, 2017
Guatemalan President announces he had given instructions to move the country’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
The Christmas Miracle

The Christmas Miracle December 23, 2017
Jesus is the ultimate miracle.  When you receive Him into your life, that miracle becomes yours forever.
The Day The U.S. Called Out UN Back-Stabbers

The Day The U.S. Called Out UN Back-Stabbers

One News Now December 22, 2017
Allies and enemies of the United States condemned the U.S. this week for supporting Israel – and some say the vote at the United Nations is a badge of honor. 
The UN Stands Against Israel And America

The UN Stands Against Israel And America

Arutz Sheva December 21, 2017
More than 120 countries defied President Donald Trump on Thursday and voted in favor of a United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for the United States to drop its recent recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
House Approves Historic Tax Bill

House Approves Historic Tax Bill

Newsmax December 20, 2017
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives gave final approval to the biggest overhaul of the tax code in 30 years, sending a sweeping $1.5 trillion bill to President Donald Trump for his signature.
Obama Let Hezbollah Off The Hook To Save Iran Deal

Obama Let Hezbollah Off The Hook To Save Iran Deal

Politico December 19, 2017
In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by Hezbollah.
US Vetoes UN Resolution Rejecting Trump's Jerusalem Decision

US Vetoes UN Resolution Rejecting Trump's Jerusalem Decision

Washington Times December 18, 2017
The US stood against the 14 other UN member nations by vetoing a resolution that called on the Trump administration to rescind its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Policy Speeches Vs. Policy

Policy Speeches Vs. Policy

Caroline Glick December 17, 2017
What is President Donald Trump’s Middle East policy?
Israel Attacked Iranian Military Factories In Syria

Israel Attacked Iranian Military Factories In Syria

Jerusalem Post December 16, 2017
Over the past several months, Israel struck Iranian military factories in Syria. They're all seemingly civilian industrial sites but, in reality, are Iranian military factories built in Syria since the start of the Syrian Civil War in 2011.
Muslim Mayor Cancels Christmas

Muslim Mayor Cancels Christmas

Jewish Press December 15, 2017
Just like during the original Christmas, Jesus' birth will not be celebrated in Nazareth this year -- though this time, it's being blamed on President Trump.
FCC Ends Net Neutrality

FCC Ends Net Neutrality

Washington Times December 14, 2017
The Federal Communications Commission has voted on party lines to undo sweeping Obama-era "net neutrality" rules that guaranteed equal access to internet.
Abbas: No Role For US In Middle East

Abbas: No Role For US In Middle East

FOX News December 13, 2017
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called Donald Trump's Jerusalem decision a "crime" that threatens world peace.
The Courage To Act

The Courage To Act

Gatestone Institute December 12, 2017
Those who cannot accept that Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel tend to be exactly the same as those who cannot accept the State of Israel.
Hamas Losing

Hamas Losing

Breitbart December 12, 2017
Hamas has suffered hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to its “property,” mainly in the loss of dozens of rockets, as a result of Israeli strikes in Gaza over the weekend, according to initial estimates from within the group
North Korea's Nuclear Tests Have Damaged Earth's Crust

North Korea's Nuclear Tests Have Damaged Earth's Crust

New Zealand Herald December 10, 2017
Two tremors detected in North Korea were likely to be aftershocks from the hermit nation's reckless nuclear test in early September.
Violent 'Day Of Rage' Protests Held Across West Bank, Gaza

Violent 'Day Of Rage' Protests Held Across West Bank, Gaza

TImes Of Israel December 8, 2017
5,000 Palestinian protesters held demonstrations and clashed with Israeli security forces at some 30 locations across the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Friday after midday prayers.
'He Made History'

'He Made History'

JOL December 7, 2017
"There are great moments in Zionist history: the Balfour Declaration, the state’s establishment, the liberation of Jerusalem and yesterday – Trump’s declaration."
US To Recognize Jerusalem As Israel's Capital

US To Recognize Jerusalem As Israel's Capital

Times Of Israel December 6, 2017
Officials say the move 'does not change status quo' of Temple Mount and that transferring the mission from Tel Aviv could take years. 
Day Of Rage

Day Of Rage

FOX News December 6, 2017
Hamas called on Palestinians to send a message “with all available means” to Israel after Friday prayers.
Jerusalem: Recognizing Reality

Jerusalem: Recognizing Reality December 6, 2017
“God Bless America” is a prayer.  One of the actions that must accompany that prayer is for America to continue to bless Israel.
Court Oks Trump Travel Ban

Court Oks Trump Travel Ban

Newsmax December 4, 2017
The US Supreme Court is allowing President Trump's travel ban targeting people from six Muslim-majority countries to go into full effect.

Kushner: Peace Needed For Wider Middle East Stability

Kushner: Peace Needed For Wider Middle East Stability

Times Of Israel December 3, 2017
The President's adviser and son-in-law insists Trump hasn't made up his mind on embassy move, but saying he's 'optimistic' about a deal.
Hamas Calls For 'Intifada' In Response To Trump’s Jerusalem Bid

Hamas Calls For 'Intifada' In Response To Trump’s Jerusalem Bid

i24 December 2, 2017
'The whole world will pay the price of any folly aimed at Jerusalem', warned Abbas's advisor
UN Resolution Against Israeli Settlements At Heart Of Flynn Guilty Plea

UN Resolution Against Israeli Settlements At Heart Of Flynn Guilty Plea

Jerusalem Post December 1, 2017
The December 2016 anti-settlements UN Security Council Resolution is at the heart of the guilty plea former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn entered on Friday. 
North Korea: A Reckoning

North Korea: A Reckoning December 1, 2017
While leaders, especially in America, kicked the can down the road, the North Koreans did what they said they would do.
US To Recognize Jerusalem As Israel's Capital

US To Recognize Jerusalem As Israel's Capital

Ynet November 30, 2017
US President Donald Trump is reportedly planning to announce in the coming days that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

"UN Didn't Create Israel"

Jewish Journal November 29, 2017
Watch the black-and-white footage from 70 years ago this week. Uruguay and Venezuela give the final affirmative votes. The resolution passes!
US Needs To Prepare For North Korean EMP Attack

US Needs To Prepare For North Korean EMP Attack

FOX News November 28, 2017
The result of an electromagnetic pulse wouldn’t just mean no iPhones for a few hours, it would mean no power to millions of people for weeks or even many months.
Hedonism's Predictable Horrors

Hedonism's Predictable Horrors

Patriot Post November 27, 2017
At the center of today's outbreak of sexual deviancy lies hedonism and modern liberalism.
Saudi Arabia Developing Arab Confederation To Fight Terror

Saudi Arabia Developing Arab Confederation To Fight Terror

Ricochet November 26, 2017
Saudi Arabia has been working to develop a coalition to fight terrorism with 41 other Muslim countries. 
Egypt Toll Climbs To 305

Egypt Toll Climbs To 305

FOX News November 25, 2017
The death toll in Friday’s terrorist attack on Al Rawdah mosque in Egypt’s northern Sinai region has surpassed 300, including 27 children. 
Is Hezbollah Arming Hamas?

Is Hezbollah Arming Hamas?

Media Line November 24, 2017
Jerusalem must prepare for the outbreak of violence on two fronts.
Treat Every Day Like It's Thanksgiving And Christmas

Treat Every Day Like It's Thanksgiving And Christmas

Christian Post November 23, 2017
Are you thankful enough for all the blessings in your life? Look around and observe your world with fresh eyes. You are truly more blessed than you may realize. We all are.
Lebanon's PM Puts Resignation On Hold

Lebanon's PM Puts Resignation On Hold

Reuters November 22, 2017
Lebanon’s Saad al-Hariri on Wednesday shelved his decision to resign as prime minister at the request of President Michel Aoun, easing a crisis that had deepened tensions in the Middle East.
Trump Hands Syria To Russia With No Plans For Iran To Leave

Trump Hands Syria To Russia With No Plans For Iran To Leave

Haaretz November 21, 2017
Iran's presence is not expected to diminish despite the U.S.-Russia deal. Israel is concerned, but whether Iran is interested in opening a front against Israel in Syria remains unclear.
Last Days Warnings

Last Days Warnings November 20, 2017
As the world reels under the impact of the latest Middle East crisis, many are discovering that the events are fitting into a larger pattern of precisely predicted events.
Attack On US Border

Attack On US Border

FOX News November 20, 2017
Agent Rogelio Martinez, 36, was killed in an apparent ambush attack while patrolling the Big Bend Sector of Texas along the southern border with Mexico.
A Firing, a Feud And A First Lady

A Firing, a Feud And A First Lady

New York Times November 19, 2017
The rapid fall of Zimbabwe’s president, whose legendary guile and ruthlessness helped him outmaneuver countless adversaries over nearly four decades, probably has surprised no one more than Robert Mugabe himself.
Trump Threatens To Close PLO Office In Washington

Trump Threatens To Close PLO Office In Washington

Times Of Israel November 18, 2017
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson refused to certify that the Palestinians are complying with a 2015 Congressional mandate, which induces penalties if the Palestinian Authority pursues the prosecution of Israelis at the International Criminal Court.
Satan, The Left And The Death Of Reality

Satan, The Left And The Death Of Reality

WND November 17, 2017
A Pew Research Center poll found that 77 percent of Democrats with a bachelor’s degree or more believe a person’s gender can be different from the sex they were “assigned at birth.” You’ll remember that Democrats are the party of science, and Republicans the Neanderthal science-deniers.
Zimbabwe's Mugabe Out Of Power For First Time Since 1980s

Zimbabwe's Mugabe Out Of Power For First Time Since 1980s

NPR November 15, 2017
President Robert Mugabe and his family are "safe and sound," according to Zimbabwe's military — but his decades in power are seemingly at an end, after Mugabe, 93, was forcefully pushed aside. Both the ruling party and the military insist there was no coup.
'Only God Can Save Us'

'Only God Can Save Us'

Guardian November 14, 2017
Millions are on on the brink of famine in Yemen, which is already in the grip of the world’s worst cholera outbreak.
Update: Death Toll Tops 450

Update: Death Toll Tops 450

Boston Globe November 12, 2017
Iranians dug through rubble in a frantic search for survivors after a powerful earthquake struck near the Iraqi border, killing more than 450 people and injuring thousands of others.
Of Pride & Man

Of Pride & Man November 11, 2017
Upheaval of nations is not new, but this time there are important distinctions.  From a biblical perspective, the presence of the modern state of Israel changes the context in which we see all otherworld events.  It is the mega-sign of the end times.
US Could Lose NKorea War

US Could Lose NKorea War

Newsweek November 10, 2017
US troops in South Korea would be "outnumbered" and undersupplied.
What Is Changing In Saudi Arabia?

What Is Changing In Saudi Arabia?

NDTV November 9, 2017
Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has ordered a crackdown on corruption, the latest in a wave of changes in the kingdom.
The Iran-Hamas-Hezbollah Connection

The Iran-Hamas-Hezbollah Connection

Gatestone Institute November 8, 2017
Last week, Iran finalized its takeover of Lebanon when Hariri resigned, and reportedly fled to Saudi Arabia.
A Time To Mourn

A Time To Mourn

WND November 7, 2017
Now is a time to turn to the Lord and ask Him to have mercy on our nation and heal our land.
Texas Church Massacre

Texas Church Massacre

KSAT November 6, 2017

A shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Sunday morning left 26 people -- ranging in age from 5 to 72 years old -- dead and 20 wounded, authorities say. Devin Kelley, of New Braunfels, has been identified as the gunman.

Anti-Christian Atheist

Anti-Christian Atheist

Washington Times November 6, 2017
Too bad for the mainstream media, which no doubt would’ve loved to make the case that Kelley was a card-carrying Christian, a Bible-thumping Republican, a tea party type conservative to the core.
The Hero That Chased Down Devin Kelly

The Hero That Chased Down Devin Kelly

NY Post November 6, 2017
The man hailed as a hero for confronting the Texas mass shooter during his rampage is a sharpshooting plumber with no military background — who hit the gunman through a gap in his body armor. Stephen Willeford managed to shoot Devin Kelley before jumping in another man’s truck and chasing him down.
Israel Threatens To Enter Syria

Israel Threatens To Enter Syria

Jerusalem Post November 4, 2017
The IDF said it is willing to provide assistance and prevent the capture of the Druse village on the Syrian-held section of Mount Hermon by anti-regime forces.
Can A Christian Be A Democrat?

Can A Christian Be A Democrat?

Christian Post November 3, 2017
Christians who are members of the Democrat Party may want to seriously consider changing their political affiliation.
A Century Of Christian Zionist Support for Israel

A Century Of Christian Zionist Support for Israel

BIN November 2, 2017
“God promised to restore the Jewish people from their exile and good Christians need to help God fulfill his Biblical promise to the Jews. The idea is that God does not lie.” 
The Left Has Blood On Its Hands

The Left Has Blood On Its Hands

Frontpage Mag November 1, 2017
Leftists who refuse to stop Islamic terrorism want people to die.
Truck Plows Into Cyclists In New York City

Truck Plows Into Cyclists In New York City

Business Insider October 31, 2017
At least eight people were killed and 12 injured after the driver of a Home Depot pickup truck struck numerous people in downtown Manhattan. The driver of the vehicle drove into the bike lane for more than 10 blocks in the wrong direction, hitting cyclists and pedestrians along the way.
Israel Blows Up Terror Tunnel

Israel Blows Up Terror Tunnel

Times Of Israel October 30, 2017
7 men were killed and another 12 injured when the Israeli army blew up an attack tunnel stretching from the Gaza Strip.
Disney Channel To Have Character Come Out As Gay

Disney Channel To Have Character Come Out As Gay

Life Site October 28, 2017
The Disney Channel’s latest depiction of homosexuality among adolescents will go further than previous storylines by following a main character’s life after he comes out as gay.
Wake Up Call

Wake Up Call

Algemeiner October 28, 2017
Iranian forces are approaching the Israeli border. This is happening with the full support and facilitation of Russia, even though Russia knows very well that Iran’s aim is eradicate Israel.
Israeli Arabs, Palestinians Protest The Balfour Declaration

Israeli Arabs, Palestinians Protest The Balfour Declaration

Jerusalem Post October 27, 2017
Arab-Israeli leaders to hold a protest outside the British Embassy in Tel Aviv to mark the century that passed since the Balfour Declaration.
Israel Prepared To Use Force To Stop Iran From Acquiring Nukes

Israel Prepared To Use Force To Stop Iran From Acquiring Nukes

Arutz Sheva October 26, 2017
Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz declares Israel is willing to use military force to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Manafort's Russia Ties Lead To Hillary

Manafort's Russia Ties Lead To Hillary

WND October 25, 2017
A startling report indicates the probe of onetime Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort may lead not to a Russian link to Trump, but to the now twice-failed Democratic hopeful for the Oval Office, Clinton.
Obama Uranium Deal Investigated

Obama Uranium Deal Investigated

USNWR October 24, 2017
The House is launching a joint investigation into a 2013 transaction approved by President Obama that gave a Russian company control of 20% of US uranium production capacity.
After The Caliphate

After The Caliphate October 23, 2017
For a couple of years, ISIS was building a country.  More precisely, they were building a caliphate.
Democrats Will Display Their Cultural Extremism

Democrats Will Display Their Cultural Extremism

Patriot Post October 22, 2017
What would America’s abortion policy be if the number of months in the gestation of a human infant were a prime number — say, 7 or 11? 
Pushing Back Against Transanity

Pushing Back Against Transanity

Charisma October 21, 2017
Every so often, there is a moment of sanity that pushes back against transgender activism in the sports world, although the reaction to the sane decision is often anything but sane. 
Israeli, Russian, And Iranian Interests Collide In Syria

Israeli, Russian, And Iranian Interests Collide In Syria

Frontpage Mag October 20, 2017
Russia takes on key role in de-escalating tensions between Israel and the Mullahs.
Senate To Investigate Clinton-Russia Uranium Corruption

Senate To Investigate Clinton-Russia Uranium Corruption

Townhall October 19, 2017
Russian nuclear officials made the Clintons richer after Hillary approved a deal allowing for the Kremlin to gain significant control over the U.S. nuclear program.
Judge Orders Trump Administration To Facilitate Illegal Immigrant’s Abortion

Judge Orders Trump Administration To Facilitate Illegal Immigrant’s Abortion

Life News October 18, 2017
A federal judge ordered the Trump Administration to allow an undocumented teenage girl in the state of Texas to have an abortion that could be funded partly at taxpayer expense.
Israel Will Not Negotiate With A Hamas Based Government

Israel Will Not Negotiate With A Hamas Based Government

Jerusalem Post October 17, 2017
Israel will not conduct diplomatic negotiations with a Palestinian government that relies on Hamas unless the terrorist organization changes fundamentally.
90% Of Americans Would Be Killed In An EMP Attack

90% Of Americans Would Be Killed In An EMP Attack

Futurism October 16, 2017
North Korea possesses the ability to execute an EMP attack on the US with a nuclear bomb that could indefinitely shut down power grids, killing up to 90% of Americans within a year.
Hundreds Killed In Mogadishu Truck Bombing

Hundreds Killed In Mogadishu Truck Bombing

Daily Beast October 15, 2017
300 people were killed in Mogadishu when a truck loaded with explosives detonated at a busy intersection outside the popular Safari Hotel.
Why There Is No Peace In The Middle East

Why There Is No Peace In The Middle East

Gatestone October 14, 2017
There was no group and no loyalty above the tribe or tribal confederation in the Middle East until the rise of Islam. 
President Trump Decertifies The Iran Deal

President Trump Decertifies The Iran Deal

Washington Times October 13, 2017
President Trump is decertifying the Iranian nuclear deal, but stopped short of ending it, instead giving Congress 60 days to take a tougher approach toward Tehran’s lawless behavior.
Hamas, Fatah, Sign Full Reconciliation Agreement

Hamas, Fatah, Sign Full Reconciliation Agreement

Arutz Sheva October 12, 2017
Hamas and Fatah signed an agreement on ending a decade-long split following talks mediated by Egypt in Cairo.
North Korean Hackers Probing US Utilities For Weaknesses

North Korean Hackers Probing US Utilities For Weaknesses

Register October 11, 2017
Hackers believed to be from North Korea are casing out US electric companies in preparation for a possible cyber attack.
Hezbollah Determined To Attack America

Hezbollah Determined To Attack America

Arutz Sheva October 10, 2017
"It is our assessment that Hezbollah is determined to give itself a potential homeland option as a critical component of its terrorism playbook." 
Trump Seeks Immigration Wish List For DACA Deal

Trump Seeks Immigration Wish List For DACA Deal

Daily Caller October 9, 2017
The Trump administration's new "immigration principles and policies" call for a crackdown on border security, more resources to catch individuals residing in the country illegally.
Trump's Plan To Take On Iran

Trump's Plan To Take On Iran

New York Post October 7, 2017
The centerpiece of Trump’s Iran strategy will be the designation of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.
DOJ  Issues New Directive On Religious Freedoms

DOJ Issues New Directive On Religious Freedoms

One News Now October 6, 2017
Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a sweeping directive to agencies to do as much as possible to accommodate those who say their religious freedoms are being violated.
Trump Expected To Decertify Iran Nuclear Deal

Trump Expected To Decertify Iran Nuclear Deal

Reuters October 5, 2017
President Donald Trump is expected to announce soon that he will decertify the deal to curb Iran's nuclear program, in a step that potentially could cause the 2015 accord to unravel.
Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions Heads To Senate

Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions Heads To Senate

Life Site October 4, 2017
A bill to ban most late-term abortions of pre-born babies who are capable of feeling pain will be introduced in the Senate by South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.
Atrocity As Political Opportunity

Atrocity As Political Opportunity

Frontpage Mag October 3, 2017
The deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history has been cravenly transformed into anti-American propaganda by the Left.
Only God Can Heal America

Only God Can Heal America

Christian Post October 2, 2017
America is reeling again. The pain is palpable, the shock tangible. Can America still be healed?
Hezbollah: Jews Go Home Or Get Dragged Into War

Hezbollah: Jews Go Home Or Get Dragged Into War

i24 October 1, 2017
Hezbollah's chief urged "non-Zionist Jews" in Israel to return to the countries which they came from or fall victim to the coming war.
Who’s Funding Ireland’s Abortion Lobby?

Who’s Funding Ireland’s Abortion Lobby?

Catholic Herald September 30, 2017
Numerous international groups want Irish voters to erase from their constitution the 8th Amendment, which gives the unborn child the same right to life as every other human being.
5 Million Volunteer For North Korean Army

5 Million Volunteer For North Korean Army

FOX News September 29, 2017
4.7 million devout “students and workers” - including over a million women - have “volunteered” to join the Korean People’s Army following President Trump’s threats to “totally destroy” the country.
Hugh Hefner Was A Revolutionary, But In All The Wrong Ways

Hugh Hefner Was A Revolutionary, But In All The Wrong Ways

Charisma September 28, 2017
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner was one of the first to make pornography available to the masses. He became the face of the sexual revolution, objectifying women as "bunnies" and popularizing his version of unhindered sex.
The New World Order

The New World Order

Washington Times September 27, 2017
Within 40 years the white population in Europe will recede, creating a Muslim majority.
The Culture War Comes To The NFL

The Culture War Comes To The NFL

Newsmax September 26, 2017
Because the left dominates the news media, the entertainment media and academia, Americans are swimming — actually, drowning — in an ocean of lies.
Sudanese Immigrant Opens Fire On Nashville Church

Sudanese Immigrant Opens Fire On Nashville Church

FOX News September 25, 2017
25-year-old Emanuel Kidega Samson is in police custody after alledgedly killing one and injuring seven others at the predominantly white Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, southeast of Nashville.
Times of Deception

Times of Deception September 24, 2017
I’m concerned that Christians are so quick to accept something that God condemns — the false religion of astrology.
The Truth About Police Brutality

The Truth About Police Brutality

Frontpage Mag September 23, 2017
Undisputed narrative about cops and black men distracts from far more serious problems that black Americans face.
Hawaii Prepares For Nuclear Attack

Hawaii Prepares For Nuclear Attack

FOX News September 22, 2017
Hawaii officials are urging residents to prepare for a North Korean nuclear attack the same way they'd prep for a tsunami. 
Jesus Is Not Returning On September 23

Jesus Is Not Returning On September 23

Christian Post September 21, 2017
Yes, it would be wonderful if Jesus returned for His people this week, but it's not going to happen. Count on it. How can I be so sure? The Bible tells me so, and not in some ambiguous, mysterious language.
First American Military Base Opens In Israel

First American Military Base Opens In Israel

VOA September 20, 2017
Israel and the US inaugurated the first American military base on Israeli soil, which will serve dozens of soldiers operating a missile defense system. 
Trump Vindicated On 'Wiretap'?

Trump Vindicated On 'Wiretap'?

American Thinker September 19, 2017
US investigators, under secret court orders, appear to have wiretapped Paul Manafort.
Update: 80 Arrested On Third Night Of Protests

Update: 80 Arrested On Third Night Of Protests

FOX News September 18, 2017
St. Louis police arrested dozens more following the latest round of clashes with demonstrators protesting the acquittal of a white police officer in the shooting death of a black man.
Iran: We Have The 'Father Of All Bombs'

Iran: We Have The 'Father Of All Bombs'

Arutz Sheva September 18, 2017
A senior official in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards claimed over the weekend that Iran has produced a domestically-made 10-ton bomb with a high destructive power.
North Korea Secretly Building Nuclear Submarine To Deploy Within 3 Years

North Korea Secretly Building Nuclear Submarine To Deploy Within 3 Years

Washington Times September 18, 2017
North Korea is building a nuclear-powered submarine the latest provocation by Pyongyang in an escalating clash with the U.S. and its allies in a region already on edge.
Terrorists Strike London

Terrorists Strike London

BBC News September 15, 2017
An "improvised explosive device" was detonated on a train in London during morning rush hour.
'Japan Is No Longer Needed To Exist'

'Japan Is No Longer Needed To Exist'

USA Today September 14, 2017
North Korean said Pyongyang should use nuclear weapons to "sink" Japan and turn the United States into "ashes and darkness."  
“I Don’t Want To Be Aborted, I Want To Be Born

“I Don’t Want To Be Aborted, I Want To Be Born"

Life News September 13, 2017
A teenager with Down syndrome put German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the spot when she asked about the country’s discriminatory abortion laws. 
Hezbollah Declares Victory In Syria

Hezbollah Declares Victory In Syria

Daily Star September 13, 2017
Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said that the “axis of resistance” had won the Syrian conflict and only 'sporadic battles' remained.  The “axis of resistance” refers to Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah.
'Nobody Will Remember'

'Nobody Will Remember'

Blaze September 12, 2017
The first week of the NFL season many players protested the national anthem, some kneeling, some even raising a fist known as the “black power” salute.
Trusting God In Hard Times

Trusting God In Hard Times

Christian Post September 11, 2017
Since 9/11, there have been at least 60 Islamist-inspired terrorist plots against us.
Iran Helping Hamas Prepare For War With Israel

Iran Helping Hamas Prepare For War With Israel

Washington Examiner September 10, 2017
Their renewed cooperation shows that Hamas and the Iranians have patched up a relationship that deteriorated when they disagreed over support for Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. 
What Would Happen?

What Would Happen?

FOX News September 9, 2017
A leading expert in missile defense says there would not be much time to decide to shoot down a North Korean missile. 
What Did Jesus Say About Natural Disasters?

What Did Jesus Say About Natural Disasters?

FOX News September 8, 2017
Jesus said, “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in [me]. But anyone who does not believe in [me] has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son”
Israel Strikes Syrian Chemical Weapons Center

Israel Strikes Syrian Chemical Weapons Center

Haaretz September 7, 2017
Israeli war planes crossed into Syria from Lebanese airspace and hit the Scientific Studies and Researchers Center in Masyaf.
Protests Erupt Across US

Protests Erupt Across US

ABC News September 6, 2017
Protesters took to the streets with calls to 'Fight Back' following President Trump's decision to end DACA.  
Trump Ends DACA

Trump Ends DACA

FOX News September 5, 2017
The Trump administration announced the “orderly wind down” of Obama's program to give deportation reprieves to illegals.
Options Dwindling

Options Dwindling

Frontpage Mag September 4, 2017
The regime appears to be closer than ever to presenting a credible nuclear threat to the United States mainland.
'Perfect Success'

'Perfect Success'

NDTV September 3, 2017
North Korea said today it had tested a hydrogen bomb which it can mount on a missile, declaring "perfect success" in its biggest-ever nuclear detonationand presenting a potent challenge to President Donald Trump.
Grace & Disaster

Grace & Disaster September 2, 2017
As thousands of Texans struggled for their lives against the flood waters of Hurricane Harvey a sociology professor blamed the disaster on cosmic retribution against Texans.  Why?
James Comey, Hillary's Real Campaign Manager

James Comey, Hillary's Real Campaign Manager

Frontpage Mag September 1, 2017
FBI Director James B. Comey Jr., intentionally gave Hillary Clinton’s campaign a boost last year.
Praise In The Storm

Praise In The Storm

Christian Headlines August 31, 2017
Victims of Hurricane Harvey who were housed in a convention center broke out into a spontaneous time of worship. 
What Hurricane Harvey Teaches Us About Humanity

What Hurricane Harvey Teaches Us About Humanity

One News Now August 30, 2017
It's inspirational when a natural disaster unifies us. But it's far harder to unify against a threat if we're unwilling to identify it. The true threat to America comes not from outside but from within.
Where Was God In Hurricane Harvey?

Where Was God In Hurricane Harvey?

Christian Post August 29, 2017
Some may wonder where God has been as this disaster unfolded. What would our Lord say to those devastated by this unprecedented crisis?
If Iran Expands In Syria, Israel Threatens To Bomb Assad's Palace

If Iran Expands In Syria, Israel Threatens To Bomb Assad's Palace

Jerusalem Post August 28, 2017
Israel warned Russia of dire consequences if Iran is allowed to continue on its current path in Syria, threatening to bomb Syrian President Bashar Assad's palace in Damascus.
The Google Gate

The Google Gate August 27, 2017
James Damore released a memo saying that Google may not be as guilty of gender-discrimination as the numbers might indicate. Google fired him.
Defeating The 'Tear Down' Movement

Defeating The 'Tear Down' Movement

Charisma August 26, 2017
Does this remind anyone of what happened in the Soviet Union and Chinese Cultural Revolutions? Any officials deemed politically incorrect vanished, airbrushed from history's stage.
Antifa Joins BDS

Antifa Joins BDS

WND August 25, 2017
The horizon is becoming gloomier for Jewish people who once again in our history are being sandwiched between two groups who hate them.
Update: Kushner Arrives In Jerusalem

Update: Kushner Arrives In Jerusalem

Breitbart August 24, 2017
Jared Kushner arrived in Israel late Wednesday, ahead of meetings with Palestinian and Israeli leaders aimed at looking for way to jumpstart peace talks.
What Netanyahu Hoped To Gain In Meeting With Putin

What Netanyahu Hoped To Gain In Meeting With Putin

Jerusalem Post August 24, 2017
Netanyahu wanted to look Putin in the eyes and tell him squarely what Israel will do if Iran begins to militarily entrench itself in Syria.
Kushner Revives Mideast Peace Talks In Search Of 'Ultimate Deal'

Kushner Revives Mideast Peace Talks In Search Of 'Ultimate Deal'

AP August 23, 2017
White House adviser Jared Kushner arrived in Cairo, Egypt.  Kushner has been tasked by his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, with reviving the peace talks, which last collapsed in 2014.
Update: Remains Found

Update: Remains Found

SMH August 22, 2017
US Navy and Marine Corps divers found some remains of missing sailors inside sections of the USS John McCain.
Trump Commits To Afghanistan

Trump Commits To Afghanistan

NPR August 22, 2017
President Trump plans to deploy about 4,000 more US troops to Afghanistan, which would raise the force there to about 12,500.
The Double Standard

The Double Standard

Christian Post August 20, 2017
I cannot applaud the media when it comes to its reporting of acts of hatred and violence on the radical left.
Why God Is Focused On Israel

Why God Is Focused On Israel

WND August 19, 2017
“Jesus doesn’t come back to be the president of the United States. He comes to rule and reign from Jerusalem as King of the Jews. But he will also rule the entire world from there.”
Vehicular Jihad Comes To Barcelona

Vehicular Jihad Comes To Barcelona

Frontpage Mag August 18, 2017
Last June, ISIS published a poster depicting an SUV driving over a heap of skulls that said “Run Over Them Without Mercy.” 
ISIS Attack In Barcelona

ISIS Attack In Barcelona

Business Insider August 17, 2017
ISIS has reportedly claimed responsibility for an attack where a van plowed into a crowd in a busy square in Barcelona, Spain, killing 14 and leaving 100 injured. 
The Real Race War

The Real Race War

Frontpage Mag August 16, 2017
The media and the political left have turned the Charlottesville incident into the biggest fake news story of the summer.
Kim Blinks

Kim Blinks

FOX News August 15, 2017
Kim Jong Un has delayed a decision about whether to fire missiles toward Guam. The dictator's remarks came as he made his first public appearance in nearly two weeks.
US Prepares Military Options In Case Sanctions Fail

US Prepares Military Options In Case Sanctions Fail

Independent August 14, 2017
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Joseph Dunford said a "full range" of contingency plans had been drawn up in case diplomatic and economic sanctions did not deter North Korea.
Virginia Rally Turns Deadly

Virginia Rally Turns Deadly

FOX News August 13, 2017
The federal government has opened a civil rights investigation into the rampage that killed one and injured 19 during Saturday’s “Unite the Right” rally in Virginia.
President Trump Suggests 'Military Operation' In Venezuela

President Trump Suggests 'Military Operation' In Venezuela

AP August 12, 2017
US President Donald Trump said he wouldn’t rule out military action against Venezuela following President Nicolas Maduro’s power grab.
'Locked & Loaded'

'Locked & Loaded'

FOX News August 11, 2017
President Trump said the US military was “locked and loaded,” and urged North Korea to “find another path.”
Humanity & North Korea

Humanity & North Korea August 10, 2017
Human beings don’t change, but our weapons do.  They grow more powerful every year.
Psyching Out A Psycho

Psyching Out A Psycho

American Thinker August 9, 2017
In choosing words that reflect North Korea's past rhetoric, President Trump may be speaking directly to Kim Jong-un.
Kim's Miniaturized Nuke Fits On A Missile

Kim's Miniaturized Nuke Fits On A Missile

Chicago Tribune August 8, 2017
North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, crossing a key threshold on the path to becoming a full-fledged nuclear power.
Parents Donating Children For Suicide Bombings

Parents Donating Children For Suicide Bombings

Christian Post August 7, 2017
The Nigerian army is now appealing to Muslim parents not to "donate" their children to Boko Haram to be used as suicide bombers. How can this be?
Unconditional Christian Love For Israel

Unconditional Christian Love For Israel

American Thinker August 6, 2017
It is this unconditional love that can bind us together, Christians and Jews in our undivided support for the State of Israel and send a strong message of deterrence to Israel's enemies. 
Hamas Summer Camp Teaches Kids How To Liberate Temple Mount

Hamas Summer Camp Teaches Kids How To Liberate Temple Mount

Newsweek August 5, 2017
Children in the attending a camp run by Hamas are re-enacting clashes over the contested Jerusalem holy site at the heart of recent tensions.
Jeff Sessions Declares War On Leaks

Jeff Sessions Declares War On Leaks

Newsmax August 4, 2017
Attorney General Jeff Sessions pledged on Friday to rein in government leaks that he said undermine American security, taking an aggressive public stand after being called weak on the matter by President Donald Trump.
Military Terrorism Complex

Military Terrorism Complex August 4, 2017
Hezbollah is the most powerful non-state military actor in the world.
Kill The Alligators, Then Drain The Swamp

Kill The Alligators, Then Drain The Swamp

Frontpage Mag August 3, 2017
Deeds, not words, are the best defense. And the most important action of a new administration is to clean out the partisan alligators who make the swamp so deadly.
Is The Upcoming Solar Eclipse A Sign Of The End Times?

Is The Upcoming Solar Eclipse A Sign Of The End Times?

Christian Headlines August 2, 2017
Some are speculating that the upcoming solar eclipse is a sign of the end times. Some Christians are pointing to verses such as Matthew 24:29 or Revelation 6:12 which discuss events that will occur before Christ’s Second Coming.

"The Battle Over Jerusalem Has Just Begun"

Gatestone Institute August 1, 2017
The Palestinian "victory" celebrations that took place after Israel removed metal detectors from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem bode badly for the future of stability and peace in the Middle East.
Dictatorship Soon A Reality In Venezuela

Dictatorship Soon A Reality In Venezuela

Globe And Mail July 31, 2017
Sunday’s election in Venezuela of a national constituent assembly does not represent the very beginnings of Mr. Maduro’s dictatorship, but its final ascension.
What Next?

What Next? July 30, 2017
The western media remains fixated on Washington, but outside of D.C., the world is spinning toward a series of potential catastrophes.  Decisions made over the coming days will affect the future of all humanity.  I could illustrate this by examining any of the world’s regions.  But, for now, let’s focus on the nations in and around Syria.
US Within Range Of Missiles

US Within Range Of Missiles

BBC News July 29, 2017
North Korea has called its latest missile test a success, describing it as a "stern warning" for the US.
Charlie Gard Dies

Charlie Gard Dies

Reuters July 28, 2017
Charlie Gard has passed away after his life support was switched off today.
Metal Detectors Or Lie Detectors?

Metal Detectors Or Lie Detectors?

Gatestone Institute July 27, 2017
The metal detectors removed from Temple Mount have a more accurate name: "lie detectors." They have exposed Palestinian lies and the real reason behind Palestinian anger.
Trump Says No To Transgenders In Our Military

Trump Says No To Transgenders In Our Military

CBN July 26, 2017
President Trump has announced that the Pentagon will not allow transgender individuals to serve openly in the military.
Muslims Maintain Temple Mount Boycott

Muslims Maintain Temple Mount Boycott

Times Of Israel July 25, 2017
Muslim leaders advised worshipers to continue to stay away from the Temple Mount, even after Israel removed the metal detectors.
Charlie Gard’s Parents End Legal Fight To Save Baby’s Life

Charlie Gard’s Parents End Legal Fight To Save Baby’s Life

Life Site July 24, 2017
Charlie Gard’s parents are ending their legal fight to give their baby a chance at life. 
Israel Considers Cameras Over Metal Detectors At Temple Mount

Israel Considers Cameras Over Metal Detectors At Temple Mount

Jerusalem Post July 23, 2017
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said: "We will not allow the electronic gates to continue [to be placed] there. There is no right to place these magnometers."
Palestinian Slaughters Israelis In Their Home

Palestinian Slaughters Israelis In Their Home

Voice Of America July 22, 2017
Three Israelis died and one more was wounded when a Palestinian broke into a home and stabbed its residents while they were eating dinner.
'Third Intifada Has Already Begun'

'Third Intifada Has Already Begun'

Jerusalem Post July 21, 2017
Three Palestinians were killed after neighborhood clashes broke out over metal detectors being installed at Temple Mount. 
House Votes To Cut Palestinian Funding, BDS Next

House Votes To Cut Palestinian Funding, BDS Next

Algemeiner July 20, 2017
Nearly all US funding to the Palestinian Authority has been cut until it stops payments to the families of Palestinians jailed for or killed in attacks on Israelis.
Trump Reverses Obama's Anti-Christian Refugee Policy

Trump Reverses Obama's Anti-Christian Refugee Policy

Frontpage Mag July 19, 2017
After declaring that Christians have “been horribly treated” by the refugee program under former President Barack Obama, President Donald Trump has reversed the Obama administration’s disgraceful discrimination against Christian refugees.
The Iran Deal Swindle

The Iran Deal Swindle

National Review July 18, 2017
Two years on, the Iranian nuclear deal is a failure. So why does Trump plan to certify compliance? One debilitating weakness of the Iran deal is that there are no punishment mechanisms short of re-imposing sanctions, at which point Iran can reasonably argue that the deal is dead and it is free to pursue whatever nuclear advances it wants.
Trump Must Withdraw From Iran Nuclear Deal Now

Trump Must Withdraw From Iran Nuclear Deal Now

Gatestone Institute July 17, 2017
Tehran's violations of the deal have become public, including: exceeding limits on uranium enrichment, illicit efforts at international procurement of dual-use nuclear and missile technology; and obstructing international inspection efforts.
Macron Urges Netanyahu To Establish Two States

Macron Urges Netanyahu To Establish Two States

Ynet July 16, 2017
In a ceremony honoring the victims of a mass deportation of French Jews to Nazi camps, French President Emmanuel Macron called on Prime Minister Netanyahu to resume peace talks and establish two states with Jerusalem as their capital.
The Resistance

The Resistance July 16, 2017
In general, I agree that politicians, and most other citizens, should lawfully resist policies they see as hurtful or unfair.
Hamas Calls For Attacks On Israelis After Temple Mount Closure

Hamas Calls For Attacks On Israelis After Temple Mount Closure

Times Of Israel July 15, 2017
Hamas called for further attacks on Israelis after the closure of the Temple Mount in the wake of Friday’s deadly assault at the holy site. 
UNESCO's Revisionist Biblical History View Shameful, Dangerous

UNESCO's Revisionist Biblical History View Shameful, Dangerous

Newsmax July 14, 2017
UNESCO convened to discuss such issues of great educational, scientific and cultural importance — like the denial of Jewish history and the veracity of the Bible. 
Deadly Terror Attack At Temple Mount

Deadly Terror Attack At Temple Mount

Voice Of America July 14, 2017
Three Palestinians opened fire on Israelis near a Temple Mount, wounding three before they were killed in a gunfight with security forces. 
FBI To Look Into Clinton's Collusion With Ukraine

FBI To Look Into Clinton's Collusion With Ukraine

Washington Examiner July 13, 2017
Trump's pick for the FBI, Christopher Wray, was pressed about under reported efforts between the Clinton campaign, DNC and officials from the Ukraine government to undermine Donald Trump's candidacy. 
Democrats Repeatedly Used Russian Misinformation Against Trump

Democrats Repeatedly Used Russian Misinformation Against Trump

Washington Times July 12, 2017
Democrats have willfully used Moscow disinformation to influence the presidential election against Donald Trump and attack his administration.
Government Shutdown Looming Over Wall Funding

Government Shutdown Looming Over Wall Funding

Hill July 11, 2017
The government could shut down if a spending bill does not include money to fund President Trump’s wall along the Mexican border. 
The Secret Documents That Help Explain The Qatar Crisis

The Secret Documents That Help Explain The Qatar Crisis

CNN July 10, 2017
The Gulf countries have accused Qatar of not complying with a series of secret agreements with its Gulf neighbors in 2013 and 2014.
Who Wins And Loses From Syrian Ceasefire?

Who Wins And Loses From Syrian Ceasefire?

Jerusalem Post July 9, 2017
Jordan played a key role in deal that concerns Israel and shows Washington is playing a new role in southern Syria. The US won’t work with Iran, but it can work with Moscow.
US Congressmen Propose Bill To Save Baby Charlie Gard

US Congressmen Propose Bill To Save Baby Charlie Gard

Life Site July 8, 2017
Two Congressmen announced they will introduce a private bill to make Charlie Gard a permanent resident of the US. 
UNESCO Declares Hebron Site 'Palestinian'

UNESCO Declares Hebron Site 'Palestinian'

Algemeiner July 7, 2017
Following the resolution passed by UNESCO, Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to cut an additional $1 million from the membership funds that Israel pays to the UN.
Modi And Israel's Coming Of Age

Modi And Israel's Coming Of Age

Jerusalem Post July 6, 2017
Modi’s historic visit is a good opportunity for Israel to understand where it now stands and what it must do to maintain and expand its current success into the future.
Kim Orders More 'Gift Packages' For 'Yankees'

Kim Orders More 'Gift Packages' For 'Yankees'

USA Today July 5, 2017
Kim Jong Un urged the nation's scientists to "frequently send big and small ‘gift packages’ to the Yankees."  
The Cause Of Liberty

The Cause Of Liberty

HalLindsey July 4, 2017
In the almost two and a half centuries since the United States declared itself a free and independent nation, it has seen many crises.
Trumps Offers To Help Terminally Ill Child

Trumps Offers To Help Terminally Ill Child

Washington Times July 3, 2017
President Trump is coming to the aid of a terminally ill infant whom British courts and doctors are trying to remove from life support against the wishes of the parents. 
Even Scripture Makes The Case For Defending Religious Freedom

Even Scripture Makes The Case For Defending Religious Freedom

CNS July 2, 2017
Why should we actively and publicly defend religious freedom? We’ll look to the Apostle Paul for an answer.
Groups Claim August's Great Eclipse 'Could Usher Tribulation'

Groups Claim August's Great Eclipse 'Could Usher Tribulation'

Inquisitr July 1, 2017
Biblical end-time doomsday theorists have lately intensified end-of-the-world fear-mongering with a claim that a solar eclipse expected to occur in August of this year will usher in the end-time Tribulation and the end of the world.
Hezbollah Threatens Israel With New Allies In Future War

Hezbollah Threatens Israel With New Allies In Future War

Observer July 1, 2017
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel that if war breaks out, Israel will confront hundreds of thousands of Arab and Muslim fighters.
The War On The Truth

The War On The Truth

Charisma June 30, 2017
Jesus told us that if we abide in His words, we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free (see John 8:31-32). We can spot the lies of the media in an instant by comparing what they say to what the Scriptures say. 
Christians Labeled As Hate Groups

Christians Labeled As Hate Groups

Christian Post June 29, 2017
The Liberty Counsel has filed a lawsuit against GuideStar USA for applying the Southern Poverty Law Center's "hate group" label to the organization's profile on, a leading charity information website.
But Reality Isn't Fair

But Reality Isn't Fair

One News Now June 28, 2017
Reality is unpleasant. Perhaps that's why so few politicians seem willing to face up to it. The bipartisan consensus in favor of regulations that force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions mirrors the minimum wage debate.
On Hidden Camera CNN Producer Admits Russia Is A 'Witch Hunt'

On Hidden Camera CNN Producer Admits Russia Is A 'Witch Hunt'

Project Veritas June 27, 2017
A new video from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas posted at Breitbart seems to have captured CNN in a red-faced moment, to put it mildly.
States Can't Discriminate Against Churches in Secular Aid Programs

States Can't Discriminate Against Churches in Secular Aid Programs

Christian Post June 26, 2017
The Supreme Court concluded that Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia should not be barred from a state program meant to help repair their daycare playground, reversing a lower court decision.
Christian Bakers Free To Live Out Faith In Mississippi

Christian Bakers Free To Live Out Faith In Mississippi

One News Now June 26, 2017

A federal appeals court has ruled the State of Mississippi can enact a religious freedom law that protects people of faith in the Magnolia State.


White House Denying Trump Pulling Out Of Peace Efforts

White House Denying Trump Pulling Out Of Peace Efforts

Jerusalem Post June 25, 2017
US President Donald Trump is reportedly weighing whether to pull out of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations following a "tense" meeting with White House senior staff and officials in Ramallah.
Iran: 8,411 Days 'To The Destruction Of Israel'

Iran: 8,411 Days 'To The Destruction Of Israel'

Independent June 24, 2017
The time frame appears to stem from comments made in 2015 by Iran's supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who said there would be "nothing" left of Israel by the year 2040.
Embracing Homosexuality Doesn't Make It True

Embracing Homosexuality Doesn't Make It True

Christian Post June 23, 2017
There's a bizarre argument I'm hearing these days which basically goes like this. "Look at how many churches are embracing homosexual practice. This proves we're getting closer to the truth."
Why Teach The Second Coming?

Why Teach The Second Coming? June 23, 2017
Through the years I’ve heard a lot of excuses from pastors and teachers who don’t want to address the Second Coming of Christ.
Will You Soon Make Payments With Your Face?

Will You Soon Make Payments With Your Face?

Charisma June 22, 2017
Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities and track down criminals. The technology is already in use and could be a precursor to Revelation 13. 
Jared Kushner In Jerusalem

Jared Kushner In Jerusalem

Jerusalem Post June 21, 2017
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hosted a trio of top Trump administration officials — including the president’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner — for a meeting at his office in Jerusalem.
Burying Obama's Legacy

Burying Obama's Legacy

Caroline Glick June 20, 2017
It may very well be that this week was the week that Israel and the US put to rest former president Barack Obama’s policies and positions on Israel and the Palestinians.
US Shoots Down Syrian Military Aircraft

US Shoots Down Syrian Military Aircraft

Chicago Tribune June 19, 2017
A US warplane shot down a Syrian jet. The Pentagon took the unprecedented move after a Syrian attack aircraft bombed its allies who were fighting ISIS.
Being a Father Helped Me Understand My Heavenly Father

Being a Father Helped Me Understand My Heavenly Father

Christian Post June 18, 2017
My firstborn son's birth changed my entire perspective about who God was. These facts, feelings and emotions enabled me to correlate the Father's love to my own.
London Suffers Another Deadly Terror Attack

London Suffers Another Deadly Terror Attack

Toronto Star June 18, 2017
One person was arrested after a vehicle rammed into pedestrians leaving several injured and at least one person dead near a north London mosque.
Detroit Christians Face Deportation

Detroit Christians Face Deportation

Christian Post June 17, 2017
Rev. Franklin Graham has said the arrests of hundreds of Chaldean Christians in Detroit and other cities nationwide is "very disturbing," and urged President Trump to consider their fate if deported back to Iraq. 
Bipartisan Calls To Move US Embassy To Jerusalem

Bipartisan Calls To Move US Embassy To Jerusalem

Newsmax June 16, 2017
Chuck Schumer and Ted Cruz are urging President Trump to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Gunfire In A War Of Words

Gunfire In A War Of Words June 15, 2017
It took a tragedy.  It always does.
Baseball Field Turned Into Shooting Range

Baseball Field Turned Into Shooting Range

Newsmax June 14, 2017
James T. Hodgkinson, 66, identified by law enforcement officials as the deceased gunman who opened fire on Republican lawmakers at a Virginia baseball field, was "living out of his gym bag" in Alexandria.
Ankara Backs Qatar In Saudi-led Showdown

Ankara Backs Qatar In Saudi-led Showdown

Voice Of America June 13, 2017
“A very grave mistake is being made in Qatar; isolating a nation in all areas is inhumane and against Islamic values. It's as if a death-penalty decision has been taken for Qatar.”
Russian Hackers Can Shut Down Electric Grids

Russian Hackers Can Shut Down Electric Grids

Newsmax June 12, 2017
Hackers affiliated with Russia have developed a cyber weapon capable of taking down electric grids.
Netanyahu Asked Trump to Accept Isolated Settlements

Netanyahu Asked Trump to Accept Isolated Settlements

Arutz Sheva June 11, 2017
Netanyahu brought up with U.S. officials the 'Belgian-Dutch model,' in which settlements that won't be annexed will remain as Israeli enclaves. 
'I Don't Believe In Science'

'I Don't Believe In Science'

Frontpage Mag June 10, 2017
The scientific method works as well as the people using it. Like democracy. Sometimes they give us Reagan. Other times they give us California Governor Jerry Brown.
Violence Promised And Delivered At Anti-Shariah Protests

Violence Promised And Delivered At Anti-Shariah Protests

WND June 10, 2017
With speakers at Saturday’s anti-Shariah rallies already receiving death threats, it was no surprise that the events were marred by violence in several of the 28 cities where they were held.
Liberals Refusal To Coexist With Christians

Liberals Refusal To Coexist With Christians

Daily Signal June 9, 2017
First they came for the wedding planners and the bakers. And now, the secularists are coming after the evangelical public servants.
History On Trump's Side

History On Trump's Side

Gatestone Institute June 8, 2017
History, precedent and even James Comey's statement show that President Trump did not obstruct justice.
Obama Doctrine Left Mideast In Shambles

Obama Doctrine Left Mideast In Shambles

Newsmax June 7, 2017
Guided in equal measures by naïveté, an apparent belief that all the ills of the world could be traced to the misdeeds of Western Europeans and their progeny and hubris, this chaotic "Obama Doctrine" was an unmitigated disaster. 
NSA Leaker Is Pro-Iran Activist

NSA Leaker Is Pro-Iran Activist

Heat Street June 6, 2017
The contractor charged with stealing and leaking classified info is a liberal activist.
Why Israel Should Care About Qatar Crisis

Why Israel Should Care About Qatar Crisis

Jerusalem Post June 5, 2017
Israel's image in the region likely can improve amid the current developments.
The New Normal

The New Normal

Gatestone Institute June 4, 2017
After terror attacks, we often hear from Western media and politicians that we must accept terrorist attacks as the "new normal." For Western citizens, this phrase is dangerous.
Update: 7 Killed In UK Vehicle And Stabbing Incidents

Update: 7 Killed In UK Vehicle And Stabbing Incidents

BBC News June 3, 2017
Six people have been killed in an attack in central London in which three assailants were shot dead by police.
The Last Secret Of 1967 War

The Last Secret Of 1967 War

New York Times June 3, 2017
On the eve of the Arab-Israeli war, 50 years ago this week, Israeli officials raced to assemble an atomic device and developed a plan to detonate it atop a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula as a warning to Egyptian and other Arab forces.
Globalists & Climate Accords

Globalists & Climate Accords June 3, 2017
Did Donald Trump single-handedly destroy humanity’s future by announcing that he would begin the process of pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement?
Paris Accord, You're Fired

Paris Accord, You're Fired

Frontpage Mag June 2, 2017
President Trump fulfilled a key campaign promise when he announced the US will pull out of the potentially economically disastrous Paris Climate Accord that Obama imposed on the country in his final months in office.
US Quits Paris Climate Pact

US Quits Paris Climate Pact

Townhall June 1, 2017
“In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord.”
'God Can Take Care Of Climate Change'

'God Can Take Care Of Climate Change'

Washington Examiner May 31, 2017
Rep. Tim Walberg told his constituents "As a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who's much bigger than us. And I'm confident that, if there's a real problem, he can take care of it."
White House Faces Embassy Deadline

White House Faces Embassy Deadline

Jerusalem Post May 30, 2017
Will US President Donald Trump finally make good on his campaign pledge to move the embassy?
Portland Mayor Calls For Abandoning First Amendment

Portland Mayor Calls For Abandoning First Amendment

American Spectator May 30, 2017
The mayor of Portland, Oregon, has strong words for those who would attempt to shut down citizens' rights to free expression: "I surrender."
President Trump Honors Heroes At Arlington

President Trump Honors Heroes At Arlington

Washington Times May 29, 2017
President Trump marked his first Memorial Day as commander-in-chief Monday, placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery and later laying flowers at the grave of the son of Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly.
Don't Argue The Exceptions

Don't Argue The Exceptions

Christian Headlines May 28, 2017
Most people have ten fingers, and ten toes. There are those who because of injury or genetic defect lack a digit or two—so should we ought not describe ten fingers and ten toes as normal or descriptive of being human?
ISIS Calls For All Out War During Ramadan

ISIS Calls For All Out War During Ramadan

New York Post May 27, 2017
ISIS, in its annual call for violence during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, has urged jihadists and sympathizers to wage an “all-out war” in the West, stressing the targeting of noncombatants.
Trump vs. Terror

Trump vs. Terror May 26, 2017
President Trump has been characteristically optimistic about the possibilities of peace.
Dozens Of Christians Massacred In Egypt

Dozens Of Christians Massacred In Egypt

NBC News May 26, 2017
Masked gunmen killed 28 people on a bus carrying Coptic Christians, Egyptian authorities said. The vehicle was attacked as it traveled on the road to the St. Samuel Monastery in Minya province, which is located about 140 miles south of Cairo.
Trip 'A Big Success'

Trip 'A Big Success'

Breitbart May 25, 2017
The White House is celebrating President Trump's successful foreign trip.
The Forgotten Slaughters Of The Innocents

The Forgotten Slaughters Of The Innocents

Townhall May 24, 2017
Everyone knows the sonorous name and cherubic face of 8-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos...for now.
ISIS Kills 22 In Manchester

ISIS Kills 22 In Manchester

BBC News May 23, 2017
A terrorist attack at a concert in Manchester, claimed by ISIS, killed 22 people, including an 8-year-old girl, have left scores injured .
Yet Another UK Massacre

Yet Another UK Massacre

Frontpage Mag May 23, 2017
If it weren’t for the immigration policies that May and her Conservative Party have pursued for well over a decade, the jihadis who perpetrated this massacre may not have been in Britain at all.
Chance For Peace Greater Than Before

Chance For Peace Greater Than Before

I24 May 22, 2017
Prime Minister Netanyahu told Trump: "We protect the Christian [holy] sites as no one else does in this region. For the first time in my lifetime, I see a real hope for change" and peace.
North Korea Fires Another Missile

North Korea Fires Another Missile

US News & World Report May 21, 2017
In its latest effort to develop its ballistic and nuclear weapons, North Korea fired a medium-range missile that appeared to be similar to one the country tested earlier this year.
Jerusalem Will Always Be Israel's Capital

Jerusalem Will Always Be Israel's Capital

FOX News May 21, 2017
Ahead of Trump's historic visit to Israel, Netanyahu says Israel does not need to explain its presence in Jerusalem, nor apologize for it.
Rouhani Wins Re-election In Landslide

Rouhani Wins Re-election In Landslide

Haaretz May 20, 2017
Iranians re-elected President Hassan Rouhani.  Rouhani led with 58.6 percent of the vote, compared with 39.8 percent for his main challenger, Ebrahim Raisi.
Day Of Rage During Trump Visit

Day Of Rage During Trump Visit

Jerusalem Post May 20, 2017
Palestinian factions in the West Bank are calling for "A Day of Rage" to coincide with US President Donald Trump's visit to Bethlehem on Tuesday, where he is expected to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
In Iran's Election It's The Mullahs That Win

In Iran's Election It's The Mullahs That Win

American Thinker May 19, 2017
Let's remember what this is first: the election of Iran's Number Two.  The power of the president remains secondary to that of the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, who is an unelected head of state.
Don't Forget To Investigate Hillary's Ties To Russia

Don't Forget To Investigate Hillary's Ties To Russia

Hill May 18, 2017
Unlike the inferences that have been made about President Trump, the Clintons’ extensive relationship with Russian interests has been documented and reported by some of the nation’s leading journalists.
Suicide Epidemic

Suicide Epidemic May 18, 2017
Last year more people died from suicide than from auto crashes.
Israel Has 'Full Confidence' In President Trump

Israel Has 'Full Confidence' In President Trump

Arutz Sheva May 17, 2017
Israel's ambassador to the US said "Israel has full confidence in our intelligence relationship with the US and we expect to deepen that relationship in the coming years under President Trump." 
US Embassy Moving To Jerusalem?

US Embassy Moving To Jerusalem?

Times of Israel May 16, 2017
Benjamin Netanyahu denies a claim that he told President Trump not to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.
Sweden Gives Bible Test To Refugees

Sweden Gives Bible Test To Refugees

Christian Post May 15, 2017
Asylum seekers hoping in Sweden are reportedly being forced to undertake difficult religious tests, which grill them on Bible facts and other questions.
Trump To Back Palestinian 'Self-Determination'

Trump To Back Palestinian 'Self-Determination'

Jerusalem Post May 14, 2017
President Trump will express support for Palestinian “self-determination” during his Middle East trip, suggesting Trump is open to a two-state solution.
Satanists Back Russian Jehovah's Witness Ban

Satanists Back Russian Jehovah's Witness Ban

Newsweek May 12, 2017
The Satanic Church of Russia is cheering the action taken against the nation's Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Hezbollah: Future War Could Take Place Inside Israel

Hezbollah: Future War Could Take Place Inside Israel

US News & World Report May 11, 2017
Lebanese Hezbollah said that any future conflict between the Shi'ite group and Israel could take place inside Israeli territory.
Hezbollah In the Golan?

Hezbollah In the Golan?

Breaking Israel News May 10, 2017
Putin’s plan will establish the Golan as part of Syria, supervised by the Iranians, and it will become a no-fly zone for the Israeli Air Force protected by advanced Russian anti-aircraft systems.
Christian Governor Convicted Of Blasphemy In Indonesia

Christian Governor Convicted Of Blasphemy In Indonesia

BBC News May 9, 2017
Governor 'Ahok' Purnama had said people were being deceived if they believed the Quran forbids Muslims from voting for non-Muslims.
The Trojan's New Horses

The Trojan's New Horses May 8, 2017
Is an American computer virus responsible for the many failed North Korean missile tests?
North Korea Detains A Fourth American Hostage

North Korea Detains A Fourth American Hostage

Washington Examiner May 7, 2017
Kim Hak Song, an employee of Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, is being held in North Korea.
CIA Targets Kim

CIA Targets Kim

FT May 6, 2017
North Korea has accused the CIA of planning to kill Kim Jong Un.  
Israel Outraged Over UNESCO Vote

Israel Outraged Over UNESCO Vote

Algemeiner May 4, 2017
Israel has taken immediate steps to counter the latest anti-semitic move at the UN, by censuring Sweden’s ambassador to Israel, and announcing a funding cut to the world body.
'Every Year The Country Gets Stronger'

'Every Year The Country Gets Stronger'

Arutz Sheva May 3, 2017
Israel ushered in its 69th Independence Day. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke at the event. “Every year the country gets stronger, advances and strengthens its status as a clear world power.
North Korea Targets Israel

North Korea Targets Israel

Israel Today May 2, 2017
Add Israel to the list of countries Kim Jong Un has a problem with.
What Happens To Christians There, Will Come Here

What Happens To Christians There, Will Come Here

Gatestone Institute April 30, 2017
In ancient times, Algeria and Tunisia, entirely Christian, gave us great thinkers. Two centuries later, Christianity has disappeared. Is Europe now meeting the same fate?
Christians Tortured In NKorea

Christians Tortured In NKorea

Christian Post April 30, 2017
Orphans are "tortured harshly" if it's discovered they're Christian.
London Terrorist Was On Gaza Flotilla

London Terrorist Was On Gaza Flotilla

i24 April 29, 2017
The terror suspect found with a 'rucksack full of knives' near Parliament Square once worked as an aid worker for a relief convoy to Palestine. 
Sanctuary Cities For Antifa Violence

Sanctuary Cities For Antifa Violence

Frontpage Mag April 28, 2017
Portland was once known as the City of Roses but there’s no room for roses in the left’s Little Beirut. And there’s no room for free speech either.
Israel Strikes Damascus

Israel Strikes Damascus April 27, 2017
Multiple Israeli air strikes hit Syria’s capital. The airstrikes hit an ammunition depot operated by Hezbollah near Damascus International Airport.  
Trump Vows To Confront Antisemitism

Trump Vows To Confront Antisemitism

Voice Of America April 25, 2017
"I will always stand with our great friend and partner, the State of Israel."
Russia Bans Jehovah's Witnesses

Russia Bans Jehovah's Witnesses

Christian Post April 24, 2017
Russia has declared Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist organization, banning all activities in the country.
North Korea Threatens US Warship

North Korea Threatens US Warship

FOX News April 23, 2017
North Korea threatened to sink a US aircraft carrier to demonstrate its military prowess as two Japanese Navy ships joined a US strike group for exercises in the Philippine Sea. 
Muslims Moved As Coptic Christians Do The Unimaginable

Muslims Moved As Coptic Christians Do The Unimaginable

Christianity Today April 22, 2017
After twelve seconds of awkward silence the show's host leaned forward and said “The Copts of Egypt … are made of … steel!”
ISIS Attacks Paris, Again

ISIS Attacks Paris, Again

Independent April 21, 2017
Isis has claimed responsibility for the shooting attack in Paris that has left one police officer dead and two seriously injured.
Hunger Strike Or Smokescreen?

Hunger Strike Or Smokescreen?

Gatestone Institute April 20, 2017
It is an integral part of the Palestinian strategy to undermine, isolate, delegitimize and destroy Israel.
Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Speech

Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Speech

WND April 19, 2017
Hours after UC Berkeley canceled her appearance, a defiant and furious Ann Coulter explained why she is vowing to show up and give a scheduled speech anyway.
North Korea Prepared To Carry Out Assassinations On Americans

North Korea Prepared To Carry Out Assassinations On Americans

Townhall April 18, 2017
A North Korean defector said North Korea plans to kidnap Americans and carry out ISIS-style terror attacks
Remember Jerusalem

Remember Jerusalem April 17, 2017
The word “Zion” was first used for the ancient stronghold built on one of Jerusalem’s hills, but came to mean the city itself.
Stepping On Hezbollah’s Neck While Going For Iran’s Jugular

Stepping On Hezbollah’s Neck While Going For Iran’s Jugular

Jewish Press April 17, 2017
The US will to try to tighten the noose on Iran’s proxy terror group, as part of a Trump's “broader strategy” targeting Tehran and its satellites.
How Easter Loses It's Luster

How Easter Loses It's Luster

Charisma April 16, 2017
The Easter story is the linchpin that holds Christianity together. Without the cross and the Resurrection, the gospel crumbles like a house of cards.
North Korean Missile Test Fails

North Korean Missile Test Fails

Breitbart April 15, 2017
North Korea has attempted to fire a missile but the launch was a failure. It comes just hours after North Korea unveiled 'game-changer' ballistic missiles during a display of the country's military might.
Coptic Christians Cancel Easter Celebrations

Coptic Christians Cancel Easter Celebrations

Lifezette April 14, 2017
Let us pray for the persecuted faithful in this solemn and soon-to-be-joyous season. 
Law Allows States To Defund Planned Parenthood

Law Allows States To Defund Planned Parenthood

Breaking Christian News April 13, 2017
President Trump signed a law overturning a regulation forcing states to fund Planned Parenthood.
Chechen Leader Says They Can't Have Gay Concentration Camps, Because Gays Don't Exist In Chechnya

Chechen Leader Says They Can't Have Gay Concentration Camps, Because Gays Don't Exist In Chechnya

Daily Caller April 12, 2017
“If such people existed in Chechnya, law enforcement would not have to worry about them since their own relatives would have sent them to where they could never return.” 
Sessions Directs Prosecutors To Focus On Immigration

Sessions Directs Prosecutors To Focus On Immigration

Roll Call April 11, 2017
The Trump administration will require federal prosecutors to prioritize cases involving immigration-related offenses to reduce the clout of criminal organizations along the Southwest border.
Nationwide Manhunt For Man Targeting Churches

Nationwide Manhunt For Man Targeting Churches

Christian Post April 10, 2017
The FBI is looking for Joseph Jakubowski before he can launch his terror campaign — and they’re watching most closely at government facilities, schools, and churches.
Murder Suicide At San Bernardino Elementary School

Murder Suicide At San Bernardino Elementary School

KTLA April 10, 2017
One of the two children who were wounded during a murder-suicide inside a special needs classroom at an elementary school has died.
World Of Trouble

World Of Trouble

Hal April 10, 2017
The attack on Syria's al-Shayrat airfield may turn out to be one of the most important moves by a President in this century.
Palm Sunday Terror Attack Claimed By ISIS

Palm Sunday Terror Attack Claimed By ISIS

Deseret April 9, 2017
Suicide bombers struck hours apart at two Coptic churches in northern Egypt, killing 44 people and turning Palm Sunday services into scenes of horror and outrage at the government.
When Will Christ's Return Happen?

When Will Christ's Return Happen?

Christian Today April 9, 2017
When will Christ come back? Let's take a look at the clues found in the Word of God.
Was Christopher Columbus A Jew Lead By Belief In The Prophet Isaiah?

Was Christopher Columbus A Jew Lead By Belief In The Prophet Isaiah?

Breaking Christian News April 8, 2017
There is growing speculation that Columbus was a Jew fleeing the Spanish Inquisition.
Biblical Imperatives Of The Syria Missile Strike

Biblical Imperatives Of The Syria Missile Strike

Christian Headlines April 7, 2017
What is a biblical response to Trump retaliating to the Syrian chemical assault on civilians with a missile atttack?
Israel’s Silenced Majority

Israel’s Silenced Majority

Caroline Glick April 6, 2017
The Israeli public today recognizes that there is no deal to be had. The Palestinians will never make peace with Israel, because they remain committed to its destruction.
Trump Listed On ISIS Kill List

Trump Listed On ISIS Kill List

Newsweek April 5, 2017
ISIS affiliated terrorists have released a list of thousands of individuals in the US and their addresses. Lone wolf attackers are encourgated to “Kill them wherever you find them.”
Susan Rice Unmasked Trump Team

Susan Rice Unmasked Trump Team

Washington Times April 3, 2017
Susan Rice is at the center of unmasking Trump administration officials.
North Korea Could Kill 90% Of Americans

North Korea Could Kill 90% Of Americans

Hill April 2, 2017
Any nation that has built nuclear weapons and long-range missiles can easily overcome the relatively much simpler technological challenge of warhead miniaturization and reentry vehicle design.
Terrorists Perfecting Laptop Bombs

Terrorists Perfecting Laptop Bombs

RT April 1, 2017
ISIS and Al-Qaeda are testing explosive devices that can pass through airport security screening concealed in a laptop.
Sanctuary Cities And Christ

Sanctuary Cities And Christ April 1, 2017
One-world utopians long for a planet where there are no borders. A world without borders goes hand in hand with their desire for a one-world government.
Obama Brainwashed Americans

Obama Brainwashed Americans

Newsweek March 31, 2017
Sergey Lavrov said Americans have been brainwashed to believe Russia influenced the US election.
FBI Stopped From Revealing Russian Interference

FBI Stopped From Revealing Russian Interference

Townhall March 30, 2017
Harry Reid owes James Comey an apology.
Goodbye Privacy?

Goodbye Privacy?

CNET March 29, 2017
The House approved a resolution repealing regulations requiring broadband companies to get permission before they sell information about customers internet history.
ANTIFA Is What Happens When People Think God Is Dead

ANTIFA Is What Happens When People Think God Is Dead

Federalist March 27, 2017
Clearly, there is nothing secular about progressivism. Look under the veneer of pseudo-scientific language, and you’re left staring at a fanatically religious mindset.
Assassinated Terrorist Was Planning Attacks On Israel

Assassinated Terrorist Was Planning Attacks On Israel

Breitbart March 26, 2017
Mazen Faqha, the senior Hamas terrorist assassinated outside his Gaza home over the weekend, was planning a series of terrorist attacks against Israeli targets in the West Bank.
The Deal Of All Deals

The Deal Of All Deals

Jerusalem Post March 25, 2017
According to terms of an agreement being hammered out with Washington, Benjamin Netanyahu will be able to fulfill his pledge and build a new settlement for Amona evacuees, but then restrain settlement construction elsewhere.


Hal March 24, 2017
There’s no such thing as a world without borders.
After Jihadi Attack, UK To Defend 'Tolerance'

After Jihadi Attack, UK To Defend 'Tolerance'

Frontpage Mag March 23, 2017
The London attack bore all the hallmarks of the jihadist modus operandi, just as the official response bore all the hallmarks of business-as-usual in London.
SCOTUS Confirmation Hearing: Day 3

SCOTUS Confirmation Hearing: Day 3

C-SPAN March 22, 2017
Judge Neil Gorsuch testifies for a third day.
Death Toll Rises In London Terror Attack

Death Toll Rises In London Terror Attack

WABC March 22, 2017
British police say five people: one policeman, three civilians and the attacker died in the terror attack outside Parliament.
Gorsuch Promises Independence

Gorsuch Promises Independence

Washington Times March 21, 2017
Judge Neil Gorsuch testifies for a second day.
Supreme Court Judge: Americans Must Evangelize

Supreme Court Judge: Americans Must Evangelize

Life Site March 19, 2017
The United States’ commitment to religious liberty is being tested and hostility toward traditional moral beliefs is on the rise, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito says.
Further Debunking Evolution

Further Debunking Evolution

Christian Headlines March 18, 2017
Swiss scientists discovered a purpose to a previously misunderstood portions of human DNA and evidences the work of complex, precise design in the universe.
Envoys of Christ

Envoys of Christ March 17, 2017
We rarely associate the Lord God Almighty with the term “Public Relations.”
The Real Story Of The Dutch Election

The Real Story Of The Dutch Election

Frontpage Mag March 16, 2017
The Dutch general election saw a collapse of support for mainstream parties, but not enough to hand victory to insurgent movements like Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom.
UN Accuses Israel Of Being Apartheid State

UN Accuses Israel Of Being Apartheid State

Townhall March 15, 2017
The international body accused Israel of apartheid, say that their actions toward the Palestinians, most notably dividing them into four different groups, prove that Israel is imposing a one state racial regime.
Bias Media’s Jesus-Deniers

Bias Media’s Jesus-Deniers

CNS March 14, 2017
When you’re CNN, you publish annual articles suggesting Jesus never existed. It’s what you do. 
Can Trump Broker A Peace Deal In Israel?

Can Trump Broker A Peace Deal In Israel?

Ynet March 13, 2017
President Trump's special international representative Jason Greenblatt arrives in Israel Monday for meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
Leaks And Floods

Leaks And Floods

Hal March 12, 2017
For the next totalitarians, computers will serve as watchdogs.  Machines will monitor activity, and flag anything that seems suspicious.  That’s when the secret police move in.
Jordan Soldier That Killed 7 Israeli Girls Given Hero's Welcome

Jordan Soldier That Killed 7 Israeli Girls Given Hero's Welcome

Jerusalem Post March 12, 2017
Supporters of Daqamseh, whom the Jordan military court deemed mentally unstable at the time, hailed his release and called him a hero.
The Wall Is Already Paid For

The Wall Is Already Paid For

American Thinker March 11, 2017
Illegal immigration has plummeted by 40 percent in February, a trend that if continued will reduce the costs and burdens of illegal immigration to the point that the benefits of enhanced border security, including the wall, will be more than paid for.
Planned Parenthood 'Proud' To Kill Babies

Planned Parenthood 'Proud' To Kill Babies

Life News March 10, 2017
Planned Parenthood boss Cecile Richards is tweeting again … and further showing Planned Parenthood’s disconnect with humanity. 
Hamas Set To Recognize 1967 Borders, But Not Israel

Hamas Set To Recognize 1967 Borders, But Not Israel

Times Of Israel March 8, 2017
Hamas is reportedly planning to endorse a state of Palestine along the 1967 borders, though it won’t recognize Israel’s legitimacy. 
Iran Strengthening Hezbollah, Palestinians For Israel War

Iran Strengthening Hezbollah, Palestinians For Israel War

Breitbart March 7, 2017
Iran is responding to President Donald Trump’s warnings against the Tehran regime by strengthening Hezbollah and Gaza-based terror groups.
GOP Plan Ends Individual Mandate, Planned Parenthood Funding

GOP Plan Ends Individual Mandate, Planned Parenthood Funding

Newsmax March 6, 2017
House Republicans released their long-awaited plan for unraveling former President Barack Obama's health care law, a package that would scale back the government's role in health care.
Tensions High Among Hamas, ISIS In Gaza

Tensions High Among Hamas, ISIS In Gaza

Times Of Israel March 5, 2017
The spate of recent rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza are reportedly the result of increased tension between Hamas and extremist Salafist groups in the Strip.
Obama's Silent Coup

Obama's Silent Coup

Breitbart March 4, 2017
The Obama administration sought, and eventually obtained, authorization to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign and continued monitoring the Trump team even when no evidence of wrongdoing was found.
Hezbollah Threatens Israel's Nuclear Facilities

Hezbollah Threatens Israel's Nuclear Facilities

Times Of Israel March 3, 2017
A propaganda video released by an outlet affiliated with the Hezbollah terror group threatens missile strikes on nine highly sensitive chemical and nuclear sites in Israel.
Islam Will Surpass Christianity As World's Largest Religion By 2070

Islam Will Surpass Christianity As World's Largest Religion By 2070

Christian Today March 2, 2017
Islam is the fasting growing religion in the world, and will be the largest in the world by 2070.
US Tells United Nations To End Israel Obsession

US Tells United Nations To End Israel Obsession

Voice Of America March 1, 2017
A United States envoy to the U.N. Human Rights Council called out the panel for what she called “unfair” treatment of Israel, which has been targeted by the council’s resolutions more than any other country.
Hamas Alliance With ISIS Backfires

Hamas Alliance With ISIS Backfires

PJ Media February 28, 2017
The Hamas terrorists in control of the Gaza Strip now find themselves between a rock and a hard place, as the double game that they've played with the Islamic State affiliate in the Sinai has backfired.
15 Terror Tunnels Inside Israel

15 Terror Tunnels Inside Israel

Tower February 27, 2017
Hamas is spending $40 million of its $100 million military budget on tunnel construction and digs six miles of tunnels every month.
Abu Sayyaf Beheads German Sailor

Abu Sayyaf Beheads German Sailor

FOX News February 27, 2017
Jurgen Gustav Kantner, who had survived months as a hostage in Somalia in 2008, was beheaded in the Philippines by Islamic terrorists.
'Hamas Is Willing To Go Back To '67 Borders'

'Hamas Is Willing To Go Back To '67 Borders'

Jerusalem Post February 25, 2017
Ashraf al-Ajami confirms Hamas is "willing to go back to the 1967 borders."
A Cautionary Tale

A Cautionary Tale February 24, 2017
In 1975, the Swedish Parliament decided to bring in massive numbers of Muslims from the Middle East.  Since then, violent crime has risen 300%!
Remembering Jane Roe

Remembering Jane Roe

One News Now February 24, 2017
What Norma McCorvey needed at the age of 22, pregnant with her life in disarray, was someone to step in and help her look into eternity and embrace life and the beauty of motherhood. 
Christian Zionists Must Fight Antisemitism

Christian Zionists Must Fight Antisemitism

Newsmax February 23, 2017
You do not have to look hard to confirm the sad truth that over the last decade anti-Jewish sentiment is on the rise around the world. 
Trump Ends Obama Transgender Bathroom Policy

Trump Ends Obama Transgender Bathroom Policy

Townhall February 22, 2017
President Donald Trump revoked landmark guidance issued to public schools in defense of transgender student rights, reversing course on a signature initiative of President Obama. 
Kim Jong-Nam Had Offer To Lead North Korea's Government-In-Exile

Kim Jong-Nam Had Offer To Lead North Korea's Government-In-Exile

Korea Times February 21, 2017
North Korean defectors in Europe and the United States had offered Kim Jong-nam to serve as head of a government-in-exile.
Hamas Leadership Change To Blame For Latest ISIS Attack On Israel?

Hamas Leadership Change To Blame For Latest ISIS Attack On Israel?

Western Journalism February 20, 2017
The escalation of attacks in southern Israel from Sinai is probably related to a change in the leadership of Hamas in Gaza. 
Netanyahu Admits Attending Secret Peace Summit

Netanyahu Admits Attending Secret Peace Summit

Ynet February 19, 2017
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed the veracity of reports in Israeli media that he attended a clandestine summit, joined by Egyptian, Jordanian and US leaders. 
21 Women Assaulted By Transgenders In Restrooms

21 Women Assaulted By Transgenders In Restrooms

One News Now February 18, 2017
Men have assaulted or violated women’s privacy in public bathrooms 21 times due to pro-LGBT transgender restroom policies. 
The End Of Palestine

The End Of Palestine

Frontpage Mag February 16, 2017
Palestine is many things. A Roman name and a Cold War lie. Mostly it’s a justification for killing Jews.
Trump Tells Netanyahu To 'Hold Off On Settlements'

Trump Tells Netanyahu To 'Hold Off On Settlements'

Business Insider February 15, 2017
President Donald Trump directly asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to slow the building of settlements in the West Bank and said he was confident the two nations could come to a peace agreement with the Palestinians.
'We Have A Friend In The White House'

'We Have A Friend In The White House'

Arutz Sheva February 15, 2017
Coalition politicians welcomed President Trump's warm approach to Israel and described the summit meeting as 'the end of two-state epoch'.
Return To Warm Relations?

Return To Warm Relations?

CBN February 14, 2017
When Mr. Netanyahu gets to Washington it will give him the opportunity to raise pressing issues that seemed to fall on deaf ears before.
Trump Not Moving Embassy Anymore?

Trump Not Moving Embassy Anymore?

Times Of Israel February 13, 2017
President Trump was planning on moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem as soon as he took office but has reconsidered after he entered the White House. 
Prioritizing Religious Minority Refugees Is An American Tradition

Prioritizing Religious Minority Refugees Is An American Tradition

Christian Post February 12, 2017
The prioritization of religious minority refugees facing genocide is a "tradition" that has been carried out by the United States government on a number of occasions in the last century.
Elite Hamas Killers Joining ISIS

Elite Hamas Killers Joining ISIS

Daily Star February 11, 2017
Members of the Hamas commando wing Nukhba have joined the under-pressure murder-cult as they face imminent destruction from numerous enemies. 
'I Won't Condemn Israel'

'I Won't Condemn Israel'

Israel Hayom February 10, 2017
US President Donald Trump says he understands and respects Israel greatly. He stressed he would like to see peace in the Middle East and beyond.
House of Commons OKs Brexit Bill

House of Commons OKs Brexit Bill

Channel News Asia February 8, 2017
British MPs backed a bill empowering Prime Minister Theresa May to start negotiations on leaving the EU.
The Evolving Threat Of Jihad In The West

The Evolving Threat Of Jihad In The West

Jerusalem Post February 7, 2017
The very act of mentioning bad behavior carried out by members of a specific group seems inherently bigoted.
'We Hate War'

'We Hate War'

Jerusalem Post February 6, 2017
In order to support peace you should know the truth “We hate war. We do not rejoice in victories. We rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown, and when strawberries bloom in Israel.” 
The Magna Carta Of Religious Liberty

The Magna Carta Of Religious Liberty

One News Now February 5, 2017

Donald Trump is about to become the Abraham Lincoln and the Martin Luther King, Jr. of civil rights for people of faith.
The Answer

The Answer February 4, 2017
To many, it feels like we’re in the middle of a massive and growing storm with a funnel cloud forming in the sky above our heads.
White House Urges Israel To Stop Settlement Announcements

White House Urges Israel To Stop Settlement Announcements

Jerusalem Post February 3, 2017
The White House warned Israel to cease settlement announcements that are “unilateral” and “undermining” of President Donald Trump’s effort to forge Middle East peace.
Who Instigated Berkeley Violence?

Who Instigated Berkeley Violence?

WDIV February 2, 2017
After violence erupted at UC Berkeley, the university blamed "150 masked agitators" for the unrest.
Introducing The Next Antonin Scalia...

Introducing The Next Antonin Scalia...

WND February 1, 2017
At 49, Neil Gorsuch is the youngest nominee to the Supreme Court in 25 years and, if confirmed, could serve on the high court for decades. 
If We Don't Let Muslims Into US, They'll Kill Us?

If We Don't Let Muslims Into US, They'll Kill Us?

Frontpage Mag February 1, 2017
There’s only one problem with this hostage crisis theory of immigration. It’s insane.
'Massive Attacks' In Eastern Ukraine

'Massive Attacks' In Eastern Ukraine

EurActiv January 31, 2017
Ukraine says Russia is attacking residential areas with all available weapons.
Shooting At Quebec Mosque

Shooting At Quebec Mosque

CBC January 30, 2017
Six people are dead and several injured after shots were fired in a Quebec City mosque.
Soros Bankrolling Trump Protests

Soros Bankrolling Trump Protests

PJ Media January 29, 2017
The flurry of anguished news stories and protests surrounding President Trump appears to be part of a coordinated PR effort financed by left-wing billionaire George Soros.
Pence: Life Is Winning

Pence: Life Is Winning

Christian Post January 27, 2017
Members of the Trump administration took to the main stage of the 44th annual March for Life rally declaring their support for the pro-life movement.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Jerusalem January 27, 2017
Donald Trump said he would move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  We’ve heard that before.
Denying Science And Common Sense

Denying Science And Common Sense

Christian Post January 26, 2017
There is a reason why many women contemplating abortion decide not to abort when they see an ultrasound of their baby. There is no denying the humanity of this tiny creature, which is anything but a clump of cells.
Obama's Palestinian Payout

Obama's Palestinian Payout

i24 January 25, 2017
The US State Department is reconsidering the decision made in the final hours of the Obama administration last week to transfer 221 million dollars over to the Palestinian Authority. 
God Welcomed Back To Washington DC

God Welcomed Back To Washington DC

One News Now January 24, 2017
An evangelical leader says the feeling among Christian leaders attending Donald Trump's inaugural festivities is that God hasn't given up on the United States.
Is Embassy Moving To Jerusalem?

Is Embassy Moving To Jerusalem?

Algemeiner January 23, 2017
It is unclear what will happen with the US Embassy in Israel.
Where Do Palestinians Stand On Trump?

Where Do Palestinians Stand On Trump?

Jerusalem Post January 22, 2017
Palestinian leaders have warned that if Trump moves forward with his campaign promise to move the embassy, it could lead to instability and possibly violence.
A Trump Reprieve For America

A Trump Reprieve For America January 21, 2017
In 760 BC, one of the most important cities in the most powerful empire of its time, repented of its sin and turned to God.
There Never Was A Two State Solution

There Never Was A Two State Solution

Algemeiner January 20, 2017
The conflict has always had political, religious, historical, geographical and psychological dimensions.
Fear Of Beduin Intifada

Fear Of Beduin Intifada

Jerusalem Post January 19, 2017
Everyone who is well-versed in the goings-on in the Beduin community should not be surprised by the magnitude of the events that occurred during the demolition of homes on Wednesday.
Israel Steps Up Its Shadow War With Hezbollah

Israel Steps Up Its Shadow War With Hezbollah

UPI January 18, 2017
In recent weeks, the covert war between Israel and Hezbollah that has dragged on for five years ap­parently flared again, possibly this time with higher stakes.
Media Working To Topple Israeli Governmnet

Media Working To Topple Israeli Governmnet

Jerusalem Post January 17, 2017
Benjamin Netanyahu said the press were acting as “investigators, judges and hangmen” in an effort to politically decapitate him.
The Pitiable, Pathetic Peace Conference

The Pitiable, Pathetic Peace Conference

Jerusalem Post January 16, 2017
Well done, gentlemen. We get the point. You really, really don’t like settlements, you have problems with Israel and you hate Prime Minister Netanyahu’s guts.
Biblical Origin Of The 70 Nations Against Israel

Biblical Origin Of The 70 Nations Against Israel

BIN January 15, 2017
70 nations of the world will gather in Paris in an attempt to force Israel to accept a two-state solution, fulfilling a momentous Biblical prophecy foretold thousands of years ago.
'We Waited For Decades'

'We Waited For Decades'

VOA January 14, 2017
Polish leaders are holding a ceremony to welcome U.S. troops to their country, a deployment that Russia calls a threat to its own security.
How Many Attacks Must We Endure?

How Many Attacks Must We Endure?

Christian Post January 14, 2017
Liberalism is putting our lives at risk. Liberalism will not recognize the link between Islam and the recent spates of attacks the West is enduring.
Trump & The Russians

Trump & The Russians January 12, 2017
The United States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. That means it will not be a world superpower by the time the events of the Tribulation take place.
China Deploys Warships To Taiwan Strait

China Deploys Warships To Taiwan Strait

BBC News January 11, 2017
China's only aircraft carrier has led several warships across the Taiwan Strait.
The Antisemitic Islamophobia Hoax

The Antisemitic Islamophobia Hoax

Frontpage Mag January 10, 2017
Fighting Islamophobia is trendy. But it also often becomes a means of enabling and expressing hatred toward others. Especially Jews.
Selective Empathy

Selective Empathy

American Thinker January 9, 2017
Meryl Streep lectured us all on the centrality of empathy to her art yet practices it on a highly selective basis, to say the least. 
ISIS Behind Jerusalem Terror Attack

ISIS Behind Jerusalem Terror Attack

News 24 January 8, 2017
A terrorist rammed a truck into a group of Israeli soldiers killing four.
Kerry, Abbas Threaten Explosion

Kerry, Abbas Threaten Explosion

Jerusalem Post January 7, 2017
John Kerry said the plan to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem would cause "an absolute explosion" throughout the region. 
Russia Deploys Warships To Philippines

Russia Deploys Warships To Philippines

UPI January 6, 2017
Russia sent warships to the Philippines to participate in naval drills.  This is the first official contact between naval units from the Philippines and Russia.
Hate Crime

Hate Crime

Chicago Tribune January 5, 2017
Hate crime charges have been filed against four people attacking a mentally disabled man.
A Revolutionary Resolution

A Revolutionary Resolution January 5, 2017
A new year seems to always bring with it a renewed sense of optimism. It carries the feeling of a fresh start and a new beginning. We see it as a clean slate, and see the future as a place of boundless possibilities.


WSJ January 4, 2017
Benjamin Netanyahu called misconduct allegations a “persecution” and reiterated a criminal investigation would come to nothing.
Second Resolution Possible

Second Resolution Possible

Jerusalem Post January 4, 2017
Netanyahu To Rivals: Don't Start The Party Yet

Netanyahu To Rivals: Don't Start The Party Yet

Jewish Press January 2, 2017
A few hours before his interrogation with Israeli police, Benjamin Netanyahu said “We’ve been hearing the celebration on television and in the opposition, and I want to tell them: wait with the celebrations, don’t rush. Nothing’s going to happen, you’ll just keep flying hot air balloons.”
ISIS: Turn Their Feasts Into Funerals

ISIS: Turn Their Feasts Into Funerals

Daily Caller January 1, 2017
ISIS media has made a point of singling out Turkey “Turn their their feasts into funerals.”
Israel Warns Of New Year Terror Threat In India

Israel Warns Of New Year Terror Threat In India

BBC News December 31, 2016
Israel has issued a warning of imminent "terrorist attacks" on tourists in India, advising its citizens to avoid public places during the New Year celebrations. 
Men Dressed As Santa Open Fire On Turkey Nightclub

Men Dressed As Santa Open Fire On Turkey Nightclub

BBC December 31, 2016
Istanbul's governor says 39 people were killed when at least two gunmen attacked a crowded nightclub packed people celebrating New Year's Eve.
Russian Hack Started Simply

Russian Hack Started Simply

Bloomberg December 30, 2016
In the summer of 2015 hackers working for Russia’s civilian intelligence service sent e-mails with hidden malware to more than 1,000 people working for the American government and political groups.


Hal December 29, 2016
The US allowed passage of a UN resolution that condemned Israel’s settlements.
Obama Turned His Back On Israel, But God Hasn't

Obama Turned His Back On Israel, But God Hasn't

Christian Post December 28, 2016

America's "Wreck it Ralph" is at it again.  And the enemies of God's chosen people cheered. 

The UN Declares War On Judeo-Christian Civilization

The UN Declares War On Judeo-Christian Civilization

Gatestone Institute December 27, 2016
2016 has been a sumptuous year for the anti-Semites at the United Nations. The UN Security Council just targeted the only democracy in the Middle East: the State of Israel. 
Fake News Causes Pakistan To Threaten Israel With Nuclear War

Fake News Causes Pakistan To Threaten Israel With Nuclear War

Ynet December 26, 2016
A fake news article nearly led to a diplomatic crisis after Islamabad's defense minister tweeted a veiled nuclear threat at Israel.
Obama Helped Anti-Israeli Censure

Obama Helped Anti-Israeli Censure

FOX News December 26, 2016
Israel’s government publicly accused Obama of helping create and push the recently passed UN resolution condemning settlement activity. 
Christmas Gift Of Prayer

Christmas Gift Of Prayer

Inside Sources December 25, 2016
What a gift it would be this Christmas in the United States if we simply came together to remember and pray for the Christians being persecuted in the Middle East and elsewhere around the world.
Netanyahu To Defy UN Resolution

Netanyahu To Defy UN Resolution

Blaze December 24, 2016
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he plans to defy the UN resolution banning Israel from building settlements.
Update: Berlin Suspect Killed In Milan

Update: Berlin Suspect Killed In Milan

FOX News December 23, 2016
The Berlin market attack suspect, Anis Amri, has been shot dead by police in Milan, Italy.
US Abstains as UN Security Council Votes to Condemn Israeli Settlements

US Abstains as UN Security Council Votes to Condemn Israeli Settlements

Ynet December 23, 2016
After a US abstention, the UN Security Council passes a resolution simultaneously declaring settlements illegal, while also demanding a halt to their construction.
Trump, Obama On Possible Collision Course Over Israeli Settlement Vote

Trump, Obama On Possible Collision Course Over Israeli Settlement Vote

Voice Of America December 22, 2016
President-elect Donald Trump warned the Obama administration against a possible abstention in a key U.N. Security Council vote that would declare illegal all Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory in the West Bank and the mostly Arab East Jerusalem.
Only Suspect In Berlin Truck Attack Released

Only Suspect In Berlin Truck Attack Released

Daily Beast December 20, 2016
The man detained after a truck crashed into a Berlin Christmas market has been set free. "The investigations thus far have not produced sufficient evidence against the suspect," the statement said. 
Twelve Dead In ISIS Attack At German Christmas Market

Twelve Dead In ISIS Attack At German Christmas Market

KTLA December 19, 2016

A tractor trailer barreled into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin killing 12 people and injuring 48 others. Shoppers screamed and dropped packages and glasses of mulled wine as the truck plowed into the market. Officials are investigating the crash as an act of terrorism. Authorities have apprehended the suspected driver. Another person who was in the truck died at the scene.
Christmas Shoppers In Jihadist Crosshairs

Christmas Shoppers In Jihadist Crosshairs

Gatestone Institute December 18, 2016
As the winter nights lengthen, an even darker shadow is falling across the run-up to the Christmas holidays in several European nations.
Identity Politics Are Anti-American

Identity Politics Are Anti-American

Frontpage Mag December 17, 2016
Why is "people of color" a racist term? The only people who are not people of color are white people. In other words, white people are oppressors; white people are evil.
Obama Promises Retaliation Over Hacks

Obama Promises Retaliation Over Hacks

Guardian December 16, 2016
US President Barack Obama warned the US will retaliate for Russian cyberattacks during the presidential election.  
The War Is Over!

The War Is Over!

Christian Post December 15, 2016
Merry Christmas has became a common greeting once again.
Update: Ceasefire Collapses

Update: Ceasefire Collapses

Time December 14, 2016
ceasefire that would have allowed rebel fighters and civilians to exit Aleppo collapsed less than a day after it was announced.
The Epic Fail Of BDS

The Epic Fail Of BDS

American Thinker December 12, 2016
The effort to mobilize academic leftists into helping to destroy Israel is falling on its face, exposing the pathetic emptiness of anti-Israel bluster. 
Israel’s First Project With Trump

Israel’s First Project With Trump

Caroline Glick December 11, 2016
Hezbollah has deployed at least a thousand fighters to Iraq where they are fighting alongside Iranian forces and Shi’ite militia, which Hezbollah trains.
Deception & The Bible

Deception & The Bible December 10, 2016
Deception has been a primary part of human character since Adam and Eve sinned.  But it is worse today.
'To Look Out At Creation And Not Believe In God Is Impossible'

'To Look Out At Creation And Not Believe In God Is Impossible'

Christian Post December 9, 2016
John Glenn was a devout Christian who once said he prayed every day.
Life Expectancy In US Drops For First Time In Decades

Life Expectancy In US Drops For First Time In Decades

NPR December 8, 2016
The US death rate has increased for the first time in a decade. That led to a drop in overall life expectancy for the first time since 1993.  
John Glenn, American Hero Of The Space Age, Dies At 95

John Glenn, American Hero Of The Space Age, Dies At 95

Columbus Dispatch December 8, 2016
John Glenn, the lifelong pilot, decorated war veteran, and former senator who became the first American to orbit the Earth during the height of the space race, has died. He was 95. Glenn died Thursday in his home state of Ohio, a day after news of his hospitalization was reported. He was the last-surviving member of NASA’s first class of astronauts in 1959. "We are saddened by the loss of Sen. John Glenn, the first American to orbit Earth. A true American hero. Godspeed, John Glenn. Ad astra," NASA wrote on Twitter.
'Never Forget'

'Never Forget'

People December 7, 2016
Every night before he falls asleep, Ray Chavez, 104, thinks about the traumatic events that took place on December 7, 1941.
Someone Planning Trump Assassination

Someone Planning Trump Assassination

RT December 6, 2016
A website is trying to raise money and gather expert advice on assassinating Donald Trump and Mike Pence.
The Real Illegal Settlements

The Real Illegal Settlements

Gatestone Institute December 5, 2016
Palestinians are building entire neighborhoods in many parts of the West Bank and Jerusalem.
Fires And Hezbollah

Fires And Hezbollah

Jerusalem Post December 4, 2016
What were to happen if Israel’s emergency teams were forced to deal with a large-scale brush fire while facing a missile offensive launched by Hezbollah from southern Lebanon?
9/11 Mastermind: We Were Not Ready For Bush's Aggression

9/11 Mastermind: We Were Not Ready For Bush's Aggression

Frontpage Mag December 3, 2016
KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.
200,000 Indonesians Protest Christian Governor

200,000 Indonesians Protest Christian Governor

US News & World Report December 2, 2016
At least 200,000 conservative Muslims rallied in the Indonesian capital in the second major protest in a month against its minority Christian governor who is being prosecuted for alleged blasphemy. 
Holiday Warning And Hope

Holiday Warning And Hope December 2, 2016
During the Christmas season, first thoughts go to shopping, travel, party plans, and church events.  But this year we have something else to think about — terror attacks.
Syrian Rebellion May Be Drawing To A Close

Syrian Rebellion May Be Drawing To A Close

Voice Of America December 1, 2016
As Assad's forces backed by their Russian allies pound eastern Aleppo, the human suffering mounts and so do questions about whether this signals the end is near for the six-year-old Syrian insurgence. 
'There He Goes Again'

'There He Goes Again'

National Review November 29, 2016
Jimmy Carter is 92 now, but neither the passage of time nor the debilities of age slow him from making proposals that will do real harm to the State of Israel.
We Need To Let Our Children Protect Themselves

We Need To Let Our Children Protect Themselves

Bearing Arms November 28, 2016
In the wake of Monday's attack at Ohio State University, state lawmakers plan to continue to move ahead with legislation to loosen rules for carrying concealed handguns on campus.
Muslim Refugee Goes On Ohio State Stabbing Spree

Muslim Refugee Goes On Ohio State Stabbing Spree

Ohio Dispatch November 28, 2016
Police shot and killed a Somali refugee as he was attacking students with a butcher knife outside a science building at Ohio State University.
The Real Goal Of The Anti-Trump Protesters

The Real Goal Of The Anti-Trump Protesters

Charisma November 27, 2016
There are those that want to eliminate the power of individual states in favor of elections decided by the population of large, politically liberal cities.
Communist Dictator Dead

Communist Dictator Dead

Frontpage Mag November 26, 2016
The mainstream media's beloved revolutionary icon Fidel Castro, evil Communist dictator of Cuba for nearly a half century, has died at the age of 90. 
Islamic Terrorists Behind Haifa Fires

Islamic Terrorists Behind Haifa Fires

Debka November 24, 2016
Hundreds of wildfires, most caused by arsonists, began spreading across Israel earlier this week. At least 100 people suffered injuries in Haifa, most from smoke inhalation, and dozens of shock victims were taken to hospital.
Giving Thanks To God This Thanksgiving

Giving Thanks To God This Thanksgiving

Green Bay Press Gazette November 23, 2016
I hear people say, “I’m so thankful that (fill in the blank).” Or you might say, “I’m thankful for (again, fill in the blank).” But I wonder, when I hear such statements, to whom (or to what) is the person thankful? We hear people say they are thankful, but it seems we do not hear very often to whom they are thankful. There are many of us who, if pressed, would say that it’s God to whom we give thanks, of course.
Under Ceasar's Sword

Under Ceasar's Sword

Break Point November 22, 2016
Christians are “the victims of 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination in the world.” 
So Far, So Good For Israel

So Far, So Good For Israel

Israel Today November 21, 2016
Israel has high expectations for the presidency of Donald Trump, and the Republican president-elect’s first round of political appointments did not disappoint.

"Allah, Kill The Despicable Christians"

Gatestone Institute November 20, 2016
The 16-year-old Muslim son of an Islamic cleric living in Belgium made a video and posted it on social media. "Allah, kill the despicable Christians. Allah, kill each and every last one of them...." 
The Most Pro-Israel President In A Generation

The Most Pro-Israel President In A Generation

IJR November 17, 2016
There is still plenty of uncertainty surrounding what exactly a Trump administration will look like, but one thing is not up for debate: Donald Trump could be the most pro-Israel commander in chief in modern history.
Pardon Me

Pardon Me November 17, 2016
Jesus bought each of our pardons on the cross. But for the pardon to go into effect, we must accept it. 
Hezbollah Shows Off Stolen US Weapons To Threaten Israel

Hezbollah Shows Off Stolen US Weapons To Threaten Israel

Observer November 16, 2016
In what is purported to be a flexing of muscles for Israeli consumption, Hezbollah held a military parade in Syria with what appeared to be U.S. tanks and light-tanks. 
ISIS Calls Thanksgiving Parade 'Excellent Target'

ISIS Calls Thanksgiving Parade 'Excellent Target'

CBS News November 15, 2016
A recent edition of ISIS propaganda magazine includes a guide to using vehicles in terrorist attacks, and suggests the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as an “excellent target.”  
Trump And International Security

Trump And International Security

Gatestone Institute November 14, 2016
It is the EU, not Donald Trump, that threatens to undermine NATO and the security of the West. 
The Abortion Movement Just Lost Their War On The Unborn

The Abortion Movement Just Lost Their War On The Unborn

Life News November 13, 2016
The long stalemate between the Party of Abortion and the Party of Life is now over, and expect a number of legislative remedies to our national tragedy of abortion to emerge from the Congress and the White House.
Protesters Are Behaving Like Children

Protesters Are Behaving Like Children

Christian Post November 12, 2016
Young people are protesting on the streets and then being comforted by their professors as they cry on college campuses in the aftermath of the elections.
When Will US Recognize Jerusalem As Capitol?

When Will US Recognize Jerusalem As Capitol?

Townhall November 11, 2016
Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to officially name Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and said he would order the relocation of the US embassy in Tel Aviv to the Holy City.
Has Netanyahu Won The Lottery?

Has Netanyahu Won The Lottery?

Jerusalem Post November 11, 2016
Netanyahu is having a hard time hiding his joy over the change in power in Washington, and the prospects of working with US President-elect Donald Trump. 
Microaggressions And Trump

Microaggressions And Trump

Hal November 11, 2016
Only in the days leading up to the Civil War was America this divided. But even then, the discourse was rarely as angry and inflamed as today.
President By The Sovereign Intervention Of God?

President By The Sovereign Intervention Of God?

Christian Post November 9, 2016
"There are times when there are so many odds against something happening, when it so greatly defies logic, that it is easier to recognize God's involvement."
Donald Trump Becomes 45th President

Donald Trump Becomes 45th President

FOX News November 8, 2016
Donald Trump, defying the pundits and polls to the end, was projected to defeat Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s presidential election and claim an establishment-stunning victory that exposes the depth of voter dissatisfaction – and signals immense changes ahead for American policy at home and abroad. Seventeen months after the billionaire tycoon’s Trump Tower entrance into the race, the first-time candidate once dismissed by the political elite will become the 45th president. 
Israel Plans To Boycott French Mideast Peace Conference

Israel Plans To Boycott French Mideast Peace Conference

JNS November 7, 2016
Israel will not participate in a French led international conference aimed at setting its conflict with the Palestinians.
The Balfour Declaration

The Balfour Declaration

Gatestone Institute November 6, 2016
This week we enter the centenary year of the Balfour Declaration. This document was the first recognition by one of the world's great powers of the right of the Jewish people to their national homeland in Palestine.
BDS Spurs Growing Anti-Semitism On Campuses

BDS Spurs Growing Anti-Semitism On Campuses

Jerusalem Post November 5, 2016
Iran Sends Elite Fighters Into US, Europe

Iran Sends Elite Fighters Into US, Europe

Free Beacon November 3, 2016
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps is sending assets to infiltrate the United States and Europe.
It Has Never Been About 'Ending The Occupation'

It Has Never Been About 'Ending The Occupation'

Jerusalem Post November 2, 2016
The PA is sending a message to Israel and the international community, one that they express frequently in Arabic.
Palestinians Back In Bed With Hamas

Palestinians Back In Bed With Hamas

Gatestone Institute November 1, 2016
How can Abbas ever be expected to make peace with Israel when he cannot even control his own Fatah loyalists? 
New Lebanese President Vows To ‘Free Our Lands From Israeli Occupation’

New Lebanese President Vows To ‘Free Our Lands From Israeli Occupation’

Jerusalem Post October 31, 2016
The Lebanese parliament elected former army commander Michel Aoun as president securing a victory for his Lebanese Shi'ite ally Hezbollah, Iran and Syria.
Hezbollah Ally Set To Become Lebanese President

Hezbollah Ally Set To Become Lebanese President

Ynet October 29, 2016
If General Aoun, who is known for changing his loyalties, is elected president in Lebanon, he will be the one to select the country’s prime minister and dictate its foreign affairs; as far as Israel is concerned, this means quite a headache.
Is Obama Preparing A Parting Shot At Israel?

Is Obama Preparing A Parting Shot At Israel?

Washington Post October 28, 2016
Soon Obama will be free to deliver a devastating parting shot to Israel and to the prime minister he detests.
The Child Abuse Of Jihad

The Child Abuse Of Jihad

Gatestone Institute October 27, 2016
Children in this world do not dream about becoming doctors, pilots or engineers; an entire generation of Palestinians, particularly those in the Gaza Strip, has been raised on the glorification of suicide bombers and anyone who kills a Jew.
Another Piece Of Palestinian Propaganda Crumbles

Another Piece Of Palestinian Propaganda Crumbles

JNS October 27, 2016
Every time archaeologists dig in Israel, another piece of the Palestinian propaganda line crumbles. The latest discovery explodes the lies of the U.N. and the PA.
Ancient Papyrus Supports Israel's Claim To Jerusalem

Ancient Papyrus Supports Israel's Claim To Jerusalem

Tower October 26, 2016
An ancient papyrus from the First Temple period containing the earliest Hebrew mention of Jerusalem outside the Bible was unveiled by the Israel Antiquities Authority. The document is from the 7th century BCE, according to radiocarbon dating, making it one of three existing Hebrew papyri from that time period. It is the first non-biblical source to mention Jerusalem from that time, and predates the Dead Sea Scrolls by several centuries.
'The Khorasan Caliphate'

'The Khorasan Caliphate'

NBC News October 26, 2016
According to US General John Nicholson, foreign fighters, particularly Uzbeks from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, are joining the Islamic State Khorasan, or IS-K. 
France Tears Down 'The Jungle'

France Tears Down 'The Jungle'

RFI October 25, 2016
Workers moved into the "Jungle" in Calais, demolishing shacks and tents.
Hundreds Moved From 'The Jungle'

Hundreds Moved From 'The Jungle'

BBC News October 24, 2016
About 1,600 migrants have been bussed away from the "Jungle" in Calais as French authorities clear the camp. At least 7,000 people have been living there in squalid conditions.
ISIS Sleeper Cells Kill Dozens In Kirkuk

ISIS Sleeper Cells Kill Dozens In Kirkuk

UPI October 21, 2016
ISIS attacked government buildings and a nearby power plant in the northern Iraq city of Kirkuk, killing dozens of people.
UN Sanctioned Antisemitism

UN Sanctioned Antisemitism

Hal October 20, 2016
The world’s war on Jews continues to grow in intensity and in brazenness. That age-old hobgoblin of the world — antisemitism — has roared back to life!
Iran Sentences Americans To 10-Years For Spying

Iran Sentences Americans To 10-Years For Spying

AFP October 19, 2016
The United States demanded the release of an American businessman and his 80-year-old father who were given 10-year prison sentences in Tehran on espionage charges.
ISIS Leaders Fleeing Mosul

ISIS Leaders Fleeing Mosul

BBC News October 19, 2016
There are signs that leaders from self-styled Islamic State have fled Mosul as Iraqi forces close in on the city. 
UNESCO's Failed History Test

UNESCO's Failed History Test

Jerusalem Post October 18, 2016
The UNESCO resolution is a modern pogrom against the Jewish people’s connection to its historic homeland.
Allied Forces Fight To Retake Mosul

Allied Forces Fight To Retake Mosul

BBC News October 17, 2016
The operation to recapture the city of Mosul, the last major stronghold ISIS, has started.
Hit On Ukraine Rebel Commander Could Re-Ignite Civil War

Hit On Ukraine Rebel Commander Could Re-Ignite Civil War

Sputnik October 17, 2016
Ukraine rebel militia commander Arseny Pavlov, aka Motorola, was killed in an explosion of an elevator in a Donetsk high-rise in a brazen attack could lead to a resumption of hostilities. 
So Much For 'Islamic Prophecy'

So Much For 'Islamic Prophecy'

NBC News October 16, 2016
ISIS fighters retreat from Dabiq. Islamic prophesy names Dabiq as the site of a battle between Muslims and infidels that will presage doomsday.
Israel Suspends Cooperation With UNESCO

Israel Suspends Cooperation With UNESCO

Ynet October 14, 2016
The UN adopted a draft resolution that denies the deep historic Jewish connection to holy sites in Jerusalem.
Peace In Our Time

Peace In Our Time October 14, 2016
Don’t place your hope in a man or a woman. These days, we need help from a Higher Source.
Iran Deploys Warships To Yemen

Iran Deploys Warships To Yemen

Reuters October 13, 2016
Iran sent two warships to the Gulf of Aden where the US military launched cruise missile strikes on areas controlled by Iran-backed Houthi forces.
White House Must Stop the ‘Buts’

White House Must Stop the ‘Buts’

Observer October 10, 2016
Washington loves to say Palestinian terrorism is wrong, "...but what about that Israeli policy?"
Have The End Times Begun?

Have The End Times Begun?

Sputnik October 10, 2016
US special forces are encircling a jihadi stronghold in Syria claimed by ISIS to be in old Islamic prophecy as the site of the final battle, triggering the apocalypse. But, it isn’t just Islamic prophecy at play here. 
Terror Attack In Jerusalem

Terror Attack In Jerusalem

Ynet October 9, 2016
Hamas carried out a drive-by shooting near the national headquarters of the Israeli police in Jerusalem, killing two people and wounding five others before the jihadist was shot dead following a frenzied chase through the streets of the holy city.
Israel's Resilient Decency

Israel's Resilient Decency

Jerusalem Post October 8, 2016
Israel, a country about the size of New Jersey, endured eight terrorist attacks in a four-day period overlapping the American incidents.
Matthew Makes Landfall In South Carolina

Matthew Makes Landfall In South Carolina

Miami Herald October 7, 2016
Florida’s northeast coast begin to clean up Saturday morning as Hurricane Matthew finally pulled away and made landfall in South Carolina.
Deception And Hope

Deception And Hope

Hal Lindsey October 7, 2016
There was a time when to call a man a liar would lead to fisticuffs. It was one of the worst of insults. Now people tend to be proud of their ability to deceive.
Dozens Killed By Hurricane Matthew

Dozens Killed By Hurricane Matthew

Reuters October 5, 2016

Hurricane Matthew twisted toward the Bahamas and Florida's east coast after killing at least 26 people and damaging a majority of homes in Haiti's south, prompting the hard-hit country to postpone a long-awaited presidential election. The powerful Category 3 hurricane, the fiercest Caribbean storm in nearly a decade, whipped Cuba and Haiti with 140 mile-per-hour winds destroying livestock, crops and homes.
A Ticking Time Bomb

A Ticking Time Bomb

Gatestone Institute October 4, 2016
France has an old and once-healthy principle to avoid any discrimination in a country where "assimilation" is the rule.
Colombians Reject FARC Peace Deal

Colombians Reject FARC Peace Deal

BBC News October 3, 2016
Voters in Colombia have rejected a landmark peace deal with Farc rebels in a shock referendum result, with 50.2% voting against it.
Hungary Rejects EU Migrant Quotas

Hungary Rejects EU Migrant Quotas

Straits Times October 3, 2016
Almost all Hungarians who voted in a referendum have rejected the European Union's migrant quotas.
White Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter Groups Face Off At Protest

White Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter Groups Face Off At Protest

Houston Chronicle October 2, 2016
Protesters from the White Lives Matter group and also from the Black Lives Matter group protested outside of the office of the Anti-Defamation League n Houston.
LGBT Influencing Christian Children

LGBT Influencing Christian Children

Christian Post October 1, 2016
Kids this age can barely tell the difference between fantasy and reality yet activists want to indoctrinate them with the latest LGBT talking points.
World Gathers To Lay Shimon Peres To Rest

World Gathers To Lay Shimon Peres To Rest

i24 September 30, 2016
Peres laid to rest in emotional ceremony attended by representatives of some 70 countries World leaders bid farewell to Shimon Peres at his funeral in Jerusalem.
Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart

Hal September 29, 2016
“The Second Coming” by William Butler Yeats without meaning to, serves as a potent reminder that Jesus is coming very soon!
Abbas To Attend Shimon Peres Funeral

Abbas To Attend Shimon Peres Funeral

CNN September 29, 2016
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will attend the funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres, but the chairman of Israel’s Joint Arab List party said he will not attend.
Unprecedented Police Operation For Peres Funeral

Unprecedented Police Operation For Peres Funeral

Arutz Sheva September 28, 2016
Israeli Police and the Shin Bet are preparing for their largest security operation ever; they will be protecting not only foreign dignitaries, but also over 100,000 well wishers.
Washington Shooter Connected To ISIS, Ayatollah?

Washington Shooter Connected To ISIS, Ayatollah?

FOX News September 27, 2016
Arcan Cetin, the Turkish immigrant accused of gunning down five people at a Washington mall had a blog with photos of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi & Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.
'Obama Is Helping Terrorists'

'Obama Is Helping Terrorists'

CNS September 27, 2016
The son of one of the founders of Hamas, who broke from the group, said that when Obama claims "Islam is a religion of peace," he sets the "perfect climate to create more terrorism."
The Real Evil In Charlotte

The Real Evil In Charlotte

Frontpage Mag September 25, 2016
Obama, Black Lives Matter, the media, the NAACP and everyone else going after this bright and decent African-American officer has decided that what we really need are more Keith Lamont Scotts. 
The Cavalry Charge That Opened The Messiah's Door

The Cavalry Charge That Opened The Messiah's Door

BIN September 24, 2016
Next week marks 99 years since a few brave Australians led a cavalry charge in Beersheba, opening up the door to Palestine, ending 400 years of Ottoman rule. 
Christians Burned, Steamrolled In North Korea

Christians Burned, Steamrolled In North Korea

Christian Today September 23, 2016
North Korean Christians are "being hung on a cross over a fire, crushed under a steamroller, and herded off bridges".
State Of Emergency Declared In Charlotte

State Of Emergency Declared In Charlotte

Reuters September 22, 2016
Violent protests raged in Charlotte for the second night.
Terror By Any Name

Terror By Any Name September 22, 2016
When the bomb explodes and the shrapnel flies in your direction at a thousand feet per second, it does not matter if ISIS sent the bomber an email or it was his own idea.
Floodgates Ready To Open

Floodgates Ready To Open

One News Now September 21, 2016
The first child euthanasia case in Belgium that prematurely took the life a teen is what many pro-life advocates are calling a clear call to not legalize euthanasia. 
Syria Ceasefire Ends

Syria Ceasefire Ends

Al Jazeera September 20, 2016
Syria's military declared that the seven-day, US-Russian brokered ceasefire was over. 
The Last Barrier Between Christianity And Islam

The Last Barrier Between Christianity And Islam

Gatestone Institute September 20, 2016
Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity. Yet muslim migrants keep coming en masse. In August alone, 23,000 migrants arrived in Italy.
Five Detained In Connection To Chelsea Bombing

Five Detained In Connection To Chelsea Bombing

New York Daily News September 19, 2016
The FBI took five people with possible links to the Chelsea explosion into custody in Brooklyn as authorities shut down a busy New Jersey rail station after finding multiple pipe bombs in a garbage can.
Rahami Apprehended

Rahami Apprehended

KTLA September 19, 2016
A suspect in the weekend bombings in New York and New Jersey has been captured after a shootout with police. 
Israel Sends Reinforcements To West Bank

Israel Sends Reinforcements To West Bank

Ynet September 17, 2016
The decision to send another infantry battalion to the West Bank comes after a surge in Palestinian terror attacks, which has shattered weeks of relative calm. T
Attacking The First Freedom

Attacking The First Freedom September 16, 2016
Last week the Chairman of the US Civil Rights Commission Martin Castro declared that the words “religious liberty” are merely a code for American bigotry.
NKorea Could Produce 20 Nukes By The End Of The Year

NKorea Could Produce 20 Nukes By The End Of The Year

Al Jazeera September 14, 2016
According to new assessments by weapons experts North Korea will have enough material for about 20 nuclear bombs by the end of this year.
European Army?

European Army?

Gatestone Institute September 14, 2016
European leaders are discussing "far-reaching proposals" to build a pan-European military.
NCAA Takes Bathroom Law 'Nuclear'

NCAA Takes Bathroom Law 'Nuclear'

CBN September 13, 2016
The NCAA says it's pulling seven championship events from North Carolina for this year.
The KGB Called Him 'Mole'

The KGB Called Him 'Mole'

Newsweek September 12, 2016
Newly uncovered Soviet archives describe PA President Mahmoud Abbas as a KGB agent in the 1980s.  
A Safe Place For Christians

A Safe Place For Christians

Christian Headlines September 12, 2016
A couple of Christian groups are advocating for the creation of a homeland of security and refuge for persecuted Christians in the Middle East. 
We Remember

We Remember

ABC News September 11, 2016
Relatives and loved ones of some of the 3,000 people killed in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were among thousands of people who gathered Sunday at the World Trade Center site for an emotion-filled memorial honoring the victims of the most deadly terror attack in US history.
Syria Ceasefire Reached

Syria Ceasefire Reached

American Thinker September 10, 2016
The US and Russia have agreed to promote a ceasefire in Syria.
US Bill Allows Lawsuits Over 9/11 Attacks

US Bill Allows Lawsuits Over 9/11 Attacks

VOA September 9, 2016
The House passed legislation that would allow families of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to sue the Saudi Arabia for supporting terrorism.
Abbas Was Once KGB Agent Named 'Mole'

Abbas Was Once KGB Agent Named 'Mole'

BBC News September 8, 2016
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was allegedly a KGB agent in Syria in the 1980s. 
Jesus Is Coming Soon!

Jesus Is Coming Soon! September 8, 2016
For more than fifty years, I have lived in the urgent expectation of Jesus’ return.  Fifty years is a long time.  Do I regret it?  Was I wrong?  No and no!
Keyboard Antisemites

Keyboard Antisemites

Jerusalem Post September 7, 2016
On Twitter, 63 percent of all anti-Semitic tweets are calls for violence against Jews, but only 1 in 10 are removed.
Prisons: Harvard For Radicals

Prisons: Harvard For Radicals

Gatestone Institute September 6, 2016
Jails are fast becoming a kind of Islamist finishing schools. Where jihadists can be groomed, and plots patiently hatched. 
ISIS Mere Miles Away From Israel Border

ISIS Mere Miles Away From Israel Border

Jerusalem Post September 5, 2016
In the Syrian Golan Heights recently, 3 terror groups have united under the ISIS flag as ISIS aims to strengthen its influence in the region adjacent to Israel.
4 Year Old Getting Sex Change Operation

4 Year Old Getting Sex Change Operation

WND September 4, 2016
Australian officials have confirmed that a 4-year-old child is going through a sex-change procedure.
New Russian Terrorism Law Aimed At Imprisoning Christians

New Russian Terrorism Law Aimed At Imprisoning Christians

CBN September 3, 2016
The Russian government is starting to round up and arrest Christian leaders following the passing of a new anti-terrorism law that bans evangelism outside of the church.
Obama's Greatest Achievement

Obama's Greatest Achievement

Jerusalem Post September 2, 2016
Understanding the breadth of the enormous damage the Iran nuclear deal has caused.
Democracy Challenged

Democracy Challenged

Hal September 1, 2016
Democracy is beginning to unravel.  There are dozens of threats to representative government around the world.
Israel Courting Energy Heavyweights To Seek Offshore Gas

Israel Courting Energy Heavyweights To Seek Offshore Gas

Chicago Tribune September 1, 2016
Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz is out to persuade big energy explorers put off by years of regulatory turmoil to search for natural gas off his country's shores.
ISIS Fighters Defying Commander's Order To Fight

ISIS Fighters Defying Commander's Order To Fight

UPI August 31, 2016
ISIS militants in Syria defied their leader's order to fight to the death, retreating instead. 
ISIS Retreat Reveals Mass Graves

ISIS Retreat Reveals Mass Graves

AP August 30, 2016
ISIS terrorists have buried up to 15,000 people at 72 sites across Syria and Iraq.
Born This Way?

Born This Way?

Christian Headlines August 29, 2016
A study from Johns Hopkins University found no compelling evidence that sexual orientation was innate.
Christians Being Used As Target Practice

Christians Being Used As Target Practice

Gatestone Institute August 28, 2016
The persecution of Christians by Muslims is not random but rather systematic, and takes place in all languages, ethnicities, and locations around the world.
Turkey Thrusts Deeper Into Syria

Turkey Thrusts Deeper Into Syria

Reuters August 28, 2016
Turkish warplanes roared into northern Syria pounded sites held by Kurdish YPG militia.
Kayla Mueller Defended Christian Faith To Jihadi John

Kayla Mueller Defended Christian Faith To Jihadi John

Christian Daily August 27, 2016
Despite torture, abuse and rape Kayla Mueller never surrendered hope.
'World's Longest Conflict' Comes To An End

'World's Longest Conflict' Comes To An End

PBS Newshour August 26, 2016
Colombia agreed to a cease-fire with the FARC that could end the world’s longest-running conflict.  
Luther's Antisemitism Back To Life

Luther's Antisemitism Back To Life

Gatestone Institute August 25, 2016
Lutheran anti-Semitic hatred of old against the Jewish people is back to life.
Aftershocks Hamper Rescue Efforts

Aftershocks Hamper Rescue Efforts

Business Insider August 25, 2016
The death toll from a devastating earthquake in central Italy rose sharply to almost 250 people after rescue teams worked through the night to try to find survivors under the rubble of flattened towns.
Is ISIS Making Hamas Their Patsy?

Is ISIS Making Hamas Their Patsy?

Breitbart August 23, 2016
Israel conducted airstrikes against Hamas following a rocket attack, but Hamas claims Salafi radicals tied to ISIS are behind it.
Transgender Bathroom Guidance Blocked By Texas Judge

Transgender Bathroom Guidance Blocked By Texas Judge

WJXT August 22, 2016
A U.S. District Judge has temporarily blocked the Obama administration’s public school ordinance granting transgender students the right to use whichever bathroom in which they feel comfortable.
Soros Funding Efforts To Tar Israel

Soros Funding Efforts To Tar Israel

Tablet Magazine August 21, 2016
Documents reveal George Soros’ secretive efforts to create an “echo chamber” of “organizations highly critical of the Jewish state.”
The Temple Mount And UNESCO

The Temple Mount And UNESCO

Gatestone Institute August 20, 2016
The attempts to deny any ancient and ongoing Jewish presence in Jerusalem, to say there was never a first let alone a second Temple and that only Muslims have any right to the whole city, its shrines and historical monuments, have reached insane proportions.
Divine Retribution?

Divine Retribution?

BIN August 19, 2016
After historic flooding devastated Louisiana, a Hebrew Roots radio station suggested that it could be understood as divine retribution for anti-Israel resolutions passed by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Orleans.
State Department: OK Fine, We Paid A Ransom For Iranian Hostages

State Department: OK Fine, We Paid A Ransom For Iranian Hostages

Townhall August 18, 2016
The notion that we "owe" this cabal anything is almost as ludicrous and insulting as the initial lie itself, which has finally come crashing down under its own prodigiously stupid weight.
Khamenei's Increasing Popularity

Khamenei's Increasing Popularity

Gatestone Institute August 17, 2016
Ayatollah Khamenei appears to be preparing the social base so that a hardline president would replace President Hassan Rouhani after the sanctions are lifted.
Return Of The Cold War

Return Of The Cold War

Hal Lindsey August 17, 2016
Putin’s desire to build a new Russia in the image of the old Soviet Union is a disaster for the world — especially the Russian people.
No Scientific Basis

No Scientific Basis

Christian Post August 17, 2016
The American College of Pediatricians said that there is "no scientific basis" for transgender individuals to believe that they are trapped in the wrong body.
Russian Bombers Use Iran Base For Air Strikes

Russian Bombers Use Iran Base For Air Strikes

BBC News August 16, 2016
Russia's defense ministry says it has used a base in western Iran to carry out air strikes in Syria. 
Milwaukee: Shots Fired

Milwaukee: Shots Fired

WITI August 15, 2016
Protests in Milwaukee turned violent as demonstrators fired shots and hurled objects.  
Violence Erupts In Milwaukee

Violence Erupts In Milwaukee

Journal Sentinel August 14, 2016
A standoff between police and protestors turned violent.
'There Is No Location In Israel Outside Of Our Cross-hairs'

'There Is No Location In Israel Outside Of Our Cross-hairs'

Jerusalem Post August 13, 2016
Hezbollah threatens Israel.
Peace Takes Two

Peace Takes Two August 12, 2016
A massive international scandal sits in the middle of one of the most watched conflict-zones in the world.
 Germany's Migrant Crisis Spirals

Germany's Migrant Crisis Spirals

Gatestone Institute August 10, 2016
Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed a million migrants into the country. 
Satan’s Knocking On The Schoolhouse Door

Satan’s Knocking On The Schoolhouse Door

Townhall August 10, 2016
Satanists are fighting for their “right” to sponsor after-school programs in states from California and Utah to Georgia.
Putin, Erdogan 'Friends'

Putin, Erdogan 'Friends'

BBC News August 9, 2016
Russia is ready to restore economic co-operation and other ties with Turkey.
Planned Parenthood To Register Voters As They Enter Facility

Planned Parenthood To Register Voters As They Enter Facility

Life Site August 9, 2016
Planned Parenthood has launched a new effort to influence the 2016 presidential elections which includes registering voters as they enter abortion facilities.
Lebanese Olympics Team Stops Israelis From Boarding Shared Bus

Lebanese Olympics Team Stops Israelis From Boarding Shared Bus

Ynet August 9, 2016
The International Olympic Committee has reprimanded the head of the Lebanese Olympic team after Lebanese athletes refused to share a bus with their Israeli opponents.
Israel's Right To Exist

Israel's Right To Exist

Gatestone Institute August 8, 2016
What bothers mainstream Arab and Islamic society is not "normalization" with the "Zionist entity," but the fact that Israel exists.

"Every Jew That Returns To Israel Is Proof Of God's Word"

Breaking Israel News August 7, 2016
Jews and Christians are coming together in a display of love unprecedented in the history of the two religions.
Despite Obama's Claims, No Supporters for Iran Deal In Israel

Despite Obama's Claims, No Supporters for Iran Deal In Israel

Breaking Israel News August 6, 2016
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has corrected Obama's claims, saying that Israel is more worried about the Iran deal than ever. 
Israel Puts A Spotlight On Christian Group Funneling Money To Hamas

Israel Puts A Spotlight On Christian Group Funneling Money To Hamas

Ynet August 5, 2016
Israel launches a campaign to spread news of allegations against senior official in World Vision NGO suspected of siphoning off some $7.2 million a year to Hamas's military wing.
Russian Sub Fleet Could Be Unstoppable

Russian Sub Fleet Could Be Unstoppable

Sun August 5, 2016
Vladimir Putin is assembling a secret fleet of super submarines which could topple NATO and plunge the world into war. 
The Pope And Holy War

The Pope And Holy War

Gatestone Institute August 4, 2016
Our enemy is an extremist version of Islam that has yet to undergo a reformation, one that takes Muslims not back to the seventh century, but forwards to the twenty-first and possibly beyond.
Black Lives Matter Calls Israel 'Racist', Backs BDS

Black Lives Matter Calls Israel 'Racist', Backs BDS

Times Of Israel August 4, 2016
Black Lives Matter released a platform that labels Israel an “apartheid state”.
Obama Paid $400 Million Ransom To Iran To Free American Hostages

Obama Paid $400 Million Ransom To Iran To Free American Hostages

Arutz Sheva August 3, 2016
The Obama administrations secretly funneled 400 million dollars in cash to the Iranians back in January, coinciding with the release of four American prisoners being held by the Iranians.
King David's Descendants Sue To Reclaim Temple Mount

King David's Descendants Sue To Reclaim Temple Mount

BIN August 3, 2016
"So David bought the threshing-floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver. And David built there an altar unto Hashem, and offered burnt-offerings and peace-offerings." II Samuel 24:24-25
A Nuclear Armed Caliphate?

A Nuclear Armed Caliphate?

Frontpage Mag August 3, 2016
Whether the failed coup in Turkey was the real thing or whether it was staged, as some have claimed, President Erdogan’s hold over the Turkish nation has been immeasurably strengthened.
BLM Release Demands

BLM Release Demands

Blaze August 2, 2016
BLM are demanding an end to police militarization, the immediate release of all people convicted of drug offenses, and reparations for descendants of slaves.
Palestinians Threaten Lawsuit Over Balfour Declaration

Palestinians Threaten Lawsuit Over Balfour Declaration

Algemeiner August 1, 2016
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki threatened to sue Britain for issuing the 1917 Balfour Declaration.
Israel Gearing Up For ISIS

Israel Gearing Up For ISIS

Algemeiner August 1, 2016
Israel is gearing up for the “day after” an agreement is reached in Syria between the Assad regime and rebel forces, by preparing for worst-case scenario.
Mainline Decline Due To Abandoning Scripture

Mainline Decline Due To Abandoning Scripture

Life Site July 31, 2016
G.K. Chesterton once said, “Heresy always affects morality, if it’s heretical enough.”
Hezbollah Reveals New Details On Kidnapping That Sparked Lebanon War With Israel

Hezbollah Reveals New Details On Kidnapping That Sparked Lebanon War With Israel

Haaretz July 30, 2016
Group prepared for operation for seven months, setting up training area modeled after the border-zone where the attack took place.
The New Pact With Russia

The New Pact With Russia July 29, 2016
Few U.S. presidents have ever seen a foreign policy disaster quite like Syria. 
Jihadists Encouraged To Kill Israelis At Rio Olympics

Jihadists Encouraged To Kill Israelis At Rio Olympics

Prophecy News July 29, 2016
Al Qaeda posted a list on social media advising attacks on British, American, French and Israeli targets at the upcoming event in Rio de Janeiro. 
Pure Savagery

Pure Savagery

Frontpage Mag July 28, 2016
For centuries, France has always proudly borne the title “Eldest Daughter of the Church.” But two days ago, the Roman Catholic Church’s beloved child was barbarically violated.
First Act Of War On Christianity

First Act Of War On Christianity

Jerusalem Post July 28, 2016
Now, ISIS has successfully committed its first act of war on European Christianity itself by taking hostages in a church and slitting a priest's throat.
Why Will Gog Attack Israel?

Why Will Gog Attack Israel?

Breaking Israel News July 27, 2016
Why is it that a multitude of nations go against tiny Israel?  Let us see what the Prophet says of Gog’s intentions: “I will plunder and loot” (Ezekiel 38:12)
Occupy Is An Unusual Word

Occupy Is An Unusual Word

Israel Thrives July 25, 2016
The Land of Israel is where Jews come from and to argue otherwise is to suggest that the Jews are, or should be, a forever wandering people.
Man Stabs Disabled People To Death

Man Stabs Disabled People To Death

Jewish Press July 25, 2016
19 disabled people were feared dead and 45 people were injured after an attack by a knife-wielding man at a facility for the disabled in Japan.
Dangerous New Era Of Superbugs

Dangerous New Era Of Superbugs

Prophecy News Watch July 24, 2016
A virulent superbug recently made its way on to U.S. soil that may be a harbinger of untreatable diseases to come.
If Black Lives Matter, Protest Planned Parenthood

If Black Lives Matter, Protest Planned Parenthood

Life News July 24, 2016
Planned Parenthood kills more unarmed black lives in one day than police are accused of killing in one entire year. Apparently, black lives matter only some of the time.
Back To The Soviet Era

Back To The Soviet Era

Daily Signal July 23, 2016
“As the Russian Federation has drifted back to its Soviet roots, it has increasingly sought to harass, persecute, and destroy any religious organization that it might consider competition to its own ‘state church.’” 
'Unmistakable Signs Of The Messiah Coming'

'Unmistakable Signs Of The Messiah Coming'

WND July 22, 2016
“Without setting dates, it is still safe to say that the world is very close to witnessing the return of Yeshua, just as He promised,”
Munich Mall Terror Attack

Munich Mall Terror Attack

Dallas Morning News July 22, 2016
An 18 year old German of Iranian descent  killed nine people and wounded 21 others, then killed himself at a Munich shopping mall in a rampage authorities described as suspected terrorism.
ISIS Inspired Group Planned Rio Terror Attack

ISIS Inspired Group Planned Rio Terror Attack

BBC News July 21, 2016
Police in Brazil have arrested 10 people suspected of planning attacks at next month's Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
The Terror Drug

The Terror Drug

Dhaka Tribune July 21, 2016
Captagon improves the performance of terrorists, makes them resistant to fatigue and fear, and removes any form of empathy. In other words, the “ideal” drug to facilitate inhuman acts. 
The Woe Behind Our War

The Woe Behind Our War

Hal July 20, 2016
As we go deeper into the last days, we see a growing paradox concerning Satan.
Irish Prime Minister Sees Hope Of Reunited Ireland Thanks To Brexit

Irish Prime Minister Sees Hope Of Reunited Ireland Thanks To Brexit

Irish Independent July 19, 2016
Enda Kenny, the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland, believes the United Kingdom’s forthcoming withdrawal from the European Union may lead to the island’s reunification.
ISIS Responsible For Train Attack

ISIS Responsible For Train Attack

BBC News July 19, 2016
ISIS released a video purporting to show an Afghan asylum seeker making threats before attacking a German train.
Jesus Died To Make Obedience Possible, Not Optional

Jesus Died To Make Obedience Possible, Not Optional

Christian Post July 18, 2016
Justification, being declared righteous before God, is possible only by grace through faith. You can heap all your good deeds upon one another and climb them to heaven, but if you aren't clothed in Christ's righteousness, God will toss your self-righteous self right out of his presence.
Does Obama Want A Race War?

Does Obama Want A Race War?

Frontpage Mag July 18, 2016
President Barack Hussein Obama has long tried to provoke civil unrest here in the U.S. with his hateful anti-cop rhetoric and his relentless demonization of opponents.
What's Really Behind The Media's Racism Narrative

What's Really Behind The Media's Racism Narrative

Christian Post July 17, 2016
"The Dallas police had no connection at all to those incidents, but they took bullets because of them. They suffered for a media narrative, the idea that law enforcement is just racist whites killing blacks even though we know it's absurd."
Baton Rouge Shooter  Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’

Baton Rouge Shooter Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’

Daily Caller July 17, 2016
The deceased suspect in the deadly shooting of Baton Rouge police, a black male, appeared to have attacked police on his 29th birthday.
Third War Between Israel And Lebanon Not If, But When

Third War Between Israel And Lebanon Not If, But When

Observer July 16, 2016
In the Middle East, non-state actors, terrorist organizations, and regimes prepare for war long before it appears imminent. Considered inevitable, the only question is timing.
Over One Hundred Dead In Turkey Coup Attempt

Over One Hundred Dead In Turkey Coup Attempt

Hurriyet Daily News July 16, 2016

Forces loyal to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan quashed a coup attempt by some members of the military that began Friday evening and devolved into turmoil and violence. At least 161 people are dead and scores more injured. More than 2,800 military officers have been detained.
Tragedy In France

Tragedy In France

Hal July 16, 2016
The only long-term answer for France, or any other, is a spiritual awakening to the reality of Jesus Christ.
War Comes To Bastille Day

War Comes To Bastille Day

Frontpage Mag July 15, 2016
“The worst tragedy in the history of Nice” – but many more are to come.
Secret Chapter Of 9/11 Inquiry Released After 13-Year Wait

Secret Chapter Of 9/11 Inquiry Released After 13-Year Wait

Yahoo News July 15, 2016
Under wraps for 13 years, the U.S. on Friday released once-top secret pages from a congressional report into 9/11 that questioned whether Saudis who were in contact with the hijackers after they arrived in the U.S. knew what they were planning.
ISIS Leader 'Omar The Chechen' Killed

ISIS Leader 'Omar The Chechen' Killed

Voice Of America July 14, 2016
“He's been reported dead nine times now, but this might be the one,” Omar al-Shishani, also known as “Omar the Chechen,” was killed near Mosul.
ISIS Preparing For End Of Caliphate

ISIS Preparing For End Of Caliphate

Tampa Bay July 14, 2016
Even as it launches waves of terrorist attacks around the globe, ISIS is quietly preparing its followers for the eventual collapse of the caliphate it proclaimed with great fanfare two years ago. 
80 Dead In Bastille Day ISIS Attack

80 Dead In Bastille Day ISIS Attack

Reuters July 14, 2016

A terrorist gunman killed 80 people and wounded scores when he drove a heavy truck at high speed into a crowd watching Bastille Day fireworks in the French Riviera city of Nice. In a pre-dawn address to the nation, President Francois Hollande called the carnage, which came as France celebrated the anniversary of the 1789 revolutionary storming of the Bastille, an attack on liberty by fanatics who despised human rights.
Ginsburg Crosses The Line

Ginsburg Crosses The Line

Patriot Post July 13, 2016
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has exceeded all previous boundaries of decorum and propriety. Such remarks are well beyond inappropriate for a sitting justice. 
Tribunal Rejects Beijing's South China Sea Claims

Tribunal Rejects Beijing's South China Sea Claims

Reuters July 12, 2016
An arbitration court ruled that China has no historic title over the waters of the South China Sea and has breached the Philippines' sovereign rights with its actions.
A Movement Based On Lies

A Movement Based On Lies

Frontpage Mag July 12, 2016
If black lives truly mattered, they would care about the thousands of black people killed not by white cops, but by other blacks.
Israeli Terror Victims Sue Facebook For $1 Billion

Israeli Terror Victims Sue Facebook For $1 Billion

PC World July 11, 2016
The families of victims of five recent attacks in Israel are suing Facebook for more than $1 billion, saying the social media site helps terrorists plan their violence. 
Germany Sex Assaults Were Worse Than Thought

Germany Sex Assaults Were Worse Than Thought

Global News July 11, 2016
The New Year's Eve attacks on women on Germany were much more widespread than originally reported. 
UNESCO To Review New Draft Challenging Jewish Ties To Temple Mount

UNESCO To Review New Draft Challenging Jewish Ties To Temple Mount

i24 July 10, 2016
A draft decision submitted by Jordan and the Palestinians challenging Israel's connection to the Temple mount in Jerusalem is to go before UNESCO once again.
What Hamas Plans For Protective Edge II

What Hamas Plans For Protective Edge II

Ynet July 10, 2016
Over the last two years, Hamas has managed to complete the rehabilitation of its forces obliterated in the 2014 operation. 
The BDS Playbook

The BDS Playbook

Algemeiner July 10, 2016
BDS has a wider strategic aim, designed to brand Israel as the inheritor of the legacy of South Africa’s apartheid system, in order to make the Jewish state’s demise (their ultimate goal) seem like an act of virtue.
North Korea Fires Missile From Submarine

North Korea Fires Missile From Submarine

TRT July 9, 2016

North Korea fired a ballistic missile from a submarine on but it appears to have failed soon after launch, two days after North Korea warned it was planning its toughest response to what it deemed a "declaration of war" by the United States. 
How Many People Have To Die For Black Lives Matter?

How Many People Have To Die For Black Lives Matter?

Townhall July 9, 2016
"The whole Black Lives Matter Movement is pure crap designed to help liberals get their names out there and to increase black turnout in elections for the Democratic Party."
Could Brexit Begin A Christian Renewal In Europe?

Could Brexit Begin A Christian Renewal In Europe?

Ricochet July 9, 2016
Brexit signifies the rise of nationalism in Europe, but it also suggests the inexorable revival of traditional values and norms. A renewed Christian Europe may not be so far away.

5 Dead, 6 Wounded After Cops Ambushed At Dallas Protest

5 Dead, 6 Wounded After Cops Ambushed At Dallas Protest

KTLA July 8, 2016
A fifth police officer in Dallas has died after being ambushed by two snipers who opened fire during a protest march over the officer-involved shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota. A person of interest whose photo was released by police turned himself. A second suspect remained barricaded in the parking garage exchanging gunfire with police. The barricaded man told negotiators, "the end is coming" and claims there are bombs planted all around the city.
Downtown Dallas Declared A Crime Scene

Downtown Dallas Declared A Crime Scene

Dallas Observer July 8, 2016
An ambush in downtown Dallas, Texas during a protest killed four police officers and one Dallas Area Rapid Transit officer. Five other officers and one civilian were wounded. Three suspects are in custody and are being investigated.
'Kill White People'

'Kill White People'

KTVT July 8, 2016
“The suspect said he was upset at white people” said Chief David Brown. “He said he wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers.”
Black Lives Matter Spin Shootings

Black Lives Matter Spin Shootings

Brieitbart July 7, 2016
Many facts in the shooting of Alton Sterling are still not known, but that has not stopped Black Lives Matter movement from exploiting the story.
The Dormant Volcano

The Dormant Volcano

Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists July 7, 2016
Sooner or later, North Korea's political and economic elite is likely to fall.
Police Shooting Fuels Protests In Louisana

Police Shooting Fuels Protests In Louisana

Times-Picayune July 6, 2016
Police were called to a Baton Rouge convenience store early Tuesday morning after someone called police to report a man selling CDs had threatened him with a gun. An altercation ensued.
US Accuses Israel Of 'Systematically' Seizing Palestinian Land

US Accuses Israel Of 'Systematically' Seizing Palestinian Land

Jerusalem Post July 6, 2016
The United States issued an unusually harsh statement against settlement activity in which it accused Israel of “systematically seizing Palestinian land” in the West Bank.
No Charges For Clinton

No Charges For Clinton

Washington Times July 5, 2016
The FBI is not recommending Hillary Clinton face criminal charges, saying it can’t find evidence her behavior was intentional.
Netanyahu Visits Airport Where Brother Died

Netanyahu Visits Airport Where Brother Died

National Post July 5, 2016
Benjamin Netanyahu attended a memorial service at Entebbe airport in Uganda where his commando brother was killed rescuing hostages 40 years ago.
Will Religious Freedom Continue To Ring?

Will Religious Freedom Continue To Ring?

Beliefnet July 4, 2016
'Like so many Americans, I don’t like what is happening to my religious freedom.'
Three Saudi Cities Hit By Suicide Bombings

Three Saudi Cities Hit By Suicide Bombings

Guardian July 4, 2016
Suicide bombers struck three cities across Saudi Arabia, killing at least four security officers in an apparently coordinated campaign of  Ramadan attacks.
4th Of July Ties To Israel

4th Of July Ties To Israel

Jerusalem Post July 4, 2016
The Jewish people in Israel have, with their own blood, defended America and the Western world against radical Islam since the days of its rebirth on May 14, 1948.
We Won't Rewrite The Bible For Gays

We Won't Rewrite The Bible For Gays

Charisma News July 3, 2016
We're dealing with redefining the very meaning of marriage and claiming that a behavior that is plainly condemned in the Old and New Testaments is now blessed by God. 
Impeachable, Damaging, And Expensive

Impeachable, Damaging, And Expensive

Renew America July 2, 2016
President Obama and the Pentagon have violated the Constitution and committed an impeachable offense by admitting transgenders into the military. 
America Should Declare Independence From Palestinian Terror

America Should Declare Independence From Palestinian Terror

FOX News July 1, 2016
We mark this July Fourth by urging the U.S. to declare its independence from Palestinian terrorism and hate. To change from terror enablers to true peacemakers. 
Israel's Diplomatic Spring

Israel's Diplomatic Spring

Frontpage Mag July 1, 2016
It is springtime for Israeli diplomacy as governments around the world seek out closer ties with the Jewish state.
Israel Seals Off Hebron

Israel Seals Off Hebron

i24 July 1, 2016
The Israeli army has imposed a closure on and around the West Bank city of Hebron in the "most substantial steps on the ground" since 2014, after series of deadly attacks in the region.
Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13

Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13

Jerusalem Post June 30, 2016
A Palestinian terrorist stabbed 13-year old Hallel Yaffa Ariel to death in her bedroom after he infiltrated the West Bank settlement located next to Hebron.
Hamas: Turkey Already Mediating Prisoner Swap With Israel

Hamas: Turkey Already Mediating Prisoner Swap With Israel

Jerusalem Post June 30, 2016
A meeting between a Hamas delegation and the Turkish intelligence regarding a possible prisoner deal took place several weeks ago.
Carnage In Instanbul

Carnage In Instanbul

Frontpage Mag June 29, 2016
The attack at Ataturk airport is almost certainly the fruit of the deleterious neo-ottoman, Islamist policies pursued by Turkey’s authoritarian leader.
Signs Point To ISIS

Signs Point To ISIS

CBS News June 28, 2016
Cosmopolitan, liberal leaning Istanbul is the ideal target for Islamist militants like the Islamic State which despises this wishy-washy, alcohol-tolerating, sexually-unfettered Islam that Turkey embodies. Turkey shares long, porous borders with Syria and Iraq, war-torn countries where ISIS controls large pockets of territory. Authorities have blamed ISIS for several major bombings over the past year, including on the capital Ankara, as well as attacks on tourists in Istanbul.
Benghazi Marines' Response Was Slowed By Uniform Changes

Benghazi Marines' Response Was Slowed By Uniform Changes

Military June 28, 2016
For some reason, the Obama administration was having a debate over apparel while Americans were fighting for their lives in Benghazi, Libya. 
Supreme Court Overturns Pro-Life Law

Supreme Court Overturns Pro-Life Law

CNS June 27, 2016
The Supreme Court has reversed a landmark Texas pro-life law restricting abortion to the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, and required abortionists to have admitting privileges.
Israel And Turkey Restore Relations

Israel And Turkey Restore Relations

JTA June 27, 2016
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formally announced a reconciliation agreement with Turkey, ending a six-year cut in diplomatic ties.
The Awful Israeli-Hezbollah Conflict To Come

The Awful Israeli-Hezbollah Conflict To Come

Australia-Israel Jewish Affairs Council June 27, 2016
Israelis will be in bunkers. "ATMs won't work. With the electric grid out, how will Israelis get to their 30th-floor apartments without elevators? How will they cook?" 
New Details Of Turkey Reconciliation Agreement Revealed

New Details Of Turkey Reconciliation Agreement Revealed

Ynet June 26, 2016
Israeli and Turkish negotiation teams were set to meet Sunday in Rome, in order to finalize the two countries' reconciliation deal, six years after their relationship soured due to the Mavi Marmara incident.
Hezbollah: All Of Our Weapons Are From Iran

Hezbollah: All Of Our Weapons Are From Iran

Tower June 26, 2016
Hezbollah’s leader said that the Lebanese terrorist organization will not be harmed by U.S. sanctions since it is funded and armed directly by Iran.
Israel And Turkey: Walking On Egg Shells

Israel And Turkey: Walking On Egg Shells

Jerusalem Post June 25, 2016
Turkey is coming into the deal in the wake of its disastrous foreign policy, which insists on supporting Islamist forces, and a growing destabilization at home due to the war with the Kurds and the influx of refugees from Syria.
How Brexit Will Change America

How Brexit Will Change America

Frontpage Mag June 25, 2016
Brexit showed that it is possible for a great nation to defy its leaders and its establishment thinkers to throw off its multinational chains. 
Bible Prophecy Foretold Brexit

Bible Prophecy Foretold Brexit

Trumpet June 24, 2016
Millions of people decided whether Britain would remain a member of the European Union. The British people have made their opinion clear. Did you know that God had an opinion on this subject as well?
World Stocks Tumble As Britain Votes For EU Exit

World Stocks Tumble As Britain Votes For EU Exit

Reuters June 24, 2016
Global stock markets lost about $2 trillion in value after Britain voted to leave the European Union.
Supreme Court Blocks Obama Immigration Plan

Supreme Court Blocks Obama Immigration Plan

Hill June 23, 2016
The Supreme Court dealt a critical blow to President Obama's immigration policies.
The Next Hezbollah War

The Next Hezbollah War

Commentary Magazine June 23, 2016
The Hezbollah threat against Israel has hardly gone away. Instead, it has grown in the intervening years.
Israel, Turkey On Verge Of Agreement

Israel, Turkey On Verge Of Agreement

Jerusalem Post June 22, 2016
A new chapter in Israel-Turkey relations seems to be quickly approaching, producing a set fresh of bilateral and regional opportunities that are waiting to be explored and acted upon. 
Hamas And Egypt Make Amends?

Hamas And Egypt Make Amends?

Foreign Affairs June 22, 2016
A steady stream of reports in recent weeks has suggested that Egypt is burying the hatchet with Hamas.
Islam Is Islam Is Islam

Islam Is Islam Is Islam

Breaking Christian News June 21, 2016
To quote the old proverb: "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck." So it is with Islam. 
We Cannot Stop Evil, Only God Can Do That

We Cannot Stop Evil, Only God Can Do That

Blaze June 20, 2016
We are made by God and for Him. We were not made to hate, to envy, to lie, to destroy. These are unnatural acts. 
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Salisbury Post June 19, 2016
Our parents set the foundations of our lives. They help to develop in us the values and beliefs we hold for the rest of our lives. Fathers also help to shape the way we see God, so their role in the family is very important.
Obama And The Moderate Muslims

Obama And The Moderate Muslims

Caroline Glick June 18, 2016
Obama's scheme of relating to the forces of jihad involve empowering those forces at the expense of the moderates who oppose them.
BDS Activists 'Evict' Jews From US Campuses

BDS Activists 'Evict' Jews From US Campuses

Israel Hayom June 18, 2016
Members of an Israel advocacy organization had "eviction notices" posted on the dormitory doors by a BDS group demanding that they evacuate in three days or have their property thrown out.
The Real Reason Satan Is Raging Against Christians

The Real Reason Satan Is Raging Against Christians

Charisma News June 17, 2016
'I believe Satan is intensifying his actions against Christians because he senses that time is growing short. He is desperate to do as much damage as he can, to cause as much suffering as he can, to take as many souls with him as he can.'
More Muslims Report Dreaming Of 'The Man In White'

More Muslims Report Dreaming Of 'The Man In White'

Christian Today June 17, 2016
More and more reports are coming out that Jesus is personally leading thousands if not millions of Muslims into the Christian fold, appearing in their dreams as the "Man in White."
Progressive Insanity Endangers America

Progressive Insanity Endangers America

Patriot Post June 16, 2016
There is only one ideology consistently dedicated to the denial of reality, and their bankrupt agenda must be rejected with impunity. Our survival as a nation depends on it.
Anti-Brexit British MP Murdered On The Street

Anti-Brexit British MP Murdered On The Street

Bloomberg June 16, 2016
A rising star in Britain’s Parliament was shot and stabbed to death in an attack. The assailant shouted "Britain First!" during and after the shooting.
Soft Target

Soft Target June 16, 2016
If we must depend only on police and other government agencies to defend us, then almost everything and everyone will be a soft target.
The Biblical Indictment Of America

The Biblical Indictment Of America

Prophecy Depot June 14, 2016
America has crossed every forbidden biblical boundary and in so doing has forsaken God. 
Man Credits ISIS Before Murdering Couple

Man Credits ISIS Before Murdering Couple

New York Daily News June 14, 2016
A convicted French terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS fatally stabbed an off-duty police officer and the cop’s girlfriend and live-streamed himself on Facebook while barricaded in their home.
'Mr. President, You Disgust Me'

'Mr. President, You Disgust Me'

Breitbart June 13, 2016
Obama still did not mention the words “Islamic” or “Muslim” or even “Radical Islam” in the entire address to the nation.
An Act Of Terrorism

An Act Of Terrorism

Orlando Sentinel June 12, 2016
50 are dead after a shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando.  The FBI says the suspect may have leanings toward extreme Islamic ideologies.
Jihad In Orlando

Jihad In Orlando

Breitbart June 12, 2016
The jihadists won’t stop trying to kill us, homosexuals and straights alike, until we stop them.  And that’s what we must be about now.
ISIS Claims Responsibility

ISIS Claims Responsibility

Business Insider June 12, 2016
The agency said the shooting was the work of "a soldier of the caliphate," multiple media outlets have reported. The suspected gunman, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, called 911 and pledged allegiance to ISIS, mentioning the Boston marathon bombers during the call.
Hamas Vows More Violence

Hamas Vows More Violence

Times Of Israel June 11, 2016
The terror group says wave of arrests following Sarona shooting spree will not deter Palestinians ‘determined to fight occupation’.
Liberalism: The Avenue of Demons And Deceivers

Liberalism: The Avenue of Demons And Deceivers

American Clarion June 11, 2016
Liberalism has a final destination – even if progressives don’t know it.
Bible Prophecy Playing Out In Syria?

Bible Prophecy Playing Out In Syria?

Christian Post June 10, 2016

Is the current violence and chaos in Syria related to prophetic scriptures in the Books of Isaiah and Jeremiah?

Deaths Of Despair

Deaths Of Despair June 10, 2016
Last week, the CDC issued a report on a growing phenomenon rising deaths from drug and alcohol abuse, diseases related to those addictions, and to suicide. 
Hamas Promises More Ramadan 'Surprises'

Hamas Promises More Ramadan 'Surprises'

Voice Of America June 9, 2016
Palestinian militant group Hamas promised that Israel will face further 'surprises' during Ramadan.
Women In Areas With Zika Transmission Should Delay Pregnancy

Women In Areas With Zika Transmission Should Delay Pregnancy June 9, 2016
The World Health Organization advised women to consider delaying pregnancy if they live in an area where the Zika virus is mosquito borne.
Obama's November Surprise

Obama's November Surprise

Jerusalem Post June 8, 2016
Word is going around diplomatic circles that Obama is planning a November surprise for Israel. Here is what is said to be going on.
They Ordered Dessert, Then Opened Fire

They Ordered Dessert, Then Opened Fire

Daily Beast June 8, 2016
Two Palestinian gunmen killed four people at a popular shopping and restaurant area in Tel Aviv in an attack that sent diners, some clutching small children, running for their lives. Both gunmen, identified by police as Palestinians from a village near the city of Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, were apprehended, and one was wounded.
Hamas Ready For War

Hamas Ready For War

Foreign Policy June 7, 2016
The Gaza Strip may still lie in rubble, but Hamas operatives are convinced that they are ready for another battle.
North Korea Restarts Plutonium Production For Nuclear Bombs

North Korea Restarts Plutonium Production For Nuclear Bombs

Daily Star June 7, 2016
North Korea has restarted production of plutonium fuel showing that it plans to pursue its nuclear weapons program in defiance of international sanctions.
Why History Matters

Why History Matters

European Jewish Press June 6, 2016
The Arab world could have created a Palestinian state in the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip any day of the week. They didn’t. There wasn’t even discussion about it. 
Hezbollah, ISIS Maintain Presence In Latin America

Hezbollah, ISIS Maintain Presence In Latin America

Breitbart June 6, 2016
Although the primary threats to the Western Hemisphere stem from left-wing guerrillas, Hezbollah and ISIS also maintain a presence across Latin America.
Netanyahu Reportedly Agrees to Arab Peace Push, Over France's

Netanyahu Reportedly Agrees to Arab Peace Push, Over France's

Times Of Israel June 5, 2016
Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly consented to regional efforts for Israeli-Palestinian peace, which he wants to supplant the French-led international push that just launched.
'We'll Never Return To A Divided Jerusalem'

'We'll Never Return To A Divided Jerusalem'

Ynet June 5, 2016
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Jerusalem will never be redivided at a Jerusalem Day ceremony.
'BDS Supporters Are Modern Nazis'

'BDS Supporters Are Modern Nazis'

Arutz Sheva June 4, 2016
"We need to actively go after members of BDS. We need to denounce them, expose them and shame them."
Desperate Refugees Disillusioned With Islam

Desperate Refugees Disillusioned With Islam

CBN June 3, 2016
The flood of Middle East refugees to Europe is exposing many immigrants to a message never heard in their home countries.      
Netanyahu Talks About Israel's Ties To Temple Mount

Netanyahu Talks About Israel's Ties To Temple Mount

Breaking Israel News June 2, 2016
“Do people claim the Egyptians aren’t connected to the pyramids in Giza? It’s ridiculous.”
The Battle Of Man

The Battle Of Man

Hal June 2, 2016
Interest in Satan is building once again. For a society that can’t get enough of anti-heroes, the devil is the ultimate bad boy. But he’s also the ultimate loser. 
Putting Hezbollah Out Of Business

Putting Hezbollah Out Of Business

Washington Times June 1, 2016
Sanctions are undeniably making an impact. But it’s too soon to take a victory lap.
Time To Truly Liberate Jerusalem

Time To Truly Liberate Jerusalem

Jerusalem Post June 1, 2016
If Israel does not rise to the occasion, we are in danger of allowing the dream of generations to slowly and deliberately slip away.
Israel Hosts Largest Ever Anti-BDS Conference

Israel Hosts Largest Ever Anti-BDS Conference

Jerusalem Post May 31, 2016
Some 1,500 pro-Israel activists attended the largest gathering to date against the BDS movement.
ISIS Behind Outbreak Of  Flesh-Eating Disease Among Refugees

ISIS Behind Outbreak Of Flesh-Eating Disease Among Refugees

Christian Post May 31, 2016

A parasitic flesh-eating disease is reportedly breaking out throughout the Middle East, with the Islamic State terror group contributing to the problem.

Pakistan Council Rules 'Lightly Beating

Pakistan Council Rules 'Lightly Beating" Wives Permissible

RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty May 30, 2016
A suggestion that men should be allowed to 'lightly beat' their wives from an Islamic religious body was met with outrage in Pakistan.
Third Of Americans Support BDS

Third Of Americans Support BDS

i24 May 30, 2016
About one in three Americans are in favor of the BDS Movement to apply economic pressure on Israel.
Hezbollah Digging For Next Conflict With Israel

Hezbollah Digging For Next Conflict With Israel

Jerusalem Post May 28, 2016
Hezbollah is preparing for its next conflict with Israel by digging terror attack tunnels, tracking IDF movement and positioning its large arsenal of rockets along the northern border with Israel.
Emphasizing Religious Freedom On Memorial Day

Emphasizing Religious Freedom On Memorial Day

Lifesite May 28, 2016
We owe it to those who died for these freedoms to fight for them however we can, given our state in life.
Superbug Found In US

Superbug Found In US

Post-Gazette May 27, 2016
Researchers found a person in the United States carrying a bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort.
From Cyrus To Haman

From Cyrus To Haman May 26, 2016
When Harry Truman decided to support the new nation of Israel he identified himself as a modern Cyrus, the Persian king who liberated Jews to return to their land and subsidized the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.
Texas Will Sue To Stop Obama Transgender Directive

Texas Will Sue To Stop Obama Transgender Directive

Texas Tribune May 25, 2016
Texas will sue to stop a federal directive instructing school districts to let transgender students use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity.
End Times Are Near

End Times Are Near

Christian Post May 25, 2016
Many believe that they're observing numerous signs in the current culture that mirror the prophetic contents of scriptures in the Bible.
'Nobody Wants Chicago 1968'

'Nobody Wants Chicago 1968'

Foreign Policy May 24, 2016
The democratic party is split on changing it's platform to use the word “occupation” to refer to the Israeli presence in land Palestinians claim for a future state.
Children Being Recruited To Believe They Are Transgender

Children Being Recruited To Believe They Are Transgender

Christian Post May 23, 2016
"We are alarmed by the trend among mental health professionals to affirm a young person's self-diagnosis as transgender with minimal exploration." 
Israel Resumes Gaza Cement Shipments After Ban Over Hamas Theft

Israel Resumes Gaza Cement Shipments After Ban Over Hamas Theft

Jerusalem Post May 23, 2016
Israel resumed cement shipments to the Gaza Strip, ending a 45-day-old ban it imposed after Hamas was caught siphoning the materials. 
Son Of Hamas: Islam Is The Problem

Son Of Hamas: Islam Is The Problem

Jerusalem Post May 23, 2016
“Today the free world should unite against Islam, not against Muslims but against Islam as a belief system. When the president of the free world stands and says that Islam is a religion of peace, he creates the climate, he provides the climate, the perfect climate, to create more terrorism.”
Egypt Deploys Submarine For Clues

Egypt Deploys Submarine For Clues

Expatica France May 22, 2016
Egypt has deployed a submarine to the Mediterranean Sea to search for the so-called black boxes from EgyptAir Flight 804.
'Quit Crying And Moaning'

'Quit Crying And Moaning'

Ynet May 22, 2016
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, "I hear these voices in the media, the self-flagellating voices, the fear-mongering. I suggest they quit their crying and moaning." 
Did A Fire Bring Down EgyptAir?

Did A Fire Bring Down EgyptAir?

New York Post May 21, 2016
Messages sent by the flight that plunged into the Mediterranean Sea suggest a fire had broken out on board just minutes before the crash.
Brainwashing The World

Brainwashing The World May 21, 2016
Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft honestly want to take over the world but lack the humility to understand what a disaster that would be.
Eruption Imminent? Mt. St. Helens Quakes As Magma Rises

Eruption Imminent? Mt. St. Helens Quakes As Magma Rises

Charisma News May 21, 2016
Is an eruption of one or more of the major volcanoes in the northwest United States imminent?
Smoke Detector Went Off On EgyptAir Before Crash

Smoke Detector Went Off On EgyptAir Before Crash

CBS News May 20, 2016
Information transmitted from EgyptAir Flight 804 indicating that smoke was detected on the plane before it crashed. The information indicates smoke was coming from one of the engines. 
Perception As Deterrence

Perception As Deterrence

American Thinker May 20, 2016
The potential appointment of Avigdor Lieberman could be a new deterrence against the Palestinians’ desire to get up in the morning and murder a Jew. 
Oklahoma Governor Vetoes Abortion Bill

Oklahoma Governor Vetoes Abortion Bill

Life News May 20, 2016
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin vetoed legislation to make it a felony for doctors to perform an abortion, a measure that would have effectively outlawed the procedure in the state.
End-Time Prophecy Manifesting in Obama's Transgender Edict

End-Time Prophecy Manifesting in Obama's Transgender Edict

Charisma News May 19, 2016
What we're witnessing is total lawlessness and a meltdown of civil society. 
Four Possible Scenarios In EgyptAir Disaster

Four Possible Scenarios In EgyptAir Disaster

WPLG May 19, 2016
There are broadly four areas investigators will consider as they probe the disappearance of EgyptAir Flight 804 over the Mediterranean shortly before it began its descent to Cairo: Did it crash or explode due to pilot error, a technical malfunction, a smuggled bomb or an inside act of sabotage?
Whisper Campaign

Whisper Campaign

Algemeiner May 19, 2016
As part of the Obama administration’s strategy to sell the Iran nuclear deal, the White House launched a smear campaign against one of the deal’s biggest critics,  Israel’s prime minister.
BDS Resolution Goes Down

BDS Resolution Goes Down

Breaking Israel News May 18, 2016
In a blow to the BDS movement, Methodists voted down four resolutions calling for it to divest from pro-Israel companies.
People Take To The Streets To Protest Venezuela's President

People Take To The Streets To Protest Venezuela's President

Miami Herald May 18, 2016
Opposition protesters demanding the right to recall President Nicolás Maduro confronted tear gas as they tried to force their way to the city's center.
Iran To Hezbollah: Stop Attacking Israel, Attack Saudi Arabia

Iran To Hezbollah: Stop Attacking Israel, Attack Saudi Arabia

I24 May 18, 2016
Iran has told Hezbollah's military arm to turn its sights on Saudi Arabia. 
Senate Passes Bill That Allows 9/11 Victims To Sue Saudi Arabia

Senate Passes Bill That Allows 9/11 Victims To Sue Saudi Arabia

AMNY May 17, 2016
The Senate passed legislation that would allow victims of the Sept. 11 attacks to file lawsuits seeking damages from Saudi Arabia.
Hamas Accuses Fatah Of Plotting To Kill Egypt's Sisi

Hamas Accuses Fatah Of Plotting To Kill Egypt's Sisi

Jerusalem Post May 17, 2016
'A Lot Of Bad Things Will Happen'

'A Lot Of Bad Things Will Happen'

CNN May 16, 2016
Donald Trump again warned of another 9/11-like attack on the United States if refugees are continually allowed into the country.
US, Other Powers Want to Arm Libyan Government

US, Other Powers Want to Arm Libyan Government

Voice Of America May 16, 2016
World powers say they will back Libya’s new government in its bid to lift a U.N. arms embargo to help them fight ISIS.
Supreme Court Sends Little Sisters Case Back To Lower Levels

Supreme Court Sends Little Sisters Case Back To Lower Levels

National Catholic Register May 16, 2016
“We are very encouraged by the Court’s decision, which is an important win for the Little Sisters."
Netanyahu Slams France For Supporting Shameful UNESCO Resolution

Netanyahu Slams France For Supporting Shameful UNESCO Resolution

Times Of Israel May 15, 2016
Benjamin Netanyahu sent a strongly worded letter to French President Hollande to condemn Paris’s support for a recent controversial UNESCO resolution.
Iran Hosts Another Holocaust Denial Contest

Iran Hosts Another Holocaust Denial Contest

Breitbart May 15, 2016
Iran will host the Islamic Republic’s third annual Holocaust denial cartoon contest this weekend.
Jews And Christians Celebrate The Miracle Of Israel

Jews And Christians Celebrate The Miracle Of Israel

Breaking Israel News May 15, 2016
When the people of Israel sang the special hallel prayer service to praise God for the creation of the state of Israel, new voices joined the chorus. 

State Of Emergency

State Of Emergency

CBS News May 14, 2016
ISIS has declared a state of emergency in their de-facto capital, Raqqa. 
Syrian Rebel Shelling Killed Hezbollah Commander

Syrian Rebel Shelling Killed Hezbollah Commander

Reuters May 14, 2016
Hezbollah has claimed its top military commander died as a result of artillery shelling by Islamists not Israel.
Israel Gains The Upper Hand In Subterranean War

Israel Gains The Upper Hand In Subterranean War

Frontpage Mag May 14, 2016
Israel’s anti-tunneling efforts have paid off.
Israel Had No Role In Top Hezbollah Commander's Death

Israel Had No Role In Top Hezbollah Commander's Death

Jerusalem Post May 13, 2016
Obama Orders Schools To Let Students Use Bathroom Of Their Choice

Obama Orders Schools To Let Students Use Bathroom Of Their Choice

FOX News May 13, 2016
President Obama sent a letter to every school in the country telling them to allow transgender students to use bathrooms that match their chosen gender identity.
Did This Act Move Us Closer To World War III?

Did This Act Move Us Closer To World War III?

Charisma News May 13, 2016
Russia sounded the alarm that the world may be rushing toward the brink of World War III after NATO officials cut the ribbon on a new missile defense system.
Israel Is Powerful, But It Is Also Right

Israel Is Powerful, But It Is Also Right

Algemeiner May 12, 2016
'I underestimated the vile and insidious nature of those who criticize Israel.'
The New IRA

The New IRA May 12, 2016
A terror attack in Britain by dissident republicans known as The New IRA is now again a “strong possibility” as violence again flares from the troubled region. 
Facebook Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

Facebook Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

Gizmodo May 11, 2016
Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section. 
Former Hostage Sues Iran

Former Hostage Sues Iran

Marine Corps Times May 11, 2016
Marine veteran Amir Hekmati was brutally tortured during the 4½ years that the Iranian government held him as a hostage, he says in a lawsuit. 
Israel Celebrates Their 68th Anniversary

Israel Celebrates Their 68th Anniversary

Times Of Israel May 11, 2016
Israel proudly marks their 68th Independence Day.
Christians Feel Abandoned By GOP

Christians Feel Abandoned By GOP

Washington Post May 10, 2016
Voters guided by their Christian faith find themselves dismayed and adrift.
We're Coming Very Soon

We're Coming Very Soon

DEBKAfile May 10, 2016
There has been a major escalation of ISIS threats against Israel.
Hamas Wants Next Round Of Fighting In Israeli Territory

Hamas Wants Next Round Of Fighting In Israeli Territory

Jerusalem Post May 10, 2016
Hamas is continuing to build attack tunnels and is closely following Israel's efforts to uncover such tunnels.
Obama Forcing Gender Neutral Bathrooms On States

Obama Forcing Gender Neutral Bathrooms On States

Christian Post May 9, 2016
The governor of North Carolina has filed a lawsuit after the Department of Justice sent an ultimatum to coerce them into dropping its transgender bathroom law.
Dead Sea Oil Reservoir ‘Entirely Within Israel’

Dead Sea Oil Reservoir ‘Entirely Within Israel’

Times Of Israel May 8, 2016
An Israeli company authorized to drill near the Dead Sea stressed that the area is located entirely inside Israel.
Economic Warfare

Economic Warfare

Jerusalem Post May 8, 2016
At the core of BDS is economic warfare meant to delegitimize and marginalize Israel. 
Hamas, Israel Agree To De-Escalation

Hamas, Israel Agree To De-Escalation

Ynet May 8, 2016
Hamas has agreed and committed itself again to a de-escalation on the border of Israel and Gaza.
The Arabs' Real Grievance Against The Jews

The Arabs' Real Grievance Against The Jews

Gatestone Institute May 7, 2016
'The real Arab grievance against the Jews is that they exist.'
Children's Deaths Blamed On Palestinian Power Crisis

Children's Deaths Blamed On Palestinian Power Crisis

International Business Times May 7, 2016
Three children have been killed in a house fire started by a candle, sparking finger-pointing over Gaza's power crisis.
Alabama Chief Justice Suspended Over Gay Marriage Stance

Alabama Chief Justice Suspended Over Gay Marriage Stance

Newsmax May 7, 2016
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore faces removal from the bench over his effort to block gay marriage from coming to that state.
Israel Continues Tunnel Terror Search

Israel Continues Tunnel Terror Search

Forward May 6, 2016
Israel’s military discovered a cross-border tunnel built by the Islamist group Hamas.
Parents Sue Feds Over Transgender Bathroom Law

Parents Sue Feds Over Transgender Bathroom Law

Charisma May 6, 2016
Do the rights of boys who identify as girls trump the rights of girls who are born girls? 
Obama Slapping Scarlet 'T' On Christian Colleges

Obama Slapping Scarlet 'T' On Christian Colleges

WND May 5, 2016
The Department of Education has launched a website to shame Christian colleges that follow biblical principles rather than a leftist social agenda.
Israel Gleans Vast Tunnel Data From Hamas Member

Israel Gleans Vast Tunnel Data From Hamas Member

Jerusalem Post May 5, 2016
The Shin Bet intelligence agency announced that it had obtained a treasure trove of information after capturing a Hamas member who snuck into Israel with the intention of killing Israelis in April. 
Hezbollah Accused Of Stockpiling Chemical Weapons

Hezbollah Accused Of Stockpiling Chemical Weapons

Asharq Al Awsat May 5, 2016
Syrian opposition activists accused Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group of using chemical weapons again.
ISIS Kills Navy SEAL Charles Keating In Iraq

ISIS Kills Navy SEAL Charles Keating In Iraq

KNAU May 4, 2016
Navy SEAL Charles Keating died is the third American serviceman to die in Iraq since the U.S. launched its campaign against ISIS.
US Justice Dept. Declares North Carolina's LGBT Law Illegal

US Justice Dept. Declares North Carolina's LGBT Law Illegal

Christian News Network May 4, 2016
The Department of Justice has declared North Carolina's bathroom bill illegal. 
Leaked ISIS Docs Show Close Cooperation Between ISIS And Assad

Leaked ISIS Docs Show Close Cooperation Between ISIS And Assad

Daily Caller May 3, 2016
ISIS and the Assad regime in Syria have been colluding with each other in deals on the battleground.
Eliminating Nations

Eliminating Nations

Center For Research On Globalization May 2, 2016
Globalist trade deals like TPP are exercises in eliminating nations and turning over the economy of the world to mega-corporations.
German Party Declares Islam Doesn't Belong To Germany

German Party Declares Islam Doesn't Belong To Germany

Breitbart May 1, 2016
Germany’s third strongest party adopted an anti-Islam policy in a manifesto that also demands curbs to immigration.
Taking BDS To Its Logical Conclusion

Taking BDS To Its Logical Conclusion

Israel Hayom May 1, 2016
Europeans need to wake up.
ISIS May Have Chemical Weapons On Israeli Border

ISIS May Have Chemical Weapons On Israeli Border

Jewish Press April 30, 2016
Israel is currently investigating the possibility that an ISIS group fighting in Syria’s civil war in the southern Golan Heights region, possesses chemical weapons.
State Of Emergency

State Of Emergency

Houston Chronicle April 30, 2016
Iraqi officials declared a state of emergency for all of Baghdad after protesters loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr breached the heavily fortified Green Zone.
The History Of What Comes Next

The History Of What Comes Next

Hal April 29, 2016
Everyone wants to know what happens next.  That makes predicting the future big business.  But God doesn’t have to guess.
Defeating Hamas In America

Defeating Hamas In America

Jerusalem Post April 29, 2016
Activists from US coast to coast robotically employ the same tactics to silence pro-Israel activists and speakers on campus after campus.
Anti-Semitism Cracking Up UK's Left, Are Democrats Next?

Anti-Semitism Cracking Up UK's Left, Are Democrats Next?

Frontpage Mag April 28, 2016
For Americans, the UK's latest round of anti-semitic comments has interesting and troubling implications.
'We Are A Muslim Country'

'We Are A Muslim Country'

RT April 27, 2016
There are calls for Turkey, an overwhelmingly Muslim country, to have a constitution based on Islam rather than a secular constitution.
Wanna Talk About Jesus? You'll Need A Permit For That

Wanna Talk About Jesus? You'll Need A Permit For That

One News Now April 27, 2016
A permit is now required before students can talk about Jesus at North Carolina State University.
US Ready To Offer Israel Largest Aid Package In History

US Ready To Offer Israel Largest Aid Package In History

Times Of Israel April 26, 2016
The US is ready to offer Israel the largest military aid package offered to any country over the course of US history.
Where UNESCO And ISIS Converge

Where UNESCO And ISIS Converge

Townhall April 26, 2016
UNESCO unanimously passed a resolution to erase Jewish history in the land of Israel.
Fighting Cultural Madness Behind Target Boycott

Fighting Cultural Madness Behind Target Boycott

One News Now April 25, 2016
Target has decided to offend the vast majority of its customers rather than offend a handful of customers who have a problem with gender distinctions. This is cultural madness – and a boycott is the proper response.
The 'Settled' Consensus Du Jour

The 'Settled' Consensus Du Jour

Newsmax April 24, 2016
Progressivism's determination to regulate thought by regulating speech is apparent in a new campaign to criminalize skepticism about climate science.
Phony Civil Rights Activists

Phony Civil Rights Activists

WND April 24, 2016
"As someone who marched with Martin Luther King Jr., I am offended and embarrassed by where the 'civil rights' movement has found itself in 2016."
No Tolerance For Religious Tolerance?

No Tolerance For Religious Tolerance?

Break Point April 23, 2016

The words "religious liberty" don't mean what they once did to many people, especially if big business has its way.

The Saudi Influence Must End

The Saudi Influence Must End

Frontpage Mag April 23, 2016
If we are going to have any hope of defeating the global jihad.
UNESCO, History, And Common Sense

UNESCO, History, And Common Sense April 21, 2016
Imagine yourself given two scenarios, and told to decide which is more credible. One says that Jewish temples once stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  The other says Mohammed flew a horse to the “Seventh Heaven,” using the Temple Mount as his launch pad.  Which is more credible?
Islamist Turkey Seizes Churches And Declares Them 'State Property'

Islamist Turkey Seizes Churches And Declares Them 'State Property'

Express April 21, 2016
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has taken control of six churches in his latest move to squash freedom of speech and religious movement. 
Recent Events Fulfilling Matthew 24 Prophecy?

Recent Events Fulfilling Matthew 24 Prophecy?

Charisma News April 21, 2016
"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, epidemics, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24
Devastating War

Devastating War

FOX News April 20, 2016
Israel issued a stern warning to Hezbollah, saying any future war will unleash "devastating" damage on Lebanon.
Is The Global Earthquake Epidemic A Sign?

Is The Global Earthquake Epidemic A Sign?

Breaking Israel News April 19, 2016
People of faith may see this recent string of earthquakes as a sign of divine wrath.
How The US Covered Up Saudi Role In 9/11

How The US Covered Up Saudi Role In 9/11

New York Post April 18, 2016
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia's involvement in the September 11th terror attacks was deliberately covered up at the highest levels of our government.
Death Toll In Ecuador Earthquake Climbs

Death Toll In Ecuador Earthquake Climbs

Reuters April 18, 2016
Rescuers pulled three people out alive after they had been trapped in rubble for more than 32 hours.
'Israel Will Never Return Golan Heights To Syria'

'Israel Will Never Return Golan Heights To Syria'

Jerusalem Post April 17, 2016
“The time has come after 40 years for the international community to finally recognize that the Golan Heights will remain forever under Israeli sovereignty.”
Hundreds Dead In Ecuador Quake

Hundreds Dead In Ecuador Quake

Reuters April 17, 2016
The death toll from Ecuador's biggest earthquake in decades soars to 350.
Saudi Arabia To Sell Billions In US Assets If 9/11 Bill Passes

Saudi Arabia To Sell Billions In US Assets If 9/11 Bill Passes

FOX News April 16, 2016
Saudi Arabia will sell billions of dollars in U.S. financial assets if Congress passes a bill to make the Saudi government legally responsible for any role in the 9/11 attacks.
Tennessee Governor Vetoes Bill Honoring Bible

Tennessee Governor Vetoes Bill Honoring Bible April 15, 2016
Governor Bill Haslam vetoed a bill designating the Bible as the "official state book" of Tennessee.
Israel Takes Center Stage At NY Debate

Israel Takes Center Stage At NY Debate

Jerusalem Post April 15, 2016
At the New York debate Bernie Sanders said "There comes a time if we are going to pursue justice and peace that we are going to have to say that Netanyahu is not right all of the time,"
44 Million Jihadists

44 Million Jihadists

American Thinker April 14, 2016
At least 44 million Arab youths are potential supporters of the Islamic State's goals for a global caliphate and imposition of sharia law on the planet.
America's Achilles Heel

America's Achilles Heel

Prophecy News Watch April 14, 2016
Imagine a scenario where the U.S is suddenly plunged back into the Stone Age. 
Israel Prevents Hezbollah From Acquiring ‘Game-Changing’ Weapons

Israel Prevents Hezbollah From Acquiring ‘Game-Changing’ Weapons

Algemeiner April 12, 2016
Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel has prevented Hezbollah from acquiring “game-changing” weaponry.
Babylon Brigade Protects Christians From ISIS

Babylon Brigade Protects Christians From ISIS

BBC News April 11, 2016
A group of Christians in Iraq have formed their own militia to protect people from ISIS.
CDC: 'Scarier Than We Thought'

CDC: 'Scarier Than We Thought'

Voice Of America April 11, 2016
Health officials are concerned about the neurological effects and long-term complications from Zika.
Taliban Attempted To Assassinate John Kerry

Taliban Attempted To Assassinate John Kerry

CNN April 10, 2016
The Taliban said US Secretary of State John Kerry was the intended target of rocket strikes launched on Kabul.  
Ezekiel Foretold Obama Claim Against Israel

Ezekiel Foretold Obama Claim Against Israel

BIN April 10, 2016
Last month, US President Barack Obama laid the blame for failed Middle East peace initiatives on the economic success of Israel.
28 Religious Freedom Battles Playing Out Across America

28 Religious Freedom Battles Playing Out Across America

Deseret News April 9, 2016
After the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, more than 100 religious freedom bills have been proposed in state legislatures.
State Trooper Fired For Proselytizing

State Trooper Fired For Proselytizing

Indianapolis Star April 8, 2016
Indiana State Police fired a 14-year veteran who has been accused of proselytizing citizens while on the job.
Liberals Weaponize Government To Punish Christians

Liberals Weaponize Government To Punish Christians

Christian Post April 8, 2016
Conservative Christians in America are growing increasingly concerned about their own religious freedom. They should be.
California Raids Anti-Abortion Activist's Home

California Raids Anti-Abortion Activist's Home

Los Angeles Times April 7, 2016
California AG Kamala Harris ordered agents to raid activist David Daleiden's apartment.
Why Mississippi's Religious Freedom Bill Is So Important For America

Why Mississippi's Religious Freedom Bill Is So Important For America

Breaking Christian News April 7, 2016
Every Christian who owns a business in the state of Mississippi owes the governor a thank-you.
Protecting Christians Makes You A Bigot?

Protecting Christians Makes You A Bigot?

One News Now April 6, 2016
The mainstream media assert that people are homophobes if they want to keep men out of women's locker rooms.
Satan Worship Returns Worldwide

Satan Worship Returns Worldwide

WND April 5, 2016
Never before has evil has such a stage and such a microphone.
Losing The Terror War

Losing The Terror War

Hal April 5, 2016
President Obama must feel like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
GOP Considers 'Moderate Approach' To Gay Marriage

GOP Considers 'Moderate Approach' To Gay Marriage

Politico April 4, 2016
Some of the Republican party’s biggest financiers have been bankrolling a group who wll adopt language to the GOP's national platform that would accommodate same sex marriage.
Media Not Being Truthful About Religious Freedom

Media Not Being Truthful About Religious Freedom

Christian Post April 4, 2016
What happens when news reporting becomes driven by prejudice? Nothing more than a rotten talebearer.
'The Threat Is Real'

'The Threat Is Real'

Independent April 2, 2016
US President Barack Obama said ISIS was trying to get radioactive material and urged world leaders to up security at nuclear power plants.
Hamas Says It Has Captured Israelis

Hamas Says It Has Captured Israelis

Jewish Journal April 2, 2016
Hamas said for the first time that it is holding two Israeli men and the remains of two Israeli soldiers.
Israeli Company Cracks San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone

Israeli Company Cracks San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone

CBN April 2, 2016
An Israeli company was able to access an iPhone used by one of the Islamic terrorists in the deadly shooting in San Bernardino.
Jesus Brought Me Back

Jesus Brought Me Back

Christian Post March 31, 2016
A descendant of Muhammad who was nearly stabbed to death was brought back to life by the power of Jesus Christ.
Turkey's President Visits US

Turkey's President Visits US

USA Today March 30, 2016
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will not formerly meet with Barack Obama while visiting the United States.
Religious Freedom Bill Gets Veto

Religious Freedom Bill Gets Veto

Life Site March 30, 2016
The Indiana Religious Freedom Act firestorm a year ago showed us that “religious freedom” was no longer culturally good.
Easter Bombing Targets Christians In Pakistan

Easter Bombing Targets Christians In Pakistan

FOX News March 28, 2016
An explosion ripped through a crowded Pakistan park where Christians were celebrating Easter, killing at least 70 people.
Georgia Governor To Veto Religious Liberty Bill

Georgia Governor To Veto Religious Liberty Bill

Atlanta Journal Constitution March 28, 2016
The governor’s planned veto will likely infuriate religious conservatives who considered the measure their top priority. 
This Danger Has A Name

This Danger Has A Name March 25, 2016
After the bomb attacks on Brussels Tuesday morning, President Obama did not call on Belgium to restrain itself from responding.
Don't Forget About The Power Of The Cross

Don't Forget About The Power Of The Cross

Christian Post March 25, 2016
"May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world," (Galatians 6:14)
Fifth Suspect At Large, Tied To Paris Attack

Fifth Suspect At Large, Tied To Paris Attack

AP March 24, 2016
A second attacker, suspected of taking part in the bombing of a Brussels subway train, may be at large. 
'Kill Whoever Is Not With You'

'Kill Whoever Is Not With You'

Christian Post March 24, 2016

To a Muslim terrorist, unbelievers are unbelievers, be they children, women, or men, and killing them is doing Allah's work. 

Brussels Weeps

Brussels Weeps

Daily Mail March 23, 2016
Brussels remained defiant as mourners broke out in a round of applause after the minute's silence held this morning at noon local time.
Several Suspects Sought

Several Suspects Sought

AP March 23, 2016
Belgian authorities say several people possibly linked to deadly attacks on Brussels are still on the loose.
ISIS Claims Responsibility For Brussels Attack

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Brussels Attack

FOX News March 22, 2016
ISIS struck in the heart of Europe, killing at least 34 people and wounding hundreds.
Obama's Cuban Odyssey

Obama's Cuban Odyssey

Frontpage Mag March 21, 2016
The White House denies justice to American victims of terror.
Protesters March On AIPAC

Protesters March On AIPAC

Washington Free Beacon March 21, 2016
Hundreds protested the annual meeting of AIPAC.
Celebrating Palm Sunday

Celebrating Palm Sunday

Voice Of America March 20, 2016
Pope Francis kicked off the Christian Holy Week leading up to Easter.
Religious Liberty Bill Passes In Georgia

Religious Liberty Bill Passes In Georgia

AJC March 19, 2016
A bill that would protect faith-based organizations from having to rent or allow its facility to be used for events it finds objectionable passed the Georgia Senate.
ISIS Committing Genocide

ISIS Committing Genocide

Asia Times March 17, 2016
US Secretary of State John Kerry declared ISIS, which he called Daesh, as “genocidal by self-proclamation, by ideology and by actions”. 
Now What?

Now What?

Christian Post March 17, 2016

America must let our Christian brethren in the Middle East know that they are not forgotten.

The Gay Bullies

The Gay Bullies

Christian Post March 17, 2016
Gay activists want to put conservative Christians in the closet. 
Clinton's Alternate Reality

Clinton's Alternate Reality March 16, 2016
Hillary Clinton told a town hall her Libya operation was a success because it didn’t lead to the loss of American life.
'Allah Told Me To Come Here And Kill People'

'Allah Told Me To Come Here And Kill People'

CBC March 16, 2016
A man accused of stabbing two members of Canada's military at a recruitment center in Toronto is facing nine charges in connection with the attack.
American Defects From ISIS

American Defects From ISIS

CBS News March 14, 2016
The Kurds detained an American defecting from ISIS as he tried to make his way to Turkey.
Bringing The Third Uprising Against The GOP

Bringing The Third Uprising Against The GOP

WND March 14, 2016
For the first time since Barry Goldwater gave rise to Ronald Reagan, the Republican establishment faces a threat from We the People.
Could Trump Be A Modern Day Cyrus?

Could Trump Be A Modern Day Cyrus?

Christian Post March 13, 2016
The Lord says of Cyrus, "'He is my shepherd, and he shall fulfill all my purpose'; saying of Jerusalem, 'She shall be built,' and of the temple, 'Your foundation shall be laid.'" (Isa 44:28)
ISIS Sets Sights On Trump

ISIS Sets Sights On Trump

Chicago Tribune March 13, 2016
Donald Trump is claiming that the man who rushed the stage at his Ohio rally is connected to ISIS. 
George Soros Funding Anti-Trump Movement

George Soros Funding Anti-Trump Movement

FOX News March 12, 2016
Billionaire George Soros is putting up millions of his own money to prevent republican front-runner Donald Trump from winning the presidency.


Seattle Times March 11, 2016
“There is only one word that adequately, and legally, describes what is happening to Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East: That word is ‘genocide.’ ”
What Does The Bible Say About Socialism?

What Does The Bible Say About Socialism?

Christian Post March 11, 2016
"A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest — and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man." Proverbs 24:33-34
ISIS Detainee Talks

ISIS Detainee Talks

CBS News March 9, 2016
US commandos have captured a ISIS chemical weapons expert, who is providing information on the group's plans.
'Israel Must Be Wiped Out'

'Israel Must Be Wiped Out'

AP March 9, 2016
Iran test-fired missiles with the phrase “Israel must be wiped out” written in Hebrew on them.
Netanyahu Cancels US Visit

Netanyahu Cancels US Visit

Guardian March 8, 2016
Benjamin Netanyahu cancelled a US visit and meeting with Barack Obama.
Hamas Tunneling Its Way Back Into Israel

Hamas Tunneling Its Way Back Into Israel

Newsweek March 8, 2016
For Israelis living near the Gaza border, the threat comes from below.
Nancy Reagan, 94

Nancy Reagan, 94

Reuters March 6, 2016
The news of Nancy Reagan's death at the age of 94 brought a flood of tributes, condolences and reminiscence.
Turkish Police Seize Anti-Erdogan Newspaper

Turkish Police Seize Anti-Erdogan Newspaper

Sky News March 5, 2016
Turkish police raided the the country's largest newspaper, staunchly opposed to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to impose a court order placing it under state control. 
Future Of Texas Abortion Case At Crossroads

Future Of Texas Abortion Case At Crossroads

Life News March 5, 2016
The Supreme Court has overturned an appeals court order allowing a pro-life law to go into effect in Louisiana.
Migrant 'Woman Hunts' In Germany

Migrant 'Woman Hunts' In Germany

Frontpage Mag March 4, 2016
"If a woman gets raped walking in public alone, then she, herself, is at fault. She is only seducing men by her presence. She should have stayed home like a Muslim woman."
Hamas Commander Killed For Gay Secret Life

Hamas Commander Killed For Gay Secret Life

Ynet March 3, 2016
A Hamas commander has been executed by his former comrades over suspicion that he was gay and collaborated with Israel to keep it a secret. 
As The Day Approaches

As The Day Approaches March 2, 2016
Nearly half of all Americans agree with the sentence, “The world is currently living in the ‘end times’ as described by prophecies in the Bible.”
Rescue Mission Turns Deadly

Rescue Mission Turns Deadly

Voice Of America March 1, 2016
Israeli troops came under attack after raiding a volatile refugee camp.
Islam Welcoming The Antichrist

Islam Welcoming The Antichrist

Christian Today March 1, 2016
Islam is pushing the world towards the end times where Muslims believe the Mahdi will appear.
The Dismantling Of A Migrant Camp

The Dismantling Of A Migrant Camp

France 24 February 29, 2016
Part of a major refugee camp that housed thousands near the French city of Calais was dismantled in accordance with a recent court order. 
Rouhani's Reformists Win

Rouhani's Reformists Win

BBC News February 28, 2016
Allies of President Hassan Rouhani have won a landslide victory in Tehran.
Hamas Is To Blame For Gaza's Terrible State, Not Israel

Hamas Is To Blame For Gaza's Terrible State, Not Israel

Ynet February 26, 2016
While Hamas is determined to perpetuate the suffering in the Strip, Israel must provide an alternative by offering Gazans hope. The whole world should know this.
Fighting The BDS Movement

Fighting The BDS Movement

American Thinker February 25, 2016
Is it possible for the BDS Movement to be anything other than anti-semetic?
NKorea 'Would Use WMD' To Save Regime

NKorea 'Would Use WMD' To Save Regime

CNN February 24, 2016
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un could use weapons of mass destruction if he thought the fate of his rule was at stake. 
Iran Building Terror Network In Europe, US

Iran Building Terror Network In Europe, US

Washington Post February 24, 2016
Iran is building an international terror network that includes “sleeper cells” that are stockpiling arms.
Weapons Of Mass Terror

Weapons Of Mass Terror February 24, 2016
Radical Islamic terrorists are scouring the globe for every kind of WMD — nuclear, chemical, radiological, and biological.
Cease-Fire In Syria

Cease-Fire In Syria

CBS News February 23, 2016
The Syrian government announced that it had accepted a proposed truce. Operations will continue against ISIS & al Qaeda.
Media Twisting The Knife Into Israel

Media Twisting The Knife Into Israel

Telegraph February 23, 2016
Recent headlines have lead with the deaths of the terrorists neutralized in the course of committing terrorism – while presenting them, as innocents rather than attempted murderers.
Delhi Faces Water Crisis

Delhi Faces Water Crisis

Guardian February 22, 2016
The water supply to India's capital was cut off following deadly protests.
Onlookers Cheer As Migrant Center Burns

Onlookers Cheer As Migrant Center Burns

FTC February 21, 2016
Onlookers celebrated as a suspected arson fire damaged a former hotel that was being converted into a refugee home in Germany.
The World Is Unraveling, Jesus Is Coming

The World Is Unraveling, Jesus Is Coming

Christian Post February 20, 2016
Evangelical preacher the Rev. Franklin Graham has said that international news headlines indicate the world is unraveling, and urged people to trust Jesus Christ.
US Hits Terrorists In Libya

US Hits Terrorists In Libya

Euronews February 19, 2016
US warplanes carried out air strikes in the western Libyan city of Sabratha, where ISIS militants operate, killing as many as 40 people.
Justice Scalia And The War On Terror

Justice Scalia And The War On Terror

Frontpage Mag February 18, 2016
How to interpret the Constitution’s directives in regard to fighting America's war with Islamists?
Obama Will Not Attend Scalia's Funeral

Obama Will Not Attend Scalia's Funeral

US News & World Report February 18, 2016
President Obama's decision not to attend Justice Antonin Scalia's funeral is shameful.
US Planned Major Cyber Attack If Iran Nuclear Talks Failed

US Planned Major Cyber Attack If Iran Nuclear Talks Failed

Jerusalem Post February 17, 2016
The United States had a plan for an extensive cyber attack on Iran in case diplomatic attempts to curtail its nuclear program failed. 
Why We Should All Care About His Replacement

Why We Should All Care About His Replacement

Christian Post February 16, 2016
Will judicial restraint or judicial activism prevail? All Americans, and our children and grandchildren, have an enormous stake in the answer to that question.
Is America Under God's Judgement?

Is America Under God's Judgement?

Christian Post February 15, 2016
The provocative statements made on social media about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death is a sign of the times. 
The LBJ Precedent

The LBJ Precedent

Newsmax February 14, 2016
Talk is already mounting among conservative court-watchers that Senate Republicans should invoke what is known as the “LBJ precedent” of 1968.  
'Is This 2016 Or 1962?'

'Is This 2016 Or 1962?'

Reuters February 13, 2016
Dmitry Medvedev described East-West relations as having "fallen into a new Cold War" and said NATO was "hostile and closed" towards Russia.
Antonin Scalia Dies

Antonin Scalia Dies

KVIA February 13, 2016
US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in his sleep last night after a day of quail hunting in Texas.
Deadly Week For US Law Enforcement

Deadly Week For US Law Enforcement

CNN February 12, 2016
Gunfire claimed the lives of at least five on-duty officers this week.
Terror Attack In Columbus

Terror Attack In Columbus

OneNewsNow February 12, 2016
"It would be an awful coincindence if a Somali Muslim happened to just randomly get upset, come in with an axe, and the target just happened to be a prominent Israeli Christian restraunt." 
'Declaration Of War'

'Declaration Of War' February 11, 2016
North Korea said it was kicking out all South Koreans from the jointly run Kaesong industrial zone.
Watchman Warning: Humanizing Babies?

Watchman Warning: Humanizing Babies? February 11, 2016
Can you imagine a worldview that sees all (or almost all) human beings as a mistakes?  You may wonder if anyone really feels that way.  I assure you they do.
Oregon Occupation Over

Oregon Occupation Over

Washington Post February 11, 2016
The armed occupation of a wildlife refuge ended after more than a month, as the final occupant  could be heard surrendering to authorities.
Ohio House De-Funds Planned Parenthood

Ohio House De-Funds Planned Parenthood

Life News February 10, 2016
Ohio is the next state to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Walls 'To Defend Israel Against Wild Beasts'

Walls 'To Defend Israel Against Wild Beasts'

Jerusalem Post February 9, 2016
Benjamin Netanyahu announced that they are in the planning stages of a project to surround Israel with security barriers to defend against what he called “wild beasts” in the region.
The Pale Horse

The Pale Horse

Trumpet February 8, 2016
International governments are pleading with couples to avoid pregnancy for the foreseeable future.
North Korea Puts Object In Space

North Korea Puts Object In Space

Reuters February 7, 2016
North Korea launched a long-range rocket carrying what it called a satellite, but its neighbors and the US denounced the launch as a missile test.
North Korea Brings Forward Rocket Launch

North Korea Brings Forward Rocket Launch

Reuters February 6, 2016
North Korea could launch a rocket that it says will carry an earth observation satellite as soon as Sunday.
Turkey Planning To Invade Syria?

Turkey Planning To Invade Syria?

RT February 5, 2016
Russia says Turkey is trying to conceal military activity on the Syrian border.
Thousands Turn Out For Terrorists' Funerals

Thousands Turn Out For Terrorists' Funerals

Jerusalem Post February 5, 2016
Thousands turned out for the funeral of three locals who carried out a terrorist attack near the Old City of Jerusalem.
Zika: New Plague Of The End Times

Zika: New Plague Of The End Times February 4, 2016
Something new burst onto the world’s consciousness — the Zika virus.  Now we have learned that it can be transmitted sexually.
Pacific Nations Sign Trade Agreement

Pacific Nations Sign Trade Agreement

Voice Of America February 4, 2016
Twelve Pacific region trade ministers signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Auckland, New Zealand.
Obama Visits US Mosque

Obama Visits US Mosque

USA Today February 3, 2016
President Obama visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore, which houses a mosque and school.
Shootout In Jerusalem

Shootout In Jerusalem

Voice Of America February 3, 2016
Three Palestinians killed an Israeli policewoman and wounded another before being shot dead by nearby officers at an entrance to Jerusalem's walled Old City.
Jordan At Boiling Point

Jordan At Boiling Point

BBC News February 2, 2016
For decades Jordan welcomed people escaping wars on its borders. It's far harder now.
Christianity Blamed For Zika

Christianity Blamed For Zika

Christian Examiner February 2, 2016
An anti-Christian website claims Zika is spreading because Christians have made it near impossible for the poor in to have access to contraceptives, abortion.
Hamas Under Their Feet

Hamas Under Their Feet

Reuters February 1, 2016
Hamas is tunneling under homes from Gaza and will one day emerge, guns blazing.
Russia Violates Turkish, NATO Airspace

Russia Violates Turkish, NATO Airspace

Euronews January 30, 2016
Turkey announced that a Russian Sukhoi 34 fighter jet violated their airspace.
Russia Teaching Hezbollah Terrifying New Tricks

Russia Teaching Hezbollah Terrifying New Tricks

Week January 30, 2016
The experience Hezbollah is gaining from Russia and Iran has made it one of the most effective fighting forces in the tangled Syrian conflict. 
US, UK Hacking Israeli Aircraft Since 1998

US, UK Hacking Israeli Aircraft Since 1998

Haaretz January 29, 2016
The program, code-named 'Anarchist,' monitored strikes on Gaza and watched out for a possible strike on Iran for nearly 20 years.
Zika May Be As Tough To Beat As Ebola

Zika May Be As Tough To Beat As Ebola

Reuters January 29, 2016
The Americas appear to be facing a health crisis on a scale and potential complexity that could be compared to West Africa’s 2014 Ebola outbreak.
4 Million Cases Possible

4 Million Cases Possible

Reuters January 28, 2016
The Zika virus - linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies in Brazil - is spreading "explosively" and could affect as many as four million people in the Americas.
Oregon Standoff Ends In Gunfire, Bloodshed

Oregon Standoff Ends In Gunfire, Bloodshed

FOX News January 27, 2016
The leader of the group was arrested after a traffic stop prompted gunfire that left one person dead.
Economic House Of Cards

Economic House Of Cards January 27, 2016
The central banks of almost every country have interest rates at or near zero.  They’re printing lots of money.  They’re doing all the things they know to do to fight off recession.  But, so far, nothing’s working. In the 1970s, most Americans saw OPEC as public enemy number one.  Today, it’s easy to feel sorry for them.  Bloomberg Business reports that in Norway, a single salmon costs more than a barrel of oil.
Three Minutes To Midnight

Three Minutes To Midnight

Hill January 26, 2016
The world is as close to destruction as it has been in the last 20 years, a group of scientific leaders, policy experts and former officials warned.
Israel's Electrical Grid Attacked

Israel's Electrical Grid Attacked

Jerusalem Post January 26, 2016
As Israelis cranked up their heaters during the cold snap, the Public Utility Authority was attacked by one of the largest cyber assaults that the country has experienced.
Grand Jury Clears Planned Parenthood, Indicts Man Behind Videos Instead

Grand Jury Clears Planned Parenthood, Indicts Man Behind Videos Instead

Life News January 25, 2016
The lead investigator behind the undercover Planned Parenthood videos faces 20 years in prison after a grand jury decided not to charge Planned Parenthood, and instead indicted him..
Massive Blizzard Kills 19

Massive Blizzard Kills 19

Reuters January 24, 2016
Millions began digging out from a massive blizzard that brought northeastern US cities to a standstill, killing at least 19 people in several states.
What Happens If Zika Virus Comes To US?

What Happens If Zika Virus Comes To US?

Tech Times January 24, 2016
As cases of the mosquito-borne Zika virus continue to spread across Central and South America, health experts predict that it is just a matter of time before the disease spreads within the U.S.
Winter Storm Jonas To Paralyze Third Of US

Winter Storm Jonas To Paralyze Third Of US

AP January 22, 2016
The blizzard eyeing the Eastern US could easily cause more than $1 billion in damage. 
Watchman Warning: Sexually Askew

Watchman Warning: Sexually Askew January 22, 2016
A society will only call something deviant if the number of people participating in that behavior stays below a certain threshold.  When enough people embrace an activity, what once seemed deviant begins to seem normal.  That’s the danger of the mob, except with a mob, the process happens almost instantly.  Humans fall into debauchery when they see significant numbers of other people doing it.
Terror Prince Planning Israel Attack

Terror Prince Planning Israel Attack

Jerusalem Post January 20, 2016
Israeli arrested five Palestinians that were planning an attack organized and funded by the son of the Hezbollah's leader.
The End Times Tyranny Of Political Correctness

The End Times Tyranny Of Political Correctness

Renew America January 20, 2016
Let's make no mistake about it: we are seeing Biblical prophecies playing out before our very eyes.
Iran-Backed Militia Kidnaps Three Americans In Baghdad

Iran-Backed Militia Kidnaps Three Americans In Baghdad

Wall Street Journal January 19, 2016
Iraqi police fanned out across a southern suburb of Baghdad ­in search of three Americans who Iraqi authorities say were kidnapped by Iran-backed Shia militias.
Copycat Intifada

Copycat Intifada

Times Of Israel January 19, 2016
With Hamas determined to weaken the Palestinian Authority, the Kalashnikov or explosive belt may supersede the knife as a symbol.
Palestinian Stabs Pregnant Israeli Woman In West Bank

Palestinian Stabs Pregnant Israeli Woman In West Bank

Voice Of America January 18, 2016
A Palestinian attacker stabbed and wounded a pregnant Israeli woman before being shot.
Iranians Celebrate 'Implementation Day'

Iranians Celebrate 'Implementation Day'

Sky News January 17, 2016
Last year's nuclear deal with six world powers will allow Iran to immediately recoup some $100bn in assets frozen overseas.
An Unbound Iran Strikes Fear In Mideast Neighbors

An Unbound Iran Strikes Fear In Mideast Neighbors

CBS News January 17, 2016
As the nuclear deal goes into effect, many Middle Eastern countries fear a newly emboldened Iran.
ISIS, Hamas Plot To Assassinate Netanyahu Funded By Iran

ISIS, Hamas Plot To Assassinate Netanyahu Funded By Iran

Washington Times January 17, 2016
Terrorists were indicted for attempting to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Iran Frees American Pastor, Other Prisoners

Iran Frees American Pastor, Other Prisoners

AP January 16, 2016
Iranian state television announced that the government has freed five American prisoners.
Hezbollah May Strike Israeli Ships

Hezbollah May Strike Israeli Ships

Jerusalem Post January 15, 2016
Syria possesses Russian made missles that may have made their way into the hands of Hezbollah.
Israel, The West, And Migration

Israel, The West, And Migration

Jerusalem Post January 14, 2016
The failure of Europe in coping with mass immigration should act as a warning.
When Political Correctness Equals Political Cowardice

When Political Correctness Equals Political Cowardice

Christian Post January 13, 2016
Political correctness has become one of the constants of our age. It's 's always easy to joke about political correctness. But the Philadelphia shooting should remind us that accepting PC nonsense risks more than our liberty. 
Russia Could Grant Asylum To Assad

Russia Could Grant Asylum To Assad

Washington Post January 12, 2016
Russian President Vladimir Putin hinted he might grant asylum to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and said America was not the “chosen nation” during an interview.
What Does The TPP Mean For The End Times?

What Does The TPP Mean For The End Times?

Charisma News January 11, 2016
People are ignoring the steps leading the world toward prophetic fulfillment—such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
2016: The Year Of Remnant Uprising

2016: The Year Of Remnant Uprising

Charisma News January 10, 2016
You are a remnant of something powerful, and as long as there's a crumb, everything you need is there to do everything God wants to perform through you.
Mideast Powder Keg

Mideast Powder Keg January 9, 2016
In the last week, hostility in the region reached new levels.  But this time the rage is not against Israel.
What The Next President Has To Know About The End Times

What The Next President Has To Know About The End Times

Christian Today January 9, 2016
Muslims too are waiting for their "messiah." "They feel like one of the major blocking points is Israel, and that is one reason why they feel like they must destroy Israel."
Cologne Police Chief Sacked Over NYE Violence

Cologne Police Chief Sacked Over NYE Violence

Yahoo News January 8, 2016
The police chief of the German city of Cologne was suspended.
Oregon Militia Leader On A Mission From God

Oregon Militia Leader On A Mission From God

AP January 7, 2016
Ammon Bundy says he is following directions from God and invoked his family's faith when explaining the anti-government movement he is attempting to lead.
Saudi Warplanes Attack Iranian Embassy In Yemen

Saudi Warplanes Attack Iranian Embassy In Yemen

CBS News January 7, 2016
Iran accused Saudi Arabia of attacking its embassy in Yemen. 
North Korea Successfully Tests Hydrogen Bomb

North Korea Successfully Tests Hydrogen Bomb

Washington Post January 6, 2016
North Korea claimed that it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, a claim that, if true, would mark a huge step forward in its nuclear capability. In their statement, North Korea said “North Korea was forced to develop its nuclear arsenal because of the U.S.’s hostile policy against North Korea.” Pyongyang’s provocative action will present a new challenge to the outside world, which has struggled to find ways to end North Korea’s nuclear defiance.
Experts Doubt North Korea Hydrogen Bomb Claims

Experts Doubt North Korea Hydrogen Bomb Claims

Yahoo News January 6, 2016
North Korea says it has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.
Executive Gun Control: 'Crazy Lists', No Guns For The Elderly

Executive Gun Control: 'Crazy Lists', No Guns For The Elderly

Breitbart January 6, 2016
When all the political posturing is over, all that is left after executive gun control are tears. And crocodile tears at that.
'Powder Keg'

'Powder Keg'

AFP January 5, 2016
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said hostility between Iran and Saudi Arabia would only escalate problems in a "powder keg" region.  "Enough is enough. We need our peace in the region," he said. The crisis began when Saudi Arabia executed prominent Shia cleric and activist Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr as well as 46 other convicts, prompting a furious reaction from Tehran.
Migrants Rape, Rob

Migrants Rape, Rob

Reuters January 5, 2016
Dozens of women reported sexual assaults after a crowd of around 1,000 'North African or Arab' men in Cologne, Germany, attacked those celebrating New Year's Eve in the city’s central square.
Obama: America Held Hostage By Gun Lobby

Obama: America Held Hostage By Gun Lobby

Newsmax January 5, 2016
President Barack Obama ordered stricter gun rules that he can impose without Congress and urged American voters to reject pro-gun candidates. 
Bahrain & Sudan Cut Ties With Tehran

Bahrain & Sudan Cut Ties With Tehran

Washington Post January 4, 2016
Bahrain and Sudan joined Saudi Arabia in severing diplomatic relations with Iran.
Obama Wants To Disarm America

Obama Wants To Disarm America

FOX News January 4, 2016
President Obama is plotting with his attorney general to get our guns.
Saudi Arabia’s Execution Of Cleric Ignites Fury In Iran

Saudi Arabia’s Execution Of Cleric Ignites Fury In Iran

Washington Post January 3, 2016
Protesters stormed and torched the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Tehran after the execution of a prominent Shiite cleric ignited sectarian tensions across the already inflamed region.
Militia Occupies Federal Building In Oregon

Militia Occupies Federal Building In Oregon

Washington Post January 3, 2016
An armed militia took over a building at a national wildlife refuge in Oregon and vows to occupy the outpost for years to protest the federal government’s treatment of a pair of ranchers facing prison time.
'Divine Vengeance'

'Divine Vengeance'

Washington Post January 3, 2016
Saudi Arabia severed relations with Iran on Sunday amid the furor that erupted over the execution by the Saudi authorities of a prominent Shiite cleric.
Saudi Arabia Executes Top Shia, Dozens Of Others

Saudi Arabia Executes Top Shia, Dozens Of Others

BBC News January 2, 2016
Iran said Saudi Arabia would pay a "high price" for the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. 
Russia Names US As Security Threat

Russia Names US As Security Threat

Newsweek January 2, 2016
Russian President Vladimir Putin calls the United States a threat to Russia's national security in a New Year's Eve official document. 
Two Dead In Tel Aviv Pub Shooting

Two Dead In Tel Aviv Pub Shooting

Times Of Israel January 1, 2016
Two people were killed and seven were wounded in an apparent shooting attack in a central Tel Aviv pub afternoon. A massive manhunt is underway for the assailant.
ISIS Gathers On Israel's Border

ISIS Gathers On Israel's Border

Breaking Israel News January 1, 2016
An ISIS-affiliated terror group located about nine miles from the Israeli-Syrian border may be planning large-scale terror attacks in Israel.
Our New Year's Hope

Our New Year's Hope December 31, 2015
At year’s end, most of us reflect back on the previous year, and look forward to the New Year with hope.  You might wonder if that’s true of me. 
NSA Spying On Israel, Congress

NSA Spying On Israel, Congress

US News & World Report December 30, 2015
The United States spied on communications of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Evacuations Ordered Along Mississippi River

Evacuations Ordered Along Mississippi River

TWC December 30, 2015
Residents in several areas have already been pushed out of their homes by rising floodwaters, and the impacts are only expected to worsen in the coming days.
Iran To Seek More Confrontations

Iran To Seek More Confrontations

Navy Times December 30, 2015
Iran's firing rockets within a mile of the carrier Harry S. Truman is a dangerous and unprofessional stunt.
Latinos Converting To Islam

Latinos Converting To Islam December 29, 2015
There are an estimated 150,000 Islam converts among the Latino community in the United States.
ISIS Retreats In Iraq

ISIS Retreats In Iraq

Bloomberg December 28, 2015
Government forces have “wrested the city of Ramadi from the claws” of ISIS militants, Iraq’s joint forces command said in a statement.
Israel Strikes Hezbollah

Israel Strikes Hezbollah

Telegraph December 27, 2015
Israeli warplanes struck Hezbollah targets in a series of at least seven strikes near the Lebanon border.
Israel And Hezbollah Close To War

Israel And Hezbollah Close To War

Breitbart December 26, 2015
It’s now been almost ten years since their last war, and there have been plenty of “lessons learned” on both sides. Both sides have much more advanced weaponry, and both sides will be much more militarily aggressive.
ISIS: We Are Getting Closer To Israel Every Day

ISIS: We Are Getting Closer To Israel Every Day

Haaretz December 26, 2015
"This is no longer a war of the crusaders against us. The entire world is fighting us right now. The Israelis thought that we forgot Palestine and that they had distracted us from it. That is not the case. We have not forgotten Palestine for one moment."
Political Correctness May Kill Us

Political Correctness May Kill Us

Toronto Sun December 26, 2015
In the war on terrorism, we in the West may be our own worst enemies. The political correctness of many of our leaders and opinion-makers could bury us.
Shin Bet Disrupts Hamas Cell That Planned Suicide Bombings In Israel

Shin Bet Disrupts Hamas Cell That Planned Suicide Bombings In Israel

Jerusalem Post December 25, 2015
Shin Bet captured a large-scale Hamas terrorist cell based in the Abu Dis area near Jerusalem that had been plotting bombings and suicide- bombing attacks in Israel and the territories.
Waking Up To The War On Christmas

Waking Up To The War On Christmas

One News Now December 24, 2015
More Americans are aware of the War on Christmas and they lay the blame for that war on public officials. 
Turkey: Israel Gas Deal Only To Help Gaza

Turkey: Israel Gas Deal Only To Help Gaza

Arutz Sheva December 23, 2015
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu spoke about the rapprochement agreement talks with Israel during a parliamentary group meeting, and said the goal is to "benefit" Palestinian Arabs.
Watchman Warning: Paradox Of The Christ-Less Christmas

Watchman Warning: Paradox Of The Christ-Less Christmas

Hal Lindsey December 23, 2015
Take Christ from Christmas, and you’re left with a dead tree.  Only He animates the joy, and gives life to the music. 
Hezbollah Vows Revenge For Death Of Commander

Hezbollah Vows Revenge For Death Of Commander

Reuters December 22, 2015
Lebanon's Hezbollah group said it would retaliate for the killing of prominent militant Samir Qantar in an Israeli air strike in Syria, after giving him an elaborate funeral in Beirut of the kind reserved for its top commanders. 
No, Christians And Muslims Do Not Worship The Same God

No, Christians And Muslims Do Not Worship The Same God

Charisma News December 21, 2015
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all believe in an eternal, uncreated Creator God to whom all human beings must one day give account. But it is self-evident that Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God.
Lebanese Militant Leader Killed In Damascus

Lebanese Militant Leader Killed In Damascus

Jerusalem Post December 20, 2015
A notorious Lebanese militant leader, reluctantly released by Israel as a terrorist during a 2008 prisoner swap, was killed in an airstrike on the outskirts of Damascus.
Is This How World War III Starts?

Is This How World War III Starts?

Salon December 20, 2015
Has World War III begun? Some world leaders and journalists seem to think so.
Turkey's Erdogan Meets Hamas Leader In Istanbul

Turkey's Erdogan Meets Hamas Leader In Istanbul

Reuters December 19, 2015
A day after Israel and Turkey said they were close to patching up five-year political rift, Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan met with the leader of Hamas in Istanbul.
Turkish-Israeli Thaw Raises Hopes For Gas Project

Turkish-Israeli Thaw Raises Hopes For Gas Project

Ynet December 18, 2015
Expectations that Turkey and Israel will restore relations after a five-year-old rift have raised hopes of speedy progress in talks to import Israeli natural gas, potentially a multi-billion-dollar project.
Verses Of Violence: Comparing The Quran And The Bible

Verses Of Violence: Comparing The Quran And The Bible

Christian Post December 17, 2015
When Christians point to the violent verses in the Quran, Muslims reply, "But what about the violent verses in the Bible?" How should we respond to this fair challenge from Muslims?
The Messianic Impulse

The Messianic Impulse December 17, 2015
Human beings are always searching for a messiah.
Saudi Arabia Forms Muslim Military Coalition

Saudi Arabia Forms Muslim Military Coalition

Wall Street Journal December 16, 2015
A coalition of 34 Muslim states will fight the scourge of terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan.
End Times Prophecy Invoked During GOP Debate

End Times Prophecy Invoked During GOP Debate

WND December 16, 2015
Rick Santorum referenced a particular hadith, the "Romans" are supposed to confront an Islamic force in the final hours of the world before the coming of an Islamic Jesus Christ.
Israel's Gas Deal Might Never Materialize

Israel's Gas Deal Might Never Materialize

Quartz December 15, 2015
In 2010, Israel discovered a large natural gas off-shore reserve. It was supposed to be a game-changer. Five years later, it’s no longer looking like a sure bet.
Hamas Is Funding ISIS In Sinai

Hamas Is Funding ISIS In Sinai

Ynet December 14, 2015
Hamas has been transferring tens of thousands of dollars a month to the Islamic State group's Sinai branch, in exchange for the group's help smuggling weapons into the Strip. 
196 Countries Approve Climate Agreement

196 Countries Approve Climate Agreement

Washington Times December 13, 2015
Nearly 200 nations adopted the first global pact to fight climate change.
Goodbye Christianity, Hello Multicultural Wasteland

Goodbye Christianity, Hello Multicultural Wasteland

Daily Mail December 13, 2015
If you want to wreck the country, get some grandiose people to sit on a panel. Then write a pamphlet demanding the destruction of something good, and call it a ‘report’.
ISIS Oil Worth $500m

ISIS Oil Worth $500m

BBC News December 11, 2015
ISIS has made more than $500m trading oil.  ISIS has also looted up to $1bn from banks in territory it held.
See Something...Say What?

See Something...Say What? December 10, 2015
Our society is wound up tight on the issue of race and discrimination. Millions of social media warriors stand ready to spring into action if they see anything that might in any way be construed as racist or Islamophobic.
San Bernardino Funerals Start Today

San Bernardino Funerals Start Today

AP December 10, 2015
Today Yvette Velasco will be remembered.  The ceremony will mark the start of a grim procession.
Are the Paris Climate Talks Part of a 'Great Spiritual Seduction'?

Are the Paris Climate Talks Part of a 'Great Spiritual Seduction'?

Charisma News December 10, 2015
 Some faith leaders say they believe the proposed climate change agreement is another step the United Nations and globalists are taking to create a "world socialist government."
Republicans Condemn Trump Muslim Plan

Republicans Condemn Trump Muslim Plan

CNN December 9, 2015
Republican leaders condemned Donald Trump's call to ban all Muslims from entering the US.
Americans, Your Government Is At War With You!

Americans, Your Government Is At War With You!

WND December 8, 2015
The government has no plans to offer protection to US citizens against future jihadist attacks.
Christianity Without The Holy Spirit?

Christianity Without The Holy Spirit?

Charisma News December 8, 2015
The end times will be characterized by a Christianity without the Holy Spirit.
ISIS Sleeper Cells In All 50 States

ISIS Sleeper Cells In All 50 States

KDVR December 7, 2015
“They [ISIS] are here. They want to kill us, because we don’t believe what they believe,” said Rob O’Neill, The Navy SEAL who shot and killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011.
Answering John Kerry

Answering John Kerry

Jerusalem Post December 7, 2015
To justify his rejection of a policy based on Israeli sovereignty over areas beyond the 1949 armistice lines, John Kerry raised a series of questions about what a one-state policy would look like.
San Bernardino Shooter Obsessed With Israel

San Bernardino Shooter Obsessed With Israel

Jerusalem Post December 7, 2015
Sayed Rizan Farook, had an obsessive hatred of Israel that underscored his Islamic radicalism and allegiance to the ideals of Islamic State. 
FBI Looking At Mother of San Bernardino Gunman

FBI Looking At Mother of San Bernardino Gunman

NBC News December 6, 2015
The FBI is looking into whether the mother of one of the San Bernardino attackers knew anything about the shooting in advance.
San Bernardino Shooter Lawyers Hint At False Flag

San Bernardino Shooter Lawyers Hint At False Flag

WND December 5, 2015
"It just doesn’t make sense for these two to be able to act like some kind of Bonnie and Clyde."
Muslim Leader Blames America Terror Attacks

Muslim Leader Blames America Terror Attacks

Mediaite December 4, 2015
“Let’s not forget that some of our own foreign policy, as Americans, as the West, have fueled that extremism.”
ISIS Has Made It To America

ISIS Has Made It To America

WND December 4, 2015
Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance online to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, then killed 14 people in San Bernardino.
The Terror Cell With A Baby

The Terror Cell With A Baby

Chicago Tribune December 4, 2015
Before Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, slaughtered innocents party goers, they dropped off their 6-month-old daughter with Grandma.
'He's Muslim'

'He's Muslim'

WND December 3, 2015
Syed R. Farook has been identified as one of the suspects in the San Bernardino mass shooting.
San Bernardino Terror Attack

San Bernardino Terror Attack

KFGO December 2, 2015
One to three suspects opened fire at or near a state social services agency serving people with developmental disabilities in the Southern California city of San Bernardino and as many as 20 people were wounded.
Worst Shooting Since Sandy Hook

Worst Shooting Since Sandy Hook

Washington Post December 2, 2015
Attackers opened fire on a San Bernardino Christmas party killing 14 in the deadliest mass shooting since Sandy Hook.
Turkey Protecting ISIS?

Turkey Protecting ISIS?

BBC News December 1, 2015
Russia has accused Turkey of shooting down its warplane near the border with Syria in order to protect its oil trade with ISIS.
Netanyahu: Israel Is Operating In Syria

Netanyahu: Israel Is Operating In Syria

Ynet December 1, 2015
 "We're operating in Syria from time to time in order to stop the country from becoming a front against Israel."
Fostering A Climate Of Intolerance

Fostering A Climate Of Intolerance

Orange County Register November 30, 2015
One would expect the world’s leadership to focus on the danger presented by Islamic extremism.
Nothing Pro-Life About It

Nothing Pro-Life About It

One News Now November 30, 2015
Pro-lifers are pushing back as Planned Parenthood and its supporters attempt to link the shooting to controversial videos released this summer linking the abortion provider to the sale of fetal body parts.
Pro-Life Leaders Condemn Colorado Shooting

Pro-Life Leaders Condemn Colorado Shooting

Life Site November 29, 2015
Pro-life groups have issued statements condemning the violence in Colorado.
A 'Rambling Loner' That Never Talked About Abortion

A 'Rambling Loner' That Never Talked About Abortion

Life News November 28, 2015
Scant details emerged on Saturday on the suspect in a deadly shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado, Robert Lewis Dear, 57, and police were so far not discussing a possible motive.
Suspect In Custody After Planned Parenthood Shooting

Suspect In Custody After Planned Parenthood Shooting

Miami Herald November 27, 2015
A suspect is in police custody following an hours-long ordeal at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colo., where three people were killed — including a police officer — and nine others were wounded.
How To Guarantee God's Blessing

How To Guarantee God's Blessing

Christian Post November 26, 2015
This is the time each year when the vast majority of Americans curtail their daily routines and gather together with friends and loved ones for Thanksgiving.
There I Said It: Islam Is The Enemy

There I Said It: Islam Is The Enemy

One News Now November 26, 2015
Muslims, because of America's Christian heritage, are welcome to practice their religion freely in this country. Islam affords no such freedom to any other religion.
Russia And Turkey Refuse To Back Down

Russia And Turkey Refuse To Back Down

Reuters November 25, 2015
Russia sent an advanced missile system to Syria to protect its jets.
Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet

Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet

SMH November 24, 2015
A Russian warplane was shot down by Turkish fighter jets near the Turkish border.
Campus Facists

Campus Facists

Frontpage Mag November 24, 2015
Of the many intellectual perversions currently taking root on college campuses, perhaps none is more contradictory to what should be one of higher education’s core values than the suppression of free speech.
Paris On Alert

Paris On Alert

Mirror November 22, 2015
A dozen suits designed to protect medics from contagious diseases, polyethylene boots, gloves, and antibacterial masks were swiped from the city's Necker Paediatric Hospital.
Brussels Put On Maximum Alert On Risk Of Paris-Like Attack

Brussels Put On Maximum Alert On Risk Of Paris-Like Attack

Reuters November 21, 2015
Belgium put the capital Brussels on maximum security alert, shutting the metro and warning people to avoid crowds because of a "serious and imminent" threat of coordinated, multiple attacks by militants.
Who Is Being Delusional?

Who Is Being Delusional?

Caroline Glick November 21, 2015
Mahmoud Abbas admitted publically for the first time that he rejected the peace plan then prime minister Ehud Olmert offered him in 2008.
Gunman Attack Mali Hotel

Gunman Attack Mali Hotel

ABC News November 20, 2015
At least 27 people died today after 170 people were taken hostage at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Mali in West Africa, according to a diplomatic official briefed on the incident.
Satan Worshipers Seek Alliance With Muslims

Satan Worshipers Seek Alliance With Muslims

WND November 20, 2015
The Satanic Temple has a message for Muslims: Let’s be friends.  Muslims on social media were grateful for the offer.
Massacre Mastermind Dead

Massacre Mastermind Dead

FOX November 19, 2015
The man suspected of leading last Friday's Paris attacks was killed in a police raid north of Paris.
5 Killed In Tel Aviv, West Bank Terror Attacks

5 Killed In Tel Aviv, West Bank Terror Attacks

Haaretz November 19, 2015
Three people were killed and five others were wounded in a shooting and car ramming attack in the Gush Etzion region of the West Bank.
Time To Stop Apologizing For Islam

Time To Stop Apologizing For Islam November 18, 2015
We’re again hearing that Islam is all about peace and that only a small number of Muslims are violent extremists.
Israel Outlaws Branch Of Islamic Movement

Israel Outlaws Branch Of Islamic Movement

Jerusalem Post November 17, 2015
ISIS Threatens To Bring Paris To Washington

ISIS Threatens To Bring Paris To Washington

Washington Post November 16, 2015
"As we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington." 
Three Arrested In Belgium In Connection To Paris Attacks

Three Arrested In Belgium In Connection To Paris Attacks

ABC News November 15, 2015
Three people have been arrested in Belgium - including one officials say was involved in the deadly Paris attack.
The Migrant Jihad Has Begun

The Migrant Jihad Has Begun

Frontpage Mag November 15, 2015
A man with a possible connection to the Paris attacks had registered as a refugee with Greek authorities earlier this year. 
France Launches Massive Air Strikes Against ISIS Targets

France Launches Massive Air Strikes Against ISIS Targets

Washington Post November 15, 2015
France bombed the Syrian city of Raqqa on Sunday night, its most aggressive strike against ISIS after killing 129 people in a string of terrorist attacks across Paris.
A Grim New Reality

A Grim New Reality

Foreign Policy November 15, 2015
The ISIS plot in Paris have exposed cracks in Western intelligence efforts and cast doubt on the underlying premises behind the U.S.-led war against the extremist group.
'Sinjar Is Liberated'

'Sinjar Is Liberated'

CBS News November 13, 2015
Kurdish forces quickly reclaimed the strategic northwest Iraq city of Sinjar from ISIS militants.
It's About The Temple Mount

It's About The Temple Mount November 12, 2015
Satan will stir anyone he can, as much as he can, in an attempt to keep the holy place in a state of desecration.
We Can Turn The Tide On Gay Activism

We Can Turn The Tide On Gay Activism

Christian Post November 11, 2015
Gay activists will overplay their hand and the bullying will backfire. We can outlast the gay revolution and ultimately, by God's grace, turn the moral tide in America.
ISIS In Sinai Threatens Israel

ISIS In Sinai Threatens Israel

Jerusalem Post November 11, 2015
“Judgment Day will not come until you fight the Jews and kill them.”
Anti-Semitism Standing In The Way Of Two State Solution

Anti-Semitism Standing In The Way Of Two State Solution

Jerusalem Post November 10, 2015
A refusal to accept the Jewish state’s right to exist, alongside the right for a Palestinian state, is preventing peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
Netanyahu, Obama Meet

Netanyahu, Obama Meet

Jerusalem Post November 9, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Barack Obama about ways to improve Israeli security when they met in Washington for the first time in over a year.  Among the issues were the renewal of the ten-year Memorandum of Understanding that expires in 2017, by which Israel received $3.1 billion a year.  Israel expects to renew the deal, but wants to expand it to $50 billion over ten years.
Myanmar Ruling Party Concedes As Suu Kyi Heads For Poll Landslide

Myanmar Ruling Party Concedes As Suu Kyi Heads For Poll Landslide

Reuters November 8, 2015
Myanmar's ruling party conceded defeat as the opposition appeared on course for a landslide victory.
Supreme Court To Hear Obamacare's Attack On Religious Liberty

Supreme Court To Hear Obamacare's Attack On Religious Liberty November 7, 2015
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in seven cases.
The Blade Of Jihad

The Blade Of Jihad

FOX News November 6, 2015
The knife has replaced suicide bombings, car attacks and random shootings as the new tool of choice for waging jihad on Israel.
The Reality of Evil

The Reality of Evil November 5, 2015
What are the consequences of a “no consequence” society?
ISIS Praises UC Merced Attacker

ISIS Praises UC Merced Attacker

WND November 5, 2015
“May Allah accept him,” read a tweet from an ISIS Twitter account minutes after Faisal Mohammad’s name was divulged.
The Hidden Hand Behind Palestinian Terror Wave

The Hidden Hand Behind Palestinian Terror Wave

Jerusalem Center November 4, 2015
Gaza has in effect become an independent Palestinian state, and this Hamas-ruled state is making a pitch to annex the West Bank.
Survey Finds Drop In Faith In Both Political Parties

Survey Finds Drop In Faith In Both Political Parties

Voice Of America November 3, 2015
A newly-released poll on Americans’ religious beliefs shows a shift downward in the number of adults who believe in God, pray daily and regularly go to church.
Al Qaeda's Plan To 'Liberate Palestine'

Al Qaeda's Plan To 'Liberate Palestine'

Jerusalem Post November 2, 2015
Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri released a new audio message criticizing Israel’s “attacks against the al-Aksa Mosque” and calling for more attacks against Israel and the West.
Netanyahu To Fast-Track Natural Gas Plan

Netanyahu To Fast-Track Natural Gas Plan

Reuters November 1, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will take control of the Economy Ministry to fast-track a plan to develop huge offshore natural gas deposits after a minister who had been holding up the plan stepped down.
Russian Plane Broke Apart In Mid-Air

Russian Plane Broke Apart In Mid-Air

Washington Post October 31, 2015
Modern planes don’t usually fall apart in flight, barring an explosion caused by a bomb or missile.
ISIS Claims Responsibility For Russian Plane Crash

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Russian Plane Crash

Chicago Tribune October 31, 2015

The cause of the Russian passenger plane crash that killed 224 people was not known, but two major European airlines announced they would stop flying over the area after ISIS claimed it "brought down" the aircraft. Russia's transport minister dismissed that claim as not credible.

Knife Wielding Palestinians Strike West Bank

Knife Wielding Palestinians Strike West Bank

Reuters October 30, 2015
Knife-wielding Palestinians attacked Israelis in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank and police said they had shot dead two assailants.
As Darkness Falls

As Darkness Falls October 29, 2015
A shadow descends over our world. Spiritual in origin, this deepening darkness attacks human minds and thought. It diminishes, then destroys the ability to see things for what they are.
Is The State Of Israel The Israel Of God?

Is The State Of Israel The Israel Of God?

Israel Today October 28, 2015
God’s ultimate calling upon Israel to be the light of the world remains.
Biblical Significance To US Flooding?

Biblical Significance To US Flooding?

Charisma News October 27, 2015
Some out there who believe that all of this flooding could be a sign that the judgment of God on America has begun.
Jesus' Star Of Bethlehem Returning?

Jesus' Star Of Bethlehem Returning?

Times Of Israel October 26, 2015
The rare convergence of Venus, Jupiter, and Mars has some wondering if it's time to cue the magi.
Tony Blair Links ISIS Rise To Iraq War

Tony Blair Links ISIS Rise To Iraq War

BBC News October 25, 2015
Tony Blair apologised for mistakes made over the Iraq War and called claims that it caused the rise of ISIS true.
No End To Violence

No End To Violence

Washington Post October 25, 2015
Violence between Israelis and Palestinians showed no signs of abating despite a plan brokered a day earlier by John Kerry.
Patricia Brings Floods, Landslides

Patricia Brings Floods, Landslides

BBC News October 24, 2015
Patricia peaked as the strongest storm recorded in the Americas but lost power as it moved inland across Mexico.
Israel, Jordan Agree To Reduce Tensions At Holy Sites

Israel, Jordan Agree To Reduce Tensions At Holy Sites

Voice Of America October 24, 2015
John Kerry said that Israel and Jordan had agreed on specific steps to reduce tensions.
Raid Frees 70 Captives Facing Mass Execution

Raid Frees 70 Captives Facing Mass Execution

AFP October 23, 2015
Kurdish and US forces stormed an ISIS prison in Iraq, freeing 70 captives who were facing imminent execution.
The Stabbing Intifada

The Stabbing Intifada October 22, 2015
In order to defend its citizens against terror attacks, Israel is again being painted as the aggressor. But it’s not true.
Arson Suspected In Church Burnings

Arson Suspected In Church Burnings

Christian Century October 21, 2015
Fires have damaged several churches—of different denominations, but all with predominantly black congregations—within a few miles of one another in northwest St. Louis.
Two Palestinians Killed After Attack

Two Palestinians Killed After Attack

Jerusalem Post October 20, 2015
One Israeli was killed and four were wounded by Palestinians in four separate incidents across the West Bank. 
Islam And Liberalism: Twin 'Beasts Of The Apocalypse'

Islam And Liberalism: Twin 'Beasts Of The Apocalypse'

Christian Post October 20, 2015
Mankind's enduring "culture war" is nothing new. It first began in a garden long ago and today has reached a fever pitch worldwide. 
Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood

Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood

Life News October 19, 2015
After Planned Parenthood was caught in a series of 10 videos selling aborted babies and their body parts, Texas Governor Greg Abbott made decision to eliminate state taxpayer funding for the abortion business.
Can The ISIS Uprising In Israel Be Put Down?

Can The ISIS Uprising In Israel Be Put Down?

Newsweek October 19, 2015
Some are beginning to call the latest violence in Israel, The 'ISIS Uprising'. Not because it is under ISIS' direction, but because their ideology is beginning to seep into the West Bank. 
Israeli Soldier Killed In Bus Station Attack

Israeli Soldier Killed In Bus Station Attack

i24 October 18, 2015
A Palestinian terrorist opened fire on passengers at the central bus station in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba, injuring nine people and killing a soldier. 
Pro-Refugee Politician Stabbed

Pro-Refugee Politician Stabbed

RT October 18, 2015
A leading candidate running for mayor of the German city of Cologne has been stabbed in her neck and seriously injured just a day before the elections. 
Israeli Soldier Stabbed

Israeli Soldier Stabbed

Haaretz October 17, 2015
A 20-year-old soldier was wounded in a stabbing attack near the Cave of the Patriachs in Hebron in the West Bank, the day's second stabbing attack in the city.
Palestinians Set Fire To Joseph's Tomb

Palestinians Set Fire To Joseph's Tomb

Reuters October 16, 2015
Palestinians set fire to a Jewish shrine in the occupied West Bank and an attacker disguised as a journalist stabbed an Israeli soldier as tensions ran high after more than two weeks of violence.
Big Brother Goes Global

Big Brother Goes Global October 15, 2015
People sometimes see the United Nations for what it should be, and forget what it is.
Abbas Is Deceiving Us All

Abbas Is Deceiving Us All

Ynet October 15, 2015
The master of winking is producing lies, without letting facts get in the way.
Israeli Army Moves In

Israeli Army Moves In

Washington Post October 14, 2015
Thousands of Israeli soldiers and border police fanned out across major cities and security forces began to erect checkpoints.
Fulfilling The Prophecy Of Ezekiel

Fulfilling The Prophecy Of Ezekiel

Breaking Israel News October 14, 2015
The conventional belief among many Christians is that Russia is Magog.
Israelis Under Attack During Day Of Rage

Israelis Under Attack During Day Of Rage

Washington Post October 13, 2015
Three Israelis were killed and nearly two dozen injured in a series of Palestinian attacks, sparking calls by Israeli officials to cordon off Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem and bring more troops into the city on a “day of rage” proclaimed by Palestinian groups.
Christianity Under Global Attack

Christianity Under Global Attack

Guardian October 13, 2015
Christianity is in danger of ceasing to be a truly global faith.
Israeli Teenager Stabbed By Palestinians

Israeli Teenager Stabbed By Palestinians

Jerusalem Post October 12, 2015
A 13 year old Jewish boy is in critical condition after being stabbed nearly a dozen times by two teenage Palestinian terrorists, marking the third terrorist attack in the capital in six hours.
Is This The Prelude To The War Of Gog & Magog?

Is This The Prelude To The War Of Gog & Magog?

Joel C. Rosenberg October 12, 2015
Given the recent massive oil discovery found in Israel, is it possible that we are also going to see the “War of Gog & Magog” happen soon?
Is Islamic Movement Orchestrating Terror Attacks?

Is Islamic Movement Orchestrating Terror Attacks?

Jerusalem Post October 11, 2015
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other government officials and others in the media have been pointing their finger at the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel as being connected to the recent wave of violence.
Four Israelis Stabbed By Palestinian

Four Israelis Stabbed By Palestinian

Arkansas Online October 10, 2015
A Palestinian stabbed four Israelis with a screwdriver before a soldier shot and killed him in fresh violence focused on a sensitive Jerusalem holy site.
Hamas Declares Intifada

Hamas Declares Intifada

Reuters October 9, 2015
After six Palestinians were killed, Hamas called the violence that has hit Israel an intifada and urged further unrest.
Massive Israel Oil Discovery

Massive Israel Oil Discovery

WND October 8, 2015
An Israeli energy company discovered a massive oil reserve in the Golan Heights.
One Nation Under Allah

One Nation Under Allah

Charisma News October 8, 2015
Islamic indoctrination is happening in public schools all across America.
ISIS Plans Nuclear Tsunami

ISIS Plans Nuclear Tsunami

Boston Herald October 7, 2015
ISIS terrorists could easily cobble together materials to make a rudimentary dirty bomb if they acquire the material.
Russia Begins Syrian Ground Offensive

Russia Begins Syrian Ground Offensive

Voice Of America October 7, 2015
Russia said it has used four warships in the Caspian Sea to launch rockets at ISIS targets in Syria.
Tensions Boiling Over

Tensions Boiling Over

Voice Of America October 6, 2015
Israeli forces destroyed the homes of two Palestinian terrorists who had murdered Israelies, adding tensions to an already dangerous climate. 
Islamic Jihad Threatens New Attacks

Islamic Jihad Threatens New Attacks

Jerusalem Post October 5, 2015
Islamic Jihad threatened to renew suicide bombing attacks against Israeli citizens and soldiers.
Police Restrict Access To Jerusalem's Old City

Police Restrict Access To Jerusalem's Old City

Jerusalem Post October 4, 2015
Israeli police said they are restricting access to Jerusalem's Old City after a Palestinian man killed two Israelis and wounded two others in a stabbing attack.
Christians Should Arm Themselves

Christians Should Arm Themselves

FOX News October 3, 2015
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey warned on Facebook, "Our enemies are armed. We must do likewise."
Australia Shooting Linked To Terrorism

Australia Shooting Linked To Terrorism

Australian October 3, 2015
Australian police believe the shooting of a police worker by a 15-year-old boy in Sydney is linked to terrorism, the latest in a series of attacks blamed on radicalized youth.
Israelis Murdered In Drive By In Front Of Kids

Israelis Murdered In Drive By In Front Of Kids

Townhall October 2, 2015
An Israeli couple was killed in a drive-by shooting attack in the West Bank. Their four children were in the car and were said to be physically unharmed but treated for shock.
Gunman Targeted Christians

Gunman Targeted Christians

FOX News October 2, 2015
Witnesses say Christopher Harper Mercer specifically targeted Christians.
Bully On The Block

Bully On The Block October 2, 2015
Russia announced to the United States and Israel that there’s a new kid on the block… and he’s a bit of a bully.
Russia Launches Fresh Airstrikes In Syria

Russia Launches Fresh Airstrikes In Syria

BBC News October 1, 2015
Russia has launched air strikes against targets in Syria for a second day. The strikes targeted rebel positions in the north-west held by an alliance known as the Army of Conquest. Monday, Russia said its aircraft carried out 20 missions against ISIS, but the US said it feared the targets were non-IS opponents of Russia's ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Russia Killing US Backed Rebels

Russia Killing US Backed Rebels

CBS News October 1, 2015
Russian jets carried out a second day of airstrikes.
Oregon Shooter Asked For Religions Before Shooting

Oregon Shooter Asked For Religions Before Shooting

INFORUM October 1, 2015
The shooter at Umpqua Community College asked people to state their religion and then started firing.
Netanyahu Slams Iran In UN Speech

Netanyahu Slams Iran In UN Speech

Voice Of America October 1, 2015
'Unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl, devouring more and more prey.'
Abbas Abandons Agreements With Israel

Abbas Abandons Agreements With Israel

Voice Of America September 30, 2015
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas told the United Nations that Palestine is no longer bound by agreements it has made with Israel.
Russia Launches Airstrikes In Syria

Russia Launches Airstrikes In Syria

Washington Post September 30, 2015
 Russian warplanes began airstrikes in Syria, adding an unpredictable new element to a multi-layered war that has already drawn in the United States and allies, created millions of refugees and expanded the reach of the Islamic State.
American Pastor Won't Be Set Free

American Pastor Won't Be Set Free

Christian Post September 29, 2015
President Rouhani said Saeed Abedini will only be set free is if the US government agrees to free imprisoned Iranians.
Planned Parenthood Admits To Lying To Congress

Planned Parenthood Admits To Lying To Congress

Life News September 29, 2015
In 2012, Planned Parenthood issued a press release saying it helps women get access to mammograms. Today, the CEO indicated they do not.
Islam Will Conquer Europe Without Firing A Shot

Islam Will Conquer Europe Without Firing A Shot

Gatestone Institute September 29, 2015
The wave of refugees will increase, and the price will be paid by the Europeans. Islam will conquer Europe without firing a shot.
Palestinians Clash With Israeli Riot Police At Temple Mount

Palestinians Clash With Israeli Riot Police At Temple Mount

Voice Of America September 28, 2015
Palestinians clashed with Israeli riot police after barricading themselves in a mosque at Jerusalem's most sensitive holy site,.
Why Won't Republicans Impeach Obama?

Why Won't Republicans Impeach Obama?

Northwest Herald September 28, 2015
Congressional Republicans and the conservative media have been claiming President Obama has violated the Constitution.
France Launches Syria Air Strikes

France Launches Syria Air Strikes

BBC News September 27, 2015
France has carried out its first air strikes against ISIS in Syria.
Significance Of Israel In The End Times

Significance Of Israel In The End Times

WND September 26, 2015
Israel is in the eye of the hurricane of the great events of the end times.
Russian Fighter Jets Enter Syria

Russian Fighter Jets Enter Syria

CNN September 25, 2015
Russian fighter jets turned off their transponders as they flew into Syria in an apparent attempt to avoid detection.
Is Something About To Happen To Israel?

Is Something About To Happen To Israel?

Blaze September 25, 2015
The fourth and final “blood moon” in a series of four total lunar eclipses over the past two years that some Bible experts view as prophetic signs from God.
Pope Urges Action On Immigration, Climate

Pope Urges Action On Immigration, Climate

USA Today September 24, 2015
In the first-ever papal address to a joint meeting of Congress, Pope Francis called on Americans to embrace immigrants from around the world.
Final Blood Moon A Divine Warning?

Final Blood Moon A Divine Warning?

CBN September 23, 2015
The rise of ISIS. The Iran nuclear deal. An Israeli war with Hamas. All of these world-altering events have taken place since Passover 2014.
A Muslim President?

A Muslim President? September 22, 2015
Chuck Todd asked Dr. Ben Carson, “Do you believe that Islam is consistent with the constitution?”
One Nation Under Allah

One Nation Under Allah

Frontpage Mag September 21, 2015
President Eisenhower famously observed that “our form of government has no sense unless it is founded on a deeply felt religious faith, and I don’t care what it is.”
Egypt Floods Gaza Terror Tunnels

Egypt Floods Gaza Terror Tunnels

Algemeiner September 20, 2015
The Egyptian military said it has started flooding tunnels used by Hamas to smuggle weapons into Gaza.
Obama Set To Deport A Dozen Christians

Obama Set To Deport A Dozen Christians

WND September 19, 2015
At the same time the Obama administration deporting Christians, it has over the years allowed in hundreds of Muslim migrants.
Israel Strikes Gaza After Rocket Attacks

Israel Strikes Gaza After Rocket Attacks

Jerusalem Post September 19, 2015
The Israeli Air Force struck three terrorist infrastructure sites, including a Hamas run telecommunications facility in the North of Gaza, in response to multiple rocket attacks from the coastal enclave the previous day. 
FOX News: President Obama Is Not A Muslim!

FOX News: President Obama Is Not A Muslim!

RightScoop September 18, 2015
The question of President Obama's faith has come up again.
Clashes Erupt On Day Of Rage

Clashes Erupt On Day Of Rage

Haaretz September 18, 2015
21 Palestinians and 3 Israeli Border Guards were injured when clashes broke out following a "day of rage" to protest about new Israeli security measures.
Death Toll Rises In Chilean Quake

Death Toll Rises In Chilean Quake

Reuters September 17, 2015
Residents picked through the rubble in central Chile after a magnitude 8.3 earthquake killed 11.
Making Little Jihadis

Making Little Jihadis September 17, 2015
A teacher asked her students to send letters of praise and encouragement to members of the al-Qaeda affiliated terror group, Jahbat al-Nusra.
What Is Putin Up To In Syria?

What Is Putin Up To In Syria?

CNN September 16, 2015
US officials say satellite images appear to show Russia constructing a forward air operating base in Syria.
Netanyahu To Meet Obama

Netanyahu To Meet Obama

Ynet September 16, 2015
After months of chilly relations, President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet at the White House.
Jade Helm 15 Ends As Troops Leave Texas

Jade Helm 15 Ends As Troops Leave Texas

Dallas Morning News September 15, 2015
Jade Helm 15, the military training exercise that attracted controversy earlier this year, has ended.
ISIS-Inspired Attack On Pope Foiled

ISIS-Inspired Attack On Pope Foiled

ABC News September 15, 2015
The FBI arrested a 15-year-old last month for allegedly threatening to launch an ISIS-inspired assault on Pope Francis.
Kim Davis Won't Interfere With Gay Marriage Licenses

Kim Davis Won't Interfere With Gay Marriage Licenses

AP September 14, 2015
Kim Davis returned to work for the first time since being jailed for disobeying a federal judge.
Netanyahu Calls Emergency Meeting

Netanyahu Calls Emergency Meeting

Jerusalem Post September 14, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu called an emergency meeting in light of recent violent incidents involving rioters who throw stones and firebombs in and around Jerusalem.
Israel Fears ISIS Takeover Of Jordan

Israel Fears ISIS Takeover Of Jordan

Jerusalem Post September 13, 2015
Now that the Gaza-Sinai-Israel path has been blocked off, the terrorists will try and find a new way. 
Highway Terror

Highway Terror

USA Today September 12, 2015
Bullets fired by snipers are among the most terrifying in American history.
America's Greatest Threat: Apocalyptic Islam

America's Greatest Threat: Apocalyptic Islam

Blaze September 12, 2015
The greatest threat to America’s security is now coming from “apocalyptic Islam,” a dangerous, end times philosophy that he said many world leaders simply fail to understand. 
ISIS Making, Using Chemical Weapons

ISIS Making, Using Chemical Weapons

BBC News September 11, 2015
The US has identified at least four occasions on both sides of the Iraq-Syria border where IS has used mustard agents. 
The Unlearned Lessons Of 9/11

The Unlearned Lessons Of 9/11

Frontpage Mag September 11, 2015
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 should have been a rude awakening from the dogmatic slumbers of the previous decade.
The Refugee Contagion

The Refugee Contagion September 11, 2015
12 million people have been displaced by the Syrian civil war.
US To Take In 10,000 Refugees

US To Take In 10,000 Refugees

Washington Post September 10, 2015
The US will accept at least 10,000 refugees from Syria in the next year.
Russian Troops Join Combat In Syria

Russian Troops Join Combat In Syria

Reuters September 9, 2015
Russian forces have begun participating in military operations in Syria in support of government troops.  Russia sent two tank landing ships and additional cargo aircraft to Syriain the past day or so and deployed a small number of naval infantry forces. The intent of Russia's military moves in Syria was unclear. 
Should Kim Davis' Aides Be Fired?

Should Kim Davis' Aides Be Fired?

Reuters September 9, 2015
Kim Davis' supporters said that any of her deputies who provide the documents without her permission should be fired.
Congress Investigates Horrors Of Planned Parenthood

Congress Investigates Horrors Of Planned Parenthood

Life Site September 9, 2015
Republicans grilled a pro-choice abortion expert during a tense hearing ahead of a possible government shutdown over federal funding of Planned Parenthood.
Muslim Refugees Turning To Christ

Muslim Refugees Turning To Christ

CBN September 8, 2015
'I feel like I am born again!' sobbed one convert
Kim Davis Freed

Kim Davis Freed

New York Times September 8, 2015
A U.S. District Judge ordered Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis to be released from jail.
Day Of Rage

Day Of Rage

Jerusalem Post September 7, 2015

Palestinians called for a "day of rage" after a Palestinian woman in a July arson attack died of her burns.


Christian Work Ethic And God's Economy

Christian Work Ethic And God's Economy

Renew America September 7, 2015
Since the dawn of time, labor has been a part of God's economy. Work is inherent to our purpose, meaning and dignity.
Mission Creep?

Mission Creep? September 6, 2015
Never before has the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps been engaged so deeply and widely abroad. 
The Law Abider Who Sits In Jail

The Law Abider Who Sits In Jail

WND September 6, 2015
What crime did Kentucky clerk Kim Davis commit?
The Hijrah Into Europe

The Hijrah Into Europe

Frontpage Mag September 5, 2015
Hijrah, or jihad by emigration, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act.
What The Arrest Of Kim Davis Taught Us

What The Arrest Of Kim Davis Taught Us

Christian Post September 4, 2015
The time where Christians are jailed for their beliefs is now here, and the only thing that is surprising is that anyone is surprised. How could we not see this coming?
Christian Leaders Fight Dangerous Nuclear Deal

Christian Leaders Fight Dangerous Nuclear Deal

Charisma News September 4, 2015
Describing it as an "Esther call," about 650 pastors and Christian leaders called on members of Congress to oppose the Iranian nuclear deal.
Kim Davis Jailed For Breaking An Evil Law

Kim Davis Jailed For Breaking An Evil Law

Blaze September 3, 2015
Kim Davis, the Kentucky court clerk who has repeatedly refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, has been held in contempt and taken into federal custody.
Muslim Migrants Threaten Christian Europe

Muslim Migrants Threaten Christian Europe

Breitbart September 3, 2015
“Europe is not being pressured by a ‘refugee problem’ or a ‘refugee situation. Rather, the continent is under threat of an ever-growing modern exodus.”
Russia Unhinged

Russia Unhinged September 2, 2015
Vladimir Putin longs for Russia to regain its former glory from the days of the Soviet Empire.
Obama Gets Votes Needed For Iran Deal

Obama Gets Votes Needed For Iran Deal

Newsmax September 2, 2015
Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski said she will support the Iran nuclear deal, giving President Barack Obama the 34 Senate votes needed to sustain a veto of any congressional resolution disapproving the deal.
The Good News Of The Apocalypse

The Good News Of The Apocalypse

Christian Post September 2, 2015
Murder on live TV. The Iran Deal. The Supreme Court pushing God aside to redefine marriage. Apocalyptic, all of it.
Kim Davis Standing Her Ground

Kim Davis Standing Her Ground

CBN September 1, 2015
“I never imagined a day like this would come, where I would be asked to violate a central teaching of Scripture and of Jesus Himself regarding marriage.” 
One Vote Away

One Vote Away

Newsmax September 1, 2015
Supporters of the international nuclear agreement with Iran moved within one vote of mustering enough support to protect the deal in Congress when two more Democratic senators said they would support the pact.
Obama Bristles At Anti-Semitism Charges

Obama Bristles At Anti-Semitism Charges

Washington Post August 31, 2015
President Obama told the editor of an influential Jewish publication that “there’s not a smidgen of evidence” that he is anti-Semitic.
Kentucky Clerk Ordered To Issue Gay Marriage Licenses

Kentucky Clerk Ordered To Issue Gay Marriage Licenses

WBAL August 31, 2015
The Supreme Court denied an emergency application from a Kentucky clerk who has been refusing to issue marriage licenses because of her religious objections to same-sex marriage.
A Lone Kentucky Clerk vs. Supreme Court

A Lone Kentucky Clerk vs. Supreme Court

AP August 30, 2015
Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who objects to gay marriage for religious reasons, asked the nation’s highest court to grant her “asylum for her conscience.”
Suspect In Custody After Executing Officer At Gas Station

Suspect In Custody After Executing Officer At Gas Station

Washington Post August 29, 2015
Shannon Miles, 30, arrested in the execution death of a sheriff’s deputy at a Houston gas station has been charged with capital murder.
Islamic Jihad Planned To Strike Israel

Islamic Jihad Planned To Strike Israel

Jerusalem Post August 29, 2015
Islamic Jihad was prepared to launch rockets into Israel if Palestinian hunger striker Mohammad Allan died protesting his detention.
What Does Islam's Civil War Mean for America?

What Does Islam's Civil War Mean for America?

Charisma News August 27, 2015
One side chants of "Death to America" and calls the United States "The Great Satan." The other beheads American journalists and calls on Muslims to attack the U.S. homeland.
Panic Of 2015?

Panic Of 2015? August 27, 2015
Erratic days on Wall Street used to be called 'Panics.'
The Ferguson Effect

The Ferguson Effect

Frontpage Mag August 27, 2015
A white police officer in the South who was recently beaten bloody and unconscious by a black suspect now admits he failed to defend himself properly because he was afraid if he used force he would have been accused of racism.
Man Guns Down Virginia Journalists On Live TV

Man Guns Down Virginia Journalists On Live TV

KCBS August 26, 2015
A former reporter shot and killed two of journalists as they broadcast live.
'I Need 50 Baby Livers A Week'

'I Need 50 Baby Livers A Week'

Life News August 25, 2015
An 8th video highlighting Planned Parenthood's aborted baby body parts compensation practices, shows a CEO admitting that abortion clinics "profit" from the sell aborted babies.
Can Israel Survive Obama's Presidency?

Can Israel Survive Obama's Presidency?

Charisma News August 25, 2015
I never imagined a U.S. president who would actively try to strengthen Iran. But sometimes truth is scarier than fiction.
North, South Korea Reach Agreement To Ease Tensions

North, South Korea Reach Agreement To Ease Tensions

Reuters August 24, 2015
North and South Korea reached agreement to end a standoff involving an exchange of artillery fire that had pushed the divided peninsula into a state of heightened military tension.
Anti-Planned Parenthood Protests Erupt Across US

Anti-Planned Parenthood Protests Erupt Across US

One News Now August 24, 2015
Time may be running out for Planned Parenthood. 
BDS: The Face Of Modern Anti-Semitism

BDS: The Face Of Modern Anti-Semitism

Arutz Sheva August 23, 2015
Debate over whether the BDS Movement is anti-Semitic has raged since its inception roughly a decade ago. The game is up. 
Truce Talks Positive, But Still No Deal

Truce Talks Positive, But Still No Deal

Jerusalem Post August 22, 2015
Is a long term truce between Israel and Hamas in the offing? 
Six Dead After Israel Strikes Islamic Jihad In Syria

Six Dead After Israel Strikes Islamic Jihad In Syria

Jerusalem Post August 21, 2015
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "Anyone who tries to harm us, we will harm them. And so we did."
Quasi-State Of War

Quasi-State Of War

NBC News August 21, 2015
North Korea put its troops on a war footing as South Korea rejected an ultimatum to stop propaganda broadcasts or face military action.
Defining 'Death To America'

Defining 'Death To America' August 20, 2015
‘Death to America’ doesn’t mean what you think.
How Nazism Explains Islam

How Nazism Explains Islam

Breaking Israel August 20, 2015
Not all Muslims are violent, intolerant, or sponsor terrorism — a true statement — so Islam itself must be innocent? Let’s consider this logic.
“I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”

“I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”

Life News August 20, 2015
“Killing something is the ultimate offering to satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal.”
Iran Allowed To 'Inspect Itself'

Iran Allowed To 'Inspect Itself'

Associated Press August 19, 2015
Iran is allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate a site it has been accused of using to develop nuclear arms.
'Christians Should Not Expect to Escape the Coming Persecution'

'Christians Should Not Expect to Escape the Coming Persecution'

Charisma News August 18, 2015
"My prayer is for an awakening in our land right now. But the evil that is sweeping over our world will increase."
For Sale: Aborted Baby Body Parts

For Sale: Aborted Baby Body Parts

Christian Post August 17, 2015
How low can society go?
We Are Living in Times Prophets Of Old Longed To See

We Are Living in Times Prophets Of Old Longed To See

Charisma News August 17, 2015
It's coming. It's closer and closer. When all the nations of the world come up against Jerusalem, Yeshua Himself will save us.
American Jewry's Fateful Hour

American Jewry's Fateful Hour

Townhall August 17, 2015
American Jewry is being tested today as never before. The future of the community is tied up in the results of the test.
Dr. Carson: Obama Is Anti-Semitic

Dr. Carson: Obama Is Anti-Semitic

Jerusalem Post August 16, 2015
Dr. Ben Carson has accused Obama's defense of the Iran deal of being Anti-Semitic. 
Christian Zionists Brings Fight Against Anti-Semitism to U.N.’s Global Stage

Christian Zionists Brings Fight Against Anti-Semitism to U.N.’s Global Stage

JNS August 15, 2015
A Christian Zionist organization convened a special session at the United Nations to help Christians learn more about the impact of genocidal anti-Semitism. 
Israel To Extremists: This Isn't Us

Israel To Extremists: This Isn't Us

CBN August 15, 2015
"Every society has extremists and has murderers. The test of the morality of a society is how it responds to those extremists and how it responds to those murderers."
ISIS Leader Raped Kayla Mueller

ISIS Leader Raped Kayla Mueller

Independent August 14, 2015
American hostage Kayla Mueller was repeatedly forced to have sex with Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS.
Tensions Remain As Embassy Reopens

Tensions Remain As Embassy Reopens

CNN August 14, 2015
Secretary of State John Kerry travels to Cuba to raise the flag above the US Embassy for the first time in 54 years.
Meteor Strikes Iran, Divine Judgement?

Meteor Strikes Iran, Divine Judgement?

Breaking Israel News August 14, 2015
A recent meteor strike in Iran has many interpreting the astrological event as an expression of God’s will and a sign of future things to come against a country that has vowed to wipe Israel off the map. "Now God caused sulfur and fire to rain down upon Sodom and Gomorrah, from God out of Heaven. He overturned these cities and the entire plain, with all the inhabitants of the cities and the vegetation of the soil." (Genesis 19:23-25)
Iran Preparing Hamas For War With Israel

Iran Preparing Hamas For War With Israel

Ynet August 13, 2015
Iran is sending money, advanced weapons and electronic equipment to the Gaza Strip.
'Death To Pigs'!

'Death To Pigs'!

WND August 13, 2015
A group of New Black Panther Party members bearing arms marched on to a jail in Waller County, Texas, calling for death to “the pigs” and affirming “the revolution” has begun.
No Snapback On Sanctions If Iran Deal Violated

No Snapback On Sanctions If Iran Deal Violated

Israel Hayom August 12, 2015
Violations by Iran of the arms embargo would not force an automatic reinstatement or "snapback" of United Nations sanctions.
Harvesting Fetal Parts Without Consent

Harvesting Fetal Parts Without Consent

Life News August 12, 2015
The latest Planned Parenthood video suggests the nation's largest abortion provider sometimes harvests baby body parts without obtaining consent from their clients. 
Thousands At Risk From Yellowstone Supervolcano

Thousands At Risk From Yellowstone Supervolcano

Christian Today August 11, 2015
The Bible's Book of Revelation warns of "a great earthquake" when "the sun became black as sackcloth of hair." Could this be caused by the eruption of a supervolcano? 
The Oath Keepers Arrive To Calm Ferguson Riots

The Oath Keepers Arrive To Calm Ferguson Riots

Libertarian Repubic August 11, 2015
Members of the Oath Keepers patriot group traveled to Ferguson, Missouri to keep an eye on the community in the wake of riots and shootings on the anniversary of the death of Michael Brown.
State Of Emergency

State Of Emergency

Washington Post August 10, 2015
After a weekend of protests, unrest and violence in Ferguson, including an officer-involved shooting, a state of emergency has been issued in St. Louis County.
Palestinians Call For Revenge After Second Firebomb Victim Dies

Palestinians Call For Revenge After Second Firebomb Victim Dies

Jerusalem Post August 9, 2015
Hamas called for a violent response to the death of Sa’ad Dawabsha, from burns he sustained in the terrorist attack on his home in the West Bank.
Soleimani Visted Russia, Conducted Weapons Deal

Soleimani Visted Russia, Conducted Weapons Deal

Reuters August 8, 2015
An Iranian official confirmed the he head of Iran's elite military Quds Force has met senior Russian officials in Moscow.
Obama Takes On Pro-Israel Group

Obama Takes On Pro-Israel Group

Hindu August 8, 2015
The President accused AIPAC of spending millions of dollars in advertising against the deal and spreading false claims about it. So Mr. Obama told the AIPAC leaders that he intended to hit back hard.
Disapprove Of Iran Deal At Your Own Peril

Disapprove Of Iran Deal At Your Own Peril

Guardian August 7, 2015
The White House fired a shot across the bows of New York senator Chuck Schumer for defying it's position on Iran.
God And The Republican Party

God And The Republican Party

International Business August 6, 2015
The topic of faith dominated the final minutes of the first GOP primary presidential debate hosted by Fox News Thursday night.
Planned Parenthood vs. Jesus Christ

Planned Parenthood vs. Jesus Christ

Christian Post August 5, 2015
Jesus was chased out of his manger and into Egypt by one of Planned Parenthood's ancestors, King Herod, who also sacrificed Bethlehem's infant children for the sake of power.
This Isn't About Bibi & Obama

This Isn't About Bibi & Obama

Jerusalem Post August 5, 2015
It was obvious the fight over President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran would get very ugly, very quickly. And it has always been ugly.
'Everyone But Israel Supports Iran Deal'

'Everyone But Israel Supports Iran Deal'

Ynet August 5, 2015
President Barack Obama said that every country that has commented on the Iran nuclear deal has supported it — except for Israel. 
Nuclear Fatwa?

Nuclear Fatwa?

Hal August 5, 2015
In September of 2013, President Barrack Obama said, “Iran’s Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons.”
Planned Parenthood Selling Fully Intact Babies

Planned Parenthood Selling Fully Intact Babies

Life News August 4, 2015
A Planned Parenthood official explains how the abortion business sells “fully intact” aborted babies.
California Fire Jumps Containment Line, Spreading Fast

California Fire Jumps Containment Line, Spreading Fast

USA Today August 4, 2015
A fast-moving wildfire already burning more than 62,000 acres across three northern California counties has crossed a highway.
GOP Plan To Defund Planned Parenthood Stalls In The Senate

GOP Plan To Defund Planned Parenthood Stalls In The Senate

Washington Post August 3, 2015
Senate Democrats  blocked a Republican-backed effort to strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood.
Turkish Soldiers Killed In PKK Suicide Blast

Turkish Soldiers Killed In PKK Suicide Blast

Reuters August 2, 2015
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants killed two soldiers and wounded 31 in a suicide attack overnight in Turkey, as violence escalated following Ankara's air bombardment targeting Kurdish militants.
Israel Approves Use Of Harsher Measures Against 'Jewish Terrorists'

Israel Approves Use Of Harsher Measures Against 'Jewish Terrorists'

Jerusalem Post August 2, 2015
The Israeli government approved the use of administrative detention for Jewish Far Rightists suspected in involvement of anti-Palestinian terrorism.
Jihad Will Continue

Jihad Will Continue

VOA August 1, 2015
The Taliban has released an audio message from new leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor.
Palestinian Protest Turns Deadly

Palestinian Protest Turns Deadly

FOX News August 1, 2015
Laith al-Khaldi, died after being shot by Israeli security forces near Ramallah while protesting an arson attack that killed an infant.
Palestinian Baby Killed in West Bank Terror Attack

Palestinian Baby Killed in West Bank Terror Attack

Jerusalem Post July 31, 2015
A Palestinian was killed and three family members injured when far right extremists burned down their home.
'To The Door Of The Oven'

'To The Door Of The Oven' July 30, 2015
Mike Huckabee's vivid picture offends a lot of people.  Are they right to be offended, or is the governor’s comparison valid?
4th Planned Parenthood Video Discusses How To Break Law

4th Planned Parenthood Video Discusses How To Break Law

Life News July 30, 2015
A fourth video has been released today catching a Planned Parenthood vice president discussing how to break or get around the law to sell aborted babies.
War On Boy Scouts

War On Boy Scouts

Newsmax July 29, 2015
Robert Gates called the "staggering cost" of litigation a major factor in the decision to allow gays in the Boy Scouts.


CBN July 29, 2015
Thousands of women gathered in rallies across the nation to demand an end to federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
Boy Scouts End Gay Ban

Boy Scouts End Gay Ban

AP July 28, 2015
The Boy Scouts of America 'unanimously' ended a blanket ban on gay adult leaders.
Spiritual Descendants Of Esau, Ishmael Seek To Destroy Israel

Spiritual Descendants Of Esau, Ishmael Seek To Destroy Israel

Breaking Israel News July 28, 2015
Anti-Israel Christians are the spiritual descendants of the Biblical Esau. Similarly, anti-Israel Muslims are the spiritual descendants of Ishmael.
ISIS Seeks To Provoke End Of The World

ISIS Seeks To Provoke End Of The World

WND July 28, 2015
An ISIS document found reveals that the group has grand ambitions of triggering a war in India to provoke an Armageddon-like “end of the world.”
Satanic Monument Unveiled In Detroit

Satanic Monument Unveiled In Detroit

Christian Science Monitor July 27, 2015
Members of the Satanic Temple of Detroit unveiled a 9-foot-tall bronze statue to chants of 'Hail Satan.'
US Will Help Iran Fight Israel

US Will Help Iran Fight Israel

One News Now July 27, 2015
National security experts and a US senator pointed out that the agreement implies the US will help defend Iran, even attacked by Israel.
Obama Leading Israelis To 'Door Of The Oven'

Obama Leading Israelis To 'Door Of The Oven'

Hill July 26, 2015
Mike Huckabee suggested President Obama is leading Israel toward destruction.
Redemption Of The Land

Redemption Of The Land July 25, 2015
Do you ever wish God would do something for our generation that is as bold and undeniable as the parting of the Red Sea?  He has! 
Israel Confirms Jonathan Pollard To be Released

Israel Confirms Jonathan Pollard To be Released

Ynet July 25, 2015
Israeli officials confirmed on Saturday that convicted spy Jonathan Pollard is set to be released from US prison this year, but emphasized that this was unrelated to the recent deal signed between world powers and Iran.
Why Turkey Finally Declared War On ISIS

Why Turkey Finally Declared War On ISIS

TIME July 24, 2015
After two years of inaction, Turkey has struck back inside its own borders and beyond. 
Confronting BDS

Confronting BDS

CBN July 24, 2015
The Christian Empowerment Council in Israel published a new guideline this week to help Christians respond to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel.
More Videos To Come

More Videos To Come

Life News July 24, 2015
The man behind the Planned Parenthood investigations says about a dozen of the most shocking videos are still to come.
Hamas, Coming To A Campus Near You

Hamas, Coming To A Campus Near You

Breitbart July 23, 2015
A Jewish college student was hospitalized after being punched in the face at a pro-Palestinian demonstration on a campus in upstate New York
Defund Planned Parenthood Immediately

Defund Planned Parenthood Immediately

Life News July 23, 2015
Pro-life members of the U.S. Senate introduced a bill that would immediately de-fund Planned Parenthood.
'Why Farmersville?'

'Why Farmersville?'

Dallas Morning News July 22, 2015
The prospect of an Islamic cemetery has upset residents of Farmersville, Texas. 
Iran Says Held Americans Were Part Of Nuke Talks

Iran Says Held Americans Were Part Of Nuke Talks

CBN July 22, 2015
Iran's deputy foreign minister is confirming for the first time that the Americans being held captive in Tehran were discussed during the nuclear negotiations.
'I Want A Lamborghini'

'I Want A Lamborghini'

Life News July 21, 2015
A new video shows a top Planned Parenthood official haggling over the price of fetus tissue.
Will Israel Save The World A Third Time?

Will Israel Save The World A Third Time?

Israel Hayom July 21, 2015
Will Israel take the initiative to save the world a third time, possibly by destroying Iran's nuclear program? 
Decades Of Deceit

Decades Of Deceit

Townhall July 20, 2015
Over the last week, Planned Parenthood’s slogan – “Care no matter what” – has become even more of a cruel irony.
America Bound By Deal To Protect Iran Nuclear Facilities

America Bound By Deal To Protect Iran Nuclear Facilities

Israel Hayom July 20, 2015
A last minute clause in the nuclear deal with Iran stipulates that world powers will actively help Iran thwart attempts to undermine its nuclear program. "The U.S. has to protect Iran as it pursues nuclear weapons because its program is allegedly civilian?"
Australia Rallies To Stop Spread Of Islam

Australia Rallies To Stop Spread Of Islam

Breitbart July 19, 2015
The Reclaim Australia movement has risen out of fears radicals of Islam have compromised the nation’s security, values and way of life.
ISIS Blamed After Hamas, Islamic Jihad Bombed In Gaza

ISIS Blamed After Hamas, Islamic Jihad Bombed In Gaza

Jerusalem Post July 19, 2015
Four bombings rocked Gaza City, targeting cars belonging to officials from Islamic factions, including the territory's Hamas rulers.
Planned Parenthood Is Neither Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Planned Parenthood Is Neither Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Christian Post July 18, 2015
While the Planned Parenthood was obviously offensive to pro-lifers, there was a part of the video that should have offended the sensibilities of those who support legalized abortion.
The Lone Wolf Threat

The Lone Wolf Threat

One News Now July 18, 2015

The Chattanooga shootings  illustrate the threat that FBI officials have warned about.
Jihad On US Troops Not A 'Circumstance'

Jihad On US Troops Not A 'Circumstance'

One News Now July 17, 2015

Mr. President, lightning strikes are random events of unfortunate circumstance. Attacks and plots against our troops in their recruitment centers and on their bases on American soil? Those are outrageous acts of war.


The West's 'If' Is Iran's 'When'

The West's 'If' Is Iran's 'When'

Israel Hayom July 17, 2015
The future may prove that Iran put its nuclear dream on hold rather than abandoning it.
Jihad In Chattanooga

Jihad In Chattanooga

Frontpage Mag July 16, 2015
Chattanooga was yet another Islamic State attack inside the United States, emphasizing once again that the U.S. is at war, and that the war is here, now, on our soil.
Iran Has Two Paths To The Bomb, Honoring The Deal Or Violating It

Iran Has Two Paths To The Bomb, Honoring The Deal Or Violating It

Israel Hayom July 16, 2015
Netanyahu said, "When we read the agreement, the picture becomes more and more bleak as we discover more absurd things in it."
A Deal That Will Live In Infamy

A Deal That Will Live In Infamy

Israel Hayom July 15, 2015
On July 14, 2015, the leading exporter of global terrorism received a stamp of legitimacy from the international community.
Iran Nuclear Deal Reached

Iran Nuclear Deal Reached

i24 July 14, 2015
World powers have reached a final, comprehensive agreement with Iran that will govern its nuclear program for over a decade. Ahead of the expected deal, Israel has begun focusing its efforts on preventing the agreement from being approved in the US Congress.
Catastrophic Blunder

Catastrophic Blunder July 14, 2015
The world just took a huge step toward nuclear apocalypse, the days of Antichrist, and “the time of Jacob’s trouble.”  The deal with Iran is that bad.
A Historic Mistake

A Historic Mistake

FOX News July 14, 2015
“It is an historic, bad deal for the world. A nuclear Iran is a threat to America’s security.”
When Assaulted By Rainbows

When Assaulted By Rainbows

Christianity Today July 13, 2015
Should Christians fight avatars with avatars?
Hamas, ISIS Teaming Up In Egypt, Next Target: Israel

Hamas, ISIS Teaming Up In Egypt, Next Target: Israel

Arutz Sheva July 11, 2015
Hamas is aiding ISIS's branch in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula in order to free up arms-smuggling routes into Gaza, in preparation for its next war with Israel.

"Iran Is The Only Hope To Liberate Jerusalem"

Ynet July 10, 2015
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah gave his annual speech to mark the anti-Israel "Al-Quds Day," calling Iran "The only hope left for liberating Palestine and Jerusalem."
How to Respond To The Rising Tide Of Anti-Christian Hatred

How to Respond To The Rising Tide Of Anti-Christian Hatred

Christian Post July 10, 2015
In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision on marriage, which effectively codifies Bible believers as bigots, the attack on conservative Christian values has reached fever pitch.
Two Israelis Being Held In Gaza

Two Israelis Being Held In Gaza

Jerusalem Post July 9, 2015
Two Israelis that are suffering mental health issues entered the Gaza Strip, at different times on their own accord, and were held by Hamas against their will.
Watchman Warning: The Will To Work

Watchman Warning: The Will To Work July 9, 2015
The debt crisis in Greece reminds us that some of God’s rules can be neglected for a little while, but in the long run, they always catch up with us. 
Is It Time To Embrace God's Judgement?

Is It Time To Embrace God's Judgement?

Charisma July 8, 2015
The homosexual normalization in our nation is the fault of a sleeping, passive American church that refuses to preach uncomfortable, black and white truth.
Socialism's Staring Contest

Socialism's Staring Contest

Frontpage Mag July 7, 2015
The Greeks gambled in their referendum that European elites were more committed to their ideological obsession with integrating Europe than with mere economics. Stand up to a bunch of corrupt Greek civil servants and Europe risks going back to the bad old days of nation states and independent economies. It is likely that their bet will pay off.
Has There Really Been A Surge In Black Church Burnings?

Has There Really Been A Surge In Black Church Burnings?

Christian Post July 7, 2015
It is understandable that many today have accepted the premise of a racially motivated upsurge in attacks on black churches, without realizing the lack of available facts. 
Markets In Tailspin

Markets In Tailspin

Gulf News July 6, 2015
A resounding Greek ‘No’ vote in Sunday’s referendum on financial bailout sent global stock markets and oil in a tailspin and Europe into a deep crisis mode yesterday. Hours after the referendum, Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis resigned in a bid to remove a major obstacle to any last-minute deal to keep Athens in the Eurozone.
Deadlines, Red Lines

Deadlines, Red Lines

Jerusalem Post July 5, 2015
The regime in Tehran has made its position clear. So has the White House. It will take a miracle – or a military strike – to prevent Iran from building nuclear bombs.
Greeks Vote No On Europe Rescue Package

Greeks Vote No On Europe Rescue Package

SMH July 5, 2015
Greek voters have overwhelmingly rejected a demand by the country's lenders to impose more austerity measures on the country in exchange for new bailout loans for the government in Athens. 
Happy Birthday New America

Happy Birthday New America

One News Now July 4, 2015

On this 239th birthday of (old) America, there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind that our country is completely different than the one that the founding fathers envisioned.

Tentative Agreement Reached On Iran Sanctions Relief

Tentative Agreement Reached On Iran Sanctions Relief

Jerusalem Post July 4, 2015
Three major sticking points obstructing world powers and Iran from making an historic nuclear deal appear to have been resolved by their technical experts over the last 48 hours.
The Question Gay Activists Can't Answer

The Question Gay Activists Can't Answer

Christian Post July 3, 2015
If marriage is not the union of a man and a woman then why should it be limited to two people?
Terror Knocking On Israel's Door

Terror Knocking On Israel's Door

CBN July 3, 2015
"Egypt is the anchor -- the basis of the Middle East -- and if the Obama administration doesn't understand it, we are in trouble, Egypt is in trouble, Israel is also in trouble, and Europe is in trouble,"
Fanning The Flames

Fanning The Flames

Frontpage Mag July 2, 2015
The last thing our country needs are hysterical journalists compounding the pain of the Charleston shooting with inflammatory reporting on an unsubstantiated "epidemic" of black church arsons.
Troubled Greece

Troubled Greece July 1, 2015
The causes, ramifications, and proposed solutions to the Greek debt crisis are a lesson in how quickly the Antichrist could come to power.  
Massive Harvest Of Souls Coming

Massive Harvest Of Souls Coming

One News Now July 1, 2015

Sadly, we are currently witnessing a hell-bent, anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Christian revolution, and it is rapidly sweeping our land. But all hope is not lost! 


One Decision On Marriage Leads To Another

One Decision On Marriage Leads To Another

Christian Post June 30, 2015
Marriage in the US has been redefined to include homosexual couples.
Greece Defaults On IMF Payment, Bailout Expires

Greece Defaults On IMF Payment, Bailout Expires

BBC News June 30, 2015
Greece has missed the deadline for a €1.6bn (£1.1bn) payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), hours after eurozone ministers refused to extend its bailout.
Turkey Ponders Syria Invasion

Turkey Ponders Syria Invasion

AP June 29, 2015
Talk of a military intervention into Syra to push ISIS back from the Turkish border has Turkish media buzzing.
Israel Intercepts Gaza Flotilla

Israel Intercepts Gaza Flotilla

Voice Of America June 29, 2015
Israel's navy intercepted a vessel attempting to breach a naval blockade of Gaza and was redirecting it to an Israeli port. 
When Dominoes Fall

When Dominoes Fall June 26, 2015
The fallout from the brutal murders of nine people in a Charleston church last week has been stunning.
Threat To American Democracy

Threat To American Democracy

Newsmax June 26, 2015
Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a dissenting opinion of the Supreme Court's decision to legalize gay marriage nationwide and called the majority on the high court a "threat to American democracy."
Obamacare Survives

Obamacare Survives

Washington Post June 25, 2015
By a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court upheld a key provision of the Affordable Care Act.
A Global Military Fighting Machine

A Global Military Fighting Machine

Global Research Center June 25, 2015
As the vision for a one world government unfolds in rapid sequence, a parallel process is also quietly unfurling.
Court  Damages Itself

Court Damages Itself

Christian Post June 25, 2015
The Supreme Court is more concerned with the popularity of its decisions than the logic of its judicial reasoning.
Tsarnaev Apology

Tsarnaev Apology "Insincere"

FOX News June 24, 2015
"I regret having ever wanted to hear him speak because what he said showed no remorse, no regret and no empathy for what he's done to our lives."
US Hostage Policy Changes

US Hostage Policy Changes

Washington Times June 24, 2015
President Obama announced Americans will not face prosecution if they pay ransom for the release of a hostage. 
ISIS Crucifies Children

ISIS Crucifies Children

Christian Post June 23, 2015
ISIS has reportedly crucified and killed two children in Syria for failing to fast during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
Taliban Attack Afghanistan Parliament In Kabul

Taliban Attack Afghanistan Parliament In Kabul

BBC News June 22, 2015
The Taliban have carried out a co-ordinated attack on the Afghan parliament in the capital, Kabul. 
The Two Popes And Global Warming

The Two Popes And Global Warming

Frontpage Mag June 22, 2015
Stepping beyond his realm of religious authority, Pope Francis has taken sides in the policy debate.
We're Not About To Crawl Into A Hole And Die

We're Not About To Crawl Into A Hole And Die

One News Now June 22, 2015
Over and over again we are told that we have lost the culture wars and that it's time for us to throw in the towel and capitulate.
Emanuel AME Reopens For First Service

Emanuel AME Reopens For First Service

Guardian June 21, 2015
The South Carolina church where nine people died in a gun attack less than a week ago reopened on Sunday.
'Armed Posse' Protecting Black Churches

'Armed Posse' Protecting Black Churches

USA Today June 20, 2015
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will send armed volunteer posse members into 60 black churches in response to the racially motivated attack in South Carolina earlier this week.
Dylann Roof's Alleged Manifesto Discovered Online

Dylann Roof's Alleged Manifesto Discovered Online

NBC News June 20, 2015
A website featuring a 2,444-word white supremacist screed shows dozens of photos of the gunman arrested in the Charleston, South Carolina, church massacre.
Standing With Charleston

Standing With Charleston

Christian Post June 19, 2015
We stand today in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Charleston, South Carolina. There is hardly a more vivid picture of unmasked evil than the murder of those in prayer.
'A Palestinian Asked Them To Stop, And Opened Fire'

'A Palestinian Asked Them To Stop, And Opened Fire'

Jerusalem Post June 19, 2015
A Palestinian terrorist shot two Israelis, killing one and injuring the second, near the West Bank settlement of Dolev on Friday afternoon, some six kilometers west of Ramallah.
'We Forgive You'

'We Forgive You'

WATE June 19, 2015
They forgave him. They advised him to repent for his sins, and asked for God’s mercy on his soul. One even told Dylann Storm Roof to repent and confess, and “you’ll be OK.”
How Obama Abandoned Israel

How Obama Abandoned Israel

Wall Street Journal June 17, 2015
Michael Oren never felt likehe was lying when talking about Israel-US relations. While neither leader monopolized mistakes, only one leader made them deliberately.
A Hero Falls In Syria

A Hero Falls In Syria June 17, 2015
On June 3, Keith Broomfield of Massachusetts became the first American known to die while fighting ISIS.
Palestinian Unity Government Quits Over Gaza Dispute

Palestinian Unity Government Quits Over Gaza Dispute

Hindu June 17, 2015
Hamas holds separate, indirect talks with Israel.
Who's Next?

Who's Next?

CBS News June 16, 2015
After another al Qaeda leader was killed in a US drone strike, who's next?
Putin Threatens 'Aggressors'

Putin Threatens 'Aggressors'

Reuters June 16, 2015
Vladimir Putin said Russia would be forced to aim its armed forces at any countries which might threaten it.
Why Not Transracial?

Why Not Transracial?

One News Now June 15, 2015

"I refuse to drink today's corporate Kool-Aid and celebrate a man who declares he's a woman just as I won't celebrate a white woman who declares she's black."


Zoo Animals Roaming Georgian Capital After Deadly Flooding

Zoo Animals Roaming Georgian Capital After Deadly Flooding

Houston Chronicle June 14, 2015
Severe flooding in the Georgian capital killed at least 12 people and triggered a big-game hunt across the city for lions, tigers, a hippopotamus and other dangerous animals that escaped from Tbilisi's ravaged zoo.
Hamas To Blame For Gaza War Deaths

Hamas To Blame For Gaza War Deaths

Jerusalem Post June 14, 2015
An Israeli government report poses the Gaza war as a defensive war that was launched reluctantly "in response to increasing rocket and mortar fire on Israel."
Wanted: True Friends Of Religious Liberty

Wanted: True Friends Of Religious Liberty

Christian Post June 13, 2015
William Penn once said, "A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably."
A New Kind Of  War

A New Kind Of War

Financial Times June 12, 2015
Israel is not at war, but its political leaders are showing rare unity over what they see as a potent new threat to the survival of the Jewish state.
Does Outing Israel's Hacking Of Iran Threaten The World?

Does Outing Israel's Hacking Of Iran Threaten The World?

Inquisitir June 11, 2015
Iran’s nuclear weapons threaten world peace, does the outing of Israeli spying viruses also make it harder to prevent a nuclear catastrophe? 

Unless The Lord Guards The City

Unless The Lord Guards The City

Hal June 11, 2015
Auditors were able to slip mock explosives and weapons past TSA checkpoints 67 out of the 70 times they made the attempt.  That’s a 95% failure rate.
The TPP Trade Deal And One World Government

The TPP Trade Deal And One World Government

News With Views June 10, 2015
Obama’s Trans Pacific Partnership will cover over 80% of the U.S. economy and create what is being called “global governance,” establishing a global government without the knowledge or consent of the America people.
How Big Was The Passport Decision?

How Big Was The Passport Decision?

Jerusalem Post June 10, 2015
The most remarkable thing about the decision to not let Americans born in Jerusalem to register the birth as taking place in Israel was that the law had been so close to being put into effect.
Christians Being Treated As Enemies Of The State

Christians Being Treated As Enemies Of The State

Christian Post June 9, 2015
President Obama announced June as LGBT Pride Month, sending out a proclamation that labels all opposition to homosexual behavior as "prejudice."
Iranian European Terror Plot Uncovered

Iranian European Terror Plot Uncovered

Jerusalem Post June 9, 2015
Obama Widens G-7 Debate To FIFA, China Hacking

Obama Widens G-7 Debate To FIFA, China Hacking

USA Today June 8, 2015
At the G7 Summit, President Obama said that the government has been aware that its computer systems are vulnerable. 
Jerusalem-Born Americans Can't List Israel As Birthplace

Jerusalem-Born Americans Can't List Israel As Birthplace

JSpace June 8, 2015
The US Supreme Court has shot down a portion of a federal statute that permitted American citizens born in Jerusalem to list Israel as a place of birth on their passport. 
Hamas Not Alone In West Bank

Hamas Not Alone In West Bank

Jerusalem Post June 8, 2015
A radical jihadi-Salafi group calling itself the Omar Hadid Brigades is challenging Hamas’s rule in the Strip.
Israel As A Punching Bag

Israel As A Punching Bag

Jerusalem Post June 7, 2015
Why have Israeli governments agreed to let Israel become the punching bag of many of its enemies?
UN Weighing Lumping Israel With ISIS

UN Weighing Lumping Israel With ISIS

FOX News June 7, 2015
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is now weighing whether to sign off on a report emanating from an Algerian U.N. “human rights expert” that analogizes Israel to ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda. 
US Working To Close Gitmo

US Working To Close Gitmo

Reuters June 6, 2015
Defense Secretary Ash Carter said he was working with the White House to prepare a proposal for Congress on closing the Guantanamo prison.
South Carolina Is The First State To Take Action Against BDS

South Carolina Is The First State To Take Action Against BDS

Jerusalem Post June 6, 2015
South Carolina's Governor has signed into law a bill to stop efforts to boycott, divest and sanction Israel.
Birthing The Third Great Awakening

Birthing The Third Great Awakening

CBN June 5, 2015
Christians across America say God is telling them He wants to birth a Third Great Awakening in the land. And He's using intense personal encounters with some Christian leaders to tell them He wants them personally involved.
ISIS Trying To Spark War Between Hamas And Israel

ISIS Trying To Spark War Between Hamas And Israel

Jerusalem Post June 5, 2015
Ex-Muslims Lighting the Way For Islam's Collapse?

Ex-Muslims Lighting the Way For Islam's Collapse?

CBN June 4, 2015
The terrible deeds of ISIS, done in the name of Allah and following the violent example of Mohammed, have horrified Muslims who are now questioning their faith.
Extremist Wanted To Behead Police

Extremist Wanted To Behead Police

Boston Herald June 3, 2015
The FBI and Boston police shot and killed a knife-wielding man known for extremist views and arrested another person.
Summit To Combat Israel Boycott

Summit To Combat Israel Boycott

Haaretz June 3, 2015
Mega-donors have summoned pro-Israel activists for a closed-door meeting in Las Vegas to coutner the wave of anti-Israel activity on college campuses.
Shadows Of Antichrist: Wisconsin

Shadows Of Antichrist: Wisconsin June 3, 2015
An aide to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's home was raided as a part of a series of so-called “John Doe investigations” in the State of Wisconsin. 
Israel Fears Breakup of Syria

Israel Fears Breakup of Syria

US News June 3, 2015
Israeli experts are cautious about predicting events in Syria, but concede that Hezbollah might attack Israel unexpectedly from the Lebanese border.
Hamas Kills ISIS Leader In Gaza

Hamas Kills ISIS Leader In Gaza

Ynet June 2, 2015
Hamas forces killed an ISIS supporter, the first fatality since the former launched a crackdown on the more-radical group months ago.
ISIS Follower Killed By Boston Police

ISIS Follower Killed By Boston Police

Washington Post June 2, 2015
An FBI agent and a Boston police officer shot and killed a man who was the subject of a terrorism investigation and possibly had been radicalized by the Islamic State.
Senate Lets NSA Spy Program Lapse

Senate Lets NSA Spy Program Lapse

Reuters June 1, 2015
The legal authority for US collection of Americans' phone records and other data expired at midnight on Sunday after the Senate failed to pass legislation extending the powers.
Israel, Hamas Deny German FM Mediating Talks On Prisoner Swap

Israel, Hamas Deny German FM Mediating Talks On Prisoner Swap

Haaretz June 1, 2015
The German Foreign Ministers visit to the Gaza Strip is not part of negotiations between Israel and Hamas on swapping Palestinian prisoners for the bodies of Israeli soldiers.
Charlie, Charlie

Charlie, Charlie

Christian Today May 31, 2015
An exorcist warned playing the game "Charlie, Charlie" poses a real danger as it involves the summoning of spirits.
'Draw Mohammed' Protest Tense, Peaceful

'Draw Mohammed' Protest Tense, Peaceful

USA Today May 30, 2015
Protesters gathered outside a Phoenix mosque where attendees were encouraged to draw Mohammed. 
The Trappings Of 'Me Christianity'

The Trappings Of 'Me Christianity'

Western Journalism May 29, 2015
The Bible contains blessed instruction and spiritual nourishment for the thirsting, passionate disciple of God.
US Player In One World Government

US Player In One World Government

Telegraph May 28, 2015
Government documents show that the US ran a campaign in the 50's and 60's to build momentum for a united Europe.
ISIS Close To Buying Nukes

ISIS Close To Buying Nukes

Christian Post May 28, 2015
The Islamic State terrorist organization proclaims it's now "infinitely" closer to buying a nuclear weapon and sneaking it inside the United States than it has ever been.
Jihadis Fire Rockets Into Israel

Jihadis Fire Rockets Into Israel

WND May 27, 2015
Islamic Salafists allied with ISIS were behind the firing of at least one rocket from the Gaza Strip toward southern Israel.
The Atheist Assault On Christian Soldiers That Must Be Stopped

The Atheist Assault On Christian Soldiers That Must Be Stopped

Charisma News May 27, 2015
If there was ever a misnamed organization, it would have to be the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
North Korea Miniaturizes Nuclear Weapons

North Korea Miniaturizes Nuclear Weapons

Sky News May 26, 2015
North Korea claims it has found a way to make nuclear weapons smaller.
Hamas Torturing, Killing Palestinians

Hamas Torturing, Killing Palestinians

i24 May 26, 2015
Amnesty International accused Hamas militants of abducting, torturing, and carrying out summary executions of Palestinians during last year's conflict in the Gaza Strip. 
Memorial Day Isn't About Shopping Sprees

Memorial Day Isn't About Shopping Sprees

Christian Post May 25, 2015
Memorial Day isn't about spending or saving money. Memorial Day is the solemn national reminder that their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, fathers or mothers sacrificed themselves so that we might be saved from tyranny.
Trading One Nightmare For Another

Trading One Nightmare For Another

New York Times May 25, 2015
Thousands of migrants ended weeks at sea only to fall into an administrative limbo that could last decades.
Empowered21: There's No Such Thing As Comfortable Christianity

Empowered21: There's No Such Thing As Comfortable Christianity

Christian Post May 25, 2015
The president of the NHCLC warned that "there is no such thing as comfortable Christianity" and urged the group to use the power God gave them to declare Him to the world.
Has Obama Handed China America’s Superpower Status?

Has Obama Handed China America’s Superpower Status?

One News Now May 25, 2015
Some foreign policy experts used to be of the mindset that close U.S.-China ties were essential, but now think otherwise.
ISIS In Gaza

ISIS In Gaza

FOX News May 24, 2015
Israel and Hamas may have found the one thing that can unite them: The threat of ISIS taking over Gaza.
Urgent Memorial Day Wake Up Call

Urgent Memorial Day Wake Up Call

Christian Post May 24, 2015
"It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."


Christian Post May 24, 2015
At Empowered21, men, women and children of the Christian faith engaged in somber reflection and got baptized as they tried to connect with a piece of history.


CBN May 23, 2015
Thousands of Christians from all over the world came to Jerusalem as part of a movement called Empowered21.
Ireland Votes For Gay Marriage

Ireland Votes For Gay Marriage

Guardian May 23, 2015
Irish voters backed legalizing gay marriage by a landslide.

"I Represent American Jewish Values More Than Netanyahu"

May 22, 2015
The President's speech highlighted the growing ideological gap between Israel and it's greatest Diaspora. 
ISIS Seizes More Than Half Of Syria

ISIS Seizes More Than Half Of Syria

USA Today May 21, 2015
ISIS seized more than 36,000 square miles of Syria.
The World Has Fallen To Satan's Temptations

The World Has Fallen To Satan's Temptations

GuamPD May 21, 2015
Due to our weak nature we've rationalized our manmade issues to perpetuate, cover up our rebellion and sinfulness against God.
Two Countries Offer Shelter To 'Boat People'

Two Countries Offer Shelter To 'Boat People'

BBC News May 20, 2015
Malaysia and Indonesia have agreed to offer temporary shelter to 7,000 migrants stranded in the Andaman Sea.
Declining Christianity

Declining Christianity May 20, 2015
The Pew Research Center released the results of a poll last week showing a dramatic drop in the number of people who claim to be Christians in America.
Saudis Vie For Great Satan Status In Iran

Saudis Vie For Great Satan Status In Iran

Financial Times May 20, 2015
It’s not quite the Great Satan — at least, not yet. But it’s an enemy that the Iranian regime and the people can unite against.
2000 Migrants Trapped At Sea

2000 Migrants Trapped At Sea

Hindustan Times May 19, 2015
At least 2,000 desperate migrants, including women and children, are at risk of violence and food shortages after more than 40 days trapped on boats off Myanmar.
Change Your Religious Beliefs Or Else

Change Your Religious Beliefs Or Else

Christian Post May 19, 2015
In the first century, Jesus was asked whether the Jewish people, who were under pagan, Roman occupation, should pay taxes to Caesar. The Lord, of course, said we are to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's. But in 21st century America, Caesar is angling for a better deal—and he's getting it.
Jerusalem Will Always Be Jewish Capital

Jerusalem Will Always Be Jewish Capital

Jerusalem Post May 18, 2015
Jerusalem has been the only capital for Jewish people, and so it will remain.
ISIS War On American Soil?

ISIS War On American Soil?

CBN May 18, 2015
ISIS has made no secret of its desire to attack America and it's putting foot soldiers in place to make that dark vision a reality.
'White Widow' Right Hand Of Al Shabaab Leader

'White Widow' Right Hand Of Al Shabaab Leader

International Business Times May 18, 2015
Samantha Lewthwaite is now the right hand of al Shabaab leader Ahmad Umar.
ISIS Commander Killed By US Special Forces

ISIS Commander Killed By US Special Forces

Reuters May 16, 2015
American Special Operations forces mounted a raid into eastern Syria, killing an ISIS leader and about a dozen fighters.
Israel’s Peace Fantasists In Action

Israel’s Peace Fantasists In Action

Caroline Glick May 15, 2015
In a clear vote of no-confidence in Obama’s leadership, Saudi King Salman led several Arab leaders in blowing off Obama’s Camp David summit further proof that US-Saudi relations have jumped the tracks.
A Delegitimization Called Nakba

A Delegitimization Called Nakba

Jerusalem Post May 15, 2015
May 15, is annually commemorated by Arabs as a day of lamentation for the Nakba.

"Intolerant" Christians Headed To Prison?

Christian Post May 14, 2015
Religious freedom champion and former Congressman Frank Wolf warned a Harvard audience that freedom of conscience is endangered in the United States and conservative Christians may have to engage in civil disobedience because their views are considered intolerant.
Islam Is Satanic

Islam Is Satanic

Christian Post May 14, 2015
Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress said that it was Satan who delivered the religion of Islam to the prophet Muhammad and further asserted that following that religion will "lead you to hell."
Vatican Recognizes Palestinian State

Vatican Recognizes Palestinian State

Times of Israel May 13, 2015
The Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine in a new treaty Wednesday, drawing criticism from Jerusalem.
Arab Leaders Revolt Against Iran Nuke Deal

Arab Leaders Revolt Against Iran Nuke Deal

Frontpage Mag May 13, 2015
There appears to be a small problem with President Barack Obama’s summit of Persian Gulf states taking place at Camp David on Thursday: Arab leaders want virtually nothing to do with it. 
Rise Of The Thought Police

Rise Of The Thought Police May 12, 2015
Britain’s Labor Party leader, Ed Miliband, lost the election last week to incumbent Prime Minister David Cameron and his Conservative Party.
America Becoming Less Christian

America Becoming Less Christian

New American May 12, 2015
The number of Christians has declined precipitously in the United States during just the last seven years, while atheists have almost doubled their share of the population. 
Is Texas Governor A Churchiilian Seer?

Is Texas Governor A Churchiilian Seer?

Christian Post May 12, 2015
What would left-progressive governors and media voices be saying if a far-right president were doing the unsettling things Barack Obama, a committed left-progressive with an avowed determination to transform America, has done?
Saudi Arabia's Yemen War Unravels

Saudi Arabia's Yemen War Unravels

National Interest May 11, 2015
The Saudi government has portrayed its initial "Operation Decisive Storm" a total success. It has launched a second stage called "Operation Restoring Hope" aimed at helping its Yemeni allies to regain lost ground.
Fatah-Hamas Unity In Tatters

Fatah-Hamas Unity In Tatters

Deutsche Welle May 11, 2015
The Fatah-affiliated Palestinian Authority is losing support amongst its followers and being sidelined by Hamas.
Gaza Flotillas Begin Again

Gaza Flotillas Begin Again

Jerusalem Post May 11, 2015
Israel will not allow unauthorized boats to enter its territorial waters, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said.
Texas Takeover?

Texas Takeover?

Hill May 10, 2015
A Pentagon training exercise is sparking political controversy in Texas and other states. The Defense Department says Operation Jade Helm 15 is a "realistic" military training exercise.
No Mother Is Just A Mom

No Mother Is Just A Mom

FOX News May 9, 2015
The identity that was given to us by our Creator trumps all others.
Christians No Longer Have A Choice

Christians No Longer Have A Choice

Christian Post May 9, 2015
Christians who have so far avoided controversial "culture war" issues will likely be pulled into those battles as their religious freedom becomes threatened due to gay marriage.
Saudi Arabia Announces Cease-Fire In Yemen

Saudi Arabia Announces Cease-Fire In Yemen

New York Times May 8, 2015
Saudi Arabia announced that it would halt hostilities in Yemen beginning Tuesday for a five-day trial period that the foreign minister said could be renewed “if it works out.”
Siding With The Victims Of Aggression

Siding With The Victims Of Aggression

Caroline Glick May 8, 2015
The notion that a rape victim deserved to be raped because she was wearing a tight outfit lights up all our red lights. Over the past few days, we have witnessed a dangerous erosion of this principle among American elites.
NSA's Spying Program Ruled Illegal

NSA's Spying Program Ruled Illegal

Reuters May 7, 2015
A U.S. spying program that systematically collects millions of Americans' phone records is illegal, a federal appeals court ruled, putting pressure on Congress to quickly decide whether to replace or end a controversial program aimed at fighting terrorism.
Lord Hear Our Cry

Lord Hear Our Cry

Christian News Network May 7, 2015
Christians across the country will be gathering in observance of the 64th annual National Day of Prayer. “Hear the cry and the prayer that Your servant is praying in Your presence this day,” I Kings 8:28
Defenders Of The Cross

Defenders Of The Cross May 6, 2015
On May 3rd, two young Muslim men, wearing body armor and carrying assault rifles, rolled up beside a police car guarding a Garland, Texas “free speech” event.
Save Yemen!

Save Yemen!

Daily Mail May 6, 2015
Yemen's mission to the United Nations called for a ground intervention to push back a Huthi rebel offensive in the south of a country where conditions are deteriorating after weeks of war.
ISIS Comes To Texas

ISIS Comes To Texas

Frontpage Mag May 5, 2015
“We draw Muhammad because we are free… We draw Muhammad because our unalienable rights are enshrined in the First Amendment,”
Satanist Claims Abortion Waiting Period Violates Her Religion

Satanist Claims Abortion Waiting Period Violates Her Religion

Lifesite May 5, 2015
The pro-abortion media crowd is embracing new ally in their fight: Satanists. 
ISIS Claims Responsibility In Cartoon Show Shooting

ISIS Claims Responsibility In Cartoon Show Shooting

New York Times May 4, 2015
Law enforcement officials identified two men who were killed after they opened fire at an event where people were invited to present cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. One of the men, whom officials identified as Elton Simpson of Phoenix, had previously been identified by the F.B.I. as a jihadist terrorism suspect. The other man was identified as Nadir Soof.
The Marshall Islands Cautionary Tale

The Marshall Islands Cautionary Tale

Caroline Glick May 4, 2015
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps forcibly commandeered the Maersk Tigris as navigated its way through the Straits of Hormuz. Given the US’s formal, binding obligation to the Marshall Islands, the Iranian seizure of the ship was in effect an act of war against America.
Suspects Dead After Gunfire Outside Muhammad Cartoon Exhibit

Suspects Dead After Gunfire Outside Muhammad Cartoon Exhibit

ABC News May 3, 2015
Two people were fatally shot outside a Garland, Texas, community center that was hosting an show of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, and the center was put on lockdown.  One of the gunmen has been identified as Elton Simpson.
Operation Jade Helm: Military On Main Street

Operation Jade Helm: Military On Main Street

Now The End Begins May 2, 2015
What’s happening in 2015 under the reign of the Barack Hussein Obama in America sets off warning bells of every kind. 
ISIS Leader Incapicitated

ISIS Leader Incapicitated

Guardian May 2, 2015
The leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, remains incapacitated due to suspected spinal damage and is being treated by two doctors who travel to his hideout from the group’s stronghold of Mosul.
Police Charged With Freddie Gray Murder

Police Charged With Freddie Gray Murder

Newsmax May 1, 2015
Baltimore's top prosecutor announced criminal charges against all six officers suspended after a man suffered a fatal spinal injury in police custody.
Hamas  Leader Still Alive After Assassination Attempt

Hamas Leader Still Alive After Assassination Attempt

FOX News April 30, 2015
Hamas' shadowy military chief is still alive — after an attempted Israeli assassination during last year's war in Gaza.
Kerry: Netanyahu’s Iran ‘Mythology’ Not Going To Happen

Kerry: Netanyahu’s Iran ‘Mythology’ Not Going To Happen

Algemeiner April 29, 2015
Attempts by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to secure a more stringent nuclear deal with Iran are “not gonna happen,” Secretary of State John Kerry said.
Freddie Gray Protests Spread To NYC

Freddie Gray Protests Spread To NYC

Newsmax April 29, 2015
Thousands of young protesters marched through downtown Baltimore and demonstrated in New York demanding justice for an African-American man who died of severe spinal injuries sustained in police custody.
Why Marriage Matters

Why Marriage Matters

Christian Post April 28, 2015
Though marriage between a man and a woman has existed since the beginning, this time-honored institution is under fire.
Gasoline On The Fire

Gasoline On The Fire

Frontpage Mag April 28, 2015
Baltimore is burning because community organizers and various thugs are tearing the city apart.
Watchman Warning: Hellbent

Watchman Warning: Hellbent April 28, 2015
Something dreadful is happening on Planet Earth, and to most people it seems inexplicable.  That’s because most people don’t understand that the battle between good and evil is primarily a spiritual battle.
Thousands Dead

Thousands Dead

Washington Post April 27, 2015
Days after the terrible earthquake shook Nepal, killing thousands, the scope of the devastation is becoming clearer.
Riot Erupts In Baltimore

Riot Erupts In Baltimore

FOX News April 27, 2015
Rioters in northwest Baltimore looted stores and pelted police with rocks.
Baltimore Erupts!

Baltimore Erupts!

Breitbart April 26, 2015
Protests supposed to be peaceful quickly turned into violent riots in Baltimore.
World On Fire

World On Fire April 26, 2015
The planet’s largest arsenal of atomic weapons belongs to Russia.
Israel Hits Hezbollah Targets In Syria

Israel Hits Hezbollah Targets In Syria

Times Of Israel April 26, 2015
Israel reportedly hit several targets belonging to Hezbollah and the Syrian army in a series of air attacks Saturday morning in the Kalamun area on the border between Syria and Lebanon.
 Nepal Quake Kills Thousands

Nepal Quake Kills Thousands

Washington Post April 25, 2015
Thousands of Nepalese were jolted awake by strong aftershocks after a powerful earthquake killed thousands across the Himalayan region.
Al Qaeda Plot To Attack Pope Thwarted

Al Qaeda Plot To Attack Pope Thwarted

Reuters Africa April 24, 2015
Italian police arrested 10 people and were looking for eight others suspected of plotting attacks against the Vatican.
The New Government’s Greatest Tasks

The New Government’s Greatest Tasks

Caroline Glick April 24, 2015
US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power has acknowledged that the Obama administration intends to abandon the US’s 50 year policy of supporting Israel at the UN.
Christians Soon To Be Hated Minority

Christians Soon To Be Hated Minority

WND April 23, 2015
James Dobson hosted a panel of Christian leaders and warned that Christians are about to face a new status in America as a “hated minority” if the U.S. Supreme Court decides, as many expect, to mandate same-sex “marriage.”
Eco-Hypocrites Should Celebrate Fossil Fuels

Eco-Hypocrites Should Celebrate Fossil Fuels

Townhall April 22, 2015
The irony of Obama’s Earth Day trip to the Everglades is that it will result in the release of as much as 5 times the carbon emissions as the average American annually.
Iran Three Months Away From Bomb

Iran Three Months Away From Bomb

CBN April 22, 2015
The Obama administration says Iran is "at most" two to three months away from enriching enough nuclear fuel for an atomic bomb.
Civil Rights Activists Raise Alarm Over Operation Jade Helm

Civil Rights Activists Raise Alarm Over Operation Jade Helm

WND April 21, 2015
The Operation Jade Helm exercise is set to kick off in 7 states this summer, sending Special Operations forces from all four main branches of the military onto civilian soil to conduct hostile take-over training.
Israel May Attack Russian Weapons Shipment To Hezollah

Israel May Attack Russian Weapons Shipment To Hezollah

Jewish Press April 20, 2015
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned Vladimir Putin that Israel will attack weapons that Iran or Syria tries to ship to Hezbollah.
Death Toll In Mediterranean Migrant Boat Tragedy Could Rise To 950

Death Toll In Mediterranean Migrant Boat Tragedy Could Rise To 950

Telegraph April 20, 2015
In what is thought to be the worst migrant tragedy in the Mediterranean, one survivor said saying there were 950 on board the boat when it sank.
US Warship Heads To Yemeni Waters To Intercept Iranian Weapons Shipments

US Warship Heads To Yemeni Waters To Intercept Iranian Weapons Shipments

FOX News April 20, 2015
The USS Theodore Roosevelt is steaming toward the waters off Yemen and will join other American ships prepared to intercept any Iranian vessels carrying weapons to the Houthi rebels fighting in Yemen.
Dozens Of Christians Executed By ISIS

Dozens Of Christians Executed By ISIS

Al Arabiya April 19, 2015
ISIS released a video purporting to show the executions of some 30 Ethiopian Christians captured in Libya.  
Genocide On The Waters

Genocide On The Waters

April 19, 2015
It was the latest in a series of dangerous voyages as hundreds of men, women and children boarded a boat in Libya, hoping to make it safely to Europe. After sending out an SOS,  when rescuers approached, the migrants — perhaps 700 people on board — moved to one side of their boat, hoping to be saved. Their movement caused the large, multilevel boat to capsize, sending the desperate crowd plunging into the frigid water, their chance of survival slim.
'Death To Israel' On Russia's Missiles To Iran

'Death To Israel' On Russia's Missiles To Iran

Jerusalem Post April 19, 2015
“Yesterday we saw the military parade in Tehran,” Benjamin Netanyahu said. “Every year the missiles are bigger and enhanced. However, one thing does not change. What does not change is the inscription ‘Death to Israel’ on the missiles.”
Moment Of Decision

Moment Of Decision

Caroline Glick April 18, 2015
This week in two meetings with prominent American Jews, President Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet.
Recant Or Else

Recant Or Else

CBN April 17, 2015
Iranian prison guards holding American Pastor Saeed Abedini have reportedly given him a warning: deny Jesus Christ and return to Islam or stay imprisoned for life.
Hamas: Kidnap More Israelis

Hamas: Kidnap More Israelis

Jewish Press April 17, 2015
A Hamas terrorist leader called for more kidnappings of Israelis in order to facilitate the release of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
Why We Can't Bow To The New Established Religion

Why We Can't Bow To The New Established Religion

Christian Post April 16, 2015
It's almost become a part of the weekly news cycle: American citizens publicly tarred and feathered for professing their sincerely held religious beliefs.
Radioactive Material Stolen In Mexico

Radioactive Material Stolen In Mexico

CBS News April 16, 2015
The Mexican government is on alert following the theft of radioactive material.
ISIS 8 Miles From Texas

ISIS 8 Miles From Texas

FOX News April 15, 2015
ISIS terrorists are operating training bases just 8 miles across the US southern border in Juarez, Mexico.
Lessons Of Holocaust Not Learned

Lessons Of Holocaust Not Learned

April 15, 2015
“Has the world really learned from the incomprehensible, universal and Jewish tragedy of the last century?" Benjamin Netanyahu asked.
Saudi Connection To 9/11?

Saudi Connection To 9/11?

New York Post April 14, 2015
The investigation into Saudi ties to the hijackers started on Sept. 19, 2001, and remained active for several years.
Tax Time & The Bible

Tax Time & The Bible

Christian Post April 14, 2015
"This is what the king who will reign over you will do…"
What's Really Behind the Attack on Religious Freedoms?

What's Really Behind the Attack on Religious Freedoms?

Christian Post April 13, 2015
 "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying, 'Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.'" (Psalm 2:2-3)
Iran Arming Hezbollah For Israel Assault

Iran Arming Hezbollah For Israel Assault

Algemeiner April 13, 2015
Iran has considerably stepped up its operations to arm Hezbollah in order to prepare its terrorist proxy for a large-scale conflict with Israel.
Turkey Recalls Vatican Ambassador

Turkey Recalls Vatican Ambassador

BBC News April 12, 2015
Pope Francis risked Turkish anger by using the word "genocide" to refer to the mass killings of Armenians a century ago under the Ottoman Empire.
Iran Deal Worse Than War

Iran Deal Worse Than War

Baltimore Sun April 11, 2015
It seems that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not the only one concerned about Iran's apocalyptic plans. The entire area is very nervous about the true intent of the Iranians.
Pakistan Rejected Iran Offer To Join Anti-Saudi Coalition In Yemen

Pakistan Rejected Iran Offer To Join Anti-Saudi Coalition In Yemen

Ynet April 11, 2015
Pakistan refused an offer from Iran to join a coalition against Saudi Arabia.
PLO Will Not Intervene In Syrian Refugee Camp Crisis

PLO Will Not Intervene In Syrian Refugee Camp Crisis

April 10, 2015
The PLO said it will not be drawn into military action in an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Syria.
Iran Deploys Destroyer To Yemen

Iran Deploys Destroyer To Yemen

AP April 9, 2015
Iran dispatched naval vessels to waters near Yemen.
Palestinians Join With Assad To Fight ISIS

Palestinians Join With Assad To Fight ISIS

Newsweek April 9, 2015
The Syrian government and Palestinian factions in Damascus agree to cooperate in a joint military operation to remove ISIS from the Yarmouk refugee camp.
The Persian Bomb

The Persian Bomb April 9, 2015
Iran is a ticking bomb, getting closer and closer to detonation.
Court Warned: God's Judgement Looming

Court Warned: God's Judgement Looming

WND April 8, 2015
Lawyers, acting on behalf Christians, warned the US Supreme Court that to mandate same-sex marriage is to invite God’s judgment.
Israel Cannot Compromise On Bad Deal

Israel Cannot Compromise On Bad Deal

Israel Hayom April 7, 2015
Obama is essentially allowing Iran to become a nuclear threshold state.
Slow Motion Genocide

Slow Motion Genocide

Christian Post April 7, 2015
Once again the world is presented with the specter of human butchery and barbaric savagery perpetrated by radical Islamists.
Chibok Girls May Have Been Slaughtered By Boko Haram

Chibok Girls May Have Been Slaughtered By Boko Haram

This Day April 6, 2015
Hundreds of girls may have been already murdered by Boko Haram.
Sex Is The New Religion

Sex Is The New Religion

One News Now April 6, 2015
A determined and vocal minority from the religion of sex is bullying and cutting down traditionalists who need a law that would allow them to be left alone. 
Kill The Bad Deal

Kill The Bad Deal

CBS News April 5, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu says Iran intends "to pump up their terror machine worldwide and their military machine that is busy conquering the Middle East now."
Saudis Fear Hezbollah Repeat In Yemen

Saudis Fear Hezbollah Repeat In Yemen

Daily Star April 5, 2015
Saudi Arabia does not want a repeat of Hezbollah when it comes to the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
'Kenyan Cities Will Run Red With Blood'

'Kenyan Cities Will Run Red With Blood'

AP April 4, 2015
Al-Shabab has warned "This will be a long, gruesome war of which you, the Kenyan public, are its first casualties."
Easter Offers Hope

Easter Offers Hope

Montreal Gazette April 4, 2015
Christians, including believers in many parts of the world who are facing persecution and violence, will gather at Easter to mourn the death and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. With the destruction of historical churches and holy relics, it would seem that there is very little for Christians to celebrate.
Muslims Will Soon Outnumber Christians

Muslims Will Soon Outnumber Christians

Breitbart April 3, 2015
Islam will equal Christianity’s share of the global population at 32 per cent by 2070.
The Diplomatic Path To War

The Diplomatic Path To War April 3, 2015
The disaster that negotiations have unleashed is already unfolding.
Negotiators Announce Framework For Iran Nuke Deal

Negotiators Announce Framework For Iran Nuke Deal

FOX News April 2, 2015
The U.S. and international negotiators announced the hard-fought framework for an Iranian nuclear deal, capping days of exhaustive and tense talks that blew past their original deadline. Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after negotiators unveiled the plan in Switzerland, President Obama called the agreement a "historic understanding." "It is a good deal," Obama said. Israelis continued to warn about a "bad agreement." Israel's intelligence minister said the deal was "disconnected from the sad reality" of the region.
Arkansas, Indiana Approve 'Fixes' To Religious Freedom Bills

Arkansas, Indiana Approve 'Fixes' To Religious Freedom Bills

Reuters April 2, 2015
Lawmakers in the Republican-dominated statehouses of Indiana and Arkansas approved fixes to religion acts that had provoked a storm of criticism.


Jerusalem Post April 1, 2015
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued to rail against the Iranian nuclear deal being negotiated in Lausanne, saying it was outrageous that the world negotiates with Tehran as one of its military leaders says Israel's destruction is “non-negotiable.”
Death Blow

Death Blow

Daily Caller April 1, 2015
A new study out of Germany casts further doubt on the so-called global warming “consensus” by suggesting the atmosphere may be less sensitive to increases in carbon dioxide emissions than most scientists think.
Iran: Destroying Israel 'Non-Negotiable'

Iran: Destroying Israel 'Non-Negotiable'

Times of Israel March 31, 2015
The commander of the Basij militia of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said that “erasing Israel off the map” is “nonnegotiable". He also threatened Saudi Arabia, saying that the offensive it is leading in Yemen “will have a fate like the fate of Saddam Hussein.”
Arkansas Lawmakers Pass Religious Freedom Bill

Arkansas Lawmakers Pass Religious Freedom Bill

USA Today March 31, 2015
The Arkansas House of Representatives approved a religious freedom bill.
The 'Anti-Gay' Bill That Wasn't

The 'Anti-Gay' Bill That Wasn't

Market Watch March 30, 2015
If you listened to all the voices who have weighed in on the subject you’d think Indiana just passed a law giving a green light to anti-gay bigotry.
Arab Army Created In Egypt

Arab Army Created In Egypt

Al Arabiya March 29, 2015
The Arab League called for the establishment of a unified Arab military force that can intervene to counter challenges that threaten the safety and security of any member.
Yemen Invasion Coming

Yemen Invasion Coming

CNN March 29, 2015
Oversized military trucks painted in desert beige hauling tanks are 20 miles away from the Saudi Arabia's border with Yemen.
Watchman Warning: The Plan All Along

Watchman Warning: The Plan All Along March 29, 2015
According to conventional wisdom, just before the elections in Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu said things so egregious that the United States has been forced to rethink its position as Israel’s friend and advocate before the UN.  But the conventional wisdom is wrong.  
The Troubling Implications Of Believing Our Rights Don't Come From God

The Troubling Implications Of Believing Our Rights Don't Come From God

Week March 27, 2015
Believing that our laws are God-given, and not man-made, has become something that secular liberals seem to take joy in openly mocking. As if there were something hollow and foolish about believing in God.
Managing Obama’s War Against Israel

Managing Obama’s War Against Israel

March 27, 2015
The Jerusalem Municipality announced it is shelving plans to build 1,500 apartments in the Har Homa neighborhood. Officials gave no explanation for its sudden move. But none was needed. Obviously the construction of apartments for Jews in Jerusalem was blocked in the hopes of appeasing Barack Obama. But is there any reason to believe he can be appeased? Today the White House is issuing condemnations of Israel faster than the UN.
Indiana Signs Religious Objections Bill

Indiana Signs Religious Objections Bill

One News Now March 26, 2015

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed into law a measure would prohibit state and local laws that "substantially burden" the ability of people — including businesses and associations — to follow their religious beliefs.
Saudi Military Build Up Along Yemen Border

Saudi Military Build Up Along Yemen Border

RT March 25, 2015
Saudi Arabia is deploying forces to the border it shares with neighboring Yemen.
Obama's Revenge?

Obama's Revenge?

Jerusalem Post March 25, 2015
Las month the Pentagon declassified a DoD document detailing Israel's nuclear program.
The Myth Of 'Settled Science'

The Myth Of 'Settled Science'

CBN March 24, 2015
Climate change deniers have been compared to those who disbelieve NASA's moon landing.
The Urgent Business Of The Next  Israeli Government

The Urgent Business Of The Next Israeli Government

i24 March 23, 2015
The people gave a clear mandate to the nationalist camp, led by the Likud and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to lead the country.
Turning Against Israel

Turning Against Israel March 23, 2015
According to the media, on March 16th, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu told the world there will never be a Palestinian state as long as he serves as Prime Minister.  There’s only one problem.  That’s not what he said.
ISIS Expanding

ISIS Expanding

i24 March 22, 2015
Groups in Yemen, Tunisia, Nigeria, Libya, Sinai have all pledged their allegiance to ISIS.
ISIS Publishes Hit List Of US Military Personnel

ISIS Publishes Hit List Of US Military Personnel

Gatton Star March 22, 2015
ISIS has urged its American sympathizers to kill 100 US military personnel whose names, addresses and photos were posted on a "death list" online.
Deal Within Reach

Deal Within Reach

AP March 21, 2015
The US and Iran reported significant progress toward a nuclear agreement.
How Iran Is Taking Over The Middle East

How Iran Is Taking Over The Middle East

Fiscal Times March 21, 2015
The Iranian sphere of power now stretches across Iraq to Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.
One Nation Under Allah

One Nation Under Allah

FOX News March 20, 2015
“One nation under Allah,” the student body president announced over the intercom system in Pine Bush, New York.
ISIS Claims Credit For Slaughtering 140 In Yemen

ISIS Claims Credit For Slaughtering 140 In Yemen

Newsweek March 20, 2015
ISIS has claimed responsibility for suicide bombings in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa.
Terrorists Targeting Democracy

Terrorists Targeting Democracy

Guardian March 19, 2015
Two days before Tunisia was due to celebrate its independence day, a horrible terrorist attack has shaken the new democracy. 
Obama Reconsidering Israel Support

Obama Reconsidering Israel Support

Financial Times March 19, 2015
The White House said that it was reconsidering the support it has given Israel at the UN.
Netanyahu Overcomes Media And Obama

Netanyahu Overcomes Media And Obama

Frontpage Mag March 18, 2015
Netanyahu believed the leftist-inspired hope and change was a potentially fatal departure from reality for a country surrounded by enemies who yearn for its annihilation.
ISIS Eliminating Any Evidence Of Christianity

ISIS Eliminating Any Evidence Of Christianity

FOX News March 16, 2015
Pictures show ISIS eradicating Christianity from Iraq by destroying sacred relics that have been in place for thousands of years. 
No Palestinian State

No Palestinian State

Washington Post March 16, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu said that as long as he serves as prime minister of Israel, there will not be an independent Palestinian nation.
Christians Riot After Deadly Church Bombing

Christians Riot After Deadly Church Bombing

Washington Post March 15, 2015
Pakistani Christians rampaged through the streets of Lahore after two churches were attacked during morning services.
Coordinated Attacks Target Christians In Pakistan

Coordinated Attacks Target Christians In Pakistan

NDTV March 15, 2015
Fourteen people were killed and more than 70 injured when Taliban suicide bombers attacked churches in Pakistan.
California Has One Year Of Water Left

California Has One Year Of Water Left

LA Times March 14, 2015
NASA satellites show the total amount of water stored in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins was 34 million acre-feet below normal in 2014.
UK To Join China-Backed Bank

UK To Join China-Backed Bank

Wall Street Journal March 13, 2015
The United Kingdom applied to join a China-led infrastructure investment bank. 
Israel's Next 22 Months

Israel's Next 22 Months March 13, 2015
The months left until President Barack Obama leaves office promises to be the most challenging period in the history of US-Israel relations.
House Swarmed After Ferguson Officers Ambushed

House Swarmed After Ferguson Officers Ambushed

Reuters March 12, 2015
The shooting of two police officers during a protest rally in Missouri sparked a manhunt for suspects.
American Veterans Volunteer To Fight ISIS

American Veterans Volunteer To Fight ISIS

Seattle Times March 12, 2015
Many former members of the US military have volunteered to take up arms against ISIS.  
American Islam

American Islam

First Things March 11, 2015
Young Muslims in the United States are complaining that what goes on in their mosques is not “American” enough.
What Gay Marriage Fight Is Really About

What Gay Marriage Fight Is Really About

CBN March 11, 2015
Roy Moore, Alabama's Supreme Court Chief Justice, is an ardent and outspoken supporter of traditional marriage.
Senators Challenge Obama On Iran

Senators Challenge Obama On Iran

FOX News March 10, 2015
An open letter from Republican senators to Iran's leaders challenges President Obama's ability to strike a permanent nuclear deal with Tehran.
The Fourth Branch?

The Fourth Branch?

CBN March 10, 2015
If there's one thing the Founding Fathers cared about, it was liberty.
Boko Haram Pledges Allegiance To ISIS

Boko Haram Pledges Allegiance To ISIS

AP March 8, 2015
Boko Haram has reportedly pledged formal allegiance to ISIS.
Former Chechen Policeman Arrested For  Boris Nemtsov Murder

Former Chechen Policeman Arrested For Boris Nemtsov Murder

Reuters March 8, 2015
Russian authorities said they had charged two men over the killing of Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov and said one of them was a former senior policeman from the mainly Muslim region of Chechnya who had confessed to involvement in the crime.
Saudi Arabia, Jordan & Egypt Unify-Is Iran Next?

Saudi Arabia, Jordan & Egypt Unify-Is Iran Next?

Observer March 7, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was not the only Middle East leader to take a road trip this past week.
ISIS Bulldozes Ancient City

ISIS Bulldozes Ancient City

Sydney Morning Herald March 6, 2015
ISIS looted and bulldozed the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud.
Netanyahu Offered Palestinians Major Concessions

Netanyahu Offered Palestinians Major Concessions

Haaretz March 6, 2015
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered major concessions to the Palestinians on core issues during his second term in office.
'We're Very Close'

'We're Very Close'

NBC News March 5, 2015
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif  said that the US and Iran have nearly reached a nuclear arms deal. “We believe we are very close, very close.” 
Iran Wants To 'Annihilate' Netanyahu Regime

Iran Wants To 'Annihilate' Netanyahu Regime

Times Of Israel March 5, 2015
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif acknowledged that his country seeks the annihilation of the 'Netanyahu regime' but denied that it seeks to wipe out Israel.
Bibi And The Bible

Bibi And The Bible

Breaking Israel News March 4, 2015
What is the significance of the two passages Netanyahu chose to quote from the Bible?
'This Capitol Dome Helped Build Our Iron Dome'

'This Capitol Dome Helped Build Our Iron Dome'

Washington Times March 3, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu challenged Congress to stand firm in the face of terrorist threats whether from Iran or the Islamic State.
5 Myths That May Destroy America

5 Myths That May Destroy America

Christian Post March 3, 2015
Distortion, perversion, and counterfeit are the ways of the deceiver, Satan.
Iran Deal Could Threaten Israel's Existence

Iran Deal Could Threaten Israel's Existence

Newsmax March 2, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu warned the US a deal with Iran could threaten Israel's survival.
Obama Not Watching

Obama Not Watching

Politico March 2, 2015
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that he does not believe Mr. Obama will watch Mr. Netanyahu’s entire speech to Congress.
The Twilight Of Christianity In The Middle East

The Twilight Of Christianity In The Middle East

Al Arabiya March 1, 2015
Many conquerors have swept through the Fertile Crescent in the last three millennia.
In Israel's Hour Of Need

In Israel's Hour Of Need March 1, 2015
For most of the nine years as Israel’s leader, Netanyahu signed deals with the Palestinians he knew the Palestinians would never uphold.
Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets

Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets

Arutz Sheva March 1, 2015
Barack Obama stopped an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Most Significant Assassination In Recent Russian History

Most Significant Assassination In Recent Russian History

Economist February 28, 2015
“Nemtsov is a national traitor! Execute the traitor!” wrote a commenter a few days ago, petitioning to strip Boris Nemtsov of his mandate as a deputy of the local council in Yaroslavl.
Pro-Palestinians In Europe Actually ISIS Sleeper Cells

Pro-Palestinians In Europe Actually ISIS Sleeper Cells

Arutz Sheva February 27, 2015
A new book released by ISIS claims pro-Palestinian rallies and groups are being used to aid the rise of the terror organization in Europe.
Thank You, Israel, for Lending Us Bibi

Thank You, Israel, for Lending Us Bibi

CBN February 27, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address the US Congress this week.
'Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD'

'Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD' February 26, 2015
57% of Republicans polled in a national survey back establishing Christianity as the national religion of the United States.
As Anti-Semitism Rages, Christians Stand With Israel

As Anti-Semitism Rages, Christians Stand With Israel

CBN February 26, 2015
Much of the globe is engulfed in a growing flood of hatred of Jews and persecution of Christians.
Iran Pursuing Nukes In Underground Complex

Iran Pursuing Nukes In Underground Complex

Guardian February 25, 2015
Despite Iran's denials, new evidence charges that Tehran has an "underground top-secret site," kept hidden for years, that is enriching uranium for nuclear weapons. 
ISIS Abducts 150 Christians

ISIS Abducts 150 Christians

Reuters February 24, 2015
Islamic State militants have abducted at least 150 people from Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern Syria they had raided.
Will The Palestinian Authority Be Forced To Dissolve?

Will The Palestinian Authority Be Forced To Dissolve?

Haaretz February 24, 2015
Between the US court decision against the PLO and the cut off of electrical power to the northern West Bank – the warped logic of the continuing existence of the Palestinian Authority, an entity that should have been temporary but became permanent, reached new heights.
Iran Planning War Along Israel's Northern Border

Iran Planning War Along Israel's Northern Border

Arutz Sheva February 23, 2015
Iran has built an active front from Israel's northern Mediterranean border adjacent to Rosh Hanikra, all the way to the Golan Heights.
Iran To Keep Enrichment Centrifuges

Iran To Keep Enrichment Centrifuges

Jerusalem Post February 23, 2015
US Secretary of State John Kerry is on the verge of allowing Iran to keep some 6,500 centrifuges.
Who Is Funding ISIS?

Who Is Funding ISIS?

Al Bawaba February 22, 2015
ISIS is receiving significant financial support from Arab sympathisers outside Iraq and Syria.
Al Shabaab Threatens US

Al Shabaab Threatens US

Jewish Press February 22, 2015
Al-Shabaab called on Muslims in the West to “answer the call” and attack “American and Jewish-owned” shopping malls in the UK, US and Canada.
New Killer Virus Found In Kansas

New Killer Virus Found In Kansas

NBC News February 21, 2015
Scientists are reporting on a new virus, never seen before anywhere, that killed a man last year. They're calling it Bourbon virus.
Redefining Marriage Is Redefining Parenthood

Redefining Marriage Is Redefining Parenthood

Christian Post February 21, 2015
We see countless pictures of couples celebrating their new right whenever the news features same-sex marriageIt's rare that we hear from the children directly affected.
They're Listening

They're Listening

AP February 20, 2015
Documents from NSA leaker Edward Snowden show Britain and the US hacked into the tech company Gemalto to steal codes that allow both to eavesdrop on mobile phones worldwide. 
'No One Will have Superiority Over Russia'

'No One Will have Superiority Over Russia'

Daily Mail February 20, 2015
When Britain's top Nato commander warned current tensions with Russia could escalate into all out war, President Vladimir Putin responded: No-one will have military advantage over Russia.
The Holy War Begins

The Holy War Begins

FOX News February 19, 2015
With ISIS expanding its territory and recruiting thousands of fanatical killers from all over the world, no one is safe.
Netanyahu's True Electoral Rival

Netanyahu's True Electoral Rival

Jerusalem Post February 19, 2015
If Obama is able to delegitimize Netanyahu, and bring about his electoral defeat, then he will face no obstacles to his plan to appease Iran and blame Islamic terrorism on the West for the remainder of his tenure in office.
ISIS Will Bow To Jesus

ISIS Will Bow To Jesus

WND February 18, 2015
“The evil of ISIS really shouldn’t shock us," Franklin Graham posted to Facebook.  "It is fully in keeping with their ultimate agenda of hastening a final apocalypse.”
Debaltseve Falls, Ending Cease Fire

Debaltseve Falls, Ending Cease Fire

CBS News February 18, 2015
Ukraine's president says six servicemen were killed during the withdrawal from the fiercely contested town of Debaltseve.
Ceasefire In Tatters

Ceasefire In Tatters

Guardian February 17, 2015
Pro-Russian and government forces fight for control of Debaltseve, in eastern Ukraine.
Texas Judge Suspends Immigration Order

Texas Judge Suspends Immigration Order

Reuters February 17, 2015
US District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, issued a temporary order stopping Obama's executive actions on immigration.
Egypt Retaliates

Egypt Retaliates

NBC News February 16, 2015
Egypt launched more airstrikes against ISIS following after the terrorist group beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians.
Copenhagen Gunman Dead

Copenhagen Gunman Dead

Daily Telegraph February 14, 2015
Police killed the man responsible for killing two and injuring five in shootings at a freedom of speech event and a synagogue in Copenhagen. 
Will Ceasefire Hold?

Will Ceasefire Hold?

RT February 14, 2015
Talks in Minsk resulted in a much anticipated ceasefire set to start Sunday night at midnight. Residents in eastern Ukraine are far from optimistic.
Boko Haram Launches First Attack Inside Chad

Boko Haram Launches First Attack Inside Chad

Deutsche Welle February 13, 2015
Boko Haram terrorists struck a village and a military camp on the banks of Lake Chad killing several people before Chad's military managed to push them back.  
Orwell's Nightmare Becoming Reality?

Orwell's Nightmare Becoming Reality?

CBN February 13, 2015
From federal SWAT teams to police departments with military weapons, many people are afraid of what they see taking place in their communities.
How Kayla Mueller Made It To Syria

How Kayla Mueller Made It To Syria

Washington Post February 11, 2015
Kayla Mueller sharpened her activist skills with aid work during a brief stay in Israel in 2010.


Breaking Israel News February 11, 2015
A bad deal on Iranian nukes would be so catastrophic to global security that presidential resistance to a related speech should leave everyone speechless.
Coup Attempt In Argentina

Coup Attempt In Argentina

Reuters February 10, 2015
Undersecretary Gustavo Lopez says the death of Alberto Nisman is linked to attempt to oust President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner.
'Determined To Speak Before Congress'

'Determined To Speak Before Congress'

Reuters February 10, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, fending off criticism at home and abroad, said he remained determined to speak before the U.S. Congress next month on Iran's nuclear program. "I am going to the United States not because I seek a confrontation with the President, but because I must fulfill my obligation to speak up on a matter that affects the very survival of my country."
Hamas And The Nexus Of Global Jihad

Hamas And The Nexus Of Global Jihad February 10, 2015
An Egyptian court upheld a decision to outlaw Hamas’s terrorist forces Izzadin Kassam, and designate it a terrorist organization.
High Court Won't Stop Gay Marriages In Alabama

High Court Won't Stop Gay Marriages In Alabama

February 9, 2015
Alabama started issuing marriage licenses to gay couples after the U.S. Supreme Court denied the state's request for a hold.
End Times Prophecies Point To Threat From Iran

End Times Prophecies Point To Threat From Iran

Christian Post February 9, 2015
Persia is mentioned in Ezekiel 38 in relation to a prophecy about a military alliance in the last days.
Another Ebola Outbreak Inevitable

Another Ebola Outbreak Inevitable

Newsweek February 8, 2015
Unless the international community unites around a long-term strategy to combat the disease, experts say another Ebola outbreak is inevitable.
Biblical Creation Care Is Not A Climate Issue

Biblical Creation Care Is Not A Climate Issue

Christian Post February 8, 2015
It is not about the climate science or the weather. It is about holistic Biblical consciousness, character, conscience and conduct that honor God our Creator most of all. 
Nigeria Postpones Elections To Fight Islamic Uprising

Nigeria Postpones Elections To Fight Islamic Uprising

Christian Science Monitor February 7, 2015
Nigeria announced it is postponing elections as a multinational force attempts to retake territory from Boko Haram in northeast Nigeria.
Christians Form Militia

Christians Form Militia

Independent February 6, 2015
4,000 Christians in Iraq have formed their own armed militia in an attempt to reclaim their towns from ISIS militants. 
Obama: Christianity No Different Than ISIS

Obama: Christianity No Different Than ISIS

Frontpage Mag February 6, 2015
Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama reminded Americans "during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."
Biden Won't Attend PM's Speech to Congress

Biden Won't Attend PM's Speech to Congress

Voice Of America February 6, 2015
Vice President Joe Biden said he was traveling abroad in March and would not attend Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to congress.
What If Putin Doesn't Back Down?

What If Putin Doesn't Back Down?

American Conservative February 5, 2015
What if Vladimir Putin really was tough?
US Considers Declassifying Saudi Involvement In 9/11

US Considers Declassifying Saudi Involvement In 9/11

Voice Of America February 5, 2015
The White House is considering declassifying a report into the 9/11 attacks which examines Saudi support for terrorists.
King Abdullah A Formidable Foe For ISIS

King Abdullah A Formidable Foe For ISIS

FOX News February 4, 2015
Jordan's King Abdullah is a former general and special forces commander who experts say has the resolve to follow through on his vow to crush ISIS.
Ukraine Death Toll Rises

Ukraine Death Toll Rises

AP February 3, 2015
The United Nations criticized the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian rebels for turning traditionally civilian areas into battlegrounds.
ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive

ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive

Reuters February 3, 2015
Islamic State militants released a video showing a captured Jordanian pilot being burnt alive.
Iran — Unafraid And Undeterred

Iran — Unafraid And Undeterred February 3, 2015
Israel’s reported strike January 18 on a joint Iranian-Hezbollah convoy driving on the Syrian Golan Heights was one of the most strategically significant events to have occurred in Israel’s neighborhood in recent months. 
Bloodbath In Nigeria

Bloodbath In Nigeria

Vanguard February 2, 2015
Fighting between Nigerian troops and Boko Haram resulted in at least 80 deaths.
'Just Wait...'

'Just Wait...'

Express February 2, 2015
A Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees.
Thousands March For Democracy In Hong Kong

Thousands March For Democracy In Hong Kong

Channel News Asia February 1, 2015
Thousands of protestors returned to the streets of Hong Kong.
Taliban Join ISIS

Taliban Join ISIS

NBC News January 31, 2015
According to commanders in Pakistan, hundreds of Taliban fighters have joined ISIS.
ISIS Beheads Another Hostage

ISIS Beheads Another Hostage

Asahi Shimbun January 31, 2015
ISIS beheaded hostage Kenji Goto, a Japanese journalist, and posted the video online.
Iran Calls For Assassination Of Netanyahu's Children

Iran Calls For Assassination Of Netanyahu's Children

FOX News January 30, 2015
Iran published personal information on Benjamin Netanyahu's children, including photographs of them lined up in crosshairs.
Senate Passes Bill Approving Keystone Pipeline

Senate Passes Bill Approving Keystone Pipeline

UT San Diego January 29, 2015
Defying a presidential veto threat, the Senate approved a bipartisan bill to construct the Keystone XL oil pipeline.
Sinai Under Attack

Sinai Under Attack

Ynet News January 29, 2015
ISIS hit Egyptian targets in the Sinai Peninsula killing at least 27.
Israeli Soldiers Killed In Hezbollah Attack

Israeli Soldiers Killed In Hezbollah Attack

Globe & Mail January 28, 2015
Missiles fired by the Lebanese Hezbollah group struck an Israeli military convoy, killing two soldiers.
'They Will Pay The Full Price'

'They Will Pay The Full Price'

Jerusalem Post January 28, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu fingered Lebanon and Syria as responsible for Hezbollah’s anti-tank missile strike on an IDF patrol convoy near the Lebanese border.
Has Hezbollah Finished It's 'Payback'?

Has Hezbollah Finished It's 'Payback'?

i24 January 28, 2015
The Hezbollah-Iran-Syria wants to retaliate for the killing of its people, but niether side wants all-out war.
Jordan Offers Prisoner Swap WIth ISIS

Jordan Offers Prisoner Swap WIth ISIS

Charlotte Observer January 28, 2015
Jordan offered a precedent-setting prisoner swap to the Islamic State group Wednesday in a desperate attempt to save a Jordanian air force pilot the militants purportedly threatened to kill, along with a Japanese hostage.
We Cannot Forget

We Cannot Forget

NBC News January 27, 2015

They gathered at the end of railway line at Auschwitz, as they had done more than 70 years ago. The tracks separated the survivors in two, as they had once separated those who would live from those who would go to the gas chambers and die.

ISIS Beheads Hostage

ISIS Beheads Hostage

Japan Times January 24, 2015
A video showing a still image of one of two Japanese hostages held by the Islamic State group, holding a picture of what appeared to be the body of his fellow captive.
Saudi Arabia's Coming Struggle

Saudi Arabia's Coming Struggle

Washington Post January 23, 2015
Saudi watchers have been talking about the transition from King Abdullah for a decade, but now that it has arrived, it’s as mysterious as ever.
Iran, Obama, Boehner and Netanyahu

Iran, Obama, Boehner and Netanyahu

Caroline Glick January 22, 2015
The role of an Israeli leader is to adopt the policies that protect Israel, even when they are unpopular at the White House.
Attempted Coup In Yemen

Attempted Coup In Yemen January 21, 2015
Yemen’s Houthi rebels seized the presidential palace.
Boehner Snubs White House

Boehner Snubs White House

USA Today January 21, 2015
House Speaker John Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress without consulting the White House.
Israel Braces For Hezbollah Retaliation

Israel Braces For Hezbollah Retaliation

Washington Post January 20, 2015
Lebanon and Israel braced for possible retaliation by Hezbollah for the deaths of six of the group’s fighters in an alleged Israeli raid in Syria, as Iran confirmed that one of its senior military commanders was also killed in the attack.
Islamists Threaten German Anti-Muslim Rally

Islamists Threaten German Anti-Muslim Rally

Economic Times January 19, 2015
German authorities have banned a rally by the anti-Islamic PEGIDA movement in the eastern city of Dresden today, saying they have 'concrete' information that Islamist militants plan to attack the weekly demonstrations.
Anti-Islamic Movement Mobilizes Across Europe

Anti-Islamic Movement Mobilizes Across Europe

Australian January 13, 2015

What started as a Facebook campaign that attracted a few hundred committed protesters concerned about Islamic violence just four months ago has swollen to thousands of mainstream supporters, and last Monday’s turnout was its largest yet — 25,000.

Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility For Paris Attacks

Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility For Paris Attacks

TIME January 9, 2015

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) took responsibility for the attack on the Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, saying 'the leadership of AQAP directed the operations and they have chosen their target carefully.'

Watchman Warning: Is Paris A Warning?

Watchman Warning: Is Paris A Warning?

Hal January 8, 2015

On Wednesday, January 7th, radical Muslims attacked the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French weekly. As of this writing, ten members of the newspaper staff have died, along with two police officers. Sadly, the attack surprised no one.

There Are No 'Black Leaders'

There Are No 'Black Leaders'

Christian Post January 8, 2015
Who are the leaders of the 'white community'? Who are the leaders of the 'Asian American community'?
Islam Is The World's Most Violent Religion

Islam Is The World's Most Violent Religion January 8, 2015
Can you imagine Christian radicals committing mass murder at The Onion offices?
Satan's Little Soldiers

Satan's Little Soldiers

Renew America January 7, 2015
The LGBT warriors of the world are truly nothing more than Satan's little soldiers; revelers in a cause founded squarely upon the greatest lie ever told; namely, that humankind, apart from the Creator, shall be as gods, 'knowing good and evil.'
Genocidal Century

Genocidal Century

Christian Broadcasting Network January 5, 2015
'Poison gas, concentration camps: nobody in 1913 - the era of Sherlock Holmes - would have imagined the evils of the 20th century. But there were reasons they came about.'
Bodies Found In AirAsia Sea Search Area

Bodies Found In AirAsia Sea Search Area

ABC Online December 30, 2014
An Indonesian warship has recovered three bodies from the sea in the search for the AirAsia jet, Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Agency says.
If World Won't Oppose Palestinian UN Bid, Israel Will

If World Won't Oppose Palestinian UN Bid, Israel Will

i24 December 29, 2014
If the international community refuses to oppose a Palestinian statehood resolution at the UN, Israel will, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.
Watchman Warning: Too Busy for Christmas?

Watchman Warning: Too Busy for Christmas?

Hal December 20, 2014
Bethlehem was a small town. Even so, few people had any inkling of the glorious event taking place among them on the first Christmas.
Israel Expects US To Veto Palestinian UN Bid

Israel Expects US To Veto Palestinian UN Bid

Haaretz December 16, 2014
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet John Kerry in Rome, where he is expected to request that the U.S. continue its years-long policy of vetoing resolutions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the UN Security Council.
Superbugs To Kill More Than Cancer

Superbugs To Kill More Than Cancer

BBC News December 11, 2014
Drug resistant infections will kill an extra 10 million people a year worldwide - more than currently die from cancer - by 2050 unless action is taken.
Israel Strikes Hezbollah In Syria

Israel Strikes Hezbollah In Syria

Christian Science Monitor December 10, 2014
Israeli warplanes bombed two areas near Damascus, the Syrian military said, drawing harsh criticism from the Syrian and Iranian foreign ministers.
Israeli Parliament Dissolves

Israeli Parliament Dissolves

Bloomberg December 9, 2014
Israel’s parliament officially ended Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s third term after less than two years, as campaigning intensified for the March 17 election. The Knesset voted 93-0 to dissolve itself.
Torture Report Will Cause 'Violence & Death'

Torture Report Will Cause 'Violence & Death'

FOX News December 8, 2014
US Personnel overseas have been advised to reassess their safety and security measures ahead of the expected release of a Senate report examining the alleged use of torture by the CIA.
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IDF Unveils Scope Of Operations Against Hezbollah
US Probes Leak Of Classified Military Documents
Rocket Explodes In Samaria: 20 Rockets Launched in Barrage On Northern And Central Israel
There Are 1.2 Million Displaced People In Lebanon And The Fear Of Sectarian Conflict Is Growing
4 Issues Your Children Are Facing That You Never Had To
Report: Senior Pentagon Employee Behind Leak Of Israeli Retaliatory Strike Plans
Blinken Meets PM Urging Cease-Fire After Sinwar Killing
Yahya Sinwar May Have Ordered Hamas To Execute Hostages If Killed
Netanyahu's Private Caesarea Residence Hit By Hezbollah Drone
IDF Confirms: We Targeted Hezbollah Banks In Dahieh
It’s Time For Israel To Decapitate Iranian Regime, Destroy Its Oil Refineries, Nuclear Facilities
Why Did The Rat Hide In Southern Gaza?

Why Did The Rat Hide In Southern Gaza?

Israel Today October 21, 2024
Israel States Demands For Lebanon Cease-Fire
Sinwar’s Fatal Mistake: Hamas Leader Refused Arab Offer To Escape Gaza
Sharing Jesus Amid Buddhism’s Stronghold

Sharing Jesus Amid Buddhism’s Stronghold

Christian Post October 21, 2024
UN Report Accuses Israel Of Starvation In Gaza, Ignores Hostages
Inside Hezbollah's Financial Network: Iran, Banks And Smuggling Operations Unveiled
Seven Israelis Arrested For Spying For Iran, Providing Info On Army Bases
Col. Ehsan Daqsa, Brigade Commander, Falls In Northern Gaza
Palestinians Pressing UN Security Council To Call For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza
IDF Spokesman: We Will Soon Strike Economic Targets Belonging To Hezbollah
Nasrallah's Deputy Fled To Tehran

Nasrallah's Deputy Fled To Tehran

Arutz Sheva October 20, 2024
1,500 North Korean Troops Are Now Training In Russia For Deployment In Ukraine
Christians Slaughtered In Nigeria And The Great Press Cover-Up
US Investigates Leak Of Pentagon Documents On Israel’s Plans To Attack Iran
Abbas’s PLO Eulogizes 'Martyr' Sinwar As A ‘Great National Leader’
A Holy Heart’s Response To The Sins Of Others

A Holy Heart’s Response To The Sins Of Others

Fight Of Faith October 20, 2024
Fear Not

Fear Not

Stream October 19, 2024
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